Evening Herald. TUIILIHHUU DAILY, SUNDAY HXCHPTED jr. C. liOYKIl, l'Mtnr anil J'nMtuher. irjf. ,T. If J TKINS, Jcnl VMtor. ALL THE NEWS i FOR ONE CENT TheHVKXIXa HEllALDItaiiu larytir cir culation in Nhrnamlonh than tiny other paper jnMUhetl, llnokt open to all. subscription rates: Daily. r yer - H 0 Wkhki.y. per yer, 1 "0 Entered it. thu l'fwtofneo, at Hhonaodonh, Ph. for transmission through the melts w senond class mall mailer. HANNIBAL HAMUN DEAD. Wan Stricken with Henri 1'iilluro -at Ills Chili In llnnKr. IUnooii, Mo., July O.The deepest grief li felt on nil Mile for tholossof l3.nn(tor foremoiit citizen, ex.-Vloe-Prlt1ent Han nibal Hamlin, who wan stricken with henrt f ilnro nootR 0 o'clock Saturday eveuinc while at the Tarrantlne Club, unci tiled Ihreehours later. He was onaaaed In a Knme of Pedro with three of his Intimate frlemiK whon ono of them. Puilo Strlokland, noticed thnt Mr. Hamlin nppeaiort unwell, and askort him if suoh were not thnoase. Mr. Hamlin replied tho-i he was feollng very badly and leaned forward on too tamo, He wat removed to u lounge and Hiked te be bolstered tip. In a short time he became unconscious. Dn. Mnson, Hob inson mid Phillips were called, nnd evervthlniz wai dono to restoro tho stricken man. He reoovored ooniclous Mess at Intervals, Fire minutos befaro lie died the physicians and attontl nuts thought he was a little Improved. He romnrked to the physicians: "I Km vory warm." Tho physiolnus ropllod that they were trying to make hitn comfortable. "But you aro muklusr me very ttncom forlable," answered Jtr. Hamlin, nnd live minutes later ho expired. Mr. Hamlin's wife, hla son, General Charles Hamlin, and wife, and their son wore prevent whan lie died. Mr. Ham llu'a death is talked of everywhere, and the greatest sympathy fs expressed by everybody In tho city, whoro he was loved by all. His health of lata has fallen somewhat, but he lias been about ns usual. The rem dns were removed from th club rooms to his lato rosidonce on Fifth street. No doflnlto arrangements haro yet boon made for the ftmor.ll. Sketch of tbn Dtindfltutesmun's Career. Hannibal Hamlin was born la Paris, He., August 27, 1809, and nfter complet ing his education was udmlttod to tue bar In 1833. Three yoars later the rising young lawyer was olected to tho Main Legislature, of which ho was Speaker for threo yoars. Not enntont with this honor, he ran for Congress on the Demo cratic ticket and was elected la 184:2, re elected in lb H, and four years after wu. chosen to All a vacancy In the United Statos Senate, In 18S1 bo was elected for a full term of six years. During the latter period he experienced a chuaga o: heart politically, withdrew from his party nnd became a ltepublloitn. At the oxpi- ration of his term he was olectttd by th Hopubllonns of tho Stata Governor Maine, but he resigned his office on boln again olected boniitor. In 18(10, when Llnooln was elected Presldont, Hr.IIainlln was chosen as Vice Presldont of the United States, and 1803 ho was nppolutcd Collector of tho Port of Boston, no soon roslgnod this position, however, and again wont to th Sennte, where ho remained until 1831. Jin this last year Ho woi appointed Alluls ter to bnaln. After a year's sorvleo th now nged statesman concluded that had bad enouuh of politics. He thoro upon resigned his position nnd retired to Ills home In Maine, whoro ho had boon Jiving qulotly since. The homo 11 to of tho venerable states' man wns simplicity In the extreme, nnd his ono enjoyment wns Buperlntoudlns tils little farm. Ho took a grant luterwat In clubs nnd wns prominent membor of many, but most of his ovouiug were spent nt home. Mrs. Hnmlln, who was known as tho greatest favorite in Wash ington society when Mr. Hamlin was Vice-President, was perfectly devoted to her nged husband, and Is giently loved nnd respected. He was fn Inveterate smoker, but beldam drank. Ho decided, he said, to abstain from iutoxjennts when he first went to Washington, because If he behaved hlmtelf his countituents Slight sea fit to return him. llaudtome Clltt to Kenyan College. Cleveland, 0., July C Kcnyon Col lego has received a magnificent gift from Bishop and Mrs, Oregory T Bedell, who aro now living (n New York, being tho Bishop's boautlful Gambler County estate known as "JJokosiug," worth many thousands of dollars. The man sion is of stouo ami Is situated on a hill Just west of tho village in tho jnlust of a lino grove. The sceuory around It Is said to bo the finest In Central Ohio. Tho gift lnoludos tho furniture, paint ings, carpets nnd all tho live stock on tho place. It will bo hold In trust by tho collego and will probably bo the homo of Kenyou's new president. American Association Schedule, PlllLAPELrniA, July 0. At a meeting of the schedule committee of the Ameri can Association, held here, It was de cided to nllow tho schedule to remain ns at present. If a change Is deemed neces sary later In tho season another meet ing of the committee will be oalled Tresh Water lu fctultim 1-uUc. Lob Anoeuw, Cal,, July 0. A dispatch from the station agent says that tho water in Haltou Lake has raised 1 1-3 luelio i iu tho past 34 hours nnd is much fresher. As the source ot tho lake has been definitely settled and ns the rull road track Is In no danger, interest has subsided. Celebrated 111. lOttli lllitlnUj. May'b Lakdikq, N. J., July 0. In tho niM-r of a den.e awainp, nbout two miles from Tucknhoe, in an old, tumblodown sunut-v. '.'0 feet long by 10 feet wldo" Juinej Lay ton celebrated his lOith birth da . Tho Piosldont tft'e Bulk ofWnveily. Iowa.saysi Bui P mr lnttnr saved ray life. For ten year f suller d fro n Ouiarrh and Liver Co'nplaluti 1 1 t for'y tlvo pounds and wusurowlUK wore r pidly I had Inst all faith in medicine, but JiMirlop; your Hitters so well recommended, I nave 1 1. em a trial. Hlx bottles cured mo. Smith i. Hunt, Waverly, Iowa. Fitting; Up tlia .Gftlvetton. lBja.Ti.toiu!:, July ft Copt. Shepard, Chief of the Revenue Marine Depart ment, has doclded to give tno most ap proved typo of ordnance to tho now rev cnuo nlnrlno vessol, tho Galveston, Tho Gnlvestoil's cruising ground will bo from Now Orlonns to tho mouth of tho Illo Grnudo. Galveston will bo tho hoad- quarters of tho vessol. Bpnole KxpurU. New Yons. July 0. Tho exports of apecioffrom the port of .Now York for tho past wcok amounieu 10 $,ooj,jvo, of whloh $2,882,700 was gold, nnd $10,305 silver. The Imports ot specio amounted to 84.US7. of which iUZ.Wto wb gotu nnd $2,802 wns Bll vor. Fire 111 nn Hloctrlo Light Station. PnovitacxoB, IC 1, July 0. Flro In the olcctrlo light idntton nt .N irragansett Plor lnt night caused a namngo of $10,- 000. This will lie Increased to $00,000 If It Is found thnt the armaturos liavo been ruined by wntor. Arrested for Murder. llAnTronn. Conn.. July 0. Bedonla Ai ling was arrested hero for the murder of Mary Jones, wno tucu at mo uospiiai frrrni In lurles received In a row with Mrs. Ailing at the hitter's house on Juno 27. Divorced from nn Octogenarian. iUi.TivouK. July 1. Alloo M. Barrett, 82 years old, has scoured nn nbsoluto di vorce nnd $7,000 from Joshua Barrett, her 82-year-oJd farmer nusbamu , Wijat the Druggists say ofHeiskell'sOintment: " Wtoen wu area-iked to recommend a prepam Hon for skin dlwiuie, Wfc tmml out Hkiskkll's oiNTMrMT, iilih every confidence of itssueoebs ful truaunent of the ilfseuse. ' J. C. IluncK, fiJHutn St,, llutler, l'a. "I hnv!ieen seUlnff llRinKr.i i.Vi Oivtmbnv foreteveu years. ItKleMA,ntverBulSHtUfactio. itwilt curTBrTEii. (1. V. llACKKKBBnoEB, llalnbrldge, Tf "We Iiavo evidence of ttie curative properties of Hkiskklih 0iNTus:MT4iere. It la a &x4 reliable ointment." .TJ.KUINO A Kslkh, Tnrentnm, Ta. "Tn at 1 sld n dlsenses I Inviuinbly recommetS JtLISKULL'SUlNTtlKNT." J. J. Kkil, rStinrpsburg, Pa. "TIbiskvlt. s Ointhknt cures when all else falls." Mct'it.r.AN & Hreii, Freeport, Vh. "Hkiskkll's Otmtmrnt pells nn its own merit " It 1), HlLios. JCIttannlntf, l'i.. SPECIAL NOTICES. The veidlbuled compartment steeping car rccenuy iniroancoa on ino uuioiko, hi. i-au HLd Kansas Ulty Italic ny are models of coin lort. convenience and luxury. Auv patron a the slteplng car Is eliat.led, by tbe introdur lion of tlbeKO compartment carF. to Mxuire lb. same privacy and i onvenlence that he woulo in tue best Hotel. jNootucr lino wen or (Jul caKoruns Uio compartment cars. In uddl lion, the trains aro eaulnmd w th the revml.n open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers ibeb cuoice. 'iio -mg cur service is luuyupu the requirements ot modern railway service. An excellent cuisine, promptly served amlo elcsaut Hurrounnmsrs. nt moderate cbaiires leaves notblngnow tobe desired. Any of out people contemplating a trip to any part of the mcki or noruiweHb cannot loi-siuiy gecuri better accommodations or lower rates that by addressing W.P. Cooley, Claneral Agent oi i ne rasuengcr aepanineni, ew uucsinumu X'uiiuueipiiiu, i a. WJUTE TKAKS ANB DA1IK OAHON8. Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ot brilliant Uuhls, ol intenFo Mmdcws; a laud where belghts mid dnpllts mulco obvious ttie meaning of the word antithesis; a land whero every mood In mind can tlnd an answering mood In nuturo. Tho high, white minarets of the mountains, from whose slender pinnacles llcmlthe wind-blown banners oi the snow, ap peal with silent eloquence to the lolly aspira tions or thoMHil; the sombre chasms cleft bv Tllan forces through granite-hearted bills lihln whoso depths dark sliadows throng and swirling torrents daslispoalc to the heart, a laugungu that thrills, Intplrrsnnd awes. It doi not follow that lhee glories of white peiiksaud thow gloomsof dark canons pre clude tbo ploasunt Intervals, the sunny meadows or tho secluded nooKs wheielntho Hied mind or wearied body may find peace ful rest and rclu.ee from turmoil and toil. To ouo ruuklug u Journey In Colorado, New Mexico or IJluh.ortaslnga transcontinental tour from East to West, or vice vena, Iho Den ver nnd lilo Grande ItAllroad ollera nccom modatlons onuul lu eleifance.convenlenco nnd luxury to those of any other lino with tbo ud ueci aiirnciions oi ino unri vuuea scenery along iu line, nboundlng In a magnificent opulence of white pca&s and dark canons. The moulli of November, 18'Jd, witnessed ouo oi me mom lmjioriauL improvemenis in rail road lacllltles that has vet been made lu Col orado and tho West. Tho completion of the standard gauge of tho Denver and JtloQrande Itallroad from Denver, Colorado, over the niounuuus 10 ugaen, uum, wmcu uvo years ngo wus deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly a triumph of daring and engineering skill, '! he new lino is by Iho way of Ltudvlllo, tun neling Tcnneso Pass, threading the canons of the KngJonnd Grand Hlvers, giving n view oi tho Mount of tho Holy Cross, enroute, tak ing Its trains through Olenwooa Mprlngsand down the Urand Itlver to Grand Junction, thence to Halt Lake City, Ogdcn and Han Francisco. By this routo onels given an op- rnriuiilty to behold tho magnificence of Kagle tlver Canon nnd the marvelous tcauty and grandeur of the Canon of tho Grand, 'the overland tialn Is a model lu every respect. From tho engine to tho last flrel-class coach everything is bright and new, and of the moil elegant style of workmanship and flulsh. If any reader desires to know morn about these stupendous works of nature, write tot), K. ilooprr, Oenernl Passenger Agent, Donver, Colorado, and be will send you, freo ol cost, elegantly Illustrated booKs, glvlne a mil de scription of tbe marvels of tbe 'Hcenla Lino."- tltnnloy Wood In the "Great Divide.' Genuine Jq, lev -a V el Is ondv ill over bo tho EomoJf Tor frirmt TnflnATiaa. Bfioknche. " FPainR in tha Bide. OllOBt anal j Joints, Kouralgia, BpraliiB, &o Eetora yon seed to mj, cbtala 1ST pnPF OF CHARGE'S! Ub vsltislile houki'iUde to Hi-hh,"v7ltiJ eaaorseuisuvB ei uin- ..uui ujftu.iHi J.AD.RICHTaiCOy 3IO BroariwaVi NEW TOHR.. Prl Medals Awarded I riiropeaaHouzesiB.ndolstadtiIionlon7 Tti.. t. . w . . r ll,,t.iei1am Altan 1 50 Cents a bottle, For Salo by " n-i .. V-f M ont NANPUArt, KA., nd cuicr oruigun- . HOWARD JOHNSON'S -DEATH An Inquest May Lead to Beusatloltal De Tolopmeuts. Eidoewood, N. J., July 0. Whsntho Inquest on tho body of Hownrd J. John son is held this afternoon by Coroner Devoo of Bergen county thoro may bo sountlonal developments. Johnson died on June 23, the death cortlficato nt first putting tuo cause ot uaatn ns suicide, nut subsequently, at mo requost oi Lawrence J. Johnson, brother of tho dead man, being changed to read doath bv bullet wounds, llioro was no inquest and tho body was burled titter a perfunc tory oxnmluatton by n physlolnn. Constable i'oruuson lias been Inves tigating tho talk of Johnson's brothor- In-law, Barker, who wns on a spree tuo night of tho shooting with a sorvaut ot the family, nnd who lun saloon mumbled something nbout tho shooting, Johnson was once a typo founder in 1'hlludelphln and said to bo worth $500,- 000, He embarked In business lu Cin cinnati, lost money and then started n tobncoo business nt No. 110 Maiden lnno, Now York, whore ho Bank nil but $0,000. Ho 1h said to havo bcenjjundor tho ln fluonco ot his wife, formerly a Miss Barker of Cincinnati. OFF FOR PROVIDENCE. The (Irldlron Club I.onve M'ashlucton This Murnlnirfor llhode Islaud. WAsiiiNaTON, July 0. Tho members ot tho Gridiron Club left hore this morn ing by special train via the Pennsylvania Railroad en routo to Providence, U. L, where thoy will bo tho guests of Hon. Jesse Metcalf and Mr. K. S. Howland, of the Providence Journal, nt Squnntum, Narrngansott Bay, to-morrow. The Invitation to tho club to spend a day at the famous clam bako club house 1b of threo years' standing. The hosts havo Invited n largo number of promi nent gentlemon from differont sections of the country to meet tho Wnshlng toninns at the festivo board to-morrow nftornoon. The club will lcnvo New lork on tho I'rovidonce Stonmboat Line this after noon and will return by the same route. A. Curo for Constipation and Soacmcho. Dr. Silas Lane, vhilo in tho llocky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with ottior herbs, makes nn ensj and certain cure for conslipatlon. It is In '.ho form of dry roots and leaves, nnd If known as Lane's; Family Medicine. It mil cure eiak headache. For tho blood liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the Jomploxion it does wondors. Druggists tell It at CO contB a package Farmers aro of tbo opinion that hay will bo avay up in prico this fall. . ABk Your Friends About It Your distressing cough can bo cured. Wo know it becauto Kemp's Bnlaam within tho past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in this community. Its remarkable sulo has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask somo iriond who has usod it what ho thinks of Komp'e Balsam. Tbero is no medicino 60 puro, nonoso effective Largo bottles GOe andjl at all druggists'. Lomon julco nnd mincod pnrsloy add to broiled veal cutlets. Sbiloli's Consumption Ouro. Tins In beyond question the most buo- cessiul Cornell Medicine wo have ever sold a lew doses Invariably cure tho woistcufei of Cough, Croup, and ltrouchltls, while Its won derful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel tn the history of medicine. Slnco It's first discovery it has been sold on a gnnrnutee, a test which no other medicine can stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. l'rlce 10cents,&Uceuts,und 11.10. If your l-ungs aro sore, Chest or llnck inme, use Hhlloh'B Porous Piaster. Bold py C. H. llngcubuch, N. E. corner Slain and uioyd streets. Aro you K'hK summer? on nn excursion this Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per haps of the sure approach of thnt more ter rible disease Consumption. Ask ymrselves If you can afford for the sake ot saving 60 cents, to run the risk and do nothing lorlu We know from experience lliat Hhlloh's Curs will Curo jour Cough. Jt nevtr falls. This explains why more than a Million llotiles who sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do not bo without It. l'or Ume Bock, Side or Chest, nso Hhlloh's I'orons l'laster. Bold by O. Jf. ilagenbuch, N. 13. corner iialu and LJoyd streets. Palo bronzo stockings etylo. aro still high A Husband's Mistake. Husbands too often netmlt wives, and nar- dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, fit, ner vousness, when by the use of Dr. Allies' liesiorauve nervine sucn serious results could enslly bo prevented. Drueglsls every where say It gives universal satisfaction, nnd lint ni. Immense sale. Wood worth Co., of run TV ii) uc, iiit, ,n,in u i u.,w mtmii,,. N. V.j J, a Wolf, Hillsdale, itlch.; and hun. dedsot others say "It Is Iho realist seller iiioy ever anew." ii comoins no opiius. Trial bottles and flue book on Nervous Diseases, free at U. it. iiagenbucu's. Ico croain is Retting in lis deadly work. To Norvouo, Dobilltatod Mon. If you sand us your address, wo will nail you our illuetratod pamphlet explain ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eloetro Voltaio Belt and Applinncet, and their ;hariniDK eflects uiKin the nervous tie ilitatd eyflom, and how they will quickly estoreyouto vlftor, ejid manhood. 1'amph lei free. If you are thus atllicted, we will lend you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. VoiTAio Bkiv Co.. Msrshftll, Mioh. Picnlos almost every day now. Office of J. W. 11. Iloni6oi.li2Ut mthst.l lesdnre,(8Slastll8Bireet. f Kfw oiik, January 81, It). Alva's Jlratlltan Hieclrlo Co.-Gentlemen : Having suffered f-T the nasi two iears with rheumatism, liidleosllon. sore throat, nnd a 'uoiupie te ureaaiug uuwn oi my wuqiaeysiejn. i wiie ifiuict-u Hiiei irttmiig Willi sevtrai rriinlpent dootors) to try iho Cactus Wood Cure, which I contli Hid lo use for about thirty days, since which time I havo been en tirely l reel rem the liue-mentloiied troubles. uua juive more muunidu looay man any time In the past four ytr.ru. I can heartily ecommand tbo same in any one having the same Uoublcs. J. M II. KOIilKBON, Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btoro,l'"orguon House Block, tihenaudoati. Pefichoe will soon bo coming, MHob' Norvo ana Liver PlHn Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerve: A new discovery, llr. Miles' fills sneedllv cuie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mlldest.sureatl 6) doses, Sjcts. Ham pies Free, at O. H. Uagenbuch's drug store. every WATERPROOF r BE UP TO THE MARK -rt:i to 'iw r-9 NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. HaB no rival In tho world. 300 years ex perience In llrazt' and two years in this coun try. It positively cures nil diseases arising from Impute blood. Ho mineral, no failures, no relapses, " Sold nt Klrlln's Drug Slcrc, Ferguson's Uoiel ISloefc, Shenandoah, Pa. Lohigh Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT or PABSKNQKU TBAIK8. -MAY 10, 1891. Passenger trains will leave Bhenandoah for Mauch (;httii&, Ixihlghton, Hlatlnston, CaUk sauqua, Allentown, Ilethlehem, Kaston, I'lili adelplilaaud New York at 5.17, 7.40, 0.08a.m., 12 52, aiO, 5.20 p.m. For Belvldere, Delaware Water Oap and stroudsburg at 5.47, a. ni, and G.28 p. m. For Lainbertvllle and Trenton, 9. OS a, m For Whito Uaveu, WilUcs-Barre and Plttn ton 5.47, 1).08, 10.41 . m 8.10 nnd 658 p. in. For Tuntehanuock, 10.41 a. m a.10 and 5.2t p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons 10,41 a. in., and 5.24 p. m. For Laceyvllle, Towanda. Bayre, Wnverly, Elmlra, Rochester, lluiralo, MuR.ira Falls. Chicago and all points est at 10,11a, m., and 5.20 p. m. For Mmlra and the West via tjalamanca nt 3.10 p.m. For Audenrlcd, Hazleton, Stockton, Lum ber Yard, Weatherly nnd 1'enn Haven Juno tlon at 5.47,7.40, 9,08 a. m.uud 12.52, 8.10 and ijte p.m. For Jeanesvlllo, Levlston and Uenve) Meadow, 7.40, D.OS a. m. and 5,26 p. m. For Hcrauton nt 5.47 W.03, 10.41 n. m. 8,10 and 5:2tip. ra. For llasle Drook. Jeddo, Urlfton dnd Freo land at 6.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. ru 122 3.10 and 5.20 p, m. For tluakake at 5.47 and 9.08 a. m atd S.10 p. ra. For Wlgeans, Gtlberton and Frackvllle nt 5.50 and ii.Oga m,, and 4.10 p. ra. For Yntesvllle, Mahanoy City and iJelano 5.47, 7.40, D.OS, 10.41, 10.58 a. m., 162,3.10,5.20, 8,03, 0.2 - imd 10.27 p. m. For Lost Creek, 31rurdvillo and Ashland 47, 7.40, 8.62, 10.10 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 8.35 8.10 and 0.14 p. m. For Uarkwater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle. 7.40, 0.03, 10.58 a. m., 1ZSS, 8.10, 4.10, 6.28 nnd 8.07 p. m. For Iluck Mountain, New Boston and Morea, 7.40, 0.08, 10.68 a. Ir.., 12.62, 8.10, 5.26 and tl.0Kp.ra. Forltnven Hun, Centralla, Mt. Carmcl and Bliamokln, 82, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 and 8.06 p.m. Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoah, 7.55 11.55 n. m 2.10, 4.80 and 0.30 p. m., arriving at Bhenandoah, 0.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and 11.15 p. m. SUNDAY TltAINH. For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland, 6.50, 0.10 11.85 a. ra., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater. St. Clair and Pottsvllle, 5J, 8.00, 0.S0 a. m.. 2.45 p. m. For Yatcsville, ilahunoy City and Delano, 8.00, 11-15 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 8.03 p, m. For Lofty, Audenrlcd and Hazleton, SJX a m 1.40 p. in: For Mauch Chunk. Ihlghton, Blattneton, Catasauqua, Allentown, Ilethlehem, Kustos and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m; For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. iJ. II. UYINGTON, Uen'l Tass, AeU, Ilethlehem. A. -Vi: A It I I und.rlak. lolri.(I .chftny fKlrtj fntelllR.qt iwraon of elthf r ei, w ho can read and writ., and vino, aftar Inatrucll9ii,wlll work tuduatrloiiatjr, hoiv io a.rn Three Tb.uaa.d Uull.r. a lcariQtneirownlocaIlllaa,wscr.varth7llvo.I will alNrarniati tht altuatlon or employmentt which you can earn I hat amount, No mon.v for ma unleaa auecriiful ai abore. Kaaily and quickly iaarnad. I dealra but ono worker from each dletrlcl or county. I !MPORTASST NOTICE ! All persons aro hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN THE DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, nnd all parties caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted ns Trcspnsscrs. By order of T W73 OOTvIiF.A.axrX-. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law ANO - Real Estate1 Agept, O FFICK B HI) OATiL'S BttlLDIKO, Cor, Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: . 1 A two and ono-half story doublo frame dwelling house, with store-room and res taururtt. Located on Kast Centre stteet. S A valuable property located on Month Jnr dln street. 3 Beven dwelltns houses at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good investment. Terms reasonable. COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON JXTo-t -to Plscoloi?! BEAR' THIS MARK. TRADE n - - - flams & Ik Chamber Beta, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Chiflonlere, Wash Btands, Conches, Dressing Cabinets, Wnrdrobes, Armolres, Bldeboards, DlnlPK Tables, Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easols, Mnslo Cabinets, I'lnnoCbalrs, Hall Stands, Settees, Hall Tables', Fancy Tables, China Closets, Wood Mantels, Dining Cnalrs, BnfTets, BookjCasen, Writing Desks, rjmoklugChnlrs, Secretaries, Card Tables, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Mirrors, Hofns, Tea Tables, Hewing Machines, Parlor Bults, -A. 1ST ID UPHOLSTERY GOODS BOTTOM PRICES. amsOro. SHENANDOAH, PA. TnXS SEASON FOR PEC-NICS itmxa at iiaxd, Coimiilttecmen should bear In mlud that tho Hbkald ofllce la prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! at the most rcaeonnble rates. Give us a call aud obtain our prices. All work done when promised and in a satisfactory manner. TREATED rREE.'0,?!,'.:: flftveci.rtil man v thousand turn Oirt naHont r.mn.ui.. hopeless by the best nhysi lins. From first dose ijrnUorM rapirtly tlisar-pear, aim In lei 'tcysat lt two-thlrtis of nU culous cures. I Lit UUI i furulbfj rnCu you order tiul, spud ten cents in i tati : a vsmsesst ma. ii. ii. uin.r-. a EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Centre Street, SJE3:E3Sr-A.3TIDO-A.I3: , Formerly Ueptby Mrs, 0-nvllIe. TIjp above uuiw o huh avii JOHN W. WEEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Qllberton ucti oi accumniDOUiion8 tor Permanent and Transient Guest The bar) j stocked with tbo best brands of clgo.-K, ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT KKEE LUNOU COUNTEIt, WATER OF LIFE. Anewlv discovered MINI HAL WATER, the use of which will supply. Important ele- Tiients nccFfiry to ncniiu. win cure ine Kidneys, I.lvcr, Htomach, and all Ilowel and IIIdder (leiot,et It Mllldlwohc cdcullaud n mnvo Hum. ItrimoMS Iheniloncidfrom (hi- blood nnd tlii-i- destroys Malaria and 1 li'Us. It enna Dr'tbi'' d'seate, nun is rs. r fcckllly iwoinirieiMteo fori ople advanced in ilf. Rnd lor Lenoml 4 Lil i . bor undoubted proolsoi thlsMiidlir iimt'liltt giving full phi tuuiais. to J 1(. 1'1'l'ia Water ol Lite i o , hi nouiii aii, in mi.. iisi-s-uarre, t'a. H B lUtlCKl-lt M D . v Kast Centre Htreet Jdabanoy Olty.ra, LLLU L0 ! -am hiiu hij viiwiui uiieuM;: a specially. 'hiladolphia and Beading .Railroad! Time JUW tn tfleet liny 10, 1801 IUINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS. KorNow York via Philadelphia, week days, 1 0 5.VS, 7.2U a. m. and 12.85 lf.0 nnd 5.66 ,. m. ounaay z.iu and 7.48 a. m. For New L2.rk vla Maucb Chunk, week days, 6.20. m, a. ro. nna vun and 2.C0 p. m. ttuu unaaeipnia wcok aays. 10. 8.25. 7.D0. a. m . VI X: OtJ unrt rsa r,-m! uuday, 2.10 and 7.4S a. m. n i'""""'"! wees; days, ai0,7.20 a, m,i o, b.&o p, m. JKor Allentown, week days, 7,20 i. m. 12.05 o p. m. V,IV Vnllftvllln nrAW n -n . I2.3i 3.60 and 8.6S p. m. Bnndny, 4 10 ahd 7.H JH)r Tamaoua nnd Mabanoy City, week "vbi ',vi ...cu ana o.oo .ra q m R HC , nn inn! n ... - ' . - ' ci"tiay .iuana.i3am. Audltlonal u wauimiijr Vll-y, ween uuys i.Wt. In, .20 a. la.. 2.W n. m. ' ' for WllllamsKrt, Hunbury and LewlsburK, veek days, 3.21, J.ai nnd 11.30 a. m.,1,35, 7.00 xu oiiuua o;) u. IU for Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.21, VA. 7.1 o,trt if nn n A l-fw t ot M c ' .OOanO ttjfj, p. in. Bunday, 'lO,'s.i: and 7.4 ni. i.va v. ni. 12.35. 1 2-1U .2 1. 7.48 a. m.. l&n. in. --or Aidiland nnd Hbamokln, wcok days, ,2i,5.25,7.2!), llJW a. m 1.35i"7.00 and t),2S uj, nuuunj a. in., tt.eo p. in. 1'itAIfSB FOB, SHENANDOAH: lAavo Mow York via Philadelphia, weet ays. 7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.S0 p. m 12,10 iKhl. Bundny, O.OO p. m.. 12.15 nlgnt. . Leave New York via Mauch (ihunlr. waaIt lays, 1.30, 8.45 a. ra., 1.00 and -1.0 J p. m. Leave Phllndelnbla. wtz duvR. 4.10. mi 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 P. m., from Broad ind Callownill nnd S.S."i n. m. mid ll.sn n. m. from sthnuc ureen atreets. Munday V.U5 a. m. 11,10 p. m. from oth anfl nrven. LAve Keadlnis, week days, 1.33. 7.10, 10.C& ad 11.50 a. m.. 6.55. 77 v. m. faundnv 1.S5 and u.43 n. in. Lvavo PottavlUe. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 a. m.. 12.30, 8.11 p. in. uunday, .2.40 a, m. and 2.CS . IU. JeaveTamaqua. week days, 3.20, 8.48 and .2 1 a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 o. in. tiundav 8.LO .. in, and 20 p. la, Ijtave Alahanov (Jltv. w&ek davs. 3.40. U.1R- ind 11.47a. in., 1.61, 7.42 and D.44 p.m. Bun. nay , o.iv u. iu., o.vj , ill., lieave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-49, 4,10 nn: II in, , ,k mu e.nn ,i m- c .jm V,0M, (U.,l,vr, A,Vl U 4AJ, i till , KUt 10.00 p. m. Bnnduy2.4, 4.00, and 8.1B,a, m. 41, p. m. iiuavo Ulrardvllle (KanDahaunock Blattnnt Aenk days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.38, and 8,41 a. m., 12.05, ..12, 6.26, 6.S2, 8.03 and 10.06 p.m. riunday,2,47 u27,84!8a.m.3.Up. m. jxave wiuiamspon, wees uays, a.w,v.iaana 1.65 a.m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Hunday U.15 . m. For Baltimore. Washlnaton and the west ?la li. it O. It. 11., through trains leave Oirard ...nn .,41.... .JlV.l.. Ill .. I I I , I1WUD DWUUU. A UllUOlUIllM, IX , W Ak, I. X,1 it 4.16, t01 and 11.27 a. m., 1.84, 4.24 , 6.65 an p. ni, rauuoay, .io o.vi nav a, m f..s .55 and 7.21 p.m. ATUANTIOCITY DIVISION, iave rnlladelrhln. Chestnut Street Whorl and South Street Wharf, For Atlantic Cltv. Week-davs Express 0:00 a. m. and 2.00, 1.00 p, W. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 5.09 p. ni. Dunuayn, luxpress, v.w, a. in, Accommo. tatlcn, ii.00 a. tn. and 1.80 p. ui. iteiuraiug, icavo Auaniio un-y, aepoi corner -tluntlc and Arkansas avenues, week-days -Kxprets, 7M, 0.00, a. m, and 1,00, p. m, accommodation. H.uo. 8.05 a. m. una 4.33 L80 p. m. ounaays. express, s.uu p. m. ACCuniuio3a i.lou, 7.30 a. m. and 4J50 p. ro, Cl. fi If A rJCVlllK". flfttiM TnJinr Al A. MoliKOD. Pres. A Uen'l Manneor. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD. BontrTLKim, division. 9i aticl after Nov. 24, 1B90, irodu ull lean anenanaoan at louowt: For Wlgean, Gllberton, Frnokvllle, New .Jostle, tit. Clair, and wav nolnts. 6.0J. 9.13 i m and 4.15 p m, uunaays, uuu, u.4u a m and i.iop m, K'or Pottsvllle, 8.00, D.lo a m and 4.15 p m, Sundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 n m. For Heading, 6.00, 0.10 am and 4.15 pin. Sundays, too, 0.40 a.m. and 3.10 pm. For Foitntown. fboeutxville. Norrlstown tnd Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.00, i.Jtl a m. anu t.iop ui ween nays Bncdays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m Trains leave Fraokvllte lor bhenandoah at ;0.40 a m and 12.14. 7.42. 10.09 n in. Bnndava. 11.13 a m and 6.40 p ni. Leave Poitsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 ants U.43, a a 7.15, 9.42 p m. Bundayo, 10.40 a m 5.15 p m. t,eavo Philadelphia (Broad street station), :or Pottovllle nnd Bhenandoah. 57.10.25 a ra 1.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 0.2! am and 1.10 p.m. For w York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, B.60, 7.30, 3.208.80, J.60, 11.00 andll.16am.12.O0 noon. (Urn' uea express, i.wj ana jiu p in.) liu, 2.&u, IM, 4, 6, e.itl.SO, 0.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 pm, 12.01 night. On Hundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12. 8.30, 9.60, . a m.nnd 12.49,3.20 (limited 40), 6.28, 6,80, 6,5U 7.13 8,12 p m and 12.01 night. nor oea uin, prin? iiaae, jieimar. Ocean Grove. Asbnry Park, and Lone Branch 3.20, 11.15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week davr For Freehold, 5.0 , p. m. week days. Baltimore and Wasblnelon. 3.60. 7.20. 8.81 9.10, 10.20, Jt.lSu m, 12. (limited express) 3.4 1.11 0.11 an' .w p. m.. ana iiiguu r ur llaltlmore uly.102, 4.1 1, 5 08 and liJjQ p, m. On BundajB, S.50, 7.20, 0.lOand 11.18 a. m. 4.4 1.67, 7.40 n ra, 12.03 nlsht. Halt'more only 5.08 and 11.30 p m. For itlcbmond and tbo Hontb 7.20 11.13 a. m., iLimlted Express 12.S5 p. m.,)12.U) night, week lays. Bondays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night. Trains leave llarrtsburg for Pittsburg and ibe weat every day at 12,25 and 8.10 a m ana i.uj uimiiea) ana a,iu p m. way ior ahuoqu, 1.16 a m and 4,10 p m every day. For Pittsburg ouly, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20) m week days. Leave Banbury for Wllllamsport, Elmlra, Janandalgna, Rochester, Unllaloaud Nlacara trails 6.10am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays. !ToT WntkiDS, 60 p m week days. For Erlo nnd Intermediate points, 5.10 am;, daily. For Lock llaven, 6,10, and 9.63 a m. laily, l.l and 5.30 p. m. week days. For Renova 6.10 a xa 1,43 and 6,30 p m week days, 1.10 a. m Hnndays, 'HAH, K. PUail, J. It. WOOD, '4n. Man'' lien. Pass. Act, TILMINGTON 4 NORTHEIIN K. K. ixmeiuoie nenea May,m,imu Trains leave Reading (P. fc H. station) for Qlbraltar, Beyfert, Blraiboro, Joanna, Bpring eld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatcsville.West Chester,Chadsford Junction, Ii. A O. Junction, Wllmlneton and Intermediate stations, dully except Bundny, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. nnd 3.15 p. in. Bunday only at 8.05 p. m. ror warwiCK, eui'eiers ana inienneaiaia statlons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.10 p. m. Bunday only 8.15 a. m. For Llrdtboro and Intermediate stations. Saturday only, at 12 m. for iiammore ana wasnington lis. u, it. IU dallv excent Bundav at 0.25 and 8.80 a. m. and 8.16 p. m. bunday only at 8.05 p. tn. irains arrive at lieaoing tr. at n. at""ui Irom Wilmington. Ii. & O. Junction, Mont chauln,Chadd8loid Junction, Wett Chester, Lennpe, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junction, Bprlugfield,Joanna,lllrdbboro, Gibraltar, Bey. fen and Intermediate statlons.dally except Bunday nt 10.20 n. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sun day ouly at 11.21 a. m. From Bt. l'eters, Warwick and Intermedial stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.23 a. m. and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p. ra. From Ulrdsboro and intermediate stations', Saturday only at 1.40 p. m. From warhlngton and llnltlmore, dally ex. cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bunday only nt 11.21 a. m. liOWNKBB 11KIGIUB, Qen'l Pass. Agt A. Q. MCCAUSLAM), BupL Dr. GrosYonor's Bell-cap-sic "'".'jz'?!."" PLASTER. JlVMl'lllll, Rheumatism- anrai1l ntn Hw unri Inmruirn uiwimiiiwi, umums lift B&ie vj aii tsrucKiftiB. rlBlli.riPHof 2rron or Eicenei in Old of You?. BtBrtkniiH.i'&iitTiuti'iaDOK(i.Sfjji'inTaui'iioui. eirverrir niii, i BiimiA)riuunuiieir Alii aui ituui AbalBtlr BartllU 1IOUK 1 RKlTMkhTltati Uiiire 1 1 m UYfllEl!Pil aenral And KKR70D0 UJLfill X1 1 fri aT3 1 13 S ! I Wetlkneea of Bodr and Mind. F Statu tit a ttottFy ttw U BUttl Ltd rrlf Cwlrlt WrtU ttitm lei.itlt Bafe firiliMfttlosiBiKl proufti nftlUA(iUd)(ra A4art ERIE MtDlOAL CO., BUt-TAUO N. Y-