The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 02, 1891, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
IT. C. NOV lilt, lMltor mill J'liMfsJier.
ir-ir. .r. iim nays, r.omi ;..
11m MrKDU.Va 11KUA hi) hut tmroer cir-
cuiaHo in Shenandoah than any other jmper
puhUthed, Bookt rprii In all.
DAii.T,per year,
AVasKiiT, per year,
..... 1 Sf
12nlml t the Voetotttee, atBnensmdoah, Pa
for transmission through toe inula
v nrmanA elaw mail matter.
Ghlceuco Only I'mir Polnta lehlnd tin
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JltMton O.a 0 110 1
Batteries -Carrutliors anit flallyi
ami Moouott.
at rrm.Anm.rniA.
o o
0 0- t
f'hlladelplila 1 18000000-j
XI nw rorK u v x v v w "
Batterlcs-Oleaaon and CloraenU; Wolch nd
rUnnlnnnH 1 O 0 1 0 0 0 8 04
I'ltUburg 1 0001130 x-C
IMttarlcia-ltiiteliliMOh and KIMrldgo; amboi
and Zlmmer.
IThtrawn ft (1 (1 n 1 4 0 0 1
Clatelaiid 0 0030000 0-!
llatterloa-Miillune and llnrrlngton, I laid win
Xho National Lvalue Jtccord.
flubi Iran. Lntl tft
Nowfork.,33 Kit .000
Oli!ono....3l 32 .50(1
lloDten ...,3L 7 .531
Cleroland..3J 30 .500
ritlhi irrtn. TsL ?t
i'i,ir,ioi',i ai tto .ROC
IlrfMklj'ii .. 31 .I7
rittbiirn;..a'l 31! An
Olnoliiimtl.3V! 30 .371
Association Oames.
AT BO. iX).1.
noston 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 0- U
Washington M 10000000-
Tlntreiles-O'llrlen and Murphy; roromnn
ana Jioa ulre.
Columbus .0 oooioioo
Clnolnimtl.O 00100010
Batteries Knell and Dowse;
Dwyer and
Athletics 0 0001001 0-
Haltlraore 8 0000100 04
Ilatlorlps-Cliamlierlulii nnd Xlllllaun: llako.
fit. Louis.... 0
Louisville 0
1010003 0-8
0010010 a-4
Batteries- StlvetM and Munyani Fitzgerald
ami euver.
Tim AHRoelatlon llocord,
C!iib.i. jrnn. Lw pt
BoHim....ll ml .osi
fit. I.ouU.,43 lift .043
llnltlworeUO ad .r.Hl
Clucliiu'U IW 34 AM
Club. H'on. Lntt. Ct
Columbus. ..3!i 30 .471
Atlllutle....V!0 33 .453
Lou'villo....!:! 43 .400
Wath'ton.,.10 43 .311
aecouuto? nilu!
Albany 0
New llaven 0
0 3
0 0
0- 8
o- a
Butteries Frloken and Brown; Clarksou and
x i nou.
IlUffulO 1 3000300 0 a
aioy., 0 3000001 04
Ilntterios (ioodalo, Burr and Murphy; Bhca
nun jjiy.
A sensational Stilt Over tho Disappear
anon ofa rrnmltittnt Morolmnt,
JfBADVlLLK, Vn., July 3. A aensationiil
caso oamo up for hearinK yeitordav
Tliroo months ago Jnmes 0. I'attoii, a
prominent incrcliant of Cochrauton, thlj
county, mysteriously disappeared, lonv
fug a young wife. Domestic trouble was
assigned as tho cause of his disappear
unco. Mrs. l'atton charges the dofendants In
tho oho, Dr. Saul M. and llrs. Juno Pat
ton, mother ami brother of hor husband,
nnd Squire Adams, an undo, with bavins)
conspired to defraud her out of tho prop
orty she would inherit.
Tho defendants nro nil promlnont
peoplo. Sinclair Adams was a Domo
crutio caudldato for the Assomhly last
year. Tho court hold tho defendants "lu
iUOU to iiuswer at the noxt term.
Lalcoaido Dates.
July 1. Athletio Aisociition of Maha
noy City.
July 15. Mahnnoy City M. E. Sunday
July 1C Jlahsnoy City 1 M. Sunday
July 20 Glrardville 1. AI. Sunday
July 21. German societies of Heading,
Shamokln, etc,
July a. Win. 1'enn Sunday school.
" Hi. St. Kioholas Sunday sohool.
" a8.-Tho Washington Hook & Lad
der Company, nf Mahanoy City.
July 'A Trinity Iteforiued Sunday
jchoul, of Shenandoah.
July 80. Young Jtien't Republican Olub
of ilithanoy City.
Aug. 8. EngHsh Usptist Sunday school
of Slieoftndoaii.
Aug. 4 M. R. Sunday sohool of Mali
nnoy l'laua.
Aug. 0 Beangelioal Sunday school of
JiUhanoy Olty
Aug. 18. Lutbersa miulonary festival.
" 18 Kplsoopal Sunday sohool of
31ahanoy City.
Aug. U. M. Tt. Sunday school of Ash
land. Aug. 16. Kitted dfoo
" IB. il. X. Sunday whool of Shen
Aim:, att Trinity lleiormed Sunday
c b.: 1 of Muhanoy Oity.
The Great Benefit
nl.- in run down stale of health
Vhi. h ,,
tl iivi'H tn I ii. I . Sarsapanlla, convlu
fly i r. m - ti.. tthiK medicine "makes the
a: uaii. 1 it does ni t act like a
stimulant, imparting fictitious strength, but
Hood's SarSHparilla builds up in a pnrfectly
natural wiy all the weakened parts, purl
flo tho blixid, and assists to healthy action
thoso Important organs, tho kidnoyt and
Oh, What a Cough.
urm -wt ii(.d the warning? The slgnnl poi-
nnanf the HureannroHCh of Mint more let
rlblo dlncoio, Conmmptlon. Ask yourselves
If you cnn nllord for the sake otsavlm: ft)
-eni8,iri.u '''"" v .' u..iiT..JV.V
wo Know irom eperieui-w m. ......y.. n v...
will cnn our Counh. It never falls. 'Ilm
xnUiixithT mnro than n Million Hotile
' . . I , - . ...... If nllnvM I Ill I
were mini me pwfc ,v,,v;v: 'a1
and wiiMnninir rough nt once Mothers fl"
uotl without il. For lnie MeK, Hills or
1'l.ul uuMlillali'a I'nrous Plaster. Hold bl
i i. ., i .... r t i.r VI II 1 1 1 Blift
13. II. iintfBUIMICU. Al. wiiiTt ...
Lloya streets.
"Ve aro now movliiKalonf? InsummorRO
:ordlng to the almanac.
A Huoband'a Mistake.
llubaud too oHen pe. mlt wle, Mid par
onti their cliimreu, to Miner raiuu',
rtijw.lnes, neuralgia, sleeplwsness. lll.ner
vmini(, when oy tlio use of Dr. Mile"
Restorative inervins " '"""I
..i.i .u.ii tA nttad llrnmnftts every
WHIM winnj ,...-. - .!.,.. .;.
tthere say it gives niyiw ii"i""
ba m Immense ale. Woodhorlh On., of
Fort Wayne, ma.; nnow "' BT.
v v . i wir iiiiinrifl r. Midi.: hihI hi!"
d Vds'nl 'others say "11 Is the greatest seller
,,.. ... ur lwatr." 11. ronlnltlB no. OnlTHiS
Trial bottles aud One book on Nervous
Diseases, free at u. n. mgenuncii n.
A taok olnU bearenwarci when it meanr
the molt m isciilef.
To Nervous, Debilitated Men.
If roll nrid tin vour ftddrnw. we wi
nail you our Illiulrated pamphlet ozpiair
mi oil xttout nr. uvo't ueiODmwKi niiecvn
Voltaic Belt and Appliance, ana tien
'harming eBeota ution the nerToui de
bilitated ytem, and how thny will iinioklj
nmIam vmi fn viiror. and manhood. 1 ftlnph'
let free. If you are thus nfflieted, wo will
WUd you a Ueit and Apniiance ona irmi
There will be plenty of poaches am
water melons this year, ana the camp
tneetlliK is cortiiin of buccks.
OlHce of J. M. 11. IloitiNKiN.IiS llsst 126th st.
Iiesiuenee, ibbwimimwitci.
Nkw Youk. January 31. IbW)
Aim'B ttmsrUhiti Hiiwlllo Co. Octu lenien
Ituvlnir mllered for Oie Ist two seats with
riiMittiuiitni. imlipHMtliin. sore Ibioat. nndti
eumijlcte breaking down of my wholOhyRiein,
l WHS IIHIUCCU Ulll'! lIl'Wili'K v,iu ncyjui
nroinli enl duclors) lo try the foolus Blood
hire, which I conlli.i ed to use for about
thirty days, slnro which time I have been e .
tiruly ireeirom the nliovo-mcntloncdtroulilw-.
ami nave mure nuiuninii nwj hij n.ij
lime In Hie past four years. 1 can heattll.v
recommend the same to any one havliigthe
same troubles. J. w. i.
Hold ni Klrlln's DniKBtore.Kersuson House
Ulock, ShenaudoatJ.
The whlotlo of "Bob
"Whito" ii now
heard in tho country.
Tim vARtlhnlpd eomnflrtment slconlnc can
recently introduced on llie Chicago, lit. I'aiii
and ICaustts City Hallway are mouols oi com
fort, oonvenh uce nnd huury. Any patron ol
the sleeping car Is enabled, by tlio introduc
tion Ol 1 lieBU cum I'lll uncut vtiin, hi rn.iinr lik
same r.rlvnoy nud ouvenlence that ho woulc
In the best hotel. No other line west of ( hi
cago runs the compartnicnt cars. In nddl
lion, me trains are tijuipia;u v ui mu leKiu.i,
open rullman sleeper, giving passengers theli
cliolco. Tiiodl lug car servlco Is fully up ti
the requirements ol modcru railway servire
An excellent cuisine, promptly srrved nmic
elegant surroundings, at moderate charges
leaves nolhlngnow to bo desired. Any of oui
peoplo contemplating a trip lo any part of thi
west or northwest cannot tosslbly securt
iV"T, urcommoilatlons or lower lnles thai
I 1110 lURStllgtrr uvftiiiuuvlj.iml Airantn
x'uuaacipuiu, in.
Colorado Is a laud of sharp contiasts, ol
brllliunlllchts, ol Intense hlmdws;n land
where heights nnd depths mnke obvious the
meaning of tho word iiullthcsli.; a laud where
every mood In mind can And nn nnsuerlng
mood In nature. The high, whlto inlnniets ol
the mountains, frbm whose slendor plnnaclis
Host the wind-blown banners oi tho snow, ap
peal with Bllent eloquence to tho lolly nsplro.
tlonsof the soul: the sombre chasms pieii. hv
Tltnu forces through guinltc-heartcd bllfs
wlihln whoso depths dark shadows throng
and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a languugo tnnt thrills, lnspin sand awes. It
does not follow that theie glories ol wlillo
)ieiiK uuu tuuiie giooius oi aarK canons pre
clude tho pleHMinl Inlcrvnls. Iho sunnv
meadows or the fcecluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or wearied bn-ty mny find peace
ful rtst und relugo from turmoil and toll. To
one making a Journey In Colorado, New
ji ei .po or iiian, or taxing a trauscontlncutal
tour from East to Wosl. or Wee verm, the Di n-
vcr and Itlo Urando Hullrond oll. ru uecoiu-
uouations equal in elteani'e.conventcnco nnd
luxury to those of nny other line with the ad
ded attractions of the unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding In a inRgulllceut
onnlcncc of white ncaks nud dark ennniiH.
Tho month of November, 1880, wltuossed one
ui mo inoHt iraporiant improvements in rnu
load laclllllcs that has yet been mode In Col
orudo and the West. The completion of the
standard gauso of the Denver and UloGrnnde
iUillrond Iroin Denver, Coloindo, over Hie
mountains to Ogdon, Utah, which Ave years
ago was deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly
u trlumnu of darlne nud euirlueerlnir hklll.
The ui w line Is by tho way of Ltndvllie, tuu
uollng Tcnncsbee Pass, threading tho canons
of Iho rnyloiiml Uruud Itlvers, giving n view
ol the Mount of the Holy Cross, enroute, tuk
Ing Its trains ihroiiKh Olenwood Kprltigsand
uuwxi uiu tiranit itiver to urnnu junction,
thenco to Hnlt Lake City, Ogden and Ban
Kmncli-co. itv this route one Is irlven mi nn.
norumlly to behold the magnlllcenceof Kngle
Htvcr Canon nud the marvelous beauty and
grandeur of the Canon of the Grand The
overland nam is a moaei in every respect.
From tho cnglno to tho last !lrst-chu,s coach
everything Is bright nnd new, and of the
rami elegant style or workmanship and
llnlsh. .
If nny render desires to know mors about
i nose siupcnaons wonts or niuure, write to H,
K. Hooiirr, Ueneral I'asfccnger Agent, Denver,
Colorado, and he will kntiil vnu. fr,.n it nib.
clecantly llhistrnted books, giving a full de!
i.uiiiliuii ui tue jnarveis or tne oonnic
Lino."- Htanley Wood In the "Great Divide.
nnd will over bo tho
Komedy for
Oont. TnfliifiriKn. TJaokaoho.
Fains in the Sido. Cheat and
Joints, Nouralgia, Sprains, &o
Bsfore yon ased to tray, obtain
nn-cnrc rip cHArtCE"SOl
lie valuable booki "Qnids to Hulth," with I
endorsements of promineut pbysioiaBl, M
ad ii its as:
F An D5P.11TFR A. P.n. JM
SIO Broadway,
liEV TOHr,
28 m
i Medals Awarded!
ropein Boasesi Ilaaolsttdtiliondon
Karemberifi oattua, Leliitlo.
CJents a Dottle, jfor Ktuo hyl
a. J. Itlltr-.TIV, J
and other crucsuu.
Tlio Anbury J'nrU Nntlonnl Hi Uean
Mnklliff lltid I.nnnii.
Abbubt Pahk. N. J.. July 3. The As-
bury l'nrk Nntlonul Bank has been closed
upon orders Issued by the Comptroller oi
tho Currency.
Bank Examiner StOno made an exam
ination this week nnil found that the
bank hail been Mining IwmI and was
doing au unprorltable Duslness.
Tho lwnk WHsorganlzetltbroeyearanga
with a capital of $100,000. Tlio last re
port, May 6, showed the Individual de
posits to be H,UUU. The bill l K ugureu
cousptauously lu the SimtrtoBs l'ell-Wal-laok
otiack-kkhiK trnnaactlons Inst
March, Tho depositors will lose notU'
Tho atoti Within Vlfteoii rt or J.uun
Oilier and l'lifil Several SliuU.
Biiuiinoham. Ala., July 9. Dr. O. B.
Crowe shot uml mortally woundod B. V.
Glass, father ot F. V. Glass, one or tbo
proprietors of the Montgomery Adver
tiser, at Brlerfleld, at 0 a. m.
The difficulty grew out of somotmng
Qlasi had snld, and which hi) would not
retraot. Crowo went t6 Glass's house,
uud Qlns told him not to enter.
As Crowe advanced, and Glass fired on
him with a Winchester rille, Crowo an
swered with pistol shot. Kach man
fired several shots. The men were with
in fifteen feet of each othtir. Finally Glass
'ell and Crow walked away. One of tho
iullets uutored Glass's abdomen.
Ho is and old and much respected cltl
ien. Crowo is only 27 years of ago.
Tlio aiurdoror a llupnloss I.llliatio In
Ring Sing 1'rlmin.
Slo Sino, July 2. Shlbuya Jiiglgo,
tho convlotod nud coudomnod murderer
of JIurn Comml, a follow Japanese sailor,
is a confirmed lunatic. Sluce ho was
brought to tho State prison tho last tlmo
his insanity hns steadily doveloped until
now ho Is outlroly out of his mind.
Still, tho unhappy uinn is a great
render of the Japanese version ot tho
New Testament, and the perusal of that
book is about his only occupation.
New Yovk Contruolors Dnfeatetl.
New York, July 2. The action of
OT.neu and Clark for $7ili,8l!j damages
against tho oity for extra work In buctiou
0 of the New York acqucduot has been
dismissed by Jttdgo lugrahnm of tho
Supromo Court. Ho, however, dtreots a
vordlct In their favor for $10,000 tho
nmouut conceded to bo duo them by tho
olty. This decision is probably it fatal
blow nt nourly , $8,000,000 suits of a
similar character which wero to bo
brought by these nud other contractors.
Scci'utury lllaluo's Condltlun.
Bau Haiuioii, Mo., July 3. Tho news
aont out that Secrotury Blalno had an
other attack uud his family was seriously
olurmod was much exaggerated, Ho is
Bufforing from nervous prostration, and
it is hard to got him to tako tho rest
that ho needs. Ho is nu inilotatlgnuio
worker. Tho -Marquis Imporiull, Secro
tury of the Itallau LnRntioiij Is nt Bar
Another riilladelplilun In Troitblo,
PliiLADELniiA, Tuly 2.- A small sonsiv
sutlon hn been caused over tho sud
den disappearance of Edward Y. El
tonhond, who, until a few weoks ngo,
was president of tho Fidelity Storage
nnd Warehouse Co,, of 1871-73 Market
street. Ho is said to bo n defaulter for a
lurgo sum of monoy. Tho oxact amount
cannot be stutod, but experts aro at work
on tho books.
A. Curo for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, while in tho llocky
Mountains, discovered u root that whn
oomhinod with other horbs, makes an easj
and corlttin curo for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry roots and lcavos, and It
known as Lane's; Family Medicine. It
will curo sick hoadacho. Tor tho blood,
llvor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho
comploxion it does wonders. Druggists
Joll it at CO conts a package
Somo one ha written a book called "Tho
Man 'Who Was Too Good." It is fiction.
Ask Your Friends About It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
Wo know it bocnuso Kemp's Balsam
within tho pant few years has cured eo
many coughs and colds in this community.
Its remarkable sale has been, won ontlrely
by its gonuino merit. Ask' somo friend
who has used It what he thinks of Kcirip'e
Balsam. Tbore is no medlclno eo puro,
nonoBooffoctivo. Largo bottles 60c nnd $1
at all druggists'.
Canned vegetables and city folks go lo
gothor to tho festivo country boarding
Shiloh'a Consumption Curo.
This Is beyond question the most puc
ccstlul Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a lew doses Invariably cure the voM cures ol
Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won.
derlu! success In lhe tore of Consumption is
Without a unroll! Ill flip hUlnrv if m.diclnA
8luee It's jirnt dle.eiy it 1 as been tola on n
guarantee, a lesl
icn l
no oilier medicine
can simuu. ii y
ask you to try Ii
can stand. Ii you have a niinh weeoriitHiy
ncf lureiui-.oootnis. nnd
tl.10. II jour Luuks "re toie.
r, uv KUI.. HUM
t best or Itnctr
iHjue, uiie p-nuoii
C, U. Ilager.bucli.
I.lovd lr-l.
i r us riusur. sold by
N. k. ctuner Main and
Cr. Crcsvcnor's
KhaUBiat lTt nunr.L nhtrriussrl In
'- mv Vl tin, i, i rn- t Mlt) 11 HJl XJ
221 W. t'e Ire Street,
sx-iEisr a erjoo-AZH:,
Foimerly ki i i His c mville. The above
tis C mville.
ow kept by
no i I
Formerly ot ibe K
Bist nf m .
,.., .f Hotel, GUberton
ii m k! Uuus for
Pcrmnnentp.d Transient Quest
The barU ioi-i . d
elgs s, ale, hei r, ,
in tbe bent brands ot
Thohcrllngoofwhlchovcryliiimnn hoi
g inn is nlmostns certain as no Is ot air,
Htmllglit and breath, Is Rerofula Humor.
S Vnr away in the realms o! history wc
5 chUMi gllinpMis of what n curse upon tlie
S people this oil-prevalent contamination
S made Itself, l'oor diet and lnsuinclent
; rood, 111 ventilation, fllth and dampness,
I all asslsttlio slumbering germs of Scrof
5 ula to ovcrjiowcr tho vitality ot the body
; nod run riot In the system. The blood In
; Its process of reiimvlng the wast cnn-
not oxpelany Inherited taint of weak
I ncss or impurity. It cnn only be re
? moved by the action of some purifylnir
S medicinal agency, which assisted by nu
; trltlous food, welldlffcsted and asstmlla
S tedtnto blood, gradually Insures the pow-
" .sesslou of sound liealth. Hurli a renovat-
by the
! Ing remedy has Hrowi Snrsapartlla
S proved Itself to be, wllothe. Iblstalnthas
! given rlso oBcrofuIa.Saltllneuin Ilheu
j matlsm, N-juralgin.Llvor Complaints, or
; Kidney Diseases, which are the most fro
: queut manifestations of Its presence, all
; have readily yteldnd to tbe clean find
S purlfylngactlonof BrowirsBarsaparllln.
of Scrofula, oured by Brown's Sarsnpo
; rllla, hasexeitedlhepeoplolivlng In nud
S around tbe town of Ie, Me. Mr. Aver
I ill writes us as follows; "My son has
; now taken fourteen bottles of Brown's
; Sarsaparilla, and I am sure it has com
- pleted a cure. Ills case was the worst I
j ever saw. His face was covered wllh
what soemod to be scales or scabs.and tlie
ltclilng was so intolerable that he tossed
At all Druggists 1 .00. 0
DON'T take Something else
i Brown's SarsaparHSa
AHA Waiiken Si Co., Pole I'joprietorf.llangor, Me.
From Simple
On ami after Nov? 21, 1680, train Hill (
Shenandoah or follows:
For Wlgcan, Gllberton, Krnctvllle, Nev
Castle, St. Clair, and way points,, 8.1.
in and 4.15 p m,
Sundays, WO, U. 10 a m and J.1 0 p m.
For l'ottsvlllo, 6.00, 11.10 a m and 4. 16 p m,
Sundays, m, ad a m and 3.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, V.10 a la and 4.15pm.
Sundays, 6W, 0.40 a. m. and3.lUpm,
For l'ottstovin, Fhoenixville, Norrlstow.
jud Philadelphia (Broad street stutloni, b.Ut.
1.10 a in, ana 4. IS p m week days
Sundays, WX), 11.40 am 3.10 p m
l'ralns leave KruckvlUe lor Sbenandoah c
.".Warn and 18.14, 7.42,ia,03p m. Snndayr
n.13 urn und 6.40 pm.
u-ave l'oitevllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 anC
.48, a m 7.16, V.t2 P lu. Sundays, 10.10 a n
LIS p m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station
mr t'otluville and Shenandoah, 6.67,10.23 a n
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 9.2
a n. and 1.10 p. m.
For w York, 3.20, 4.05, 4.10, 6.85, 6.50, 7.i
:A 8.80, J.50, ll.OOand 1 1.15am, 12.00 noon, (llm
tied express, 1.00 and 4.60 p m.) 12.41,1.40,11.81
!.i0, 4, 6, 0, B.30, 6.i0 7.13 8.12 and 1U.00 p m, 12.0
On Sundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.10, 6.35, 8.12, 8.W), K.5L
il m. and 12.49, 8.SU (limited 4.50), 0.&1, uM, (i.6i
M3 8.13 p m and 12.01 night.
For Bea Um, Spring Lako, Belmai
cean Grove, Asbury IMrk, and Long Brand
8.20, 11,15, a. m.4.00 p. m, week dayr Foi
Freehold, 5.0 . p. m. week days.
l!alllmor" and Washington, 8.60, 7.20, 8.8;
9,10, ll).20, 11.18a m,ia."i (limited exprcs)3,4i
4.41 6.W an- 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. Fo
tlaltlnore nly 2.02, 4.1 6 OS nnd li'jO p. m
jn Kuudays,3.50, 7M, tt.lwind 11.18 a. m. 4.4,
1.57, 7.40 p m. 12.03 night l!all"nore only
5.08 and 11.80 pin
For HIchmondnnd the tsonth 7.2011.18a. ui.,
Limited Kxprcua I2ji p, m.,)12.03 nlght.weer.
Jays. Snudays. 7.20 a. m., 1S.U3 night.
Trains leave iiarrtbburs lor I'UiaDurg anc
.no west every day nt 12.25 and 3.10 a ra ani
..OOdlmltcd) and 3.40 p in. Way for AJtoona
uaui and 4.10 p iu every day,
For l'lttsburg only, 11.20 a i dally and 10.
ui week days.
tave hunbury for Wllliamsport, KUulia
-inaedulgua, Hoclioatcr, IluOaluuud NIagan
tils 6,10 am dally, and 1.48 pin weekdays
'alkins, 6.30 p m week dayB.
or hrteand Intermediate points, 8.10 am.
tally. Fur Look llavnu, 5.10, and 08 a ni
tally, 1.84 and SJfti p. la. week days. Fo
-- i 5.10 a m 1.43 aud 6.3C p m week dayt
in a i mi iluys.
- fMOB. I.K.W0011.
table inifect Hoy, 10, 18U1. .
Tiulns leave Bending (1'. A. 11. station) foi
flll..alur Ubi Im III . 1 T U. ..I
' Held, ulllekimrg Joi e-llon, Ccatt-svtlle.Wl'sl
(hesler,t liflilHiird Juncllon, B. A O. Juuetlon,
Wtlmliigtun and limnindlsie biRllons.dxIly
. eicept O.Msnd .80 a.m. und 8.15
i p. in. Hu.duy only at 8.06 n. m.
For Wsrulck, Mt.l'eleib and Inlermtdlale
stations dully jcepl Sunday, ut 8.20 a.m., uud
6 18 i . in, Minduy only 8.16 a- m.
l or lilrdtdinm and lutermtdlate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For lliililnniri and Washington (B. O. It.
II.) dally extpt Hnndey at 6.26 and 8.S0 a. m.
and a. II p. in. Minduy only ai BUS p. in.
i'ilnsuirlvei'i ll4idltK (1'. 6 It. station)
liciin V llmli gton, B. A O. Junction, Mont-
Imnln, I liMhinoid Junction, VWM L'Lemr. (oalisville, WayneMmrK Juncllon,
H ringlltUt.Joamia, lllnULoro, UlbruIIar.Key
fen ana inteimedlblc slatlonh, dully except
Sunday at 10.20 a. iu 6.62 and 6.17 p. in. Sua
dM nls et 11 24 a m.
Fiom St rutin, Warwick and IntcrratdlaU
statu. ns, daily except Sunday, ut 8.28 a. in
and 2.23 p.m. Suuday only at 6 p. m.
From illidsl oru end Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
Fiom Washington and Baltlmote, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. in 6.W and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only Bl 11.21 a. in.
B0WJIK8B llltiaas, Gen'l Pass. Aet,
nbout In agony througli mnny it sleep- ;
less night. Ho commenced mmo weohs f
ngotouio Jlrown's HursnpnrlUa In ron- m
nectlon with the salvo you nnt to nlluy E
the Irritation, and now he Ik ho far nci ;
ered that Vie consider hli compli-'v tur.
as certain." Mr. J.W. Hni keof I.fe,chulr -man
of lViiolwot c,i. ( oiiiinlsslonern, S
says: "Itls wonderful what Ilrowti'sHor- S
naparllla lias done for jming Avnrlll." j
In this case Brown's Haroaparllla threw
open the bowels and poni oi the skin,
nt the same time entpnug the blond, S
beginning ft vigorous wnrlnro on the S
Impure matter found there, and wtaleh ;
was constant source of supply for the S
scrofuloushumoronlhoouUlde. In time 5.
this was expelled from the system, and
only pnre matter entered the blood. 5
Use of
On DavlsStreet, In Bangor, resides Mrs.
Edwlu Wiley, whoso daughter was bndly ;
afflicted wltii Salt Rheum. At times her :
face nud bauds would be covered with S
blotches. So Intense was tho Itching ;
sensation that applications of salt wero i
made to destroy It. For a long time no S
relief could bo obtained. One day some
one suggested Brown's Sarsaparilla, and "
n bottle was purchaied. Later Mrs. Wl- ;
ley brought her daughter to the estAb- s
lishment or Mr. Ara Warren where
Brown's Sarsaparilla Is made. The face 5
that n short time previous was covered Z
with blotches, burning nnd itching, pre- 2
sented as falrand smooth An npponmnco
as that of any young lady, LE&8 than S
bottles for B.00.
"Justns good," IT 13 NOT.
Pimples to olintlnnle ECSKMAi
UlSO li WlilIU
7-8enil for"nintn for icitclinn nnd SlcU.
Elooiu," a bandy book for tho household. FKBi
ito Discolo2?2
Williams d Bro.
Chamber Sets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dlnlrg Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chains,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Enty Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Muslo Cabinets,
Piano C hairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
.P. Williams Bro.
A newly discovered MINhBAL WATKR,
the ueol which will supply important cle
iiients nrrrsiy to health. It will cure the
Kldnejs, Liver, Stomach, and nil Dowel uud
Bladder dlteases. It will dlwolve ruleulland
remove them. Itrtmnves Ibe urlo acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria tnd
Chills. It cures Brlgbt's disease, and IS es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
life, and for genera) deblllly. For undoubted
proofs of this tend for namnblet elvlni; full
particulate, to J. It. 1'F.HRY, Water ol Llio
iu,, in bodu juuiu Bi,, w iiais-uarre, ru.
Philadelphia and Beading Bailroadf
Time Table tn effect Mat 10, 1801
For New Yorbr via VhllflrtAlnhla. rnlr rttrn
2. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12 35 2.60 nnd bM
. ra. nunuay ana 7.18 a. m. For X4ew
fork, via Maneh Chunk, week days, 5.23,
.20. a. m. nnd 12.35 and 2..0 n. m.
For Heading and Phllndefphla week days.
2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 2.60 and 66 p; m.
VUUIIY, 4,11 nuu , ttQ H. IU.
For Knrrlsburg, week days, 210,7,20 a. m.i
J.0, 6.55 p. m.
t or Allentown, week days, 7,20 . m 12J5
. 0 p, m.
"or Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20,a. mi.
2.312.60 and 6.66 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.18
For Tnmaqua and Mahanoy city, week
ayB, 2. 0, 6.25, 7.20. a. In., 12.3 2.60 and 6.55
. m. Sunday, 2.10 nnd 7.18 a. in. Additional
rr Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. m,
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days;
,20 a. m., 2.60 p.m.
For Wllliamsport, wunbury and Lewlsburi
foes, uaj-s. a.zi, .au aua a. m., 1,35, 7,
1 ii. auiiutij' 0..1 h. Jii.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.21.
K, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m.. 12.85. 1.8&. u.i. nj
i.OOanc IJ5, p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25 and7.1t)
1. m, 4 os p.m.
For oirnravino (ltappanannocR station)
-t. iinp, .it-, o..j, fj.M,. ,.4r nuu 11.H.J H, ra
12.85. 1 86. U0. 6.56. 7.0t) andV.2S. v. m. Sundav!
or Asuiann ana HiiamoRin, wees day
o&o, t.w, iij n, m., j 110, t.w ana v,
m. nunuay a. 111., 6.V0 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
ay,7.45 a. m., 1.30, 1.00, 7.80 p. m 12.10 1
tght, Sunday, 6.00 p. ni., 12.15 nlgnt.
Leave Not Yorti via Mauch chunk, week '
lays, 4.30. 8.15 a. in., 1.00 aud 4.0J p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, wees dnys, 4.10, ana
10.00 a. ra. 1.00 end 8.00 p. m., frem Bread
ad (JftUowhill and 8.S5 a. m. aud 11.30 p. m.
Join 8th acc ureeu btreeta. Sunday 8.05 a.
in. 11.10 p. m. from 9lh am) r-n.
Leave Heading, week days, 1 85. 7.10. 10.15
tad 11.50 a. m., 5.5S, 77 p, 111. Sunday 1.36 and
0.48 a. 111.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.10 a. m
;,80, (t.ll p. ni. Sunday, 2,40 a, m. uud 2X5
. m.
I.eave Taraaqua, week days, 3.10, 8.18 and
1 2 1 n. 111., 1.21, 7.13, and U.18 p. m. Suuday 3.10
. m. and 2.50 p. m.
lave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.10, 9.18
an 1 11.47a. m 1.51, 7.12 aud 8.44 p.m. Hun.
m9, 8.4(1 a. 111., 3.20 p. 111.,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week d ays, 2-40, 4.10
1.30, 0.35, 1 1.-0 a. at., .( 5, 2.CB. 6 20, 6 28, 7.57, and
10.00 p. m. Sunday 2.4-, 4.00, and 8,20, a, m,
41, p.m.
.ueuvo Ulrardvllle (Rappahannock Station)
veek dnyB, 2.47, 4.07, 6.86, and 8.11 a. in., 12.0),
o;v, s.vo ana w.w p. m. ouuaBy, z,i,
8.26 u. m. 3.41 p. m.
Leave Willtamsport, week dayB, 3.00,9.45 and
1.55 a.m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Suuday 11.13
For uammore, wasuington ana me wesi
la 13. k O. K. It., through trains leave tilrard
Vvenue station, Pblladelphut, (P. Sc It. K. It.)
it 4.16, 601 aud 11.27 n. m.,1.34. 4.24, 5.55 an
p. XT. ouuuay, 4.10 il a. iu,
.65 and 7.2) p. m.
irfiave Pnlladclphla, Chestnut Street Wh art ,
ind south Street Wharf. 1
For Atlantic Cltv. jfa
Week-days Exprets 8.00 a. m. nnd l-Kfii
im r. iv, Amvimniiulallnn. K HO n.m.. R.tiF
Sundays. Express, 8.00, a. m. Acoomif
.atlou, 8.00 a. m. aud 4.30 p. m.
l&eiurning.ieave Atiautio uuy, aepoi. euruui r
.tmntle and Arkansas avenues. week-days
-BkyiutM, v.w, a. iu, tuiu .w, i. u..
tocommodatlon, 0.00, HAS a. m. aud 4.80
1.30 p. m.
Sundays. Express, 4.00p.m, Aooommola.
ilcn, 7.30 a. m. and 4.30 p.m.
O. O. HANCOCK, (ien'l Pass'r Agt J
ntcufiuu. l-res. a uen-l manuKer.
Leliigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch (ihuuk, Lchlghton, Slatlngtou, Cala
sauqua, Allcnlown, Bethlehem, Eubton, Phil
adelphia nnd New York at 6.47, 7.40, 8.08 a. Ml.,
12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p.m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Woter Gap ana
Hllouuiibura at & 47, n. m., and 6.20 u. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trentou, 9.08 a, m.
For White Haven. Wllttes-liarre and Pitts,
ton 6.47, 9.08. 10.41 a. m., 8.10 und 650 p. m.
ForTuukhannock, 10.41a, m., 3.10 and 6.20
p. m,
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyono
10.11 a. in., and 5.20 p. in.
For Laceyvllle.Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
Ulmlrn, Rochester, Butlalo, Mugaru Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,accl
5.26 p.m.
For hlmlraand tho West via Salamanca a
8.10 p. m.
For Audenrlcd, Hazleton, Stockton, Lum.
ber Yard, Weatterly and Penn Haven Junc
tion ut 6.17,7.40, 0,03 n. m. and 12.52, 3.10 and
5,28 P. m.
For Jcanesvllle, Levlston and Beavikr.
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 n. ra. and 6.26 p. m, 19 V
ForScrautonat6.47 9.03, 10.41a. m. 3.10 lA
6228 p. ru.
For Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free,
land at 5.47, 7.40, 8.03, 10.41 a. in., 1262 3.10 anC
5.20 p.m. ,
Fur O.nakake at fi.47 and 0.08 a. m.. ar
3.10 p.m. ' f.
For Wlggans, ailberton aud Frackvllle a
5.50 and tf.08 a. m.. and 4.10 n. m.
For Yatcsvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano,', 4.w, v.vo,, iu,05 a. m.,io,ii.ii;,o.i, o,u
8.2. nud 10.27 p.m.
For Lost Creek, 31rardvlllo and Ashland,'
1.27. 7.16,8.62, 10.15 o. m., 1.00,1.10,4.10, 8.SS,
8.10 and 8.14 p.m.
F'or Darkwater, St. cbilr and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. in., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 8.08, 10.63 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, -6.26 and
For Haven Bun, Centralla, Mt. Carroel ana
Shamokln, 8.62, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah. I
7.65 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 8.30 p. m arriving l'
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 ana V
11.16 p.m. '
For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland, i
S.50, 9.10 11.35 a. in., 2.45 p. m. "i
For Darkwater. St. Clair and PottsvlUe, i
6.60, 8.00, 90 s.m., 2.45 p.m. I
F'or Yalesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano. 1
8.00, 11.83 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m, f
for ixiity, Auaenriea aua iianeton, e.uu
a- m.t 1.40 p. m:
ForMnuch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlngton,
Catasanqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston
and New York, 8,00 a. in., 1.40 p. in:
For PhUadeiphla, 1.40 p. in.
Uen'l Pass. Agt., Uethlehem;
Nature's triumph over disease. Without an
equal, without a rival. Alter 300 yiars' ex
perience in Brazil and two years' medical i est
In this country, acknowledged the lirst aud
only purely vegetable and effective neutral.
Izeraud eradlcator of scrofulous and specific
blood pohons known. No mineral, no lall
ures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguaorit Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
fill MEN ONLY!
lOaairzl and N EAVOUB IJELI1L11XI
ni B.rrriDrx.icriLH in uiaur & uunxm
HkHl aoni aiBiiuniiraiir Htirfa. uw i tiara .
lLu.ul u.r.llnF llftHIC Til KATU If NTw lt 111
Mm twr Trum to JUtt id t rela Ctri Writ U"