The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 02, 1891, Image 1

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3i !Ae 7!cjn6IIi Electors of Vennsylv nlar
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the Republican Mate Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republican) of Pennsylvania, by their duty
chosen representatives, will meet in Mate Con
vention at Jlarrisburg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor General, o? the
nomination of eighteen candidates for Delegates-at-Large
to the Constitutional Convention pro
vldedfor in the Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1891, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented,
Notice is especially directed to the fact that, (n
accordance with the provisions of the last men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
n representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe
members of the majority party in said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates Jor S'.atc Senator to
be applicable.
In this connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the Mate Convention of 18S2, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the primaries consistent with
the preservation vf the party organitatton,"
Wil. JT. ANDREWS, Chairman.
The London Standard prints a letter
from a contributor who thinks that
I princes and princes' families should be
made to obey the lawllkeother people.
It seems that several members of the
family of the Prince of Wales disre
garded the law relative to fhocloso sea
son by fishing.
The family were holding what they
called a royal plonlc, and probably did
not suppose that royal privileges could
be restricted by law.
If things go on in this way much
longer the position of a prince will be
' of little advantage, and it certainly has
some discomforts.
If Albert 32 Jwnrd wp.rn.tiofc rUuCC ot
Wales there would no objection to an
occasional fcamo of Imccurette.
On the other hand, he might find It
more difllcult to borrow money than
he now does.
Minnesota editors are greatly oxer
f iised over a bill which has passed the
-.state senate. The measure provides
'that all articles, editorials, items or
written accounts printed in any
pamphlet, periodical, magazine, news
paper, sheet, circular or handbill which
shall therein purport to give an ac
lcount of or give intelligence of any
' political, official, personal or social act,
writing or speech of any human being,
living or dead, reflecting in any way
upon such person's character, shall be
subscribed by the full name of the per
Alien's : Boot :
la an extract of medicinal roots and herbs for malting a
pleasant and healthful Summer Drink. It Is easy to
make, requires no hotting or straining. One bottle will
make six gallons of Moot Beer.
There is every indication ot a large crop of Jsruit this
season. Buy your jars in time.
We have a large stock of Hasan's Standard Glass
Jars with Porcelain Lined Lop.
For Pic-iilc launches We Have
Lebanon Summer Siuisnge Chipped.
Chipped Dried IJcef.
Sardines lu Mustard and Oil.
Canned Salmon.
Crosse & Blnclcwell's Finest Imported Flclcles and Chow
Liuicli Itlllk BiscuitS) 3 pounds for 25c.
Coffee Biscuit aud Nlc nacH, 3 pounds forl25C
Cream Soda Biscuit.
Faucy Creamery Butter.
Convenient, Useful
Tlie Patent Flour Blu aud
onnuuds. Keens your Hour
tics. Can tie sifted Just ns needed by simply turning: n craulc
A lot ot Table Ollclotli, xiydB. wide, at 20c a yard
son or persons who shall have written
or contributed to such publication. The
penalty for violation of this law is a
lino of not less than twenty dollars or
more than $100, or Imprleomenut for
not less than thirty days or more than
three months.
Aiiout threo months ago the Hen
AijD remarked the contrast between
the number of Pottsvlllo men selected
for jury duty and tho number selected
from Shenandoah. The editor of tho
Chronicle must have been enjoying a
sound sleep for he did not reply to the
remarks until last night. Ho shows
that out of 310 names last drawn, 64
nre thoso of Pottsvlllo men and Shen
andoah has 20 and adds that "Shen
andoah has no Tight to complain."
Shenandoah does not complain. It
protests. Tho people of Shenandoah
are not looking after jobs on Juries,
they simply want the editor of tho
Chronicle and his kind to understand
that they protest against tho counly
officials nursing a gang of Court House
suckers. There is no town in the
county that borders more closely upon
Buckfirdom than Pottsvlllo aud there
Is no county in tho Union that
tolerates petty suckers than Schuylkill.
When jurors are drawn Pottsvlllo is
always In the lead. According to tho
Chronicle? 8 flgureB Pottsville, with a
population of over 2,000 less than
Shenandoah, leads with the jurymen
by close upon 300 per cent. It may,
or may not surprise the Chronicle to
know that there are Pottsvlllo men
working in Pottsvlllo establishments
who do jury duty during the day aud
follow their regular vocation at nlcrht:
and, in a certain establishment of that
town, the workmen have an arrange
ment by which men take turns in
doing the work of each to enable the
filling of the. jury box. The jury sys
tem of Schuylkill county is rotten and
it Is surprising that the editor of the
Chronicle cannot smell it 'when it
it fumes directly beneath his nostrils.
Perhaps he is Buttering from a con
venient cold. Wo repeat that Potts
ville is the Suckerdom of Schuylkill
and some of its inhabitants are quite
prominent, loo.
Miles' Nerve and Llvor PIHa
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves,
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills Kpcedlly
cuie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile?,
constlatlon. unequaled lor men, women,
children. Hmallest, mildest, surest I 5 1 doses,
23ctB. Samples Free, at O. II. JIagenbuch's
drng store.
Beer : Extract !
and Ornamental,
Sifter two sla:es,'uoldf 25 ud
clean aud free from liupurl
No Ohango in tho Intoreat Bearing
Debt of tho aovornmont Tho
President Will Tnko His
Vacation To-morrow.
Hy National Press Association.
Washington, July a. Tho monthly
public debt statement has been Issued in
an cntlielynew form. It comblnoa both
tbe Secretary's statement of tho public
debt and the Treasurer's monthly state
ment ot assets nnd liabilities, heretofore
issued Beparatoly.
Comparison with the last monthly
statement and the statement issued July
1, 1890, shows an Increase in tho public
debt during the past mouth of about
$5,000,000, and a not reduction during
tho past flscal year of $22,000,000.
Tho surplus In tho Treasury to-day in
the new form of statemont is placed at
153,853,808, or about $5,000,000 less than
a month ago, with no change in tho in
terest bearing debt of the government
during tho past month. The bondod
dobt to-day is $010,529,120, made up in
round numbers of $500,000,000 4s, and
J30,500,000 4 1-2 per cent, bonds.
Secretary Fostor JCxplalns.
Secretary Foster gave out tho follow
ing statement explanatory of the changed
form of tho monthly debt statement and
the dally statement of cash in tho Treas
ury, which will hereafter bo Issued)
"lferotoforo tho manner and make-up
of tho monthly statemont required the
showing of an increase or decrease in the
public debt. Under this form it has
happened on several occasions that when
largo purchases of bonds were made the
statement followiug would show an in
crease of the public debt, wheu a reduc
tion had really been olloctod. This was
owing to tho fact that tho principal and
premium paid for bonds reduced the
cash on hand beyond the amount of
bonds actually redeemed,
."The Secretary hus concluded after
the statement of the debt from tho state
ment of the cash in the Treasury. Hero
after tho statement of the cash on hand
will show the net increase or decrease
from month to month nnd this statement
Will be a part of the form now adoptod.
"In making the net statement ot the
cas"h in tho Treasury tho figures will
plainly show the different kinds of
money iucludod In the total. Against
this total will be stated the cash liabili
ties. This part of tho now form will take
the place ot tho assets and liabilities
statement, heretoforo issued by the
"In former debt 'statements ths no
crned interest and interest duo nnd un
paid have appeared as ourrent liabilities.
The items have beon eliminated. The
Secretary holds that if accrued Interest
may be charged as a liability against
cash, then with equal propriety accrued
salaries can bo so charged, or in like
manner the accrued liability of tho con
struction ot publlo buildings or of tho
improvement of rivers and harbors.
"The matured dobt item Is made up of
the remnant of tho bonds and other
forms ot ludehtuess remaining uupald
from Iho foundation of tho goverment.
It is assumed that less than 25 per cent,
of these will ever bo presented for pay
ment. Thoj- aro now, as herotoforo, car
ried on tho debt statement, but uot as
liability against cash."
Tbe Frosldent Will Loave Wnslilngtou
To-Morrow Morning. -
Washington, July 2, Tho President
will leave to-morrow morning for Capo
May, N. J., and for tho next five or bIx
weeks will transact nil public business
requiring his attention at that place.
Private Secretary llalford will Join him
thora next week and establish nn office at
soma conveulont nlaco near tho Presi
dent's cottage, aud will arraugo for telo-
graphic connection wltu the executlvo de
partments at Washington.
Mrs, Dlmmlck and Mrs. Parker, nieces
of Mrs. Harrison, loft Washington yester
day for Capo May. Tho President will
be accompanied by Llout. John S. Par
ker, U. 8. N.
Tho White House will undergo exten
sive repairs during the summer, and will
uot be habitable.
July X'ciifttun Payments.
Washington, July 2. With this month
tho new law In relation to tho payment
of pensions goes into effect. Instead of
tha Treasury paying out quarterly $80,
000,000 or $40,000,000 to thu Pension
Department, the payments will be made
monthly on tha 4lli of each month. Tho
couufry Is divided into four divisions of
six agencies, and each division Is paid
auarterly. thus taking about $10,000,000
each mouth. Tho payments for July
will amount to between $10,000,000 aud
$11,000,000 and will uo paiu July 4.
Chnlrinan rlce's Circular.
WAsniNOTON, July 2. Hon. Calvin S.
Ilrice, chairman of tho National Demo
cratic Committee, has issued olroulars to
the members ot tho Nutlonal Committee
and to the chairmen ot the Democratic
State committees wherein he puta great
stress upon tho Importance of thorough
organization of the Demoor.ioy for the
coming oampaign, and partiuuUrly urge
the formation ot jamhoituio clubs in
every State and nelghborhool.
Waters' Weiss beer is tho boat. J 'tin A
Itoillv tolo agent. 5-tl
A Clothing Clerk Stoals his Em
ployer's Money.
lieubon "Win, a young Gorman 10 years
of ago. was before 'Squiro Williams this
morning, charged with robbing his om
ployor, J. Coffoe, tho South Main streot
clothior and dry goods dealor. Whllo Mr.
Cotfeo wn absent yestTday afternoon Win
stolo $471.50 from a drawer of a bureau in
a sitting-room at tho roar of tha store.
Mrs. Coffee caused tho arrest of tho clork
this morning and l'olicomon Connors,
Davis and Williams took charge of tho
clork. In Iho pockot of a coat hanging in
Win's room l'olicomon Williams and
Davis found $270 in gold and $1.50 in silvor.
Mr. Oblltio found $105 eocrelod ttndor tho
bureau in tho sitting-room aud tho accused
showed Polioenjan Connors whoro the
balanco of the monoy was hiddon undor
the counter in tbestoro.
Win, whon first arrostod, ploadod Inno
cence, but subsequently broko down and
admitted all. Ho wopl bitterly and mado
promises of reform if re'eased. Tho young
man tnld it ys his Brst crimo and that he
is respoetably connected In Lyke'ns. Ho
also said that ho w irked in tho Dolano
shops a short timo ago. Ho wa9 ongaged
by Mr. CoU'eo about a weok ago. 'Squire
Williams committed him in dofault of
$1,000, but tho indications this afternoon
pointed towards a spoedy settlotnont of tho
Torrlblo Death of a Broakor
John Yais, a Hungarian omployod in
tho broakor of tho Turkey Kun colliory,
mot a horriblo death yostorday. A bolt
caught his clothing and before ho could bp
released ho was drawn in a soraon and
was headless. Tha man resided on South
Jardiu streot.
A Farmer's Fall.
William H. Harrow, one of tho most
highly roepoctod and influential farmors of
tho Catawissa Valloy, Is lying in a critical
condition, tho rixult of injuries sustained
by a fall from his hay mow, on his farm
near Hingtown, As ho was stepping from
tho mow to a load of hay ho missed his
footing and foil, his head striking a beam
as ho descended, rendering him senseless.
Ho remained in that condition for some
.inio, as thoy had to travol a long distance
lor a physician. It was necessary to sond
for a second and both worked for almost
flvo hours boforo thoy rostored tho un
fortunate man. At last accounts Mr.
Barrow, who has a wido acquaintance in
this town, was still in a critical condition,
but tho doctors had hope for his recovery.
Ilnntlng for lJrnoe ol Swindlers.
Ballston, N. Y., July 2. A wealthy
farmer, named llotliwlck:, living near
this place, has been victimized out of
$3,000 cash by two strnngors, posing as n
judge from Ualllorula aud a doctor from
New York. They played the throe card
montagame and suddenly departed. Do
tectlves are on their track. Tho same
men are said to have buncoed n, farmer
living near. Bchonoctady out of $1,500 by
tho same game.
Frunoe and thu Urelbuuil. '
London, July 2. Franco has declined
to sign a renewal ot the North Sen Con.
ventlon to provont illicit traffic in alco
hoi among fishermen. Thin, combined
with Franco's attitude toward the Brus
sels Convention, Is regarded as a retort
to England's attitude toward tho Urol
bund, and Is likely to impede a settle
ment of the Newfoundland question.
The Prisoner'! llrotlicr Fainted
Canandaiooa, N. Y., July 2. William
Cox of Pholps, a. Y., was sentenced to
nine years and nine months at Auburn
prison for Incest. When sentence was
pronounced on Cox his brother tainted
and had to bo carried from the court
Died In'a flleoplng Car.
ScnBNioTADY, N. Y., July 2. Chas. M.
Neumbauer. connected with tbe Ilartholo-
may Brewing Company of Iiochoster, was
found dead whou Hearing this station in
a berth ot a New York Central Bleeping
car. Apoplexy was the cause of doath.
A Funeral.
James Morgan, who was Injurod at tho
Qilberton oolllory last week, was buried
yesterday from, Ills resldonce on Junobsrry
alley. The funeral was in chargo of I:. J
Davioe, tho North Jardin street under
Foil from a Roof.
Tatrlek Whalen. residing at No. 236
West Coal itroet, fell from a roof of a two
-tiTy building on Chestnut street, ytlerday
tfiornuon, but, liko a cat, landed upon his
n't and escaped injury.
Th worst cases of scrofula, srdt rhoum
.ad t .t diseases of tho bhiod, aro cured
t y lb d' tiftrsaparilla.
A Talo of Calculation How Bid
ders Bid and Dlffor Contract
Awardod for Fainting tho
School Buildings.
Tho following School Directors wern
present at a regular mooting of tho School
Iliard last evening: Messrs Beddall,
Troziso, O'Hearn, Cable, Urennan, GhI
lagher, Uutti, Uanna, Williams and Conry.
The llrst ordor of business was the onn
sideralion of a ooinmunlcalion from James
It. Lowis, a loaohor, requesting an increata
of salary from $85 to 15, on tho groin d
that ho has boon teaching In tho loc 1
sehonls for throe yoars. On motion, tho
communication was recoived.
Prof. Hhrhart was authorizod to pur
chase a now record book for tho library.
Tho coinmitteo on text books and sup
plies thou recommended the adoption of
books on history, latin, otc, as recom
mended by Superintendent Freeman,
Prof. Ehrhart and tho teaoher. Among
thorn wore tho books "Our Oovornment,"
"Tho Iioglnnors Latin Hook." and "!.
gloston's Kirst Hook in Amorican History.1'
.iso mo tomparanco sorios on physiology.
Tho committee also awarded tho contract
for stationery and like supplies to F J
lllds for furnbhing CI singlo desks for a
room in thu Uentro streot school building
wore open. d. Tho Punnsylvania School
Furnishing Company oil'erod to supply
them at 1.50 ?ach, whllo tho bid of tho
Illoomsburg Desk Company was S3.15.
Tho Illoomsburg company was awardod tho
Tho bids for painting tho school build
ings woro noxt opened. Thoy
woro as
I'alntluc Main Miv,i !-
- Xeulr " . "
. IiI3 uo
Total J722 CO
Painting Ccntro streot building. .S21W bo
" Alatu " " 200 IXI
" Lloyd " " aoo m
Total 700 00
Painting Lloyd street building fJ-.vJ 00
mam " 173 uo
" Contro " " lWi 00
Total . KiX) 0j
aiming Llnyd street bulldlug J2I0 00
150 10
, 102 10
Total .S682 00
Painting Lloyd street building $115 00
, &H) 00
102 78
Total JS77
fainting Centre utreet building (176 00
i.ioyn -..... 1 6 00
" Wain ' ' 120 00
Total WiO 00
The contract was awarded to Mr. Llow-
llyn and tho proper committee was
instructed to havo specifications and a con
.ract drawn for bis signature, and alto have
a bond furnished.
There was considerable talk about the
assignment of toachorj mado by 11 peri 11
tendunt Freeman and tho adoption of the
ofllcial list was Anally laid ovor for or
Thero was also a lengthy discussion on
the ownership of the oxonoratlon lists that
tax collectors furnish tho board. It has
boon claimod that thoy aro the property of
tho colloctors and are simply loaned to the
board. Tbe board decidod that tho lists
are tho property of the school district.
School Director Davonport roported thst
tho trustees of tho P. M. churoh were
urging that another janitor bo subitltuted
for the janitor who nttonds the school iu
tho church building. It was decided tb at
thejaultor was directly employed by the
board and that tha election of janitors bad
already been dispensed with.
Complaint was mado that the terrace at
tho rear of tho While street school build
ing was being destroyed by children sliding
down and romping upon it. It w tho
sense of tho meeting that all offenders be
A special meeting of the stockholders ot
tho Citizens' TJIectrio Light Co., of Shen
andoah, will be held August 20th, 18S1,
between the hours of two and four p. in.,
at tho office of faid company, No. iil, N.
Jardin street, for tho purposo of voting on
the question of Increasing tho capital stock
of said company, lly order of tho board,
John Gruhlku, Sec'y.
0 2S-Thur-8w
A Now Buslnesa.
P. J. Cleary has opened a itore in the
Ferguson's building, on East Centre street,
and It prepared to furnish tbe local trade
witb line leather and tboe finding and nil
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is
largo mo and well equipped to fully
supply all demands of the trado. 5-lS-tf
Advortlso in the Hekaib,
Professor Dwlght has severed his con
nection with tho law school of Columbia.
College, Now York.
The New Jersey State Teachers' Assc
c'ntlon Is in sonion at Asbury Park with
230 teachers present.
Percy Gilbert, a lad 10 years of age and
n sou of a prominent salesman ot
Oneontn, N. Y., was drowned while bath,
lug. ffgj
Pittsburg's striking carpenters will
compromise on a Saturday half-holldny,
which tho master carpenters will con
code. Judgments aggregating $22,000 were
taken by default ngalust Krender, Kloln
& Krouder, dealers in dry goods Now
Tho Michigan Househas pasied the
Senatorial gerrymander without nny
chango, and it has beon slguod by the
Tho death rate in Pittsburg. Pa., for
Juno wns tho highest lu many yoars.
There were 030 deaths. Thirty-live were
from oerobral spinal meningitis.
At a meeting in Hangor, Me., of the
State Democratic Committee It wa
unanimously decldod that the Issue of
tho next campaign should be the tariff
and the stand taken by tho Republicans
on prohibition.
At Cloquct, Minn., a balloonist named.
Bruce dragged aoros the roofs of sev
eral houses by an unmanageable balloon.
Ho was finally thrown out and fell from
a church roof to tho ground, but was
only slightly Injured.
A Ixmdon dispatch says that Mis
Eleanor Mary Packard of Albany, N. Y.,
was married to Captain Vincent Hatch nt
St. James's Church, Picadllly, yostorday.
A fashlonablo assembly of friends of tho
brldo and bridegroom woro present.
Uoports from Now Hampshire Indicate
that this season's bay crop will bo from,
one-fourth to ono-third short, with the
quality much liuprovod. Tho shortage
Is attributed to tho scarcity of labor aud
tho high rates ot wages demanded.
Great prepnrntions are being made nt
Minneapolis, Minn., for the comlnfj
convention ot tho Young Poople's So
cloty of Christian Endeavor, to bo hold
from tho 0th to tho 12th Inst. Large
delegations from thu East nro oxpoctcd.
AYoAtllfU Indication.
Washington, July '.'.For Now Kmtlandt
and slightly cooler on tho Haswohusot. r,Ur
l'or Eattern Now York: Showers: Butu,.
temperature; southeasterly winds.
For Now Jersey: Light sbowoin; stationary
temperature on tho ooait; slightly coolcri
southeasterly winds.
For Western Now York: Showers; stationary
temperature; southeasterly winds.
Typhoid Fever Hprondlng.
PnovuiKxcE, R. I., July ".Typhoid
fovor at Valloy -Falls is spreading and
the Cumberland Town Council has taken
precautionary measures to prevent Its
further progress. President Currier of
tho Town Council nnd Dr. Fisher of tho
State Board of Health havo beon appoint
ed a commlttoo to eugago nurses, pro
cure disinfectants and to use nil means
possible to relievo tho suffering of tho
sick nud to prevent tha spread ot tho
13,000 Miners Ktrlko for Nino Hours,
Mautin'm Fkruy, O., July 2. All of tho
men lu the railroad mines in Belmont,
Jotlerson, Guernsey and Harrison coun
ties, numbering over 2,000, havo struck
for ulna hours aud the Columbus day
1'uddlfU'M and Houtom Htrlkp.
Vohwbtown, Pa., July 2. Tho pud-
and heaters In tho rolling mills of
J .J Hooveil havo struck on account of
his refusal to sign tho Amalgamated As
sociation ucalo.
bpilni? Gaidon ltauk'a Avaflts.
PniLADKLniiA, July 2. Receiver Fisher
of tho broken Spring Garden Bauk states
that ho believes tho assets of the con
cern will pay over 60 per cent, of Its lia
bilities. (llitUtolin liui'rovlnx.
London, July 2. Mr. Gladstone is al
most restored tn liealt, and ho enjoys
welt au tUe cliffs and banks.
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for tho Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
TlmrgclHy MoriilHK-
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for tho Fourth
Small Hams for tho Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
No. 122 North Jardin Street
OlsnSTI'S l-or yl for the
Sold lu oilif stores for iu. All floor
j.iel itli- ivilue d. 'ail lor onrgatns
Carpet Store, 10 South JarJin SL, near Centre