The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1891, Image 1

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The annual crop of slanderous on
slaught upon Senator Quay la now
nnnn tha market. A twiiif of weak-
minded soroUeads opened the market
in Philadelphia yesterday by throw
ing broadcast a vile, vindictive docu
ment that is a disgrace to the signers.
The approach of the att-Ack was
heralded throughout the country for
several days pist and the pe'iplo were
notified to be prepared for "a political
sensation of the first magnitude."
As sensation boomers the authors of
that excellent sample of vituperative
rhetoric are complete failures. The
document is uu insult to tho intel
ligent voters of the country. It is a
fraud built upon a combination of base
lies aud no intelligent man who reads
it can hereafter entertain any respect
for the men who have signed it.
"It Is signed by one hundred and
fifty Ilepublicans" says a short-sighted
contemporary. It is signed by one
hundred aud fifty political renegades
who conspired months ago to hamper
the Itepubllcau party, doing their
dirty work under the guise of saviors
of the party.
The men who signed that document
are prompted by partisan malice,
JThev are assaulting the Gibraltar of
the Republican party with a view to
destroying tho whole and place vic
tory In the hands of the Democrats.
The document shows upon its face that
there is a snake in the grass and when
the signets tay they have made the
attack hoping to promote party har
mony and success they Bbow their
utter disregard for the truth. These
meu are not in a position at this late
day to demand that Mr. Quay resign
from the leadership of the Republican
party. Their hands are not clean.
They are not Republicans. They
have left undone those things which
they ought to have done months ago,
if the object they pretended to reach
could have been secured by any pos
sible means. They are men who are
ever ready to assert and never ready
to prove and their latest attack should
bo thrown aside until they make good
their unfinished work. If Mr. Quay's
. answer to their old charges was not
complete and sufficient to vindicato
him let them step forward like men, if
they are such, and present their
proofs. If they are not capable of do
ing bo let them put their charges and
Allen's : Eoot :
Is an extract of medicinal roots and herbs or making a
pleasant and healthul Summer Drink. It is easy to
make, requires no boiling or straining. One bdltle will
make six gallons o Root Beer.
There Is every Indication
season. Jiuy your jars in
We have a large stock
Jars with Porcelain Lined
I'iojstios nsro-w iisr obdeb.
I?or iMc-nlc LuucIich We Uavc
X.c1nucm Summer SauBaffe-CliIppecl.
Chipped Ilriea Beef.
Sardines in mustard and Oil.
Canned Salmon.
Crosse St ItlaclcMdl'S Finest Imported PIclcles and Chow
JLuucli Milk Biscuits, 3 pounds for 25c.
Coffee Biscuit aud Nlc-nacs, 3 pounds lorjasc
Cream Soda Biscuit.
Fancy Creamery Butter.
Convenient, Useful
The Patent Flour Bin and Sitter two siZCSj'Iiolds 25 aud
so pounds. Keeps your Hour dean and free from Impuri
ties. Can tie sifted Just as needed by simply turning n cranlc
A lot ot Table Oilcloth, xl yds. wide, at 20c n yard
proofs in the hands of men who nro
and not resort to the childish tactics
of trying to associate Mr. Quay with
the failure of the Sectional Board bill
aud Bardslcy's defalcations.
In their last splurge these cut-throata
mako some very grave charges aud it
may happen that Mr. Quay will turn
upon them aud demand that they give
their ruertlons the proper backing,
rn such an oveut, judging irom past
history, these hypocritical Mugwumps
will find themselve3 in a nasty pre
Those who know Mr. Quay know
that whatever he does follows calm
aud deliberate consideration, aud
when he acts ills movements aro sub
jectto more than one construction.
They are decisive and fearless, such as
cause coppjrhends like the eigners of
that slanderous manifesto to crawl into
their holes.
Mr. Ouav could not have attained
his undisputed leadership of the Re
nubllcan party without deserving it
aud for htm to reach that point with
out creating btrong personal antag
onisms could not bo expected. Very
naturally Mr. Quay has madeallWuces
best calculated to advance his own
plans and in dispensing his aid and
influence has first Berved those who
have served him. Among those who
have been fortunate enough to get on
the ground floor with Mr. Quay are
tho latest would-be sensation boomers
Tuev have not been obliged to nurse
becauso there is no man in this country
who despises a party traitor more thau
Mr. Ouav does. Hence, the case of
tho manifesto Issued by the "160 It
publicaus" is n very clear one. Quay
hates the traitors to his party aud the
traitors hate Quay. Quay is on top of
tlfe liean inside tho fence and the
traitors are In the soun outside. The
traitor has but one cousolatlou try to
pull Quay down. This they are try
ing to do, but they will never succeed.
The Mugwumps own paper, the Phila
delphia Press, is forced to this admis
sion: "The Btrlctnres which the address
makes upon Mr. Quay lose nearly all
their force by being associated with
matters lrrelevent and disconnected.
Tho object which tho address
proposes to tho Republican voters of
Pennsylvania would have been mucli
better promoted by a briefer, betttr
considered and better reasoned at
peal." REUABIE
Beer : Extract !
of a larae crop o Irult this
o Mason's Standard Glass
and Ornamental,
A Platoon of Witnossos Testify in
Now York's "Jock tho Rlppor"
Caso Tho Prisoner Displays
No Excitement.
III NtUional Pre 'lactation.
New York, July 1. A platoon of
witnossos inarched Into the General Ses
sions, fired upon Ameer Hen All and fell
back. Thoy displayed tlio utmost pre
cision and directness. Nono of them
made any serious blunder. True, they
came from the slums, aud most of them
admitted that they wore old Jailbirds.
Will the jury bollovo their testimony?
Ferhaps. If a revolting crime Is com
mitted amid the most squalid sur
roundings, what witnesses can bo
brouuht forward other than tho sodden
creatures who frenuent the scene of the
It is too early to do any prophesying
vet. but It is hard to believe that an In
telligent Jury will doom a man to death
on the testimony of such degraded per
sons. lfrcnclijr Not Exlttil.
Throuuhout the long drawn proceed
ings the nrlsonor ntiver ceased to watch
evervthluif that was going on. He ob
served each witness' face as earnestly
ami cnmnosedlv as a man studies hand-
-writing. He must have understood
much of what tho witnesses wore saying,
yet neither fear, nor halo, nor rage
movBil him as he gazed at tho men and
women whoso words, If believed, will
send him to awful death.
t:lrcnni8tantll KvlJence.
The chain of circumstantial ovldonce
had another link rivlted in it by Mrs,
Sullivan's testimony. Sho unwittingly
but vividly painted tho life of poor old
Shakespeare. Tho wrotohed old woman
hadn't eaton anything for two or three
Tho Sullivan woman had only S3
cents, but they wont into a Baloon and
got a glass of boer. Hero they ate tho
free lunch of corned beef and cold slaw,
u pickle, bro ,d, and Anally, at Alice bul
livan's treat, a clieoso sandwich each.
Science finds all thoso in the blood uu
dor Frenchv's linger nails.
The witnesses for the day woro; Eddie
Fltzirerald. who can't write unless some
body bdoIIs for hiin. He rehearsed the
letting of room No. 83 to Fronchy.
Samuel Shine, tho bartonder, once an
operative of a knitting machine, told
how Freuchv had slept in tho house tho
ninht urevlous to the one on which the
murder occuriod.
Dr. William K. Jenkins minutely de
scribed tho wound soon by him ut the
autopsy on "Old Shakespeare," aud de
clared that nor ueain was uy strangula
Detective George Aloncle told how ho
discovered the lie of "Fronchy's" circum
stantial story about getting blood-st lined
in Jamaica.
Marv Ann Lopez told how Bhe identi
fled Fronchy in the station house as tho
man who had bitten her arm in attempt
inir to rob her of a dollar.
David Gilloway, Edward Smith and
Tlmndore Miller swore to having seen a
knife in French's hands simitar to that
held liv the assistant district-attorney.
Inspector Uvrnes Win nrooauiy ue
called to the stand this afternoon ana
mnv snrlnu u surnriso on tho defence.
Tlie Recorder ruled out an ovjuenca re
garding tho kulfo found under the mur
dered woman.
nnDfllutlns IleDiirls About Ills l'ullun-
Au Explanation of the Affair.
IVistom. Julv 1. J. M. Hill, the well
known theatrical manager of New York
aud Boston, has failed. Several attach
ments have been placed upon his prop
ertv here. Several enterprises which
have not turned out as proiltahle as was
lmnad for is said to be the cause of tu
failure. There aro many rumors In re
gard to the assets, but nothing definite
nan be learned. Several hazard the opin
ion that he will not be able to pay more
than Ave cents on tlio dollar.
New York-, July 1. Tho report
which came here from Boston that J. M,
Hill, the woll known theatrical inana
ger, had falleu, is s.uu nore 10 no un
true. An explanation of the nffalr it
Iloston was. however, given. It teems
that Hill, in addition to his theatric il lu
terests, has recently started a restaurant
lu Boston. ThN, It Is said, did not pay,
and a week since he was compelled to
rulia. bv a mortgage of Eay.UUU on hi
two Nw York theatres, money to take
an attachment off his Boston restaurant,
Illssmall creditors are now beginning
tn nren him. but he Is having no dllll
eultv. it Is said, iu mtetlng their d
mauds. Ills largo creditors are not
Imihnrlnn him. In addition to his poor
investment in Boston, Mr. Hill is said to
have endorsed largely for a menu, wn
lias now gone back on him, and ho must
moot the notes.
Mr. Hill is at the Hotel Imperial. He
sent word dowu that ho was tired, but
stated that he would bo out of the
woods aud have all bis debts paid by
next January.
Mites' Norve and Liver Film
.v.. aui rvriln litlu VAUlllbtl 111
1. uu 11 ........ I-- t
........ .u ui.ii IwtuTAlM fJiiniM1 tittk nmrw.m
A nAv .tlwiovery. lit. MIU-S" Mils spdlly
oute blllousue, Laa ut-u.t rpi 1 utr. ,- e.
ctillUiHU Bmallesi, mlMcm, sun-til Sidles,
istcla. Kamj ma rref, ut 1. . 11. ui'iuuutu
n riiif mure.
Advertise in the Ukualb.
Malaohi J. Cleary U on tho sick list.
Isaaohnr Uobbin, of l'ottavlllo, was ill
town to-ay.
Uoosn Powell spent a part of to-day at
Park PIkco.
Hon Ellas Davis, of Wadesvillo, was In
town to-day.
Onpt. Goo. W. Johnson, of St. Clair,
was in town yestorday.
Assistant District Attornoy Shay spent
this afternoon in town.
'Squiro Coyle, of Mahanoy City, spent
part of yoslerday in town.
Mrs. Archie 11. Lamb, who has boon ill
for several days past, is improving.
Miss Maggio Pagan, of West Oak street,
is visiting friends in Wllllanisnort.
Isaao Thomas left town yesterday with
his family for Waloe and will remain thoro.
Mrs. P, U. Donnelly, of Springfield,
III., is tho guest ,of friends on Wost Centre
Matt. Whcelihan loft town yoetnrdsy af-
rtoou for California, with the intonlion
of locating thoro.
Colonel Gibbons was a visitor to Maha
noy City yoHerday, looking for a location
to build a new opera house.
Levi Kossler's family yesterday moved
to Potlstown, where Mr. Knssler is now
ocatod as ugent for a tea company.
W. II Arms, of Alluntown, Traveling
assorifjor Agent of tho Erlo ltailway, was
n town yesterday on important business.
badio Hasslor, of North Jardin stroet.
returned homo yesterday after snendlnir
avoral weeks with Berk county friends
nd relatives.
Rov. William Shopp, eon of Daniel
.Shepp, Tamaqua, was in town yesterday,
nd will probably preach in tho Prosby-
terian ohur.-h on Sunday.
John A. Proston, formerly of town, but
nw a rpsidi-ntof Djlano, and who wu in
ured in p. railroad wreck at Glen Onoko
on Sunday morning, was not injured g
bad us first reported.
J. H. Kester loft town this moraine for
Kingston, Luzerne county. Ho will be
absent two ft celts and in that time will visit
all places of interest in Lunernn ami
Lackawanna countios.
Local Baso Ball Notes.
The Shenandoah cluh will go to Delano
on the lourth, and cross bats with Cap
lain banger's strong combination. Guiso
nd Gibson will bo the battery for tho
visitors and Usynold's and Griffin for
The Hrownsviilo club is anxious to meet
thoLoet Crook club, ilanagor Wh&lon
tako notice.
Gibson has not (truck out this season, and
llincks but once. Gradwell surprised
vorybody at tho last gamo by not making
a sate hit.
Hyan, of tho Hrownsviilo club, is
promising twirlcr.
Home had nine bits in four tamos. He
13 also playing a great gamo at second.
Tho singlo members of tho llescuo H.
U Co. will play the niarriod incmbors on
iho Fourth.
MoNoalis U a regular stone wall at short.
Tho inside employes of tho Ellengowan
colliory will play tho outside employes at
Liamgan'a on the altprnoon of tho Fourth
Tho Shenandoah Base Ball Club is being
re-organlzd under tho management of
I'ctor Toole and Martin Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brougliall re
turned to town lat night from thoir brida
tour and wero soronaded at their hand
mrnidy furnishod residence on East Oak
lrect by tho Grant Cornot Hand. Soveral
excellont selections wero renderod and tb
members thon oflurpd thoir congratulations
to Iho groom and his brido. Tho horn and
tin pan brigade then surrounded the house
-ind made the night hideous with their noise,
l'ho now benedict held the fort lor nuito
while and when ho dually surrendered b
was cheered lustily.
Tbo Grant band also serenaded John W
Weeks, tho now proprietor of tho Eagl
hotel, on West C'ordrq stroet, und th
genial host reciprocated iu a libural man
Now Offlcors.
Major Jennings Council, No. 3G7, Jr,
0. U. A. M., last ovoning elected tbo fol
lowing officers to serve for tho ensuing
semi-annual terms Jr. P. 0,, Wm,
Jacobs; C, 0, T. Straughnj V. 0., Stophon
Llndoiirauth; Treasurer, Wm, II Doltroy;
It. S., Thomas Sanger; A, K 8., Wm. J,
James; F. S., Georgo Spade; Conductor,
Orant Doltroy; Warden, John Foge!
. S., Hubert rJcbaup: 0. 8., W. J. Grad
well; Trustee, Win, J, Jacobs; ltopruson
Utivo. Honry Hlckloman.
Glvo TJb a Joint Parado.
Representations from all societies intor
etted iu a joint parado on July 4th will
meet In tho A. T. A. B. ball, on Chestnut
stroet, Thursday ovoning at 7:80 o'clock.
Juno 80, 1891.
A Now Business.
P. J. Weary hat opened a store In the
FerMiuoo's building, on East Centre street
anil is prepared to furnish, the local trade
w.lh One iratber and shoe findings and
Kind of shoemaker' supplies. His stock Is I
a largo one and wli tvippod to fully)
-.11 J . ,1 - .1 R IT.
A Councilman Causos His Arrost
But tho Suit is Withdrawn.
DoathB From Paralysis
and DropBy.
Lnwis Honder, a one-armed man who
said ho resided in l'ltteburg, wai arrotleu
hy Chief of Volice Amour lint night on
complaint of Councilman Wurm.
Hinder stood in front of tho Watson
House, selling pevcils, pins and noveltie
and' whon ordered to desist by Wurm ho
rnulcd and continued mahingsaloj. When
arrostod Uender said ho had a state license
tu peddle, although ho was not an old
soldier, aid, furthermore, that Ohio! llur
gws Leesig had authorizsd him to sell.
'Squire Shoomakor relied upon tho bor
ough ordinanco adopted Juno 7, 1833,
which proviJos : "That from and after th
passage of this ordinance no person or per
4on shall ho permitled to vend patent
moiicines, or any other articles of mer
chandise, in tho public streets of said bor-
ugh. All persons so offending shall bo
ned tho sum of thirty dollars for ouch and
every offonco and in default of payment
thereof shall bo committed to tho lockup
for tha period of forty-eight hours."
Inasmuch as Binder was a crippio and
epondont up in hU sales for a living tho
prosacution otWed to withdraw tho suit
and save tlie imposition of tho heavy line,
pon condition that ho premised not to sell
ipon iho Ktreote of tho town again, lien
or agreed to this and tho suit was with
raw 11.
Booming: Lakosido.
Tho manager! of Likesido l'ark at East
Mahsnny Junction aro full of resonrcos for
providing onlertainmonts for the visitors to
that already famous resort. Thoy are now
considering tho advisability of having a
threo-day exhibition for the tonotit of the
romen of tho county. Thero aro 25 com
panics consisting of 6,000 mon in tho
county. It :s proposed to display not only
flro on gin os and ho.-o and ladder trucks,
but alt tho jiovollic and inventions in uso
anywhero in extinguishing flros. The
Washington IIoso boys had bettor begin tu
pt tho dust iAl' tho old hand ongino ;
would mako an interesting exhibit. Ash
land Telegram.
Lust ovoning, at tho residence of Doacrn
John Bunn, and by tho Hov. H. G. James,
Mr. Uayid W. l'rico and Mise Clara M
Jacobs, both of Shenandoah,
Tho kweetest rose will have Its thorn
Aud pjHsItu cloud the brightest, morn
May sh'tiio with iram-iont Badness:
bo of the Ills life koeris must bear
You may, diar irleuds, have your share
To make nviru prl.LHl its gladness,
itut, ba tlie future lite the past:
You both rn iy confidently cast
Your cares 011 Him, who earctli
Jor them whose llila trust ami love,
First KOK Ills bleHHlugfromabovu
Who all there burdens beareth.
l'astor Knallsh Haptist church.
Shenandoah, July 1, lMil.
Gilborton's Big Day.
Tlio colebration of tho Fourth of July
in Gilberton this year will bo tho greatest
in tho history of tho borough. Messrs.
Alexander Jacobs, Fred. Weeks, Asboy
Rolliet, William V. Jonos and John T.
Davis aro membora of tlio committoo of
arrangements. Thoro will bo a parnuo at
9 a. m. end a grand masquerade carnival
at 1 p. m. In tlio ovoulng theru will bo a
display of llroworks and a balloon ascon
sion, A grand ball will bo bold in Itobbim,'
opera lmuso on Friday uvening, July 3rd.
First c1b orcha-tra. 7-l-3t
Reckless Shooting,
Voting mun of town are in the habit ot
going upon tho mountain, near tho Bran-
donville road, to shoot at mark nnd are
frequently nuito careless in tho praotice,
sometimes shooting towards tho bouses on
Lino street nnd endangering the lives of
tho residents. Tho other day shots wore
tired towards tho houses and two bullets
wuro imbedded in the framo work of n bouse
closo to a woman who was washing clothos,
First OlaBS in History.
Toaohor "Why did Aloxander woop?"
Clas "'Cos ho couldn't find any more
worlds to conquer,"
Teacher " Why oould he find no moro?"
Class '"Cos ho didn't advertiso."
Mrs. Daniel llinkle, of North Chostnut
ttroet, died this morning from tho effects of
a third imrnlytio ftroku.
Mrs. Peter Becker, residing in Leitzel'a
flat, on East Coal street, died this morning
of drbpsy.
Bat dumut shirt iu town,
Famous" olotliinj; bouse, 6O0.
punk from 76c. up.
at "The
Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the
name Lbbsio in Co., Ashland, Pa.j is
t..A .,..,.. .nnl. tf-?-3rnUr
All DnHK" l Orvr but Farm Hduici Art
btlll NtirrpumliMl AVutor.
Kansah City, Mo., July 1. Tho flood
n the Missouri ftiver readied its highest
tago ot8 o'clook, whon it registered 25
feet nnd Wo Inches aliore low water
mark. The water Is now falling at tho
rnto of nn Inch an hour, and nil appro-
hension of further danger Is set at rest.
Farts ot Kansas City, Kan., are still
submerged by thu back water, but only
tho houses of squatters Iu the low lands
have been badly damaged. Various In
dustries in the bottoms hnve been sort
ously Inconvenienced.
ilurleni, the village across the river.
which was flooded yosteulay, is still un
der water, but no further damage has
been done.
A special from Atchison, Kan., snyst
The houuu of Pleasant Little of Doniphan
Point went into the river with its cou-
tents yesterday afternoon. Tho housa
was occupied by John McQueen nnd his
family. Little boardod with thorn. Thoy
had vacated tho house a fow hours be
fore it fell, taking refuse Iu the mala
land. Little escaped with McQueen'
family, but has not been seon since, aud
It Is fearud that he returned to the lious
and was lost with it
Between Atchison nnd lltishvlllo tho
Jlnnnihal & St. Jo aud Kaunas City, St.
Jo ec Council lllulls tracks aro covered
with water In several places. Between
IluslivlUe and the river not less than 25
farm houses are surrounded by water
and tlie farmers are out in boats trying
to rescuo shocks of wheat that nro yet
above water.
1 Toting AVcm or ut Lawrence Kills Ills
bweetlieart unit Hlimolr.
Lawiience, Mass., July 1. A torrlblo
Ungody occurred in Union street nt 7
. 111. John Kausch, aged 24, called Marin
Burckett, nged 1H years, from the Everett
Mills, whero she was employed, and after
a fow words shot lior through the hoart,
killing her Instantly, itmittch thon shot
and killed himself, putting a bullet
through his head.'
Miss Burckett was Unusch'sBwcethoart.
Thoy have kept company for about two
years, but ltausch becumo lmprossod wltu
the Idea that his affection was not fully
Tho bodlos of both woro takon to No. 3
Engine House, whero thoy wero viewed
by tho medical examiners.
Georgo Frnncis Train sails for New
York from Liverpool on the Majestic to
Tho Cedar Hill Seminary buildings nt
Mt. Joy, 1'h., werolaliurned early iu tha
morning. Loss, 5,000 ; insurance small.
Weiner's Brewery and the Laboratory
of Weiner's Modlclne Company nt Ushers,
N. Y-, were destroyed by Are yesterday.
Loss, $20,000.
Queon Victoria has conferred tho dig
nity of tho peerage upon Lady Mnodon
aid, widow ot Sir John Macdonuld, lata
Premier of Canada.
Secretary Noblo bos appointed Hon.
Oliver P. Hnllam ot Nashville, 111., to
bo Assistant Chief Clerk of tho Pension
Ofllce, vice Green B. ltauni, jr., resigned.
Hugh C. Miller, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
the young man who has earned the tltla
to "llrobug" in sotting tiro to eovoral
tenements In that city, has been sen
tenced to tho Elmlrn Iteformatory.
Lloutenant - Commander George A.
Norris of tho U. S. S. Omaha, died at
Sau Frauclsoo, yesterday of pneumonia.
Ho graduated from tho Naval Academy
twonty-flvo years ngo. Ho was bora in
John M. D. Fnushnwo, who wus con
victed In Now York city r sw mouths
ago of arson in tho llrst de " 1 and sen
tenced to twelvo years impri jnruant, has
been admitted to bail in tho sum of
$10,000 pending an app -l
William II. Best, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
tho bigamist, who after marrying oue
wife in Now York and anotbor in jtrooK
lyn went to Chicago whore ha tried to
contract a imru uiarriago, was soiueuceu
to two years and olevou months Imprison
ment. The Huntingdon, Pa., Manufacturing
Co., controlled by the Iron Car Equipment
Company, or Hew lorK, uas inueiiuiieiy
suspended operations. Three hundred
men are thrown out ot employment n
is rumored that tho plant will bo re
moved to Icnneaseo.
Small Hams for tho Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams fot the Fourth
Tlmrsdny Ilaraias;
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
Small Hams for the Fourth
No. 122 North Jardin Street,
CZBaSTTS per yd for tho
Hold In other Hioreg for Sio. Alt floor
,i.ii ro l nvTl. Oall for bargains
Carpel oture, 10 ;h Jard d St, near I'calro