The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 30, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--NO. 1G7.
If Senator Moniiglnui will usa his
Inllueuce Shenandoah can have a
military company. I'ottsvillo, with
less population, has two companies
and u tender. St. Clair, Tauinqua,
Glrardvltle and Mahauoy City, emaller
towns, have one eash. Surely there
is at) sufficient and as good material
here as In other towns In the county
. lor such a company and why should
' wo be left In the cold?
I Shenandoah, at' ono time, had pride
,in the llneat, best drilled and largest
company in the gallant Seventh
regiment. That company was dis
banded through the dirty work of a
few disappointed and disgruntled
men. Shenandoah was insulted, a
reliable company was disbanded, and
ono of the best-hearted and noble
olUcerain the service wa9 driven to
his death, Colonel Alexander Cald
well, as bravo and valiant a soldier as
ever wore shoulder straps, felt the loss
of that regiment so keenly that had
much to do with his -death. Hut not
ouly did Shenandoah lotto its popular
company the whole gallant Seventh
i4Reglinent was sacrificed 1
If Senator Monaghan will move In
the matter Shenandoah will get there
Andv Coca ban's division of the
wards in town will meet with about as
much public approval as does the road
he laid out between here and Bran
donvillo. Any one who; ever traveled
thut portion of It going down into
j Brandon villo will understand the
;i forue of these remarks. Sunday News.
g Why this misrepresentation? Mr.
C Cochran had no hand in laying out
I the Brandonvllle road. The viewers
,yvero J. O. Roads, a surveyor from
it hat Gibraltar of Democracy, West
fPeuu, and another whose name we
ffcannot now recall. They did their
?vork all right, but the road wasn't
1 built as they wished It. It remained
for the Supervisor, a Democrat, t.o
build the road as he saw lit. The
jpoyles should refresh their memories
on county affairs.
CEISTTS per yd for tho
Hold In other stores for 35c. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargulas
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Allp.-n'.Q "Rnn,
..I... KJ LJ VV W
Is an extract, of medicinal roots and herbs for mailing a
pleasant and healthful Summer Drink. It is easy to
make, requires noboiling or straining. One bottle will
make six, gallons of Hoot Beer.
There is every indication
season. Buy your jars in
We have a large stock
Jars with Porcelain JLlned
ipiajsrios nsrow nsr order.
For IMc-nlc Lunches Wc Have
Lebanon Summer Sausage Chipped,
Chipped Dried Keel',
gtnrclliies in Blustard and Oil.
Canned Salmon.
Crosse & Dlackwcll's Finest Imported Plcltles and Chow
chow. Lunch Milk Iliscults, 3 pounds for 25c.
Coflee Biscuit and lo nacs, 3 pounds forasc,
Cream Soda Biscuit.
Fancy Creamery Butter.
Convenient, Useful
The Patent Elour Bin and
tWti Can Uc lifted Jint as needed by simply tiirniiiKrn crruilc
A tot oi Tnhlc Oilcloth, ij yds. wide, at 20c a yard
The Alliance pautv before it gets
well started appears to be about to split.
OnooflU most daugerous, and yet to j
eonio minds most attractive, schemes
Is that to establish sub-treasuries all I
ovor the country, and as to that there
Is division In the ranks, with a strong
probability that there may bo two Al
liance parties formed, one advocating
and the other opposing sub-treasuries.
The new party has started out unwisely
w)th spocltlc schemes of legislation,
instead of being foundel on broad
principles, allowing latitude for differ
ences of opinion among Its members,
and party thus founded Is sure to be
The Iowa Democrats have fulfilled
general expectation by renominating
Horace Boles for tho Governorship.
Bolus ought to be a good man fur
Iowa Republicans to beat this fall. Ho
was elected by stay-at-home Republi
cans, who were for the moruent dissat
isfied with the Iowa prohibitory laws,
and who thoughton general principles
that a change in tho state government
might be a good thing. This Is shown
by the fact that iu 1800, when only I
minor state officers were to be elected '
the vote of Iowa was larger by almost
40,000 than In 1889, while the Domo-
cratio plurality of 0,523 was trans
formed in 1600 Into a Republican one 1
of 3,690 for Secretary of State. This'
proves thut Iowa is still a Republican I
One of tho causes of gold-shipments
this year is that the freight on $880,000,-'
000 of exports last year was in large
part paid to foreliru ship owners.
Another is tho money sent abroad j
for goods thut we can make here.
Liberal aid to American snipping will,
remove the former Influence and the
McKlnley bill will do the latter. In
four months of this year the MoKluley
bill reduced the Imports in seven
schedules of dutiable goods by $18,600,
000. Foil a mau with a bankrupt Treas
ury, Uncle Sam appears to be getting
along fairly well. Ho seems to be pay
ing his debts on demand, and there Is
a little matter of over f 44,000,000 In his
storehouse laid up against a rainy day.
But, of course, that doesn't count.
When a Democrat wants to make a
point he never stops to count.
Now Is a good time to buy a sIoIrIi.
"Rapt Krsrbrsrfr !
- ' Vi ' w
of a large crop of Jirult this
of Mason's Standard Glass
and Ornamental,
Sifter two slzes,"Iiolds 35 and
Throo Lawyer'B Flghtlngr Hard to
Prove His' Innoconco Micro
soopio Tests That Will Toll
Against tho Prisoner.
liy Rational Press Association.
New York, Juno CO. Ameer Hen All,
the Algerian vagabond, variously known
to the police as Qeorgo Frank, Frank
Slierltok and Frcnchy No, 1, and to New
York nt largo as Jack the Mp, er, in on
trial for lili life bofore Itecorder Smyth,
charged with the butchery of the old
Womnn Carrie Brown, alias Shakespeare,
in the East Elver Hotel on tho night of
Al.rll 23. ,
When tho court opened at 10:30 tho
jury filed in and solemnly took their beats.
Chief Inspector Byrnes strodo Into court,
accompanied by Detective Sergeants
McClusky, Frlnk, Crowley and Aloacle,
and took a seat at the right of the bench.
On tho benches at the back of tho court
there were not more than a dozen spec
tators, all morbid curiosity seekers be
ing rigidly excluded by order of the He
corder. Viscount d'Absac, the French Consul
General, and M. Eduiond iletirtol, coun
sel to the' French Consuluta, seated
themselves near the counsel for the de
fendant. Behind the bars of tho prisoners' pen
sat a motley gathering of gaudily attired
women and tough looking men, Cherry
utreot rouuders and habitues of tho East
River Hotel, awaiting their turn to be
called' as w Itnesses for the people.
Tho Algerian, closely attended by an
officer, emerged from tho pen and stum
bled down to the table occupied by his
couusel. The prisoner's hair was care
fully "i-llcked" and his straggly beard
was trimmed Into sonio semblance, of re
spectability. Ho halted iu front of the
jury, executed ids peculiar salaam by
rnislug his bands with tho palms extend
ed, placing tho tips of his lingers on his
breast u'ml touching them to his lips,
and then dropped into his seat and fixed
his gaze on vijoancy. All evea in tin.
uuii toujji neie 'nxca upon, his yellow
and wrinkled vis go as he sat stolidly be
tween his counsel, Lawyer Friend, and
tho Interpreter, blinking Ht the sunlight
that utreuuicd full upon his face from
the southern windows.
Mont of. the testimony taken was a
repetition of that delivered at tho coro-
uer's Inquest six woeks ago.
Catherine McQovern, who llrst Identi
fied old Shakespeare's body; Policeman
Jeremiah J. Grllllu, who took tho knife
from under it, and Policeman John Mul
arkey, who kept stragglers awjty from
the scene of the murder, testified. As
the knife was passed from hand to hand
through tho jury box Frenchy observed
It in an nputhotic fashion.
A Point fur Frenchy
Mary Hlnetur, the girl who assigned a
room to Shakespeare and the missing
fair-haired man on the night of the mur
der, told bur story over again. She didn't
know who Shakespeare's companion was
or whether he had a mustache or hazel
eyes or fair hair. "He was tall ami light
ish," said Mary. "I thought ho might
have hazel eyes because ue was light
complexioned. The mun certaluly was
not Frenchy."
MIcroacopio Testa.
By microscopic tests it was shown
that the dark rod spots upon tho prison
er's sblrt and fingers were made by blood
mingled with intestinal lluld. The ex
perts testified that in the scraping from
Ben All's nails were infinitesimal bits of
the very food Carrie bad eaten, mingled
with bloou corpuscles, ilio woman was
old and thin blooded. Tho blood
corpuscles found upon the person of
Frenchy No. 1 were shown to have coma
from an anoiinlc person. Carrie Brown
was choked to death; then her murderer
lashed at her senseless body.
The experts for the prosecution testi
fied that minute lnspectiou of tho 11 110, (
dried blood found upou "Frenohy's"
hands uud clothes showed that it came
from a dead, not a living, body.
This is tlio most terrible evidence that
could be brought against Ameer Ban Ati.
Beside It the detectives' testimony about
bloodstains 011 tho floor leading to his
room itself sinks into Insignificance.
But will It be strong enough to overcome
the feeling in the prisoner's favor sure
to be created by tho absence of tho man
who led her to her death chamber?
The prisoner's lawyer closely exom
lned every witness and are working hard
to save their client. They will claim
that It was Slmkesponie's companion
who committed the crime, after which
lie made Ids escape by the skylight to
th roof.
A DIstrlut-AUoriiejr to Im Tiled.
Wateiitowk, N, Y Juno U0. Smith
II. Lindsay, tho noted lawyer, of Utica,
arrived hero last night with a commis
sion to net for Attoruey-Geiieral Tabor,
with Lanslug & Lansing, of this city, in
the trial before Gov. Hill's referee, Jadge
Gilbert, of Clinton County, of the
cliargos against District-Attorney Peck,
0( tuu county, lor malversation aim mat
feasaucein ofllce, three 'prominent citl
ious having preferred tho charges acd
petitioned the Governor for bis removal.
Miles' Isiervo and Liver I'll 1b
r mi n nrw prlurlple-regulaUnts the
liver, ti inucli and bowels through the nerrai.
nrw I'tkoovery. Dr. Miles' fills spueilUi
euie bi'lfiusness, had tsue, tnH Her, pllon,
o.nikiliH.ilon. Unequaled lor men, women,
clilxtreu. Bmalltst, mllcst,urest Rdo-on,
t-ainplea Fiee, at U. 11. llunnbueti'
ilr.,if Kioie. -
Four Men Klllod.
SIaucii Chunk, Juno 30. An onulno
on tho Now Joreoy Contral railroad ox-
plodod horo last night, killing four mon.
Ono of tho mon is supposed to havo bcon
hurled into tho Lehigh rivor as his body
has not been found.
Presented With a Oano by Wm
Ponn Emnloyos.
Mr. Itichard Palmer. Insldo foreman of
tho Wm. Ponn colliery, was the recinient
of a very pleasant surpriso last Qvenltig.
Mr. Palmer has boon inside foroman of tho
colllory for nearly nineteen years and to
morrow will resign tho position to accept a
contract at tho East Franklin colliery,
Tromont. Tho vory host feolinea havo al
ways oxistod bfltween Mr. Palmor and his
employes and tho latter, dosirinir to' show
their appreciation of him last night, pre
sented him with a handtumo gold-hoaded
cano, and Mr--. Palmer with a beautiful
silver fruit dish.
Tho employes, havine coneroeated in
tho M. E. churih at Wm. Ponn, sent for
Mr. and Mrs. l'tlmor and 'upou their ar
rival the Oitizms' Cornot Il.tnd of Win.
I enn played a folocti.m, aflor which Mr.
William U. LowU stated tho obioct o( tho
srathorlng and assured thoso present that
thorowa3no orio moro pleased to honor
Mr, Palmer than himsolf. Mr. Lewis
spoko for half an hour with a sincerity that
wasstnking. Ho 6aid thero was no one
belter acquainted with tho insido workings
of tbd Will. Ponn colliprv than Mr.
Palaiorand ho had always been respectful.
upright and honest to his employers and
employes aliuo. "Ho is a man in wlmm
men may havo confidence," continuod Mr.
Luwi9, "and I have known and tosted his
integrity and I know that whatever duty
may bo assigned to Mr. Palmer in the lu-
turo ho will attond to it in an upright way.
Wo aro a much interested In hi success as
he is. Ho has dono bis duty as God has
marked it beforo him aud I pray God that
his last days may bo his best."
Mr. Lowis then presented the cano.
which boro this inscription ! "Presented to
Hit-hard Palnierby employes." Mr. Lowis
supplemented Iho presentation with ad-
ni! -n.i icumrxs, auting whloh lie DHid n
highest compliment to Mr. Palmer as a
ventilator of mines. Ho also said :
When Mr. Palmer assumed control of tho
inddo workings of tho Win. Ponn colliery
18 years ago it was said It would bo impos
sible to work tho eangway9 in tho summer
time and a letter ws Eent to tho proprietors
of tho colliery, stating that Messrs Lewis
and Palmor would ruin tho colliery. Not
withstanding this Mr. Palmor has oporated
tho ii side workings of the Wm. Pcnn
colliery successfully since that tlmo." Mr,
Lewis then spokn of tho euccosMul manner
11 whiah Mr. Palmer treated with hie
employos during tho Mollio Maguiro
troubles, none of tho employes being at
reotid forbolng implicated in the unlawtul
depredations of those mon, which was
largoly dun to Mr, Palmer's gontleniani
conduct in dotting with his employts.
Upon tho conclusion of Mr. Lewis' ad
dress Mr. Thonui9 Jumes presented the
fruit dish to Mr. Palmer. A musical
selection by tho Jones brothors, a short ad-
Iress by Rev. Potts, of tho Wra. Perm
M. E. church followed, after which Mr,
and Mrs. Palmor briefly and fonllngly
acknowledged tuo honor bestowed upon
Among tho Shonandoah people presont
were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Palmer, Dr. 1)
Williams and his student, John P. Huberts
Kind of Business.
A thrifty Polander who owns a small
grocery store has decided ho will deal with
hi own people in tho future. Not long
ago a neighboring business man Duuhta
birrol of ilour oU him, agreeing to pay for
it iu thlr'y d,ays. About two weeks later
the neighbor ca'.led on tho Polo and tradd
him tho barrel of flour for a number of
hams. At tho end of tho month tho Pole
went around after bis mouey.
"Monoy for what?" asked the neighbor.
"Fer der flour."
"Why, you'vo got your flour. I traded
it witli you for the bams, didn't I ?"
Tho Pole nodded and then asked pay for
the barm.
"Whynhou!dI pay you for tho bams
when I traded you the flour for the hums?"
Tho Polo looked bewildered and said be
must havo pay lor th 1 flour.
"Now, why should I 1 ay you for what I
haven't got?"
"Yes, Lut do hams?"
Tho noiirhbor smiloJ compassionately
and asked, "Didn't you trade rue the burnt
for tho flour?"
The Pole looked ti."od, and said ! "I no
liken dot pizuats. A h 1 of a vay to do
dot pIzneM."
A Now BusluB3.
P. J. Uleary has opened a iture In the
P.-rgusim'i building, on Ktt Centra street,
and is prepared 10 furni-h the local trade line leather ur-d shoe Bo dntts and all
kiiids of i-hoemaker'a supp'ioti. His stoelt it
a largo ono and W"ll mpiippod to full
-.lpply all demands of the tradfl. 6-16-ti
Tho Groat Festival Will bo Hold
on August 16th Several
Names Added to tho Com
mittee List.
Tho musical festival to bo hold at Lake.
sido on Saturday, August loth, next, will
00 1110 greatest pleasure event over held In
this section of tho state.. It will bo s
stupemlom affair and will bo patronized bv
at least fi.OOD people if the woather is favor-
A mooting of the committco was hold
uwiiKutjiiiu several oames wore added 10
llin list of committee men, making the
nuinborclusotipon twohuudred
It was decided that arrangements shall
bo made to hold the festival irroapoctivu of
tho weather and with that ond in viow
workmen will start shortly to make places
of sholtor in case of rain, in addition to
tho pavilion and hotel.
As heretofore) stated in tills paper, the
amount o( monoy to be awarded in
will bo closo upon 8000. The program mo
is nowcompleto and is shown below, with
tho prizes to bo awarded :
"Hallelujah Choru-" (Handel) fornotleH
man GO ami not moie than tiO voices... S)
Aud a valuable, gold medal lo the leaden '
summer tOvvent) lor not les than
bV Wnl.K. t Wulhiix) I... a .
lt.mie.Swe, i Ho., e." by lleniy Farmer? '
violin solo Willi, 1 lino uccoiiipaiilmoat...!10
;o"ll a spirit " iiiiartetle Jvo
;., .. ""'". nittwaiioii gin.
1 lie Noble 11 or Truth." baritone solo....&-..
o Hreezis Tiiat Wow" (soprano solo)
irciin lit. rariya"Hiodwon" sr,
"" Iiv M.i.,i. ...V"1..
test for reed or bras b ids. If but one bind
cnmpeles the prize will be ."'. If two or more
u niiiipoie 1 1110 prize will bo 73 and a ill
ualile cold medill In th I, m .....
bhail be no less man 1(1 plecos In each'batid.
Copies of tho music for tho bsnd com
petition may bo secured of J. V. Poppor,
I'Mladolphia. J'.i
The next meeting of tho committco will
bo hold Iu Shonandoah on Tuesday, July
J, IbUl.ut-p. m.
Additional inrorrdation concernlnt' the
festival may bo had upon application to tho
secretary of tho committee, W. J. Wat-
kins, Shenandoah Pa., to whom all com
munications should be adilrossod.
The oflicerj and niembors of tho com
mittee are i
Mwardlteese, Centralla, Frasldenll W. J.Wat
kliiH bhennnilj..i, .Sts;retury; Wm. Blelii uudJobn
' .Kvans, treasurers. Tlie other members of the
oonmnnee ere: J. w. Williams. WllnenUnrre:
Jolml.eulH. ltazltou: David Huberts. Audenrleu:
Ur. J, C 11 (Idle, Kouula 11 sorbin; UuttvlbHIceAth,
llulianoy Cltji rrol. Iiavll llerbeit, I'ultsvllle
juui-i. (!clilu-onliy. - urk Puce; llubvrt lluberm,
New Plilhuit-liitilu; John U WIIIIhiiib, Sbeimiiiloali;
,-v u . t-nce, Hniaim; vuilaat llruuxhull,
J-UeiiKO-ani Frur. David E. Mies, Mliifrvllle:
llanlel 1 liomas n orea; ihonmsLloj-dd'rychr.leii)
Ijunnrurd; Uoihen lowed dluliunov City; John A.
Itelliy, Mi-nandou-'i William Powell, lluck Moun
tulni 11. C. Iloier hbcimudoah; Br. Wllllama, Ml.
fu Ulel; William Iiurdun, otlbertnn; (leorue Hykes
(Urn dvllle; John Durkln, beuantl ah; 11011
j-jian uavis newi-ast e; jonntl. pollard, ABlilahd;
William Palmer, .Muhanoy ttt: (leurKe Marks
Kvuns, hhamokln; Jn-iies Itoder ck Stockton; J.J.
ItiudiKau.Mi tiaudoab', II. J. Kelly, Oelitra.ta; W.
1. Hill. , .Dull CUMBUII. DliaUlUKlU;
TIioiuhs I). Juuea, New ltcston; J. Itarry James
Aiuiiaiiu; joi it j . uavis, st, isictio m; w 1 nam .tic
ivtiirtrle, AKlilaud; - eurg ltauett, ailnersvlllo; U.
A Kelm, blienaiidoun; William Jlldliouse -ark
Place: MOrcatl Pilot-. Lout 1 rek! 'thnuiRn , niiiiv.
hell.slieiiandoaht lion. 1). 1). pbtlllpn Gordon;
Jtceu 'ranker, St. Nirlioliu: Elmer Lawall, W Ukos
llarre; Thomas It. Edwards, Lost f're-k; (le rw,
W. Johns, Audenrird; William llrowu, Alaplu
Dale; W. w. Lewis 1 onan Colun bla counlv: sen-
ntor, J). J. Monairban, bhenaudi uh; Ueorae W.
I)a Is, ueutralla; SI. M. McMlllau Slahauoy City;
TIlotlULS Mo nail. Atldi-nrled: lInon Mnori.. li-riu-.
vll.e; CharlPS Ueu- li, Klleueowali; James Ileaton,
x.unb.rr-K, iiuij. 1. . ,vaiajn Biieiiniiit lan; jut
waidSykes, park Place: P. rcnlon, Ilurk Mo-jn-tain;
HU-hard palmer, Wm Peuu; John Urowa,
Yatesvllle; Col 1). i'. lironu, 1.11st Creen: 1. . .
Kraii-v, blieiiaudoiih; Thomas J.ldvvaida, A Khluiid; (ll)berlon: J U. 1'om-roy, Hheu
andi bh; Thomas llowells, Olraid.l'.e; Pavld Mor
irau. blu-iiaiidoab; x-'runii Heil'er.erackvllle; James
wyune. aiaiiaooy 1 uy; -rnomas lilies, wan uoy
Plane; Thomas Waldrtiu Lausford: (1 orifetlltirore,
ureKory, Kirardvlde; Uetirue llurchlll. Vraekvllle;
A 11. l4Uiib,siPtiimdoau; Uees ItosiMr Matmnuy
clt : Wultr Jo eH, Luusford; V. sled a- Mai a oy
ny; William Illcbar. , lit. N.eiioiaa: Caleb Wlll
'aiuH. lliulvluii; J. 1. Jones. Pottsvillrt William
(iteKoiy. allium!; David Jones, Mlneravllle;
1 nriHL -cmiiKii nn 11a; w w. lsww, Aliina
uoy Oily: t. D. (luliic, shuuandoau: llou. It. 11.
Knoll Pottavble; J oil 11 M. Hughes Wm l-enn;
Michael Uradley, MaUaoy C'l y; N. J. 0vn,
i-h" uudoali; John J. Wiillauia Ashland; T. J.
I-xtwa'ils, ll.".hiioy city; Ilavkl Joaea, St. leholw;
WJ l'uttsrnle: '1 hou us H lluifoe..
Shetland al j John jouei La islnrdt Tnuitiu
inuru. oiieeanaoau; jumcsjucjiiiiam,at mcnuiaa;
Hon John WMorK U, bh-11a. doab: JamisF Jones,
Phlluileliihta: U K 'rltmau bbna doah. James
Slulr P. ttstille; WlPltuit llavktaou, Mahuiiiy Clly;
llolljamisjl Helllv loltnville: Arthur ( JonAs.
Shenandoah: Fred lfewe,bbiiandoah; Andrew Com
tvj , jiauanoy iiij; jouu it iwvis, ttiuwiiou; j e
Finney, slieuandoali: tteorir 1. llr wit, t'rai.kvllle;
Louiallla s. rilra tlvflle: Shen
andoah; 1' utirlllltus 8t 1 lul-; Humuellliiy, PolUI
Ille; P J Fergiis-in, - benan tub; William Dttvld
boll Mahauoy l-ity; W Ulam saurbrey Kt leholaa;
MArgati llavla Huenaiiaoab; Kvan V, Ullams. Aum
aii'iy nty; Henry Wlederhol', tbnandoah; Wm
7 Jfalileu Malialiny - it) ; BenJ t'burcli ehbn
douh; Dr James Muln, iieii.uido.ih; r J Davis.
Mitliandoah; lull V li Joints, Mui anoy t'lty; M V
towier, Miena doau; iti-et'iabker, -uananoy uny;
11. .U. liUlhor Ashland; Willi 11 11. Harris .Vaha-
lifiv tilt,! Jn'm V Ith iiluivllla: .lfli-luiul Ilnvl It.
At Olttlr: Prank Wlwr Aslilaad; II. C ' ullivr.
ivi 8viii; jicua-1 M era, tiuek jieuutain; t iioiium
Uiwrni e, . Ncholaa. 7' iir e Bt o air: William
J,IVtlul,in, ni ISlVUUim, AIIOIlliM J'UJ'lt,, JlLIAVllItt,
Jimssi.JaJur, BvNIclioJu: Vauia- JcCab', Jalianuy
city; Wlllkui Jut. m Nirhol k Jbhn SkMttli,
jauanoy t ny; 1-raiiK Dawson, tiuueruiu; itaipu
Jiun, Ht Mouoiaa; iwvid .vorrts. .unieravills:
"lutt. 1
lavid Hurtles. l Nicholas: Thomas
Jabanoy City.
Mr. O. A. Keini is homo from Dudley,
N. J.
David P. FU"t, of T epinnt, spent Sun
day and vesierduj with h' ... .ther.
Mr.- Ann ll'ilmrU and .11' frnd-ellld,
Mies At t.i l'i.wi-11, l.-P i v.n this lUMBlnt
for Wiles, where ttity will reuum the
guest of fri mds fu senv time.
lies'. douiA), shirt in town, &l "The
Famous" c'dhi'g I'.ousy. 6".. Hh(ftir.
I anU Ibmi 7i'.' up
ft) and not moio than m volecx 0u
' IJturrymen's ClioruV (Jenklui.) lor not '
2i 111111 not more than 3i volces..S75.
OU Ilesil. en" (ttio) by O. A. Whlte.....8n
-wordoi ll.,,.Krr 11111 ' (lenor s.,lo) words
North of the Mountain Towns to
bo Beneflttod.
Additional mail facilities are forthcom
ing. A now postal route is to be established
and the mail service of tho towns north of
the mountain, which aro now miforablo
onoiiRb, will soon assume n business-liko
and progressive character and tho service
will bo lar superior to any heretofore en
joyed by the towns rofcrrod to.
Superintendent Jaokson, of tho Slow
York division, Is now ongaRod in securing
information that will assist aim in oilth-
lish insr the now routo.
The towns that will bo bonefilted by tho
now system are PottBville, St. Olair, Now
Uo-ton, iloreo, Delano, Park- Place,
Mahauoy City, Shenandoah, Ifrackvillo,
Ii06t Creols, Oirardvillo and Ashland.
It will lie a great boon an improvement
of I. f. w. order, for under the existing:
eystom tko business men find it much
more advantageous to travel from one town
to another than to make use of the mails.
An extended fn 0 mail delivery is alto
contemplated. The HmuLiv is not in a
position to give to the public just what is
undor consideration, but It is known that
the servieo will ho mondod to a number of
small towns that now have post offieos.
fhey will bo supplied by the Shenando- .
and Mahauoy City oHlce.
rVmong tho improvomonts suggested aid
seriously contemplated is a. mounted lettor
carrier sorvlco bolwton Shonandoah and
Lost Creek, AVm. Ponn, ColoraJu, Con-
ners', Oilborton and liko places.
Such a system would be of wondarful ad-
vantago to this section.
Another progreifivo stop of tho presont
administration is a msvemont to supply all
houses in towns having the free mail de
livery system wilh letter boxt
oliarnr. Hundreds of samples of boxes
havo been suppliod tho govornment and as
soon as a stylo is decided upona tho boxoa
will bo distributed.
The population of Russia is estimated
at 110,000.000.
Howard Young, of Baltimore, a wait
er, was drowned at On po liny.
Tho United States gunboat Petrol has
arrived at New London, Conn.
Georgo Francis Train, on his trip,
around the world, will arrlvo lu Londo a
to-day and will sail Wednesday for New
The action of a Russian Impresario
against Mine. Pattl for damages for breaah
of contract has beeu decided in Milw.
Pattl's favor.
William Barton, tho well-known
jockey, riding at the Qloucestor, N. J.,
race track, was drowned during the morn
ing while iu battling.
William A. Tooinoy, of Fiahktll, N.
Y,, but omployod at Tuxedo Pork by
William Kent, was drowned thoro last
evening iu tho pond termed "Tho Uur
lucky Hole," while bathing.
The Court of Appeali t Copenhagen
has just confirmed tl eontence of
dentil passed upon PlilIli..son, the "lima
cask" murderer, refusiug to entortala
tho plea of Insanity.
Asa It Watermnn, tbe manager of tho
Lyceum Theater, lu Brooklyn, N. Y.,
convicted of manslaughter In tho flrsj
degroo in killing Peter Doran, was sen
tenced to 10 years in State prison.
Tho caso of Henry H. Yard, of Phila
delphia, who is chnrgod with oonspir
ing with ex-City Treasurer John Bards
ley to loan public money at interest,
lias been postponed until the Septembet
term of court.
Advices just received In Berlin from
Kmin Pasha are to the effect that
he la traveling in th dlreotiou of the
Albert Edward Nyajiza, where he will
proceed on a scientific expedition to tho
Mouutalus of the Moon,
Buy Key tt one Dour. Bo caroful that tho
naiad Lussia & Co., Ashland, I'd.-, It
urlntod on ovorv sack. ''-f-ltaw
Don't Forget !
When you ave Spoud
your money for Gro
coriB that wo can do
as well for you as
anybody, and per
haps a little hotter.
Good delivered
No-122 North Jarriin Strt,
. -UjJ .