The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 27, 1891, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald,
1, 0. BOYEtt, Editor and PnoUshor,
W. J. WATSIHS, Local Edltoi.
subscription rates:
DAILT, per year, .,..............
WkiVi per year, a
,n o
Entered at the Voitoffloe, at Hhenandoah, Pa
ror transmission luniunu ir nwi"
MMcondoltun mall mutter.
roniirwiKi) daily and wkekly.
Onlliarv Brnrlnoer Pookot Book
The Colliery Knginoor Co., Seranton
15.. Publishers. Tlil is ii convenient vol
xno of over 400 panes printed on flnnpape
with clar new typo, thus enabling th
uubl'Hhers to furnish a vast nmount ol
matter in handy shape.
Thi book has been especially prepare.
for the use of oolliery officials and minen
who have Ions left tho want of a oonvonlen
and simple reference book, containing rulei
Mid tables specially adapted to their use
It is a text-book for the nrlner who!
studying the principles of ventilation, mln
Incr, etc., and the most convenient pocket
book for the mininfj enRino'T, euponnten
dent, or other colliery officials. It was nol
prepared for coIIcko graduates, and anj
intelligent man can undontand the princi
ples and rules contained in It. No othe)
took is required by tho studonl for a mini
foreman's certificate,
Tho following, amonK many olhnr sub
jocts, aro trcatod on In full:
Arithmetic; mensuration; woiglits and
I i T , 1 I. I
measures; sirongm aim wuigmui luuwum!,
prospecting; tlmbennn;; metnous oi worn-1
ine; gases; ventilation; colliory machinery
surveying; mino railways; steam; faults;
electricity; squares; cube; square roots, and
cubo roots; sinos; tangonts, etc., travorst
tables, etc., otc
llmmil In rlnth 82 00
Hound In flexible leaibvr, round cornors. 2 60
Hound In flexible leather, with Map 2 75
Oh, What a Cough.
Will vnu heed tho warnlna?
The signal por-
or tho sure approach oi mat more ior-
nat more uu
rlble dUease, Contumptlou.
ise. uonsiimniiou. ash youmpivi-s
Ash yomwlvi'
if you can allord for tho sake of having 60 1
We know from experience that Hhlloh's Ours I
wlllC'iire ypnr Cough. It n8V .J"118:.;
ron R. in rim i iin riKU linn ill, iiuiiiiuu iui il. i
urro Kniii ibn mmt vear. It relieves ("rou n
and wiioppinK uoiiftn nv onru. jiiouicrB aui
HOL Ue WUIKIIIL 11. r lir lItlliu jMiciv, muo i't
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous 1'laster. Sold by
C. II. Hagenbuch. N. E. corner Main and
Xiloyd slreets.
To rnioieo in tho hamiinoss of othors isJo
make it our own.
A Husband's Mlstako.
llii.bnnds loo often neiinlt wives, nnd par
ents their children, to suilcr from headache,
lizzlness, neuralgia, sleepier sneH. (Its. ner
vousness when by the use of Dr. Allies'
Ttostnrntlva Nervine such serious results
could easily be prevented. Drinrclsts every
where uav Helves universal satisfaction. and
lias at Immense Rale. Wooduorth & Co., of
Fort Wayne, Ind.j Know & ro of Byracme,
N. Y.:J. o. Wolf. Hillsdale. Mich.: anil linn.
d edsoi others say "It Is the greatcstseller
they ever knew.'' It conUilns no oplts.
Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous.
Diseases, free al O. II. llagenbuch's.
IIo said that ho waj novor tried by firo-
liut had often boon Urod after boing triod.
To NorvouQ, Dobllltatod Mon.
If you sond us your address, wo will
mail you our Illustrated pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Uvo's Celebrated Eloctro-
Voltaio Bolt and Appliances, and thilrl
charminsr ollocts unon tho norvous de-
bilitalod system, and how they willnuickly
rostoro vou to viiror. and manhood, l'araph-
lot free. If you aro thus aillictod, wo will
Bond you a Holt and Appnancos on a trial.
VOLTAia liTCM'UO,. AiarsQaii. jnicn,
Tho (lies aro getting horo a3 rapidly as
their wings will carry them.
Office of J. M, 11 HoniNSON,102 i:ast KCth st
Hesiilence, t bT East 1 1.1 si reet.
isi.v 1 unit, uuuuurjr oi, louu
Alva's Hrazlllan Hneclrlo Co. (jenilcinen
Ilavlnc Kullered for the nast two years with
rheumatism, Indigestion, sore throat, auda
complete breaking down of my whole system,
1 was Induced (alter treating with several
prominent doctors) to try the Cactus Dlood
Jure, which I continued to use for about
thirty days, since which time I have heonim.
tlrclvireefrom tho aliovc-menlloned troubles.
and more ambition today than any
lime lu the nast four years. I can lienrtllv
recommend tho same to any one having the
mime troubles. J. M. 11. HOlilNbON.
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btore.Kerguson lloute
aiock, anennnaoau.
Just about this timo of the year tho sun
is your warmest friend.
A Ouro for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lano, while In tho ltocky
.Mountains, discovered a root that wbn
combined with other herbs, makes an cbtj
and cortain euro for constipation: It is in,
tho form of dry roots and leaves, and Is
known as Lane's? Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache For tho blood,
llvor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho
completion it does wonders. Druggists
foil It at GO cents a package
Old Uonora Humidity gets in his work
cvory now and then.
Aslc Your Friond8 About It
Your distressing cough can bo cured.
"Wo know It becsuso Komp's Balsam
within tho past fow yoors has curod so
many coughs and colds in this community
Ita romarkablo ealo has been won entirely
"by its genuine merit. Ask sonio friend
who has used it what he thinks of Kemp't
llalsam. There Is no medicine eo puro.
none so offectlvo. Largo bottles 60o and 1
at all druggists'.
Ilnilroads expect a brisk summer ex cur
lion businoM.
Shlloli'o Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond nuekllon the most suc
cessful Cough Medlcmo wo have ever sold,
n lew doses Invariably cure the woist ttwi ol
Oongh, Oroup, and llrotichltls, while Its won
derful succtifs In tho cure of Consumption is
without a parallel in the history of mtdlclne.
tllnce It's first discovery It has been sold on a
guarantee, a test whtrli no other medicine
can stand. It you have a Coutsh we earnestly
k you to try It. l'rlce 10 cents, 50 cents, and If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Duck:
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous l'luster. 8old bv
O. U. Ilagenbuch, H, K, corner llalu and
Lloyd streets.
echoes of the bio race.
Harvard tVon the llaco -on the Merits -nl
the Mn,
New York, Juno H7. There i a lnrgo
delegation ol college siuiicuis nuiv nere
who were present at tho Ynle-llarvnrd
boat race nt How London, ah nuinii
that the rnco was won on the merits or
tho men.
The official Umo win 1 mlnuto,
33 wconds for Harvard, 21 minutes, 07
seconds for Yale, Harvard crossing the
lino eleven boat-lengths lu mivniice oi
tli Yale boat.
It was n one-sided contest from tho
start, much to tho astonishment of most
judgefi ot rowing, the opinion having
been nlmost universal mat line wouiu
win, or at the least that tho race would
bo very close.
liar varil rowed in ner old style ami ine
cliiht men in the boat worked together
as one mall. The inle crew rowed tne
regulation Cook stroke and rowed it Well
until half the dlstanco had hoen covered,
when tho weak spots began to appear.
It May bo a Cno nf Sillulilo.
I'dhtIiAnb. Me.. June 27. A man giv
ing the name ot Westbrook boarded the
steamer l'ortlanu at liosion iiihc ingui
ami Immedlrttely retired to hln state
room. Upon tho arrival hero of tho
steamer In tlie morning It discovered
that the stateroom had not been occu
pied. In tlie room was a box addressed
to Amos W. Carson, Haverhill, Mass.;
also letters addressed to Sirs. Amos Car
son and Charles York, Haverhill. It may
lie a oase of suicide, but appearances in
dicate n clever deception. The man had
time hefoie the boat left lioston to change
his clothes and get nslioro.
Ilrlcklayorn KIIIimI and Injured.
EuzAiitrrii, N. J., June 27. While
seventeen bricklayers, Willi tliolr Help
ers, were at work on a scaffold at the
Worthincton rump Works, whoronnow
1.11 .... In 1. nf amntlnn Iim tir-nf-
UlUmill in ill .....v-.w.., .......
,oll Rnvo WHy nmi they were precipitated
a distnuco of forty reel to tne ground
Michael Nolan and Gabriel Williams
wero killed and sovoral of the men wore
In lured so badly that they will probably
die. The accident Is attributed to the
over-loading of tho scaffold.
I'rnr. lily's Illlllcult Tush.
New Yoiuc. Juno 27. I'resident Gomp-
ers has issued a circular to an local nnu
national organizations alllllaled with tho
American Federation ot Labur, request
them to bend two coplos of their coastl
tution to Prof. Itichai'd T. Ely of Johus
,, T..i i... ii..rn. .,... ai.i ...i...
iinpKiiiH uuith..
in wniiuu it .i.tu...... u. -vt.b.w...
ijcouomy In which ho desires Xo gtve a
ii,t of tho labor organlnations ot tliis
country mid the principal features of
their constitutions,
Kulllviiti Will Meet faddy Ityan.
San Fiiancisco, Juno 27. John L. Sul
llvan boforo leaving this city met Paddy
Iivaii in tho hitter's saloon. Uyan usked
Sullivan to meet him aiiain in tho ring.
Sullivan consented, and the men agreed
to n six-round fight when bullivnu re
turns from Australia, it is saia tuas
Itvan will bo backed for SIU.UUU
What the Druggists say
of Heiskell'sOintment:
"Whenwoarenskwl to n-coiumend a preiira.
(Ion fur skin itlmswe. wo hand out HKisKi.lx's
Ointhkmt, wtili every conildence of lieuccesn-
fill trcaum-nt of the ilwwusi."
J. C. IlKDicK, Ii Muln fit., llutlcr, Fa.
'I haveliopii fatlllnK HiiiSKKLt's Oistmrnt
for eleven years. ItfiiVes universal Eattsfoctlo
It will euro TwrTEn.
. w. HACKKMnEROKK, Jialnuridge, 1'a
" We have evidence of tho curative propertus
of Kkihkuu.'h (Untmkn p here. It Is a gowf
reliable olntinent."
1'UMixa Ufi.1511, Tarentum, Pn.
"In all skin diseases f Invariably recormiieA
J. J. Keil, Rharpfiljure, Pa.
"trKlSKl-LT. S OlNTUlCNT cures wllPll Wl tlStt
fiUlu," Met'i.i.i.r.A , A Ui to, rreepolt. Pa,
" I1mbicl.ll's oinimi r-'' on Its own
merle ' It
They make birole efforti to free themisivtf,
Duii not Knowing sow w umtiiiuiif
ihtf llT up in depBlr tna nnu into n rif
1 MM frie, rit ptH, (f klcd)
lorallmltoil llm,i'Mnl
tha nhllAIODhr Ol OlMAI-
nd Afflict lorn of tha
Oram i of Mn, mdhowby
by mitbodi zcUalTl7 oar
own, tho nont raitcsot
doctor Falllos Mmhood.
n.naf-tl ind NcfTOni Do
tllltr. Winn of Body
and Mind, EfUcti of Errori
or tictiiii. Dwuo V
ShmEken Or(nt rnn Ins Ciirrjl. Beneflti i (n . dr.
HowtoEntthrft nd 8trnKthnWEAK,UNDEVEL0PEp
O ROAMS tk PABTS of BODY mad plain to alt lntriV0.
Mid Witlfr from 60 BUtei. Trrtlorl and 'wf 9??5Vm
Voa o.n writ thfi". For Bok,full"ploIon od P's
tack neadache and relieve all tho troubles lacl
dent to a bilious citato of the system, Buoh al
Dlzzlaesa, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating. Fain In the ftldo. 4a. MTalle their most
cmailwble success haa uaaa shown In cuius ,
Iletaacbo, yet Onrter'a Uttla Liver Fflla ars
equally vnluailo In CoinrJput Ion, curing and pre
ventlug lhIunnnojlDncoini)lolut,vljllu theralsa
correct all disorders ox thoetoluachMlQiulatoth)
klroraDdregulntotliebowclo. Lyonlf ttjeyoulj
(Aebolliey would bo ul roost iirlooless to those who
I Butter from Uils tllalrwwlng coiajilalutt but f ortu
catoly thclriiooJneaailoiMuotoiiaUere.anilthosj
whoencetry them will and thwo little pills valu
nblo la so nuuiy ways thai they will not bo WIN
Hog to do without them, JJut after allelck hoi4
Is the bane of so many Uvea tbtt horolswhers
wemaKQourgivaipoiisw uur puis euro it wona
OtliOrs do not.
Carter's I.HIlo Llrcr P11U aro verv smalt and
very easy to take. Ouo or two pill makaa doao.
tThey aro strictly vegetable and do not grlpo or
purgs, but by their gonUo action plaaso all who ,
uiothem. lnvlalaat2Sceutai nvefortl. Sold
by druggists every wtero, or seat by mall.
Ho Says Ho is Going to Win
tho Cnrlow Election.
IIo Will Dovoto Bpacial Attention to Irinh
Industrial Questions.
Cnniltig to thi United States In the An
tiunn lie Will Attend Ilia lialtlmoro
Convention 3Ilnlster Hold (lives a l)ln
nor and Hall In Honor of Mrs. SIoKne
and Mrs. Ilurrlfnn.
IjONIion, Juno 27. lu hn Interview
with Mr. Parliell at Brighton ho said
that he found It Impossible to procuro a
license for mnrringo Iti any country
church, ntid lu ordur to prevent delay ho
thought it best to marry in tho registry
office. The church ceromony would bo
crformod In Loudon as soon as ho was
able to put In n fortnight's residence
thoro probably nftor tho Cnrlow elec- j
lib will probably go to Cnrlow this ,
evening. Ho s.tys he is confident that ;
ho will win tho only election since tno i
dlvorco suit which he lino had a chauco
ot winning. He would tnke his wifo to
Cnrlow It possible, but alio was a bad
sailor and was likewise compelled to re- ;
main near her lawyers owing to the com- I
ing trial of the suit over the will of nor
late nttnt, Lady Wood, In which suit her
brothers contested her right to the EI
tham property.
Ills future nana.
Mr. Parnoll says he Intends In futuro i
to devote special attention to Irish In- j
dustrinl questions, in which ho was moro I
Interested than any other, lie hud given i
a general support to Mr. Ualfour's Irish j
Land Purchase bill, believing it to bo n .
measure well conceived, and that, if woll
carried out, it would groatly benefit the
tenants as well as the landowners. I
Will Visit the United States.
He intended iu the autumn to visit tho i
United States, where ho believed pub
lic opinion to bo virtually unanimous In
his favor. He would try to attend tho
Baltimore convention.
Ho had not thought nor did he intend
to think upon the political effect of his
marriage His wifo was perfectly happy,
and ho was experiencing greater happi
ness than ever in his life previously.
Tho cnrrespondont never Bnw Parnell
looking healthier or In bottor 'spirits.
A Great Itnll In 1'nrla In llouur of Mrs.
McKue ami airs, llurrlaon.
PAms, Juno 27. Last evening Minister
Whlteluw Hold and Mrs. Held gave a
dinner In honor of Mrs. MclCeo nnd Mrs.
Kussoll C Harrison. Tho dinner was fol
lowed by n grand hall.
Mrs. JIcKee and Mrs. Hnrrison were
very handsomely dressed and gre itly ad
mired. Among those present to meet
the ladies wero Mr, and Mrs. John Jacob
Astor, Mr. James Gordon Bennett, Col.
nnd Mine. Jerome Napoleon Bonnparto,
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Qoelet, Consul-General
and Mrs. King, Mrs. Senator Mitcuell
nnd Miss Mitchell, Mrs. Wannmaker and
Mr. Uallley Illanchard, Marchioness
Chamhrun, Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, the Vis
count and Viscountess Damplerre, Coun
tess Gabrinc, llaron nnd Baroness do Lt
grange, uount nnu uouutess unuDoc,
Count and Countess Gnnny and Count
von Munster.
Bho Jumiipd from a Train Golan at Full
Ciuoaqo, Juno 37. Mra. E. L. Phllo, a
hnudsome blonde, aged 28 years, was ar
rested, here yesterday on a warrant sworn
out hy Deputy Sheriff Heno, of Denver,
Col. She was turned over to tho Denver
olllcor, who btnrted with her for Denver
nt 0 o'clock last oyeniug.
When tho train was near Ashton, a sta
tion 00 miles west of Chicago, tlie woman
Jumped through tho open window of the
car anil escaped. Tho train was running
at full speed nt tho timo, and Hon o wa)
dozing, not thinking that his fair pris
oner would attempt to escape. Tho train
was quickly brought to a standstill, but
no trace of the woman could ho found.
Mrs. 1'hilo is wanted at Denver for
jumping her ball bond. Sho had been
arrested for a largo forgery and the case
was continued for hearing, the bond be
ing fixed nt 5,000. As soon as ball was
furnished the woman disappeared.
Imitation Mouiba In Chill.
Londo.v, Juno 27. Colonel North, the
nitrate king, says members of tho Con
gressional party of Chill uccuso the police
who are serving under the Balmaceda
administration of throwing imitation
bombs at the Ministers, so as to afford a
pretext for the arrest of tho Congres
sional negotiators. One ot the alleged
bombs has been sent to London,
Monument Dedication at Gettysburg.
GetttsbuiiQ, Pa., Juno 27, Tho monu
ment of tho 111th New York Volunteer
Infantry was dedicated duriug the day.
Benjamin 11. Snow, of Auburn, N. Y., de
livered the oration nnd O. D. McDougall,
ot the same place, made an address. Tho
dedication was prououueed by Key. S. G,
Hopkins, .of Palmyra, N. Y.
Many War Vvaaula In China.
London, Juno 27. A dispatch from
ShaiiKhnl says the beheading of all per
sons implicated in the recent riots and
massacres has failed to stop the outrages,
which lire still being perpetrated on for
eigners in Clna. Twenty foreign war
vessels ure now lying In the Yang-Ua-
l'ollce Guard 1'arla llakerlas.
Paris, June 27. All bakories are now
under police guard. Arrangements have
been mailo by the authorities to supply
the master bakers with all the bread
they may require. The government has
made ample provision far meeting any
further trouble that may occur from the
Failures for the Week.
New Yoiik, June 27. Bradstreot's re
riorts 227 failures in the United Statos
during the week, against 230 In the pre
vious week, uud 1G5, 211, 201 and 170 in
ilia nnrl-Gvnnmllllt? weeks of InH'J.
18S8nnd 1887 respectively.
1U inaiur; BUrpilia.
Wasuinqton, June 27. Treasurer
will.,1 . 7 "
Nabeker'a statement showH a net surplus
In the treasury of 13.027.137.
A Oevernor's Opinion
An ex-General of the futon Army, cx-Clov-ernor
of the State of Maine, et-llepreeifl"-tattve
to Xbnyre), anil ex-Attorney Octu
erat, spcAks for u,' -,j
With the exception, possibly, of lion.
James G. Blaine, there is no man bo well
known to the people of Maine, us
' Who hns a grand record as a soldiery who
j hasbeen theOovernorof theHtate,Ilepre-
'J sentatlvo to Congress, and who Is at pros-
1 ent tho editor and proprietor of tho "Now
, Ago" newspaper, prlntcdin Augusta, Jle.
; CleneraU'lalsted, formerly nresldentbf
" llangor, Me., knew Dr. 'William II. Drown
At all Druggists I.OO.
DON'T tnke Something else
V. Aha WarHen It Co., iolo
Brown 8 SarerBtiaHfai
irot to
80HUTJ.KIIJ, Division,
On and after iS'ov. HI, 1890, (rains will lea
Bhenanuoan a iouovjs:
For WlKtran. Oilberlon. Fracfcvllle. Ne
Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, li.W, 9.1.
m ana v m.
Hundays, win, v.w a m ana Jjiipm,
For l'ott svllle, 6.00, 8.1U a m and 4. 16 p m.
Hundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 8.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, U.1U a lu and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 600,0.40 a.m. and 8.10 pm.
For Fottstown. l'hoenixville. Morrlstowi
and rniladelphla (Broad street station), 6,03
1.10 a m. ana 4.15 p m week days
unnaays, euu, u.4u amupm
Trains leave Frackvllie lor Hhenandoah al
i0.4U,m and 12.14, 7.12, 10,00 p m. Uundays
11.13 atu and 6.40 p m.
Leave rottsviiie lor tsnenanuoan, lu.ioanc
.48. a m 746. 0.42 r m. Hundays, 10.40 a u
S,15 p m.
L.VUVO JTIlllwwolliIlia loiuuu Buroi. nuiLluai
nr l'ntuvllle and Hhenandoah. a nr
1.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p in week days. Bunday 9.
a m and 1.10 p. m.
For wxorK,3.aj,, 4.40, 0.30, bjju,
i.20 b.30, rf.50. 11.00 and 11.16am, 12-00 noon. (Urn
Uud oxprcES, 1.06 and 4.60 p m.) 12.44, 1,40, XZ0
t.'Al, 4, 6, 6,..b0, 6.60 7.18 8.12 and 10.00 p m, U.01
On Sundays, 3.20, 1.05, 4.40, S.S5, 8.12, 8.80, V.Eb
a m.and 12.411, 8.20 (limited 4.60), 6.28, H,lid,6,6t
M3 8.12 p m and 12.01 night.
For ttea Qlrt, Mpnng Lake, llelmar,
cean Grove, Asbury 1'arE, and Long Urancl
J.20, 11.18, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week davr F01
Freehold, 6.0 , p. m. week days.
BalUmor'- and Washington, 8.W, 7.20, 8,3)
) 10, II..20, J M8 a m, VZSS (limited express) 3.41
1 41 il.'ir am 7.40 p. in., and 12.03 night. Fo-Jaltl-noro
my 2.02, 4.1 1,6 08 and li.SO p. m
ju Hiindayn,8.60, 7.20, 0.lkand 11.18 a. m. 4.4)
. .7, ; 40 p m. 12.03 night. Ball'more only
5,08 and 11.30 p m.
For Hlchmond and the Bontu 7.20 11.18 a. m.,
limited Kxpress 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, wees
jays. Bnndays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night.
Trains leave llarrlsbure lor 1'Hmourr anc
.he west every day at 12.26 and 8,10 a m anr
,.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoona,
16 a m and 4.10 p ni every oay.
For I'ltUburg only, 11.20 a tu dally and VXV
m week days.
l,eavo Bnnbury lor WHUamsport, Klmlra.
anandalgua, Koch ester, BnOaloand Nlagart
alls 6.10am dally, and 1.43 pm weekdays
'or VVatxlDa, 6.S0 p m week days.
For Krie and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m.
tally. For LocB Haven, 5.10, and 9.63 a in
tally, 1014 and 6.30 p. m. week days. Fo
,it-nova5.10 a tn 1.43 and 6,30 p m week flays
.10 a. mtlundays.
Han. Man'r Gen. Pass. Aid
Time table ntffect May, 10, 1891. ,
Trains leave Heading (P. & H. station) for
Gibraltar, bejferl, Hlrofboro, Joanna, Bprlng
Held, Wayntbhurg Junction, Coatesvllle.Wcsl
Chester,! hadkford Junction, B. .4 O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dully
except nuuday. at 0.2S and 8.S0 a.m. and 3.15
p. m. Huuday only al 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, bUl'eiers and Intermediate
dtallons.daily rxcept nunday, al 9.20 a.m., and
6,10 p.m. hunday only 8.15 a m.
1-or Blrdi-boru and Intermediate stations,
Halurday only, at 12 in.
Forllaltlniort and Washington (B. A O. R.
It.) dally except Hunday at 0.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 3.16 p. in. mnday only al 8 05 p. m.
Trains arrive lttudlDU (P. s It. nation)
Irom Wllmlrgton, li. A O. Juucllon. Muni
ihaulii,ChuiUisioid Junction, West Chester.
Lenape, Coatesvnle, w'ayneshurg Junction,
HlTliigneld.Joannn.Biidshoro, Gibraltar, Bey
lert and luiei mediate stations, dally except
Huuday al 10.211 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Bua
du only nt 11 24 a. in.
From Ht. l'eteis, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, daily except t-unrtay, at 8.21 a. in.
aud 2.25 p, m. Hunday only at 6 p. m.
From Jllidkbi 10 and luleimedlato stations,
Balurday only at 1.40 p. in.
Flora Wai-hlngtoii and Baltlmoie, dally ex
cept hunday, 10 20 a in. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday only at 11.21 a in.
BOW MCSS l.HIGOB, Gen'l Toss, Agt
A. 0. MoCAUHLAND.Bupt.
, kmfljlTSfc
PfKillSi'lWeaineaaof BodyaMHlna, Efftct.
I yiiinu-t.iinr hTTflMDrmeiiHinuiaDr aoung.
SKdSul. iinlail .c II0SK TKIUIJIOT-ttiaiaii la 4..
6.. .::Ti(.f.i,,i.i....di.r.i,.CTiiiri.i. iirii.ik.m.
I 'rl'i,'w.Ti,iMA1l,,,'t
Intimately, and did not hesitate, when S
he.found himself out of condition, to use S
llrbwn's BarBaparHla. "
Irt'ituetenson Gen. I"lalst6"d found lilnj. ;
se(f a perfectly woll man, and one day, S
while nt his desk In his editorial loom,
rolo,n nrtlclo on Maine's famous rem- ;
cdy Thonrllclewasl88UedJulyl5th,lRy7, S
and, while our space will forbid the print- s
lug of the Mholo, wo feel warranted In S
taking from It tho following:
Hen. Plalstodsnys: Our confidence lu S
niown'sSnrsiiliarllla IS based upon per- S
wifial knowledge of Its curative proper- ;
ties In cases of Malaria, and upon our Z
long aequftlntnnco with that eminent
physician, Dr. William II. Drown, lato j
of Bangor, who perfected the forrnula by Z
which the medicine U prepared. ,. ;
Malaria Is n prevalent disease now-n-
days. It not only fastens Itself upon tho
systems of tho old veterans, who fought
for years in the Houthern swamps and
low-lands, but It takes hold of thosowho
Uvo In the atmospheres of the cities and
lari-or towns. Oases from bunmps,slug
pish rivers, sewers, tbeetrtots, and many
othi r 111 kept places, poison the system,
making tho entrance of some other dis
ease easy. You can avoid nil danger, can
keep dlscaso at a distance, and have a
system teeming with rich blood and vi
tality, by simply using Brown's Snrsa
parlllu, which purlfles the blood when
others. fail. 11 is the beat n the world.
O bottles for S.OO.
"Just as good," IT IS NOT.
Proprletors.Bangor, Me.
ggTiit; !
to Uiscolor!
& Bro.
Chamber Bets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Ulnlrg Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Cbtlrs,
umoklug Chairs.
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor BnlU,
Easy Chairs,
I'arlor Cabinets,
Muslo Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels, V
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines,
J. P. Williams & Bro.
Anewlv dlscotered MINtllAli WATER,
the use of which will supply Important ele-
menis necttsary 10 ueaiiu, 11. win cure mi-
Kldnejs, Liver, Btomach, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It wllldlsiolve calculi and
remove Ihem. ltnmoves the utlo acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlght's disease, and Is es
pecially let ommended for people advanced In
Ilfp. nnd fnrtrpnrrnl fldhllllv. For undoubted
proofs or this stnd lor pamphlet giving full PEI1RY, Water ol Llle
Co., 81 Boutn Mam Bt., wimes-uarre, ro.
liijsil til Oldest Eellitlt Pirtl Cut CsbiiIii
Koprosented by
Jardln Htreet,
U KN AN1X) A if, PA
Philadelphia and Reading .Railroad'
rime Table n eject May 10, 180 1
for Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
. 0 5.26, 7.20 a. Vn. and 1285 2.10 nnd &J&
tn, Bunday 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. For Mow
ork. via Mauch Chunk, week davs. 6.23.
T.20, a. m. and 12.3 1 and 2,C0p. m.
f-nr Jteadlhff and 'Phllnrinrnliia wnlc dars.
2.10, 6.26, 7.20, a. in., 12 85 2.10 and 6.65 p, m,
muoay.z.iu ana 7.48 a. 111.
1 or.Uarrlsbarg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
;,'0 5.55 p. in.
nr Aiienmwn, wees aays, 7,20 t. m. K
0 u,-m. "
I I V- j, ...... u Riid6.6ip.m. Bunday, 2 10 and 7.48
For Tamaqua aud Mahanoy City, week
lays, 2..0, 5ii, 7.20. a. m.. 12 3? 2.E0 and 5.55
p.m. Bunday, 2.10 aud 7.48 a, m. Additional
tor Mahanoy city, week davs 7.00 p.m.
Fpr,Lucailr and Columbia, week days,
;.a)n.m., 2.0 p.m. r
For Wllllanisport, nnburvand Lowlsburfc,
Aeek days, 3,2), 7.20 and 118) a. m., 1.83, 7.00
u. nlT bunday 3:2) , m.
l"or Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2.1O 8 21,
and 11.3 J a,m.,, 155, xHi, 55
7,00 nno :a, p. m. Buuday, 2 10, 8.U5 and 7.4
a. m. 1.1 6 p. iu.
For GliKrdvlllo (Itappahannock Btatlon)
days, 2.1 ', 8.2, 5.26, 7.20 and 11.8) a. m
12.), 1 85 m,0, 6,65, 7.00 nndU.25, p. In. Bunday,
2H0 2 , 7.4s a. m., 3.C5 p. m.
or .-vshland and BnamuKtn, week days,
.2,5.25,7.20, 11.3) a. tn., 1 85. 7.00 and 9,26
oi. Bunday 3.2) a. m 3.05 p. m.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 7,45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.UI p. ra 12.16
ltghu Bunday, n.00 p. m., 12,15 ulgnu
ijeave New York via Manen tnunk, week
layn, 4.80, 8.15 a m 1.00 and 1.01 p. m.
Leave Phllndeiphln, weea days, 4.10, ana
10.00 a. 111. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. fri m Broad
,ud Callownill aud 8.35 a. m.and 11.30 p. tn.
from DUi anc jimo. streets. Bunday 9.05 a.
in, 11.10 p. in. from nth -.nt' mi.
Lioavo ileadlUE. wc-ea fl.ivs. l.Ti. 7.10. 10.15
Aud 11.50 a. ni., 6.65, 77 p, lu. Buuday 1.35 ana
10.48 n. m.
Leave I'ottsvlllo. week davs. 2.10. 7.40 a. m .
12.80,611 p. m. Bunday, 2.10 a, m. and 2.1$
leave Tamaqna, wees, days, 8.20, 8.48 and
U 2 : u. 111,, 1.21, 7.13, and 9.13 p. m. Bunday 3.10-
a. in. ana d.w p. m.
Leavo Mahanov City, week davs. 3.10. 9.i8
and 11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.42 and 9.44 p.m. Bun.
lay, S.4U a, m 8.20 p. m
Lieave mananoy naue, weeK oays,z-4i,4.iu
i.80. 9.33, 11. 0a. m.,1.15, 2.10. 5 20. 620,7.67. and
lU.OO p. in. Bunday 2,4 , 4.0D, and 8,6, a. in,
a 1, i. m.
Leave Glrardvllle (Itappahannock: Btatlon),
TioR days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3d, and 9.41 a. 111., 12.03,
i..2. 5.20. 6.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. eunday.2.47.
1.27, 8.26 a.m. 8.41 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsnorl. week davs. and
U.65 a. m. 8.85 and 11.15 p, m. Bunday 11.15
r or uammore, wasningion anu lue wesi
la ii. & 0. 11. It., through trains leave Glrard
........ n n.nt,.in i,i.,in,rni..i.,.. ii u. i ,1 .
at 4.16, bOl and 11.27 a. m 1.84. 4.21, 5.65 an 4
i.zj p. m. rsunuay, a.10 emm u.i a, m., t,a
,65 and 7.21p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreet Whort
nd BonUi Btreet Wharf.
for Atlantic CUv.
Week-days Express 9:00 n, m. and 2.00,
.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m., 5.0'i
). m.
bundayB. Express. 9.00. a. m. Accommo.
vlatlou, 8.00 a, m.and 4.80 p. ni.
neioining, leave ALiauLio uny, aepoi, corner
tjantlc and Arkansas avenues. week-days
Express, 7.8U, v.uu, a. m. anu t.w, p. m.
irfimitinoiiLion. n.uu. a. iu. ana a..-
1.30 p. ra.
Dlinuays. express, a.uu p. in, accoauagia
lion, 7.80 a. m. and 4.S0 p. m.
fl II II A MIVIllu' Ninil Pantir Avll
A. MoLKOl). Pres. & Gen'l Manoeer.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
Passentrer trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Cnunk. JLehlKhton. Blatlneton. Cata.
sauqua, Allenlown, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil.
adclphlaaudNew York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
is.iv, o.m p. m.
For Belvlderc, Delaware Water Gap and,
Btroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.26 p. m.
r or uamuerivineaua xremon, u.u a. m
For White Haven. Wllkes-Uarre and Pitts.
ton 6.47. 9.08, lu.41 a. ra., 8.10 and ,628 p. m.
For runxnannocK, 10,41 a. m., 8.10 ana o.2t
. in.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m and 620 p. in.
r-orijaceyviiie, J.owanaa. eayre, waveny
Elnilra, Kochesier, llullalo, .Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a, m.,ana
5.26 p, m.
For Mmlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. m.
nir Auaenneo, nazieion, biocauin, i.uin
ber Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
Hon nt5.4f, 7.40, 9,08a. m.and 12.62, 8,10 ana
526 p.m.
For Jeancsvllle, Levlston and Heaver
Meadow, 7.40, 0,08 a. m., and 6,23 p. in,
ForBcrontonat6.47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
6:26 p. m.
For Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Urlflon and Free
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62 8.10 and
6.26 p. m.
ForQ,uakake at 6.47 and 9.03 a.m., and
8.10 p. ra.
For Wlggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
5.60 and 0.08a m and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and lieiano,
6.17, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,63 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.28, 8,03,
9.2i end 10.27 p.m.
f or ijosi urees, jiraravine ana Asniana,
4.27, 7.16, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.35,
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darttwater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.63 a. m 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and 8.03
p.m. 1
ror duck mounuiin, .new Dosion anu
Moreti. 7.40. 9.08. 10.63 a. m.. 12.62. 8.10. 6.20 and
8.03 p.m.
For Haven Rnn, Centralla, Ml. Carmel and
Bhamokln, 8.62, aud ,10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.10
ana o.w p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah
7i5 115 a, m.. 2,10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m.,'arrlvlne
ai nenanaoan, .uo a. m., li.K. 6.w, e.aj ana
11.15 p.m.
nuiiuAi iiuuhd,
For LnRt Creek. C41rardvllle and Ashland.
8.60, 9.10 ,11.35 a. in., 2.45 p. m.
f or uarawaier, 01. uiair ana irouBvuie.
5.60, 8.00, 90 s , m.. 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano.
8.00, 11.85 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
f or .Louy, Auaenriea ana Jianeion, b.ou
m 1.40 p. m:
For Manch Chunk. Lehlehton. Blatlneton.
Catasanqno, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kastoa
anu .new xorK, o.w a. m., 1.4U p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. ra.
, Gen'l pass. ArU, Bethlehem,
Nature's triumph over disease. Without an
equal, without a rival. Alter 800 years' ex
perience In Brazil and two years' medical lest
In this country, ucknowledgt-d the first and
only purely vegetable and effective neutral
izer and eradlcator or scrolulous and spccldo
blood poisons known. Ho mineral, no lull
ures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Slore,
Ferguson'' Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, jPh.
bocn amzmuU) cuiod by
CURE C'JAA:(E0. o?Bi.W.fc