4 -FOR- Minora on tho Diamond. Two clubs composed of tho Invdo cm- ril.ives of the Shenandoah City colliery, I ' - . ... . . . . l will piny n frame of bate ball at tno trouuiK park on Saturday. Shortland Acquitted. Frederick Shortlmd, n tormer reidntof town, but now of Philadelphia, was tried Picnics and Outings! Severn, tho Grocer, is head-1 quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vesetnhles.Canncd Meats, at l'otuviiio yesterday ou r chaw of om- , ueziomoni, proiorrea uy uoun ahutiuj, ricKlos, uracivers, uukcs, uon- clonscd Milk, etc., suitable for nicnics and excursions. New J. of town. The oourt directed a verdict of not Rullty. Similar to the Cronln Murder. Cincinnati, 0., Juno 20. A paper of this city ndvnnccs tho theory that William Kendall, whose body was found In tho Ohio river, nud whoso homo wns In Now port, Ky., won killed In a manner similar to that of Dr. Cronln. Tho only differ ence was that Kendall was killed In mis take for a man named Green, who was connected with tho Fenian movement of 1807. Tliu lrlest ITIlicd. Toledo, 0., Juno SsO. Rev. Father Qulgloy, tho Catholic priest who was convlctod of violating tho Ohio com pulsory education law, In refusing to mako returns utidor Its provisions, has TjOH SALE A youiiK liorae. Ap ply at Ijtudlg's stationary store 0-11-tf BOAHDEItS WANTED Steady boarders, or or meals onlv. Good loca lion and llrl.clns accommodations. Appy at M. 8hGe.cr's, No. 110 N. Main streel, Hhen nudoub, la. 0-5 lm DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of tbe most desirable proper ties on West Oalc street, for sale on reasonable leruis. Apply at ltowse's grocery more, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets, Bbenandonh, l'a All new and fresh goods. eimnlv slirnrl Sum mm fifilisnrra of A., lust even M"1'1'V " o inif oWIbiI thn fnllnwlri? officers to mrve for the entuluK term: V. l' A. 0. Mor gan; r., inoinas anyners v. r uueri Kisenhart; M. o" K Win. Lindenmulh ; Con., GeorKe Horn ; Intp., Daniel Beddalli O. G.. Wm. Oalo: Trustee, James Kernf. Ofllcors Elootod. tt "v rvi t f C vaninion unmp, no. -aiu, . u c - ; """V "J" 7 ..... iT. t.; i n..7 W nl Ihfiir roirtllar most- ueeu """w" l J' u" 's" , ,', , m , ley In tho Common fleas Court. This Is believed to be tho first coso of the kind OR RENT. Tlireo first JL dwelllnr. with hathrnnms. In tYnnev row Just added a larger and sparate yard foriach house. They will be palutMl aid papered U suit good tenants. 0-2Mw decided In the State. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. I'UHLISIIKD DAITjY AND WHKKI.Y. LOCAL LTJNOHEON. Currant are now In market. A big; consumption of sugar jmt now. The moonlight is now on tho doorcnwi. The strawberry orop Is nearly exhausted, Some of our streots are gettlnjr. dusty again. The bti fishing hat not yet rea lied Its best- The SnlurdHy half holiday don't seem to take In town at yet. Kew buildings continue to ro up n overy section of tho town. It Is a pittnitl-Htit fact that of all the )olitioinns Kepublloant are most cheerful. Would you say your friend had Riven jou a "cold shtke" if ho treated you to a milk shake? Silver ten cent pieces never wora so tcaree as they aro at tbe protont time, and the tube ravines bank is the real came of this scarcity. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval tho California liauid fruit remedy Syrup of Fies. It is pleasing to the eye, and to tho taste and by Kntly acting on the kidney?, liver ard bowels, cleaning the system eflectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. Completed to Deadwood "'e Hurlington Itoute, 0., 11. &Q It. H, 'V l'OfcMjJ""' 'aoria ancl Louis, '8 w , . . 'Hilv passenger trains are . , ., . -, . lioln, Neb., and 'Custer, S. D., toDeadwooa. castle. Wvominz. Sleeping oars t wood. Wo Copy. The Catawitta AVios Item jays: "Tho postmaster at Shenandoah writes us to dl- onnilnue Henry A. Kiegal's paper, as that gartleman refutes to tnko It from tho ofhec. As Henry will probably rofuso to pay tho $6.00 he owes us on subscription wo will save the postagn by not writing to him. Shonnndoih papors pleaio copy." Shamokln Will bo Thoro. Ab open air eisteddfod is to bo held at Lakeside, (East Mahanoy Junction,) Sat urday, August 16. Captain Ted Keoso, ono of tho oloverest men in the ooal regions, is at tliu head of the conoern, and under liU management the musical will bo a grand success. It will do romomoerou mat -ur. lloeee was ono of the principals in tho Shamokin eisteddfod, aifdjeoveral prizes weroguen by him. Quito a numborof Shamokln people will bo in attendance Shamokin Ditjmteh Monmouth Turk llnclnc; Association. New York, June 20. Tho Monmouth Park Haclng Association have filed arti cles of Incorporation In tho county clerk's office, stating their capital is S100.000. Tho directors aro D. D. With ers. Alexander J. Cnssatt, William L. Scott, John A. Morris and JnmesGalway, To Rttiily Prohibition In Other Countries Ottawa, June 20. Hon. Mr. Foster's motion for the nppolntinent of a royal commission to obtain dntn respecting tho working of problbltlqn in other countries wascorrled nt nn early morning hour in tho House of Commons by 19 majority. The voto stood yeas, 107 ; nays, 8o. StilUlntr Cnrpentors Ncoklnff Tni-k. riTTftnuito, Juno 20. Tho striking car pentors nre losing heart, and are reported going back by twos and threes. Tho 241 carpenters of MoKcesport linve declared tholr strike for. eight hourn off, and made an unconditional surrender. AVlll 1'ny Dollar for Dollar. Boston. June 20. William A Knowl ton, ono of tho assignees of Alloy Droa. & Place, says thero Is no doubt whatever that tho Ann will pay 100 cents on the dollar. Will Captain Valo'sNIm. New Haven, Conn., Juno 20. T. L. McClung, '02, of Knoxvilo, Tonn., bas been elected captain of the inle Uulver alty baseball niuo for tho ensuing year, ATso to New- Dead- Coming Events. Juno 29. Picnic at Columbia Park by National Gutrd of Warsaw. July 4 Grand Carnival nd picnic by Columbia llofo Steam Tiro Kngino Oom pttny. July 29i.h. Festival and entorUinmont; Kobbins' opera house, under the auspices of Silver Wavo Castlo, A. O. K. of M. C. Fiimvorks. ' Tiro orackors and fino exhibition pieces will be sold at ilax Koese's storo, Fergu on Home building, West Centro streot, at wholesale prices. Call thuro before going eliewhcre. 0--U Max ItKBftE. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by fonding flfteon cents in noetaea to V. S. Eustii. Gen'l Pass. Agt., It.. O. & O It. U. Chloago, 111. tf A Glorious Record. Qlnnd ttiA lnll-nrlni.tlon flf tllO FhIUOUS l'HJV HiiaCoiub and Consumption Cure tn tills vteinlty, the deatn rate Horn Coimtmptlon h8 decreased wonderfully! It never mils to wlect a cure, auu i ine iitBtwjusii uiruiwuc. Try it. Trial boltKs free nl liirlln's drug Ashland Wants a Crusher. Every year Iho AeMand Borough Coun cil is compollod to wrostlo with tho vexed question of cracked slono for etroit making purposes. This year a set price p r ton was uiaie to be paid for broken atone, and tho Street Committee instructed to go aneau anu nrocure ino necessary supply, I mi f j T) and this was suppnsed to havo settlod the X 11G LllCapCSb X' ltlCe matter, and so it did until tue committeo fund bat he'prlcoiot was so low that tho men employod at tho work could not mako living wages, and then tho committee were compelled to como boforo Council and 8gbt the battle all oyer again, with the ro sult that it was taken out of their hands and given iut by contract. Hore wo aro now nearly out ol the month of June and comparatively nothing has been di na in the matter of Btreot repairs all bocauso of the difficulty about broken stono. Shen andoah has soltled the question by pur chasing a stone ortuhor. Couldn't Ash land do tho same by making a similar movof juinnna leiegrum. 010 tf TO BUY Ginls' Fur.is ing Go.)ds, llouiry, Etc, 18 AT CHARLES : YAROWSKY'S SI West Centre -t., Shonandoab. POBSALE ! Tliounder!2nd, desiring t retire from bus. .... irIII l.it .ennf h a.t..n!r fiftlrv irotid. groceries &e., lu op Purchaser cau aloo ent tlie store room at reasonable terms J he staud Is a good one and lu the hands of a live umu cm uu mauo pruiuuuic. T. IJ. OAVIS, ioo Nortlt Jnrillii St. store, Go and seo Keagey, tbe leading photo srrnuher. and get ono of thoso beautiful gilt frames ho gives away. 0-22 Ot Tho largest stock of wall papor and window shades evor received in this town, iiroountv. Good selection, at F. J. Porlz'e, book and stationery storo. 3-SO-tf Lakeside Dates. July ,j Athletic Association of Mabn noy City. July 15. Mahanoy City M. E. Sunday school. July 10. Mahanoy City P. M. Sunday school. July 20. Girardvillo P. M, Sunday hool. July 21. German societies of Heading, Shamokin, etc. July 28 Wm. Ponn Sunday school. ' 21. St. Nicholas Sunday ecnooi. ' 28. The Washington Hook & Lad der Comuany. of Mahanoy City. July fcO Trinity lleformed isunuay school, of Shenandoah. July ). Young Men's llepublican Uiut f Mahanoy City. Aug. 3. English IHptut Sunday school f bhenandoah. Aug. 4 M. E. Sunday fchool of Mali- Snov Piano. Aug 0 Evangelical Sunday scnooi oi Mahanoy City Aug. 12. Lutheran missionary lesiuai. " 13 Episcopal Sunday school of Mahanoy City. Auj;, 11. M. E Sunday school ot Atu- and. Aug. 15 Eiltodtlfod. " 10. M. E. S .nday echool of Shon- nnilonh. Aug. 20. Trinity Jtelormod buadny school of Mahanoy City. McELeon's Saloon 109 EaT CENTItK ST., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINES AND CIOABS ' Of the nnest nraads. Muslo furnlshel balls and partlei, from one to Ave pieces. Itect work dono at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything while and spotless Lsoo curtains a specialty. All work guar- uriLel. Given away, until July 15th, a boaulilul silt frame, with overy dozen of our best finished photographs. Koagey, 112 West Coal itroet, Shenandoah, Pa. 0-22-0'. It is a well liuown Inct that Pan.Tlua r.itn,ti nnd fViiisnnintlnn Cure has cured Ton- tumiitmn, Coiuhs and Colds when all else Hilled. 36 and 90 ceiiU. Tr.at uoiues ireeni Klrlln's drug store. Spectacles to suit all oyos at F. J. Ports' book and stat onerv store. 21 JNorth Alal street. 8-20-lf "WALL PAPER A.OAm,OAl) JUST AltUIVKD AT MBLLBT'S Blanks Bo ilt 8o Embossed 12 1-2 Window Slirulf, spring rollora..2Co Curtain Poles 25c OTOVBD 'VG 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. SOHEIDSR'S BAKERY, an Katt Centre Street, SlIEXAXVOAJf. Bread, Cute, Ice Cream find Confectionery OF ALT, KINDS, Cloaocl on Stxi.aa.c.y3 WANTS, SCO. KTow Is the time to change yo if ttndewear. You can get at Scimlau'a a suit ol good Summer Unclcrwcnr nt 50c A little bet'er lor 80fl. Good Hummer Ou'lng Hhlrts, 25o to SI. Oito oanlin's and get the new Century llrace th ) best Bummer Urose lu themarket. At Seaulan'syou can get a good iff HIT for 50c. No mnrn hnlliv class I wllli hats that do 'neys.'nm n, . u Ian has a now ij-u.11 umciT.A gooa nve-rooin V house, with cellar nud nutlde kitchen. Palntid nnd parcrcd. Itent reasonable. Vpply to ueury L. Jonos, 111 West Oak stieet. IVAN 1 -An active reliable man- V) salary S7o to S8r monthly, with ln- crease, to ri-preent In his owu section onsioie now v or limine, uuiereoces. ANUFAO-ruitsn, Looft Box 16&5, New York Fon RENT Storo ntitl building now occunled bv thu Shenandnab Uakfry Co. lor mil ufacturlne nul retnl anay onsiness. Twonoorstmsiieei. Aiipiy tr J. J. Franey, 5-10 i FOR SALE. A number of second hand dsskB Id imod condition lor tale by iho Uhnnaudoah School Board. Apply to the rollowimr committee for additional nartlcu Jars. H. A. DAVENPOKT, Tlr IM AH HAIltU, H.J. MULDOON, W. t. WILLIAMS, JAMK-JO'UKAHV, 10 12t Committee, me to fit tin bead Only two doeen moro 25e neoltwenr left, xcanlanwll' s llyou cheap balsnnd oaps, latest stylos and colors. Cheap Overalls and White Shins. to Sciutlt MKtii fit. Attention, House Cleaners 1 , The warm weather is here, nud houne-clwining Is Iho next thine In order. And at such tliuos most everybody needs somethlnt; to brighten up the home, bo If you need a good carpet of either -uo TO- Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hits from Wo to 81.57 Short Spray Flowers 60 to 1.00 Wreaths ...Ooto 1.73 Infants' CurUtenlug Itobe, 05c to S3 Infants' long and short ooats...Sl, up to DS.B0. Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussels f TWO OR TUHEE-PLV INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! Lace ill n 1 ' WW You cau dud a full assortment nt PRICE'S. a 1 ' ' n 1 n us, wtaiR rows oi all Kinds 1! I Window Shades, Floor nud Table Oilcloths nud Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when duality Is cousidered. No misrepresentation oue price to all. 60,000 LADIES WEAR Tlii) SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY-CAPS! All Colors, at 20 cents. John R. Coyie, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE Bed OALn's BtJU.nisa, Cor. Main anJ Centra Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. S'S Old Reliable 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. With a manufacturing de partment in fullblast.our bank withstands the run. We have made tbe jSTcw Storo, cor. loth and (Jhestnut bts., a "safe deposit" for your money when in need of Clothing. The p; daily rush proves tho "trust" " 01 the public in our goons. The stock is right, the prices aro right wo hold tho lead. A Run on Our Rank wwa New linn. New Stock. Green 1ml Fine G:ocsvies, FRUITS, be, Dslnwareroa slitrtnnil o'.lier fresh flsh right from the boats oa 7'rldiys. Fresh Oieens from tho South. Evan's Building;, E. Centre St. (J.S mutant' old ttand) Kverytlilnj new and reh. Goods delivered R. C. KNIGHT & SON. NEW THROUGH SLEEPER. Ohlcaso to Sioux Falls, South Da kota, Travelers en route to the Northwest nre informed that the Ureat Itock Island H.iUto le(?n running, Juno 14, a TbrotiRh Uutlot Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to bloux Falli, South Dakota. This car leaves (Jblcago dal'y, excopt Saturday, on the 0 It. I, & 1'. No. 1, at 1:80. noon: returning, arrives nt Chicago daily, except Jlonday, at 8:05 a. ra. Maw. Koldors, and further tntormatton sent on application. J no, Sebastian, Gen 1 rkt. & Pas. Act K. St. John, Ueneral Manacer. General OUlco, cjhioago, 1 1. U ao-6t LOOK KCBBB, A grand cworttinlty tor Joining a new society, The Beneficial Older of Equity A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN SIX YEAUS. a a rro nM. mnnnp t.ii lmv hntnei. cancels the I Indebtedness Incive of disability or death, I l'or further partlcnlats call on or address, DAXIEf, DKAN, Deputy Supreme Piesident, 83 N. MalnSt,, Hheuaudoah, l'a. PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 A two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, with stove-room and res lauraut. Located on Bast Centre street. !i A valuable property located ou Houtti Jar dln street. 3-Bevcn dwe'llng houses at tho corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good investment. Terms reasonable. JUST OPENED UP a big lot ot GLASSWARE among which are some lovely ols well worth &uc v" nave iieierriiinpu 10 riwu them oUforit)o. Come tally 11 you wish tjsecutoone. THIS Or'FEK ONLY (1000 Until SATURDAY, JUNE 13 OUR TIllWARE COUNTERS are shining with bnrgalns. You'll bs amazed to seo WJiat 0 01 luruuin vi'i uuv. 1 uuuvu everything in llnwaie from a tin cup to a wash boiler, or from i flour scoop to n bread raler. Duncan & Waidlev, No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa Now Only Corner 13th end CHESTNUT Streets. PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS ! Men's all-wool Cheviot Buits 58.00 " " Worsted Suits 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.5C " " Cheviot Suits 6.50 Children's Suits $1 ut)varV" Knee l'ants !0o " V.W Sateen Shirts GOo " Men's shifting shirts 75o " Best necktlu in town 26a And everything elso In our line you will And down to the lowest prices; We sell the hestEOo Domet Shirt in town. Merohuut Tullofiug it specialty. -AT- FAMOU S" OlSTE-PRICB CLOTHING. . No. 11 North Maiu Street, Shenandoah, Pa.a M. S. SCHIIDER'S -KEW- A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leasex. Mortgages and Bonds written. siarria e ni-ouses ana ixgnt ciutuis piomptly attended to. Ileal Esttte, Collcclion and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Kepresents the Norinweatern Lire insurance (Jo. OFriCR-Muldoon's lmllilincr. corner Centra and West His,, Shenandoah, i'u. First National Bank, TIIIiTKK UlflLniNG, SHENANDOAH. PENin V II IO 1 A. IKI IE 5fT ! Good Properties of All Kinds Foe Sale. Tho Secret of Success. C. 11. Haaeobnoh, the drugglst.belleves that the secret ot suoce Is rcreeverance. ihero Tore ue lwrsists in kuopiuk iuo u .i hud u. perfumeries, lolUt urtlcles, cosnietlcs, flniKH and cbemtcttlaon HiemarUoL Ileespocialy Invite nil persons no iiuyb iwihwuuu, short breath, wean or Hungry eimi,iuiu iu uifi..r Khr,iiliif.r. nnnre-siau. niizhtmarv. dry eougn, smoineriuff, urojisy r Hitm,wo 1 1 try ur. allies uuwiiuueu iow ncn v v.u.u, b'lote It Is too late. It bas the largest sale of ...... uit.illut. vrAi1i. It'lnfl tinok fif teitlino nlalafreo. Dr. Mile' ltoslorattvo Nervtuo is uusurimssed for sleeplessucss, lieaaacue, tits, etc., nnu it oouuiiua no ujuuiw. You oan got an excellent frame fir notli- InK at Koagey's Art Studio, Call at onco. 0.22-Ot M1108' Borve and Liver Pllla A.ot ou a nw pi in Iple nsulating the llvar. kttnini'li and buwelH Onoiiah the nerves. A ii'-w dlntnery. Ur. Wl'.tV 'IHh niiedllyl cum blllousue , nun lam, i'ipiu ii-i,pi:u, ..itritinuit.ii. IfiiMiuulnd tor men. wt men. mi.ii.im., uitmiiMiL. mlluHMi. cnrcit ! ft-idotes. I SSeU. Humpies Free, at i.. H. Jtinstnbuch's drug store. Waters' Weiss boar is the best. John A KhiIU iulo airenl. t-b' f W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mostcller's old stand,) corner Coul niul JurtllnlStH. Mr. Hnvrter will always keep lu stock n tine lino of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Xlcimlrlnf; rtnnn in th hftt. stvtA. lie nunraulees to sell ohoaperthanoompelltorson Main street who nave uig reuvs hi pay, uuu Kunruuiroa swu lne barnMlu on every purchase. fETMTbS Rr a Wtiulow fhade. Li CM I O others tor I5e. 45o. &. ft", Tin and upwards. Hi, mis nwde lor stores and privat1 dw elllug. Cus iomirndestdliiK only tbe flxtare or Nliuitu by tue yara ouu ue aooom luiijmtd. C. D. Fricke, 10 South Jardm St, AND CONFECTIONERY, No, xj SotttH ninln St., Slicuaudoali Fresh Bread, Cakes anil Pies. OHAIIAM 11IIEAD A SPECIAMX S- A tine line of Confectionery, l'luo Icq uream ranors nimcuea. 1. A two Btory douMe frame "dwelling house, uiurouuu resuiurum, ou tunn i.uuiru au 2. A dwelling aud restaurant on East Centre street. 3. Desirable property od corner Centre and jarum streets, suitaute tor uusiues pur-poifes. 4. A two story double frame dwelling, on We.t I.IotU street. 5. Two 2 story frame dwellings on West Cen- O.Two 2 story dwelllug ou tbe oorner of Conl and Chestnut streets Htoro room m one. 7. Two-sto'y single house on North Chestnut street with a larje wareuouse aiuierair. 6. Three twoiory double frame buildings corner ot L,ioyn ana uiiueri stream. EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Ce.ttre Street. The above DABB, The Photographer Foimerly Kept by I hotel is Mrs Omvlllo. now Kept by Is located at JOHN AV. WEEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, CMberton Permanent end Transient Guest The bar ' Hochedwitti the best braudsof clgu .s, ale, beer, porter and liquors. kxcellknt FitEii uvscu counteh. 1 Ci'nyoii Work a Spoolalty, No. 14 North White Street Havlug ban his gallery greatly improved, tie in imwuvitei uiri'Mivu umucvei U) uiuvt ttio wauts or lio public In Hie pnoto graphic Hue. The brt photo graphs at lowusi inn. Capital, $ioo,oosjpoVit. V A. W. Leisenring, Pres., i P. J, Ferguson, V. Pres., , J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, 1 ' S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier: Open Dally Front 9 to 3f.'- 3 PER 0ENT. INTEREST !l lnttl 011 Hnvluga Deiioaitu". Lambert, The Hatter,! Uatrles an extraoidlnary line ot Hats. Ca,1 and Cents' Furnishing ai.J unite a opeelully of Nellie Illy uni Mary Andergon Caps. O E" ABX OiiWTEH ST. A