The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 26, 1891, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
H, 0. BOYEB, Editor anl PuWUher,
W. J. WATSINS, Local Editor.
DAn.T, per year
Wct.y, per year,,
.. i
Metered at the Postofflce, at Shenandoah, Pa.
tor trnnstn lesion t hrough the Mall
a seeond olass mall mstter.
Oolllarv BtoKlneer POolset Book
The Colliery Engineer Oo Scrantoi
r Publisher. TliU is ft convenient vol
me of over 400 pages printed on fine papn-
with clear new .type, thus enabling th
publishers to furnish a vast amount of
Matter In bandy shape. -
This book has been especially preparer
for the use of oolliory officials and minon
who have long left the want of a convenien'
and simple reference book, containing ruin
and tables specially adapted to tneur use
It is a text-book for the miner who i
studying the principles of ventilation, mln
Ing, etc., and the most convenient pocket
book for tho mining onglne-r, eupcrtnteii
dent, or other colliery officials. It was not
prepared for college graduates, and any
Intelligent man can understand the princi
ples and rules contained in it. No other
book is required by the student for a mine
foreman's certificate.
Tho following, among many other sub
jects, are treated on in full :
Arithmetic; mensuration; weights and
moneuree; strenRlh and weight of materials;
prospcotinKi timbering; molhods of work
ing; gases; ventilation; colliery machinery
survoylng; mino railways; stam; faults;
electricity; square; cubes; square roots, and
cubo roots; sines; tangents, etc., traversf
tablet, etc., olc.
Itniiml In nlnlli St IX
Hound In flexible leather, round corners.. 2 50
Bound In flexible leather, wlih flap 2 75
Oh, What a Cough.
Will von heed the warn Inn?
The siimnl per
hat more tor
linns of the sure approach of that more
rlble disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
ir vou can aflord for tlie sake of saving 50
ranu. in run the rink and do nothing for It.
Wn ttmwv f,ntn pxnerlene that Khlloh'8 Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Unie Bach, Hide or
Chest, useHhlloh's Porous Piaster. Sold by
C. II. llageubuch, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
It looks liko n good season for the various
watorlng places tliie year.
A Husband's Mistake.
ITiKlmnds Innnneu neimlt wives, and nnr
cuts tholr children, to under from hr ndacue,
dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, lit, ner
voinmea. when hv the use of Dr. Mllea'
Jtcntornttvo Nervine fuch serious results
could easllv be nreveiitod. Druggists every.
VlltJ10 Mljr lbl,n iminiPnirmiBinKiiiiuiuttu
hni at Iinmonse sale. Wooduorth Co., of
Kort Wayne, Intl.; Hnow to., or Hyraciihe,
N. v.. .l.n. Wnlf. Hillsdale. Mlch.t and hun.
rt edsot others say "It m the greaiest seller
they ever knew." It coutalns no npiilis.
xnai minim aim line imhik uu i-tervuu
Icod drinks nro now seasonable but neod
lo be used in moderation.
To Nervous, Debilitated Men
If you send us your address, we will
mail vou our illustrated pamphlet explain
Ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-
Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their
charming ollects upon the nervous do
"billtated system, and how they will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamph
let free. If you are thus afflicted, we will
tonii you n Belt and Appiianoes on a trial
voltaic; JiBf' uo.. Marshall, Mich,
Tho Govornor bus only th!s wook in
which to swing his veto nxo. "
OIIlco of J, M. II. ltoniNKON,l(2 Kast l'.'Clh si. 1
itesldonce, 1 83 lCiikt H I Hired. i
Nnw Yoiik, .lanuiirySl, 1890.
Alva's Itrazlllan Hueclllc Co. Oeiiiiemen
ilavlug sullered fir the past two years with
lhcumatlsm, ludlgestlon, sore throat, anda
complete ureaning down ormy wnoiofystom,
I was Induced (alter treating with fccwral
rronilDenl doctors) to try the Cactus Mood
Cure, which I continued to use lor nboul
ininy aays, since wnirntimo l nave been en.
tlrelv iroofl'otn the above-mentioned troubles.
nnd liave more ambition to day than any
time In the pact four years. I can heartily
recommend the snmelo any one having the
same troublos. J. M. 11. HOWNfc-ON.
Bold at Klrlln's Urug Btoro.KerBiison House
xjiucu, cuenauuoau.
Tho offoct of a tattoo la vory dlfforont on
a man and on a drum.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who teljs you confidentially
UBt what will euro" your cold is proscribing
Kump's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this romnrkablo modlcine for
coughs nnd colds no oxponse is spared to
comblno only tho boat and purost ingredi
ents. Hold a bottlo of IComp'e Balsam to
the light and look through it; notice tho
bright, clear look; thon comparo with
othir romediesj Pnco 60c. and f 1
All mercnntllo licencoi must bo tnkon out
prior to July 1st.
Rooky Mountain Ouro.
The druggists claim Hint people, call
daily for tho now euro for constipation end
sick headaohe, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lane while in tho Kooky Mountains. It It
said lo be Oregon grape root (a great
retnu'ly in the far West for those'com
plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is
made, for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out the strength. It sells at 50
cents a paokage and is called Lane's
Family iledtclne.
When a fly undertakes to walk across a
sheot of molasses paper he is bound to stick
Shlloh's Consumption Cure.
Tbis Is beyond question the most mio-
U,atl UaAlmna Wfi l.u... o.-. BnM
lew doses Invariably cure the woist esses oi
Couitb. Croun. and llrnnchltls. while lis wan
dtrfiil meows In the cure of Consumption In
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
Blnce It's first discovery It has been sold r,
guarantee, a test which no other nu
can stand, li vou hAve 11 Cnni-h v 1. 1 , , , .t .
askyoit to try It. I'rlce 10 rents. Ui who., .u.d
IIaO. If your Lungs are sore, Clust or lim it
lame, useHhlloh's Porous I'last.T Hud l,y
O. U. llagenbuch, N. K. corner Main aud
Lloyd streets,
Now nil American Citizen.
St. Lorts. Juno 20. A San Antonio
pecl '1 snysi "J. J. OoppinKor, son-in-law
or. Secretary isinino iim ueoomenn Ameri
can citizen by making his Anal statement
before tho District Court renouncing Ills
allegiance to Great Britain. Ool. Oop-
plngor look out his first 'papers' sonio
yonm Ago, but neglected lo complete tlio
necessary steps to become a full-fledged
citizen until Ins ntteirtlon was onlieu to
thereafter a few days since."
A Well Known Joimuillit Dead,
Boaroir. June 26. Albert Gallatin
Browne, jr.. formerly connected with the
New York Herald and Evening Tele
gram, died here last evening. lie wm
born in Salem, Mast., 88 years ago. He
wan a lawyer by profession. Mr. Browne
married Miss Mattle Griffiths, a Kentucky
lady, who emancipated her slaves before
the war and out loose from Southern
society and Institutions by coming North,
where she has published several works.
Tj pholil I'erer Hnlng.
provtdimck, It. I., June 26. Typhoid
fever Is raging at Valley FalU, six miles
north of here. Thirty -six. persons are
down with the disease. The cause of the
epidemic bos been traoed to a contamin
ated well.
Hull l'layen Heavily I'lned.
Roc buster, June SO. The board
directors of the Rochester Baseball Asso
ciation last night held the players re
apoualblo for tho loss of yesterday's auie
anil tinea tuetn fiuv eacn.
SulllvnH Will Fight.
Nbw York, Juno i8. A despatch to
HI oh anl K. FoK from San Franoisoo saysi
'John L, Mulllvaii saUl to-day that he
will fight Fiuuk P. Slavin for $10,000 a
side nnd a purse of $23,000, either In the
Olympio flub or New Urleaus or the
Qr.Milte Club of Hoboken, the fight to be
decided any time between September and
February, nnd iliohnnl li. r ox, At. uriuge
or Dick Kocho can hold tho stttKes."
Tho Doctor and Postmaster
were talkluit ftb-.ut a ease of serhms Illness
diu to a ueglecten old and rapidly going Into
coisitTiitaio" wnicn whs pronipuy oureu uy
in'l'lnn f'm.tfl. oli.l I V.ia,i ,.i .., ton l'n.0
Tri I bottles lite at Klrlln's drugstore,
Sino and t'pnrlH
a I'oai'rivii Ajso maitjs
15 Per Cent.
Dividend Puying Stock.
I '1; iiarilculursand
l'rospei tun u be had
on applle .Hon or arid reusing
H. I.. SI.1IIIS', llftllhor,
04 nr4nTv'v M '
Tho vestlbiiled coinrartment sleenlnecars
recently Intiodueed on the Chicago. . Inui
and Kansas City Hallway are models 01 earn
ion, oonveni nee h.ici luxury. Any pbttou 07
ine Bleeping car ia enauieu, uy ute lairuauc
tlon of these compartment cars, lo tecure ihf
same privacy and onveuleuce that ha would
In the best hotel. No other line west or ( hi
aiao rnus tho compartment cam. J11 sddi.
Hon, the trains are equipped w th the regale
open Pullman sloeper, giving passengers their
cnoice. it e ui mg ear nervice is nuiy up u
the reflUlrementfi 01 modern railway beivlct,
An excellent eulslne, promptly served amid
eleiatut surrounainss. a mo-Jtrnie cuaiees
leaveB nomine now 10 oe aeairea. Any or our
people contemplating a trip to any part of tin
w'eBL or qutl lwfiHL chuuul TUSHiuiv Heeurt
belter necommoflatlons or lower rotes (bar
by nddresslng W. 1. Cooley, Ueueral Agent 01
ine laeainuer (leparimtui, mo iuesinuiau,
rmiaaeipuia, im.
wliere bcighta nnd depths mi to obvious the
meaning or the word nullthesls; a laud where
every muod lu mu. d can and nu auauerincr
muud lu nature. The high, white minarets of
hid iiimimuiuM, iiom wuobc sienaer pinnacles
iloat the wind-blown banners 01 the snow, ap-
j'vni ,,1111 siieiib LiuijuBuLu iu iub louy aBjnr 1
Hons or the soul; the sombre chasms clelt bj
Titan forces through Kranltt-hcarted Lllf,
,tlhln whose depths dark thadows ihrong
and swirling lorrentx dashspealc to tho heart,
a language that thrills, inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thehe glories ol white
peaks and those glooiLs o! dark cuiions pre
clude the ple-aut Intervals, the sunny
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
ureu onus or wearied ooay may una peace
ml rest null relage irom turmoil aud toll. To
one ninaiug a journey in Colorado, New
.ueiico or uiun, or la iing n trausooutlnental
tour from East to West, or vfcewrin, the l)en
vcr aud lllo Grande ltallrnad oil, r nrA,m,
modatlons equal In elegance.conventence and
luxury m iuunb oi nny oiuer line wun ine aa
ded attractions of Ihe unrivalled scemr..
along Its line, abounding In n magoiflceut
opulence of whlto pea 11 b and daik oauons.
Tlio month of November, 1!UU, witnessed oue
ui mu niosi lmnoriani, improvements in ran
load lacllllles that has yet been made In Col.
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauge of the Penvor aud ItloOrnnde
Hnilroad Irom Denver, Colorado, over the
mountains to Ogdeu, Utah, which Ave years
niio was deemed an Impossibility, Is certnlnly
u trlumpti of daring and engineering skill.
The new lino Is by the way oi lifadvlUe, tun.
uellng Tennessee Pass, threading the canons
ui 1110 luigicanu uraua nivers, giving a view
ol tho Mount of tho Holy Cross, enroute. tak
Ing Its trains thiough Qleuwood Springs aud
uuwii me iiraiui umr 10 urauu junction,
thence to Bait Lake City, Ogden and fan
rraucitco. ny mis route one is El veu an op
portunity to behold the magnificence of Kagle
ltlver Canon and the marvelous beauty and
grandeur of the Canon of the QraDd. The
ovennnu un'.n isn model in every respect
From the engine to the last flmt elnss coach
everything Is bright and new, and of the
mou elegant stylo 01 wnrKmanshlp aud
If any reader desires to hnow more about
mess siupenaous works or nature, write to B.
K. Hooprr, Ueneral Passenger Agent.Heuver,
Colorado, and he will send you. free ol cost.
elegantly Illustrated boons, giving a full de
scription of the inarvelH or the 'Heculc
nue.- - tstaniey wooa in ine "ureal Divide,'
i3 niid will ever bo tho
Itemedy for
FOaut. lnthianzs. Baokaoho."
FPAinH ir. M10 Side. Cheat ond!
I Joints, Nyaralaia, Sprains, &o
Before yon aoea to hnyi obtain
k the vslusMs lioki "Stilds to Health," with J
eadorMiaeuts of prumiuout tiaysiuaas,
3 lv) Broadway,
Kiw TOBa,
Prize Medals Awarded!
' EjropraD 'B.-tb .t Eu tolitadtLonJoii7l
Vlenra, Ptipe, Bottardsm, Olten,
N ireaitwrs, Konstela, Lelpilo,
50 Oo tits a bottlo, For Salo by jj
1. I. . KJItLIN,
kC 11. llAaKNIIUClI.i
v.d utter drveguts.
Montreal 1'olico Havo a Baltic
With Drunken Tars.
A Eopo Ladder Out to Drop the Officer
the Bmr.
llamMo.lInml fight on the I)elt of ths
Vessel Ihe Men Arreitoil Atter a Des
perate StrngBle One of the l'ollrnmcn
Attached With nn Iron liar l'lesli
T0111 frum Illsl'nce.
Monthsau June 26. There was a mu
tiny at noon on board the steamer Batr.
vla, wioh is manned With Dutch sailors.
five of the crew had deMrted from the
ship, and word waa (eat to the police
station asking the police to capture
While the nolioa were looking for the
sailors the latter returned to the steamer
of their own aoeord, buf under the in
fluence of liquor. They. would not obey
order, and, the steamer lieing In the
harbor, the captain again telephoned for
the uolice. and ten men were sent down.
When the rive men saw uie policemen
running toward the boat they stood by
the lone ladder, and when the officers
were ascending It the fellowa pagan to
out the rope, so that they could drop the
polioe luto the river. AJl tue ponce goi.
on board before the rope Wiw cut exocpt
one, but he landed on the wharf when he
The five sailors then fought furiously
with the polloe oa the deck of the vessel
until four of them were enpturou, i
fifth escaped Into the hold and hid.
Dctoctlves MoMnhouttud Lafontaino
were notified nnd went to the hold to se
euro the man, who was armed with 1
heavy iron bur nnd was la a corner.
Crouchinirat his feet was a huge mastiff,
which sprang at Lafontaino as soon as It
saw him. while tho Dutchman attacked
Mcllahou with tho
McMalion knocked the iron bar from
his hand, when the fellow sprang nt his
throat, but only succeeded in catching
hold of the chin, out 01 which ho tore
big piece of flesh with his nails. Mo-
Mahon then clinched with the sailor, and
the two rolled on tlio floor, MoMahon nt
lastgettlug tho best of tho fight, but not
before he was covered with blood. The
five sailors were then locked up.
Ills Wedding With Sirs. O'Sheu Occurred
at mi Karly Iluur.
Jxindon, Juno 20. There was very lit
tle excitement over tho marriage of Mr.
Pnrnoll and Mrs. Shea.
Shortly after 8 o'clock a closed carringo
left ParnoU'H home at Brighton and was
driven by it coachman who displayod 11
white fuvor, to Steynlng, a small towu in
Sussex, where the wedding ceremony was
performed by the liogistrur. There- wore
110 wltue-isea but tho two clerks.
. Mrs. O'Shoa wore dark attire and
pink trimmed hat nnd looked very happy.
l'arnoll was in a neat dark suit und cheer
ful In manner, but glauced nervously
around during tho coremouy.
Immediately after the knot had been
i-,, i.-n 1 i...,. -, iur u
nesiiiuamii not known, but conjectured to
bo Paris, where it is believed tho honey
moon win bo spent.
Tho parish registrar, together with his
books of record, vanished after tho wed
ding coremouy had been performed, and
it is believed that his disappearance was
the result of a bribe, judiciously admin
istered by the wily Irish leader.
When tho news of tho marriage was
brought to lira. ParneU's brother, Qon
tiir iM'eiyn w ood, ho expressed his em
phntlo pleasure nt tho termination of tho
scandal, having keenly felt the injury
douo to thu family by his sister's peculiar
relations with raruoll.
In order to satisfy Catholic sentiment
thero will bo a second marriage, this time
by a clergyman in London, us soon as
possible, if not immediately,
Tho Parnollitos say that tho marriage
will restore their loader to his old po
Gladtmio'0 Friend Alarmed.
London, Juno 20. The St. James' Ga-
zotto says that Mr. Gladstone's friend
nro seriously alarmed at tho statu of hi
honltli. Tho lulluenzu scorns to have left
htm with nil his powers enfeebled. Ho
has yielded to the advico of his ohvsl
clans, nnd will go without dolay to tho
Bea coast In search of health nnd abso
lute rest. Ills visit is to bo strictly nrl
vnto, and ho will bo accompanlod only
by his wife. Sir Andrew CI irko Insists
that he shall see nobody, speak with no
one, nnd transact no public business dur
ing his seclusion.
nothing the Exiled Jotv Through,
Beiiun, June 20. Tho German author
ities uro taking extraordinary precau
tions lo prevent the spread of Infectious
diseases from the Iiusslun Jews, who nro
flocking through the country. Visitors
aro no louger permitted to enter the
vaults at CharJottonburg, whoro tho ex
iles rest, while tho fugitives nro hurried
forwnrd as rapidly as possible to their
ports of departure for new Yoik.
Will Try to Save Duncan.
London, Juno 20. Tho well known
American specialist in lunacy, Dr. Wnl
tor kempster, nas arrived In Wales,
where ho will testify on behalf of It. 0.
Duncan, of Washington, D. 0., who will
soon be placed on trial on the charge of
having attempted to murder bis wife.
Death of an Old Cotton MHmirueturer.
Fall IUvkk, Mass., June SO. Foster
II. Stafford, tho oldest cotton manufac
turer in continuous service In thu United
States, died last night of apoplexy, ngod
76 years. He wits 1 roprletor of the
Stafford Mills, and had been connocted
with cotton mills from hie childhood.
A I'lrmuan Instantly Killed.
Wilminoton, Del., June 80. John Cole
man, aged HO, a member of Liberty Kiro
Company, wits Instantly killed lost night
by being thrown from ono of tho engine
horses ho was riding.
linglnnil Gu nu Inland.
Madiud, June 20. Manila dispatches
state that Ehiglnud has annexed Sabutnn
Island, whloh is clnimed by the Spaniards.
Hpurgeon Uui a Ralaute.
London, Jane 80. Spurgeon, the
great Nonconformist preacher, has had a
serious relapse.
Not tO iSjOlllfc !
KTo-t tO PlSCOl.OJ? I
Hie finest in the interior of
the State. Only avnilnblp-
hea thandp ensuregrouiuls
111 uiu iiiharaoiie rogioii.
Tlie ualunil uUrnalloiis and niagiiill
H...M.I,.,.. cent scenery of the place fire tin-
equalled, nnd a duy of recren- "
tloii nnd pleasure may be
spent iu it to advantage.
There Is good fishing and
- bathing in the twin lakes '
Biirroundiugthe grounds. Boat
houses will bo bulk on the lakeside
and regattas will be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools. Lodges. 8cc,
The grounds aie most Miltnble for pic -
inclination, coil
Msnil after Nov'. 21, 1890, tnrint will (o,
BhenandouK as loiU'vit:
Vox Wlggan, Gllberton, FracfcviUe, Kev
lastlv, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.1
m and 4.15 pm,
Hundays, W0, v.iO a m and 1.10 p rn,
b'or FottsvlUe, 0.00, D.lo a m and 4. 15 p m.
Hundays. 600, 8.4U am and 3.10 d m,
Tor KeadlnK, 6.00. 0.30 am and 4.15 pm,
Sundays, WJ, 0.10 n, 111. and 3.10 pm.
Kor 1'ottstown, I'hoeniitville, JSorristow.
ija Philadelphia (Broad street station), 0.OC
MO am. ana 4.15 p m week days
Hncduys,600,9.10am8.10p ia
Trains Icavo FrvckvlUe lor Hhenaudoah a
0. 40 am and 12.14, 7.42, p m. Bondayi
IMS a ra and 5.10 p ru.
ijeava l'otlsvllle lorBheuandoab, 10.15 anc
.1.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. Btmdnys, 10.40 11 u
1.1S p ru.
leave I'hllf delphla (Broad street station,
fur Pottsvllle ud Hheuandoah, 6.57,1055 a n
1. W, 4.1 0 aud 7.00 p m week days, bunuay vx
a ai and 1.10 p. m.
Vor w York. 8.20, 4,05, 4.10. 6.36, 6.50, 7.81
i,208.W J.60, ll.oOandil.lSam, 12.00 noon, (llm
'ted express, 1,00 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, i'.3t
I 20. i, S, S, 0.30, 6.50 7.13 U.12 and 10.00 p in, 12.0
Ou Hundays, S.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.a5, 8.12, 8.i, B.6(.
A ru. and 12.49, 3.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 0,8(5, 6,5
.'.IS 8,W p m and 12.01 night.
For fen Ulrt, tiprins Lake, Delmai
cean Urove, Asbury l'ari, and Long Bi-anct
S.20, 11 15, a. ra. 4.00 11. m. week dayr foi
freehold, 6.0 , p. m. week aays.
Baltlniorx and Wabblnglon, 8.50, 7.20, 8,8j
9 to, 11..20, ) 1.18 a m, )2."i (limited express) 3.4'
4.41 6.1)7 anr,7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. Ko
rfnitlmore. nly 2.02, 4.1 1,6 08 and li BO p. rr
On Hundays, 8.50, 7.20, 9.)land 11.18 a. nr. 4.4
i.o7,7 40p m. 12.03 night, ilalt'more only
1,08 and 11.80 pm.
for Richmond and the Koulh 7.2011.18 a. ni
' l.luilted Kzpress 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 slght,weel
lays. Mondays, 7.20 a. m 12.03 nleht.
Trains leave Ilorrleburs for I'liusDurt an(
be west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m anr
WW tllralled) nnd 8.40 p m. Way for Altoona
-.16 a m and 4.10 p ni every day.
l-'or PHUiburn only, 11.20 u ni dally and 10.21'
1 rn week days.
Leave bnnbury lor Williamsport, Elralra
.'anandnlgna, Hochester, Bntialoand Mlapun
Kails, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 p m week days
For Vatkins, 6.80 p m week days.
For Krle and intermediate points, 5.10 a m.
dally. Kor Lock Haven, 6.10, nnd 9.53 a m
dally, 1.34 and S.80 p. m. week days. Ko
Renovn 6.10 a in 1,43 and 6,30 p m weok days
).10a. in Hundays,
(ten. Itan'r Uen. Fr.ts. Agt
Timetable in effect May, 10, 1691.
Trains leavo Heading V. & It. station) foi
Gibraltar, Heyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Hpring
held, Wajnesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Cliester,t'hadsford Junction, 11, Jt O. Junction,
Wilmington aud iutermed(olestatlons,diilly
except bunday. at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3.15
p. 111. Hnnday only at 3.05 p. in.
Kor Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate
statlons.dally except huuday, at 9,20 a.m., and
6.1 p. m. bunday only 8.15 a m.
Kor Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Bnlurday only, at 12 m.
Kor Baltimore and Washington (B. A O B.
K.) dally except HumlHy at 6.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 3.15 p. in. fc-unday only ai 3.06 p, m.
TmlnsnrrUeat KesdlLg (P. nation)
from Wilmlngton,B. & O. Junction, Mont
ehanln, Chsddsloid Junction, West Chester.
Lenojie. Coalesvllle, WayneHburg Junction,
Bprlngneld,Joanna,Biidfihoro, Oluraltar.Hey
fen aud Inteimedlate sUtllonn, dally except
bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. Hun
da 1 nly at II 24 a. in.
Kioni Ht. 1'eteiK, Warwick and Intennertlat
stations, dally except bunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p. in. bunday only at fl p. ra.
I'roni Blidsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. jn.
Knim Ww-hlngtou and Baltimore, dally ex
cept bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in.
bunday only at 11.21 a. m,
BOWNKSH B1UG08, Gen'U'ass. Afit.
Vobuil. btibti) MA&liOOU tally ltvtord. Hot to nUrt out!
Blri)ctk-1TIAH.L'aiUSvEUnCbtU( I'-d l iUTS t ? flOUlf.
ittolottly imUUlof IlOaB TKBiTSIV,.i Ufif lit d.if.
Uta tU (j fru tit BUIm idq Vrel -1 lHUtr)t. n rltr t ttaiii,
lMerlptl Dvk ipltloo ad .r ' unlltd ( K-ali 1 ' ti
j Summer Resort, Pic-nic
j and Peasure Groun(Js ,
LAKKBIDE (Mast Mahanoy .Tuiictlcn) m!d
way between Mali moy City and Tamo-
qua, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will ho open to tho rubllo within afow
weeks, nnd dntes can now he tccured. A
h limber of to.-letles have already been booked
and others wishing desirable dates should
make application without delay.
Under the now management many Improve
ment-, will bo made, some of them being now
under way, that wlllmalielt io plc-nloand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A l,rge dancing pAVllllon and a trotllng
park nie among tho newoddltlous. TheBost
horses in the State will besecurfd to run or
trot thls'season.
nlcs and outings. For dates and other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
(S Brtu
Chamber Hets,
WaBh Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Illnlrg Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Ctillrs,
Bmoklng Chairs.
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Bulls,
Easy Chain,
I'arlor Cabinets,
Music Cabinets,
Piano (.hairs,
Hall Btands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinet!!,
Bewlng Machines,
J. P. Williams & Br o.
A newly discovered MINHHAL WATEH.
the use ol which will supply important ele-
ineuiH nreehttary lo ueauu. 11. win cure ine
Kidneys, Liver, btmnach, and all Bowel and
uiaaaer niseusea, 11 win aiwoive cnicuii and
remove them, ltrrmoves Ihe nrlo acid from
the blood and tbua destroys' Malaria and
uuiiib. 11 cures iingui's,e, ana is es.
peclnlly recommended (or people advanced In
life, and for general debility. Kor undoubted
proofs ol this tend lor pamphlet giving full
tiarliculars.toJ.K. PK1IHY, Water ol Llle
Co., St Houth Main bt., Wilkes-Barre, Pa,
Urptl ud lldnt Ptrelj Cut Csmf isltt
ttepreaented by
fiAVm ffAIIQT130 B Jaroln street,
Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad
Tints Table in effect liny JO, 18UX
or New York via Philadelphia, week dayi I
!. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12 H5 2.f0 and h, ;
iu. uiuiuujr mill f.u n. jii, x-ur i-te
ork, via Mauch Clfunk. week dnys, 5.2
20, a, m. and 12 Si and i.'0 p. ra.
for Keadlng and l'niladefphia week dayi
10. S.STi. 7.20. a. m.. 1-2 3A 2.? 1 1 and R.55 n. n
unday. 2 .0 and 7.4S a. iu.
or MrMsburg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a, m
or Al?ea!own, week days, 7.20 , m. Zl
0 p.m.
I... . . l. jt n ... - -
23 IL10 and 6i&p. m. Bond ay, 2 10 and 7.'
for Itomaoim ami MaIikhov mf.v. wimi,
T, 2. 0, 5.2S, 7.20, a. m., 1281 2.L0 and 6.:
m. rinndav. 2.10 and 7.4Kb. in. Addliioni
r Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. ra.
vi unwwwi iiu uiiioqii. wnes -any
J0. m. ,1.0 p.m.
ror wiiiiamsiion, "unoury and bewlsburi
days. X.2. 7.) and 11 8J a. m 1.8i, 7."
m. Dimua; aim. iu.
Kot Mahunov l'jime, week davs, 2..0 8 2'
is. 7 Aland U S ) a. 111.. i.ik ii Sh
7.00 ane .1. . in. Hunday, 2 1-1. t 2i and 7.4
- .ljrr, 4.1 -, , J, l.U UU il.OUVl, IU KM
1 to 7.1a' tiu 11. m . viinn
2-.U 2 . 7.4S a. 111.. S.i 5 11. m.
or Ashland aud tuamoklu, week dayt
2.5JB, 7.20, 11.3) a. m., 1 85 7.00 and W
la. rtunduy 8 2. ... u., 8.15 p. ui. a
ueava Hew York via Phlladelnhla. wee
lays, 7.44 a. n.. i.W. 7.80 p. m.. 12.P
iialil. Hundny, B.00 p. m.. li 15 night. '
ijoave iso xorg. via mhuhi ununk, we,.
lays, 1.80.S.4S a n hOO aud 1.01 p. m.
ijeave Phil dBIDinu. weea aava. .1.10. 9tC
10)0 a. m. 4.00 aun 6.C0 P. rn.. ft- m Broa
m l Oallowhlll aud 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p. in
from 9th un .ium -.u-oeta, Sunday 9.05 a
m. U.ia p, m. from aih uie -u.
i4ave Meaillni:. weex davs. 1 81. 7.10. 10.: (
md 11.30 a m., KM, 1 XI p. m. Uiiuday 1 .35 aim ,
lilJXtt m tv
tave fo'tsvine, wees days, J.iO, 7.10 a. m.,
liSb, 8 It p. m. Huadhy, V 40 a. ru. end 2.' 5
a. iu.
Lrtiave Tamaqna, week tlay, 8.20, 8.43 auC,
u 2 1 a. m., 1.21, 7.18, and u J8 p, m. Sunday S..i ,
1. in, ana mu p, ui.
ijeavn aiauanoy ;ii,y, weea OAys, 3,e, v. .
(1 11.47a. in., 1,51, 7.12 and U.44 p.m. Hun.
-lay, . .4u a. nr., p. m.,
Litiave Mahanov Plane, wer-k Ouvh. 24).4.iu
1.30. 9J5 J 1. 9 a. m.. 1.1 fi. I.- 0 1 20. u Mi. 7.57. and
i-i.-w p. ni, elanday i 1 , 4,03, and rt.-.U. a. m.
-1 . v. rn.
iiAVe Ulrardville (ltappahann icu. station)
"iv. un,. A.VI, l.U,, fUlll I 11 . uu., L.U),
i. 2 5.2(1, 6.32, 8.08 and 10.06 p, m. .'nuiday , 2 47.
Ui, 8.28a.m. 8.41 p. m.
lieave W llllamsnort. woesdayn. n.ou.'. 45nnd
U.65 a. in. 8.85 and 11.15 p. in. duuday 11 14
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
Tta B. ft U. K. R.. throuch trains leave Ulrara
Avenue station. Philadelphia, (1. A K. it. K.)
ai eui ana iiui a. in., i.fti, aun
I..N) p. u ouuuay, o.w 11. a. m., .2fl
-.65 and 7.21p.m.
Iiave l'olladelphla, Chestnut Street Wharl
and doom Htreet Wharf.
For AtlautlcCItT.
Week-duys Kxpiess 8.00 a. m. and 2.0tl
i.uu y. w. Acoomtuooaiion, 8.V0 a.m., &.J
d. m.
i-undays. Exptess, 0.00, a, m, Accomme.
4atlon. s,M a. m. and n. m.
Heturnlns. leave Atlantlo City, denot comes
ituutlo and Arkansas avenues. w eek-dayo
-BXpreiS, 7,su, v.uu, a. m, anai.uu, p. m,
Accoinruodntlon, o.ou, d.1'5 a. 111, and 4.80
LS0 p. m.
Ouudajrs. Express, 4.00 p. m, Aocommoln
tlon, 7.30 11. m. and 4.30 p. m.
i). U. HANCOCK, Ucn'l Pass'r AetJ
V. A. Mcl.KOD. lres. A Uen'l ilanater.
Loliigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
Kasscnger trains will leave bheuandoah fcr
Mauch Chunk, Lehlghlon, blatlngtun, Cata
sauqua, Allenlown, Bethlehem, liiston, Phil
adelphlaand New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m..
Kor Belvldcro, Delaware Watei Gap ana
Ulrnudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m.
Kor Lambertvilleand Ticnton, 11.0,1 a, m.
Kor White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Pitts-
ton 0.47, v.m, i-i.ii a. m s.iu ana 0.211 p. m. 1
KorTunkttuliUticlt- 10 41 ft. m..a.l(liitiil.Pf,.f -H
Kor Auburn, Itbaoa, Geneva and aud Lyon
10.11 a. ill., una 6.21 n. in. M
KorLaceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, AVaverly!!
.j.,u,.u, uuiuitu, l.infiaia Mill, Jl
wnicaguaua an points wesiatiu.4ia.m.,oiiC
5.20 d. m.
Kor Mniirn nnd the West vlaHalaniauea at?
a.iw p. m. ,
Kor Audeurled, Hazleton, Htockton, Lum. '
her Yard. Weatherlv andPenn Haven Juno.
lion Bt6.4f, 7.10, 9,08 a. m.and 12.&2, 8.10 bl
5.28 vj. m.
Kor Jeauesville, Levlston and Beaver '
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 6,26 p. m, .
For Bcraoitonat 5.47 90S, 10.41a. m. 8,10 aDiT;
5:20 p.m. K
Kor Haile Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Kreo,
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.11 u. 111., 122 8.10 and
6.20 p. m.
Koriiuakahc at 6.17 and 9.08 a.m., aicj
8.10 p. iu.
Kor Wiggans, Gllberton aud Kracfcvllle at
6,50 and 9.O8 a 111., und 4.10 p. m.
Kor Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano,
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10.68 a. m.,12.02,3.10,5.20, 8,03,
9J'andl0.27p.m. '
Kor Lost CreeK, airardvllle and Ashland,
4.27, 7.40,8.52, 10.15 a. Ol., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 65, 1
8.10 and 9.11p.m.
Kor Darkwater, Bt. Clair and PottsvlUe.
7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 6.23 and 8.03 ,
Kor Buck Mountain, New Boston nncS
Moren, 7.40, 9.08, U-8 a. u... 12.52, 8.10, 6JM and
Kor Haven Run, Centralla, Mt. Carmel anfl
bhumokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
huu o.w y. iu,
11.15 n.m.
r,rfl.l.9reok' Ulrardville and Ashland,
6.50, 9, 10 1 1.35 a . m., 2.45 p. m.
In.Uar.ltwater' Ht- Clair and PottsvlUe,
5.50, 8.0O, v;iO a.m., 2.45 p.m.
Por Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City nnd Delano,
8.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
Kor Lofty, Audenrled and Hazleton, 8.00
a- m 1.40 p. m:
Kor Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Slatlngton.
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastou
and New York, 8.00 a.m., 1.10 p. m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Agt.. Bethlehem;
Nature's triumph over disease. 'Wllhnutan
equal, without a rival. Alter 800 years' es
jieiience In Braxll and two years' medical est
In this country, acknowledged the tlrst ana
only purely vegetable andeflectlve neutraJ.
Izeraud oradleator of scrofulous and specUU)
blood polbons known, No mineral, noiaii.
tires, no relapses, '
Sold at Klrlln's Drug store,
Ferguson'! Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa,
1'lIll.AUKI.l J'(A t' 1-a-orlosauf
inn, fi. ,,i ,i.hh.
curaiilu uy niii v u