I Lhf 11 iVOL. VI.--NO. 164:. SHEISTAHD O AH, PA., FRIDAY, JUKE 2G, 1891. OOT CENT. FHE SUBEST BOAT) TO WEALTH IS THBOTTai-I LIBERAL ADVERTISING-! 1 CONVENTION CALL. Va the Republican Etcetera of Pennsylvmio: UAfter consultation and correspondence with he membert of the Republican State Committee. flirt by their direction, I hereby give notice that fl Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly i a -iroJffn rrpreseiiuuivei , win meet m otrue iyr-v-Yenffem at Ilarrltburo, Wednesday, August 19, 1891, at 10 o'clock A. 31., for the purpose of plac ing in nomination candidates for the offices of State Troisursr ana Auditor General, or the wmlnatlon ofeluhteen candidates for Delegates- fit-Large to the Constitutional Convention pro dded for in the Act of Assembly approved June 19, 1691, and for the transaction of such other business as may be presrntetU Koticeis especially directed lathe fad thot, in accordance with the provisions of the last men- ttoned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to a representation of ihreede'egates in said Con stitutional Convention, two of whom only canbe members of the majority party in said district. The electors of each district are therefore re quested to make proper nominations for dele gales to said convention, the rules governing the mminc'ton of candidates for S ate Senator to be applicable. In this connection the Clialrman desires to call the attention of Republican voters to the recom mendation of the State Convention of 1832, that "they allow the greatest freedom in the general participation the primaries consistent with the preservation of theparty organization." HMr. II. ANDREWS, Chairman. Mr. Mills of Texas, Bays the Alii' auco movement will not amount to ttuythliig in the South. Just exactly ' I.... 1 . 1.1 ,, 1 1 i ! wuu wo uuvu ussur it'u uu ino nine nud is additional proof that the whole UlUVOUlUUt 1U 1UX IUU JfUIJlUQU Ul UlUlUg the Democratic party. While Alii' ance Republicans aro supporting their party, the alleged Alliance Democrats are urging on tho movement with re' uiarkable energy, throwing dust in the eyes of the Republican contlgent, but resolved to vote hereafter as heretofore for the Demooratlo party and the Solid South. That the so called "Peoples Party" is not intended to mean Deni' ouratlo people, is very evident to every one, except the duped Alllanco.Repub Cleans. 1 i likely they will do anything of the kind. To destroy him is to destroy Ohio prestige at the National Capital, and one can scarcely believe that men in sufficient numbers can bo found in tho Buckeyo state to partlclpitate in any such suicidal policy. Sherman may be old and crabbed, but he pos sesses a wonderfully well equipped mind; an equipment that can illy be spared at the council board of the Nation. He should be retained In his present position unless tho people should take it into their heads to boost him a notch higher in Hue of political advancement. The Erie Veterans' Homo is just now in a deemed turmoil, it was claimed by the management that the inmates received too much money on pension days, that It caused disorder and thatwhere the veteran had n de pendent family, tho money va9 often diverted from it. So an order was made that eighty per cent, of tho pen sion money must be paid to tho au thorities of the home, and dependent families would be cared for from the fund thus made. This, the veterans declared, was unlawful and unjust and they appealed to a higher authority, which has just decided In favor of the regulation, and many have chosen to leave the homo rather than turn over their peusions. MANY LIVES LOST TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE MADE HOMELESS BY FLOODS. NORTHWEST IOWA IS FLOODED- Groat Injury to Railroad Property and Crops Generally Destroyod. Every Bridgo Across tho Sioux Biver Gono, The Mormon president asserts that tho People's party In Utah Is dissolved for all timo. It was the Mormon party and it lives to-day as the Democratic party of Utah but the Mormons want to get Utah made a State before they show their full hand. - . Fon some unexplained reason the The news comes from the headquar-1 Daily Republican yesterday saw fit to tens of the Alliance, in Washington, that, while the third party does-not hope to beat McKinley in Ohio, this fall, its leaders expect to accomplish the political dowuiall of Senator Suer man. It la possible the people ol Ohio may be foolish enough to retire their ablest publlo servant for an unheardof and untried man, but it is not at all CZEOSTTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Bold lu other stores for 33c. AH floor Oilcloths reauoeu. uau ror cargalUB C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre make an ungracious attack upon the State League of Republican Clubs in general aud upon the Central Club, of Pottsvllle, and tho J. D. Cameron Club of Shenandoah, in particular. The al legation that the State League is likely to do more harm than good to the party, and that it has fomented discord aud (actional feeling, has no substan tial evidence to support it. As a matter of fact the League has already done much pratlcal and.eflective party work and is capable of doing much more. Miners Journal. This is about the season that the He publican begins its dirty work, but its course is hardly worth notice, as its sentiments never Impress a good Kepublicau. Uy Nattmal Press Association. Sioux Cut, Judo 20. Reports from nil quarters concerning tlio unprecedented high water resulting from tlio cloud burst In the Sioux Valley, la., show that there hns boen gront damago to railroad property, and that tho crops gouerally In that region are destroyed. Tlio Floyd Biver is out of Its bunks, and pcoplo have been compelled to make hasty de partures to higher ground. Four persons. wcrq drowned at Cherokee. It is impossible to learn tholr names or how tho unfortunates met their death. Everything is In the wildest confusion at Cherokee and Correctlonvllle. It Is now known that six persons met their death In the country round about the latter plnce, and the number is reported increased to eight. Houses, barns and outhouses were flouting lu the Little Sioux pustCherokoo all day. No one knows where they come from. The following additional particulars of tho llood at Cherokee have been received: Tho wagon bridge over the Sioux, south of the town, went out at ten o'clock at night. This was followed by all tho houses on tlio Hat In that part ol tho town, more than 100. The number of people driven from their homes was be tweeu 1,600 and 2,000. Tho river rose until 8 o'clock, at that time being ten feet higher than was over knowu. Every bridge across the Sioux river, botli wagon and railroad, is gone between here and Onawn, and probably every bridge in Cherokee County, on tho Sioux river. Last night most of tho distressed peo ple found shelter in tho Grand Army of tho Itoputillc and uaa Fellows' llalls. This morning the town presents a sor rowful appearance. Those houses that remuin on the flat aro almost burled in k Mifl tw- .it....nHnn tp property alone" is over S'200.000. Besides afmoA all of tho stock pastured along the Sioux was carried away by tho flood, only a few animals being saved aB they camo down the river. Yesterday all passenger trains were stopped at Htorm UAHe. MONEY MATTERS. B Samo Queer Lines by a Looal Cor respondent. Money makes tho maro go I jp1 Of course, John L. will fight.l Of course, any. of us will fight, V " Monoy makes the rriVo go I " ' " ihtzloton will have a strcot railway. It needs it,- bad too. V jlonoy makes the maro go 1 An electric railway would be of groat benefit to Sbonandoah J V But monoy makes tho maro go I There Is a strop probability that, in due time, Shonanpth; will have an olectrlo railway. . Honey makes tho mare gol V9 Thero is alio a strong probability that in Juo time people will see tho advantugo ot such a railway. V Money mukes the maro go I And It would not bo surprising to see some money-laden natives ready and will ing to invest a few dollars in such an un dertaking, because Money makes tho mire go I But if, like Hnsdeton, Shenandoah should fall Into the hands of some "cruel" outside capitalists, and tbo town should bo over whelmed by their "tarnation" capital, ihen 1 Oh, then 1 would we see that V Money raakoa the mare go I V , "Tho electric railway is dead," say somo But nicjney makes the mare go! Many a colliery In tho Anthracite : gion has been dead for some years, but -t" the maro gol LONG-LOST WIFE ! THE WOMAN DROWNED AT OROTON LANDING KNOWN. SHE WAS MRS. FRANK ATWOOD Her HuBband Visited Tarrytownl and Recognized tho Body Sho Ran Away From Him In Philadelphia. visit- TIIE OLD RELIABLE Allen's : Eoot : Beer : Extract ! Isan'exlract of medicinal roots and herbs for malting a pleasant and healthful Summer Drink. It Is easy to maJie, requires no boiling or straining. One bottle tvill maJie six gallons of Moot JBeer. THE EXPERTS' REPORT. Hi-Clty Trcnuurer llardtloy'a Statement to bo Torn to Bhreils. Philadelphia, June 20. .The mayor's experts, Taylor Faunco, Lawrence Brown and Thomas W. Barlow, are now prepar ing a report whioh is likoly to toar ox City Treasurer Bardsloy's statoment to shreds. To-day Mr. Barlow Is busy writing the report, which will be finished and presented to Mayor Stuart on Satur day or Monday next. Mr. Brown was disposed to be reticent about the nature ot the report to he pre sented, but it was learned that tho ex norts have not enough information to totally disprove Bardsloy's statement. It Is said that in direct contradiction of Bardslev's statoment it will be shown that 51UU.U0U ot tne monoy wont into the Bradford mills, and that since Bards ley became city treasurer fully $3,000,000 have passed through the Koystono Bank in a fund from which Bardsley drew various amounts to pay the expenses of the Bradford mills. Mr. Graham was asked when Bardsley would bo brought up for sentence. He said he did not know, ns Bardsley's statemout Is being investigated to ascer tain whether or not it is true. "If it is true," said Mr. Graham, "why, of course, he Is entitled to any benefit which may result from his telling the truth. It it injnot true, why it is information for the court to act upon." McMillan Convicted of Slimier. Wilkesdamue, Pa., Juue 2(1. Ldwln a annn -p-R-TTiT CROP. , McMillan was convicted of murder iu the There is everu Indication ot a tarae crov or jsruii tuts flrat decree for tho murder or ins wire; o 7,. ,;.o tta The crime was a most brutalone, it be We have a large sloolt of Mason's Standard Glass Jars with Porcelain Lined rop. DPioasrics nxrow iisr obdeb. For PIc-nic Luuclies Wc Hnve Lcbntion Summer Sausage Chipped. Chipped Dried Beef. Snrdiucs lu Mustard nud Oil. Canned Sulmou. Crosse & niucltwcll'H Finest Imported Plclcles and Chow- chow Lunch milk Biscuits, 3 pounds for 25c. Codec Biscuit and Nlc lines, 3 pounds forsc Cream Sodn Biscuit. Fancy Creamery Butter. Convenient, Useful and Ornamental, The Patent Flour Bin and Sifter two sliscsholdfl 25 and 50 pounds. Keens your flour clean and free from Impuri ties. Can be sifted Juit oa needed toy simply turning a cranlc ing charged that McMillan murdered the woman by burulug her about certain parts with red hot irons and ufterward pouring live coals into the wounds thus made. Ilaea If ortei lleleased bv tlio Sheriff. Buffalo. N. Y., June 20. The sheriff Iirb released tho race horsos Lljero and f!ota Rica, their owners, Steoblus and Houers, having nlea a fo.uuu bono, wun Judge Kacho. The horse were attaclica nn sultof'LUCKV uauiwin," wno ciaimeu to have a claim of $2,000 on thorn for their uurchase price. Tho horses are now on their way to Saratoga. Mrsterloui Dlinpentane of Clereyiuan. attiisy. N. Y.. June 20. Tho mem bers of tho Episcopal Church atSohaghti nVn Thmsselaer County, are mystified toTertho sudden dtsappeuranco of their iJaKOTtfioen heard from 6in.ee. Ha is afiWi3$!fanrs old nml unmarried. Tho electric lisht was laughed and scoffed at, and "gas" was declared to be the ar ticle, but a fow year ago, in Shonondoah Monoy made the more go I One national bank was said to be tho only poislblo investimont; but two seem now to live and, so, you seo Money makes tho mare go I 'Tis strange, tho ago we livo in I That nothing now will pay I Yet, look at tho ordinary cashier, he's always making hay. Takes money to maka tho rnara go I Enterprise, grit; con0dence, enewy nnd public spirit should bo pilod up and then, with the financial harness, V Tho maro will go 1 V If you'll bo with tho people and benefit jour town, Give courage to the enterprising, and don't run them down. Thoro is many a man, without ore a cent Who has exhausted more energy than the money you've spent. To get your small property "on tick" or a loan, And he. standi reBdy to make your sand sound as stone- But If you Intend to "make and get out," Thon tsko our ndvico and quickly "move out," For such won't livelong, Like a floe, speckled trout. Tub Make Shenandoah, Pa., Juno 23, 1801. Bopublioan Exeoutlvo Committee, Chairman D. D. Phillips has called meeting of tho llepublican Kxecutivo Committee for Monday next, the SOth inst, at tho Merchants' Hotel, Pottsvllle, to fix tho time for holding tho county con vention. This mutt be held not less than ten days nor mora than thirty days beforo the state convention, which will meet on August 19. A New Business. P. J. Oleary has opened a store iu the Ferguson's building, on East Centra etroot, and is prepared to furniih tbo local trade with tino leather and shoo findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock Is a largo one and well equipped to fully supply all demands of the trade. 6-lC-tf CLOSIJSG OUT. A lot ot Table Oilcloth, x yds. wide, at 20c a yard flM. T).. li.nk "11 1 lin nm. lie Pioneer Iron Furnace of iniaudcil thut they be paid Tba.flWJ( refused t. do so. and the men, numfiwvuf verul Jiund.ed, have gotfo'pn fefrtte. 'fie furnaces aro now i.tu- nlDYfW"II thin tonlllTl Ily National Press Association. Yonkers, N. Y., Juno 20.' Tho Croton suicldo was identified last night at Tar rtown by Frank Atwood of Philadel phia as his wife. Mr. Atwood camo to Tarrytown last night with his little girl Louisa 011 tho 7 o'clock train, lie said that his wifo ran away from him about two years and flvo months ago, and he has been trying to find her ever since. The chief of police wanted him to remain in Tarrytown all night, but ho decided not to do this and said he would return this afternoon. Mr. At wood said that ho had a brothorln-lnw in Yonkers named Herbllng, who was a candy manufacturer. Still uMyitery. Mr. Atwood does not bellevo that his wlfo took her own life, and ho says that It is not her handwriting tbnt was found in the bottla in her pocket. Sho was well educated and would not mnko tho mUtakes In spelling common words ns appear in tho note. Chief ot Police Non sitter and Coronor Sutton also believe that thero is good ground for tho bollof that ho was thrown into tho water at Snell's wharf and did not jump. The ohlof says that no person bent upon suicide would bo so careful as to put Go cents under her bat on tho wharf uud carefully pin In her pocket tlio noto telling of her suicide. Ho thinks It aho hnd killed herself sho would havo put the bottle on tlio wharf aud not hnvo bothered about tho monoy. Tho Initials In tho noto aro not thoso of tlio dend woman nud tho police bo lievo that tho noto was written by some one elso and placed in her pocket to ninko it appear as a sulcido In enso tho body should be found. Tho chief doubts tho suicide theory more than ever aftor a long interview with Mr. Atwood. It LooUs lilko Murder. "I nm convinced now that thero hag been foul play," said Chief of Polico Nos "in mv ODinlon tho Identification -" J-i-thQsoIutlon or rim mvslerv. Alter Mrs. AtWouu 10. husband where did sho go tof How is it that sho oamo to this townf and what are tho circumstances surrounding tno cascf Within 150 yards of where the de.ul woman whs found is th scono of two mysterious murders, neither ot which has been solved. Is this tho third ouo on tho lstf" WHIPPED BY A WOMAN. A Witness lu the Cnuip IHvorco Caso So- vrily l'uliUhcu. Wateudubt, Conn., Juno 20. Tho horsewhipping administered to James Flniicrty yesterday by Mrs. Laura 11 Pearsall created a sensation hero. Fiuuortv was driving a yoke or oxen by tho house of Mrs. Fenrsall, tlio pretty' widow who figured ns tho co-rospondent In the dlvorco suit brought by Mrs. E. A. Uamp against lier nusuenu, who is now to be sued by Mrs. Camp for alienating her husband's auectlous. At tho trial ot tho Camp dlvorco case Flunerty was n witness for Mrs. Camp, nnd testified tlint it was not an uncom mou siuht to see Mr. Cnmp and Mrs. Ponrsall embrace nnd kiss each other. Ho seemed to hnvo been dragged into the caso lnrgely to make a sensation. When Mrs. l'enrsail buw rinnoriy com ina she rushed out into tho streot with a horsewhip in her hand and belabored him with it. Delng a woman of largo proportions nnd great strength every blow told. She is wealthy, aud, as is hor custom, was handsomely dressed. Flu nerty tried iu vain to remonstrato and then turned nnd ran. He wont to the office of Lawyer John O'xielll, who, uy tno way, happens to be Mrs. Camp's attor ney, and thero took steps to bring a suit ngolnst tho widow. Ho showed to witnesses many ugly looKing weits on his arms and shoulders. Sirs. Pearsall says that tho man ran before oho could iuflict any heavy pun ishment. rjncl.1 Sam Will I'ny S5.ooo.0no. Wasiiixotok, Juno 20. It Is said hore to-dny that the hat trimming suits against the government to recover cx ceaslvo duties would lie compromiied. The suits number 1,600 nnd to sottle them nil in court would rnulro many years and great expense, and It has therefore been deemed wise by tbo importers to compromise the matter. Five million dollars Is the amount said to havo been agreed upon in tho settlement. PERSONAL. f'U-1- TT , . .. iiinuts xiumemsn, 01 Altoona, la mg nis parents In lown. T. R. Heddall, Etq., and Richard Horn bergor spent to-day fishing at Tumbling Itun. S. O. M. Ilollopeter, Esq., Rev. U. V. O'Reilly and Dr. J. O. Riddle leit for Mud Uun this morning to angle for trout. Profi O. W. Weis was last night pro rented with a handsorao gold-headed cano by tho Tomporanco Rand of Lost Crook Richard Palmor, who will resign his position as Insido (broman of Wm. Penn eolliory on July 1st., will go to the East Franklin colliery, at Tremont, and not tho North Franklin colliery, at Shamokin, as previously reported. A Suggestion. Tho "Siego of Bebastopoi" is now being reproduced at Harrisburg at a cost of $20, 000 for ten exhibitions and from 10,000 to 15,000 people wltnoseos it daily, traveling Irom all parts of tho stato to witnosa tho spectaclo. It has boen suggosted that a sham baltlo bo fought at Lakesido In Sep tember and that oithor Shenandoah or .Uahanoy City tako tho initiative Tho latter place being nearest to Lako sido and having a military com pany would perhaps bo tho most suila blo field for the start. It would bo a big card and no less than 10,000 people bo induced to witness It. Of courso, it should be an elaborato affair and sevoral compan ies should participate in it. No better placp .han Lakeside could be selected. Tho driving park would afford h splendid ueiu and tbo neighboring grove wot'M answor for skirmishep, sharp-suofUng, etc. What say you, soldiers f If Mahanov City does not tako the cue, let th boys in bluo of town tako hold. It will nay. Mr. Portz'a Side. Councilman F. J. Porlz, in conversation with a Hehalii, reporter to-day, oxprossod much indignation over tho manner In which tho Council trdatod tho work of his committee on Wednesday night. Mr. Portz said, "It is not true that Seheifly and 1 havo Ignored Uolman in stroot work, Ihavocont for him repeatedly nnd always wanted him to havo 11 say in theu work. So far as tho crusher is concorned. I will veto against it boing accoptod. I do not want it. I wanted n smaller nnd cheaper one, but Uolman wW ' 13 utioi ur us uia KUaramuu given wilu tho crusher is concerned I want it under stood that 1 am not going to run to Lost Croek and show it to every Tom, Dick and Harry. I will show it to tho ofllcors of Council and no one else. You can say, now that Dave, the Supervisor.has no work to do, be and I are going fishing to morrow." Last Day. To-morrow will be tho last opportunity tho people of this placo will have to visit tho Museum of Anatomy, as the oneago uiont will .closo to-morrow night. Tho museum has boen crowdod ovory day and. cvoningthiswoek. The exhibits aro ex cellent object lessons on the formation of tho human b'dy and none should fail to soo them'. Mischievous Boys. A nambor of boys were boforo 'Squiro Williams last night, one gang charged with destroying prqporty at tho Knicker bocker colliery, aud another charged with breaking tho water pipes and draining tho dams at tho Kohinoor eolliory. Tho boya aro undor bail, but it is belloved tho cases wilt bo settled this evoning by tho paronls paying tho damages and costs. Tho Viowors' Report. Col. J. G. Frlck, A. 11. Cochran and J. II. Muddy, the viewers appointed to con sider the advisability dividing tho wards of this borough, to-day submitted their report to tho court at Pottsvilio. Tho IIekald is having tho report oxamined and will give tho particulars to-morrow. Host domot- shirt In town, at "Tha Famous" clothing houso, GOa. Shifting; pants from 75c. up. To Rosumo Operations. Indian Ridge colliery, which was sus pended on the lit Inst, to undergo repairs, will resume operatloPt on Monday next. Kohinoor colliery will not suspend on Saturday night, as reported. Buy Keystone fluur. lie careful that the uHine LiCKSto & Co,, Ashland, Pa., ii piintod on every sack. 8-3-3taw Nuvuji) lloitlUt on tha Warpath. Washlnotow, June 20. War Depart ment dispatches Just received from Las Vocai. N. M.. are that tho Navalo reserva tion trouble is Increasing. A courier has beou Bent to the Commander of "D" Troop on the reservation calling for aid by Lieut. Brett, who was sentto Keono Canou near Fort PvQuuce, to suppress tho doprodatlouH ot the hostlles. "U" Troop bus left fqr the scone. Fancy- Evaporated California Peaches. 15 Cents a Pound. The Crew Arn itoit. Boston, Juno 20 Tho crew of the schooner James W. Flteh, Capt. Pitcher, which arrived dur ug the morning from Matanzas, were all placed uuder arrest s witnesses in the case ot the murder of Second M.ite Adolph Nelson by Stew ird Charles Ford iu the harbor of Mataoias, May 0 lust. Not off" grade goods, Bid First-chtss Stock. AT GRAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Street.