The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 25, 1891, Image 2

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    A "Washory SuBporids.
Picnics and Outings!'
Severn, the Grocer, is hend;
quarters for tine Cheese, Fruits
and Vogetables,Canned Meats,
Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con
densed Milk, etc., suitable for
picnics and excursions. New
supply sliced Summer Sausage
All new and fresh goods.
Cor. Contro and White Streets.
Thowanliery at MhIo Dalo colliery htt
bfcfln shut down Indrllnltoly on account ol
n dull timiket.
Going West.
James McIIugh, uf West Contro Etreol,
will loavo for Denver, Col., next wcok.
His family ta alrefidy Iboro and ywterday
lie toll Ills properly to James l'ontor, of
Knit Contra street.
The Evening Herald.
Fonolon Granted.
Henry Shiimnn, of Yhlirtvlllo, a mom
bar of Company 11, 100th KgiinHit uf
Pennsylvania Volunteer, was Kranl"d
pi'nul n yesterday, through 'Squire Hill, of
l'otuville. of 0 tier month, datln from
Aujtust 4, 18IK).
Costs Divided.
In the case of John Kola against Police
man Dennis J. Conners, cf town, the jury,
after deliberating from noon on Tuesday
until yoilorday mornitij?, without fond or
sleep, found a vordiat of not Rullty, bl
directed that pbcIi of the parlies "pHy li ah
thecofts. l'oltt charged lhat Connors ex
torted $40 from liim as a oonideralion for
his release from the lockup.
Enough rain for a while.
The bird concerts continue.
Short hair outs are fashionable.
Housewives; are busy prenervlnsj.
Nature is now olad in bor best summer
Tlio days will now soon begin to ahoilon
li luiln.
New pntnloes are beoomitiK larger and
( I r ' piT.
I'lcar skies and Butmhine were once moro
People who pv as they go nover tnako
ve-y long journeys.
.Sin li n ahundanoB oflutiious fiuit has
otwilli standing
t ol been ours for yea,
Su';nr keeps low 1
I c pio.ring season
The ice ci earn dealsjr
.villi I n iness
N iw the i;reerviiig kettle is almost
d: ilv use and the demand fonugaris larue.
The eeeifucker coat, gauzo tlitit end
ftraw hut hava opeuwl up limluoss again at
tun old stand.
Not in It.
Patrick llowo, of tbo First ward, who
says he Is alio known as "Youngsy" Howe,
called at Hie Hhiiat.d offlco thlsmnrning
and stated lhat he had no hand In robbing
Joseph Al 'hulskl of His pny on the moun
tain last Tuesday. Howe sty a game of
ball was koIiik on at the tune Mahuliki's
oust was stolon and us soon lie tbo bum who
look It dlsapjieiired he, with others, g.vo
olmo and tried to eiptmu the thief, but
Ita Excellent Qualities
Commend to public approval tbo California
liquid fruit remedy Sirup of Figs. It is
pleasing to the eye, and to tho taste and by
gently acting on the kidneys, liver and
bowois, cleaning the system cflec-tually,
llirroby promoting the health and comfort
of all who use It.
Completed to Deadwood.
Tho llurlington Kottle, C, II & Q U. K.,
rotn Chicago, l'eorla and St. Louis, Is now
completed, and dally passenger trains tiro
running through Lincoln, Nob., and
C'unler, S. D.,'lo I)dwood. Also to New-
fM'c, Wyoming. Sleeping care to Dead-
wood, tf
Officers B acted.
Washington Camp, No. J;, 1. 0. S.
of A., lust evening elected the following
officers lo serve for iho tntumg slx moirtbt:
1 1'., Jmno 1'nieifon; 1', W. A.
Ko-aev; V. 1, F. H. Uopk us, Jr ; M." .of
K , W. J. James, Con., Kdwiiid D.inks;
Insp., Wm. K. 1'owellj.O. O., .1. E.
illnklc; Trmlee, William llcevos; repre
sentatives lo Slate Camp, I). U. liicha.ds
ai.d .1. H. Kur.a, with F. II. Hopkins, Jr.,
as alternate
Au Old Landmark Gono.
Tho l'hiUilolphia and Heading llailroad
Company having niquired tho title to Hie
old 1'o.le Dart property, corner .Main and
Line b reels, have just had tho old buildings
razed and will clear up tho lot. This was
one of the oldest houses in town tind was a
familiar taiidiimik, having been orected
early in the sixties. It had pa.-sed through
many owners' lunds before tho company
acquired it, and in tho lii.o of improve-
moats contomplaioU In the lultiro has born
torn down. Thu small hoys nio rearing a
hstlvoetof fioe kindling wood for a few days.
"William Milllnglon is In Tromont, visit
ing his son, Joseph.
Mrs. Hugh Loomis, of Wilkea-Uarro, is
visiting hor parents in town.
It. L. Tnlloy, of Baltimore Md is In
town for business nnd ploasuro.
Daniel l'eagan and family, of Yatcsville,
left for St. Louis, Mo., yestorday.
Ellsworth Haas, of Shamokln, Is spend
Ing a few days with Shonandoah frlonds.
Daniel McNenll is nursings hand which
was poisoned by sulphur water aftor being
Miss Helen Waters, of Minneapolis,
Minn.. Is visiting Miss Sarah Stoin, of
Watt Oak street.
Squire T. T. Williams nnd David Lewis
board! the 1&62 Lohlgh Valley train to
day for Mahanoy City.
Frank Irish, traveling passonge.r agent
for the Chicago and Northwestern lUllwoy,
was a visitor to town yesterday.
Adolnh Tabor, tho F.ast Contro street
butcher, is not only au enorgotic busino-s
man, but also an excellent translator of
'annuo,). .1. Monaghnn and John A
ltcilly will loavo town next week fur an
extended nip through tho Wo-t. They
will go as far a Cshfornli and Oregon.
William T. Kmns, local Supoiinlendent
for the Home Friendly Society, will to.
morrow leave town with 15 L. Talley lo
spoud a week's vacation in liallimore, 51d
A special mooting of tho slockholilois ol
the Citizens' Electric Liitbt Co , of Shon-
and.iuh, will ho held Augunt ifljth, 1601.
between the hours of two and four p. m.,
at tho owVo-of said comimny, No. 24, N.
lardln street, for the purpon of voting on
the qu stion of increasing tho capital st ek
of tald comriany. lly ' rder of ttio board,
JoiLs OnuiiLEti, Hec'y.
0 'Jo-Thur-8w
JLv ply til Liudlg'a fctallonary istore.
Jus Kale.
yotitii? horse. Ap-
bounlera. or for meals onlv. Oooil locu
Hon and urn-clas aeeoiiiiiioclutliinn. Ann v
ut M.'s, Ho. HON. ilulu stiecl, Hlien-,i a. UH nil
One of the moat dealrahla nrnnar.
ties on Wf st Oak street, Tor sale on reasonable
terms. Apply at Howse'a grocery store, cor
ner J aril In and Oak streets. Hbenandonu, l'a
FOR RENT. Three first class
dwellings, with balbrnoma, In Krnney's
row Just added n turner and Ri priilo yuid
iuri-ui:ii oouc. Aotiy win ue ftliaiu 4:u
)upered lo sullgood tunauts. 0-21-1 w
FOIl KENT. A good live-room
Lome, with cellar and outside altcneti.
I'alntid and papeied. Hint reaFouuble.
Apply to litnry L. Jones, 111 Weal Oatc al eet.
d-yo iw
(PAN ' ISO -An motive reliaule man
V salary S70 to 980 monthly, with In
erease. lo r. nrubsut In his own fweilon a re.
Kpinslnle Vow Vorn II iusb, Ho'erenees.
.MANUrAOTURKlt, LiOOK uo irwo, wew xorK,
VTow la the time to chng ydar u'nde'wcarl
You can gel at Hcnnlnn's n suit ol good
tititiimcr Ufirtorwcxir nt 50c
A little bet'er lor 80o. Uool summer tup Ing
Khlrts, S)e to gl. Goto cauUn'a and gel the
new Century lJrace the best Hummer Draco
In themnrkct. At
Hoanliin'syou can
get a good
SOFT HAT far 50c.
No more bother
with hnia thai do
not (It, na fcan
lan has a new
H&i Stretcher for Shaping Hats
to 111 th" head. Only two dozen more
2(5oiieekwear left. Hcnnlnnwll' adlyou
cheap hats und capr,Jatcet atylci and
dlora. Cheap O v. rails aud White
Hhlr.a. to M011LI1 Itlclll St.
Cominsr Events.
.lone 29. Picnic at Colmnbiu Park by
National Guard of Warsaw.
July -1 Orand Carnival aid picnic by
Columbia Hose Htoain Fire Engiuo Com-pany.
July 29',h. Festival and entertainment ;
Robbins' opera house, under tho auspices
of Silver Wave Castle. A. O. K. of M. C.
MIlos' Norve and LIvor Pills
An 1.11 11 now lirlnrlnle retaliating the
Una. ilMtrttiMi tttir! lincplM thl OUIjl the TIWl1
a .in,,. rii.miuu.D. nr Mil,' 1'llls anecillly
cuie hlllousue-H, liml luste, torpid liver, pile,
Aui.x..,tr... irnM.iituia.1 lor meu. women.
children. Mmallest, 3lIfle9t,iiireHll 5idoH,
aicls. Sainplea KrwiiEip. Jl. Hamliuch'a
drug store. ,V.
Playintf Cards.
You oantibtatn a pack of best quality
playing oarai by feniUug fitU'en conts In
postage to P. S. EutJs- 0oM Pass. Agl.,
C.&.0 li. 11. (lMfiS"J-ll. tf
A Glorious'cord.
t-nnn 11, u iiiiro,ln,il1hh"Tif,'tliO Famous l'un.
TiuaCoiuh and CouUmptlon Ourolutlils
vicinity, tho itentu rate mm Connimpllou
lis Utcreosed wonderfully; It never full 10
effect ncure, and l the Pi 1 .mh niediclno
Try It. Trial boltlcH free nt Kiriln'a drug
s now
HUNT Store anil
iw occnoled bv the
Uakfry Co. lor mi tifucturlnz nul relal
andr hnsliiow. Two floors 6 1x20 rest. Aimly
t.J. J. Franey. G-lflif
IT'OIl SALE. A number of second
: hand denaa In irood eoudltlon for sale hv
iheHliHiiaudoah Hch0.1l Uonrd. Apply to the
louowing comiuutee ror imiimomi parucu
lars. H. A OAVKSI'OHT,
Til IMA HA111D,
11. J. MirnonoN,
W WIl.lilAM-!,
UJill'Jt CmniUtce,
trr 1 1 m -: k va . ' a
-00 TO-
T .T .V5
i A
Neat, Cheap and Stylish
Firo crackers and Iluo exhibition pieces
will be sold nt Max lteeso's stoic, tergiv
son llouso building, Wot Centre ttreot, at
wholesale prices. I'nll tbero hefoio going
G-i&.tf Max Ujcksk.
Htraw Hits from 20o to J1.61
Short Hpray Flowers 5s to 1.00
Wreaths 20oto 1.75
IntaiiU'ChrUtenln It ibe, Mow 65
Infants' lont; and short c,
up to K 50.
Attention, House Gleaners !
The warm weather Is hen-, and hoii-e-cleanlni,' is the next thlni; In order.
Aud nt mich times imwt everybody needs somethlnit to brighten
up the home, ao If you need a good carpet of either
Velvet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef,
You can flnd a full assortment at PRICE'S.
Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles
nil lirulci
111 iVlllUO
I5ELL On tln'ild intt., at Shenandoah,
Pa.. Infant child of J. W. and Jlarg'.rel
lull. Punnralon Fridav. 20th in't, at 3
p. in. interment in tee tiiinunum.iuii u-m-
olery. Priends and rela'ivcs re"pcuu 1
invited to attond. 0 Jo-It
Why don't you wo,ir one?
Go and sea Keugey, the leuding photo.
praiiher. and net olio of thoae b.autiful
gilt frannji ho gives away. tl-Uti Ct
The largait Hook of wall paper and
window shades ever reoeived in this town,
or county. Uoid wilaetion, at.P, .1. Porta's
t ook and smtlunery Wre. 8-8u,tf
Gettysburir on tho Fourth
Independence Day will be fldy olneryod
by it gloat National Celebration at Gett.vs
burg. For tbo benefit of those do-irlug
al.end it. and vikit lh" icenos ol the mem
orable battle, the lteauirig Uallroad wi I
issue special lOund-trip tickets al greatly
iHncd 1 lies. 'Iheso lickels will hngftld
on .lulv uii and -fill, and will lo good to rc
luin until July, inclusive, iho round
irip rato from l'biladelohia, und from all
main line stations between Philadelphia
and Pollsvillo, including Colehroek'laln
and Picketing Valley branche', will be
Vi.OO; lrom fronton, Allcntown orSlat-
inulon, 68.80: 'from Shamokln, ?.l..o; and
llm faios Irom iniermeuiule pomls will be
cotrespondingly low. lnfoinullon may
be hid at any Heading railroad ticket
Chicago to Sioux Falls, South Da
Travelers e route lo the Norlhwe6t aro
informed that tho Great Hock Island
K nto he-ran running, June 1-1, a Through
IJuflut Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to bloux
Palis, South Dakota.
This ear leaves Chicago daily, except
Shturriay, on the C, 11. I. is P. No. Ij at
V",0, noon; returning, arrives nt Chicago
dally, except Monday, at 8;05 avrn.
Mups, Doldera, and furtbur Information
sent on applioatiop. Jno. Sebastian, Gun 1
l'Ht. & Pass. Act. E.8t. John, Gunoral
ManAer. General OlUce, Chicago, l'L
(3 25 61
ThcunderNlgned, deslrlngto retire fromhtis.
,ni ,nu,..,k,. .,r I,., ,tnnK or or-v Eiwus,
eiooe'rloH &c, elunp Purchaser cau alo cut
f ..... . ... ...... n Ma l.rmB T IB I
IHO HI.OIO 1IHIHI lit Il'lM 'HHuiu .w...-. - - ,
htand ta a good one and In Hie hands of a live
muu uau ne muue preiiwiiio.
too North JiirtUn St.
0-10 tf
McKeon's Saloon,
109 Efl-OT t'KNTHK HT
Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter,
Of the fluest bntada. Muslo furtilshod for
011" and partle, from one to Ave pleees.'
AU Colors, nt 20 cents,
John R. Coye,
Attorney-at-Law ,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centra Sheets, SHENANDOAH, PA.
Window Similes, Floor ami Table Oilcloths aud Linoleums of atl grades.
Prices cannot bo beaten when quullty is considered.
Ko misrepreaentation one prlco to all.
J, J. PRICES'S Old Reliable Stand,
113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
With a manufacturing de
partment in fullblastjOiR bank
withstands tho run.
We have made the NewStore,
cor. l3th and Cheatnut Sts., a
"ittfe deposit" for your money
when. in need of Ciothiiig. The
daijy rush, proves the "trust"
of tho public in our goods. The
stock is right, tho prices are
right we hold the lead.
A Rtiu on Our Bank.
i Mint Centre Street, HIWXAXDOAir.
Bread, Cato, Ice Cream an! Confectionery !
Clojocl on Sundnyo.
IftiW Jblrm.
Jr. O.'TJ. A. M.
Boat work done at Bremiati's rtm
laundry. Evervtltlne white ami tpotlon
Laoe ottrtalns a spaolatly. AU work nuar-
l Oounoil Organized at Shamo
kin Increased Benoflts-
.Dlrtrict DopUtv 0. II. Oarl, ol Mnbelio
nil. Irian) har' with H llnleffHtloil Ir.'llO
ehwmridwili nd MftUnnoy Olty. ioH(H.Hf'
h new council at tilmmukm 1H evenilie,
with h iiiembertili ol' over'flfiy.
ilujor Jenningt OoUbcH, of lowruU
jNeiu Stock.
TrucK. Fine Groceries,
FRUITS, &c..
Delaware roe shad and o'.her fresh fWi rlglit
flora l no ooaw on i nuiij a. rrrau
Groeni from I lie tioulh.
Evan's Building;, E. Centre St.
(J. lf.JYUlla nt' old stand)
Everi tlilni new and resli. Goods delivered
to uny li irt or town.
Jt. C.f KNIGHT &; SOT.
A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling house, with store-room aud res
ts ur.i lit. Loaded on East Coo Ire Btreet.
'J A valuable properly located on South Jar-
dln street.
3-Heven dwe'llns houses at the corner of Oil.
bertand liioyd streels. Uoodluvestaieut.
Terms reaeinable.
. '. 1
a big lot ol
anions which are some lovply lets well woil
ouc. nenave oeli roilntu io rutli
them oil' for ma. Come
i ,urly 11 yoa wish
to secure one.
JNIcn's all-wool Cheviot Suits $8.00
Worsted Suits 10.00
" " 7.6P
Cheviot Suits 5.50
A grand opportunity lor Jolnlnga new
Miuirt 2
Until SATllltIAY, JUNE 13
ure sblnlns'wlth tiarijftliis. You'll ha nmawc
losee wnui a or lui-euis wi'ibuv. welmve
'"everytntiiirtn tinware fiom atin cup
, to a wash boiler, or from a Hour
,jj . ' . scoop to icbroadrul-er.
Duncan, &; , Waidey,
Hp 8 South Main Street, flienaidoah. Pa
Tin hAk Order of Equilyi M. S, SGHEIDER'S
(liven away, until July lfrth, a ImulUul (nldlusr new name to iU roll of in.'iij'.er
cilt frame, with every doaan of our Wkt .bip weekly. This couqcfl las, wiluiu ihi
llnisbea pbotograpln. ICegey, 112 West last few months, mad' jpimt dyaueer)ynt
Coal street. Slienandoati, Va. 0-J 0t and M now one of the strongest UU UH-
. -w . !,,.;, li l.uu r.wtnllv InerdMSeil .lis dealti
Speotaolas to suit all eyes at F. J. VortE'e bpn(ifl u ym Wi ywy fBW orniuiUitions
dook anu uauonery wore, 41 norm .unui
paving h higher rate.
The order it waking oontldersUI ttetd-
way in tills iiart of tbo state. In r iborl
time now oounciis will bo instituted in tit
Clair. Qirardville and Ashland.
Mslor Jennings Council, of town, has
decliUd lo nnrtlwpato in the grurid Fourth
of July co cbration at Ha.leton.
Mbnoy City boatta Of throo councils of
thu order.
Tho Socrot of Success.
Blanks Bo
Gilt 8c
Embossed VI l-2c
AVilldoW SlintlCS, Spring rollorS..25o sUIror shouWer, oppreslou,
. JT r eugh,smoilierlu, dropsy or
Curtain I'ollW..... UOOliouy Ur, llilen onequated New Heart Cue,
O. II. Hugenbuch, th druggUt.belleves that
the secret of success Is rerseverunce. Theio
fnr he nerslhlii In the llutstllueof
ierfunierloii, lollut articles, cosmcllcs, drug
und chemicals ou iuoinnriei. lie especia ly
inviin nil norsons who have lialoiutloii.
short breuth, weulc or lniuury spells. pain in
A fraternal toolets; for hpWi sexes.
Pays From 4200 to $5,000 ! IB I uM'IEC I IE I IR, I Y I
' -IN SIX YKARS. ' '
Advanctsi money to buy, oafteel the
indlHKlue In on e of disability orulealh',
........ utlr I..W1 riMith llllMlllk.
ForluHhor purtlouiaisoatlon or address,
Deputy Supreme President,
32 N. Main St., Hheuaudoah, fa.
, W. S, SNYDER'S , ,
Boot and Shoo Store,
(llasteller'i! old stand,)
Corner Conl unci JnrrtliitB.
LFrosh Broad, Cakes and Pics
US" A lino line of Confectionery, Flco Ice
uream rariors atmcnea. ,
lie'oi II Is oo late. It ns me lunml sale 01
any similar remeuy. l ine uook oiteMimo
nljisrree. I)r Miles' HeHtorative NerMnel
tiusitri'Sssed for H'euiilesMteHS, nu.utaciie, nts
etc., and It contalus uu upiaies.
, . e. ni 1 I It Is a won Known isci inai i-enjiuu
OO Fnvt r.nnlra At.. OjelfllOOf). I c... 1, nrl 1 ,,,,11111,1 inn rnrf hm onied I'on
I 8UI11 1 1,111, 1 uuvua uuu v ww. w.t.w .... -..
I r, 1 A.nnii.ji corns. Trill bottles lree at
CHAS. T. II Ct'3 0LU STAMU. I Kirliu sdnis store.
Air. Hnyder will always keep In stock a fine
itneoi ooots auasuovB.
Custom Worlt ami Rcpnirlujr
done in the best style. lie guarantees lo sell
nheapertlmncorupelltursou Main street who
uave oig reui to jwy, i,'iu nunmuin.
tue burtuln on every purobaee.
PtrWTu for Window Hhad.
Udl I 3 inherit lor ftki. 45u. 6"e.
ti, 7&u andupwaida. Hbadi-s made
Kir xinriMnnd nrtvati- dwcllinE-. Cus-
tomerH di'Sidtuti only the futures or
sliudtuu by the yard oaa be accom
C. D. Fncke, 10 South Jardm St,
No, 27
South mailt St., Sliciinuilufit
22 1 W. Centre Street,
Fotmerly kept by Sirs Cmvllle. The above
hoi el is now kept by
Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Qllberton
uesioi acoonimoauiiousior
Pennnnent end Transient Quest
The bar U stocked with the best brands of
clge 'B, ale, beer, porter and liquors.
Now Only Corner 13th and CIIESTXUT Streets.
nhlldreh'a Suits $1 upwards tfH
Knee Punts 20o "
Bateoti Bliirts COo
Men's elilftliiK shirts 7oc "
liest neclttie lu town 25 o
And everythinf? else In our lino you will lind down to the lowest prices.
Wo sell tlio bestfiOo Domet Shirt In town. Merchant
Tailoring a specialty.
jomks? "FAMOUS"
No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Justice of the Peace,
Ueedi Iee( Mortspjues nnd Bonds vrttten.
t iuairiUAU iw) aun igai claims ,
promptly iilteudeu io.
Estate, yieclip atid lusunnco Agency
Qeneral KlrelnsamilcelSuslnoM. Kra.ens
. tu ormwemern i.iniusumiioeyo. ;f
OtFiCB-Muldoon'sbnlldlna'. aornsr Centre
and West Sis., Shenandoah, l'a.
Good fropiitiis of All Kindt For Safe.
Atno story double irame dweU1n house";
boieiuid reataurunt, on Ka.t'JeuueUU
2,-A dwelling and restaurant on Bast Centre
p. Deni able property od oorner Centre and
jaium Biroois, suuuuio lor uusiuess pur
poses, ,
1, A two story double frame dwelling, on
We-tI.lod street
Two 2 sUuy mine dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
B. Two 2 story Uwelllng ou the corner ol
uoai and uuestnut streets More room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street with n, large warehouse at the rear,
ff. Throe two-uory double frame, buildings
corner or ijioya ana uiioort streets.
ill National, Bank.
9W ,
Capital, - $io6j6b:6ipjD., J
. i' 'itei
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
i .
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
: , 'i
J. R. Leisennng; Cashier,
S. W.Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
The Photographer
Js located at
No. 14 North White Street,
Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he
la nowbeitei i.rrpared than ever lo lueet
tne wautk onhe piibllo in the photo,
graplilo line. Tho best photo
graphs at lowest i rices.
Crayon Work a Specialty.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
lnlcl on MavIuifH DepoHltH.
Lambert, The Hatter,
Carries an extraordinary line ol 1'
.tats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing OjC I
nnrt rttnVoo n nniMln 1 1 tr nf t
NelHo Bly and Mary Anderson Caps