The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 24, 1891, Image 3

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Ib tho head ceutre of the Schuylkill
coal region, thirteen miles from
the county Beat. It Ib on the
line of the lMillndelphln and
lleutllng, Pennsylvania mul
I.eliltth Valley railroads,
thus oderlUK excellent
fiifllltlus for travel.
Not quite 4 hours
ride from the city
ICD.'-- of Philadelphia
It possesses the greatest In
dtlcciiiPiits for the location
of factories, mills, &c. 10x
cellent water supply, fuel plen
tiful and cheaper than, any
where else Educational ad
vantage uiiBurpassed. Pure air,
pure wnlor, electric llulits, Ac, &a.
Failure, or the Trenton Clilim Cmiipmiy.
TubntoN. N. J.. June 4. The Tienton
China Company, controlled by the satno
i men who operated tho Star Kuubor Com-
tpntiy, linvo failed, on petlliou of tho
, Mechanic's National Bank. A receiver
l .Tfns appointed by tho Yree-Clinncollor.
Death Sentences Commuted.
IlAnmsnimo, Pa., June 24. Tlio Board
of Pardons recommended that tlia dentil
sentence In tho cases of Mnrlon Growl ot
Fayette Comity, and William Killer of
Philadelphia, bo commuted to Imprison
meut for life.
An ltallun Killed.
Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 24. Ono Italian
was killed aud another fatally injured
diirliig tho morning at tho Niagara Falls
tunnel, Bhaft No. 1. Their names are
Presents In the mot e.egant'form
the laxative and Nutritious juice
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system; forming an agreeable
aud effective laxative lo perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, aud the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most cxcelltnt remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
lEvery one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
jQ-srilXJI" Q 3PIOS
Dr. Grosvenor's
IB m 1 1 !
Den-cap-sic !
".(r'" PLASTER.
Ithenmatlam. nm-irn.1 sria nlfmrinviinfl lnmhmmll
ri. uwiumi iui Mis BU irrnjtRiBU,!
All persons are hereby warned
. i , . Belonging o tbo
Shenandoah Water Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
win pe
Jiroscculccl as Trespassers.
By order of
THE OOI 3?. 'TT.
waiisi aft. If you contemnlatc
i I I IN h MAN attending Comuier.
ww-M in ciai Bcnooi. it will
pay you to visit the 'ItoCHihTKH HUH1.
NKbb UN1VEIW1TY before d. elding where,
thougb you may lle a thousand miles away.
It stands at the head ol the lint of commer
cial scnools in Its character as an educational
force, as a medium lor supplying the business
men of the country with trailed and capable
assistants, as a means ol ph clngnmbltloui
youug men and women on the high road to
Buciba, uiju in me extent, eugancennacosi
ol llxnulpmcnt. TbarouEhCOMMKUriAl
C.OUKBKM. The Twenty-seventh Annual
iuiuiuue wiu ue inanea tanny aaaress.
i e
Or (lie Uqiior llaiiit, romvIr C'urcu
Csohlfit teiwlfio.
It In manafaotared a a ponder, which on be siren
Id glass of bear, a oup of coflee or tea, or la food,
without the knowledge ot (he patient. It U absolutely
harmless, and will effect a permanent and speed
eure.whether the patient is a moderate drinker or
fnaloohollowr9ok- It has been civ en in thousands
of eases, and in every lustanoe a pcrfeot cure has fol
lornd It uvtr Kali. The system oneelinpreenafr
ed with the beoonius an utter Impossibility
for the liquor appetite to ex tat.
46 pass book of partloulart It.e. To bo had e
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Drufltjlst, Shenandoah
wo nice -20. West Lloyd Blreet.lBhenandoah
Drazll n Poor Plaoo for Oourtlnff
Younff Couplos.
MarrlaRc R Curious Combination of Cora,
plicated Questions, Ttevenuo Stamps
i and Illniciittie In
An American lntly resident at Ulo
Janeiro writes of the difficulties attctid
lng wedlock in This Is her story
ot it, saj'S tho Kow York Journal:
Tlioy wprt it ' lovf ly yminp; couple,
Just the' cfnbodlnlcut of llurns' "Oh,
happy lovo, vlicro lovo HUo this Is
found. "' Ho, n rising young ninti with
good prospects, had been her grov- jp
and develop Into a lovely woman as n.
rov in a tropical frnnictf. How could
ho help loving her? And Bho sho re- J
turned hts lovo; nnd her father and
mother were willing1, nny happy in tho
prospect of their darling's completo
happiness. And why weren't tho
couple happy? Why didn't they go and
(ret married?
This lovely youiiff couple, "two souls
with but n single thought," nnd nil that,
lived In Itio do Janeiro, one'of tlio most
beautiful olttos In tlio world, whero ull
nature seems to sneak of love: whero
tho hills, with all tho luxuriance of
I thoir tropical verdure, rellect their
thoir priory In tho deep bluq of tho bay
and all nature joins in a grand nnthem
to tho Creator of tho universe; in this
beautiful place even tho crcuture, man,'
haB made things difficult.
In tho good old days In Drazil when a
young man saw n pretty girl nnd fancied
hor ho got his godfather td confer with
her godmother, and if they were agreed
they had n "festa" for tho betrothal;
then tho bans wero published three
times, and they were married and
happy. Hut not so In these enlightened
days of tho republic, as our youny
friends found. Thero was tho civil
marriage, which is obligatory whether
thoro Is a religious marriage or not.
Said John to Lhcy as they wero rid
ing along tho lovely bay ono beautiful
day In July: "Wo Will' be married
quietly next week nnd remain at homo
for a time nnd take n trip later in tho
year when tho warm season comes on."
Her answer was a smilo of assent,
which ho understood. It's remnrkablo
how few words a pair of lovers need.
Then ho went on: "I must get the
tncccssary papers for tho civil marriage,
Jbut I don't suppose that will take much
It is well that thero are young peo
plo nnd that they have tho hopefulness
of youth. So 3io ' went, and tho flrht
thing that nmnzed him was that tho au
thorities objected because they both
lived In tho same house tho young man
boarded with her family).
"Well, I can call my office my resi
dence," said ho.
"That Is better," said tho judge.
"Now, whero Is your certificate of
"I haven't any," Bald John. "I never
was baptised."
Hero was a difficulty that tho judgo
had not foreseen, not being accustomed
to tho heathenish ways of North Amer
icans. Who was your father? Who
your mother? Are thoy living? Of
what did your mother dio? (on being
told tUit sho was dead). IIow long do
you expect to live in Urazll?
These and many other questions had
to be testified to by witnesses beforo a
notary public, and dear Lucy was
obHjod to have ono paper witnessed
and signed declaring that sho was wil
ling to marry John tho idea of such a
thing! also papers from her mother
and father declaring that they, too,
were willing; also who they were, who
their mothers and fathers were, what
their business was, etc. And thus the
days lengthened into weeks and tho
weeks into months, nnd still tho proper
papers wero not finished, and October
came and still they woro not married.
"Anyway, our caso is not so bad as
Smith's," said John, as they were re
turning from tho judge's house for tho
tenth timo, having found him out or oc
cupied. "What is that?" asked Luoy, imme
diately interested.
"His bride elect came out from Eng
land to him, and was obliged to return
In order to got tho necessary papers."
"Oh, how .dreadful," said she, nnd
continuing: "I am glad I am not in
Mis3 llrown's place. You remember
seeing hor, don't you? She Is to marry
ji young man eight years her junior, and
only think how embarrassing to havq
to produce witnesses to declare that sha
is thirty-throe;" and Lucy really looked
sad, for she is just seventeen, and can
not realizo tho idba of nriyono's wlshi
ing to marry at three nnd .thirty.
"But the hardest of all is the case ot
Senhor Jose," continued John, "for ho
wished to marry that pretty young
widow, and tho complications aro
greater still, for not only must sho havo
all tho papers from father and mother
of birth and baptism, of willingness (?)
to marry, but n physician's certificate)
of her late husband's death, and, If it
were possible, a testimonial from him.
Everything comes to nn cud In this
Ufa, and after thrco months of arrang
ing papers, making visits to tho judge,
! tho notary public and tho consul,' tho
wedding day came, and there wero tho
orange blossoms, tho wedding march,
tho friends, overythlng a la regulation,
nnd tho judgo, with a robo nnd collar of
ermino, and his secretary, wero at hand,
and when tho bridal pair arrlve'd at tho
chancel tho secretary wrote and wrote,
as though ho wero writing thoir biog
raphy, and thoy signed and signed,
father, mother, bridesmaids, best men,
near friends, officials, etc., and then,
came the religious coremony and it was
A great fuss about a small thing you
say. Granted, but is It a small thing?
What sort ot brain is It that has
evolved such a complication, and how
are the massos to bo benefited by any
such law? IIow aro foreigners to bo
encouraged to make their homo in a
country whero they are hedged about
by red tape and circumlocution at every
point? Thero aro many noblo, patrl
otlo hearts In this lovely country, but
' they havo much to learn yet of repub
lican simplicity and dispatch.
irlighcst of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Nejr York anil Chlcaco Tfinnm llotu Win n
AT riIlt.ADKI.rniA.
nmton..., 0 0001001 0-
rhiiiuiciphia 1 oooaooox 3
Ilnttcrlps Gotaeln and Uennctt: toper nncl
New Tork 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0-11
llrooklj-n 1 000 l'l 00 0-3
Ilatterkw-ltiHlo ami Iliickler; Terry, Hum
ming aud Klaolow',
Cleveland .3 3 0 0 2 3 :1 1 x-14
ritUbuiTf ,..,0 0 2 0000305
llRtterlas Young and .humor; Oalvln,
Chlcnsro 2 0000030 0-0
Clneiimutt 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 02
Kattciios-Luby and Bowinnn; Ithluosaad
Tho National Loasuo Itociird.
IVr Vfr
duhx. iron. CI Cluhi. iron. tfU CI
Now Yorlt..:iO 10 .012 Drooklyn ..23 27 .481
Clli00(t0...20 21 Jit)3 VhUMcl'a..24 27 .171
lloston ....20 23 .B.-.8 I'lttsburir.,20 28 .417
Cleveland ..20 27 .401 Cincinnati .20 31 .302
Association Garnet.
Washington. 1 100000003
Athletics 2 0001000 03
I latteries foreman and McQulre; VfcyliliiK
and ilUlluail.
St Louis 0 0000000 00
Cincinnati 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 x U
'batteries McQIU sad Munyan; Dwycr and
AT countnes. '
Louisville. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Columbus 3 0000001 z 4
Batteries Jloakln and Calitl; Knell and
Tlio Association Itccord,
j i rer, , , rer
dutw. iron. Ijrmt. (Tl Club. Wrm. TU C't.
Boston.. ..37 10 ,181 Columbus. ..30 31 .402
HM5UI9..3S 24 .018 Athletlo....2j 23 .431
Ilaltlmoro34 22 .007 Lou'vlllo....23 41 .!J5U
Cincinnati 31 28 .62S Wash'ton. ,.17 37 .316
Kustoru l.cnjrue,
Rochester 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 610
Byrncuso 0 0010031 00
Batteries -Hhrovo and Urquhart; Gallagher
and Qulnu.
Buffalo 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 013
Albany... 0 0300000 14
Batteries Qcrmuti nnd Murphy: Casoy and
Troy 3 4 1 0 1 7 3 0 x-in
Trovldenco 0 0 3 00011 0 u
Batteries Mujrulre, Cary and Wells and
Cote; Btalb and .Murphy.
Lebanon 3 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 x-ll
Now Haven 0 1101000 0-3
Hattcrtps-l'itzirc'r.ildniid Toulicy; Clarksou
and Thclsen.
Italy's Consul Will Not Mnlce Grout
llllblitibvi.i tll Altai r.
St. Louis, Juno 24. Dohiinio Ginno
chlo, Italian Consul here, after investi
gating the chain ol rocks riot, is ot tho
opinion that the attack upon tho Italian
laborers was with the object ot robpory
more than anything eUe,
Many of Ills countrymen who wero run.
out of the camp huvu informed him Mint
laborers of other nationalities assisted
the Americans in making the assault.
Mr. Ginnochio said there was no need
of making n great, hubbub over tho mat
ter. The laws would protect the Italians'
aud punish their persecutors. Ho bad
instituted nn active police Investigation
and so far was well satisflod with tho re
sult. ruelllstf Diluted In tbo Canal.
LockpOivt, N. Y., Juno 24. Joe Donner
and Connie Daley fought three rounds
with bare knuckles two miles east of this
city early in the morning. Donner, who
is a lightweight, knocked put liH oppoi
neut easily. Tho fight was" over a girl'
with whom the young men werq
enamored. Both ot the principals woro
taken after the fight by referee aud soc
onds and glvon a dip lu. tho Kris Canal.
Hilly aialonoy's llemniid.
New YdRK, June 24. Billy Maloney.
who was clerk of the Board ot Boodle
Aldermen ot 1881, called on Comptroller
Myers during the morning nnd made n
demand for jfl50 salary wljloU ho alleges
is due him for the last three-quarters of
the year 18S0. The Comptroller referred
him to Corporation Counsel Clark and
told htm to file his demand thore.
Vetoed by Gov, ruttlson.
IlAMUSBuna, Pa., June 84. The bills
dividing the Senate into Congressional,
and Legislative districts wore vetoed by
tbo Governor last night. Tho Governor!
gives Several reasons for this action, his
main objection being that the bills aro
unfair nnd contain many lrretjularltios
contrary to the Constitutional require
ments. Kmery'A llody Found In u 1'ond.
BiDDEFonn, Me., Juno 24. Tho body ol
Andrew J, Emery, who dUupppnord from
his home In South Berwick about a yeat
ago, was found in liouud pond, near that
place, hist ovcnlne. It is supposed that
Kmery, who was slightly demented, foil
into tho pond nnd was drowned,
Tllulty's Class Day. ' '
IIahtfoiid, Conn., Juno 24. Trinity
College had a bright nnd pleasant day
for its class day. The exercises were
held on tho campus. The seats wero nr.
ranged In a seml-tlrcle, tho class sets
being inside. The cene was a bright
and attractive one.
Lundon After Sluvln and Sullivan.
New Yonic, Juue 24. A cable dispatch
from London says tho .Ormonde Club
offers a purta ot $15,000 for n match bo
tween Slavln and Sullivan, provided
they come to terms. 11U.VUU to go to the
winner, $2,000 tb tlio loser, and $1,230 to
cacn man lor exDensos.
Surprise Over Hit, Assignment of the
I.entlier I'lriu or Alloy Urns. & IMnee.
BosTQff, June 24. Tlio news ot tin
fniluro ot Alley Bros. Ss Place, leathel
dealers, 51 South street, created much
surprise nnionir leather metchants hero.
The liabilities aie placed at 100,000:
awcts, 1000,000. William A. Knowltoti
Is tolneu with nr. Hust In the asslRnea
ship. This house is the successor to John
B. Alley & Co.
Mr. Place of the omb irrassed firm ol
Alloy Bioi. & Place, says the creditors
will receive 100 cents on the dollar witli
Mr. Alloy, of the Arm, says: "Our in
ability to get ready nionoy is the cause
of tlio failure, but the creditors are most
ly banks in New Haven and we owe but
little for merchandise. Our factories Arc
located in Ayer, tills State, Bethel, Vt.,
and two In Pennsylvania. This lias come
upon us very suddenly and we havo as
rigncd everything wo have and whatovor
tho creditors want done wo shall do."
Tho business ot tho Arm has Iattorly
beon managed almost entirely by Mr.
Place. Ho resides in Wobtirn. The Ann
has done n business of $1,000,000 a
and hns onjoyod good credit.
The Yolinc Rnutliemer Kucnpcs on thf
Cliariro of Aaiault,
New Yoiik, Juno 21. The jury In the
case ot William B. Rhetti who for the
past ten days has been on trial for al
leged assault on two young girls, last
night brought in a verdict of acquittal.
Ehett, who Is a member ot tlio distin
guished South Carolina family of that
namo, wtis remanded to Ludlow stroot
Jail to answer to two lnuioimonts cuarg'
ing him with abduction.
As theso indictments arc part ot tlio
general accusation ngalnst tho prisoner,
if is not likely that thoy will over be
tried, and Hhett will probably be re
leased on bnil to-morrow.
ltuli9Now I"oibld Jow to Emigrate.
London, Juno 24. Tho "Chronicle's"
Wnrsaw correspondent says that the
Russian Government has forbidden Jews
to' emigrate, and that 100 Jews aro de
tained at the frontier.
Swift's Spocific is the great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It rogulatos the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to 5 S S
Bend for our treatise on Blood a
Skin Diseases.
Bwivx Si-tcirio Co., Atlanta, Oa,
r TREfiTbD FflfcL :r
Have cured many thousand rou Cure miifnt yiuutm
hopclesi by tho best nhytlciint. From nrt dtwe tymiilom
iipldly dlufpear, and In ten iajiai !cat two-ihlr.U tf i
lmrmrer',rnMe1 u. ,p FRKE BOOK of ,tut
roonultof nir-Tril fj Up iroiil'icol rn rr ty mall. U
trial, tfni ten cents In stan p-. in hy tirWgg wwWT
Committeemen should bear In
mind that tho Herald olllco
Is prepared to do all kinds of
Poster Workl
at tlio moat reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtain our
prices. All work done when
promised and in a satisfactory
A New Venture
Has opened a
Bales of assorted goods, notions, hardware,
glassware, etc, ete.
Goods from all parts ot the county solicited
on commission.
gaice BedaAll'i tmlldlng corner lUlatnaOenui
An Outbreak Feared in North
eastern Arizonn.
War Department Officials Dliturbed Over
tho Reports.
(Ion. .McOouk to Trtlto Vlcurnm Mepi In
l'rov.iit nn UiirUlmt A Humor In
Winlilnsttmllmt Mrs. Lngiiu Will Soon
Murvy An lncrrnao in tlm &urilu
I 111 porta lit Trrnury HcrUloiK,
Wahhixotos, Junn 2-1. Interior and
War Department otllclnls are not a little
'Isturbed over the reports telegraphed
by Gen. MeCook of tho threatened Indian
troubles In Northenstern Arizona.
It has been known for some timo thai
ninny of the old men ot the Moquis tribe
were protesting bitterly ngalnst the
government school system In opcrntlon
on tlio Moqul reservation, but until the
receipt ot tho dispatch from Lieut. Urett
giving tlio particulars of n narrow es
cape from llfty nrmed warriors near
Keams Canyon thero had beau no four of
There are at least U0,000 men on this
and tho Navajo reservation adjoining,
and as tlm majority of them are young
bucks an outbreak among them would
bo a serious affair. Tho Navojos nro a
peaceful and progressiva tribe nnd havo
hitherto given the government but little
trouble, but prlvnto advices reculvjl hero
show that there are some malcontents
among them as well as tho Moquis over
iho school question.
lieallzlng the seriousness of tho sltua
(don the Wnr Department tologrnplicd
General JlcCook to tako prompt and vig
orous steps to prevent an uprising and to
all'ord all necessary protection to tho
government schools. It is presumed that
be will draw'kn tlio troops at Fort Win
gale, N. JI., nnd Whipple Barracks, A. T.,
though no explicit instructions wore
given as to which troops should bo used.
Lieutenant llrett's dispatch was as fol
lows : "Chiiio to Arelba to arrest several
Arelbas, who havo destroyed tho sur
veyors' marks and threatened to destroy
the schools. When wo ontered tho villnge
we wero coufrontoil by about llfty hos
tiies, armed and stationed behind a bar
ricade. They openly declared hostility
to the Government nnd a light was barely
averted. A strong foreo should be sent
hero with Hotchkiss guns, as I nntlcipato
serious troublo it the hostilcs aro not
summarily dealt with."
Cllm Aaoiit Iiut.u's Hitpnrturo
Utirnpo Itovlves tho ltinrt
Washington, Juno 21. "Is Jtrs. John
A. Logan nbout to uinrryt" This ques
tion is upon the tongues of the gossipors
Tlio Inquiry Is arousod by the depar
ture for Kurono of George E. Lemon, the
claim agent and attorney. Ho follows
close upon tho footsteps of tho widow ot
tho late Senator Logan, ot Illinois, nnd
sin co the names ot tho couple wero link
ed matrimonially some months ago the
idle tougues now seo only a marriage In
'their trip across tho Atlantic.
At the timo of the roport that Hrs.
Logan nnd Cnpt. Lemon wero going
abroad to marry somo months ago, both
entered n strong denial; nevertheless,
there is talk of it hero now.
Over it Million Surplus.
Wasuingtox, Juno 24. Tho Treasury
has recovered from tho heavy drain on
nccouut of ponalon payments, nnd
Treasurer Nebeker's dally statement
shows a net surplus ot $1,2,17,439. This
net surplus will probably dally increase
from now until tho end ot tho month,
when It is expected to reach its normal
condition of about $10,000,000.
Thn InilnluriUlmi CoiumUtlon.
Washington, June 21. Col. John S.
Weber, Superintendent ot Immigration
of New York, has beon appointed chair
man of tho Immigration Commission that
Is going to Europe.
DnclHlnu Acitlnxt Cunsdlun ClirpontPla.
Washington, June 24. Assistant Sec
retary Nettleton has decided that a car
penter cannot como from Canada, ongngo
work, aud upon his return with his
tools enter upon such work without vio
lating the contract labor law.
No Duty on tlio lllble.
Wasuinqton, Juno 24. Tho Treasury
Department hns decided that a French
edition ot the Bible, Imported for the
use of the Baptist City Mission, of
Lowell, Mass., Is entitled to free entry.
Muster numbers In Convention.
Cincinnati, C.RJune 2t Tho ninth
annual convention of the National
Master Plumbers Association opened nt
the Scottish Bite Cathedral during the
morning. Thomas Gibson, Presi
dent ot the Cincinnati Association,
greeted the visitors who numbered 250.
Mayor Mosby delivered an nddross ot
welcome. The mooting will last four
Thn Late Mrs. Ilnrunliy's Will.
Providence, r i,, JuU0 21. Tlio pro-
Sonants ot the second will of tho late
Ira. llarnaby have secured frrom Judge
Spink a continuation of tho probation ot
the will until Sept. 22. Before that timo
the result of the trial ot Dr. Graves is
expected to be known and may remove
some serious obstacles to the probation
of tho document.
German Must bo Tuuirlit lu tio Schools.
Indianai'OUS, Iud June 21. Tho Su
preme Court decided in favor ot the
teaching of the German lauguago In tho
schools, holding that tho law is com
pulsory nud that language must bo
taught wherever tho requisite number ot
patrons shnll petition tor tho same,
Judges Olds nnd Molirldu dissent In a
long opinion.
NewTrlul fnrJm-y Ilrlbers.
Nsw Orlbakb, June 31 Judge Marr
has decided to yrant a new trial to Mo
Crystal anil Cooney, tho jury bribers, on
the grouud that tlio testimony did not
wnrrnut the verdict.
Tile President 111 WMslilllgtiin.
Wasuinqton, June 21 Tbo I'roslilont
has returned to WnsUington, much re
freshed by bis vacation. Ho was ao
coniuaulod by Mrs. Dlmtulclc
Continual dropping wears
away the stone."
"The continual breaking of
lamp-chimneys costs a good
deal in the course of a year.
You can stop it. Get Mac
beth 's " pearl top " or " pearl
glass." You will have no more
trouble with breaking from
heat. You will have clear glass
instead of misty ; fine instead
of rough ; right shape instead
of wrong; and uniform, 1 one
the same as another.
You will pay a nickel a chim
ney more ; and your dealer
will gain in cfood-will what he
loses in trade ; he ' will widen
his trade by better service.
I'llUDUrg. UEQ. A. 31ACB8TU A UO.
5 and other special.
for Gentlemen,
rnntwl, nni! so stamjwd , on bottom. Address
W.I.. IKII Iil.Ari, llrocliiou.niuss. So
uimuft, etc., nro war-
Sold b
tfosopli Ball,
811 fi unit I'tiwi' nix
15 Per Cent.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Ktilt piirtlculArs ond
l'roiportin c-au be lmd
nn nppllr 'linn nrmlilreslng
H. I.. tlMllvtlN, IsiiukL-r,
C, Ilrnill-vi, y, y. v.
Mother styles 5-A Nets, i-i'p to suit all
' Jl. AYItbS&MONS, l'llILADLLflllA.
Solrt I'V all Hpntnr
Chlchr.lrr's Knitl.ti lllamond n rand.
tfrlKinul ana llnlf Cenalnc.
BkPC WTi fllsVlllfl, LADIES uk a
ltran-t In I ted pVd1 (1. lu lui ilUd
"nr. srnoii wub wine nortna. J ubO 1
no other. Rf hua damtrrau inl.,i,t.
tiontan-HmilaticH At lro(f((Ln. ornend tcw
I teller tor I,bI im fvfi r,. .... Z
' Cbrticitfr('sicnilt?ulC(t 'llaoaNnuurn.
too North Fourtrt St.
OOo vvi artD,ruiidii't..
Tlie iuot re li "shift aal tuoerMful
t dlui fur id'eui of twtli
fecial Disrascs.BIooJ Poison
UUCKRS h'cleh'i, Ptmrlei. 8or
llouili IrrltnloDi Holl
Ingr, JnflamiDtllJDi, KldDt
blt'ldtr.Loit I' tillj , We.k bck,
DrirU. I'll!. UtUDahoIr
ffeikoeii DttWIItj, tmptl-cl Urmory n1Dey, ttrloturca.
U dliekiri reau'tlog (rum jou.hful rrort r from srervork,
Old.Youni; r Middle Aged don't tuffcr tor lonirr.
Orel ff ruin, Docipt riun.'iil I li7 everjtbfrig bdowd 1
madsOkl tatlmrfUkUaienoc, l,itinkiQiloU umi lollclud.
fiotnatlvr who tiim rHtf t once Freih C oured Id
la II df, Euroiwin HoipHat rir( rlraoa (n Oerminj, Rnf
Uod, Frmet ol Auitn, m mt uh-Ath nud diploinM prore.
ad 3ft Tear i-ritipil er rtfnrB in W) 0Kvtrured Jr)j.
fllllt,tn pal'l to 1 n ireriliini aoomr, l
tifxrleou inl ho ran hw ratof fttltoti permantDtly
V 1 4 CU IIUT qtlKCRB ISj M. I Tf rilllTjr QW3IBII UKt
Cured k I co nn
miuta mtni. ovii.i j." vmnip ior ihm'K I ItL ill uu iweri
ruined tbm. tSviM 1.' vinmo for boK 'TliL'TlI' tad iworu
ttlmpDlliptyolni auftcki ol adrfrtUtnK doctor! llh
their ftlM and frnJuIeot RtikntotfM ud f(hnoDtli, Ihelr
etpfrleoof, I hey not poni'ii nd Ihcir Mibnit f refundlDf
moot j or rrtftily Ulkiaad their chomp nd vortbtcie drug
ntltber rf hleb cum jon, but Km u'd ti deooyi nd mull
Inrula cf thnu-o Ji r tftniflrjlng vlrtlm Ortm Horite.-
Cferrdj fr-m A M In if U. cvenlur 6lu9 Weduetdt
tad BtMurdu ( 1 11I ti p t n, f --,n H 111 trnia 9 toll. l"J
Leading Churchmen.
Tiik National TtrnirMt, Waslilnglnn, D.
0., the Ureal atlonnl Weekly for the Home
and Fireside, will Blinrtly begin tho publica
tion or a IhkIi y IntercRllni; terlfs of articles
on the cor dltlon, development and prospecta
of tho several rliurrhes. 'iho arttclea and
their centrlhntorB nre:
Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Gibbons,
Archbishop ol bnltltnore
Methodist Episcopal Church, Ulslnp John P,
Protettant Episcopal Church, Itlglit Rev. 11 sli
ton Colt man, . T, D.,L. L. 1)., lllfcliop ot Del
Freb1erlan Church. Hev. Dr. II. M, McCrao.
ken. Chancellor or the University of the City
ol New Yok,
Unitarian Church, Iter. Kd ward Kverett Hale,
ti e dlstliiKiilshtd ant hor.
Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1'rof. E. J. WollT,
ol tne Oeiiybnisf Hemlnarj.
Congregational Church, Itev, J N, Wbllon, of
tlio Ti I i.l y Cliurcn, New York City.
Baptist Church, HobertH McArthur, H. D.. pas
tor Calvnr.v llaptlkt Chnrcli, New York City.
Btib-crli'tlon prlcoof paper Sluyenr, threo
mouths rontalnln theienrtlrles,2So. Addreea
IHE NATIONAL I Rl DUNE, Washington, D. C.
Whn tryubld with thnrnuoMn Irrtraln Hie-ha
fWriiiatntfv fnllnwItiL' n cnlil or i'iDitur or froi. CVin
rtltatloaai VeiikiiM iiilir to thoir ihcutd
Ue DR. DuCHOINE'B C-leUrotcu
theysr Btrenatix ri
'ona. vliinriinit iuh, ii
tiul intml. Hnt i i
1r. Hnrts" '
, ilio i 'it H , ..Jin rfe
I Mlif.tll IqllCllOll.Ot lio 'y
. ,. ,1.' ',!. A.lJr. i,
t 1 nui wij.
S 3
Oysters, Clams and Poultry
Keoeived dally at tho old rellablo
stand ol
North Main SI, nfar Lloyd.
"WlioleHiile nncl Rctnll.
Plonlcn. festivals nnd private nartles snD
j piled lu quantities at short notice.
nK .
t 1 ?,: Jk i"ii 1
$3 SHO