The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 24, 1891, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
H, 0. BOTTEB, Editor ana rnBlunor,
W. J. WATHHSi Loe&i Eillo.
DAILY, per year,
Wbikly, per year ..
W 0
1 5
BnUred at the IVwtolIlce, at Shenandoah, P
fortrndsmlsHlnn throngb the Malls
' a n'oooftil class mall inilter.
I s,
Oolllerv -Enirlnoor Pockot Book
-Tlie 0lliry Kngineor Oo Bcranlot
l'a., Publishers. This i a convenient vo
mo of over 400 pages printed on fln pape
with dear now typo, thus enabling tb
publishers to 1'urnUh a vast amount c
mailer In htndy shapo.
This book.bas been especially prepare
for tho use of oolllery olUclals ami miner
who have longleftthe want of a convenlen
and simple reference book, containing rule
and tables specially adapted to thoir use
1t1a a tsxt-liook for the miner who i
studying the principles of vonlilatlon, min
ins, etc., and the most convenient pocWot
book for the mining engine r, tuperintoii
dent, or other colliery iifucials. It mi no
prepared for oollego graduates, and an
intolliRont man can understand the prinoi
plos and rules oonlnined in il. No ntbi'i
book is required by tho student for a mini
foreman's certificate.
Tho following ninonc many other sub
loots, are treated on in full :
Arithmetic: mensuration; woighU an
moasuros; strength and woightof materials-
prospecting; timbering; mothoda of work
ing; gases; ventilation; colliery machinorj
surveying; mino railways; steam; faults:
electricity; squaro; cubos; squaro roots, anr
cube roots; sines; tangents, etc., travors'
tables, etc , etc.
Itnmul In ninth 82 W
Ititutirt In flmlliln linilirr. imilld COmcrH.. 2 6
Hound In lloxlblo leather, wlih flap 2 76
Oh, What a Cough.
will von lieed tho wa'tilua? Tho slennl per-
homiif thn felirn Htmrniioh Of that more UT
rlhle (ll.eKse. Consumption. Aslt yournlvin I
If you can allom lor the sauo ot wiving ou
roula, to run the risk and ilo nothing for It.
Wn IrtiMw frntn r-xnprlenre thnt Slllloh'a I'AXTi
will L'ure jour Cough. It nevtr lallH. Thin
explains why uioiu than a Million Hollies
were sold tho past year. It relieves Croup
mul wliiinnliiK Couirh nl once Molliers dn
not he without II. Kor lrfitne lines, Hide or
I'hpHt. iKnHlillnh's I'orom t'lnster. Sold by
W. II, Ilaneubuch, N. K. corner .Main and
IJoyd streets.
Tho occasional bang ol flro carckers tills
of tho approach of tho Glorious Fourth.
Tho Greatest Strlko.
Amonir the ureal strikes thnt of Dr. Miles
,iiUI.,...nP.i,. lib U.w llnnri. I'urn linn
en itsen inueoneoi tne iuosiiiiuioriaui. i
rhn (lotnnnd lor It has hecomo nstunlshlni;.
Already the treatment 01 heart disrate Is be
ing revoluUonired, and mat y unexpected
rlires ellected. 11 i-oon relieves snon ureuin,
Illliieriui;, I'Hiim ill Blue, miiii, nmpuiuci. huhh
and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of
ankles, smothering and Mart dropsy. Dr.
jniiUB IMIlili Ull lirill I HIIU i.tiwun iirui-cn.
lrec. 'Iho unrnualed New Heart Cure Is sold
nn guaranteed byO. II. HnBcnhuch.tbodrue
slit, also bis lleslorailvo J'crvluo for bead
ache. flis. snrecn. hot Hashes, nervous 0. ill
opium habit, tic.
It ha) boon many a
year sinco tho out-
look for poaches has boon so oncourinjr.
To NorvouB, DoblUtatod Mon.
Tf rmi Fend us vour addross. wo will
mail you our iliuslratod pamphlot explain
ing all about Dr. Dyo's Colobralod Electro
Voltaic llelt and Appliances, and thoir
charming oflocts upon tho nervous de
billtatod system, and how thoy willquicklj
rostorn vou to vicror. and manhood. I'amnh-
lot froo. If you aro thus afilictod, wo will
ond you a lfolt And Appliances on a trial.
Voltaic uki.'V uo.. Marsnaii, Mien.
Hummor goods uiaKo a lino display in tno
shop windows.
Office of J.'M. U ItoniNSON.l i:st l!6th bU
Kisldcnee, ( fA Kat 1 13 si rcet.
imkw l oiik, January 01, ioju,
Alva's Ilrazlllan Hneclllo Co.-tlemieinen
JIavlug sullered for the past two years with
rheumatism, Indlgcillou, sore throat, unda
ixillliuuiu un 'ItKJIlK l(VlY ui iiij niimoflj wiviii,
ifwas Irdi.ced (alter treating with seviral
prominent doelors) lotry lho Cactus Iilood
burn, which I eontini-ed to nso for about
thlrly days.slneo which tlmo I havo been en
tirely ireeironi tue iinove-ineiiuoueuiruuuius,
and h.ivn more 11 in till Inn today than any
time lu the past four yeais. I can henrtlly
recommend the same lo nny one having the
. i.,... T ft ft iinlHNUnu
Eifrt ai iViViin'i. iiniir Hfnrp Kprausnn llousa I Kranclsco. Ily this route one Is given au op
Hiwk ShJnnndoafi B erguson House j,orluny to lloW Uw magnltlccnceof Kagls
, The days will soon begin to shorten.
Hold It to tho Light,
Tho man who tolls you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is prescribing
Kemp's Balsam this yoar. In the prop-
. .Pi i-ii. n.t.
aration oi inis jHmaraauiu meuiciuu .or
coughs and colds no oxponso is spared to
combine only tho best and purest ingrodi-
onU. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam to
tho light and look through It; notice tho
bright, cloar look; then compare with
othir romodlos. l'rice 60c. and ?1
Small fruit abundant.
Rooky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druggists claim that pooplo call
daily for tho now cure for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano whilo in tho Kocky Mountains. It it
said to be Oregon grapo root (a great
remedy in the far AVtsit for those com
plaints) combined with simple herbs, and Is
made for use by pouring on belling water
to draw out tho strength. It sells at CO
conts a package and it called Lano's
Family Medicine.
Some strong minded women think whan
females "boycott" a placo it should bo
called "glrloott."
ShlloH'B Consumption Ouro.
Tills is beyond question the irost mio-
nesalul Cnnuh .Medicine wc linvt tvi r sold.
a lew luvurlably cure the woist esse, oj
Cough, Croup, nud llroi cliliis. while lis won-
aerfUI sucees ie me euro ui i (iuhiiiiipiou is
without a pftrallel In the history of lmdlclne.
Bluce It's first discovery It has been sold on a
gunrantee, test which no other luedlcluu
can stand. Il you have I'ouuli c euinrstly
ask you to try It. l'rlee 10 rents, 6(1 cents, nnd
11.10. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack
lame, use Hhlloli's Porous Plaster. Hold by
C. il.IIacenbuch, N. I:, corner Main and
Xloyd streets,
Weather liirtloiitlnn.
Washington, Juno St. For Now Kngland,
Ilostcrn Now York and Now Jersey: l'lilr)
I cooler: woterly winds: fair weather Thursday
i(n U'futArn Vnu Vnrtf. lnlr-tvniiiinr wnitti.
westerly wind! fair weather Tliui sday,
, ri v
jJhw YOllIC MAltltHIH.
NVw YWik. Junffav-Mnnef on onll liiinol
easy at 2 mid Hi ler eent.
Clrring Clnilnr
VctenLiy. To-Uy,
Il, lil Uitr loo loo
w m t:"i' J"!!,,, j2
imui iilv lt"Jy lx?
iuu7 umi ttH ini
Closing Clo'Hi
- Yilerd.ft-. f Ml if.
Canadian l'nrlflu I'.'K 2"
I'ontml Pnclrib 81 M 30
Ihlougn, llur. JtQullioy MM SUM
Del.. I-ack. St Wusten lail
Hrlo Wi ifU
Krio it..'. '',:cL
Louis. ANrndi. .1, TOW
Mlclil)fii Central MB H
.Mitwiuri I'ucino. "'?i ."F'J
Now Jerwr t'eiitral.
....iu"S iut
uni um,
.... 71 (M
3. :t.
Nint iiwnsiern
DiKiron .Hlmlon..
I'nclflu Man
.... am
tttu.V laliilitl
t. Tan i..' d3Ji
union rmiTio
Wostenu l.nlon 7t$ 7U?S
July. Aug. SopU
Wheat 101M HUM WHi
Ilutter-ln more demand and stoutly.
ern extrus, inc.
I'licpMi - nun. state. luciory. now.
emini, eiiniue wniie, 4C.
I'.kus - Quiet. Stulu
western f roali, 17o,175o.
What the Drusgists say
of HeiskelPsOintment:
' Wlienwoiirpiiitked lo reemnnien! a nrenarn.
tion fur skin iIImuku, v,tt Imml out UKiHKhLls
OiStmknt, with every cuiilldeucu of Itaeucce&a
ful treatment of the disease. M
j. u. ukiiick, n Mum St., Butler, l'n.
"I havoleeii selltnii IIkirkki.l's Ointmhnt
foreleven years. Itslves uulversul 8iutsfuctlo
Jtwlllcurtt'rKrTKn.'' (I. w. HACKusnt-.Rnrcn, Balnnrldffe, 1
"Wolmveevldencoef tho cunitlvo properties
1 1 1 kihk kli.'h Uintmknt here. It Is u uooi
retlublo ointment."
r l.K.Mtxo ,t hLEU( Tarentum, ra.
"In alt skin ill-nps I Invariably recommed
J. J.'Kkil, Shariftliurg, l'n.
"TIkirkfii.s Oivtmfvt ctiri-s ulien all elss
falls." Mii'LKi.LAN A ItKKii, Treeport, Pu.
" IlKlgKb.LI.'a rilNTMKNT selN on Its own
uierft " M 11. Hilton. KUtuunliiL.
The vesllbuled compartment sleenluccars
recently inirouueeo on too uuiraao, ai. nm,
nud Kansas CllyHallway are models in com
lort, oouvenit nco ana luxury. Any patron o
Hinal.ui.ltinu. Is linl. nri l.v ti.a InL.m.
tion of ihcse compartment curs, to secure lh
i same privaey anu ouveiueuco tuai no wouir
in tno uesi uoiei. no otuer unu west 01 i in
eflcrii runs Mie comnartment cars. In addi
tion, the tralusaru equipped w 111 the rettuU)
open fuPmau sleeper, giving passengers thcU
cuuicu. mum lUKrtir nerviwiH luiiy uji i
the requlreineuts 01 modern runway servlet
elecaul surroundings, .at moderate ibatces
leaves nothlnir now to be desired. Any of out
leoiile contemplating a trip to any part of tin
west or northwest cannot to".slbly seeurt
belter uecommodaMous or lower rales thai
by addressing W. 1. cooley, ucneral Afiut 01
ine 1 -asbeiiKer uepuriuieut, oou luuiuuiou
i'uiinueipuui, i-a,
Colorado Is 11 land of sharp contrusls. ol
brilliant llchts. 01 Intense shsd us: a lund
where helnhts and depths make obvious the
meuulug of tho nord antithesis; aland wheio
mood In nature. The high, while minarets of
tho mountains, nom whuto slender pinnacles
float the wind-blown banners 01 thesnow, ap
peal with silent eloquence to the lolly nspir
tlons of the soul; tho sombre chusms cleft by
riuiu lorces tnrougu granue-neurteu ijiuh
Atihlu nlioho (tenths dark shadows thronu
and swirling torrents dashspeak to tho heart,
a language that thrills, inspires and awes. It
dOfH not follow that thet-o glories ol while
Ieaks and those glooms of dark canons pre
elude the pleasant Intervals, the sunny
meudows or Ihe secluded nooks wherein tho
tired mind or wearied boiy may find neace-
lui rest unu reiuge iroin turmoil auu ton. in
one luuanig a journey in uoioiaao, rvew
Mexico or Utah, or tat lug a transcontinental
lour from East to West , or rice versa, I he Den
vnr anil KliidranriH Itullrnad nlterH urmiiii.
tnndMtlnns entlal In eh ennee.ronvenlcneo anir1
luxury to tnose or any otuer line witu menu-
I Hufl .lltfiMtl.iria nT tlm 11 Mrl vn I Ir1 Limnuri-
along its line, abounding lu a mngnllleent
oimience 01 wuue peass auu unrK cauous,
'lho month of November, 16110, wltuessed one
or the most important improvements in ran
roud lacllllles that has vet been inado in rol
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauge of the Denver and ltloQraude
itauroau irom uenver, coiornao, over me
mountains to Ogden, Utah, which five yeaifl
ago was deemed an impossibility, is certainly
a triumpn in aanug anu engineering skiu.
Tho new line is bv the way of Ijtodvllle, tuiv
nellncd'enuesM'O l'uss. threadlni; the canons
of the Kngleund Urund Ulvers, giving a view
ot the Mount of the Holy Cross, enroute, tatt
ing Its trains through Ulenwood Hprlugsand
down the Grand Klver to Orand Junction,
thence to Hnit i.ake Clly, Ugden ana Hun
lllver Canon and the marvelous I canty nud
grandeur of the Canou of the Grand The
overland tia'.n Is a model in every respect,
h'rom the engine to the last Orst class coach
everything is bright and new, and of Iho
most elegant style or workmanship and
ir any reader desires to know more about
these stupendous works of nature, wrlle toH.
K. Honnrr, General Passenger Agent, Denver,
I eleiruutly Illustrated booss. etvlnir a full de
uuiuruuo. unu ue win fceuu vuu. ireu ui cuni
,or(pt0 of tiie marvels of the "Hcenlo
I blue."- Htanley Wood in the "Great Divide.'
Ja and will ever bo tho
Bomody for
frjrtut TniliinnKa. Baokuoho, '
TJnlna In thn Rlfio. CltOBt and!
Joints, Nouralgla, Spralno, &o
Bsforo you aee4 to tray, ontain
n-a-irnpp OP CHAROEta
the yelnalls looki "QnWe to Hf olth," wlthl
t ondorsementsof proinisent physicians, a
310 Broadway.
Prlza Medals Awarded 1
Vieoaai rrayn"! ovvo(uui uibcai
Maremborgi tonstom, Lelpslo,
50 OentS a bottle, For Solo by
x. x. n, jciitr-ii tv.
ler drueguts.
Mobs of Infuriated Mongolians
Invade Tlicir Ilomcs.
A Qsneral Uprisingof "tto Ohlnoso is
Looked For,
Nnrrnw l!iirtip(iif tin lliglinlL Consul And
Vlre frnm llnatli Th I'leueli ttesldents
or bli it n u li i I Wiirinnl that llielr Turn
AVltl Snon Cotue Two IWl'gloimry
Steamers Snlril NeiirXfinUhi.
San Fuancisoo, - Juno UI, Details o
tho Chinese riots and recent nttacks on
missionaries and other. Christians havo
just arrived by tho ' sloamship Gqello
from Hong Kotig. motors from bhang-
hal burned it mission 011 the banks of
one of the rivers of tho province and put
'to de!rith all thoso connected with it.
Just beforo tho Gaelic left four of theso
murderers were put to death. Tho
French maii-of-Yfnr Inconstant had to go
to tho assistance of thoso at Nankin.
Two missionary sto unors were selzod
just above Nankin, nud tho missionaries
wero comoelleu to escape lu nioir uoais.
One steamer win burned to the water's
edgo nud the other was set afire, but tho
(Jhlnose aunuonlH arrived on the scene
nud nut thu lire out and rescued tho mis
slonariss. An outbreak against the
French Woxpectoil dally In bbnnglial.
Inflammatory placards havo been posted
uti all over the town.
lustnnces ol thlB bluer lecung against.
tho Frcuch havo already boon given In
Woo-Hoo and other river ports, nud the
nlacnrds warn the French In Shanghai
t, . -l.l.. Ill Tl.n
L111LL LIIOIL Llllll 1 111 nVJUll ..Ulliu. -i.v
plncards revile tho French Mixed Court
lluulstrnte. who, tho writer says, was
ouco a house-boy to a foreigner, and he
is not cnpable of looking after Chinese
Tho placard concludes that a genornl
attack will bo on tho i!7tli of the
Chinese moon. Tho Chinese authorities
at Shauirlial are looking for the authors
of tho placards. If thoy aro caught they
will bo beheaded.
At Wulin tho rioters proceeded to the
Knullsh Consulate and throw stones
through the windows nnd destroyed
llowers. Only tho timely nrrlval of
ollloers and tho coolness of the Consul
saved this lino building from tho torch.
Hundreds of savage nntlvo wero yolling
and howling about tho place, aud the
Consul and his wifo had to disguise
thcmsolves In Chinese clothes In order to
Somo of tho best Informed officials in
Nankin express tho opinion that those
outbreaks aro only tho prelude to a gen
eral uprising, nnd that no security should
bo felt because tho present riots are
quelled. . It that case tho duty of foreign
nowors to keen a Btrong fleet on tho
Ynuir-Tiie-KIang is nuito evident.
A Woo-Hoo correspondent says tho mob
thoro numbered 10.000. Tho mob went
systematically to work and pulled down
btilldlntrs as If they wore paid for it.
They carefully took the hlnge3 off the
doors and windows, using screw drivers,
so that they might bo sold or used again,
and carried awav In boats all the plun
der they could secure A man dressed
In silk, with a fan in ona hand nnd a red
flag In tho other, directed tho uioa where
thoy were to work.
According to u Goyernniont lteport tho
Chlllini Itebols 1 1 uvo 'n Chance.
Ixindon. Juno 24. A dispatch from
tho Chilian government nt Santiago
states that President Balmaceda is
Increasing tho strength of tho army and
thnt his war vessels are attacking reuel
nnrts whilo tho rebel snuadrou avoids
llKhtlng. Tho insurgents have lost all
their moral force, and that resistance on
their part in the South has como to an
end. The rebols. it is claimed, uro pro
longing the struggle only to enrich thot
selves with the Tarapaca nitruto deposits.
The President freely walks the streets
ofSautlago, which city is ontlroly on his
Nlnoteen provinces aro stnted to bo
tinder tho control of the Balmacedlsts,
these provinces being inhabited by a.UUU,.
000 peoplo, while tho rebellious provinces
.,., .ii.iRrtnA.1 i la
linvo a population ot uuiiiuu,uw, una ui
whom are represented to ho foreigners.
It Is also asserted that the "Constitu
tional Congress" sits regularly and f nr-
nlslies Balmaceda with nmplu resourcos.
"Phut Hoy ltablmso" Dead.
ItociiESTER. N. Y.. Juno 2-i. E. P. Bab-
bage, of this city, died suddenly lust
night at Alexandria Bay. The deco.ised
was well known all over tho United
States ns "l'hat Boy Babbngo." For sev
eral vears ho traveled as theatrical ond
minstrel agent for different companies
and put In his time during tho summer
as a pilot nnd guide on the St, Lawrence
Hlvor. lie was also the author of a book
entitled "Eluhteen Yours on tho St. Law
rence Klver." Air. Babbage was 61 years
Labor ltlot In llurdoaux.
Bohdeavx. June 24. Duriug tho con
flicts between tho police uud the mob
over tho horse car strlko a number of the
police were injured. Owing to this the
rmbllo tborouchfures ore being patrolled
by troops, and military pickets nre posted
In diilcrent parts of the city. There Is,
however, hope that tho intervention of i
the municipal authorities lu the interest
of an ngreeme t between the companies
nnd tho strikers may result as success
fully as did similar action lu Paris.
Franco llu1 a Hmult War.
Cawctta, Juno 24. War has broken
out between theSimnesoaud 1'iench. The
Annmese. friendly to trance, linve en
gaged In hostilities with tho Siamese
along the Ke-kong, while their enemies
havo ravaged territory unuerx'roiioti pro
Mlltiilned by f!0 Mnjurlty.
Ottawa. Out., June atThe vote ou
Hon. Wilfred Lurler'a want of confi
dence motion in tho House ot uommons
was 83 for and 108 against, tho govern
ment bolng sustained by a majority of 20.
Tho rant Kulilmr Company to Start Work.
South Fiiasiinoium, Jlnss., Juno 24. It
Is stated here to-day that tho works of
the Para Rubber Shoo Company will start
up on, July 0.
Kartliquake hhock In Charleston.
CnAJiiJSTO.v, June 24. At Ui27
night a slight shock of earthquake vraa
gelt hero, rlo damage was done.
A everoor's Opinion
Ancx-Oentral of Iha Union Annfli rx-Oov
ernor otltc Ulale oMattie, cz-litprctrn
lath e to Oongretl, and eX'Atlotncy Ocn
eral, tpeakt for us, i
With tbo exception,-posslblyyof Hon,
James Q. Illnlno, th'ero li no man mj well-
known to tho people of Maine, us
Who has n grand record ns a soldier, w ho
hnsbecu theOovemorof the8tnte,Iteine
sentatlve to Congress, uud Mho Is at pres
ent tho editor nnd proprietor of tho "New
Age" newspaper, printed In Augusta, Me.
General I'Jnlsted, formerly aresldent of
Ilungor, ilo., knew Dr. William II. Drown
At all Druggists I.OO. 0
DON'T lake Something else "Just as pood," IT 13 NOT. $
V, Aha Warhen A Co., Pole Proprietors, Bangor, Me.
and after Nov. 21, 1890, Iralni ul( lui
tthtnaiiaoah at follows:
Kor Wlctran. Gllberton, Frackvllle. Net
astle, Bt. Clair, und way points, 6.W, 9.1
m and 4.15 p m,
Sundays, boo, tUU a m and 3.1 0 p m.
Kor fottsvllle, 6.00, a m and . 15 p m.
anndays, (XX), 9.4U a m and 3.10 d m,
Kor Heading, 6.00, K.10 a m and 4.15 pro,
Bnndays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 3.10pm.
Kor i'oltstown. fnoenixville. Norrlslowi
.ad Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.00
,10 u m. ana p m wees aays
Sncdays, b00, 9.10 a m 3.10 p m
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Bhenandoah a'
J.tOum and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Hundayt
1.13 a m and 6,40 p m.
ieave rottsvine lor uueuanaoan, tu.toant
1.48. a ra 7.15, 9.42 p m, Hundays, 10.40 a n
,.13 p m.
ljeave ruiiaaeipnia inroaa street siauom
r l'nttsvllle and Hbenandoah. a n
.'.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days, Bunday 9.2!
tm and 1.10 p.m.
f or w xora, o.ju, s.oo. s.w. o.rc, d.du,
208.30, 4.50, ll.OOandll.15ama2.00 noon, (Um
id express, 1.06 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1,46, X30
.20, 4, 6, b.b.JU, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p in, 12.0:
Un Sundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.30, 9.51
t m.and 12.49,8.20 (limited 4X0), 5.28, 6,80, 0.51
.13 s.u p m ana liMi nignu
Kor bea Ulrt, tiprmg Lake, Belmar.
cean Grove. Asburr Park, and Lone Brand
(.20, 11,15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m, week dayr Foi
freehold, b.v , p, m. weeK days.
Unltlmor" and Washington, 8X0, 7.20, 8.31
1 10, Pi.20, ) 1.18 a m, 12.n (limited express) 8.41
1 41 (Warn .7.40 p. ra., and 12.03 night. Jfo
J a Sundays, s.50, 7.20, B.lltind 11. IS a. m, 4.4j
.17, 7 40 p m, 12.U1 uignu nan-more omy
(us and 11.30 Dm.
Kor HIcbraond and tho Bomb 7.20 11,18 a. u.,
ijimiuKt express iz.oo p. m.,u2.iu uigut,weej,
IILVn, PUUUHfh liMRtlUhlAWllliUh
Trains leave Uarrlsbnrg lor Itltsnurg anc
ue west ever? dav at 12.25 and 8.10 a m anr
,00 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for Alloona,
.16 a m and 4 JO n m ever? da v.
Kor Pittsburg only, 11.20 a lu dally and 10.30
m week days.
Leave ban bury for Wllllamsport, Klmlra
Janaudalgua, Itochester, BuBaloand N lagan
''alls, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 p m week days
for VatlclDB, 5.80 p m week days.
Kor Krte and Intermediate points, 5.10 am.
daily. For Look Haven, 6.10, and 9X3 a m
lallv. 11 and 60 n. m. weok days. Voi
Itenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days,
1.10 a. ra Bundays.
uab. k. ruou.
Oen. Man'r
J. It. WOOD,
Gen. Pass. AKt
-Jime laoir m tncci juuy. iw, 1001.
Trains leave Reading (P. & it. station) foi
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Illratboro, Joanna, Spring
neld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chester.Chadslord Junction, B. a O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermedials stations, daily
eicept bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. ra. Hnnday only at 3.05 p. ra.
For Warwick, HL Peters and Intermediate
slatlons.dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., aud
6.19 p. ni. hunday only 8.15 a. ra.
Kor Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Fntllrrinv nnlv. at 12 in.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. O. It.
11.) dnlly eicept Sunday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. m.
and 8.15 p. in. bunday only at 3 05 p. m.
Trains arrive ui Blading I. & IL station)
Irom V Ilmli gton. II. A O. Junction, Mont
ehanln, Chaddsiord Junction, West Chester.
Lenupe, I'niitesvllle, Waynesburg Junction,
Brlngneld,Joanna,i:itdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fen and tuieimedluie stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 u. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. in. Bua
dia only at 11.24 u. m,
FromHt. Peters, Warwick and intermediate
stations, daily except Kunday. at 8.2J a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only ul 6 p. ra.
From Blidbboroand Intermediate stations,
Batuiday only nt 1.40 p. m.
Fioin Waihlngton and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Bunday, 10 2(1 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m.,
Bupdny only nl 11.21 a. m.
BOWNKSH BltlQOS, Gen'l Pass. AgL
Mflinmiafj uvhvjihs cj u
weaxnessoruoiiyanaiaina, r.oecu
lotrrrorjortlcciKiinuiaor iouos.
tV.iIi.ij .f.nif lions J''"' ',
U.i tullir frnm SU SIUMsil l.rlt Cfn.lrl. WrtW lk,.
it a- am
inllmntntf. nnd did not hesitate, when 5
ho found himself out of condition, to uio .
Drown' fenrsnparHlo. s
1 w
In duo season Ocn. I'lalstcd found htm- 5,
slf It perfectly well man, nmPolib dirS 5!
while at his dosk In his editorial room, S
w rote nn article on Mnlno-s famous rem- s
cdy ThonrflclowaslssuedJulyirjtli.lW, S
iindiWhlleonrspnco will forbid tho print- 3
Ing of tho whole, wo reel w'arriitilod Hi Z
taking from it tho following!
den. riaUtcdsnys! Our confidence In S
llrowii'sSartnparlllalsbaHid Upofi pet- S
sonnl knowledge of lis curative proper-
tlesMn fcnl-os of Mnlnrln, nnd, npoil our Z
long noqunlntnnco with that eminent ;
physlclan,-Drr-Wllllam 11. llrownrlat z
' of Bangor, who perfected tho formula by i
w hlch tho medicine Is prepared.
Malaria Is a prcvalont disease now-a-duys.
It not only fastens Itself upon the
systems of the old ctornhs, who fought
for years 1U the fknithcrn swamps and
low-lnnds, but it takes hold of thoso who
llvo In the atmospheres of the cities nnd
larri-r towns. Oases from swamps, slug
gish rivers, sewers, tho stroqta, and muny
other 111 kept places, poison tho system,
making the entrance of borne other dis
ease easy. You can avoid all danger, cnu
keep disease at a distance, and havo n
system teeming with rich blood nnd vi
tality, by simply using Brown's finrsii
parllla, which purifies the blood When
others fall, il U the beat in the world.
bottles for 6.00.
em ore
JT UN." tmK OAiT rXZ IBfV GTT n M K rft
w i
Not to ggTll't 2
Not to Piscoloay!
Williams k Bro.
Chamber Bets,
Knsy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Wash Btands,
Dressing Cabinets,
DInlrg Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Cbtlrs,
Bmoklng Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables, A
Parlor Suits,
Music Cabinets,
Piano I hairs,
Hall Btands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Hook Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
the use olwhtdi will supply important ele
ments UfMfmiy to health, It will cure the
Kidneys, Liver, Btomach, and all lloweland
luaaaer aiseases. it win uimm inicuuuuu
ntnnvallnm. II rillinvPS thfl UriO Uuld fl'Om
Ihe blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It cures Brlebl's disease, and is es
pecially reromraended for people advanced in
nr nH tnr .pnpml (lFbllllv. For undoubted
proolsol this send lo. pamphlet giving full I'LBItY, Water ol Llle
Co., 31 BoutU Alain Bt., wiutes-iiarre, ra.
Urpit ui llicit Rtlltllt Pirtlj Cujultil
tlepresented by
120 8, Jardln Btreel,
Phladolpbia and Beading .Railroads'
rot Nsw Ynrt via l'hlladeliinin. wpk n,'
12. 0 6.25, 7.20 i. m. and 12 85 2.C0 And 6.55
. in. onnaay .iu ana ;.& a. m, f or Mew
lork, via Alauch Chunk, week days, 5.25.
.20. a. m. nnd 12.31 and 2.0 n. m.
Iynt Heading and Fhllndelphla week days.
2.10, b.2, 7JJ0, a. m 12.85 2.E0 and 5.55 p.m.
Lllllln 1 1 ,JU MMU I .10 1 , , II
i(ir Marrisourg, week days, z.10,7.20 a, m,t
U. OtOOp, 111.
i or Auextown. week davs. 7.20 i. m. l'.'.'l'
,0 p.m.
ir l'otlsvllle. week davs. 2.10. T.UVs. m-
.2.312.60 aud 63 p.m. Bunday, 2 10 and 7.48
.. ui.
r)T Tamaqtia nnd Jtahanoy city, vteek
lays, 2. 0, 6.25, 7.20, a. ui 12 3J 2.E0 and 6X8
f.m. Muuday, 2. 10 and 7.18a.m. Additional
W (f,ll,Dh,.l. Nlv Bub Ann. -nfl. .
" "J I T, J. 1. 1. j n ,,WII.1U.
For Lancaster and Columbia, wwk rtnvs.
'.20 ri. m.,2.0p. m.
ror wiiiiainsport, Kunouryand Lewliburg,
nrDAUHjR.,,.;, t.w auu LI.OJ a. m, , 1 ,o,l, .tlu
j, m. Sunday 3.21 1. m.
ror ftiananoy mine, weea days, 2.1O 8 25,
26. 7.20 and 11.3J a. m.. li'i. 1 3.1. x5u. r.m.
7.CKJ anc ., p. in. Bunday, 2 10, 3.25 and 7.4U
a. ra. nop. ru.
Kor OHrdvllle (Itnppahannock Ktation)
""X davs. 2.1.'. 3.2). 6.2a. 7.20 aud ll.Sln. m.'
12..15. 1 116 U. 5.55. 7.0U nnd 9.25. n. ru. Hundav.
2'i0 .2 ,7.48 a.m., 3X3 p.m.
or Ashland nnd Bbaiuokln, week days.
,2i,5.25,7.20, 11.31 a. nl., 115, 7.00 and V,2j
in. Hununy i.z a. m.. s.uu p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, we-
.njrs, t,t) n, ill., i.ou, .w, t .ou y, ui., XA.W
light. Hnnday, 0.00 p.m., 12.15 nlgnt. 1
Leave New York via Mahnn Chunk, week
lays, 4.30, 8.15 a. ra.. 1.00 and 4.01 p. ra.
Geave I'hlb delnhia. wee& uavs. 4.10. and
10.00 n. ni. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m fr m Broad
tnd Callowuill und 8.8.1 a. ru. and 11.S0 p, m.
from Uthunc .troeu streets. Hunday 9,05 a.
m. 1,S0 p. 111. fit) m 9lh mo t-ivau.
wave jtteaaing, wees, aays, 1 j;. 7.1".
iud 11X0 a. m., 6.55, 7X7 p, m. Bunday 1.35 ana
10.48 a. m.
Luave l'otlsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. ni..
liAO, BU p, m, Bunday, 2.40 a, m, and 2.115
P. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.43 and
11 2 . a. lii., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. ra. Bunday 3.1.0
i. tn. and 2X0 p. m.
Leave Aianauoy uity, wees aays,,
and 11.47 a. in.. 1.51. 7.42 and 9.41 o.m. Bun
day, 3.1(1 a. ra.,8.20 p. m.,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days.2'41.4.10
.30, 9A5, 11.9 a. m.,1.15, 2.C0. 5-20, 6 26, 7.57, and
lu.uu p. m. Biinuay 2.1 , s.uu, ana, a. ra.
I i 4 ,, p. in.
ijtiave uiraniviiie ixvuuuuuivuuucil cuiuuui
w ..n ., in il ud ., U ll . ... 1.1 tw
inrtmik UMJIB, -,1I, 1.VI, UUU, Hill B.-aX Ih. IU, i.Vf
1.12, 5.2(1, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. ounday , 2,47,
1.27, 8.26 a.m. 3.41 p. m.
ljeave w llliamsiHin., wwn uay , o.w,v.ij auu
11,55 a. ra. 3X5 and 11.16 p. ra. Bunday 11.15
P'm- . t 1
for liaiiimore, wasnington unu too west
via li. K O. K. It., through trains leave Glrard
IAVtiliuc nmiiuu. I uiiauoiLuiu, ii , u xv
at 4.16, 8C1 and 11.27 a. 111., 1.31, 4.24, 5.65 anJt
t.. p. n. annuay, s.tu u.u a. m., ,2s
i.oa aDa iip. m.
AiUAnnuuii uivimun,
tAAvn l'.illRdnlnlilR. Chestnut Htreet Wharl
and Bomb Btreet Wharr.
For Atlantic cut.
w eea-uays sui.yrvtxi v.w u, w. uuu .w,
1.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 6.09
hundays. Express, 9.00, a. ra. AccommH
latlon, 8.00 a. m. and I.3U p. m.
returning, icavu .tiuuuu tity, ueiiui, uuiuoi
itinnttauud Arkansas avenues. week-davn
-Express, 7JJ0, 9.00, a. m. and 4.00, p. in,
Accommodation, 6.00. K.IX a. ra. and 4.S0
1.80 p. m.
Bundays. Express, 4.00 p. nl. Accommoift
tlon, 7.30 a. m. and 4.XU p. m. .
U. U. HANCOCK, Uen'l I'ass'r Agl
A. A. M0LE.UU. rres. x uen'l juanazer.
Leliigh "Valley Railroad. jj
-MAY 10. 1891.
I'osseneer trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Chunk. Lehlcuton. Blatlnuton. Ciitu-
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, I'hll-
tuieipuia ana new iuikuio.ii, i.w, tf.uoa.iu.
12X2, 3.10, 5.20 p.m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 5 20 p. m.
ror uimoenviiio auu iientou, tf.uo a, in.
For White Haven. WllBea-Barre and Pitts-
ton 6.47, 9.08. 10.41 a. m 8,10 und 626 p. m.
f or j unuuuuuocii, i a. m s.iu anu o.zo
Ip. in,
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m., and 6.26 p. ra.
f orLaceyvine, xowanaa. oayre, waveny,
I.lIUirH, IVUVUrniUI. DUiimu, A-iKai A-nun.
ChicaKO and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
5.26 p. m.
Kor Mmlra and the West via Balamanca at
1 3.10 p. in.
f or Auaenriea, itazietou, ctocatou, jjum
her Yard, Weatherly and Pcnn Haven Juno.
Hon at 6.41, 7.40, 9,08 a. m.and 12X2, 3.10 and
5,2(1 p.m.
I ror jeauesviiie, uevimuu uuu iiuuvox
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 6,26 p. m,
ForBcrautonat6.47 9.08. 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
i . ...
I d:zo p. ra.
f oriiazie urooa. jeaao, uruion anu rree
land at 6.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12X2 3.10 an
J'or tiuaKuae ut o.if anu f.uo a. ui., tuiu
3.10 p. m.
For Wlggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
5.60 and v.08 a. in., nnd 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and lioiano,
5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41, 10.58 a. m.. 12.52,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
9.2iHLdlO.-7p. m.
I4 or Lost ureea, iiraraviiie una Asuianu,
1.27. 10.15 a. ra.. 6.35,
18.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and l'bttsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12X2,8.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
P-- .
nor juuca J11UUI1UI1U, nuw dusuiu uuu
Moren. 7.40. 9.08. 11X3 a. n... 12X2. 8.10. 6.26 and
8.03 p.m.
For ltaven Run. Centralla. AIL Curmel and
Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
I ana cue p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln lor Shenandoah,
7X5 11X5 a. m.. 2.10. 4X0 and 9X0 p. m., arriving
i at Hnenauuoan, u. m., a.iu, o.iu anu
11.15 p. m.
For Ixjst Creek. Glrordvllle and Ashland.
6.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.1i p. m.
ror uarawater. ot, uiair ana rousviuet
5.50,' 8.00, D.S0 b. in., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesville, Mahanoy City and Delano,
8.00, 11.35 a. in.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
Kor Lolly, Audenrled and Huileton, &SX
a ml, 1.40 p. m:
I ror Aiaucn ununs. ljenignton, Diatingtont
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastoxt
and New York, 8.00 a. in., 1.40 p. m:
r or ruiiaueipuiu, x.iu p. iu.
Uen'l Pass. AgL, Bethlehem:
Nature's triumph over disease. Without an
equal, without a rival. After 800 years' ex-
rieriencu iu juui inwvni. .uruieui ' cnu
ntnls country, ncknowledgrd the tint and
only purely vegetable andellictlte neulral
lzernnderadUtor of scrolulous andspccldo
blood poUous known. No mineral, no mil
urea, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson't Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
riiiiAJ)i:i-i'iUA. I'A.. icueatoiiie.nobpersm'u
or loss of time irom business. C&m prunouuecu la
curauio oy oint-ra wauiwu. pouu ror ircuitu.
. . .w AiWiku h'rnn.
CI HF lil AhANIttil. n;rii,ito.