The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 23, 1891, Image 3

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    Pf !ms in the tntKt tleeant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the -human
system, forming an agredable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a teak or inactive
condition of the
It U ilie moit excellent remedy known to
When one Is Bilious Of1 Constipated
pure; qlood, refreshing bleep,
Every one is using It and all are
delighted with it.
Have cmea fliar Vn'iisi i i n f .ai.uhw .mmoLi
ttopt-lcs iv the t e- ih-tu n I'mn hm Jow syi-nptorr
rapidly rln-ipivir, snil 11 ' ht i tfjit '.ro-tMrxl" of .
ivmntiimi. hi. fni t ' I r f.'fM RnH!' iif ifo
raonulsof mlr- TfJU flSVs 1 ' ""i-cnt i r " y mat! Ji
iculoui niTM. ICPJllMi' t'MrnUliid V yuu ouV
trial, ienil ten rcmi su its t na po-Mayc ftreaEBH
int. ii. Ii. ukki v A- rW, tiIata. gT
Dr. GrnsvGnnr's
Bell-cap-sic 1
GStrrZ?u!"' PLASTER: M
Itnnnma.tlsm. nrmriTayli nlnnrinvfinr! InmliAM
-ureu tc once, uenume ior baio uy an jjruKjnsu.
A New "Venture
1 Has opened a .
I iv V If I
1 1 i ii i
AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST.,
Halts, of assorted goods, notions,, hardware,
class ware, etc.. etc
Goods lrom all parts ol the county solicited
uu cum mission.
Committeemen should beur in
mind that the Herald ofllco
is prepared to do all binds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtain our
prices. All work done when
promised and In a satisfactory
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
nud oil parties caught violating this notice
win ue
Prosecuted as Trespassers,
By order of
If you contemplate
attending Coinmer-
I oinl it will
pay you to visit tne 'UUUHKttTKK BUS1
.NJSSa UNIVEUSITY before deciding where,
though you may live n thomaud miles away.
It stands at the bead of the list of commcr
olal schools In Its character as an educational
force, as a midlum lor supplying the business
men of the country with trained and capable
nsutnnts,ag a mean ot placing ambitious
young men and women on the hlghroidto
tucctbB, nnd In the I ileut, elegance and cost
?,'.A& "lulpment. Thorough COMMBItriAli.
COUtiBlSej. Tho Twenty-seventh, Annual
catalogue will be mailed to any addrets.
' KociieNter,
Is. V.
Or tho Liquor Uuhit i"iiUvelr Cureu
mjt luuuiuiiiivniiii ur, iituue
'tJ olden Niirrlil?.
It li manufactured u a powder, whioh cn be given
in a glaaa of bear, a cup cf coflea or tea, or In lood,
withouttho knowledce ot iba patient. It in absolutely
harmless, and will eiT&ot a permanent and apeedy
cure, wbettier Xho patient 1 a moderate drinker or
an alooholto wractt It ha been elvea In thousand
of ooaes, and in every instance a perfect euro has fol
lowed. It never rail. The system onoe itnpreeosb
ed with the becomes an utter Impossibility
(or the liquor appetite to eitat.
48 page hook of particulars frue. To be had o
C. H. HAUENBUCH, Brugalst, Shenandoah
Offloe-M.West Lloyd Street, iBhenondoab
American Laborers Drivo Them
from a Camp.
Tho Fight Did Hot Last Long and tlid
' k Foreigners Fled in Terror. Departure Followed by n Sceno ot
Pillftuo Nfvnfal of tholtlotcirs Arrentrd
The Itnllan Consul liullcnttnt Ofor the
Attackott Ills 9"utrj turn niul Ileuiiiuit.
m, Imniotllntu Olllalnl Investigation.
St. Louis, Juno 23. Thoro Is great In
dignation among tho Italians over the
race riot which Occurred between tho la
borers employed by Contractor Workloy
at tho chain of, rocks whom the now water
works are being constructed.
Ono Italian was diingorously stubbed,
ovor 20 of his fcllow-countrymon driven
from the camp and their valuables anil
money confiscated by tho gang of Ameri
can and other laborers making tho at
tack. Tho riot was primarily caused by tho
admittance Into camp of a lot of Italian
laborers, and tho report that Contractor
Workley Tiad gone Chicago for more cre
ated a feeling ot revolt against tho em
ployment df Italian labor.
Tho laborers were paid oft and con
gregated lu n saloon just mitsldo tho cits'
limits, whore they remained gambling
and drinking bud whiskey uutil tho en
tire party wore crazy drunk.
The Attack on the Italians.
About 1 a. m, the pnrty broke up nnd
started for tbeir sleeping quarters. On
the way over somo ono suggosted that
tbqy "drivo out tho d d Dagos." Tho
Idea took like wild fire, and the drunken
crowd rushed into tho fonts of tho for
eigners, armed with sticks, clubs, knives
and whatever olso they could lay their
hands on.
Tho fight did not last long. The Ital
ians were at too great a disadvantage,
and aftor a brief reolstanca they fled in
terror, leaving behind all thoir belong
ings. A Scene of FUlege.
They oarrled nwny Cataliz Franolsco,
one of their comrades, fatally wounded
by a stab in tho breast. Tho Italians
mado their wy to this city, where thoy
reported the matter to the polico, and
Francisco was taken to tho City Hospi
tal, where his wounds were dressed. At
tho camp their departure was followed
by a scene of pillage. Thoir vallso?,
bundles and packages waro broken open
and stolen.
Several Arrosta Made.
A rigid Investigation was Immediately
begun by the police, and tho following
arrests were made: Edward llanley, J.
H. Jones, Michael Cahlll, Wm. Blair,
W'm. Brooks, Fred Loader and John Shll
ler. These men profess ignorance of tho
attack on tho Italians nnd a ty they woro
awakened by a commotion and merely
aided tn driving from tho camp tho dis
turbers ot their slumbers,
Italy to be Informed.
Itnllan Consul Domlnlco innochlo Is
Indignant over the attack on his coun-
tryrnen and will doubtless begin a corre
spondence with his government on tho
subject. He has demanded of tho chief
of police protection for tho Italians, and
also an immediate investigation of tho
It Is Not llollevful Hint Sentruo o trill bo
I'aiited To-day.
PmLADEuniA, June 23. Bardsley will
probably not bo sentenced this afternoon.
Atlcast that Is the Intimation this fore
noon in official circles. Thu court will
probably be asked to postpone action for
a timo.
The explanation Is that Bardsley is
wanted ns a witness against Yard and
others. Under tho law bis testimony
cannot be used after sentence is Imposed.
Consequently the authorities do not want
htm disqualified just yet, not until tho
cases ot Yard and othors whom they ex
pect to capture in the drag not are dis
posed of.
Among lawyers tho prevailing opinion
is that to permit the sontenco to bo Im
posed without request for delay from tho
district-attorney would bo to exposo the
authorities to criticism for blocking tho
prosecution ot othors, especially at this
time, when the disappearance of tho
money is as much a mystery as ever, and
when tho Investigation in progress Is
likely to bring further disclosures of im
portance. A Poor Widow Inherits 61,000,000.
PAntRSOJJ, N. J,, Juno 23. Mrs. Ann
Jane Thomas; a widow, aged 02, of this
"city has fallen heir to $200,000 in cash
and $1,000,000 in property by tbo death
ot her uncle in Belfast. Mrs. Thomas,
with her daughter, has for mnny years
worked as a spinner in the Paterson
Thread Mills. Sho went beforo Recorder
Stewart and swore to the necessary
papers, giving her deceased unclo's law
yer power of attorney.
A Trotoat Against Slavln.
WAsnisoTOK, Juno 23. Assistant Sec
retary Nettleton hat received a protest
stating that the admission to this coun
try of Slavln, the prizo fighter, was a
violation of the contract labor law. Tho
protest states that he came to this coun
try under contract with n Philadelphia
party. The matter Is. being considered
with a view to enforcing the law if it
has been violated.
Froflt-hliuring Corporations.
Washington, Jnne 23. Qerl. John &
Clarkson, now abroad, has written a let
ter to tho State Department suggesting
that it would bo well to havo American
Consuls devote somo attention to profit
sharing, corporations, on tho co-pporative
plan formed in many ot the countries of.
Europe, between capital and labor. His
suggestions will doubtless bo curried
Railroad Directors on Trial.
New York, June 23. A Jury has been
secured to try Chatiuccr M. Depew and
his fellow directors ot tho New York, New
Haven and Hartford Kallroad Company
for the leoont. tunnel accident by which
overul lives were lost.
Another Italian Ambassador Recalled.
Dmux, Juno 23. Tho Corato do
Launny, the Italian Ambassador at Ber
lin since 1871, baa been recallod.
flighest of all in Leavemng Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug; 17, 1889;
The l'resldont Sorry that Ho Cannot At
tend ISx-Seliutilr MoDomtld'a Funeral.
Indianapolis, June 28. Arrangements
for tho funeral ot ex-Senator McDonald
weru perfected last bight. The services
will bo held nt his lato rosldence to-moi
row afternoon and lutermont will bo at
Crown Hill. Tho public will be admitted
to the houRo of tho deceased to view the
remains from 1 to 3 o'clock to-morrow af
ternoon. Tho funeral also will be public.
Theso arrangements accord with tho
expressed wishes of tho deceased. Mrs.
McDonald Is In receipt ot a largo number
of telegrams from prominent people
throughout tho country, all expressing
sincere regret at her loss, which they re
gard as a public calamity. A telegram
from President Harrison says!
"Mrs. Harrison joins mo In offering to
you and to tho family a most sincere
sympathy in the great sorrow which has
fallen not only upon you and them, but
upotl tho community, In the death of Mr.
McDonald. I regret that I am not able
to unlto with other homo friends In tho
last ofllco of respect and honor."
Tho Kansas Senator Spolce at n Mast
Meeting taut Night.
New Yonit, Juno 23. Senntor PfefTer
of Kansas spoke at a mooting hold at
Cooper Union last night under the au
spices of tho Citizens' Alliance Associa
tion. About COO persons were present.
Tho Senator was cordially received.
Ho said among other things that af
fairs had coma to such a state in this
country that whenever the men of Wall
streot dictated a policy of government,
thnt policy was adopted. Whenever
Wall streot men needed money all they
bad to do was to ask their partners In
Washington for it.
He contrasted the trentmont of these
men with that received by tho farmers
and the workmen, Ho predicted that
tho Alllanco would conquer with thoir
vote, and that a chaugu would suroly
The Shove Mill weavers ot Fall Rlvor,
Mass., returned to work to-day.
Disquieting rumors are nfloat in Liver
pool In connection with cotton matters.
George Williams, a guard in Sing Sing
prison, was found dead in bed inRigney's
Hotel In that village.
Tho Gedlcke will contest camo up In
Nowark, N. J., again to-day. Sensation
al developments are promised.
Whltcomb & Palne's factory at Hoi.
brook, Mass., will shut down Indefinitely.
Thoy have been turning out 100 cases of
boots per day.
The Liberals, having obtained power
in rrince luiwaru island for the first
time for thirteen years, aro making a
clean sweep of Tory officeholders,
There ,havo been three moro deaths in
East Hartford, Conn., from dlphthorla,
maKing a total or tweivo. it Is now
thought that the opidemlc is abating.
Samuel Barth and Philip Straus, com
posing tno urm of aamuol Barth &Co,,
wholesale liquor dealers of New York
and Baltimore, Md., have assigned with
out preferences.
It is announced that Mrs. Qulnton and
Mrs. Qrimwood, whoso husbands were
massacred at Manlpur, have each boon
accorded a pension by the English Gov
ernment of $1,500 per annum.
The World's Fair managers have been
notified that tho Government of Moxioo
will accept the site allotted to it at tha
Chicago Exposition, provided a bridge bo
built und tho drainage Improved.
Tho trial in New York city ol
Georgo Frank; otherwlso known as
Frenohy or Jack tbo Ripper, for the mur
der and mutilation ot Carrie Brown, has
been again postponed until to-morrow
on account of the illness ot his counsel.
A convention is being held In New York
of representatives of tho Machinists,
Blacksmiths and Blaoksmiths' -Helpers,
for tho purpose of forming n National
Union'. Twenty-ono delegates are present
from! Chicago, Philadelphia, Rochester,
Bridgeport, New York and Brooklyn.
Honry Pabst, a saloon-keeper of Tarry
town, N. Y,, killed himself by shooting at
Sim, Ho left n note saying that ho was
too ill to live nnd preferred to give up
tho strngglo. The body was found in an
arbor in tho dead man's garden with the
revolver at his aide. He flred two shots,
both of which took effeot in his head.
Firo in the Borden City Mills, at
Bowenvlllo, Mass., damaged a storehouse
and contents to tho extent of $100,000.
The storehouse contained about 2,000
bales of cotton and a quantity ot fanoy
cloth owned principally by commission
houses and stored awaiting shipments.
Tbo loss is oovered by insurance. Three
firemen were slightly injured by falling
walls, and a number of firemen were
partially overcome 'by smoke.
Swift's Specific is tho great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and asaisbi
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to 3, S
Bond for onr treatise on Blood sad
Gldn Diseases.
Swurr Svicuno Co., Atlanta, Q
Ilostim and Chicago Climbing to th
l'ront .lswiri. j
Brooklyn 1 10 01igOx-4
Now rork 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 C
nattertes-J. Kwlng anii Clarth tWt' and
Daly. .1 ,
IttHton 0 004QQo2.0-e
I'hlladi-lphla 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 2 0- S
Unttorles narksou ami Ganrll; Thorfrtt
and Clettivnte. ,
at rtnsmmo.
rittautiry 0121)0000 1 i
Cliidlnnatt 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0- 8
Ilatterlos King tttirt Motn Mullano and
Cleveland 0 0200010 0-P
Chicago 0 1 0 'i 0 U 0 1 x- I
IlattPTieH Vlnnund Iloylei Hutchinson and
The National League Iteeord.
1'tr Per
cnrt. iron. Iai ot rtun. ir,v. rf. T;
New Yorlc.30 Id .001 Cleveland ..So S7 .48C
Chicago. 1 .Wl l'hillul'a..aa JS7 .180
riostotl ....! 22 ..-.08 l'ltt-ibuig..2i) 127
Uiooklyn ...'o 20 .itIO Cincinnati .20 80 MC
AitKoclatlmi (lames.
Tlaltlmoro 5 000003Ot
Wastilniitnn a 0, 0 1 l 0 0 13 0 1
llntteriea- I'liniilimliam and ItoblnsOn: Car
ccyaud McGuIru.
Louisville 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 10
Cincinnati 1 000000001
llatteries Klirut and Cahlll: Crauo nni'
The Association ltrcot'd.
Ver Vrr
ClUti. It'OTl. Ijmt, Ot" an!. iron. TxW. Of
Iloston... :m 20 Columbus.. 2H .ru .17."
St. Louis.. M L"! .;;t Athletics... ;! .nib
lUltlrnoruiLl .two Lim'vlile...-H :) .:iwi
Cluclnu'USO 'S .iiT Va9U'Uiu...l7 30 .1121
UtuU'Vii, League
nuiraio -i ooooooo n i
Albany 0 0 0 0 0.Q 0 0 0-0
Ilatti'iles-ll.irr aikl Weokbecker; Frlckcn
and llt'uwu.
Lebanon 0 100.101115
Now Haven 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 4 C
llattriie.4 Anderson and Touhoy; Horner
and Wilson.
Rochester 1 oonooooni
Syrncuso O 01010 00 S
llatteries Cushmun and (Irquhnrt: I.lnli
and Qulnii.
Troy-rrovMenco niunu postponed on ac
count of wet grounds.
Tho Cliumploii'H IlHtk.-r? wilt Nut With
draw Hirlr llnposlt.
New Yonx, June 23. Charles Johnson
and James Wakoly, according to theli
announcement, called at the office of the
Illustrated Newt to timet the backors of
Frank P. Slavln and endeavor to arrange
a fight between Slavln nnd Sullivan.
Sl.ivln'k friends did not put in an ap
pearance, nnd J.)hnon and Wakely de
cided to allow tlie $1,000 to remain with
the Nows so that Slavln's backers could
cover it whenover ti uy oro ready.
New Yoiik, Juno 23. Richard K. Fox
hns received a dispatch from Pittsburg,
Kos.,glvlng the guarantee of tho Commer
cial Club of that city for $80,000, If Slavln
and Sullivan will fight there. The olub
also offers protection from the polico.
Pittsburg has 20,000 poople nnd is a
Bracking contor. It is a good placo tor
the fight.
Encainpmont of the Sons of Veterans.
Binouamton, N. Y., Juno 23. Tho
eighth annual encampment of tho Sons
of Veterans convened horo to-day. Tho
headquarters are at Bennett's Hotol. On
Thursday the election of division stall
officers and division council will bo held.
A hot contest Is expected over the
colonelcy. Clarence E. Holmes, the
cnapiain ot tuo juount vernon camp.
and Thomas McKnlitht. of New York.
the judgo-advocnte of the Now York di
vision aro the candidates. On Thursday
evening a grand military ball will be
heia. lo-morrowa parado, barbecue and
Dlcnla will ba held.
fjlclr. Headache and relieve all tbo troubles fncX
dent to a bilious etato of tho ayBtotn. euoh ftd
"Dlzzinow, Nausea, Drowslnoae. Distress after
eating, tain In tho .Side, io, Whllo thoir mosg
reioarkable euccoss has boon shown lacmlng j
UraSartio, yet editor's Utllo Ltvm TOla am
equally valuabloln Constlpatlon.euring ami pro
vtntliig Uilsannoylnecomplatat,wtillo they alia
correct all diordcraoftheBtomach,fatltnulatathi
;iVer and J-qjulalo the bowclJ. Even If they 0Ulr
(Aclislhey would bo Blmostprleelosatotriosenlia
I suffer from tUlJ diatreasfog ootnnlatatt bat forht
Dately their gooduoaauooanotoudhore.andthaea
who once try them will find these littlo pills val't
nble In aomony wbt that they wilt not be wit
ilicg to do without them. But after oUelclc head
Is the bane ot so many Uvea that hero Is whara
temaueourgrcatDoaai. uur plus euro it wnua
ethers do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very smalt mi
very easy to tatte, uuo or two Pius mason aoso.
Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not grips or
purge, but by thatr gentle action ploaao all who
.ruethero. InvlalaotaScentst nvoforDl. Gold
1 by druggists everywhere, or eont by mill.
ilVElt mil
Startling Facts About tho Boy -
f . .,..
olutlOll ill Chill. .
Horribl Punishment Inflicted on Mon
Who Sympathise With tho Rebels.
Taeka and l'lna Driven Into n 3Inn'a 1'ln
Rors A Soldier rounds it l'onr fellow's
Hand to a .lelly No Two IVraoi., Can
Stnnd nod Convene on the Streets -Lttborera
forced tojWear Tai;. I
New Yotttt, Jano 23. Mauy stArtllng
facts In connection with tho revolution
notV raglnfe In Chill, which throw light
upon the ferocity and despotism ot Bal
macoda, are now given to the public for
tho first time.
Tho threo gentlemen two of whom are
prouilnunt Chilians from whom these
facts are obtained hnve just arrived In
New York. Thoy havo wltueeed tho
revolution fiom its Inception, and speak
from actual knowledge.
llitlmncedn Ternmd "The Tyrant.
Tho comblbod storloi of tho threo ineu
show thnt llallnaeeda is well termed
"Tho Tyrant." In Santingo, whero his
headquarters are, no one dares to utter n
word againBt him. He has caused a
cross of red to bo painted on all the
houses ot people whom ho suspects are
not r. noi. y lu sympathy with him, and
Into theso marked residences his polico
and soldiers go at any hour of tho day or (
mgai. luoy rnns.icK mo rooms on mo
ground thnt thoy aro looking for revolu
tionists who are suppo-od to bo hidden
there. Tho people In these houses are
forbidden to lock their doors.
No one Is allowed to ride on horseback
through the streets after 0 o'clock in the
afternoon; no threo persons are allowed
to walk the streets in company nt uuy
tlmo of tho day, nnd no two persons can
stand and convorso on the streets. It Is
a vorltablo reign of terror for nil who,
either through foar or interest, havo
failed to cast their fortunes with Ualma
codn. Tho storekeepers nnd all who employ
laborers have to furnish each with n tag
showing that they .iro regularly employ
ed by such a merchant atauch n place.
If tho laborer Is caught on tho street go
ing to or from lim work without this tag
be Is gobbled up by tho noldiers of Bal
niHceda and Impressed Into his service.
This system exists In Valparaiso also.
Tacks Ilrlven Into a Man Hands.
One of the gentlemen referred to was
walking along tha streot past a jail yard,
lie heard somo terrlblo shrinks from
some one on tho other side of the wall.
He inquired of a soldier the cause nnd
was told that Homo ot Balmnceda's sol
diers wero punishing a man who had re
fused to work for him by driving tacks
and pins Into his hands and fingers, Tho
noxt day ho saw a horrible punishment
meted out to n Chilian who had been
heard to say that ho was willing to work
his hands t il for tho revolutionists. The
poor fellov's hands were placed on a
block and his fingers pounded to a jelly
by n big mallet in tho hands ot a soldier.
He was then told that ho could go and
work bis hands any way he wanted t o
and for auy ono.
Tour lieu Who Tell fiom it JIanclad llo
jond ltocoiiltlon.
St. PETCitsBUitan, June 23. While n
largo balloon belonging to Count Aprax
ino was being inflated with gas yesterday
it escaped from tho attendants who woro
holding It to the ground nnd carried up
ward four workmen who wero In the car
when tho balloon broke away. After It
had ascended to a great height, tho on
lookers were horrified to see tho balloon
burst, and the bodies ot tho unfortunate
workmen dashed to tho earth, where
they wero smashed almost beyond recog
nition. Parnoll nnd Mr. OfShon Summoned.
Conic, June 23. The action for libel
brought by Mr. Honry Campbell, mem
ber of Parliament for South Fermanagh
and private secretary to Mr. Parnell,
against tho Cork Herald for stating that
while the otber members ot Parliament
were attending to thoir duties he was
hiring houses for Mr. P.trnell, has com
menced. Subpmnas have been Issued for
the appearance of Mr. Parnell and Mrs.
Sullivan and Corbntt to Spar.
San FitANCisco, Juno 23. Corbett
and Stilltvan's "go" to-morrow night Is
expected to bo a livoly one, ns John L.
will try Prof. Jim's science to the ut
most. This will bo tho last scene In the
play, "Honest Hearts and Willing Hands,"
and tho Grand Opera House will hardly
hold tho folks that will attend for Cor
bett's benefit.
The President Iteturns to Wnshlncton.
Cape Mat, N. J., Juno 23. The Presi
dent left this morning for Washington
by way of Camden, His fnmlly and tho
guests of tho Harrison fnmlly will re
main nt the cottngo. Tho President is
expected to make only n Hying visit to
the capital and Intends to return to Cape
May in a few days.
Gen, Alcere I'resldentlal Views.
San Francisco, Cal,, Juno 23. On his
arrival in this city Qeneral Alger, in
an interview with n reporter, denied
thot ho was booming Mr. Blaine for the
Presidency. He Bald thnt Blaine did not
want any booming. It the latter wanted
tho liepubliean nomination for tho l'retl
deuoy he could havo it.
Ilrlckmnhera Loso Ihelr Strike.
Sjtsvzn, June 88. At a meeting of
the striking bilckumlterc. It was deolded
to declare tJiuatriku off and go to work
( t tho reduWl rate ot wages. Amou g
tha sorlou;) rekults ot tha strike were tho
killing ot two inwi und tha serious In
Jury ot another at thu City Park riot,
0l)onovt !towa Whs Not There.
London, June 88.- A number of nnws
papor correspondent boarded the Arizona
at Quvoustowu in the hope of Hutting
O'Donorau Bokaa on bo 1 rl and interview
ing nlm, but they were disappointed. Ho
did not come.
Killed by u I'rilnntnre Gieloslon.
CiiKSTicit, Pa., June 23. PeUr Mo
Laugbllii was killed and John Polker se'
verely Injured by a prematura explosion
ot dynamite at Lelpers' quarries.
" dropping wears
away tho stone."
"Jhe1.continaal faking of
lamp-chimneys costs a good
deal in the course of a year.
You can stop it. Lret JNlac
beth's' " pearl top " or " pearl
glass." You will have no more
trouble with breaking from
heat. You will have clear glass
instead of misty ; fine instead
of rough ; right shape instead
of wrong; and uniform, 1 one
the same as another.
You will pay a nickel a chim
ney more; and your dealer
will gain in good-will what he
loses in trade; he will widen
Ins trade by better service.
' VnrnrArt ah.l art.t.nH.,1 I.
flllfi othpF antfilnt.
tip- for Oenth'meru
rnnted. ami so stamped on liottnm.
win itt, f u-., aro war
t.V.l,. I)OI lil.A:). Ilrocktnn.nlnaa. Soldo
J8flaorts,aa.a.ol3L IP" a
4Sno mid I'iwi.rln
15 PorCent.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Full partleulflinHml
rrosrectus can be hint
on Rpplle'tlon nrniltlrPM-Inc
H. I.. IJirB(I.N, Hunker,
r. in otui-yt y. r v.
a, f ., ,
Mothor styles .r-A Net, prt, . i, ,, aj
Wat. Aiiii-ii- Sosn, run a.i.A.1 uia.
Chteheitter's KuclUli lllAiuonil nrsnd.
"rlirlnnl ami Only Cm nine.
nurt ri-liablc. laoics ak
ntmJ Jtran J iu Ited f.a.1 i. -iUn.. flUa
B, tmttatumt tui 0(tTUl, or ifrill 4v
in Mmpl fr purtlirii'nrB teiUmouWi mi
' tUUvf Tor I.ii'tli'mM in letter, br return
Mult 10.000 T. -tiraotUh A'.tn
flriffla'tt "tv ''(It. sJ
?3S biPI?rn!Piiiiuir?ul
Ih oioai rdlub'e tttnl UOSflirul
lr l&lUt for It. J a.ttfaM-1 CfbOtlt
Spcci,ilD:se35cs,li!ooi Poison
I'trKKS. h'fftchti, Vlmrlrt, 8or
MoiUlt, Th-ujt. IrrftlloD, SoBl.t
itinn, lotlt'ii.-nitl mi. KUntyi
m Her.I.oit i.raLlty, Wtk bttel,
Driiier! , fllri, UeUfiCbotj
Vt tkneaa Dtbi Itr. Tmralrfif It- mnrj tnd Detj, ttrlctnre,,
til iur.sei reiu'ilDg frutu j ml '. error or from orerwork
Old.Younijor Middle .ged-to't"ljff' iir,
toralr ceriraiu, no rip-rim it f tiu . verythlcn knowo t
audio.. Ml iorjtlct.1 icienec, ulit Dtu ai old c-itt lOlleUei,
do matter bo tailed rHd t on ' Kreah oaiM oared lb 4
to 10 dij-i Kurpitu Ilnrill inru aoe In Otroiaoy, Zcf
Uo1, Ffince nd AukiiU riiili,Mi aud dlploiuu trov
and U fetr rue o.l ir' rlmce in MS eaea eured yearly,
fl -g C rfinn tr. in a 1v erllilng doctor, mio
I JlOTJUl uiTtv ffi-naatH, knowld:6 and
eipericnc aud who can flb v as man patlentf permannitl
eured aa lean afur quaeka and adiartlalnf doeiora ba,
ruined tbtm, 8nl3o ataiup for bo"S "TRL'TH" aol aworu
t'ailmonlali ei omit; quanki and alvrrdainit doctor! wW
their falae aud frauIti:et sruranUra an 1 1 latunonlala, their
tiperlencf , Ihey da un iorn and inoir acbeme of r fundi of
money or friee ly t aikl tmt their cheap aud worthleia druia
neltner rf which n.Miu liu art- mu!i dt roya and reaull
in rain orth'iiauds of oufldlm Woi.m- Orncr li"C".
E?frTdy fr"ti 3 A M ids' 'I nenlntrietoH Wedueaday
anlSaturlii uiinya 'r.jn f 1 a, SuuHra fr-iin lolj. FM
Kfrrn . ' l rlrliilU.Timi.
Leading Churchmen.
The National Tjuhunk. WufihlnKlnn. D.
0.ttlie Oreat Notional Weekly or thu Home
mid Fireside, will shortly ben in the publica
tion of a hieh'y InlerefctliiK Rcriect of articles
on ine cotiauioD. aeveionrueiu ana
of the FGYpral churcheh.
The articles aud
their ccnlrlbutors nro;
Roman Catholic Church.
Cardinal Gibbous,
ATchblnhOD ol lialtlmore
Methodist Episcopal Church,
lllsliop John P.
Protestant Episcopal Church, IUght Kev. Leigh
ton CoUmau. . T. 1ML. U V,t 11 Is hop ot Del
aware. PresbylerUn Church, llev. Dr, II. M.McCrao
feen, Cimucf llor ol the University ol the City
ol New Yok,
Unitarian Church, Rev. Edward Everett Hale,
the diMlnguUbed author.
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vrof, K.J, M'oltT.
ol ttifi Geiiynhurff Keiulnarj.
Congregational Church, Uev. J N, "Whllon, of
the Titupy Church, New York City,
Dptlat Church, ltobertB. McArthur,P.D..pnb.
tor Calvary HaptUt Chuich, New York City,
Hnb-cripUiHi prloe of iiaper $1 a year, threo
months conUIulnv tlie article, 25c. Addref
4 I.rdfiklnilt .
ir i ti r.'W f.iltAniril ct ( m 1 t -tin. ttr ft. 1
it ifmiM WiVi -r- .-'nlirtrtothtir , .1 i!4
line ' CMWS'S 0ibrniti
t-yiir biri u,f t . u ' t I in 01 11 1 rtji t . a (
1) lvuw'i(,i4it'lK! Ud f. il't.JifiiM t 1 'lit. f
m-atT'- ' f T 1.0"'" Wf
Oysters, Clams and Poultry
Received dally at tba old relinblo
stand of
Norih Main St, near Lloyd.
"Wholesale aud Retail.
Picnics, festivals and private parties cup
piled In quantities at short notice.