The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 23, 1891, Image 2

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    This Evening Herald.'
H 0. B0VEB, Editor and TuWlshor,
W. J,
WATK1NS, Local Editor.
subscription rates:
DAILY, per year -
Wxuklt, per yr ,.
. l an
tCaUrod at Mm I'tiBlce,- ml Shenandoah, P.
for transmission mruoin tnauu.
M Kccmil elnm mull mrttr.
Colliery Bntflneer Pookot Book
The Colliery Knuineer Co,, Sorjnton
I'r., Publishers. This Is r convenient voi
mo of over 400 paa printed on flti" paper
with clear new typo, thus enablinji tb
imblUhers to furnUh a vast amount i
matter In handy shapo.
ThU book hat been especially prepared
Jur the uiit of colliery officials awl minert
who have lon lelt tlie WHtit of a convenient
and simple referents book, conUiniuKTulu
and tablet specially adapted to tlieir u..
It is a text-book for the miner who if
f tudvintr the principles of ventilation, min, etc., and the most convenient pocket'
book for tho mlnlnf? engineer, suneriiilen
dent, or itber colliery officials It was nol
tiretiared for colleiro erndUHtes, and anj
intelligent man can urtdor'lanil Hip princi
plo and rules contained in it. No othet
book is required by tho student for a mine
foreman's certificate.
Tho following among many other sut
Jects, are treated on In full :
Arithmetic; mensuration; weights anc
moasuros; strength and weight Of inateriale;
proapcctiiiR; timborinn; methods of work
inn; cafes; ventilation; colliery machinery
surveying; mino railways; steam; faults;
electricity; square; cubos; square roots, and
cubo roots: sines; tangents, etc., traversf
tables, etc., etc.
llrmnrl In rlnth ti Ml
Hound iu flexible leniher, rouml corners.. 2 r
Bound In llexlblo leather, with flap 2 76
Oh, What a Cough.
Wlll I'ou heod the warning?
Tho slennl ner-
lintirt of Die sure anorOHCh of 1
1110 sure approHCii 01 mni more ter-
rlble illefte. Consumption. AsK yourselves
If you cau
n flora
(or tlio sake of wiving .")
rvmlfi. Iji run Iho rink, lllld do nothing forlt.
We know from experience that Milloh's (;uro
will Cure vonr Cough. It neVfr lulls. Tills
explains why more than n Million Uot'lm
wi.ra n!d lhn rotst veftr. It lclleves Croiui
and Whoppluc I'oiiKb nt once Mothers do
not be without H. For Inline Hack, Hide or
Olinst, UHoHhlloh's i'orous l'lftstrr. Hold liy
O. II. Ilaueabueli. N. E. corner Muln und
Lloyd siroeU.
Oardon voRotnbles sro ReltinK to
yory plonty and quite cheap.
Tho Groatost Striko.
Amonz the crcal strikes thnt of Dr. Miles
In discovering his Siw Heart Cure has
proven lihelf tu he one of tho most Importuut.
The demand ror It has Decomoa.ionismug,
Alrnadv iheLrHiLtmenl, ot huart dlHfaetsbtf
lng revolullonl7ed, and many unexptcled
cures cllected. It noon relieves short brcnth,
llniloiliiL'. iialus In side. nrm. shoulder, weak
nud hungry spells, oppression, swelling ot
auKies, smoiucring ai.q uenn uropsy. ur.
Allies' bonk on Heart and Nervous Ulhcntes,
Iree. The nuequaled New Heart. Cure is sold
au guaranteed byC. II. llaBenhncli.thodrug
Elst, also his Hestorallve Ncrvlno for liend
nche, nis, sprees, hot Hashes, nervous chill,
opium habit, etc.
This is a good time of tho year to pay
jour dolinquontsubscription.
To NorvouB, Dobllittvtod Mon.
If you send ua your address, we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet oxplain
Init all about Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Klocti'o
Voltaie Holt and Appliances, and their
charmint; eflocU upon tho norvous de
billtatod system, and how they will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood, l'araph
lot freo. If you aro thus afflicted, wo will
ond you a Belt and Appliances on a trial.
Voltaic ))kiv Co., Marshall. Jlich.
lUllroails oxpoct a brick summer ox ur
cion business.
Office of J. M. 1! Hoiiinson.1"2 Kast ISOth st. 1
Kesldencn, 685 KatH3 sireet. J
Nkw YoliK, January 81, 18WI.
Alva's Ilrazlllan Hrecllle Co.-Oenilemeii
Having snllered for the past two yenrs with
rheumatism, ludlgostlon, sore throat, nuda
wjmpieie oreamng uown ut xuy wouie system
1 was Induced falter ticallne with sevtra
pronilueut doclors) lo try tho Cactus lllmd
Cure, which 1 contlmied to use for about
thirty days, since which time I have been en.
tlrelv Ireelnmi the above-mentioned troubles,
and have more ambition today than any
time In the past four years. 1 can heartily
recommend ine same lo any one navingiue
eame tioub es. J. M. II. KOIIINh-O.N.
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Btore.Keuuson Home
jiiock, nneuanooau.
Anothor warm wave may bo cxpccted'in
u few days,
A Ouro for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lano, while in tho Kocky
Mountains, diacoverod a root that when
combined with other herbs, makes an cafcj
and cortain euro for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry rootB and leaves, and Is
known as Lane's! Family Jiodicine. It
will cure sick headache. For tho blood,
livor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho
complexion it doe wondore. Druggists
sell it at CO cents a package
Tho camp meeting season is rapidly ap
Ask Your Frlenda About It.
Your distressing cough can be cured,
AVo know it because Kemp's Ilaham
'within the past few, years has cured so
many coughs and colds in this communi'.y
Its remarkable title has been won etitlrolj
by its genuine merit. Ask some friend
vho has used it whUift thinks of Kemp's
Balsam. There is no medicine so" puro.
none so effective. Ltn Kettles 60o and 51
at all druggists'.
Tlie gl oriout old Fourth of July will ba
the noxt legal holiday.
Bhlloh'a Oousumptlou Curo.
This Is beyond iiuekllon the Ii osl suc
cess! ill Cuitvu Medicine v e huti ev rsnld.
a frwdoe luvarlably cure Iht hckscioI
CookIi, Croup, and llfonchllli', while lt vton
clerfn' sucoen In the cure ol C''iisuiiiptlnii !
wltbout ntirallel In the bictory of nxdldne.
first rtltocnerv it las bent ioIiI on n
guarantee, a test which no other medklue
can stand.
il you have a I i liub c ramtMly
try It. Price II) rent. 6" ci m, and
fl.tO. It your Lung re sore, C lit ht or liack
lame, use Mhllnh's l'orius IMaster. f-otd bv
U. H. Hogenbucli, 14, K. comer Slain and
xuoyd slreeU, J
Hie Olfitirntrfl Anflnvor case.
IVistos. Juno 23. The supposition lias
been general that.' the celebrated Atiilo
vercaso had -beep decided .by tho full
court and that Judge field whs preparing
tho oplnlpn. H la now possible, how
ever, UlFll. IUU f tru
Judges Allen and Devetis have died since
the caio Was begun, and Chief Justice
Field ha not xat since January, owing
to 111 health. In any ovent, no depipion
will be reached for at leant a year.
So .Kplileiulc at Scaurlcht.
SEAnnioiiT. U. J., Juno 28. There is
ono calamity wnicn mis umunuiinie
place has beei BpaiHl, that la an opl-
demio. Of coure such a hium of nun--would
speedily have prtml lkne, but
tho measures taken to uinnteeinieiu uj
tho committee hae prevented tlil ami
thctenr-only thtwrtiKht- ohmh of - 111
iiom In the town.
What trie DVb bursts say
of Heiskell's Ointment.
Wli'pn wo nrc nkll to lft'tniHimenil ft prepara
tion fur sin aimmwa litum uui HktmM.i.'s
Ointment, wltti ewry cnnO'lvnm of liasuocusn-
fill triwtuH'nt of Uw 'llmww.
J, C. Itk.un K, 5 Muln St., IluUer, Pa.
'I hfHl-tl SUlllnK; IjMSKKtt'H Oi.MoeT
foreltvsn yvan. Halves uiilNefMil suilsntciloia
H will cure Tftthm. - .......
(1. W. lUcKKNHKBORB, Balnbrldfe, r-
We l(v VvMence of the cumtlv prnportif
of Hkukkulh oi.niuk.s i liere. It in nooi"
relfitb1 trtotifMmt"
1'i.kmino A EHi.Ffi,Tarentum. Pn.
In' nil skin illwnsMi I tnviirtelily rtuoiunntj
J. J. Km., WmrnBhure. Pa.
TlKisKrt.T. Ointment cuns win n nil elw
falls." McClkm-an A ItKKii, Kri'i'iiort. Ta.
HRrnKWIX1! fllNTMKVT sells oh lis own
merit " II. it. Hilton. Klttauniuu, To.
&t Aoiiou vera tha aDafBDUfor atalvartncn IhtA
puny doji ai una wcrt puiioaiaia.
Everr HAN can b 6TR0N11
ana viuu&uus in au reipecu,
tniTtrlnir from NERVOUfl DE
HII.IT7. af Falllnur Ll&tl'
hood, fbrilcftl ricMin, Mental
Worry, Btuntti Development, or
ntr PERSONAL WTAKME83. can be
reetored to FCAFE0T HEALTH aid
MEN, the Pride and Power or flationi.
We claim by years of practlco by
our cxrlualvo mpthnrtn a uniform
Ji AOletioBiof Men. Teallmonlalii
1 ' frrm 60 Htfttps and Territories.
It whlla roacAn. Full Izpl&satlona for SOME TEEAT
tiATebaenbyiii. RaAdtnrtaitlmonUla. AddrailAtonca
The vestlbnled compartment sleeping can
recently Introduced on the Chicago, lit. l'aui
mid Kansas City Hallway are models oi com
ion, convenience ana luxury. Any pairou oi
the sleeping car is enabled, by tnu lutrodur
Hon of i hese compartment cais, to secure Hit
Barne jirlvary nnd onvenieuco that he would
In the best hotel. No other line west of Cht
cago runs (he compartment cars. In add
lion, the tralusaro equipped w ill tho regulni
open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers iheli
choice, 'f no dl lug car service Is rully up K
the requirements oi modern railway service
Au excellent cuisine, promptly served umlu
elegant surroundings, at moderate charges
leaves nothing now lobe desired. Any ofoui
people contemplating a trip to any part of iht
weBt or northwest camiul roslbly seeur
belter accommodations or lower rates thai.
by addressing v. 1'. Cooley, uenerai Agent oi
me i'nsscnf:er ucpnrinieni, &it uuejiinuiai.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Colorado Is a land of sharp conuasts, ol
brilliant 11k Ms. ot Intense shade ws: a laiid
where heights and depths make obvious ,i tio
meaning oi ine worn uniimesu: a lanu where
every mood In mmd can nnd an unswei-lnir
mood in nature, ine nigu, wane minareisot
float thu wind-blown bunuers oi the snow, ap
peal wuu sueni eloquence 10 ine louy uspir.t
tlonsof the soul; tho sombre chasms cleft by
'ritntl fntr..M tlnnilL'li r'riitillH.liej.rtprl hllbi
within wlioso depths darK shadows throng
nnd swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
u language that thrills, Inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thoe glories of while
peaks and those glooms of dark cnnonB pre-
cttiuo mo pleasant internets, ine suud
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein th
tired mind or wearjed boiy may nnd peace,
lul rest and reluge Horn luriiKiU and toil. To
one muklug a Journey In Colorado, Nw
.Mexico or Utah, or taxlug a trauBcontinentfil'
lour irom 10 wesi, or viccvema, ine xien
ver and Hlo Urande Hnllroad oilers accutn
utodatlous equal lu ekgauce.convenience and
luxury to those of any other Hue with the ad
ded utttaeilous of the unrivalled scenery
along Us line, ubouudlng In a ningulilcejit
opulence of while peaks nnd dark canous.
The month of November, lbW, witnessed one
oi ine mosiimponani improvement in rail'
toad Incllitles that has yet been made In Col
orado nud the West, Tlio completion of the
standard gauge of the Denver and KioGrande
juturonu irom iienver, Colorado, over mo
mountains to Ogdeu, Utah, which Ave years
ago -hum deemed an lmposblblllty, is certainly
a triumph of darlug nnd engineering skill.
'Ihe new Hue Is uj the war ol LeadvlUe. tun.
uellngTennes-ee I'nss, threading the canojis
of ihe Faglouud Hlvers, giving a view
ot the ilountof Ihe Holy Oro&, enroute, tak
ing Us trains through Glenwood Hprlugs atd
down the Grand Hlver to Grand Junction,
Ihonce to- Hlt Lake City, Ogdeu and Bm
Frnnelfcco. lly this route one is given an op
portunity to behold the magnlflceuco of Eagle
Hlver Canon nud the marvelous beauty and
grandeur of the Canon of the Grand. The
overland tin'.n Is n model In every respect.
From the engine to tho last nrst-clnss coach
everything Is bright nnd new, and of Vie
niml elegant style of workmanship and
, If auy reader desires to know more about
(hese ktupendous works of nature, wrlle toH.
K. Ilooprr, General l'afcsenger Ageut, Denver,
Colorado, and he will Eend you. free ol cost,
eleguntly Illustrated booss, glvlntr a full de
scription of the marvels of the ''Ucanlo
Lino."- Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide.'
la and will ever bo tho
Homody for
3iif TnfliianRn. Uankaoho. '
PniriH in tho side. Chest andi
Joints, Neuralgia, Pprains, &o
Eefors you aul to Day, obtain.
the valtuble WV'Galjlo to HMlth," wi tllj
eauorifiinjavB pi iuuiuiuoui pujgiiumBi
10 Broadwayi
I'riie Medals Awarded!
'Ettropeaa Hoqiaet Koi3olt(it,Lnndon,
50 Conts a bottle, For Bale by J
1. I. J. 3CI.TtrN,
and other drueslita.
Tho Ceremonies lerformetl nt Ilonnparte'a
'WeiltUn llanqnct ,
After the marrintro of Nnnolofm nnd
Mdrln Louisa tho ' city of i?aris truva
tliom n snletulcd banatct. which Cant.
fjoignet describes ; lu hit "Narrative."
Ho was on duty nt tlio llotol do Villo,
wlicro tho bnnriuet was served, with a
ifitittd of twcntytfrcnudlors.
Tlio table was liorScsliooVBhaped, and
around It vt ere placed armcliairu. Tha
dishes wore of aolid crold. When tlio.
mtiBtor of ceremonies announced "tho
'emperor," llonap.rtb-ontored, followrx)
by liia Avifo and flvo kings. Ilavlna
seated hiinfsou at tlio tnule, tho cm.
peror lfiade a bljfn to tho guoste to taky
their places. ' ' 1 1
As soo.n as nll weroseatcd tho tnblo
was cleared, as is usual at frrcut din
ners', " nnd every dish was carried Int
an adjoining; room whero the carvers
dlfl their work, llehltltl eacli'ltlnjf thcrfl
were three fodtmoit about a step from
6ho another. Other footmen comraunl
catd with carVers, and passed the
plates without turniutf mora than hall
Why round to get thent.
Vhen a plate canto within roach of a
14lnj(f, the boail footinali presenteil it to
him, and if ho shook his hcud the jilato
was Withdrawn and another brought
immediately. If tho head did not movu
tlio footma-n placed the plate in front
of his master. Not n worn was bnoken
Kach napkin, as soon as once used,
disappeared, the footman slipping: in
another. When tha banquet was oyer5,
a pile of napkins lay Imhlnd each chair.
No one was permitted to speak c.v
copt when tho emperor addressed him
"That may bo ItnpoBlnir, but it is nol
at nil jolly," Is tho captain's comment
Youth s Companion.
A Blatter of Economy.
Business Man (furiously) What do
yon mean by kissing my daughter?
Underpaid Clerk (meokly) I desired
id show my appreciation of your
daughter's loveliness, and kisses aro the
only things I could afford to give her.
N. Y. Weekly.
Ilev. Ttarr to bo Arrested.
Lakcastkil Pa., June 23. A wnrranl
has been issued for the arrest of Eov. N.
A. Barr, of Adamstown, this county, whe
is charged with sending nu abusive
postal card to Kov. Sir. Sperry, of Cleve
land, 0. The prosecution Is the out
growth ot tho Jioymian right In tho Evan
gelical Church.
ltalfour loMukn r Statement.
London, Juuo 23. Tho Times says thai
Chief Secretary Balfour announces thnt
ho will make a statement, soon in ref
erence to communications with Mr. Par-
noil as to ntlvaucing money to erect
dwellings for laborers in Ireland pond
ing the operation of the Laud Bui.
Moving Tlmbor and Logs.
Look Havcx, Pa., Juno 23. All thq
timber and logs along tho river will, it is
thought, bo brought along by tho heavy
rise In the stream caused by the rocent,
heavy rains. A flood six foot deep is re
ported from Clearfield.
KI11..1 by Lightning.
EiumA, N. Y. Juno 23. Philip Corner,
of Wollsuurc, was struck and Klllou uy
lightning Inst night as ho was looking
out ot a window of n big tannery at that
placo. Tho buildlug was not damaged.
Wlint the Soldiers Cost Pentiaylvaula,
HAimisnuita, Pa., June 23.. The total
amount of expenses for the maintenance
and transportation of troops during the
coke reglou riots was Jj,U."J.U.
Death of llrlgadlor-Qonoral Illanctrtl.
New OnuEAxa, Juno 23. Brigadier-
General Albert
years, is dead.
O. Blanchard, aged Oi
AVenther Indleatiotm.
WASIUaTOI, Juno 23. For Now England
and Uostern Now York: Fair; warmer: south'
westerly winds.
For Now Jersey: Fair: warmer; southwost"
erly winds.
For Wostcrn Now Yorfci Fair; warmori
southwesterly winds.
Nnw York. Juno S3. Monoy on call loaned
easy ut 'H and 3 per cent,
Closing CInj
Saturday To-day
1B01 lleg 100 100
4WS, 1891 Coup ...100 100
4 a, 1007 Iteg HOW 118ljt
4 s, 1007 Coup 118i 110J.2
Cloelns Clo'lni
Saturday To-day
Canadian raeino 7ii to
r,ttit litiifin nnu nt
Chicago, llur. & Quluoy. hOM 89,
Bolawaro & Hudson l'-'RVft 1"
Del., Lack, it Western 13SM 1:105,
Erie m
V.ria Tirof...i CO .SO
l.ukaBUoro HWU; 1U0U
Louis. &Narii.... 73)1
Wlcniitun Lemrai eu ou
Missouri l'oclllo. , ASH U75:
New Jersey Central 101) lOOli
Northwojtern 103J$ 101(
Oroiron Navitnltton 70 71
l'aclilo .Mttll. 3D 3S
lteading 31H 30
Hock Island 73 71
St. I'utll Ul 03;
Union l'aclilo I4!; 45
Western Union.,., 81 70i
July. Aug. Sept.
Wheat 101l 101 a 102)1
luril,,, ,.....,, taQ tJ-.
Oats 44
Rutter In more demand and iteady. West-
ern extras. Inc.
Chenje - Dull. State, factory, new, full
cream, choice whltn. 8lc.
LVss Quiet. Stute ftosh, 17)6 c.ul8a
Effects of Colors Upon tlie Insane
Effects of variously colored lights on
lnsano persons have been observed by
tlie director of the Ililan Insane asylum.
A melancholy patient in a rosy light'
Improved perceptibly in twelve hours.
In twonty-four hours ho called for food,
although for many preceding days nouf-
lsluncnt had been administered to him'
against his will. Thereupon tho di
rector had rooms furnished in solid col
ors and confined patients In them.
Green and bluo were found to be tho
most quieting, rose tho most cheering"
and red tho most exciting. AU tho pac
tients in the asylum will bo confined)
hereafter In apartments furnished In
colors -to suit the nature oi their mala
ISfot to SnPll-t !
ro-t to Pisoolor!
The finest in the interior of
the State. 1 Only available
heal th and pleasure grounds
in tlie Anthracite
The iiutural attractions and liiiignill-
cent scenery of the pluce aro un
equalled, und u day of recrea-
Hon nnd pleasure may bo
spent iu jt to advantage'.
There is good llshing nnd
batliiup; in the twin Jakes
surroundingthegroundR. Boat
houses will be built on the lakeside
nnd regaltnswill be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c,
riie grounds are most suitable for pic -
Information, call
and after Nov. 24, 1890, train will tem
Shenandoah a follows:
For WIggan, Gllherton, FrackvlUe, Nev
'astle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.1.
m and 4.15 p m,
Sunday s, boo, 9.40 a m and 5.) 0 p m.
Kor rotuvlllo, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m.
Bundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 D in,
For Ueadlng, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m,
Bundays, 600, 9.40 a.m. and 8.10 pm.
Kor Pottstown. Phoenixville. Morrlstowi
ad Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.00,
,iu a in. anu 9.13
1 4.15 p m week days
Unndavs. 600.
o, v.u a m .iu p m
irains leave rxac&viiie lor Duenanaoan ai
D.40am and 12.14, 7.42,10,09 pm. Bundays
1.13 a m and 5.40 p m.
Leave foitsville lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 anO
1.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m, Hundays, 10.40 a it
i.lB p m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station)
ir Pottavllle aud Shenandoah, 6.57,10.25 a m
1.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days, bunday 9.2S
int anaiaup, m.
For' w York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 55, 6.50, 7.80
-.208.30. J.60. Il,00andll.l5am,12.00noon,(llm
ted express, 1.06 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80
..204, 5, 6..6.80, 6.50 7.13 and 10.00 p M, 12.01
'onHundays1, 3.2d, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.30. 9 Jh
a m. and 12.49, 3.20 (limited 4.60), 5.28, 6,80, 6,5(
'.13 3.13 n m and 12.01 night.
For tiea Uln, Hpring Lake, lielmar,
'cean Groyo, Ashury Pork, and Long Brand.
J.20, 11,15, a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week dayr lfoi
freehold, 6.V; p. m. week aays.
Kaltlmor. and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8,31
i 10, 10.20. 1 1,18 a m, 12.v5 (limited express) 8.41
4 416,7anl.7.40 p. m., and 12.03 nlehL Fo
ilaltlUiore. nly 2.02, 4.1 1, 5 08 and li5o p. m
On Sundays, 3.50. 7,20. .10and 11.18 a. m.
4.57,7.40 p m, 12.03 night. Baltimore only
1 08 and liisopm.
For ttlchmond and the South 7.20 11.18 a.m.,
Limited KxpreBS 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week,
lays. Sundays. 7,20 a. m., 12.03 nlgnL
Trains leave Harrisburg for luistmrs ano
.be west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a xa and
i.00mted) and 3.40 p m. Way for AJtoona,
i,15 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11,20 a m dally and 10.20
m week days.
Leave tsuuburyilor Wllllamsport, Elmlra,
Janandalgua, Rochester, Buftalo and Niagara
falls, 6.10 a m dally, and 1,43 pm week days.
Vor Vatklns, 6.80 p m week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10am.
dally. For Lock ilaven, 6.10, and 9.53 a m.
dally, 1.34 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Foi
Kenovafi.10 a m 1,43 and 6,30 p m week days,
.iua. m aunaays.
Hen. Pass, Act
Oen. Man'r
Time table in effect May.VS, 1891,
Trains leave Reading (P. . 11. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Illrcitboro, Joanna, Hprlng
neld, WayneBburg Junction, CoatesvllIe.Wesl
Chester.Chadsford Junction, B, a O. Juuotlon,
Wilmington nnd Intermediate stations, dully
except bunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 8.16
p, m. Hunday only at 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Bt. Peters and Intermediate
statlonB.dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
6.19 p, in. hunday only 8.15 a. in.
Kor Blrdshoro nnd intermediate stations,
Eaturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O.K.
It.) dally eieept Sunday at 6.25 and 8.80 a. in.
and 8.16 p. m. Bunday only ul 3.05 p, in.
Tialns arrive ai Heading (P. & It. Million)
Irom Wilmington, II, & O. Junction, Mont
ehnuln, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester.
Inape, CoateBville, WayneBburg Junction,
Hprlngneld.Joanna.Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey
fert nud Inteimedlale statlonB, dally except
BunOay at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bun
aaj uiuy hi. ii.-t a. in,
From Bt.
stations, dally except fctinrtiiy, at 8.2J a. m.
aud 2.25 p. m, Sunday only at 6 p. m.
Front lllrdhboro and Intermediate stations,
Baluiday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday nuly at 11.21 a. in.
Of neral and 1IERV0C8 JltHIUTYl
Wi.alrn.Banf rtadvandlfflnil. tfeCt.
lilof llrror.orElcetJtilnOMor Yourl,
tlr..Vl'liV. III, lDKaUirH01tUXS riUTS ui ou J. .f.lllDi IIOSB IIIinjltvT-U.a.Oti la.dij.
tltm ta.llf from 60 Stjitai d raralto Countrlaa. Writ, tkaia.
nclolLtl. Ka, .nlaaatloaftad proflfa nallad (laalad il-Jfa
Slimmpn fjp:nrf Pir-mn
vuiuiiwi nesuri, ricnw
and Pleasure Grounds!
T AKKSIDE (East Mabanoy Junction) m!d-
.Ul way between Jlalmnoy City nnd Tama
qua, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will be open to tho public within nlew
weeas, and dates can now be (ecured, A
number of societies have ulready been booked
nnd others wlbhlng desirable dates should
make application without delay.
Under tho uewraanagement many Improve
ment" will bo made, somo of them being now
under way, that will make it tlio plc-nlcand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A large dancing pAvilllon and a trotting
rnrk aro among the new additions. The best
hurses lu the Btnte will bo secured to run or
trot tuls.season.
nlcs and outings. For dates and other
on or nddress,
Excursion Manager,
Williams & Bro.
Chamber Bets,
Wash Htands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Cntlrs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor BnlU,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Music Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
J. P. Williams &Bro.
A newly discovered MINlclTAIj WATER,
the ute oi which will supply Important ele-
incnis neccEgary ip ueaiiir, il win cure me
Kidneys, Liver, Stomach,, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them, ltrtmoves Ihe urlo acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. 11 cures ungni't Qttioke, ana js es.
neclall v recommended for people advanced In
life, and for genera) debility. For undoubted
proolsor this lend lor pamphlet giving full
particulars, to J, It. l'KUItY, Wafer ot Lite
co., si Boutn Main Bt., wiiKen-uarre, ra.
Lirjtit ul llitil Btllt.le Firt! Cut Cimjuliil
Bepreaentea by
IX Bt Jardln 8Uet,
PhiladolpMa and Eeading Bailroad,'
Ttmt Tnbtr. In effect May 10, 1891
Kof New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2. 0 9.25a t.'S m. and 12 Si 2.60 and 6.M
m. Hundav 2.10 and 7.4s n. m. Vnr Mm
;orl, viaMauch Chunk, week days. 6.2Sa
'm, p. m.'and'12.Iand2.f0p. m.
or Ileadlnz alld Phllndnfnhla null itiaa.
2.10, 5.25. 7.20 a. m., 12.35 zSo and 6.5i p. m.
.uuaay, a.iw ana , a. m,
For Harrlsburg, week days. a. m.i
0. 5.65 p. nu
(or ABeulown. week davn. 7.20 i. in.
2.3,2.60 and 5.6$ p.m. Hpnday, 2,10 and 7.48
Vor Tamaaua and Alahano'v nitv. week
'ays. 2. 0. 8.19,, a. m.. 12 31 2,10 and 5.SS
i. m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a.m. Additional
or Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 i. in.
,itr Lahcanier and Columbia, wutk fluva.,m.
ror wjuiantspon, nunouryana Lewisourg,
rfbefc days.8.2i, 7J and 1L3J a. m.,1.35, 7.&0
' m. Sunday 8:25 . m.
h or Mahanoy Mane, weekdays, 2.10 8 35,
1 M and 11.33 a.m.. i.Xi. IS. iffl s..
1 7.00 nne i.-2b, p. in, HuLday, 2.10, 8.25 and 7.4a
a. m. vop. m.
For Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Htatlon)
-ek dave. 2.1H. 11.21. 5.25. 7.iKl nnd 11 !U u ill..
12.85.185. a.W.().56.7.0iloud9.25.l).m. Hundav.
2'i0 2 ,7.48 a.m., 8.15 p.m.
vor Ashland and bnainokln. week davs.
.21,5.26,7.20, 11.31 a. m., 1.85, 7.00 and ,20
xn. snnoay a.'ii n. m., .uo p. m.
Leave Hevi York via Fhlladelnliln. wpV
light. Munday, 8.00 p.m., 12.15 nleuL
Leave New Xork vl.i Maneh chunk, week
My.4.8U.8.45a m 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
Leave rhlUideinliia. wes davs. 4.10. and
10.09 a. m. 4.00 "tin 6.00 p. m., from Broad
,ud rtallnwlnll und S..1" ji. ni. nnd 11 '41 t. .n.
from 9th anci urwu bireets, uunday 9.0S a.
m.o p. m. from tn am -u.
Leave tteodlug, wtea days, I B), 7,10, 1U.C&
n.; a. m., 6.65,7.57p.m. tmudny 1.35 ana
Leave l'otuvme, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m..
.2.30, 8 11 p. in. Hun day, 2.40 a. m. aud 2.05
p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 3.48 ana
11.2 1 u. in., 1.21, 7.13, and U.1S p. m. Uunday 3,10
i. in, and 20 p. m.
ieavo jiauanoy iuy, weetv uays, s.u,
icd 11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.42 and 8.41 p. iu. Bun
day, 3.4(1 a. ni., 3.20 p. in.,
Leave Mahanoy 1'Inue. week days.2'4J.liu
il.30,9J5.11.;0a. m.,1.05, 2.C0. 5-20, 82ti,7.57, ana
1U.O0 p. m. Uunday 2.1 , 4.W, and 8.28, a. m.
Hi, p.m.
jeave uiruruviuo ixutppauunnocK OLauon
week days, 2.47. 4.07, 8.30, and U.41 a. in., 12 05,
3.12, 5.28, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Hunday.2,47.
1.27, 8.26 a.m. a Up. In.
Leave Wllllanisport, weekdays, 3.00,9,45 ana
lL55a.m.8.35 and 11.15 p, m. HundftyUI5
p. m.
ior Baltimore, Washington and the weal '
viail. & O. K. K,, through trains leave Ulrura
Avenue station, Philadelphia, 11?, & li. It. K.) ,
-it 4.16, 801 aud il.27 a. ni 1.31, 4.24 , 6.65 an ;
r,23 p. it . Hunday, 4.16 8.02 Ui7 a, m., 4.24 I
LDoano i.aip. m, i
Leave J?ailadelnhla. Chestnut Utreet hart 1
ana tsouth Utreet Wharf.
vor Atlantic citv.
Week-dava Kznrebs 0:00 a, m. and 2.00. 1
1.00 p, m. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m., 6.001
aunaays.iXpret,s, v.w, a. ux, Accomii
lAtlnn. M.00 a. in. nnd 4.80 d. m.
ueiurntnE. leave ALiauuo iity. ueput comes i
Atlaulioand Arkansas avenues. we&k-aayt
-Kxnress. 7.30. 9.00. u. m. and 4.00. p. mil
Accommodation, 6,00, 8.05 a. m. and i.SO
4.30 p.m. a
ounaayH. iLxpress, i.uu p, m, Accommoaavi
lion, 7.80 a. m. ana 4.30 p. m. t
U. . HAiiCOOK, aen'l 1'ass'r AgtJ
A. A. jaoijii.uLi. j'res. ik uen'i Aianacer.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891.
PAAbfmcrer trains will leave Hhennndnnlt fn
Miuich Chunk. Leblghlon. Hlatlimtou. Cataai
sauqua, Aiientown, ueinienem, tusiou, run
adelphla and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m.?
l.D, O.D p. IU, (I
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
HirouasDurg ai 0.4, a. m ana u.-u p. m.
For White Haven. Wllkes-Barre and Pitts.
ton a.47, v.w. io.4i a.m., 3.10 ana oza p. m.
For Tunkhanuock, 10,41 a. m 3.10 and 5.21
n. m.
l. or Auourn, imaca, ueneva anu anu uyono
lo.ii a. in., ana o.m p. m.
For Laeey vine, Towanda. Bayre, waveriy,'
Kimira, iwcuesior, liuuato, Niagara i-aus
Chlcaeo and all points West at 10.41 a.
5.2K n. m.
For Imlra and tho West vlaBalamanca at'
3.10 p.m.
i or iiuaenrieu. iinzieion. iocaion.
her Yard. Wcatherlv and Penn Haven JunoJ
Hon at 6.47,7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12,52, 3.10 ana
9.26 P.m. i
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver!
Meadow, 7.40, 9.0S a. m. nnd.5.26 p. m.
For Bcrauton at 6.47 9.08, 10.41a, m, 8,10 an
D:op. m.
I'oriiazie urooa. jeaao, uriuxm ana r .
laud at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. In.. 122 8.10 ;
5.20 p. m.
rorvuaauae ai o.ti ana v.uq a.m., oiiu
8.10 p. m.
For Wlggans, Gilbert on and FrackvlUe at
6.50 and 9.08 a. m and 4.10 p. In.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano, 1
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,58 a. m., 12.52,3.10,5.28, 8,03,
9.2i aud 10.27 p.m.
For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashland, ,
4.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10. 6.35t .
8.10 and 9.14 p. lu. i
For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and l'ottsvllle. '
7.40, V.08, 10.58 a. in., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.03 ,
i or lines jviouniain, ivew iosion anra '
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. m.. 12.62. 8.10. 5.26 and) ,
8.03 p.m. :
, For Haven Rnn. Centralla. Mt. Carmel audi f
Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.10,
ana e.ou p. m. ;
xrains leave nnamoain ior nenannoaui
7.55 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving!
i at snenanaoan, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, i.iu, b.'JU ants;
i uao p. iu.
For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland.?
6.50, 9.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Fottsvllle, i
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano. ,
Q flit 11 Qt n M 1 Aft A ,1, il ,11 n M '1
, o.uv, .x.uu n, u.,, ...v, i.m, u.vj au.
ror iuiiy, Auaenriea ana iiaxieion, d.iai
In- in., a.up, iu:
ForMauch Chunk. Lehlehton. Slatlntton.
I Catasauqua, Alleutown, Bethlehem, Kaston
i ana new xora, e.wa.m., i.iiip.m;
r or riiimuetpnia, i.w p. in.
Gen'l Pass. AkL, Bethlehem,
Nature's triumph over disease. Without anl
equal, wimouia rivai. Alter sue years' e-i
i peneoeu iu uruzu nnu iwuyeorn' nieaiom vtn
I In this countrv. ucknowledt-pd ihn tlrtttanca'J
oniypurtiy vegeianio anaenective neuuui-
izerana erauioaiur oi scrotuiouB ana spectua
oiouu puiBouu lauutvit, no mineral, noian-
urea, uu loxui'sen.
Sold. nt. Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson llqiel Slock, SiermnaWi, FaA
HOUtt Uill -
tnit by i
in 1
- nit il ulu