The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 23, 1891, Image 1

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i " , . . ' . 1
2 the Republican Vlectori of Pennsylvnnta;
After consultation anil correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their direction, I hereby give notice that
the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duty
Mfnasen representatives, wtiv tmci w.
iQentton at Ilarrisburg, Wednesday, August ID,
, J Mt,.ta rhn.
IB'JI, OS VJO CIOCK Si, JUL,, jvr KWjfltii'U" vj
ing in nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor General, for the
nomination of eighteen candldatesfor Delegates-al-Large
to the Constitutional Contention pro
vided for in the Act of Assembly approved June
19, 1601, and for the transaction of such other
business as may be presented,
Wottceis especially directed tothefact that, in
accordance with the provisions of the tost men
tioned act, each Senatorial district is entitled to
a representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional Convention, two of whom only eanbe
members of the majority party In said district.
The electors of each district are therefore re
quested to make proper nominations for dele
gates to said convention, the rules governing the
nomination of candidates for S'.alc Senator to
be applicable.
In th Is connection the Chairman desires to call
the attention of Republican voters to the recom
mendation of the Stale Convention of 1882, that
"they allow the greatest freedom in the general
participation in the inlmaries consistent witn
the preservation of the party organization."
Wil, II. ANDREWS, Chairman.
Ex-Gov. Foraker, iu his speech at
the Ohio Republican State Conven
tion, paid tho following tribute to the
gallant Tariff leader, Hon. William
McKlnley :
"Not only is the Governorship of
one great state of Ohio at stake, but
this contest Involves more than tho
Governorship, more than the General
Assembly, more than the public in
etltutlons. It reaches out Into na
tlonal politics. A United States
Senator will depend upon lis result,
and, more Important still than all this,
it will determine whether this great
state of Ohio Is to go into the next
great national contest of lSt2 at the
head of the Republican or at the head
of tho (Democratic column. We shall
wlu this light, but wo must not be
content with simply winning it. We
must win it triumphantly, decisively,
overwhelmingly and to tbat end we
must select for our standard bearer
that man who, of all others, can most
surely command our undivided
"We must have as our loader a fit
representative of our views with re
spect to every living issue, who In his
record and his personality is the best
type wo have of the illustrious achieve
ments and the moral grandeur of Re
0233XTTS per yd for the
Bold la other stores for 33c. AH'flnor
Oilcloths reduced. Cull for bargains
Carpet Stow, 10 South JariliirSL, Dear Centre
3 pounds for 25c,
Are guaranteed equal to anything in Hie market at
.higher prices.
ofJhresU Cakes Ginger Snaps and Biscuits, 3 lbs. tor SSc
vJtjst coiMiiiLsra- insr
S Fine California Prunes, two
Evaporated Peaches, 15c.
Canned Pears and Plums.
a-oiiLsra- oxjt fast.
Canned Peas and Corn, 3 for 25c.
Irench Sardines in oil, 2 tor 25c.
OurJhlne Old Java Coffee,
1 Our Thirty-Cent Jtoasted Coffee,
Our Fancy Creamery Butter,
Our Choice Dairy Butler,
Two Curs Cliolcc Quality Tlmotliy liny toiilrcl
publicanism, lie must be moro even
than that; he must have a sure place
In the confidence and in the affections
of the Republicans of Ohio. Such a
leader we have. It Isn't my privilege
to point him out. It is no man's
prlvllego to point him out, that has
been already done. By common con
sent all eyes have turned in one direc
tion. One man there is who, meas
ured by the exigencies of this occa
sion, stands a full head and shoulders
above all bis comrades, and that man
is William McKlnley.
"There are many reasons why ho
should bo nominated. In the first
place, everybody knows him. He
docs not need auy Introduction any
where. Every Republican In Ohio
not only knows him, but, what is
better, every Republican in Ohio
loves him. That is not all. Every
Democrat in Ohio knows him, and
every Democrat in Ohio fears him.
Ills name is a household word through
out the nation and throughout tho
whole world, wheresoever civilization
exists, it has become known. Iu the
first place he Is true and tried and Is
no experiment. He lias been a long
time In the public service. He begau
thirty years ago. He started iu wltn
Abraham Lincoln. Ho commenced
on tho 11th day of June, 1831, when
he enlisted as n private in the Twenty
third Ohio Regiment. He .began as a
private, and by bravery in many
bloody battles Jie came out as a major
In ills regiment when tho last armed
rebel had surrendered.
"He has been identified with every
great measure of tho Republican party
In botli Held and forum. His tarlfl
course has been one of patriotic con
viction, and time will justify this
"No Republican candidate has over
snflered defeat through fault of Wil
liam McKlnley. This thrust ut cer
tain Ohio Republicans who opposed
Foraker and wrought his defeat iu
tho last Gubernatorial election was re-
celved with the wildest enthusiasm.
Tbero is not one single drop of cut
throat blood in his veins. Ho is
morally incapable of tho treachery
and cowardice of political assassina
tion. He don't know what a political
razor Is, and has only a contempt for
the sneaking, hypocritical scoundrel
who would uso one."
A Now Business.
1. J. Cloary ha3 openod a store in tho
Ferguson's building, on Host Contro street,
and Is propared to furnish the local trade
with Dna loathor and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is
a largo ono and well - equipped to fully
supply all demands of tho trade. 5-15-tf
Tou can get an oxcellont framo for noth
ing at Koagoy's Art Studio. Call at onco.
Waters' Wolss boer is tho boet. John A.
Itoilly solo agent. 6-6-tf
X,ot or
lbs. tor 25c,
T ; '
Tho Murdoror Attompta to Escape,
But 1b Closely PurBUod To
Avoid Capture Ho Puts an
End to His Miserable Lifo.
By Xaltmal Press Association.
Boston, Juno 23. Walter Q. Shaw, a
shoemaker, living at 31 Homo street,
Beverly, whero his wife keeps a boarding
house, has had trouble with her hoeauso
.she had not frowned upon nn intimacy
between their 14-year-old daughter Sarah
Lizzie and one of the boarders.
Shaw finally loft the house, last week,
his wife declaring she had trouble enough
with him.
Last night, having flllod up with liquor!
ha returned. Finding his wifo and
daughter In the sitting room with some
of the boarders,he whipped out a. 39-call-bre
revolver and began to Are.
Henry L. Roberts, one of tho boardors,
fell from his chair with a bullet In his
back, and V. E. Morgan, another board-
er,5wns hit by three bullets, ono In tho
urease and one in tne imcK, ana n mini
grazed his skull. Tho daughtor wos
shockingly wounded. Three bullets
ploughed across her scalp, and another.
entering her body Just above tho right
hip, passed downward and emerged at
the knea, being found in the stocking.
Tho surgoon afterward removed it.
The maniac, for such no was by this
time, leaped upon the prostrate body of
his daughter and wns beating hor face
with the clubbed pistol, when tho crowd
tlint. had been attracted by the shooting
broke Into tho bouso and dragged him
off. Tho girl's recovery, Uko that of
Morgan and Roberts, Is doubtful.
Shaw attempted to escape, running
from tho house and leaping Into tho deep
railroad out near by. Ills pursuers wore
close unon 111m. and, In order to escape
them, he placed the pistol behind his
right enr and put an end to his miserable
lifo, dying just at tho pursuing party
came up. Mrs. Shaw ran from tho room
when the shooting began and thus es
caped his wrath. Tho daughtor Is popu
lnr with schoolmates in the community.
Qreat Effort Being 3Tnde to Capture the
Fugitive Hank President.
Spring Lake, N. J., Juno 23. Several
detectlres arrived hero last night with
bloodhounds, which are to be used In tho
capture of the fugitive bank president,
Gideon W. Marsh.
Marshal Leeds, District-Attorney Gra
ham and the detectives had a consulta
tion as to the best means to pursue to.
capture Marsh.
The hounds will bo let Iooso If It Is
possible to track the fugitive in that way.
Prof. Oarslde us n Detotlvo.
PuTLDKLrntA. Juno 23. Tho identl ty of
the injured detectivo, "Max Frooman,"
has been disclosod. Ho is ono of the bright
est and ablest of Philadelphia newspaper
men. nis right name is Thomas Gar
side, and previous to his coming to this
city and entering upon nowspapor work
ho was known as Prof. Garslde, nnd had
reputatiou extending over two conti
nents as a lubor agitator.
Th AllHgrd SmuKClor Held.
Boston, Juno 23. U. S. Commissioner
Hall heard the case of Conductor Brown,
of Maiden, Mass., charged with smug
gling goods into tho United States from
Canada. Several wltuesses were exam
ined, who testified to receiving goods
from Drown, which had been brought
ovor tho border, addressed to parties in
the States. Among them was a packago
addressed to "C. If. Herbert, Lyni),
Mass." On this testimony the Commis
sioner decided to hold Brown In the sum
of 3,000 for trial on June 20.
Denial rrom Oov. Hill. .
Aijjant, N. Y., Juno 23. Tho state
inent which has boen recently going the
rounds of the preu to the effect that
Gov. Hill is Interested In. n projectod
railroad In Ohio with Eustern capitalists
and PostmaBfor-General Wanamakor Is
untrue. Gov, Hill sayf ho hoa not now
and never had a dollar's Interest In nny
railroad, nor is ho connected with one in
any capacity whatever.
Second Suit Against the Guvernmtnt.
Philadelphia, June 23. The trial of
Meyer & Dickinson's t-econd suit against
tha government for tho recovery of duties
on articles uied as hat trimmings has
been resumed In the United States Cir
cuit Court. Jphn M. Dickinson, of tho
complainant firm, was the principal wit
ness during the day.
Treasury Htatumont.
Washington, June 23. Tho financial
statement prepared in tho office of tha
Secretary of the Treasury shows a net
surplus of $1,00-1,879. The United States
Treasurer's statemont shows a not deficit
of (303,104. The cash balance by tho
Treasurer's books, is $12,053,017.
dominated Jud( I.lvliinton.
Lancabteb, Pa., Juno 23. Tho Living
ston members of tho Board of Return
Judges of the liepublloau primary elec
tion met during tho morning and de
clared Judgo Livingston the nomtneo of
tho party for Judge. Thoy also issued an
address to the party.
"When ono has the wool pudod over his
eyos ho naturally looks shcepi.-h.
APomb nf Itlncliiiuitun Citizen lu Pur
suit uf a Yiiuus lll-ule.
Binoiumton, N. Y., June 23. As two
girls named Latiirop, aged respectively 0
and 14, were returning from school at
noon, thoy wore assaulted by a boy nnd
tho younger one was terribly maltroatod.
A posse quickly started in pursuit.
Tho fellow has been traced to a patch of
woods, and if captured will very prob
ably bo lyncheM.
Suit! fur Fttlse Imprisonment.
Rondoct, N. Y., June 23. Lincoln B.
Hasklus, principal of the South Roudout
nubile school, Iwho was arrested last Tues
day and taken to Cortlaudt to answer to
bastardy proceedings brought by the
superintendent of the poor of that coun
ty, has Just Instituted throo actions for
false imprisonment against CUIef of ro
ll Hood and Jailer Smith of this city,
and Deputy Sheriff Miller of Cortlaudt,
who made tuo arrest, claiming S3,UUU
Fur th Chrnule Insane.
HAnniSBBRQ, Pa., Juno 23. Gov. Pattl
son has approved tho bill appropriating
$300,000 for tho purchase of a site and tho
erection of a Statu asylum for tho chron
ic insane, and appointed Wharton
Barker, Philadelphia; John B. Storm,
Monroe; Dr. John Curwen, Warren;
John M. Reynolds, Bedford, and Honry
M. Dechert, Philadelphia, to solect a site
and construct the asylum.
To Htllhl Hotalsln tho Adlrnntlacks.
Albany, N. Y., Juno 23. Tho Lake
Plaoid Hotel Company, with a capital of
$50,000, has been incorporated for tho
avowed purpose of building hotels in Es-
sox and Franklin counties iu thoAdlron-
dacks. Tho stockholders are Gardner S.
Blodgett and Georgo Holden of Burling'
ton, Vt.; Charles Martin of Phvttsbur,
Appolas Smith and I'helps bmlth o;
Brighton, N. Y.
Ducldml to busju'iid Payment.
Boston, June 23. A circular dated
Wheeling, AY. Vn., has been Issued by
the National Redemption Boud Associa
tion, chartered undor the laws of Now
Hampshire, to tho effect that owing to
the small number of bonds which It will
be possible to mature the company has
decided to suspend payment until July
and, If possible, to effect a settlomont
with tho bondholders.
Hoy. J. Wenlftr Hill Indlctod.
PntLATjELPiiiA, June 23. Re, J. Wesley
Hill, of Ogden, Utah, has been indlctod
by the Grand Jury in this city for
criminal libel. Tho offense charged Is
writing nud publishing defamatory let
ters charging criminal conduct upon Rev.
Sam Small In connection with the funds
of Utah University.
Graduating Kxerclses at late.
New Havev, Conn., June 23. The
Graduating exercises of tho scientific de
partmontof Yale University were hold lu
Sheffield last night, when the prize
awards were made. lne class day exer
cises of the seniors of the Yale academic
department closod with a brilliant
promenade in Alumni Hall.
Professor Mowbray Dead.
Noam Adams, Mass., Juno 23 Prof,
George il. Mowbray, widely Known as
the inventor of nltro-glycerino, dlod here
after a protracted Illness, aged 00 years.
He was an able chemist and was for sev
eral years employed in that capacity at
tho zylonito works Hero.
Gsn. Schoflelil und Ilrliln In 'Frisco.
San Francisco, Juno 2D. MaJ.-Gen.
and Mrs. John M. Schofiold arrived in
this city at upon. They will mako a short
stay hero before proceeding to Monterey,
Cal where thoy will make a more ex
tended stay.
Nino Tears for Ustnc Ills Pistol.
New YortK, Juno 23: William Mausor,
who was tried and convicted of assault
ing tho Rev. Clark Wright with a pistol
on June U, wos sentenced to nlno years'
Connt LewonliBupt's llody Disinterred
WiLiiNOTQN, Pel., Juno 23. -Tho body
of uount rteiuuoiu Aoraimm iewennaupt,
son-ln-Iaw or ox-becretary myard, was
disinterred and sent to Now York to day,
whence U will be shipped to Stockholm.
TlieHory Haw rtoturii.
Boston. June $3. Lawlar and Andrews
who atarted Sunday qua dory ruoeuoroxs
the ocuau, lmve returned to Crest-en ,
Beach on account of the heavy weather
Senator Cullom -for th Prtsltlt'iicy.
C'hicaoo, June '28. Sunator Cullom ol
Illinois says ho i a eandidatn for tho Ite
mihlloan PrexMeutial nomination in
181)3. Ho say the tariff will be the pre
dominant issue.
Drowned In til Connecticut lllver.
Northampton, Mas. Juno 23. J. H
Moroys of Ctrtensburg, N. Y., agod 22,
clerk la Lamb & Co.'s dry goods store
here, was drowtied lu the Connecticut
River by the upsettlnf of his canoe.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo carofui that tin
natno Lessio & Co., Ashland, 1'a.,
printed on every sack. 8-3-3taw
Best work dono at Bronnan's steam
laundry. Kvorytblng whito and spotless
Laco curtains a specialty. .All work guar-
Given away, until July 15th, a boautiful
silt frame, with every dozen of our best
flnUhed photographs. Koagoy, 112 West
Coal Btroet, tihenondoab, Va. O-22-0t
Advertise in tha Herald.
Ho is Beaton in a Fight and thou
Goos to Jail Tho Stono Crush
er Arrlvos Personal Notos
and Othor Items.
John Judge, tho Lost Creek tough who
was shot on West Coal stroot, in this town.
several months ao, and who was confined
tho .Minors' Hospital at Fountain
Springs for many wooks in consequence of
the wounds, was to-day taken to jail by
Joseph l'otor, tho constable of Vct Mah
anoy township.
Judge Is a powerfully built, ovor-bear-
ing young follow and, liko tho wostorn
desperado, "would sooner fight than oit "
Last night ho got drunk and triod to
pick a quarrel with a neighbor named
1'hllip Dano, a small man who would be
o match for him.
Peter Lirkin, a brother of Joseph Lsr-
kin, who shot Judge on West Coal street,
interfered and gavo oxprossiou to tho
pinion that it would not bo right for Judgo
to best a man so much smallor than him
self as Dano was.
Judgo then offered to whip Larkin and
started to do so, but ho miscalculated his
man and was soon on the ground with a
three-inch scalp cut, inflicted by a porter
bottlo in Lirkins' hands, a black oyo and a
gashed band.
At a heating beforo a 'Squiro Lirkln sot
up a claim of tolf-defbnso and was dis
charged, while Judgo was sont to j iil.
Harry Bishop roturnud homo from
Seattle on Saturday.
Henry Woikel, of Shnmokin, spent last
evening in town, the guest of friends.
Tho relatives of Mifs Jeanotto Uavan in
town yostorday rocoivod information of her
arrival in Wales,
Col, J. K. P. Schelfly and wife and John
A. Rellly and wifo wont to Atlantio Citv
this morning to spend tho week.
Miss Ida M. Bell, of WayncsborotiRh,
Franklin county, Is tho guest of Mrs. and
tho Misses Shaffer, ol North Main stroot.
Prof. Z-jitz, tho loader of tho Grant
Cornot Band, who Is "muslo from head to
foot," has a viola that was mado in 1077.
Georgo Brill, of Delano, tho gonial trav
oling train dlspatcuor of tho Lehigh Val
ley Railroad, was a visitor to town last
John Grant and Benjamin Sovorn wero
among those inltlatod into tho mysteries of
Lodgo No. 207, Protoctlvo Order of Elks,
at Pottsvlllo last night.
Mrs. Jacob Kester, of North Wost street,
left town this morning tor Spring Brook,
Lackawanna county, to spend a few weeks
visiting her parents'.
W. A Koagoy, tho West Coal strcot
photographer, yoUerdsy photographed the
boautiful Children's Day decorations in lb
Methodist Episcopal church,
II. C. Boyer, editor of tho Hkkald, his
wifo and daughter, Manie, and MUsos
Mamo Wasley and Hannah lteeso loft thie
morning to join tho editorial oxcursion
which leaves Philadelphia for Atlantic City
at noon to-day,
on tho Charges
The Now York Life Insurance Com
pany has issued tho following preamble
and resolutions, adopted by iu Board of
Trustees on Juno 10th :
WllKREAS, In vlow thereof tho Financo
Committee, with tho concurrence and ap
proval 01 tuo olllcors 01 too oompany, lint
invited tha superintendent of Insurance to
mako a thorough examination of this coin
uanv; now. it is hereby
Kesolvea. I D at tuo action ot tho t inanoe
uommitloe in renuoetlng the inturanoo de
nartment to make an nomination of this
companv is approved and ratified . ' -h. t.netrt, tin.
undiminished confidence in tho officers ol
this company and bollovos that the ohargos
inaao agalmt tne management 01 mo i
fairs of this company are wholly unjuiti
Resolved Further. That this board bo
llevos that an examination into thu affairs
of this company will only servo to plaoa it
on a armor oasis in tno rospeci ana conn
donco of the community, and wo there
tore wolcoma tne mi est ana most searon-
ing investigation by the proper authorities.
JCesolvid further, lliat tho olucers
this company bo authorized and requested
to furnish copies of the above preamble
ana resolutions to tne pubiio press,
Koch Sues tho "Chronicle."
District Attorney Koch yesterday on
tered suit for libel against tho Standard
Publishing Company and Georgo
Helms, its odltor, Tho suit is based upon
an editorial published in tho Chronicle on
June 2-lth, 1800. Mr. Koch says th
editorial was iutonded to mean that
manufactured casos to bo brought before
tho criminal courts of the county and there
by defrauded tho county and othor persons,
Go andt-eo Keagey, tho leading photo
graphor, and get pno of thoso beautiful
I gilt frames ho gives away. 0-22 Ot
Thay Were Ihloitu Into tho IVatsr
While Plarlnirotia Itnlt.
Washington, Pa., Juno 23. John Mc-
Keown, aged 10; Harry Shoullls, aged 10,
and Walter Jones, aged I I, were drowned
in tho Doaks Park pond hero last even
Harry nnd John Shoullls and John Mo-
Kcowu were playing on a raft in tha
pond whon tho ropo which held the raft
to tho shore broko. Walter Jones, who
wns bathing near-by, attempted to get
the raft back to shore. Tho raft over
turned and tho four boys were thrown
into the wntor.
Jones swam ashore with tho younger
Shoullls and returned for tho other boys.
Ho wns swimming to shore with ono of
them, when tho other dragged him undor
the water nnd nil three wero drowned.
John McKeown was a son of tho lato
millionaire oil king McKeown and the
Shoullls boys woro his grandsons. Jones
was a son of Presidiug Elder Jones of tho
At. E. Church. The bodies woro recov-
A Ituw Oror the Subject at n Meeting of
Ilostoti Ilaptlst Mlulstors.
Boston, Juno 23. At tho woekly mcot-
ng of the Baptist ministers held in
Chapel Hall, during the morning, Rev.
Stoddard addrossed tho couforenco
upon tho Inllueuco of secret societies
upou the Church. In tho course of his
remarks ho strongly denounced .Masonry
and declared that when a man swears
allegianco ho swears ulloglanco to a coda
antagonistic to God.
Rev. Mr. Cleavoland of Molroso arose to
a point of ordor at the conclusion of tho
address, nnd, saying he was u Mason, de
clared that ho could not listen to the un
called for abuse.
Tho chairman put tho question to tho
meeting on sustalulng the point of ordor
aud it was defeated, CO to 7. Mr. Cleavo
land then arose, and requostlug that hla
name be dropped from the roll of mom
borshlp, left the hall,
Tho Editors' Outing.
This morning tho Schuylkill county odi-
tors and their wives and representatives
loft to tako part in tho outing of the Stato
Editorial Association at Atlantic City.
which begins to-day and will continuo un
til noxt Saturday. Tho oditors will bo ro-
ceived by tho Atlantio City Journalist'
Club, In conjunction with tho citizens of
tho place. Major Hoffman will oxtond
thorn a wolcomo to tho city at tho hotol at
which thoy will stop. On Wodnosday
they will be takon to tho dolightlul resting
placo whoro plenty of fishing and still
watnr boating can be bad, at tlio southern
axtromlty of Abjocon Beach. After they
have hoard Col. A. 1C. McCluro in tho
afternoon thoro will bo for tho evening 11
symposium at tho rooms of the Journalists'
Club, with inftrumontnl, vocnl nnd other
cntortainlng talont from Philadelphia, and
tho following morning thoro will bo an ox
cursion by steamer along tho coast in full
view of tho front of tho city.
Tho Bakery a Succoss.
Harry l'roston, who somo weoks ago
leasod tho plant of tho Shenandoah Bakery
Company, has boen successful In holding on
to all tho old business and gaining a largo
uumber 01 now customers. In tho whole
sale bakery business Harry stands socond to
none, insido or outside the establishment,
tnd tbo succoss with which ho Is moating is
but a lust reward for his merit, ability and
Approaohlnff Wodding.
On Thursday noxt, at noon, Miss A.
Adello Shaffer, daughtor of Honry Shaffer,
manager of Keller's establishment, and S,
J. Broughall, tbo South Main street grocer.
will be married at tho roeldcnco of tho
bride's parents.
Milos' Norvo and Llvor Pills
ct on a new principle mmlallnn tho
liver, fdomach and fiowels through the nerves,
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily
cuto blllousuexs, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
eonatlpatlou. IJnoqualed lor men, women,
ehlldien. Hniallnel, uillaeitt, surest! 5) dot-on.
Smw. Kamnles riee, at C, 11, liageubuchs
Irue; store.
It Is n well known faot that Tan-Tina
Oouuh and Oonsumntlon Cure luss oured Con-
Mimption, Oouuhs and Colds when all clto
lauen. vtanam oanu. rriui uuiugjreeat
lurllirsdrug store.
15 Gents a Pound.
Not of grade goods,
But First-class Stock.
No 122 North Jarilin Street.