The Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WF.KKLY. H 0. B07EB, Editor and PnWisior, 77. J. V7ATSINS, Local Eilto:. subscription rates: Mailt, per yesvr - 01 Wnxt.Y. ner vear - 1 r1 at the 1'mloMw, at Mhenandoah, Pa - ir transmission through the MftlU as second oIsm mall mstter. H'"MHHKI DAILY AND WKKKLY. Colliery Bnlner Pooket Book Tho Colliery Engineer Co,, Scranton Fa, Publisher. Thli is a convenient vol i' o of over '100 pages printed on fine pape w.'h clear new type, lhu enabling tu. cnbii'-hers U furnish a vast amount ft matter in handy shape. ThK book has been especially preparer, for tho use of colliery officials and minen nk 3 liave long loft the want of a convenlen an ' -implo reference book, containing ruk an J tablet specially adapted to their use It n a text-book for the miner who i E'iiiJving the principles of ventilation, min Ire, etc., and the most convenient pocket buok tor the mining engineer, superinten 1 t. or other colliery officials. It was m t pr ipiirwl for colloge graduates, and an? Intelligent man can understand the princi pits and rules contained in it. No other book is required by the student for a mine foreman's certificate Tho following, aniens many other sub- Jocts, aro treated on in full : Arithmetic; mensuration; woights ano measures; strength and woightof materials; prospecting; timbering; mothods of work ing; gases; ventilation; colliory machinery surveying; raino railways; eleam; faults; oloctriclty; squares; cubes; squaro roots, ane cubo roots; sines; tangents, etc., traverse tables, etc., otc. Hound In cloth 82 tt ilnund In flexible leather, round corners.. Bound In Mexiblc leather, with Uap Ml 2 76 1 Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho warning? The signal per hnns of the sure ftnnrotich of that more ter rih riliutiiHA. (YiiijutiitiLlnn. Ask yourselves If you can nllord for tlio sake of saving 50 I renin, to run tho risk and do nothing for It. I Wo know from experience that Billion's Cure I will Cure jour Cough. It never rails. 'Hits explains why more than u Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whnntilnt! Couuh at once Mothers di notbewllhontlt. For Lame Hack, Hide or Chest, use Pinion s 1'orous l-iahier. oiu uy V II. Ilageubucu. N. E. corner Main and Lloyd utreeU. How to koep cool folks thoso days. is what ia bolhariDg Tho Greatest Striko. Among the groat strikes that of Dr. Miles In discovering his New Heart Cure hui itrnvim Itnolf tu'bo nno of tho most Important. The demand for It has become nHtonlshlng, Already tho treatment 01 heart dlsfne is be 1ni revolutionized, nnd mutiV unexpected curcH ellected. Hmxhi relieves short breath, lltittorlni?. Dnfns In side. nrm. shoulder, weak find hungry spoils, oppression, swelling of unicles. hinotherlng and Kenrt dronsy. Dr. Miles' Itonk on Heart nnd Nervous JJienoei, Tho iiTienimieri rnw. Jieari ' IS, oia an guarnnieeu uyu. u. iiiiueuuucutiuourug irlkt. ulso his IleHtoratlvo Nenlno for heiid ache, IDs, sprees hot Hashes, nervous cMUo, opium nauu, etc. Novor mind tho prospiratlon these daye; Us good for you. To Nervous, DoblUtatod Mon. If you send ue vour address, wo will iviell .,ni. mi. illMntiuTrti Mimnnlnt nvnlnln. Ing .fi about Dr. Dye', f'eleoratod Electro- t uikmu uuu u rtinn.Buvvo, nuu cnnrmin euuuuj upon iue iiurvuua ue biUtHted eystem, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, nnd manhood, l'araph lot free. If you aro thus afflicted, wo will tond you a Holt and Appliance on a trial voltaic iielt uo.. juarsnau, mien. Keep out of tho possible. hot tun as much as OUloe Of J. M. It ltOHINSON.102 Kast lf6tli st. Hesldcnco, ttii EaktlW s'rtet. Alvn's Ilrnzlllftn Hnecltle Co. Oemlemen Having mllered fur tlie past two years with rheumatism, Indlgeitlnu, sore throat, andu ct)mpieie oreaKini; aown oi my wnoie sysiem 1 was induced (alley treating with hevrra! prominent doctors) lo try tho Cactus lllooil Cnro, which I conllmied to ui.e for about tl.lrlv dnvs. since which time I have been ou tlrelv freofrom the ahove.mentloned troubles. and have more ambition today thau any time In Ihe nast four Years. 1 can henrtllv Sm2V?wi!,e fia'"e "r "m yll0?nl'lNLnfi1,8 Hold at J; trim's lJrug atore.rerLUsou House liloclc, Bhenandoab. "Watormolons and Ing. canteloupes aro com- Hold It to tho Clght. The man who tolls you confidentially ust what will euro your cold is proscribing Komp's Balsam this yoar, n tno prop- nration of this remarkablo medicine, for coughs and colds no expense is spared to cotnbino only the best and purest ingrodl onts. Hold i bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through it; nolico the bright, clear look: thon compare with other remedies. Price 60c. and ?1 A demand for ice cream nnd cooling drinks. Rocky Mountain Ouro. The druggltts claim that peoplo call daily for the new cure for constipation and eick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas iane while In the Kocky Mountains. It ie said to be Oregon grape root (a great remedy in the far Vert for thoeo'cora plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is made for use by pouring on belling wator to draw out the strength. It cells at CO cents a package and Is called Lano's Family Medicine Cherries are unce. in the markets In abund- Shlloh'a Consumption Guro. Tins Io beyond question the most suc cessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably cure the woiH cttes oi Ik.ugh. Croup, and Jtronehllls, while Its won. drriu! snocfn In the cure of Consumption is w 1 1. out a parallel lu the history of medicine. Hinr e It's first discovery It lias been told on a guarantee, a test" which no other medicine stKiid. Ii you have a CoukIi weearncstiy a if yen to try it. l'rlee 10 cent. 60 onts. and II ; Jf yrur Lungs are fore, I lust or Jlacfc 1' re. so Hblloh's Porous I'laster. Bold by I II Ilngeubuch, H, 1). corner Alain and lAoya streets. Tho Qucou Will Attonil nil. wedding. I-onikis. Juno 23. It la expected that the Quoen will bo presont to-day at the innrrlnuo o( illss Alberta Ponsonby, (laughter of Her Majesty's private secre tary, Sir Henry irreuoncK ronsonuy, to Col. Montgomery of the Scots Guards. The wedding will take place At the Wel lington IUrrnoks Chapel, and 700 notu blea will bo the Invited guests. Narrow Hnunpe from D.ftth. Loxdox, June 23. A train carrying mili tiamen on a single track railway, about two miles from Londonderry, Ireland, col lided with an empty train. The driver of the militia train was killed and the fireman fatally injured. The driver had promptly reversed his engine, otherwise many uvot wouiu nave uevu iinu Trying to Revive the Ilacosrat Scamlnl, Losdo!. Juno 38. Tho Liberal party In Parliament is unfavorable to the pro posed revival of the baccarat scandal y the questions whloh Mr. Henry Cobb, Liberal M. P. for Rugby, proposes to aak lu Parliament this evening. aeorgn rrimoU Train nt Cairo. Catso. .Tune 22 George Francis Train has arrived here on his Journey around the world. lie has bcon 43 days on the vovane. and expects to complete his task by reaching Tacoma In 00 days froia the time ol starting. Trlliil.tor l'liolns Still III. Bkrux, Jnuo 23. Ilon.'Wllllam Walter Phelps, tho American Minister, Is still confined to his boL It Is stated that he has undergone a painful operation for fistula. What the Druggists say of Heiskell's Ointment: ' Wtif n wo are ivkwl to recoramend a prepara tion Mr skin (Uttttse, we barvl nut IInKKLiAi Ointm fc.NT, with every conlMtucoof lta success ful trwitment or ttie ilfneaftp." J. C It-men, 6 Main ft, Butler, To. "T havohern eelllni; JlKiftKELT.'fl Ointhknt fortilertn enrs. ItKlves bQlversulsutUf4ictlo It will curt Tkttfh. O. W. IlACKKNnF.RGEn, Batnbrldge, P Wo have evidence of the curative propertlci of Hkisklll's Ointmk.nt bero. It li a gwJ rullablw olatmint." Flkuino ct Ehlsk, Tarentum, Ta, "In all skin dlww I Invariably rccommwj llKIaKtLL'H Oin r.M kst," J. J. Kcil, arpiburg, Pa. " ITlSISKKI.L OlNTMKNT CUTHl lhi-n All Olf fuliV MtCiiLLAS A ItKBDi Krwpwrt, To. M llK!3KJLL'fl OINTMENT PPlh On Its OWU merltv" II. B. IIiltuw. KltUunluif, I'o. SPEOIAL NOTICES. The vestlbuled compartment sleenlntiCAri recenxiy iniroauoea on ino uuicrku. dl, raui and Kansas City Hallway are models of cotn- ion, convenience ana luxury. Any natron 01 me sleeping car is enamca, ny ine imroauo lion of ihese compartment earn, to secure tht ftaino privacy and onvenlence that he would in tho best hotel, soother line west or Col cugo runs the compnrtment curs. In hddl lion, me irainsare eoumnea wun me reuiui open ruliman sleeper, giving passengera theti cuoice. rnoai ingrar service is muyup u tho Tenulrements of modern railway service An excellent cuisine, promptly served amid elegant surroundings, nt moderate chargea, leaves nomine now 10 no aesirea, vny 01 oui people contemplailng a trip to any part of th west or northwest cannot ro'-sibly securt belter accomtMOdntlons or lower rates thai. by addrefeslng w. r. Cooley, uenerai Agent 01 i no ratsRenger aopnrimeni, two iviieamuiou 1 UUAUClpllIrt, r1t WHITE PEAKS AND SAKE CANONH. Colorado Is a land of sham contrasts. brilliant llehts. ol Intense bhadrws: a bind where heights and depths make obvious tbo mcnniug 01 me worn auuinesit; a iana wnero every mood In mind can And an answering ruooa in nature, 1110 nign, wuue minateis 01 tho mountulns. from whose slender pinnacles lloatthe wind-blown bunuenoi the snow. nr- Ineai wmi suem eloquence 10 ino loiiy aspim tlobb of the soul; the sombre chasms cleft b: i iiuih iorces mrougu grnuiie-nearieu nil "SirrJlSS'tolSi'S SpS2aV i ii luugiiae tnatturiiiH, lnspireoana nweH, dovs not follow that there glories ol white peaks and thoso glooms of dara: canons pre clude) the pleasant Intervals, the sunny meadows or the secluded hooks wherein tho tired mind or wearied body may find neaco. ful rest nnd rcluge from turmoil and toll. To one maaiug a journey in coiornao, .New Mexico or Utah, or taking n transcontinental. lour irom i-jim io wesi. or rice versa, me uen ver and Klo Grande ltallroad oilers accom modatlons equal lu eleKanco.convenlenco and luxury io mose or any otner lino wuu ine ad ded attractions of the unrivalled scenery along Its line, abounding In a magnificent opulence of white pea as and dark canons. ino moniu oi iNovemDcr, i&uu, witnessed one ui iuu motii imporiani improvemenis in ran. road lacllltles that has vet been made In Col. orado and the West. The completion of the standard gauge of the Denver and KlofJrande ltallroad from Denver, Colorado, over the mountains to Oeden, Utah, which five years ago was ueemeu an impossiuiiuy, is certain l; a triumph of darluc and engineerlni: skill The new lino Is bv ine wav of Ijeadvllio. tun. nellngTeunesseo l'ass, threading tho canons of the Kagle and Urand Hlvcrs, giving a view '"B 1U trains tbrough QlenwooA Bprlngs and i ino Aioumoi ino iioiy wross.euroute, taK Ing Its trains through Olenwood Bprlngs and down tbo Urand ltlver to Grand Junction thence to Halt Lake City, Ogdou and Han Krauclsco. lly this route one Is given an op. porlunlty to behold the magnificence of Kagle HIver Canon nnd the marvelous beauty nnd grandeur of the Canon of tho Grand. The overland tialn Is n model In every respect. From tho engine to tho last first-class coach everything 1b bright and now, nnd of the most elegant style of workmanship and finish. Jf any reader desires to know more about stupendous works of nature, write toB, Colorado, and he will send you. free ol cost. uieaniiy inusiraiea oooas, givintr a run ae scrlptlon of the marvels of the ''Bcenlo lane."- Stanley Wood In the "Ureat Divide. 3 "ANOHOr mm mmim la nd will ever bo tho -best" Bomody for rtnut. Tnfluenza. Backache. Pnlna In thn Side. Ghent andl Joints, Wouralgta, Spraina, Slo Before yoa assd to bnyi ootaln AS-PREE OF CHARCE-W tho vslniWe booki "Oulds to Halta, withJ euaorBSiaents oi proumDat jvtuius, F.AD.RiCHTER&CO.. 310 Broadway, it H W YOUR. Prize Medals Awardsdl IfQromUrjt, Kunjtm, Jislpsle. 50 Cents a bottle, For Bale by 1. T. 3. KIIIXjITV, HUNTING FOR MARSH. Offlnnrs Rcnurtntr tltn Country for tllo lrufrltlTe Hunk Pre.ltleilt, Asmmr I'Aiut, Juno 33. Detective Free man, of Philadelphia, It Is thought, will not survive tho Injuries he received Fri day night at Spring Lake while trying to rrest a ruau there who wns bclloved to be Qldeon W. Marsh, president of tho Keystone Dank of Philadelphia, who Is a fugitive from justloe. The cottage in which It was anpposed Marsh was hiding Is owned by his Intimate friend, Harry II. Yard. District Attorney Graham, of Philadel phia, had an Interview with Frteinnn net night, during which the latter said ho was sure Mursu had been at the cot tage and that he aaw him himself last Wednesday on tho beach near CJomo. lie said he did not arrest him then because he was sure of his game, and thought that It would be better to take, him In tho cottage. It Is believed that Marsh escaped from the oottnge by going through the woods. Ofllcers aro acourlne tho surrounding country, and It Is hoped that th fugi tive will be arrested before long. MAY TIE UP THE ROAD3. A Oanral ntrllm Threalensd In Albany Thl Week. Auunt, N. Y., June 22. A general tie-up Is threatened by the employoe of the Albany Electrlo Company operating all but one of the surface roads In the city. The trouble Is line to several or the In spcotore. who have made themselves ob noxious to the conductors by entering complaints aealnst them by the whole sale with tho result that several hnve bten discharged. Tho car homes of tho company are guarded by police and detectives nave bsen ou duty In that vicinity for two days, It Is thoucht that unless certain nn popular Inspectors, who aro cx-oonduct-ors. aro discharged a tie-up ot nil tho cmployoa will be ordered this week. SEVEN WEF1E DROWNED. Dohenilan Barry Pickors Cnlillzo a Boat la Maryland. Baltivoue, Md., June 23. A number ot Bohemians employed as berry pickers on truck farms in Anno Arundel County clamberod Into a rpw-boat and pulled out Into the stream at Curtis liny. The women became badly frightened and during the excitement tho boat was capsized and Mven persons were drowned. Tho names Cof the rurowuod nrei Geornlana Titus, Al Kensier, Lulu Marsh, John Houston, Walter Caston, a man known as "Uldney" ana nn nn known man. None of tho bodies had been recovered up to a late hour CollC Oarsman at New London- New Losdos, Conn.., June 23. Oari- mon tho country over are now waltln? lmnaticntlr for tho bltr lnter-colloKlate rowlna chnmplonshlpj to bo decided. Of course most of the Interest centres in tno outcome of the raoe between Vale and Harvard, and the practice work of those two crawa on the Thames Is watched very closely. While the New Haven boys are slight favorlten for the race, one thing that la certain la thnt they will not hav the "soft snap" they havo enjoyed foj four or ilve Tsars past. Harvard U row ing In very nooi form iuat now, and with Captain Perkins back In the boat they will kesp tno Yale men "gucaslng' every lengtn oi the course. fltnl thsfluperlntandent's VftUse. Buffalo. N. Y., June S3. Ex-Suporln' tendont of Insurance Maxwoll while waltlnK for a Now York Contra! New York expr&sa at Batavla act his valise, containing a quantity of money, in one corner of the waltlns room. John Qraw, who lives between Alexander nnd Attica, rushed Into the depot, picked up the valise and Jnmped upon a train pulling out for Attica. The property was ro' covered ns Graw alighted from tho train- No arrests. A Now Charge to Answer For IlEABKfO, To., Juno 23. H. M. Hudson, who was arrestod In Uarrisburg at the reauest of Inspector Dyrnes, of New York, whero he U wanted for grand lar ceny, la supposed to be an accomplice ol a pretty young woman who calls hersell Mrs. Beatrice Collins. She Is In jail here on a cbarue ot passing counterfeit sllvei dollars. Hudson Is also known as Nnpo- To Seek Foretell Exhibits. WistiTKOTO, June 0. John M. Butler, of .Philadelphia, has been appointed commissioner on bahalf of the Treasury Department to go to Europe In the Inter ests oi tno foreign exnimt to tne wona Pair. Ills colleagues are General Groa- vsnor and Professor John M. El lis. Oberlin College, of Ohio. Tho salary Ls (8 per day ana expenses. The Tories SHU Oppose It. London, Juno 20. The Free Education bill ls making rapid progress In publl ODlnlon. Although tne measure is government one It meets with strong op position from tne lories, who are dls mayed at the prospect of the masses re ceiving free education. Big Strike Declared Off. rnrLADiUTUA, June 20, The strike ot the rug weuvors of John Bromley Sons carpet mills has beeu declared oft. This decision affects 1,000 bands, who will now be able to resume work after soy- oral weeks' idleness. ltainagod by a Cloudburst, LiEcnEtjRo. I'o,, June K0. Great dam' ago was dono here by a cloudburst Bevernl buildings were washed away nnd one person was fatally hurt. Traltlc on tho Pennsylvania Railroad Is temporarily suspended at this point. X Waterloo Teteran Opened the Danoln. SnzRBROOKE. Que., Juno 20. At a ball given by officers ot the Fifty-third Bat talion last night, ueut. Maurice tinea, aired US years, a .Waterloo veteran openod the dancing. He was la full dress uniform, with his Waterloo medals. Striking Weavers Clono n Mill. Faix Rivuti, Mass., June 20. The Shove Mill weavers have struck on nocount ot alleged unjust dismissals made by the overseer. J. ho mill uas shut down. Win now This Afternoon. New Lokdcot, June 20. Tho Oolumbltv Cornel freshman race will tie roweu this afternoon. Both crows aro evenly matched nnd a good ruco is expected. every WATERPROOF THAT KTot to BE UP TO THE MARK NEEDS HO LAUNDERING. CAM DE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. LAKESIDE 'he finest in the interior of the Stnte. Only available licalthnnd pleasure grounds in tlio Anthracite region. The natural attractions and nmgnlli- cent Hccucry of the place are uti- equalled, and a day of recrea i .ii tion and pleasure may bo spent In it to advantage. There Ih good Ashing and bathinf? In the twin labea Burroundiogthegrounda. Boat housee will be built on the lakeside and regattas will be frequent this season For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c. The grounds are most suitable for plc-nlcs Information, coll O. A. KEIM, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. j Boitrruriu. nrvisioK. tt anil after Nov, 21, 1860, (mini uM ttm Shenandoah at follout: For Wlggan, Oilbertou, Fraokvllle, Nov .'etle. 8t. Clair, and wav noluls. a.m. 0.1. m aud 4.15 p m. uuuuuys, euu, n.iu a m ana j.i o p m. Kor Potlsvllle, 0.00, 0.10 a m and 4.15 p m Hnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and 11.10 n m, For leading. B.IO, 0.10 a m and 4.15 pin. Sundays, 600, ,40 a. m. and 3.10 pm. For Pottstown. Phoenixville. x4orrlstowi and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.00, 4.10 a m. and 4.15 p m week day nuuuays, nu, v.-hj uniiiaup m Trains leave Frackvlhe tor Hhenandoah bi 1O.40 a m aud 12.14. 7.42. 10.09 d m. Hnnflivi 11.18 a m and 6.40 p m. Leave Poitsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 anc 11.48, a CI 7.15, 0.42 p m. Unndays, 10.40 a v 5.15 p m. Leavo Philadelphia (Broad street ctntlon) for l'ottsvllle ud Shenandoah, 6.57,10.25 a li 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Uunday 0.2? m and 1.10 p.m. For w York. 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, BJ0, 7.30, .1.60. ll.OOand 11.15am. 12.00 noon, (11m ttd express, l.OU and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80 i, o, ve.iu, o.du 7.13 e.u ana xu.w p m, i.ui aiKUl. V'U UUIllM,., O.tAJ. I.Uhl, I.W. U.M. C.l, o.ou, a m. i.nd 12.40, 8.20 (UmlUd 4.60), 5.Si, 6.S0, 6,5c is e,ij p m ana nigai. For Bea Ulrt, Upring Lake, llelmar, cean Grove. Asburv Park, and Lonx Brancb 8.20, 11,15, a. ro, 4.00 p. m. week dayr Foi fTeenoia, o.v i p. m. weex aays. Ualtlmor and Wushlnetou. 8.60. 7.20. 8.31 B.10, 10.20, 11.18 a m, 12.5 (rimlted express) 3.4' .ue.manri7.iu p. m., ana u.usmgni. ro Baltimore, nly ica 4.1 1, 508 and li.dO p. m On Hundays, 3.60. 7.20, O.lOand a. m. 4.4) c.57, 7.40 p m. 12.03 night, Baltimore only 5.08 aud 11.30 p m. For ttlcbmond and the Bontb 7 JO 11.18 a. id., (Limited Express 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week, days. Hondays, 7.20 a. m 12.03 night. Trains leave Uarrlsbnrg for PHtsDurg ane t ue west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m anc ,1.00 illmlted) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoona, 15 U m and 4.10 p m every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a in dally and 10.20 ,i m week days. Leave hunbnry for "Wllltamsport, Elmlra. 'anandalgua, Kochester,Butlaloand Mlagani fulls. 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 pin week days For Vatkins, 5,0 p m week days. For Erie and Intermediate points, 5.10 am. dally. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 0.63 a m dally, 1,84 and 5.30 p. m, week days, Fo Kenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 5,30 p m week days, 5.10 a. m Hnodnys. UUA8. B. PUHH, J. K.WOOU, Oen.ManT Oen. Pau.Agt -yf-lLMlNUTON & NOHT11EHN K, It. imeiaute mtneci jaay.iv,iwn. Trains leave Reading (P. it It. station for Glbraluir, Heyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Bprlng field, Wayneeburg Junction, Coattvllle,Vel Chester.Chadsrord Juuetlou, 11. t O. Juuctiou, SVllmlngton and Iniermedlate stations, di.lly except uunday, at U.26 and e.80 u.m. aud 3.15 p. ni. Punday only at 3.05 p. m. For Warwick, Hul'elers aud Intermediate tatlon,dally except biunday, at 0.20 .m., and .10 p. m. bunday only 8.16 a. m. For Blrdbboro ana iutemiedlate stnilous, Baturday only, al 12 in. For Ualtlnmir aud N alnng Inn (11. O. R. R.) dally except Hmiduy at G.25 and 8.30 a. m. and 8.14 p. m. Sunday only ai 3 05 p. m. Trains airle r Ketrtlug (P. suillon) from WllmlVKtun. li. A O. Junotlou. Munt hanln,t hadiisioid Juiirtlon, West Cheater, Lenape, Coalesviile, Wanesburg Junction, Hprlngflela,.ltn)inii, Lirdhburo, Gibraltar, Hey. furl and lnieiinedmii Hat ions, dally except Bunday at 10 2 i. m. 5 Wund 8.17 p. dry ' iily at 11.24 a. tu. From Bt. Petri, W .crwlek and tntennedlato Manors, daliy exeept hunrlay, at 8.28 a. m. and 2.25 p. in. Hmidiiy only at 0 p. in. From Blrdshn, and Intermediate Katloun, Baturday only at 1.40 p. ni. From Wai-hluKiDU and Itullmiore. dally tx eept Bunday, 10 20 a. m 6.62 and 8.17 p. in. fiunday nnlj al 11.24 a. in. BOWNKSH HHKUJH, Oeu'l Pus. Agt. A. O. MOCAUBLAND, Hupt. mi mm or lost of FJUiaiiw ksbUkl. Nt I I Hi IHllill luily )lot .r.J. 11 o Io rnlwy tvrvil etmtrllirDniEii-.' JllilHl-KJI'UHilK.iSSjil'Al'.TmUfflOUlf. til"i It -ntiiil'nr It'iSb 1 Hk-TBK'.r li.-Btfllf In 4Juj Aitnu EH1E hldoiOAL CO., BUFFALO. N. V FOR KuTTmltTzmm' aVSIWEMUMMO COLLAR or CUFF CAN BE RELIED ON BpUt! BEARS, THIS MARK. TRADE; Summer Resort, Pic-mc and Pleasure Grounds I LAKKSIDK (Kast Mahauoy Junction) mid way between fliabmoy City and Tama qua, now managed by a now stock com pany, will be open tu tho public within a low weks, and dates ran now be ecured. A u umber of societies have already been booked and others wishing desirable dates should nialte application without delay, Cndcr the new management many Improve nv nt. will he mnde, some of them being now nnder way, thnt will make it the plc-nlcand pleasure grounds of the region. A Urge dancing pavllllon nnd a trottlnrz park nre among the newaddltlons. Thebest horses In tho State will be secured to run or trot thlseason. and outings. For dates and other on or address, Excursion Manager,, PA, "Williams & Bro, Chamber Bets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Wash Btands, Couches, Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Bldeboards, Bin lpg Tables, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Hmoklng Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, ' Bofas, Tea Tables, Parlor Bulls, Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Music Cabinets, Piano L hairs, Hall Btands, Settees, Ball Tables, Fancy Tables, Wood Mantels, Book Cases, Writing Desks, R T Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines. E EEDBIHG UPHOLSTERY GOODS BOTTOM PRICES. J. P. Williams & Bro SHENA2TDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. A newlv dlsmvered HtlNHlAL WATER, the use ol which will mpply Important ele ments necessary to health. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, Btomneh, nnd all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dissolve inlcull and remove them. Itrirmms trie uuc acid from the uiooa una inns fiosiroys juaiuna anu rhllls. It cures llrleht's disease, and ls es. welallv recommended for people advanced In life, nnd for general debility. For undoubted proofs or this M-nd for pamphlet giving mil PERRY, Water ol LUe Co., 31 eoiun juinn wiises-uarre, ra. FIRE IKSUBAITCE I Urjut ui VM Etlliile Pmilj lu Ciajulti Represented by OAVID FAUSK 120 B, Jardln Street B11ENAJNDOAU.PA hiladelphia and Beading JRailroadi lUna Table in tBeei Mai 10, 1801 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS. For New York via Philadelphia, week days. u 0,-jo, 7,-jj a. m. ana 12 So 'HO ana 111. Hundav 2.10 nnd 7.4X a. m. h'nr Nay York, via Alanch Chunk, week days. 5.20. X), n. m. and li.T and XtOp. m. For Headlne and FhltRdeinhin wrAk davs. 2.10, 6.26, 7.2U, a. m., Li.M 2.&0 and 65 pirn. anaay, 2.10 and 7.43 a. m. r or uarrisDnrg, week aays, zio,7.2U a. m,i u, o. y. lu. for AJJestown, week days, 7.20 v m. 12.SS Op. m. cor l'ottsvllle, week days, z.lo,7.20,a. ms. ,oj imiw wuu o.oo p. xu. ounuay, x,iu nu .ia ul. Jror Tamaqua and Mnhanny Olty, week; ays, 2.10, S.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.3) 2.E0 aud 0.50 . m. buudav. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. Additional or Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. m. for ljRuoasier sou ixuumuia, weeK oayst ,20 n. ra 2.0 p. m. for wiiuamsiMiri, snnnury ana ijewisuurs. eek days. 8.25, 7.20 nnd 11.3'J n. m.,, 7.00 m. aunaay i. m. ror Mnhanov 1'lane. week davs. 2.10 X 25. Hi. 7.30 and 11.30 a. m.. iZ.W. 1.35. X50. 5.65. .00 and p. m. Uunday, 2 10, iM RBd7.4S m. i.i'sp. m. for Ulmrdvllle (Itappahannock Htutlon) , M .-. n ,.. K , . LI ..... 11 Wh ... wutoi". o.... u.M, nuu ...try Hi IU. 12.3S, 1 US, uo, 6.53, 7.00 and 0.25. p. m. Sunday, "or Ashland nnd hhtunokln,, week days. l, 5.25, 7.20, 11.3) a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and U.2S m. Bunday S.2i a, in., 11.06 i. m. lltAINS UK HHK.NANDOAH: iave New York via Philadelphia, weeX '0-8.7.46 a. m., 1.80, 4.00. 7.90 p. m 12. 1C nUUUH'1 U.W HI., I.IU UIHUln Leave New York via ilanch Chunk, week .ilH. 4.80. 8.45 a. 111.. 1.00 nud 4.0J D. m. c ir fjui uviyuiM. him uujtd, i.iy, nuh .0.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. ru., fn m Broaa .i.l Callowuill and 8.35 tt. m. aud 11.30 v. m. (roin ttthanc roju oireeU. Hunday 0.05 a. n 11.10 p. m. from 9th anC -.ueu. iHHve tveHaiUK, week aays, l.Ji. 7.1", 10.C& idlLSOa. m.. 65.7Ji7u.m. Huudav 1.35 ana via a. m. LonVo Putlavllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 n. in.. .St-, Blip. ui. Unnday, 2.40 u, m. and 2.05 UI. J.eave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.43 ana 2 1 a. m., l.n, t.ka, anu .is p. m. ounuay 3.u in. nud 2.50 u. in. .Leave Mahauov Ultv. week davs. 3.40. 0.1 a nd 11.47 a. ui.. 1.51. 7.42 aud 0.44 Hun- lay, 3.4U a. m 3.20 p. in.. ijunve iuananoy 1'lane, week onys,2'4J,l.vir 30, M. 11. .0 a. lu. ,l.ti5, 2.00. d-20, 0 26, 7.57, ana i.oo p. m. 4.00. and 8.SB. m. m. 4i, p. ni. xjwyb uiraruviue (luippauannocK csiaiionj vek days, 2.47, 4.07, and ti.41 a. w., 12 0 12. 5.28. 0.S1. b.03 and 10.05 n. m. tiundar. 2.471 T,, S.2ba. m. 3.41 p. m. xieave w liiiamspori, week nays, 6.w,v -ij ana ,(u a. m. o.o ana 11.13 p. m. ouuaay ai.a. m. ifor Baltimore. Washington and the wesl la 1). it O. It. It., through trains leave Glrara avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. it. K.l l 1.1D, PUX IIUU 11.44 U. 111., 1.1H, D.OO HD't .23 n. tn. uunday. 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. tu.. 4.24 .55 and 7.21 p.m. AXLuVrvUU Olll IJ1V1H1UJN, leave Pnlladelnhla. Chestnut Htreet Wharl aid South Htreet Wharf. Kor Atlantic CUT. Weok-days Express 0.00 a. in. and 2.00. .00 p. ui. Accommodation, B.00 a.m., 6.00 . m, dundays. Express, B.00, a, m. Accorame atlon, 8.00 a. in. and i.M p. ni. uelurnlng, leave Atlantic city, depot corner .uadtlc and Arkansas avenues. Week-dayn -Express, 7JSO, 0.00, n. m. and 4.00, p. m. nccrnniodatlon. 0.00. B.(J5 a. m. and 4.BO (.SO p. m. oanuays. xuprcHs, .w p. in. avwuuuojs Ion, 7.110 a. ro. and 4.30 p. m. II n U1N1V1I U. Iln'l Vana'p Afftr. A. MOLEOD. Pres. A Uen'l Manager, Lehigh Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT OF PABSSNOEB TRA1K9. MAY 10. 1891. Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for Maucu Cliunk. Lehlehton. Blatlnetun. Cata- sauqua, Allentown. Bethlehem, Kaston, 1'hll. aueipnia ana iew xoiKmo.Hi i.w, t).u3s.iu,ft 12.W, a.iu, o.zu p. m. Kor Belvldere. Delaware Water Gap and. tstroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m. r or utmnertvuie ana ireniou, .u a. m. For White Uaven. Wllkes-Barre and PlttS". ton 5.47, 8.08, 10.41 a. in., 3.10 and 520 p. m. For xunkhanuock, 10.41 a. m a.iu una d.m . m. For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and and Lvono 10.11 a. m and 5.28 p. m. or licey vine, xowanna. oayre, v aveny. uiiuiiu, iMitucBim. numtiui nimmn fttiia. Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,anc$ 5.28 p. m. For F.lmlra and the West via Salamanca nil 3.10 p. m. For Auaennen, iiazieion, uiockion, urn, her Yard. Wentherly and Penn Haven Junc tion at 5.4f, 7.40, 8,08 a. m. and 12.62, 3.10 ana 58 p.m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver Meadow, 7.40, 0,08 a. m. and 6.28 p. m. For Mcranton at 6.47 0.08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and 6:28 p. m. f oriiazie riroorc, jeaao, xrniion ana rTeo land at 6.47, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41 a. m 122 3.10 an :o p. m. For Uuakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m.. and 8.10 p. m. For Wlggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at. 6.50 and tf.08 a. m., and 4.10 p. m. F'or Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano. 5.47. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41. 10.68 a. m..li52. 8.03 .2i and 10.27 p.m. roriosi ureek, Jiraravme ana Asmana 4.27, 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 65, 8.10 and 9.11 p. m. For Dnrkwater, Bt, Clair and Pottavllle 7.40, 8.08, 10.58 a. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and 8.03 p. m. f or nncK cionntain, jNew uosion ana. Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 108 a. m.. 12.62. 3.10. 6.28 anCL 8.03 p. m. For Raven Run, Centralla, ML, Cormel and Bhamokln, 82, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 ana e.ui p. m. Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah.. 7.5'j 115 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 0J!O p. m., arrlvlnt at Hhenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 audi p. in. nu.iiiv I inaiao. For Lost Creek. Ulrardvllle and Ashland. 6.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.4.5 p. m. For Darkwater, Bt. Olalr and Poitsvllle. 6.50, 8.1X1, 90 a. m.. 2.45 p. m. ror xaiesviiie, mananoy ijiiy ana ueiano 8.00, 11.S5 a. ru., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. For Lofty, Audenrled and llaileton, 8.00 aa m 1.40 p. m: For Manch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kastoa and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m: f ur ruiraueipuia, i.m p. m. .11. BYINQTON, Uen'l Pass. AKt., Bethlehem. Don't foriret that this Is the onlv rtirel vvp table and effective blood purifier known. Used for 300 years In Brazil, and two years iciu iu mis uuuuiry. ii ausoiuieiy ueuirni Ires nnd removes all Impurities of tho blood, whether of scrolulouB or specific origin, In herited or acquired, aud ls the onlyrellablo remedy. Contains no mineral, and hoe no failures and no relapses. Sold at Klrlin's Drug Store, Ferguson' t IloUl.liloch, Shenandoah, Pa. Tt iftueutly curevl by- 1J11X AUH i in i . J-4ie-to peratijj or lufftj'' Hi i ii ' ' inLtfSi t ii prououueed a cura'do uy . tii ' . ' U. n( nl (nrClrculail Mi.ns- mi . . . - i rx f- li-n VrM. -1 TllOUSiUiiJr, f. V I Ut II 1 lil i Ml H 'I 'll LUHt bVMttU caceUuursBtol SM BR