The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 22, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-NO. 1G0. SHENAND O AH, PA., MONDAY, JUNE 22. 1891. own
r i i i i i ii i i ii i .i.i i. ,.. - i , ' V--f.l.
EI, !
as of
'orter, J
ied for it
nty.ra. Ji
7b the Republican Electors of Pennsylvania:
After consultation and correspondence with
the members of the Republican State Committee,
and by their directiont I hereby give notice that
the Republican of Pnnsytvaniat by their duty
chonen representatives, unit meet in State ftm
ventionat Ilarrisbutg, Wednesday, August 19,
1891, at 10 o'clock A Af., for the purpose ofplac
ingin nomination candidates for the offices of
State Treasurer and Auditor Gcnei'at, for the
nomination of eighteencandidatesfor Delegates
at'Lnrge to the Qmxtitufionat Convention pro
'idedfor in Mi AH of A isembty approved June
19, 1891, and for the transection of such other
butnes as may be prcxcnUd
IS'oliee is etpeeia'ty directed to the fact that, in
accordance with the provision of the taut men
txoned act, each Senatorial dvilrtct U 'mtillcd to
tt representation of three delegates in said Con
stitutional ConvetUton, tiro of whom only can be
vicmbrx jf the nvtf rtty party in sant district.
The electors ofen'h difMct are therefore r?
quested to makf proper nomlnatiwn for dte
gate to aaio confentmn, the mi'sgove ninv he
tiovwmtlon ff candidate for Na'eSrmitor to
be applicable
Inthin foanetitton the ChaUmo.ndexirx to call
the itttenlton oj Republican voter to the rc?i
mendaUon of the State Qumnitiov of 182, that
they ntiow the greatest freedom tn the grttrrat
participation in the jnimtries ronnittcnt with
the pmci'vat'on of the party organization,"
in. II. Ay DREWS, Chairman.
(49 Swooping official changes in tho Nevi
York Custom llouso are ncrnln nrpillrtnd
Ex-Empress Eugenie and Princess
Laetitla will start (or Farnsborough to
day. Joseph Barton, a farmer, was drownod
while battling in tho Hackensack Klvoi
at New Brings, N. J.
European Cabinets are now discussing
the expediency of taking united action
with a view to restoring nrderln llaytl.
Lyman G. Clark, who wus on trial al
Woodstock, Vt., charged with tho mur
der of his mothor-ln-law, was found no)
Thomas Nilford, a Koxbury, Ma9s.,
youth whoso puronts are poor, hai
fallen heir to $45,000 by tho will of hit
millionaire second cousin, Henri E.
l'omes of Paris.
A dispatch has been received in Ottawa
that tho Queen has olio rod to inuuo Lady
Macdonald a Peeress, as a recognition ol
her husband's distinguished services tj
the Empire.
Tho employes of the Compagnlo Gen
erate des Omnibus of Paris bavi
pussed u vote of thanks to Mr. Jamei
Gordon Beunett for his donation of 20,000
francs to tho lato strike fund.
At a conforenco of Democratic Senatori
nt tho house of the Hon. D. M. Road.
T) I .! . r CJ . .. . .1 .
u'lX -r ft Conn., it was decided to have a cancus ol
I Senators at Hartford next Wednesday to
discuss what tho Sonata shall do when It
next meets on June 29.
Waters' Weiss beer is tho best, John A.
Keilly solo agent. 6-5-tf
CE3STTS per yd for the
'Sold In other stores for SSe. All Moor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpel Store, 10 South Jardin Si, nsar Centre
3 pounds
i. Pa. i jLva Guaranteed equal to
i. t.
my iter
& ift M vem vanes (linger Snaps and 23 (sen Its, 3 lbs? tor 26c
erton wWtiT'i,,, -,.7f -f.. t.... .
1)m KUKivnii jrnwHW) iivu
uest t Evaporated Peaches, 15c,
Canned' Pears and Plums,
Canned Peas and Corn, 3 or SSc'
trench Sardines in oil, 2 or 25c.
Our line Old Java Coffee,
Our Thirty-Cent Uoastcd Coffee,'
Our JBancy Creamery Butter',
Our Choice Dairy Butler,
I JSOW UJS KA.U1L 11151115,
Ij Cars Choice Quality Timothy Hay baled
Tender Farwoll to Relatives When
Informed That All Hope Was
Gone Ho Was an Eminent
Lawyer and Benator.
111 Xatlmal Press Association.
Indiam'oi.iw, June 2!J. Ex-Senotcr Jlc
Donald died at midnight. Early In the
morning tho unfavorable symptoms of
soveral days ago appeared and during the
dHy tho patient's condition continued to
grow1 more serious, lie could retain no
nourishment whatever and tho llttlo re
maining of his former strength slowly
ebbed away. But consciousness nover
During the afternoon tho Rev. Mr. Mil
burn was sent for and administered the
sHcramont. Then Mr. McDonald called
his family and intlmato friends about
him and o:ilmly, ns if the occasion were
were ono of the most ordinary kind, gave
directions for his funeral arrangements
and the disposition of Borne of his per
sonal nffulrs.
In the presence of all he said ho wished
to glvo testimony to hi faith in God's
saving grace. Then he grasped each by
the hand and bado them good byo, say
ing that ho could see no mora callers.
Ills auditors thus dismissed, tho dying
man surrendered himself to tho care of
bis physician te await the coming of tho
Sketch nt nil Career.
With Joseph Ewlng McDonald there
passes away one of the most notahlo fig
ures In national politics. McDonald was
born In Butler Couuty, Ohio, August 29,
lrJ10, and his father dlod when he was an
infant. When ho was only 11 years old
McDonald was apprenticed to a saddler.
To this fact is due his sobriquet, "Old
In the "thirties1' McDonald determined
tb secuie a colleglato education and be
come a lawyer. He was graduatod in
1842 from the Asbury University, and
tour years later was admitted to the bar.
After serving three years as Attorney
General he was sent to Congress. Ho
served only ono term in the House, bolng
beaten for a return by Ollvor P. Morton.
He then became ambitious to go tho Sen
ate, and undertook tho reorganization of
the Democratic party in his Stato, which
had been sadly demoralized during tuo
war. He was made chairman of tho
Denjocratlo State central committee, and
in 1874 the Democrats captured the Leg
islature by a fair majority. In return
for bis services McDonald was elected to
tho Unltod States Senate and took his
seat March 4, 1875. Ho held It for six
years. During his term he made himself
verv nonular socially.
His home at tho national capital was a
resort for senators and Uongressmen,
Mrs. McDonald had been a wife before
becoming the Senator's bride. The Sena
tor acted as her counsel in proceedings
which resulted in an absolute separation
from her former husband, and tho
Hoosler Democrat soon afterward mar
ried her.
Fow men' of more intense partisanship
than McDonald ever entered tuo benato.
His platform then, ns repeatedly ox.
pressed by him, wast "Jacksoniun De-
Hnroa Jlula and Free TradaJ'
for 25c,
anything in the market at
I-ot of
ttva. jur aov,
lleccntly, n'owever," wnen' nis party
shouted the shibboleth of free stiver, Mc
Don. ild embraced every possible oppor
tunity to deuounco tho scheme to de
grade tho American dollar by making 80
cents worth 100 cents. McDonald had a
strong following in tho 1884 and 1888
Democratic Presidential conventions.
Many Iudlanlans favored his nomination
for the Presidency In 1884. Tho notional
leaders of the party wouldn't listen to tt,
but put up Cleveland, with Hendricks
for second place. Four years lator he
wns pressed for the Vice-Presidency, but
Indiana was ignored. Since that dis
appointment the ox-Senator has devoted
himself to his profession.
McDonald's face and form were known
from ono end of the country to the other.
Ho waft tall, of powerful, chunky build
and weighed at least 2S0 pounds. His
cheeks wero chubby and his head was
bald, except for n fringe of snowy spit
curls that decorated it just above the
cars. A lino of white, extending from
ear to car, around under tho chin, was
all that remained of a onco luxuriant
Spotted nil Undertitkpr'ii Job.
Lakcartkh, Pa., June 22. Miss Louisa
Hallstock, a pretty 18-year-old daughter
of Levi Hallstock, was supposed to bovo
died from the effec's of asthma, Tho
attending physician had prouounced her
dead, and the family had sent for an un
dertaker to preparu tho body for burial
and arrange the other details ot the
funeral. When the undertaker arrlvod
tho family wer olectrlilod on seeing tho
young woman suddenly move nnd thon
sit up in bed, rubbing heroyes as though
sho had been sleeping. She constantly
Improved, and now she is on a fair road
to recovery.
An Antl-KlcM-llnur Coniblue.
PmsBCno, Pa., Juno 2. All efforts to
huvo tho Carpenters and Iiullders' Asso
ciation meet to compromise on tho strike
have failed and atlairs are far worse
than before. Tho carpenters say a mam
moth combination of corporations and
individuals hasboeu formed against them
in order to smother the eight-hour movo
at Its birthplace, so that tt cannot spread
over tho country with any assurance of
No Agreement In a Mnlprttctlce Suit.
Buffalo. N. Y., Juno 22. Tho jury In
the caso ot Mary Ann Noonun ugalnst
Dr. Scott Skinuor, of Ieroy, and Dr. Geo.
Herrmann, of Avon, to recover $5,000 for
alleged malpractice, reported that they
were unable to ugrco.
Tho Mnrcr-Mnliun Flcht Ilertulvil On".
Ban Fiiancisco, Juno 23. Tho Califor
nia Athletic Club declared the light be
tween Mayer nnd Malum off on account ot
Mayor's Illness, and awarded Maban $2Qd
forfeit. Tho fight was to come off July
riavul Wurkiliop Uurned.
Vienna, June 22. The Austrlun nnval
workshop at Pola, on the Adriatic, has
beau destroyed by fire.
A Lawnr 1 1red of r.lro.
Locuroivr, June 22. James A. Long, c
Tonawanda attorney, who went to Tona
wanda from Utica several months ago, ii
missing. On Saturday Long's room mats
received u letter from him, stating that
he was tired ot life and that his body
would bo found in the Niagara River.
He was absolutely peunllos3 and had
grown despondent.
AVludlnc Up an Imurauco Company,
Stockton, Cal,, Juno 22. Tho Alta
Insurance Company will shortly go out ol
business utter a llfo of three years. The
directors yesterday accepted nn offer of the
Connecticut to reinsure the Alta's risks,
and as soon as us uttairs aro satisfac
torily arranged tho company will bo dis
solved. Rearchlne for Auulo Fredericks.
Wilkesbarhe, June 22. Eight hun
dred men and boys, armed with nrovls
lonslforjtwo days, left here to search the
mountains tor little Annlo Fredericks,
who disappeared irom ner Dome last
Tuesday, It is supposed that she wai
lost In the woods.
Shot Xlli llefniner and IUiuaelf.
Roanoke, Va., Juno 22. HoustOE
O'lieachatn fatally shot II. N. Trout al
TroutviUe and then committed suicide.
The ttiurderer accused his victim ol
spreading, reports derogatory to bis repu
Mr. itlalna Steadily Improving.
BAn Harboh, Juuo 22. Secretary ol
State Illutno is reported by his physlclam
to Do steadily improving, tils Health li
better than at any time since his lllnest
in New York.
fllctfonagal llutietl.
New Yokk, June 22, Old Dr. Henrj
G. McGonegal, convicted ot causing tlx
death ot Annie Goodwin, the prett)
cigarette girl, was reloased on ball to
day. '
Coke Workers Stuv Strlka Again,
Scott dale, Pa Juno 22. It was re
ported to-day that the labor leaders wll'
call the Whole coke region out again aj
soon as possible.
Oompletod to Deadwood.
Tho Burlington Route, tt, U. & Q. U, K.,
from Chicago, Peoria and St. LouU, Ii now
completed, and daily pateengor trains aro
running tbrougli Liuooln, Neb., and
Custor, S. 1)., to Deadwood. Also to New.
castlo, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Doad-
wood. tt
Go and fo Kn ) tho I' a Itmt phrVo
graplir , ,n,i (tpi i ,nr ol tn. so i an'iful
gilt iraaic ho Rivf a away. 0 J2 CI
A Committee of Ono Hmidrod and
Fifty Selected for the Festival.
The Plocea nnd Prizes
Several days ago the Hkkai.o announced
that thero wa? a movoiuont to hava an
op?n-air cUeddfod at L'ikeuue (Ki Ala
hanoy Junction) on SatunUy, August 1",
next. Tho movement, touk tho initiative
thrto weeks hru and pradtnlly jfi-tt in
strength ni,i I K.t Saturday nVht. fun :
developed luni a fuil grown. Uealiuy uo
very proini- nj; uiidrUilinc.
On Sttturdav evening a ntmiber of the
Kentlmnen sel.e ed to esrvo on the com
mittee met in town. Aliland, Mhbai'oy
City, Mhh inoy Plane, Wm. Petin a.d
other place were well retros?ntd and the
meeting wh a very harmouirtis and buu-tifas-like
ono, all pinto px,irsr tni strung,
faith in the belief ibat an open-air uUludd
fod (none ever having been held in this
section before) would bo a grand success.
After a ditcusjinn luuubng upon ttie
preliminary aifaimerncnU the coniiuiUfe
procoodedU) arrmige tint proL-ramme tor
the eittedalod and fix the in r.t a follows :
I'Hiiri n a vv v
"llnll.lujfth l-lio-tifc- (Usiidel) lor rol lo-s
llihii 00 aud not mure nu 0 oleos .... KiM
And a valKHhlf nhl rne.U tv ilic U'dr
"lhe hidiimer' (Owent) for nof li-nsMian '
flOituil not inoie i ,im ui mico siW
"clrtylllt,. cii ,, iIh. sIu i rn m,,
...'.r'..'1"1" &d "' iiia i W vol.f s.7s
Oh lli'.i ehMus"( ii.,, tiyc .Wlil b... . Slfj
"ioi I in Ilia K,r Hltf (imioi o)wiiri
uy in. 1 Josh Witilnep, r i ' ,vei tj
"Home, htreet U. mi:" uv llnr m, '
violin who Willi t ..iimeO'tmwii lnieni...lo. '
"Ond la nji r t," iumii e ij
"Ine Two lt'itU, ' mule duet io
"1 Noble lloyofTru It," !' rl:oii- i,
" ",n ' ".'-itLuiu io iw bi noil 'red
mj fetifntrj
l.itil, (IIUikhL 1, link iiiiu l.u .1 -...-,
Hie iniiie will lie iMi. It tn or tiatttU
n'um in" prnse win ne t,7., Willi a vttlitah'fi
ttiil J ni'dBl'oilio bind . inur. Tue tclA'Utin
Will lie u mud by ihjtBrI.ittrr ,ji a-tnM--il.ty.
Tbo'cominittoa will meet ai the re denoe
of Sir. John II. Kvanc. Mlienaiidoab, I'tt.,
on Monday, Juno 20, 1801, at 7 p. m.
Any addtlional infortuHiioii desire mav
bu had upon application to V. ., Watkitik,
Secretary, Slienand ah, l'a., to whom nil
communications should bo addiestod.
The oflicorj and members of the com
rawaril Heme, Centralis, Prmldent: V". J. Wat-
f-t'""uu,n, ixTfmrj-; vni. mhii auil.lnrjn
H.Evam, trpasurem. The other ni ubeni of lhe
. u,l,rV nre: ,J viiiiainn, wiiuen-Bnrre;
John Linvis. .Hazluton; Davlil ltoberu. AuUurleu:
Dr. J. c Uiddle, Kouhtu u tarings; (iotli'MHkeatU,
Mnliaiioy C'ltj; l'rol. luvu Hvtbeit, ivttnvlllr:
jaiuen I oldsHorihy. rark place. Kubsrt Rolierta.
ev l'lilhueliiOla: John L. Willi mis. Mn'iindoali
Dm d V. I'rlcc, Athanil: Willl..m Brungliall.
JJ fliLri)i un: I'rof. luvl,l v mi , m .:iii..
jmnlel Thomsa Jloreui I houias Llojil tCryi'h Uen)
IjinsrurJ, iii'then l unci Juimnoj (.'uy, John A.
ltelliy.felunandoa1'; Wtlllatn Puwttll, Buck .i.rrai:-
;uii ii. y. puji'r. r-utiiauuuau; nr. wi, llama. Jit,
la mrl; llllum llurdon, wllherT'ii: tleorge bvkes
(iiranjille; John Dur. lu, Mieuumijali. Hon
KltttH DUla Kew lastlM Jot'll II. Inll,irl. Aahla,,,,.
Wliiluui 1'iilniei, Jlohanoy Ul; Ueorae iarka
hvana, Hhaiuoklu: Jauiea lloder ck hlocVtou; J. j.
..,w1,ftB,i,n,,,u,,uulH,ui ii. j. ii.vny, ueiura la; w.
If lewla Wm. Pern : Jebu JeUeiaoi., MiainoaiD:
Ihomaa 1). JoDea, Ndw ituston; J. llarry Jaue
Aslilunil; John J.Davla, St. Nlcuo aa; Wi liarn Mc
.lilrtrle, ABhland; '-eorge Uiissett, i'uerbville; O.
A Kelin, hheimmloan, William Jllilliunsu ark
Place! Morgan Pi Ice. Imi netk; 'I horuas caruu
lii'll.Bheiautloahi Hon. D. D. I'hllll oorilon.
Hees'laiker.St. .Nicholas; Elmer Lawall, W likes
Itorre; 'lhoma'H. lilaardi, Lost t.'rek; Ueoraf
,AJ'i!,."Auil'nrlr'li Wlillam Brown, .Manlo
Dale: W. W. I,ew I mrnn ivlun l,ln n,!. w,...
ntor 11. J. JlonaKlian, BhenauiUah; Oeoree W.
1 avis, Ceot-alla; McMillan Jlnhanoy City;
I homiiaMo nan, Audwirled; hluion Moore, Fraei.
vllie; Charlea Heat n, Kllenaowan; Jumea Heaton.
Lost Creek; Hon. it. f. Watson bheiundoab; XM.
waidhykis, Park Place; p. tentoo, lluek Moitn
tain; Klchard Palmer, Wra Peunl John Brown,
aiLtiiln Col. D. f. Brown, ljat Crteki J. .
I-ran-y, Mienandoahl ThomM j.lMnardi.Aahland:
William P. Jones, Otlberlon; J Ji. Pomnroy, Shen
aoduah; Thomaa llowella. CJIrard7liie: Huvidilor.
jfaii.bhenaiidooh; Frao IielTor.erackvllle; .lames
Wynne, Mabanou tlljj Thomas Ollea, Mali noy
Plane; 1 nomas Waldron Ijilislord: (. orge Ollgore,
ilahanoy City; David Heese, Aodenrledl lSllali
t)reirory,iiiardvlile; Oeorpo liurclnll, i'raekvllle;
A H. Lamb, Nhenandoah; i(ce ltosaer. ilahanoy
ClHl Waller Jn.iea, l.anford: V, Media' Maunnoy
Itji William NicUoim; Caleb Will,
lams, Huzlton: J. p. Jones, Pottaville: William
Oregory, AplUaiid; David Jonea. Mlneravlllei
Chrlat hchmldt bheua- doali! W. V. Leis,Maha
noy City; D. liable, bheuandoab; Hon. It. II.
IxucU Poiuvlile; Joan 31. llugbea Wm Peuui
Michael llradley, Mahanoy city, X, J. Oweus,
i-bei andoah; John J, Williams, Akhland; T. J,
Itfnards, Mahauoy City; Duvld Jones, bt, .Irholaa;
WJ Whltchouae, PolMvtllo; Thomas II Jlugbei,
Shenaudoali; John Jouoh. ljioslord; Thoniai
Italrd, bheiiandoah; James McDonald, bi Nlcliolas
Hon John WMorgn, bh.iiandoalr; JumfaFJonex,
l'hlladelihla; c K Tllrnau Shenaodoali; Jamea
Mnlr P ttsviile; William Davidson, Mahanoy City;
Hon Jahies 11 Itetllv PottHvllle: Artluir .rnnM
Hucliandoali; Fred ltMMe,shauaudoah; Andrew com
iey, Jiauanoy vuy; jonn u iiuvis, (illUi-rton; J J?"
Loan lila-s, uiraidvlllei Dr D W Williams, when
audonh; r Dllrlllltha btdali; bamueliiay, Polls
llle; PJ Ferguson, Rienalidoah; William Davld
aou Mahanny city; W 11 lam oaurlirw bt . Icholas;
vraun iiavti, nueiianiioau; Kvan Williams, ian
anov Lite: JlMnrv Wlerierhnlri. btieiiaiulcuili: Wm
i' Daniels ilahanoy i Ity; lleoj church ahecan
doali; Dr Jamat btefn, rl:enandoah; r J Ihivis,
Hbeuamloali: Hon W E Jonw, Maaunoy City; M J'
Fowler, bbenaadoah.
Harry Acker spent to-day In Hanloton.
Richard Ogden is home from Lafayette
College, Hasten.
Qontblo Toomey went to Hollywood
thlq morning to serve subpeena;.
Oner Snyder and lleuben Gllck, of
UloomsburL', spent Saturday in town.
Elmer Bobbins and wife, of Sac City,
Iowa, were in town last week.
ilisj Nellie lleilly left town on Saturday
for KinmetiburK, Jld., to attend tho gr&du.
atlng exeroHos of St, Mary's University.
Al. Millet, who spent tho past fow we-ks
in town tb Ruest of friends, left on Satur
day ovontng for Freeman's, West Virginia.
You i an L'it an excellent frame for noth
iui lveBRey s Art Smaio, Call at once.
Huv ! ' ) 11 iur, ll careful that the
na u LiKiMio & i .i., Ashland, Fa,, u
pnnio i "n cj, ry sa k. 3.3-8taw
SUNDAY EXCITEMENT. a West Oontro Street
At about four o'clock veatordav after.
"Ooi, ilio tiro department was called to the
i cfidenceol William T. L ndonmuth, on
Woi Centre street. When the firemen ar
rived groat excitement provailod in the
neighborhood and upon lnvortifcalion it
wa found Umt the kitchen stove had beon
blown to pieces. Tho fire that followed
was promptly exiinRinslied. l'iec of tho
stove were scattered in all directions. The
ceiling and walls of tuo kitchen wore
wrecked, a cupboard, with all is content',
was domolislmd ami tho window panes were
shattered. Ono piece of ilio stove went
through one of the walls into the kitchen ol
Henry Alois's house, nexi door, badh
damaged a cupboaid and annulling ita oon
ti'lit". When interviewed by a IIkkald re
Doner .Mr. Ii'Lilenniuih oould not. accduitt
lor the disaster. He said he knetv of no
diialin or other explosive being in the
heme and no'm w ,.ia,i ;,, ... . i...
tov to his knowledge.
Tne lielKhbois cliim to bavo excellent
auiho-it lor U.e statement that throe sticks
o. diialin were placed in tho ovon of tho
stove to lie dried.
There aro two other thooriea. Hi in Lhat
lliostovo was dampened alter It had been
tl'ltd damp ooal and that lhe get'or
a.ttig gas caused the mischief. Another is
that perhaps some can traveled with Inn
coal from the mine.
Fortunately Mr. Irndentnuth's famllv
was not in the houso when tho exnlosion
Pawnoo Bill Gives Els Final Ex
On Saturday tho AVild Wt hn
cl sed its eiigHKainont boforo one of the
target Rtitlierings of tho week. Tho
wather was throntoning a'l day, otherw -o
tuo attendance Would have been immense.
. Tne management was Imndicapii'd by
bad weather all week and, t- it d.d not
mnka rirTtrfTt "Kionev. it sno.i.v,.,l.i i
demonatr-iioi Ita ,;;,- B,,u wttttne-
ties to MSPiuue and carry out laro
undflrUki-ig!, r,nd i, n'.0 sttpoeeiled in
widely ndvei i-iug one of the finest and
beit pleasure grounds in tho coal regions.
His only a question of time when the
p'aco will become tho most popular place
In the state.
With the contemplated improvement?,
those already under way by the company
and the pi-opoied new depot and sheds by
the railroad coinnanv. tho chanm in tho
appearand! of the place will bo wonderful.
urn rouipietion of the Hazloton and
Tainiiqiiii rai road will givo moans of access
to Ijikesido from an entirely new country.
A new hotnl, coiisolidation ol' tho lakes,
a i i'w s earner and a large number of now
bofs tliu ericlieii of cottages, boat and
bath lioU'es are among tho improvements
ui der contemplation for the great resort.
The Wild West people wore delighted
with the place nnd several nice offer wero
tnade'by tome of the people to put up ner
manent amuse uents. Alslor Lillio and
w.fothouRht a more cotiinact. or nwitinr
plife lor tuelr Kind of performances could
not be fouud.
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a regular stated moeting of the
Kescue Hook and Ladder Company, No.
1, of bhenandoah, Pa told In their hall on
Thursday ovonlng, May 28tb, 1691, tho
following preamblo and resolutions wero
unanimously adoptod, oxpressivo of tho
deep sorrow felt by this company In tho
unexampled calamity which has befallen It
in the loss of ono of its most beloved and
valuablo mombors, in tho person of Georgo
0. Thomas :
WllEUKAB. llv the AGsldnnt at KnhW
Kim colliery, May 19th, 18'U. o,.o of our
brother members. Goorie (j. Thomas, was
suddenly hurled without a moment's
warning trim time into eternity j therefore
be it
Jletolccd, That In the death of this
brother, our oom patty has suffered a severe
loss, ono that we feol most deeply; that this
brother war a faithful and earnest mombsr,
prominent in every good work, and active
In the Interests of tho nomnanv. thu lira
department and community.
uttoivea, mat we extend to tho atllictod
fatnilv our sincere svmnatbv in thnlr sml
affliction and commond them (ot care to
turn wno can remove all sorrow,
Ketolved. That those resoluLlnna hn
entered on tho records of the company,
printed In local papors and presented to
tho family of the deceased, and that in
token of our loss the hall of the company
bo draped In mourning for a period of
thirty days.
A. a. HArjENnucH,
Christ Foltz,
Aiikaiiam Green-,
A Now Business.
1', J. Gleary has opened a storo in tho
Ferguson's building, on East Centre itroet,
and is prepared to furnish tho local trade
with fine leather and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. Ills stock is
a large one and well equipped to fully
supply all demands of tho trade. 6-15-tf
Now Bakery.
Schelder Bros, have oponed a Dew
bakery at 27 8outh Main street where you
can get fresh bread, cakes, candy ami ko
rroam, Give them a call. 6 5 8m
Consul Corto Is Stirring up Troublo
In Rome Ho Tolls a Now Story
About tho Now Orleans
I'aius, June 22. Tho Comto do Hon
tebello, who replace JI. de Lnbotilnye hi
French Ambassador at St. I'etcrsburg,
will be speclnlly chnrgod to obtain defin
ite Information from the Czar in to the
action of liuasla In tho event of war be
tween France nnd Germany.
JI. Rlbot, Minister of Foreign affaire,
has learned thnt M. de Lnbottlnye's fall
tiro to got tho proposals for nn nlllnnce
discussed arose from the Czar's anger at
the fact that the ovorturos wero first
submitted to JI. do Giora, Russian Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs, Inatoad of to him
self. Nat the Tiling but ttie 1'orm Objected To.
The Czar ordered JI. do Glers to Ignore
the proposals for negotiations, and took
tho first occasion to snub JI. do Labou
laye, who felt compollod to ask JI. Rlbot
to rollovo him from his duties. The
withdrawal of Baron Jlohrenholm, Rus
sian Ambassador nt Paris, Is immlnont,
as JI. do Ijiboulayo acted on his advice.
During tho visit of the French squad
ron to Crons.adt tho Czar will be person
ally approached on tho subject of unltod
nctlon against tho Drolbtind, which Is
rendored all the nioro necessary through
the menacing of the commercial coali
tion of the two countries.
Ilo la Airing Ilia Views In Hum on tho
New Urleuna Lynching.
Romk, June 22. Slg. Corto continues
to nir his views on thosnbjoct of tho Now
Orleans lynching on every posslblo occa
sion. Ho is particularly flattered by his Im
portant,. is evident that his utter,
unces aro framed to stir up and inliiime
popular opinion.
Ilo also teems to bo making a side
show of tho little boy Grimnndo, who
survived the New Orleans massacre, but
his main object ovidontly appears to bo
to establish himself ns hero in the
oyes of the people of Italy.
In an lntcrvlow which is published In
the Corriere dl Napoll with blm, nnd
which is evidently designed to increase
popular feeling, he snysi
"On-the day of tho massacro of tho
Italians tho crowd, drunk with fury,
ruahod Into the street in which tho Itnl
Inu Consulate la situated.
"1 was abandoned by my servants nnd
alone, with the aid of my secretary, I
barricaded the door nnd nwaltod my ns
sallers, revolver lu hand. They wero
llnnlly counselled by influential per
sons, and although tho lynchers hooted
nnd hissed Insults nt Italy, thoy did not
attack the Consulate"
French Tlirouts ltesentocl. "
Constantinople, June 23. Tho Torts
refuses to bo Intimidated by the throats
ot tho French Embassy into hasty action
In the matter of tho recent riots ns Jeru
salem between tho G rooks and the Ro
man Catholics, in which tho Turkish
soldiers rather took tho side of tho
Greeks. Tho French Ambassador sent ii
peremptory message for redress in be
half ot the Catholics, whose protector
Francs claims to bo. Tho I'orte, how
ever, Ignores tho Fronrh Interference and
is going about the investigation In a
deliberate way.
Miles' Norvo nnd Llvor PUIb
Act on a pew principle regulating the
liver, ftomach and bowels through lite times.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Uneqnaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest I 50 doses,
25cts. (samples Kree, at C. 11. Jlagenbuch's
Given away, until July 15tb, a beautiful
gilt frame, with every dozen of our best
finished photographs. Koagey, 112 Wc6t
Coal street, Shenandoah, Pa. fl-22-0t
It Is ft well known flint thnt. Pnn.TtniL
CoukIi and Consumption Cure has cured Con
sumption, Couehs aud Colds when all else
tolled. Maud 50 cents. bottles tree at
Kirlln's drtii; store.
15 Cents a Pound.
Not off grade goods,
But First-class Stock,
Nn 199 Kr