-I'Olt- Pcnics and Outings Severn, tho Grocor, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vcgetal)lcs,Canned Meata, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. Now supply sliced Summer Sausage All new and fresh goods. lEJ-VIEIRIENr'S, Cor. Centre and White Streets. I The Evening Herald. l'UlUilSIIKI) DAILY AND WKEKf.Y. LOCAL LUNCHEON, flro-flies about. To-morrow summer commences. Stone orushor is expected next woek. The strawberry festival is on tho wano. Cherry ii and pudding i now popular, Hoys and plcla aro enjoying tho vacation day. The preserving season is now fully in augurated. Tho Juno moon which was now on tho 6th will bo fu'l on tha i.2d. iho socret of many a man's failure in life is downright laitinoss. Tho late V. T. llaruum, tho great show man, oeneveu in advertising and Jelt an oetato worth over four million dollars. xwo-inirusoi inocnurcu members ol .inn country are women, and out of 45 000 con victs in our slate prisons mora than 43.C0O ure men. Tito best preventative for wrinklos is good temper, care as to diet, and tho alill ity to wash your face properly, that is, smoothing tho wrinkles out every time it is bathed. "A little lem .n on the bottom" affords a emilo to tho dispenser as ho shakos acid from tho botllo into tho glass beforo the vhisky. Still there is a reality about lemons. It does not seem like a fair verdir.l for a jury to render pronouncing a man "not iillty," and then saddle half tho costs upon him. lie must bo either guilty or not guilty, nnd If not guilty why make him pay cost'. II you wifh to haro fine tomatoes and plenty of them cut back ail tho loading shoots from three three to six inches, and roniovo all sprouts from thu base of tho plants. Thoro will bo an important gain in oarlinese, productiveness and size ot plaute. Its Excellont Qualities Commend to publlo approval tho California liquid fruit romody Syrup of Pigs. It is pleasing to tho oyo, and to Iho taste Biid by gently acting on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, clesming tho systom effectually, thereby promoting tho hoallh and comfort of all who uso it. Playing Cardo. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending flfteon cents in postage to V. S. Kustis, Gon'l l'ass. Agt., I., C. & O.K. It. Chicago, III. tf Now Bakory. achoiuor Uros, havo oponeu n new liakory at 2" South Main street, whoro you can got fresh bread, cakos, candy nnd ice cream. Give thorn a call, 0-5 3m Complotod to Doadwood. The Burlington Kouto, C, 15. & Q. K. II., from Chicago, I'eoria and St. Louis, is now complotod, and daily pasongor trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D to Deadwood. Also to Now emtio, "Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead wood. tf Coming Evonto. Juno29. l'icnto at Columbia Tark by National Guard of Warsaw. July 4 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Hose Stoam 1'iro Engino Com pany. July 20th, Festival and entertainment; Hobblns' ppora houeo, under the auspices of Silver Wave Castle, A. 0. K. of il. 0. Upst , work ,done at Bronnan's stcara laundry. Everything whito and spotless, Laco curtains a spocialty. All work guar antoed. A Glorious Record. Since the Introduction of the Famous Pan, Tina Cough and Cousump'.lon Cure tn this vicinuy, ine aeain rale irom consumption has decreased wonderfully i It never (alls lo effect a cure, and Is the best Cough rafdtctne. Try It. Trial bottles free at Ktrlln's drug more. Advertiso In the IIkrald. WALL PAPER ! A CAHLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT MULLET'S Blanks 5o Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2c Window Shades, spring rollers..25o Curtain Poles 25 o MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Swnanooafi, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND, ' Dlod of Sun Stroke. j Mm. Kllon Olivine, n w.dow realdini; at ine corner m .unyuer-j n'ny una uhdoi street, dloil la; ovening from the efl"cu of sun H.-oke, received list Monday while alio whs moving. PERSONAL. MlM I.ucy Klcbardi, of 1'hlladolphta, i( vniuriK friend in town. Ml Idn Hull, of WaynMborough, l'ranklln oounty, it vlsllinir JUm Adel'e Sbufl'er, of North Main etroat. Court Notes. In tho cam of Michael Mouughttn nnd i Thoinns H Ian, who wero clmmed wl'.o 'ftroen v bv Cora Woin. tha court at Vol ! villo yesterday directed tho jury to find a verdict of iiotjruilty. John Khiio was yesterday sentenced to MV f!,a Im .tin men nf i a fljim ... n wealth aftniuet Mary Mclivor. a stiormnaoan unfortumtto. A wouan with throe children whs ar retted on Fourth and Perm ltreU this af ternoon and taken to the station house in the "Hurry up" WHKon. Horo she gave tho nanio of DizzioSucknor, nnd V. & It, OUioer AVartmHii wont before Alderman Schroder anl sworo out a warrant chare in? hor with drunttonness und erunlty to children. The woman was too drunk to bo interviewed, but tho oldest child, bright little frirl, said her molhor didn't ofton ot drunk; that fhey met another woman, and both drank. The pirty came from Shenandoah and wero on their way to 1'otUyillB, according to tho litllo ejrl's story, and that hor mother collected monoy on tho way. She said they had no fatho-. lleathng World. LAKESIDE. Great Attendance at tho Popular Resort Yesterday. rboro was an unexpected large attend ance at Lakeside yoiterday and tho per- fotmancoby I'awneo Bill's company whs the best of tho weok. Tho tb.ongontho grand stand eclipsed all thoso of tho previ ous day and the management wa in h'gh gluo. Alahanoy City was well represented and carriages and vehicles from all parts of the county Muddied the grounds. Among the visitors wero a number of Pottsvilla's prominent citizens who bad not visited Lakeside before and who oppressed sur prise to find such a beautitul resort in the heart of tho county. This a'ternoon I'awneo Bill gave his final exhibition. To-night ho will pack and load his tents, topees and other goods and leave for Wilko-Brro. Tho week following tho combination will boatSha mokm. WILD WEST Wl ItV KRH. Deadwood Hick, (Wilbur Collins.) tho export shot with the Winchester rifle, broncho rider and oowboy, will, after his onganement with Pawnee Bill, probably go with lony Pastor's "Colobr.tios" for a season. The follow who takes the character of tho horse-thief likos sleep better than anvthinc else ho Is something like Dickens' fat boy in the Pick wick pipers. Breakfast was over yetorday before ho arose, and to get him up Pawnee Hill gavo him a bath with a bucket of water. Oklohoma Frank owns a largo number of the relics and curiosities in the muteum. lie is a dead sho',, his skill with the rifle being a feature of tho show. IIorsefHaired George is popular mem ber of the Wild West Show, and is an ex perienced cowboy. it will not be surprising to hoar within tho nest few days of some runaways of girls who have just ontored their teens, Several of them havo boon noticed, almost daily, hanging around tne AVud West catnp, and they seem to be so cootpletelv infatuated with the whole business that it rr.nkes no difference whether it is a dashing cowboy, a fascinating supo nuiuorary or a big Indian, with wh 'iu thoy spend IheV moments just 6o ho has kind of a Wild West flavor about b'm. BILLS OP FARE. A Fow Useful Hints for Local Housekeepers. Tho following bills of faro havo been pre pared with all due altontion to econo.-n." and health and may be of uja to many housekeepers In town who may bo in doubt as to what to provide for tho Sunday ' and Monday meals. SUNDAY. DttKAKFAST. Wiieatona with Croam and Sugar, Wleat Toast. Apple Jelly. Gray Cakes with Butter. Cereal Coffee. Pineapple. mxXER. Beef Stoak. Potatoes. Lettuco. Canned Corn. Graham Broad nnd Butter. LUNCH. Bread and ililk. Graham Crackers. MONDAY. BBTAKFA8T. Granula with Cream, Browned Potatoes garnished with Lettuco. Graham Gems. Stewed Prunes. Wheat Bran Coffee. DINNER. Baked Beans. Johnny Cake Bread and Butter, Apple Sauco. Bread Pudding. Cold Wator. SUFFER. Bread and Butter. Cheese. Delicate Cake. Plneaople. Graham Crackers. Milk. Will Be Glvon Away, Our euterprlslns druggist O. II. Uaeenbuch wtio orrlea the flneu stock of druK, pei lumertes, toilet artlclts, brushes, snonKes.eto . 1h giving away a large number of trial bottles of nr. Miles' celebrated Jlestorallve Nervine, lie guarantees It to cure headache, dlzzlne, nervous prostration, sleeplemness, the til eUects of spirits, tobacco. coOee. eto. Uruz. Kbits say li Is the grratont seller tliey ever Kuew. and Is uuivenally hatlsfactory. Tbey also guarantee l)r. MlleV New Heart ''ure In all cases of ni rvous or organic heart dlseate, Kluebookou "Nervous and Heart Ulteases' free. Spoctacles to suit all eyes at F. J, Portz'i book and stationery store, 21 Nortu Main street. 3-20-tf Not Our Townsman. The county papers on Thursday fUted that Monroe Kehler had lxen ermviemd for fi pretenco, and some of our people Uiouifht it was our townsman. M. H. ICehler, the popul w uptown 'merchant. FortuiiMely for Mr. Keliler, It was some other fMlow. A Success. Tho lco c.-eam and strawberry festival held in Robbing op4ra hous, Uit efeninv, I y thn ladles connected wltn the Presby terian church, was a most gratifying suc cess and netted tne chureh toilety a nice lit.iOKiim. The Grant Band was prcseiit and added to tho lnlrest of tho occash n oy plavitig si'voral of thnir best pieces. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. FOH SALE A young horse. Ap ply nt Laudlg's stationary atoro. 0-11-tf LOOK HERB, A grind opportunity tor Joinings new society, The Beneficial Order of Equity, A fraternal society for both Boxes. Pays From $200 to $5.000 1 IN SIX YEAKS. Advances mon"V to buv hemes, cancels the Indebtedness lucae of disability or death, paVRMcit and ileal h beufUtn. KArVHIJI. DEAN, lieputy Supreme President, S2 N. Main HI., Hhenaiidnab, J'a. W. S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller'n old stand,) Corner Coal and JnrtltniHtH. Mr. Hnvdcr will alwavs Soon In Block a fine Hue of boots and slices. Cuatont Worlt and ElcpalrliiK done lu the best style, tie guarantees to sell cheaper thin compelltors on .Main street who nave uig lent to pay, aua guarantees a genu- lie nnjKmii on every pureuase. JVcio lirni. JFcta Slock. Green TrucK, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, be, Delaware roe shad and ovher fresh fish right jioinine uouiuoa i-riuays. rrcsa Greens from the South. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. S. WUUa dw' ofd atand) Everything new and 'resh. Goods delivered to any p.irt of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SOW. The Photographer Is located nt No. 14 North White Street Having ban his gallery greatly Improved, he is nowoeuer prepared man ever to meet the wants of the public lu the photo graphic Hue. Tho best photo graphs at lowest ) rli.es. Crayon Worli a Specialty First National Bank, TiiiCAm; liun.mNR, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres.; P. J. Ferguson! V. Pres., J. ?.' Leisenhng; Cashier; S.W.Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally Prom 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT, INTEREST ! luld oti HnvlUiid UepoHliH. WANTS, Sco. rANTKD.-A uood slrl for get! IT? erot Huneworit. Good true i iid. iinwiiem ;:ie iiEUAUl o.nce. 0 i-tf ANTJfiD A girl toe Rutiorol CO'- Il 1(1 Si. AGENTS W ANTE I). Free lira nud iiuint to euergettc mod. Hoveral of oiirsalesilieu have earned from T70 to jlua w-el for yean paiu P. O. Box 1M1. New :'! 6S-iw B OAUDERS WANTED. - Sternly -,.n, .M IUI iiitoh uuiy. UOOU IOCH' I at M. Hheeier's, No. HON. Mnln street, Hlien n ldoah, l a. ltn DESIKABLE PXIOPERTY FOlt sale. One of the most desirablo proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Itowse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. eHionandoib, Pa y lNUn-A active reliable man- "alary 870 ' 80 monthly, with in crease, to represent In tats own i-eeilon a re- MAKWrACTtTOBH, LocR Box 158.5, Mew York FOU KENT Storu nnd bttlltllnK i,-uUSw "?uplea bv the SheunndcHiU unnj-iy vu. ir ma uiactunne anl retal' t andy business. Two floors 0 )x2U feet. Apply to.I..I. Franey. S.Bff LOST On tlio rond between Maize vllle nud Hbinnndoali, a book, with notes of property at Houth Laurel Itidge colliery. A- 11ta' e rewuid lor Its return to H A. Ileddull, 11 1 H. Jardlu street fiheuandoah. Pa., . 6-17-31 FOR SALE. A number of second hand doks in tmort ondltlon lo" sale by I .. urtuuoau duiiimi uoarn. ippiy to ine following committee for additional parttcu lars. It. A. DAVKNFOllT. THOMAS 11AIKD, H J MIIIiUDON, W. H. WII.l,I.VMrt, JAUEM O'HKARN, "Ifi 12t rnininliteo. PHOPOSALH will be received by themrler-lgued commltiie up to Jlon riuy. June 22, 1801, at7p m., tor the following: (1) HnlntluB lheterlorof the Ltiyd street chool building with two ccits. (2) Painting the exterior of ihe Controatreet school bul'd in? end pcnclllliiR two spies. (U) Palntin? tliooxierloroi the Malu street building Sty urate bids mat be submltted for each build Inc. ropomlt willaln be received for furnish ing one of the school rooms wjih Itlly single di-sHs. The committto reserves tho right to reject nny or all bids. H. .I)..VKNI'OIlT, THOMAS KAIKD, II. J. MUL1IOON, W. P. Wll.UAMS, .1 a M KH tvnv.xn-H C lt Committee. FOB S-A-T,E ! Theunderiilf;nfld. deslrlnirto retire frombus- Inesn, will dispose of Ins UncH ot dry goods, groceries Ac, clunp. Pnrchascrcan nlso icnt the store room at rensonable terms The stand Is a good one and lu the hands of a live innu can be mado profitable. T. 19. DAVIS, 6-10 tr 100 PtforlU jarciiii St. flTMTC for n Window Hhade. UL.ll I O others for 33c. 4ic, 60c, 65c, 75e and upwards. Shades made lor stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers desldtng only trie fixtures or shndlne by the yard can be accom ruodated. C. D. Fncke, 10 South Jardtn St, Attention, House Cleaners ! The warm weather is here, and houss Anu at sucu timeH most everyuouy neetta sonieiinui; to urigmeu up the home, so If you need a good carpet of eithor Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef, TWO OR THREE'PLV INGKAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS ! You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Mails, Curtain Poles of all Rinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices caunot bo beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. EC 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, With a manufacturing de partment in fullblast,our bank withstands the run. We havo made the New Store, cor. l'dth an,d Chestnut $ts., ,v f'safe deposit" for your money when in need of Clothing. The daily rush proves tho "trust" of tho public in Our goods. Tho stock is right, the prises aro right wo hold tho lead. Now Only Corner 13t7i PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS!" Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits $8.00 " " Worsted Bulte 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.6P " " Cheviot Suits 5.60 And every thing else In our lino you We soli the bestfiOo Domet Tailoring a - :"FAI0US" ONB-PRIOB OLOTHI2STG. No. 11 North Maiu Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Hi jcaaxlan'sf You can pre); the liet anil hoiilKst (I ATS AVD CAPS In Uiwti. He bnu just received a full Hue uf STRAW HATS. From 5c to $. Also a nice llnnof light colored lints, derby aud soft. A nice Unlit col- 1 ored derby hat, S1.25 Iilcbt colored soft hat for 50 cents. , AT SUANLAN'S You will find chenpe&t nno or rttiuMia anu Bacllels In town; nlso Gum Coats Hulling them oil at cost. Six dozen neckties at 2oo a pleco, worth 40c. Nice line of Gents' Undsrwenrat 7, en suit. Headquarters for -'urn-mer Shirts uud Hoys' Waists. 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. -GO TO- KELLY'S I Neat, Cheap and Sty fish BtrawfUat from 20a to 51.50 Short Bpray Flowers 60 to 1.00 Wreaths .20oto 1.73 Int.inta' Christening Robe, fto to S3 Infants' long and short coats...tI,S up to to S3. 60,000 LADIES WEAR The SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, at 2) cents. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary lino ot .Vofs, Cops and Oenta' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson Caps. Q BAST CBJSmi-H ST. - clpanlng la the next thing in order. A Huu oil Our Kaulc. 9 and GILESTXTJZ Streets. Children's Suits tl upwards Knee Pants, 20o " Sateen Shirts tiOo " Men's shifting shirts r76o " Best necktie in town 25o will flni( down to the lowest prices, Shirt In town. Merchant specialty. AT - JOSTES' Still at the Old Stand CHEIBER'S BAKERY I No. 29 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Detter prepared than ever to servo our many patrons with a superior quality of Bread, Cakes, lco Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds. Open on Saturday Evenings Until Midnight. Open on othor evenings (Sunday excepted) uutll It o'clock, CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. promptly attended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insaranco Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Represents 111.. NnW ht.oeln.n t I f.. I . . j .. . . : b uuiiuiu, vomer centre aud West Bui., Mhenandoah, Pa. n,'ir,f,.MIJ , . Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double frame dwelling hour 9. storeand restaurant, on Kasi iVntroMi ' 2- A .dwelling and restaurant on East CeutrtB It Desirable property od corner Centre and . ... B,.vw,nutiMuig lur HU41UeSS OUr- poses. r ' rt,Ir1,OTT d0"hle Irame dwelling, on West I.loyd street. 5. Twoaitory frame dwellings on West Cen tra street. "-iy, i aljy dwellings on the corner of 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut otreet, with a larn wn.i niinnu t ihaoam 8. Three two-story double frame buildings John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE I3kddat.i.'s Bonj)ina, Cor.Miln and Centre Slrocts, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: l-A two and one-half r,tory double frame dwelling house, with store-room and res taurant. located ou East Centre streat. -A valuable property located ou South Jar uiu Kireei. 3-even dwelling houses at the corner of Gil bert and I.loyd streets. Qoodluvestment. Terms reasonable. JUST OPENED UP a big tot ot QLASSWASB umong which are some lovely sets well worth W)c. we have determined to rush mem ou forato. Come early 11 you wish to secure one. THI8 OFFEH ONI.Y GOOD VuM SATURDAY, JUNE 13. OUR TINWARE COUNTERS are shining with bargains. You'll be amazed ......vuv. xu.La niuuuv, vuuave everything In tinware from a tlu cup to a wash boiler, or from a flour sooop to a bread raiser, . Duncan & Waidley, No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Ce.itre Street, W sx-aiEnsruftL.TiDOA.ia: 3 Formerly fceptby Mrs. Omvllle. The above lio;ell8 now kept by JOHN W. WBBKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, dllberton Best of accommodations for Permanent anu Transient Guest The bar) j stocked with the best brands of clg.v, ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FREE LUNCH COUNTER. McKeon's Saloon, 109 east ceothe st., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINE8 AND CIOAR3 Of the finest brands. Muslo furnished for balls and parties, from one to Ave pieces. R. BRICKER, M. D., FHY&IOIANAND SZiRGEON, Tot 9 East Centre Btreet; Mahanoy City, Fa. Hklnandall special diseases a specialty. J R. COVI.BI A Tl OR HEY-A T.LA W, Offlce-uuU' building, corner Main and Centra j h roMKitor, A TJORHEY'A T-LA W, jaoe-HMdtll'i bulliluuE oorner Ittia nai Oentc 3) K 1 1