The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 20, 1891, Image 3

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    lrets at the moit elegant fntat
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to he
inc-t beneficial to the htimau
s -ami, forming nil agreeable
a id tttective laxative to perma
a ntty cure Hab'tual Consti
f t'.iun, and five many lllst; de
iKiudnK on a Weak or Inactive
condition of the
Ii i- thetriojl.-eUntrmtdy lenewn ta
When ea 11 NtHou, or Coattiptsd
Evf.-rjr one is using it and all ara
f lighted with it.
auk voun DRuaair ran
Hiuiamie, ki new rmr. h. r.
t.- Mi(t It ( f
. ' TEH DiYS V7"" F3
' ' 1 " V .r II till LUP WW
Dr. Grosvenor's
jrt n pa it.
nrI At one, d,
In New Venture
Hiu opened a
8l ot assorted roods, notions, hardware
, Klasaware. etc.. eto.
Ootids from all parts ol the crunly solicited
on commission.
neixa at uaxd,
Committeemen Bhonld hear In
mlml tbat the Hehaid office
lii prepared to do all kinds of
Poster Work!
t the meet reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtain our
prices. AH work done when
promised and In a satisfactory
All persons are hereby warned
Belonglnz to tha
Shenandoah Water Company,
rr.aU prtle1 caoiht violating- thli notice
I , 'WJUt DO
. center! as Treapnaucro.
By order of
oung man, s&
foil to visit the 'KOUIIEHTKK HUHl
!UNIVKRITY before declaim: whore.
Iipngh you limy live a thousand miles away.
teianas at me neau m ine inioi cuiumer
al scnools. In its character iw an educational
ir. ii, as a median. ler supplying tneuusines
n of the country with Iran.ed and capable
-tanui, a a rnoanx ol placing ambitious
u men and wooien on tlie tilKhnudto
- und In the extent, elegant t and ( ost
iMulpmenl. TborougM'OMMKrM'IAK,
. -i .j'ho 'rwrnly-HrvtMitli Annual
will he mailed to any address.
,.,trtr Ha lilt, lN)ltaVl7 urxi
it-, oamfi'trlnK Ir 1IIimV
f u 'urtii! in iiuowuci.wiuob can bgjTa
i - f r . op c t t .1r Lr ur itt A43
t iw'eiSvtcotv) itirit. TtiboUUi
' wl't iirtot a parmftTimit and pdjr
r t.Q u-no i it md rat drinker Of
wraok. It baji bean ieu In tbouaada
i var luaianea ft perfect eur ha ful
i . r Full. TKaajtlam onoa impraEnb'
vi.di ( bMomit a aur impoluUV
ni-pl'LatO Hilt.
M ;k of DtrUtulttM To b haj
1 . ., .inriru.Kr U It
itiy Wettllojd Blrcei,Bhciiandoah
Qloqel of fcjje Fourt
gitoiy of th.8 Lto Vi.-J-
Author of "Loyal at Last," "My
Lady Fanlaattc," &c.
ohaptSh xvx
the n&ictra.
"ITaYa you heard the new, rVanVT"
"Nothlnir Bpelal. WLat lis happen!.
Qenerul Itoaeenan U reliered from
the oommatxl, aod Thorn tka bta
iiranmiiNiTwi i nope oar
old leader oas nok leavn on under a
aloud) for tlimtjh ha tnada a tuul break
at CliUkumaofra, Uls ha bean bo mean
"He ban Item siren a nominal com
mand In Mttaouri," -wtm Uie significant
"To lat Mm down cany. Well, aU I
oao say la that thoae ne-arRpipef fellow
buvc too tnueli license, anil eau hound a
mau to niln, If he makes a mistake
ooee In a llfe-Ume."
Hut General Itoaeerans haa made
many mUtakee of lata,"
Mo be baa, bnt he M a braro soldier,
and I, for ono, tan Eorry he Is polug1.
Anyhow we tret a nuperb Nubrttttute In
Oeneral Thoiuan, whom the boys havo
already dubbed the Hook of Chloka
laaiiffa.' "A Holdler, orery inch of him, and an
cllsoreet an ho Is rail ant"
Tha fact was that lut ttefore thli
Urao, the whole Weatern region had
been remodeled Into the "nlUltary Dl
Tlaloa of the MlMlmlppl," comprltinir
the armies of the Ohio, Cquiberlnnd
and Tennessee, arul Grant had been Up-
polnled tommntulcr.
To rrsiune the oonrersatton of cot
two Mend, Ilopklna and Deearit:
"Now, l'Vank," eald the former, "IVe
a tlckllh bit of duty beforo mo which
bothers mo considerably. Oeneral
Thotnan has decided to send dispatches
to Oi aut, and has done iu tho compli
ment to direct ma to eclcct one of my
offlcera for' tho peril oua duty. Vmi can
not ffo, of com-scj tlien, who shall It bo?"
"Charlie Fulton, jsir," Uesani replied,
without nti instant's hesitation.
The Colonel's brow knit ominously.
"Oh, sir," tho youtiff Major pleaded,
"do rire him this chance It will bo tho
making of him besides. It will show
him that after all his indiscretion, yon
still have confidence in him. May I go
at once nud send him to youF
"What a staunch, true friend you are,
Frankl" Hopkins said, admiringly.
"Well, for your aalce I will giro film
the opportunity to proro your pood
opinion ot hlm, so go at onoe and tend
mm to my quarters."
And Charlie Fulton. aceozuplUhed his
mission to well that -within n week
tit! Hint flMram min Clrtink. ji
Thomas: "1 am comlnff. Can yon hold
out till I reach you?" To which the
hero of Chlckamauffo replied: "I will
hold the fort till we etarve to death at
our posts!"
Meanwhile there was rejoicing
amonff Hraf'jr' men, who looked down
from the hlUa that surrounded the be
leaguered city with tho keen satisfaction
of knowing that ere lony Its hungry de
fenders must tiro up their hopeless
struggle. Joffemon Darin hlmnelf came
to gloat era the prize so near his grasp,
and was no dollgiited with the proapeci
that he withdrew Lonrfstreet's corpa
from the field, and sent him alfhty
miles away to wrest UnoxTllle frosj
the olatch of Burntide.
But Grant and Hooker hare eoae to
the relief of the beleaguered forte, arul
Sherman lias tramped by forced march
iwo hundred milea from Inka to aharo
In tho gallant etrmrgle for Tlctory,
Wliat a lorely day was the S3d of Ifo-
TUtnberl Who, that was present, will
forget the glorious sun, that glinted on
Thomas' division, as his roglmenta mus
tered, as If on parade, dremed in their
best uniforms, with flaaH flrbiflr and
martial roualo nlllnf the air with bemsb
ful strains? The Oonfdorato picket
loaned on their muskets on liookout
mountain and Mbvonary tUdge, and
smiled us they beheld the pioturesqTW.
displar, lint suddenly their smiles aro
turned to looks of alarm) for in a min
uto tha Union lime brettks into a doahl.
cfulok, and tho gay reriew la changed
Into a battle, and ere they can rboree
tlielr surprise, tbey aro driven bach, arxi
Oroliard Knob tln tho-faandao a Uniost
fThs next day Eoofeerihargod the for
tflflcatlons on Looltdui mountain, and
drove (horn beyond Its crest, yrhrning
the famona.''batk above the ckmds't
while twerrtyniour hours later he
charged their Unea on Missionary
Ilidffo, with Sherman poundlnj on their
Grant stood on Orchara Knob water
ing Uto turns of battle. With eagle eyet
he saw that hta enemy's weak spot lay
in. his center, as he had to sacriUca Its
strength to support -his flanks. On this
ho determined to launoh Thomas' corpa.
Tho signal of attack was arranged
six cannon shots, tired at Intervals of
two Beconda.
Then, In tho words of IL P. Taylor,
the poot-olfllers "Tho moment arrived.
Strong ami steady tha order rang out!
'Number one, flrel Numlter two, flrel
Number three, flrel' It seemed to mo
like the tolling of tlio clock of destiny.
And, when at 'Number six, flrol' the
tout throbbed out with tho flash, von
should have seen the dead line, that had,
been lying behind tho works all day,
came to resurrection in the twinkling o
ail eye, and leap like a blade from ltd
The order has been to take the rlflo
pits at the foot of tlin hHL but the,
Fighting fourth and all Uioao etorloutt
heroes with them fo.-fet to stxn and,
rally, and sweep wtth shouta of victory
e steep osccnK AU falls t afore,
em. urant oatantvi the inspiration
and onVers a cimrjo along the whcHsv
lino and daahlmj with broken rankrj
across rocks and chnams, followlnpr tho
Imllut-tom flags tluvt lead them, t'coy
still go ouwan he.'jjleso of the tempet.t
fllthest of all ia Lcayen'mj Power,
nuriea upon tmrm. xne paitie a wro.
That nlht tlie t'nkn earop-flre trU
tenet! abnjr the heights about Chart,
nooga, aiul llruffg'e men wrm hurrying,
under cover of oWkneae, southwarA.
For Sherman's brave fellows, wtkj
seven daya before had marehed two
hundred miles on two days' rations,
without a change of elnthing, tent or
second blanket to any man from com
mander to private, even now there wa
no rest, for Grant ordered them, bleed
ing and barefoot as they were, to march
over terrible roads ninety miles, to the
relief of lltirnslde, when they drove
Ixingstreet's equally ragged and hungry
host In confusion after Bragg retreat
ing thousand.
"And alt this tor lore of fathertaiJttr
Frank sighed, as from an eminence he
1 I . . . - . . . . , ,1 . . -. 1
iib wuhjiwu in ucyoit'u hub w ynrr
ots winding their way dotrn tlie vaUoy !
La the distance.
Thomas and hla men reocouptod Chat
tanooga, and suppUes began to pour
Into tho plaon, much to the gratification,
of the men, who of late had almost real
ized tho solution of the proWem of how
little food was nrenssary to sustain
human llfei but Frank Ilesant hailed
with moro Intense delight Hum any
amount of good living could give him, a
batch of lettnro-from Meltonhttrg. Wtth
what Joy ho retired to Ida quarters,
and, denying himself to aU coiners, set
tled to tlie delightful tank of reading
them. There were two from Mr.
Brentwood, full of good adrloei one
from Miss lluth, short and chirpy, anil
A urrrun rnon iioe.
chiefly relating to damp soaks and re
I clpes lor sore throouii three dainty,
affectionate ones from Orace, all about
noUilng, but very pretUly worded, and.
1 which I tun ashamed to Bay, tho
' foolish young fellow read and re
I read till they were frayed at the edge
by oonstant reference; one from hit
j cousin, written simply with tha design,
as It seemed to him, to Induce him to
I let Mark Henderson know, If he
' chanced to meet him, wliat an unooiu-
monly line young man ahe thought hlmi
and four from his mother, long, earnest,
1 loving ones, full of Interest from tlrst to
1 last. One of these, ot the latest data,
I especially claimed his attention and
produced many ejaculations of aurprtae,
I "Your oouaLa Hate," sho wrote, "has
' taken pity on my lonellnetia, and, as her
I father has married again, hu conaont
d to rnaialn with me until your return.
Orace and she are bosom friends, whoso
affectionate sympathies ura move keen
ly pronounced because each of them
hau a soldier-laddie for on Ideal Kara.
Now, who Is this Major Hopkins, wboiu
name so often appears In your leVtirj,
and who Is evidently no valuable a
friend to you? I ask because 1 oocu
knew a genttomaa of that name, who t
heard tho othar day was serving m Tien
nessee. If his first name U John audit
him if he remembers Mary Oartor, feel
we were last mcocs ta toy jwjcqsa
Oaya and thocrhho may have forgotten
me, I retain a very ploesant rtmosax
hranee of htm and should be glxl a
hear more abont htm. And now, my
dear boy, I hare eozae strange arid atari
ling news to tall yon concerning Jamet
Lftwaon, about whom you are eo persist
tutly silent Ip your letters, po you re
tnembirthat uncommonly pretty gtrh
Jane Murchbon, who was for nearly a
year In my service) and who afterward
lived with tho RJaWdsona? Well,
pearly twelve mouths ago he secretly
married her, and on enlisting left her
perfectly datftute her and her Uttlo
baby-boy and If it had not been for
Mrs. Burrows end mysolf they really
must ho ye gone to tho poor-house. You
taunt see this man and insist on his re
inltting them money. But I harrj
something even mors startling to
announce ta yon concerning Mm.
Last week a stranger come to the vl
lags who declares that he is tha ponton
who so many years ago left the infant
I.nwnon on the former's door-step
when; ho was on hU way out West to
eoelt his fortune. Ha was crossing tho
country in an emigrant wagon, and, ft
his wife had died on tlie Journey, when
ho reached Meltonburg tho temptation
to fret rid of the child was so strona
that ho could not resist it. Ho says that
he has been very prosperous and that
b4 Li most anrlnuA to regain his lost
boy. I have hud an Interview with hlra
and found htm a simple and apparently
good'lienrtod man. I hn to lnbirsM
him hi Jumen' wife and child, Gtvo mj
kind regards to Captain Henderson, U
you nee htm, and tell him tliat every (ot
tualo hoart tn Meltonburg exoeplj
Oroco'a Is beating for hla return. Tha
nowa of yjur promotion bos Just ar
rived, whloh would bo grand lndwd If
I did not fear, it would lead ymi Into
U. 3. Cot't Report, Aug. 17, iSS,
mrner naiiirer. n m;T jgri ow
for or behind his cetm.nt la butt',,)?
Oraee and I hold different opinions on
tills Un(ortaQt r4nl3tL. IHi aiafy tnu
. (Tit TK ( 0!YTTStlV.i
kilhai n "at ' B LKAST.
K fUtarn tn Molloon'i t'ln VTItA
Xtv of XiUeolor! I
Br.WAT, N. Y , Juoe 20.--J,k-'Kltra'rti
,arrlvl here thli morning .from Naw
1 York, nl ntoppluu! at Huldoon's
place. Ha bear avldensaof that punish
ment he raealved In hls'rfcerlt mill with
j Blavln 1b the form of a vary much dw-
i coloiad.pair of .
1 In convorsatlon ha spoke freely of bis
I recent dfoftt. He Mtlcl Blavin bad a li-ng
ml ru alkncrnther unt of hia raarh.
ami .h- a
ough he did not consider him a very
hftr(i hitter. Slnvin, ba td, was one ot
tha moat snntleumnly fallows, ha
over met in Uie.prlre ring.
t J. 1
rtcr Johaton's Alleged Mnrderer.
Nw Bidfobi), Mass., June ?0. Tha
alleged murderer of Peter K. Johnson of
1 this city provaa to no l;hrns n.
' Tlghe of a very worthy family, being the
I eon of Cornellui Tlgbo, formerly an em-
S loye of tho I'ttclflo Wills of iAvrence,
laes., and afterward a contractor, who
J died sixtpen years ago, leaving a widow,
threa sons aud a ilaubur, who, after the
father' death moved to Beaton. Tha pris
oner has 'frequently been under arrest
I on Tarious charge and has served short
terms m Jail on Deer Island.
.Injnrad by a Woll.r Explostnn.
Marjih's Fesrt, O., Jnna 20. At 2 a.
m. a boiler eiploded at the Kenwood
lilsnt furnace. The building was wrecked.
Chnrlea Itouse was fatally hurt, Willie
Rouse prqbably fatally and Robert Glenn
seriouely Injured. The Injured man
wera sleeping in a boat houofl on the
river 800 yards nvray. The and of the
hollar struck a boat and crashed in upon
the sleeping mou.
The Txtermlnntor yolitenctd.
Columbia, 8. C, June W. Uobert T.
Jones.,tb Iidaefield famlly'oictcrmlnitor,
who murdered the three Pressleye six
years ajo, anil who on Saturday in the
MKrt nf IezluKton was convicted of
msnsUutthUr, hJ been sentenced to 88
years In the penitentiary. It is under-
stood that no appeal will be taken. j
Saabi-lulit'a r br ti:
StAJtiuanT, N. J., Jun CO. A careful
estlmuU places the loss by the reqent
fire at SO0,000,wlth lasuranco at vt00,OdX
ttftt tmui will Nil asythiax. tiUe )
ftra tn a into we ; but tor sytn
eslltles,- rusrrt in tVs tut. TCxinad-n
&dvcrtiiC may at II aaykt wkosa
U is stow c itajkairsrn, bwt ajaair M
eoBtes lscV geoaral na, It ia Jaucusfi
Ccowdb? t iht worth. Tha aassHatwf
asbl avtedy gresrfh frwitf s apaMiAa
Udo Vestestdsnaa of lis iwa&KKftk
It b most popotrr wlaem K 11 Wast
fcusu Bvary bmUie aatu, al)B tea
atitera. Every one that txkaa 14 ko.
Mam its triejbi, asal xeoauraM&s p
l their sxxrnalaliu)cs.
TreaUM oo Vinai osJ Sllast Stews
eaoUod frva.
aaux ttrsnnmst Atsssaan,
:tf TfAArLeh Luul nlltr all tha tratlMaa fQfift
C&t to iitlUotu tUtoor t& ytwm.anoti
CUtlnAii, KkooM. Drowilnuii DUtrcsi nftc?
toatlsf . Viia ta tUt BIA. 4a. whllo tbslf no5
jTci&ut'Wi luce tj bwtn them a la cul 4
5r8i:bN Jti CuUr Ltttla LItct rttM M
eaaftUj TtvltubU In OonjUj tion, oaring tad pr
Vuntlna tiiH annoying coacUlntwbila they al3
UTerudrtnlitothobowtU, SronUtUejonij
suffer rromtMitliatrtflilntfcompUUit; butfortt
hoonctry Uihq will fled thea lltUo puiinUit
'e-tielnBomunT wtTitsttlior will n t bo wit
lirjtflJVUtoattUiii. Iiul Alter Ml .vlU)
"fisUisbttiscf pomsnyllvea that heraliwhert
vrensssourcniAi uvaa uwunyu,,iw,i
pUicis do not '
Csxttrs LltUe Um Pllli are very smslt anl
nnruvinUkL One or two vdlla makes doss.
Xhf y are strtstly vegeutl and do not crloe o
pure, but by their (sntls eetiaa plane i aU vrha
Itiset&sm. in vuis s wo wnis i uToiors.. iww
by drarlit ererywhue, or ssnt by lotOL
L'su' tM l int Silltili f ui!j Cu. Cuinitt
Oepreasnttd by
IX B, Jardln Btreet, !
Sarmer Halladay's Brida
Bo Tried To-Day.
3ba Btiriaki Ooati&ually and Teart tha
Clothe. Prom Her Sod-.
Samtged With Anent, Kn SHtlnt sad
Mutrl.f Tb. Hwbarc Jail rkyilalsa
He Is VMlllt. Mf ! Mad A
ltoTlnc Xfiod nt Offtltt Hire Attrar
to I in tend M.
Ntwnritn, N. Y., June 40. Jail fhyal
elan Harioore regards si Insane Mrs.
1'autBallad.y, Farmar Hallada,'. young
gypsy wife, MtwtN here yesterday
hotw ateallng and ehargad with araoa,
teaultlng In her stepson's death.
She does not reeognlsa anybody ot at-i
hide to tha charges. Una o( the tt'-r I
horses was recovered from Farmer Jim
Beott, In tnster County, who had Olyon,
tha w6rnii'n companion, with whom ha
dealt, arrested thaia. The other horse f
and surrey were found at tha home ot a
Halladay insists that his wife is sham-
ing. sue is a Rypsy, anu na is eure saa
tired tha huua to cause his son's death.
The Hecordar rofuaed to gtvo htm $31 ha 1
said bis wife had xtolen, ns there wn no
proof of theft, lie has returned home to ,
Biirlinghatu, Sullivan County. His wife s
examination will take place here this af
teruoon, A roving band ot gypsies have
hired an attorney to defend tha woman.
After the woman was placed in Jail ah
SOUtlnued giving apparent evidence! of
Insanity. She yelled loudly la her ceil at
times and in the night continued tearing
ftp her clothing until hardly a vestige ot
it remained upon her. Besides this sha
has done thing durlug her Incarceration
that probably no human being would do
If in their right mind.
England Will, spara No K Start Maka
Mlaa a Vf aleetue Ouosl.
IiNDON, Juue 80. Knormoua prepara
tions ara being made In London tor the
reception ot the Oermaa Kaiser. Tha
fireworks, it is claimed, will be on the
most uingnlflrent scale ever displaced In
England's capital.
Tbo Kstser will arrlva In England on
the Fourth of July, according to pro
gramme, and proceed to Windsor, where
tie will remain until July (S, meantlma
Doing presnnt at several functions, such
as the wedding ot the 1'rlnoeae Louise,
daughter ot the Prlnc and Frinoess
Christian And the silver wedding and
garden party tit Cumberland lode.
On July t) the Kaiser will arrive at
Buckingham palace, nnd attend an opera
at the (.ovent uaraea. an the utit h
1 WU attend a garden party at llnrlbor
, ougli Houxe, and Albert nail In th
evening, lie win lunch on the lutti sad
cn the 11th b will lunah at the Uermnn
Stubassy, and go to the Crystal falaoe.
After a visit to the Naval Exhibition, ha
will leave England on July 1U,
Ihs rumors o unpleasant feeling be
tween the Kulser and auy member of tha
loyal family are entirely without founda
tion, and It Is -tated, on high authority,
that no effort will bs spired to show the
Kaiser that he Is a welcome guast to
A Saahn Charuiat'a Narrow Kscape.
CntCAOo, June 80. Cno, tha snace
oanrmer, or Mrs. Ooshen, as the is tnonu
in private lite, who is ono of the side
show attractions at the ForepaUk'U circus,
had a uilraoulous escape from a liorribd)
death during the afternoon performance
here while handling au lumens boa
constrictor. Iu fact, but for the quick
liupulalva nature of Miss Jsunte Yea
mans, ot thw Bins Jeans Company, who
Juiupi to the rescue and assisted tha
snake churiuer tn unfastening the aoils
ot the monster serpent slonly tightening
around her, the woman would, In all
probability, been crushed to death.
neottlsh Clatu Elect Ufflttts
flurrALo, N. Y., June SO. The Boyal
Order ot Scottish Clans, a beneficiary
order, tn convention here elected tha fol
lowing otllcer for the ensuing yean
fio)al Chief, James Butherland, Wood
stock, Ont.; Royal Taatet, Blmon Clark,
lAilutb, Mlnn.i Soyal Counselor, Walter
Scott, Jr., . Brooklyn! Itoyal Becretary,
Feter ITerr, Boston, llass Royal Treas
urer, Archibald McLaren, Cleveland,
Ohio; Royal Pbyalolan, Dr. Urqtihart,
Rochester. Ins next annual conreauou
villi be nt New lUvsn, Conn.
, Close Tuts la the Ocmmona,
'Lohdo., Jus 0. In the nous at
Commons Mr. Sydney Buitou mevad
that after July 1, 109 no person undsr
U years ot ass should ba aUowed to
work In factories tor longer than,,halt-
7 i? Ia, 1Z i .u,
brtry MthTTi object eJ that
16 children under ll war not allorrad to
work fall time In faatorlts they would
go Into other employments Tho motion
was rejectad by a vota ot 180 to 1&4,
Qaarryman on Slrlh.
AuocsTa, U., Jun EO. A Bartons
strike Is In progress at the quarries ot
the llallowell Granite Quarry at Oraulte
Ifill. Au engineer sniployed at the mill
H a non-union man and refused to Join
tha union. The quarryuian, who ar
union men dsmaailad that he ba dis
charged, whleh the company refuse to do.
Uhaji the man, about 83 of them, rotusad
)oTwork, ,
' Lord vlaaearsy Has sernplss.
jLoirooM, June U0 The 'Earl of Clan
drty (L,ortiBualo) ba glren W to bo nn
dtrstaott tUat ha will not take his seat In
tlje House or Lords until lilti wiU M en
tirely savereu tier aogsmamanta in cou-
' . . . . IT.. . 1 . .. 1 i .. - 1 , ..
nCOllOU rstvu tilts i.,ng9. wumu t
an interview u btate whatber ha.wouM
be Llberul.or Couservswive lA'poUtlo.1
; Att iripUjAlUancfu
llot, Jusla 0. The (laTernaietit la
sajrlptisty disturbed by the fSct which
has beau pro4uced by tha, publication of a
Hoalamatloa by tka Rauisal-Oomuilttoa
whloh tha Triple Altlance 1 rapraaaat
l ruling tU -conn try bycOrupolUn it
to maintain an anoruoua army In dot
fe May Oet Ouatemala.
Crrt or Mtxacu. June 80. It
Is said
tt.a' a 'ii
on a'a t
1 iiud M
fin i on foot in (fuau
ti that oonntry to the
Is U said tliut prominent
fVi".U -t1 i I.
prii.ctpal oi'tieo plantar
v.iuu i-' -a la favor of It,
" Continual dropping wears
away tho stone."
"liic contlnnal breaking of
lamp-chimneys costs a good
deaf in the course of a year.
You can stop it. Get Mac
beth's " pearl top " or " pearl
glass." You will have no moro
trouble with breaking from
heat. Yotiwill have clear glass
instead of misty ; fine instead
of rough ; right shape instead
of wrong; and uniform, one
the same as another.
You will pay a nickel a chlrjv
not mnrp nnrl vrnr dealer
:.,.. , ' ... v
Will gam in good-Will What he
loses tn trado; he will widen
. jli3 tra(Je y tjCtter service,
PlMBhn,i. ' K, ,. A. jiacmtii a 00. ,
. .,, ...
f f (7 aairaisv
Nej? "D$5Cn
t flflH. aV j ii?"
A A, U iffiaS '
:"''lnHBro k&l ll
SUBkJatarkiSf 0ES
t cOffifo,? V j o'OQ
a"ft dt IfUB if, aT? ati nlhrr snoctaU
S3 I 'WC, '. OvBifcmea.
" a 'a T.,i i ,! .arewar-
r,tpt, -1 anil Ft imi it n h-.ftum Ad, tress
W. L. IIO I C.l.xA, llrockloa, Unit, tkldb
3Tonoxla. JStJuXl.
S13.0XI ando Ala Pa
SUoo mist l'ivrnrtlH
15 Per Cent.
Dividend Paying Stook,
full partUularaand
I'ltwrn'ctim can be had
or application oracldrHaalnir
. K. iH'f-, unnair,
fti ItroHilMitv, X, v.
0 , - pr HHIi
iRA lXtaptrrf'a Kaall.h MMkJ Bnal
hihtu trand
la tan, pa Kir 9rllrv'ar ltinvnlaii Mi
fteUlL lU.atsJO I t'.tn.oTjtala V si,
Gate by 1.11 LtMal .'1 uwutg.
sv iiawia)rvaMMsu.
Rc north rourtfi, .
vw 01 ureB, run ai
h' au, i UBBaXaral
for aiieiusiMM obaUk
I t( Mav-1ii Plmplti, 8r
U'tuiU Throat, t'rltUi. J
ii.. lctii meri.rt KI4oyt
.4 (r.Lcoi ritalllj rftiktMH
DT4ut-; Pici, Hfllftaalialjr.
7kDii I'tbtitif. Ianpirl V'tL-ry an 1 Diay. trllu
til SUtiitJit riiu uo from t--i't'il tint! or fraia artrvatk
1 ur it ns-rtstti fttr mrr t t tt9 T)rjrtilBujt lai
1 "a! kOliaru aai.a-f -ii'im aaJ4.J ctiti oiionaa,
Distiit ha Ui 1 1 itf at t.'. f rrta ai ta c
10 Saof-a 1 R iit it jsHtac la (jtroiaf . 2aa
tan t frine knd Aot- , -rtifl-'te aoJ iplo jroa
sqiu r i" 'v-i-)rt t -n" 13 oiMifurl yaariy.
vi . pM iv an aivrriiiini nucwr, wsa
fi irieae at1 wr cn tho m many paUtftU Btrmaoaaitlj
ti al
tarti a i aap anrr ut Ma lanrusipsawwi
rilntltbits StntM nmp for boot "TRPTH" aad
iialaaitrMiiDt tjaaoka awl ? rtiavni doatM) wlMa
th'ir ftift and ftan !'a .u".ilt,M and uititnvfilala. tmt
rlprifise, ,hry iu nai pos aal tufir aonaa oi raiaataotc
iYn. j or frUsvil taiki aid tn t ckea aoJ vrthlaM dftiaa
utt-'irTif' Miitarfi r i h i ara 1 aa Uvy and raatall
In t uin ef lhion U nt err 'fllaf ffiuw trtcr Hoca.-
'T'lsyfrrmv t V to 1 P SI ttuniw9 t loatlay
and -(aturiUy Kfo'tii t i w 9- t t rt ta t to 14. a4
ih'Wrtttt-a -Jj.cidiy aat htur iaj hUa tluca.
vn t if On ink i . Par mnnnfitlv Restored
Wruknvaa, ncrromnciit I)bllltF. and aU
tho train of cvtli from ovrly oJroraorlater 0zoewoi
tlie n-ttulta of overwork, iu tness, worry, eto. Pull
etronetli, avc!oimnt. and tono Riven to C7ry
orvm and portion of tho bodr. b Imp to, natural
tnethoda. lmmeiJlate (mproTOmeiit an. k'allare
imposBiblo. .uw rr reroncei. Boolr, explanatlonl
nrt rtr.n.fa m&Hi,il (tealadl rrfi. Addrsis
skin ttvaMl wllS ts,M aa&oriu im.uib:ui .o
i j jnutlr fullowis col I .ii - IT. tr r-oi. n-
iliUiT.I BMpilirnetr tn. h.Jl
Use DSt. CuOH'JI'SS'S ooiarjraiea
i .tre Htrvaa"' t , .ha nniira impart
i Vtallta ttB Oblt'l t ni-ctjssi.r. 1 IbHHltiasi'i iwt.
mrr LotTtrraiUAtr MiiKOQDf
Mtfaturvai ftndTf SHVOUa OIBXXITTl
JWauwr Ii7-(iiln4a EHta
llUaf IaAr3flrSseas Cttd 3ff oiaUk
ll HOuui: Koaicr. d. Haaila ailam j4
, i 11 If 1 1 ')ltR.,ii 'ai'aKlHoFIODT,
i 'at fiiii . rtkaTIi 1 f'aaUt ii t diy
i itt Avals' i aa Aaaalef i ouati t. Wrlta im
a. it.!arat'o i J artiori - ) oatad) fraa
' " J
Oyster, Clams aritl Tytiltrif
Keeeived dally at tba old raliabla
. . stand ot -x
North Uaia SL, neir Uoyil.
Wholesale and Hctall
n it prl
- at 6U0I ti;.
9 sup
1 'iTO W
Urlfaal avnal truly Uniila. A
aarc (UwstfB Hattlt . no-ti sut JtT
1 fn.'il 'sr O, Mtttri rnj. ailfS.
w.J ffra.U tu KeJ and 1 ,tli ais-MlUotV
Imim i-iM w'th nut rl'.' d 1mhtty
imi wani.itii'fw