' I, '. EN1NG HERALD. . iHi) i .'i u wrUCKi v . r:7S2. Zi'Mt la? 'aV.lii?. W. J. VfLZW, tojtl I-J!'..- rates: DAI V J)l fi is '.r, . 13 - I S fcll 'n ' . 4 i i ii i '""', ",i v - K',V - 8 -' I ike till O 1 1 'i.. ' ' iv ' n., i ' i " 1 - ,v oj . ithth i s uul liifl U i.il i ii i , 'I vi ( tn 1 1 bei til j 1 !' I . : 1',,'t ,, . i.l " ill . i J. ( Ii lit I of i l . il- i i! .. .11. I , . . , lit I i' i l.o ii .Hiii i.,lit . i cimi . .0 vo "MM'tli 11. i ijy b ml Iii a . 'lino i I.l hi t'u 'j uiv w k A .1 .lil'UCl c.l til. iV (iro ii h.ml Ii I li IV ,10 t natality u.iii til I I n i u. i su. ed. ilia l'i I mm; Hiii rlol 4. iM.le i fiilltrs. ( m,i! -Mil li.uiM'hi i ro yi U i luil t lllgll v II M.IU i ii (if tl ii.ui Cc lilKhwilt J. "VO( i.i i iiy ' oi i er... lien ' tiai'i lii.l i nii.i u de .ill 111 urtVflB Kl ( i I.. i-. i".i.li"it i of lli ru (l w r.l'l- t.. I '-..1110 i.Ulll.'ll i e -i' .ldcut. .1., iIllllU 9l I . I. l ill t.hp SC . 1 ' rl. y. Tliam -. 1 1 11 1 lllll ill'. I I ,11.11 lllll 111 , .i Hei-K i, iry 1 1 . . in'i ' lo Vllitt;n' 1 I M,. . I. of inn K. in'iiiun. 1 i Juno 30.--U. ft meet i . Moinoriitl Coiumi- d"r'i design for tho !. ..1 Hi. luhiillton waa ap bi pliceU near tHe' .-' us for llio nioiitiincnts m '"i-o also tsolocted. .i-i iiiu I'roHt. i. .Inn., i'u.t if ia stated, i i u i ho expert nocouut- ii. .- I luUley'e.atlttlrn have i i in proflla. from loaning ai interast during tho liiat inn. a mi .inihi .h.h xi .li-i-iii'r till l 1 1 c fi t ii yenrs wore STO,wu. i Ctilonei l'ranklln Used. l.wpABTEK, Pa., Jane 20. Colonel Em-li-in i''ranklln, a proiuiueot raenibor of the bar and former raahiber of the Igla lnt ure, died yesterday, aged 6l years. I. ii liny the war he was colonel of the 12'-M ruglmont Pennsylvania Volunteers. New England Tennis Tournament. II . r , T.... ,A ,T .N KIT HAIKU, WU H. , U U (113 V. IB UUU I tenn.s tournament for the championship; i w..in.l, Lee defeated Wright i i), l'i-4( it I I it. TO 1. i If , niL-ton defeated Salfoi'd ,. n-o HuliisUir 04, 0-a. ' .. 1 . militated Aden. ', --, n v"' I M ,.t Tn - ' - -'( ' K'e. I. -' e-1 Htii! t! - -1 i n"ivou 4'' . .. i y wi : -li '. ' ' l'k.l.l !l- .V v,t win ' , : 'I'leo" on a f'fi' ' . f.! irIli;!. M'ch. , .lt t p x ita buui are nut .n ! in Imreloiore. 6 ' V.U Vm r .rim f. i. nine. Viliee of i I ' 1 .'n' II i-iiii ' l"'Kst irtlih si 'rujiet". f i. .iiiuuji)) .'11 IStui '.) In ui i mii : ' ,wo jtiirfi wi'ii )e ll.r.iol,' mill i y wl ile f-ysteMb 1 1 w.lli MA'- Ui i 'tie OnenW llloltrt .1 in umi f..r auiiuti 1 I 'ill ( lieiMI!- . ii ij i..intil 1401(1. les, i . ii 10 din -1hWi any - I rim leflrltly ' i-i'V oi i ii.iviin; fie I M H Kl.HlNtu. i. si.iie.rt-inunou ljuufce K.. I in K It. . K,ojiuimtlot. , , . f Those who have been in the et.untry fy tli i chotry trees nre loaded down with fruit. ' - A Cure for Constipation .HeadaohG. , . and Ur. S4iu Iiatia, while In th Kocky MoiiTitalns, discovered a root, that' tfhrn con.ninrd with ob.;r herlu, mkkes sn fax, tn 1 cortatn cure for consllpMloo. It is lb tin- form or dry roots and leave, and Is know i hi Iiaue'n; I'Hnily Medicine, It will cure sirk headache, for tho blood liver and kldreys, id b t clearing up the coiiiilexiim it doos woHiicni. firuggisU sol! it at 80 conts a pAckago Tli. ro will ho a grcHt. ' viiriely of fruit to ami ir-tW seatTtr than Inn. Ask Your Prl Your dl'treiM' . Vi knr i - ' .itlifn'tl ; ii'iny i-o ' It re-UK Is About It.. I,,1 Hi iV ciiuedi ' m Ki ui's '"Balsam irm has urei 4. ' 'tntW4ia(rilMi h. Ki'won-rMy In' Mi-W ' I tins uwi. in Ak soHt-timid Lui 1 ti ,iks of KMiirfi lluKsin. There is no tut n in so cffectivo. liarge ooil al nil A m in niy smiln mid " He.fVf I l l. II 1 IJUIb un Will bfU i-ifiiKes. Blt'aclrJBuimitipjfc; Qaxd. ) Ti.iI4!u.4id ..j(Bi rne ifcir r- - nfl L'oiiv-li MeiTii ne sclit.n cv.1 h il. i i diMie4 iu .arliibiy rrre ll.e o .i c n- i.i.h, l'r.,iii, ii ml Un n. Iiit.i., wl '( !! Mi i - di i in1 Mimm lo the cure v4 1 iiiuuuti. t v ii I ii. in a i n til if) in IhK blstoiy of'luMl . die. mjiv 11 1 lis I HI 11 i iiniiii-e, a leu bich no ntinr meiHclie . i 11 rol II (,ll I, v . ,1 loll) I l'i , l . , , I , , I I I 111 1 .1111 ..I. Ill I m si i,i i , I-. 1 'lot '- I 1. I . I i-t, ,,tfl Ii if, i i.i I, I . it mi, y i, , j i.i ii i j RESCUED IN MID-OOEAN. I.uoky I!scnpn of tlm Crow of the Hark ltxllo. Nrw York, Juns SO. Tlio stenmslilp Soph l, Just arrived hore from Cardiff, Wales, brought fourteen men, th crew oi tne iimtk iwciie oi St. John, . . l . The. Utile m slgfatod at 7 m., dun j iv, during a eerrtnc storm with a signal of distress flvins. ThnF.xile' irmln mash wan nr tha alila nnrl fnntnn mllmtt 1 must, mlz?.en topur at, and tnizisen mast head worn aamt fenlwarka. rftll and 'ih ia swept entirely over har, Bar port quart? was also smashed in Mid all tier bunts gone. WMArew were, o the! poop, deck, sfliwrto tho rallsS ( '. lasWto tho rnllaS ' ' i The port aide of the deck carried liway Kbd all dean Kweji, t4i gA'le" bting . henvy and a Irrniend'iita sea. All of the fophie's crew were called to- 1 gather and voltintMirn aked for to try to ' rescue the wrecked hip'a crew. The oHIcl'Ik, who were Germ na, 111- , BtHlltl . which ' It tlm oi. all, tin fi.irk, iilficei - AH SOl 1 1 Inode i Tin , Vmteeted to go, but tho craw, . ft iitini. would not go. dt i meil prlident to letfaU' - i"i, fur ti-r of loiing th-m ii pme -teiimed doSvn to the i 1 'mi o.i.iaiu told the bark 'a i ; .) "i.ui.l Ley to Kat them off t !.- ui'Ktiifi' wit n littlo more , n oWiing It, waa reaolved to try t. it Tin i ,ui if tho crew tvt onoe. I mm hi ill r.-fnaed to go and -the office- -mid i i . in rti'. n Jill v mood in n-fr-cd the atarbnafd lifeboat , i-.ii'.l v. ith the greatest difUoulty I ii the whole nrew In. two. trips. i M'd nothing but what tney ; HE MAY BE PUNISHED. Thal)i.imv.ii'ft l.iiws Provide Fine aud Iitt 'Unnmeat for need. Niru ( aoTij:, Del., June 30. Nothing l known of the whereabout! of John H. Reed, the 32-year-old grocer, who eloped from here with Auaa Dartlett, his clerk, not yet 15 years old. Joseph ilnrtlett, the girl's father, yes tecdny wont to Havre de Grace, Mi., in search of the couple, lint was unsuccess ful. He learned that Reed met the girl at that plaoe at 4 p. m. on Monthly, and then went south. The irate father, will Instruct the Baltimore and Philadelphia polico to search for the couple. . A vigilance committee of 28 has' been rgnniy.ed at this place, and should Reed return he will be given a coat of tar and feathers. Under the law he may be punished for marrying a girl under 15 years, the age of consent in Dolaware, and subjected to 41,000 fine arul soven years' lmrJrisnn rnont. Reed leaves a wife and a U'year old girl. " 'j NEWS OF THE DAY. Thomas Hosmer of Lisle, N. Y., was run over by a coul train and killed while lying asleop on the railroad track at Whitney's Point. A Calcutta dispatch says that sixty earthquake shocks wore experienced throughout the provinces of Bengal yes terday. Many buildings were destroyed, Pennsylvania State officials have noti fied the Mayor of Philadelphia that tha city will be held responsible for the Slate funds misappropriated by City Treasurer Bardsley. Tho summer cottage at Saratoga, N. . , T Xr , , ,lf '"XJZ ? ew,Yo,rk "rt r:;i " .kV momiug. Most of the oontouts were saved. Loss, $10,000. Charles A. Brush, a wealthy resident of South Xyaok, N. V., and a gentleman of high culture, died at his home in that place during the morning after a brief illness, aged 60 years. The date of the Yale-Harvard-Colttmbla Freshman race will take place next Wed nesday at New London, Conn. The hour has not been agreed upon, but 11 A. in. will probably be the time. Judge Cowing of New York, resen tenced Ilerr Most, the Anarchist, to one year in the Penitentiary, on the Convic tion of December 8, 1887. Attorney Wui. F. Howe will probably appeal to some higher court Fernando Lagrano, of New York olty, who killed C'hurles Mauro and cut him in pieces-liefore his wife's eyes, and who was con vie ted of murder in tlie aeoond degree, ws sentenced to State's Prison for life by Recorder Smyth. The principal damage to property by the cloudburst at Utica, 111,, last even ing whs done lu the business portion of the town. The losses are estimated at from $150,000 to 200,000. The town ia still flooded, but it is thought that no lhoe are lost. M'outhcr IiiillontloiM. AVasiiinoto.v, Juno ao.-rl'or New Knjlanli Light sbuwers on the coast; fair in the In tel lors variable winds; wurmer, fair weather Sunday. JVr Kastern Xcw Yoilt, Baetern Pennsyl vania, Now Jeisey, Delaware ad JlsrjUmd, I.lirtit showers; warmer; vurlaUle winds; on fcuuday fair; warmer. l'or Western New York and Western l'ennsylvantd: Light shower; stationary tern Iwmtuit); vnrialde wlmU. NliW YOltlt JIAltKlSTH. Ksw Your, June 19. Money on call loaned Miy at iiK and 3 per cent. HO.Y1. ' 0101 nf Yesterday 4tii 1801 Reg 100 4& isi omp wo 4 Z 1007 lleg ,.U0J ,4-i 1007 lW '.....1188 J STOCK HAHKE1U CToslnr To-da? 1W 100 U8U una ( lining . Vowei-day - Closing suo.iyr n vuuwy..v.i.va win H i ulaon li , tuof .v wcetoru... lsaii ).( -..;... .i.i io sUbro'.' S. N.I Illlf.. KocklsUnd:..! m. paui...'.,.. Vijiisturn UiiHmf..,v!...;,.;,v 81 i . 1'ilOOLtOt MAjikET. .". Jul. teat ...um, lulM . loan i , Mi 0 " - it ... MEHCAKTtLK BXCHANOB. Buttev in iiMiio (lemiind aud ii'ii(b', West- eru exiiii Chw"e eroani, l In ciiuet tute. fni lory, i .' ii lute. l-Vc. new, full units .unil Mute frunh. 17 o.al7J4o.i vestcrufuli, loVii- l.o. " 80S Ml.... TllVi 73M Ultun i eninu .,. tat SU auri luclBu....".:.r!T.' obm qom Joiy Cej..v,.,.,Mja iioT Hau fSH' 04 44M ens. BASEBALL SCORES. ho Phillies Capture ii (Inmo from tin a , Ulnnla. , AT IKKW YOHlt. NrwYork 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 0 7 0 10 0 0-11 I'MiMMpma l HatteHnsKeofa mid ntihllMHK Raner anC Clamant, i AT BOSTON. Boston l n i i n n n n fi 0 0 Q 0 4- I BrooKlyn 0 000 00910 O- Ilatttl'lesClarkSon and (IntlSalfl lfcrr ail ' Daily. ' AT CtJCVXLAJTD, ClPVflsnd i CMohiki.. ..,... ..0 9 0 0. 0 ft ! ttatterlrs -Young atitf Btmttcft Luby and i Bowman. AT VI rtVBUHO). , ritifiinn.Cln1nnatl account of rnlu. garno faftpawtl e The SUoM JUMonla Per P'r AsWiittlon 6nit. ' AT FHlL.UXl.PqlA. . , Il.it.m-Alh'ioili game toMtponod on m: omil of rnlu. , .Ait,ctcart5,vi 'i : rinolnnatl. .. 000000140- U Uiui )lllo a 1 0 0 1 0 0 3, IJ-lt Jlnltnnoi-Craue ' fll5ilrailri au4. C6nk. , AT BAI.TtMOW!. ' -' 1 Baltimore.. ..,...,.0 0 0 -0, J,,B 0, t 0-4 Wanlilniffon.. 9 6 0 5 I 0 0 0 0-1 Ilnttcrlo- McHahonaj)! BoMMiacForr'iii -n and JlcGuhc. . 1 AT coMmiius. Cohnnbus' .0 0O'0O0Ddl- suiuis .0 o 0 0 0,0 l 0 0- .1 nwtteriee-Gsstrlgbt and Bowse; Griffith unil lloyle Tha AasoelattuTi Heoord. 1T .. f-r autn. .H'on. iot,r"t CTubn. Wm, Ismt. 1-1 Boston... 35 30 jB37 ColombusDGi 20- .Mr 8t. Loiils..:iH -a ,01Q Athlotlo...a4 tfi tuifitnoroaa xi .eotf Lou'viue;;..? 7 Clllciun'tUS 38 .500 WaSa'tOB.,.17 05 Easteru Leane!' AT BCrJfAI-O. ( Buffalo.,.. Svrauune... ....1 002000 a 0 0 0 0 o 00 -0 tiome i-ancvj un account 01 reiaf v 1 Batterl!' Burr and WeL-ktwokert and .Myers. AT .BBAROIt. 1 Person liBbannn. .....1 0 4 0 0 8' g 0 0-10 Frovidenoo 0 1,-3 0 0 O Q 0 X 3 Batteries -Aulersou-and Touhsyt Ryannil Burke. AT ttOOBKSTiat. ' ' Rochester 0 1 3 0 4 0 3 1 0- 61 Auy... . ..0 0 '' 1 0 0 0 O-8 Bat leilos Shrove and Urquhart; Murphy and Brown. AT TROT. Troy 1 0080 6'BOO 6 Nowllnvon 0 00.00 0, i 10-2 Batteries--Mnijulro and Wcllsi Hornor mid Wilsoiu FIVE WERE DROWNED. Sad Outcome of the ffenloft-leinl Hurvey's llxiivdltloii to VaAhlllltoll. Vabhinotos, June 80. The Geological Survey liirs received information from L C. Russell of that llureau, who left here a month ngo to exploio the glaciers of Mt. St. KUas. The telegram was very brief and to the effect that the party had landed at Icy Ray on June 8, and iu land ing Mr. O. C. Moore, a lieutenant, and four seamen wore drowned. Vakoouveb, 11. P., June 30. The steamer Qaeun, at Victoria from Alaska, brings news that Lieutenant Koblnson aud four of n boat's crew from tun United States steamor Bear, and W. C. Moore, of the Mt. bt. H.UOS exploring oxpeitltion, were drowned at Icy Bay, Alaska, while a number of the explorers were making a landing. Tho Bear was bound for Beh ring Sea, and left Icy Bay June 11. THEY DIED TOGETHER. A Mother and Two Children Commit Suicide. Blkniimm, Qnt., June 1!0. The boilies of Mrs. DBivW Clarke and her two ohll dreu,n boy a,nd girl, both under 4 jrears of age, were found alongside. Honileau dopk last evening. The following woroU were written on the pier: Do not blame Oerncy, 1 did it (Signed) aUOCMK. Derney is the nnme of Mrs. Clarke's oldest son. The woman's husband de serted her and thlr five children last fall. This is supposed to have caused her to commit double murder and sui cide, j Miss Huntley HUappeiiruA. Mauien, Mass., Juno 20. When the cases of Dr. NHthan French, alleged prin cipal, and Mrs. Jlury E. Sutherland, al lofcjed iicoessory, lu malpractice utHiUiMlss Isabella Umitley oame up (hiring tho morning it was lonrneil that Miss Hunt ley, who is under bonds, had disappeared,' She is believed to have fled to Prince Ed ward's Island, her native place. Tho cases wore continued to Juno 20. and meantime an effort will be mudo to find the missing .witness. Klilml lu n (iiiurry, ., piiEKNBBrno, Pn., Juno 20. While a number of Italians were working nt Booth & Flynn's stone qtarry the huge roek under which the men were work ing slipped loose and fell upou ' Autou Pedro aud two other workmen. Pedro was instantly killed. The others wei-o fatally hurt. blaster aietilmnlos Kleet Oltleers. Caps May, N. J., June 80. The Nation al Master Mechanios' Association has concluded its labors and elected offloers for the ensuhiB year, as follows; Frest deal, John McKeusie of Cleveland, 0.; treasurer, O. StoWart of Uharleetown, Mwi., and secretary, August Sinclair of New Ifork. , ; fllvoi-ead on tlm Grouiid u( Cruelty - SfeW Havtsm, Conn., Juua 20; Mslry Shields, aged. 19, sraa divorced from Alexander Shield in the Superior CotuM heBe. lu lesa thou aH hour abe bad Df pltid for a marriMe llcenae and nd b coiiie the wife ot John Cilia. I bfi ratrlelj lkaAy IsX. ' " SiiEnr.itirfs' Orv, ltd.,' June 0V HY, risk Doffy, member of the dtrdsr ot Jetiust is dead of heart disease at tha ITroderick , ftovitlatf, He was bom in Philadelphia April ,0. 18ia ! Pennsylvania mils lSiotl. i UaSBMBORO, Ph , June '0. -The Bak.-r Ballot Reform bill nnd the bill nuthoriz 'lljjj a Constitutioiiul (',.riventiii have bean signed by the Governor. Gold fur Kurun. New York, June 20. Lazard Freres j shipped J;!,U20,0(X) gold to Europe to-day. Clevuluiil..i -'U .4110 Cincinnati .SO 08 .411 j W" ii... Ml I .ii ' Till. inn ' l A n Pe. ttut nol ro'Hoofiaha clUclUt Ci. .um ill ..itiiiiilitllillilliitiiiiiiiiiiiniilaiji..iit,i , i m m.M mm '' we you "Next to Wood, kidney and liver ultllc Uon norvousjie'Smiod 'iverrefinr1 lli'j tire the mit common, ' ' 'ithbutlft.Jat .tvcnufjve 9ri? U.ie nnnihcr of nerVmis dtsen hns tn if. n-id l.T-j't-ly, and the rue lirrl fi itcj 1 'v hM-e' given tfi' 'fcrcBt ocd'of ; uit,;nLiOil. . r v- 1 A to the causes, of nrvosftfrecllons. ; Hwli' muac Ip (eglpn ; ,111s)! in n.w i..j,U, I , i-Juiiirragul.uitli's of diet, l.:al't. i-ts, "i .Vol1, f-r"".jt KriuflUo lr.'Ji-pre -'ir) ; mo i of iit, li-ltn in fep!p' ,") tt Hf : n,"lvlty Hntf ptcimIob, "ftiiir frtr')hi.: ; nth 11 1 (Ji'ikjMlTfi-eof nov8Horci; nil wtidf ; to (ViFi'SsninJ eHfif. iPheJn'r'f'tn sy . tiMTi. i no mMiitiif;tiiiifBr;uyursovt)r ;bclrb6oks;'tir".ire WrlM r t Hjrtit'tiipa ' ' si m -''..'' :a Use the Best Toni r.l over a eo ritrv unknown to their 'T .li-yi 1'iS'iflTitthnt 'barils Troely iae'f 1 ; nif.'i-t iuwuM whflo th imunswire, In "f'oi in t'i i:net pwo wlthDhb roijtllre 'fte i - of :neSfi!j-'e4etClilt8 iTitOrte- ri '"ffliniioftiWope -vcsystewl. v'.i'i i i the. "Mill? A'W Over the fend .'' i r. ifi e lutlluVVlth nervons iiri iu-i he.i jitebo, .liei-vous i i i.'1 U I- nvcnsos j',vh i;enc- , ' ,-'',1 i,.'.-i--ii(lMi,'bfijntlTiis -de- Y1 rtlsii'W WmlJNSi . on mut ttorrfft nil . . ..om' .oH'f tloli will dt.jppiiojir., , .'( -r o v.-).ir.l'h V.vw, hni.e a iirv' food tl nl.'h -ul .i u jate ilssi'ts. Kuweto)w;UjU J . mm rowsis !.. - a; SOfc'T r, l; ivr t-n,Tir. l'.i-,Hl...j,ll r frijTirjits l.tiO. J.Ho.M,ll. y -At.l K U i i'i'i.v .'. c , ti-ji. ;.- s-oro ilsngd.r, Ma. IIIKDIIUIII HlMKtktf IIIMtllMIIIIII every WA TERPHdQF "IE UP TO THE MARK ml WEKDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN RE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. PCNNSYLVAN'A KslLROAO. SCHLTI.Kl'r.t BIVTSlbJI, 0 ami alter A'ov. M, lfcDO, train um 4fi Bhcuaittlofth m fofiautj tar WigRau, bitijerton, Fuukvllle, Mem CttUe, HI. Clair, aud way pnMh e.il, D.U i infcnd 4.1E r m, Bandsys, butt, C.-i'Ir m snd 8.I0P m. For r-oitsYiue, s.uu, ,b.i a m ana 4.1bp m. Hundsvs sou. t.sim aud 8.1(1 n ttor Kei, dime. S.D0. K.lO a ui and ilK b m. Bnudars. 60.', 9.4U a. uf. And 8.111 n vs. Por l'oiuiown, JPiioHiosville, Nrirristowi- sud fbiMidelpbia (bi.nd Urest suttoai. tkU) .! a m. ami 4.1 1 1. m weekdays HU1.UJ," QDll, K UK UlilUJI H rrams leave r i.icvllie,tor KJpenandeni''s !i4, M2,10JWpi. liundaj lO.lDain aud l: 11.13 a iu and 5.1" . in. iavt ll.C. t l.evt fuil.l..v lor Bueiioudoan. liLI5cc i.n 9 n t.i5,D.pm mtnaT; lowb-a i.11 p u. 4ave i'tiltaelpbliii 15roii sweet stMlea, a . and LIU v. ia. s-or nr 4 Vork, ti.20, 4.fL 4.40, SJSi, 0.50, T.WJ .8i' i.V), n.vOiit1.r5am,l.tWnoin.(liiii I'td ejieM, i,ltf o.d 4.S0,p jf.) Ji4JL4u,E.3v ;m, 4,6, fc t jii, tt. ,0 i.l t..ii and lWkl p m. Via 'UU OJ.UQHJI,, S.WJ, 4.U), I4U, B.ttl, SOa, h.iJU,.X a a., i.i.d UA!'20 Un, :led4,&UJ, 6.W, l,u, b.v 7.iTs.! p m end i..i4.rgfci - - . Kor hea bin, hwijig ..bake,., f tian t. uve, Aui (AL li.19. a. ra. .ii pneliold, i.v , p. u lUiiMiini'- and H.it. uve, Ai.l.llli'l'Hlk,BdiA)l41 tanu isiiti. ui. weea ui r Fa p. m. week, OM". and Waii iiiilon. .". 7.SA. 8.81 8 li), lo.io, iijsa ra, tt,(ltnttedelipress)8. 1 tt u ; au ;.tu p, nnd ixusiikbt. Fo tiali.u.oit uly txa, 4 1. .'UK ana U W p. to IV lj OllNudsyS,li.IlU 7.Uu.tt.ll.aU 11.18 IU'Uk,4.4 -,s.c ID. Mi' p 5 J-vs mfui-. can more omy SMs'rid II.SSp Kor ttii-nwnudand thsMoetb J.sml.Uta.iYi. 1 1. iln iled Kseie's & lu..)'l,.t niziii.wees. days, foitdsys, T.iia.U).,li(Hutht.'7 Tiainsiev Han. -iwi. 1,11 Kitsbnjv and thai west evuj day at li.&and K.1U a m af 4.ol(ilm'iedhudi4 i in. Way r ATtucri -.14 a i., a. id 4. lu i ui ,ry flay. Kor 1 1 i-hiii ouiy, t 4i a ai daily ana U wees dsv. e ' ' ' 1 ilei.yi'nui,uilf I0i' WJlliWumrl, Jiiin una. uric'.isiei.i-.unaiuana ra i.i i Am dniiy, and I.Upu , ia. ..cMin.iiHva. i .") y 'Urfj J.B.WyOA), lrt '.,,. ' I 7iif)n ,4m Xt(j, 10, 1W)I morn inr, K' '(iV rn" i roTJ. .tiiiPTrd g ftld, V i.iiii'iiiwt Jin k u n, t oauttnie,WM ( I t-u-j.t liS(l-i.,ut ,liii,i'i.ii, i;. a O.-Juueliun, Wijiii'icii nsiil in'pniiidlB-iesiatlomT.diiTiy "fl dtilitUi . a tuinirt ,iuiu,in. .aid 845 p. 01. I- in I. . nn'j in ' im ii. m. , , M i- i i. n k, si. K!erP s-lntTnVrnUtf Msjioi i,diu uvi , l,vyifcJM.wu,oiin 6.14 1 . in. mm. day oi ly MS a m. . j j, .i,.,i., i it, hiiu jtrivrnmuiKTW'mmiioua, tl KfiO aii ii my ii. ui l.jii, ... , ' M . I'. I . .. A . .1 1P.,l,(Mnl. K.iluiill imh iiI Hriniliiv fit '2tw1 i8Wu. In. 1 u waill'Tietni) 'j i' ii IValin nrrtvest Meumi k ft'. A 1(. l.i'b n Lri tn Wtni lnvton, Ii, A O. JnnilKni, Mi n' i liaii in, tii (' " i id Ji i it" i vs m ). -1 . l.lljl.pf I i n 1 1 s - I r, n)l"isll I'll I'l r i i .'i M , ,,i um, I'oil.t , l, .-n tin . t3 .1 tl n i (. i 1 ' -i 'If i , i M I i ' i.l II' . i i in i i a ' (i " ,7 i'. in. Mi-ii 0 Ii i.l I 1 111. lot. "i 1 i i , i " ( 1- in rt ule ii" dii i & i, I , -,., j i ) . i 1 i ti- i 'J , a. and ...ii. in ' m i, ) i ... i, i n. I'l. in filliUI olo si (1 iiiltllncil ill1 1 ttutlollli. Pxiiiid.i; ( ii y nt 1.4U ) in. r loin M n-li'iijiiMi and Itsli'mo'e, rtailv i x lepl ro l (lev, lll'.'o o In 6 ill licit H 17 j.. in. Suudi oun i.i 11. 'Ji ti ni. 1'iiW K" Bll'ljt.u (trul lass. Agt A. O. Mel' A I CLAM, bui it. Cut si a I us, 6,, p iu weea dsy. K i fie and Jbr'iitfdfoteivijttk, e.ipaHJ. t? t Kur 1 juA tlnvsn, &JU, sua S.fil Via d-ny, I.Slaud 6J" jp. ni. wk dnys, jF.i k- nova ir.o a m hufutm tm v m is.Wi fcPURiFY'XBLOOB t l.KAM Ttt r ( mi i'l l (i4, IIKK.IITI 1 THE r VW, MVUTI THE HRBATH, T.IM TIIR mTOHAf'tl, nTCT T.iTE TlTP I IVKK AMI HUWULfl V ' ' (I V r l I I ' T HK.ll.TH. iTodophyllin PilU -nervGi , tl; t-'nr, ' frOM t t I ,l - 1 . I If Si ij C''.'.')!' V JJUi.i.i.v.juu. iU .Llil., r ,1.. . - ! 1 " j, no s -i: t e rtiy Mm-. Ik : t r knwii 11,1 611 iJ. Vl4-) I i era ,1 - ; , .iffl ct. .1 " I. ' itnou. itMof r-.vrnt l', '.Vf.i do:K-i ,u v 'i-i! ii--.rtiur 1. ! 1 :. "1 'r "V ' Sot Vf 1,1 '. 1, ,r fVrii-k i to V '1 it .- J. '.1 'I urn hm'iv,- ', . 't, ..i 1 1 -. s Orjbe 1.1 uVpn tM'sffwfc ln-ij'inl alii! lira. a'HiXit. i -4; It suerm lo nitt'riiSM' tltat 1 1 .oWl.aek to II, as thon.-h J 1J .1 for years an onnici anutiiii iiiuut live. I nDstcnsteu f Bvory ono and uus pOHtnssed of a con- kait nud iiainciiiis fe.lr. Phy'dl) nff S t lft m'tj tho nerS-o cnro Wb oTtrftd ahaMvnGtf my fold would not dlitestt'-C whbtt It soured ot my stomach ; when S 'my appetite lireatno i-flprii-lous, tlie.v J snip I hid nervous dyiipepsla. -j tried. S several physicians and udopwd every I tAltigaugi.-cKteil by friends, yet my nights ; wore wakeful onei, and my das inyse S of torture. Olio day flrown'li ' ( i'ipa- UIr fell nudpr my )i.ole; I liec,m Tlio ; ofTt, nn.l .iia result flle' nerves were rp'tnrtn'rf tiS ihf'-f Tmvmftl i'ftnfHlnn. ft S4ci nud permauent furewas the reaii-tv' C ht'itisi fi r 5.00." "fJM l ii f, '.," IT 13 NOT. COLLAR on CUFF i oarsanarmaj THAT CAN BE RELIED ON ixrot to mrux i ' ixrcyt -to T31OOl03r! BLAiii THIS MARK. t'BADE Williams k lirol UShiunber''SW. ' F i Lounges, Bedsteads, bureaus, llvans, Easy Ohalrs, i- U "Chlnonleni, Parlor Cabinet, TEatels, ' , ' WU Stands, COUcbSjS, n aCuaie Cabinet, ' 6resstutf CaBlmii. Planbtliilni, N Hall Stauds. .. Settees, Axinolres, t Id boards, Bt'ilig Tal.les, ciroaClosefaj r IlallYaUej, Fancy Tables, tUbodtUtAtels, loektWst T itUfeU, AV'rltinslXafes, king Chairs, Sanretarlaft) ' Oard TRk!l Mirrors, Boos?l)blnotH,) ' Pianos, " ' Qrgktvi, ,' !iMkM8Bhl(M. Tea Tables, Fatlor Halts, E uPtIolstery mm. . BOTTOM IR1CK. . - SHENANDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. A in v ly rt' tl i HH i'l AM tool jr; 'MT, waT1 it 1)11 lltfc L(. K ,, 'lu , Li It U K tl r i ' I i i m . i,1 i UiMt n'. i i t- nil ' 1 1 t ii I i - t l .1 . 1 lie htimd lUitl t' l.c (1tVi Mhini n ui A ( liU 14. Ji MiriK 1 i . I Ci d' nml J ru i ec'all. ipioiiin . i i lti j k j nUnrri'1 In il f, mid (m .ii, 1 I ' ' , h. in rii uMert Vrtioiaoi tblriKiftl. i t -it, i.llft tjivlni: lu 1 pitrtli ulnK, lo j u. rj'.i.UY, Wntcr oi X-!:e Co., a. uoutb ilaiu Ht,, Wilkes-llarre.fft. ?r-ilarlelpbja and. Ee,v1ing Railroad. ivms Taut n fftt Mtw jo, J891 TUW LEAVE S!tKNAIOAn AS FOLLOWS Kor er York Tl t 0 S.- 7.30 k. tnt or .er Yoe. via rhllsdeirma. wees; d u 3.x i;m di nij ma 1 w. iM.nilay a.iJ BBj 7,4, d U i.'O and 6.U 111. For new uk, v a Mu.-i Vhdnk, tseek A. a. in. nnd 13 UiMllH 'J ) ui. rlusil'-ig aWrtil!(it-!i,) i days, 5,m, il'C - . WW, kWT. WM i.o snd J.M n.m! u. dsj li nJdT,.. in. r. r jii , 'n mi, whs days, 8,1'J,7.J a. m,i 0 l.w. n. In. d, oi AKtaiowo, weea days, 1,K . m. llSf 0 1'. iu , 1 8 1 a.t0 oid 0,53 p. in. Benday g.io and Tji tor Tamaqruv' and 'MaUhnotffy, wee! 4-.y, -n, a,is, T-m-. .rJi) ,-4nd Mf .TO, Hunnay; 2,I0Btm7.!a.ni. AdaiUonA for WllUimrsnon, "iinbdry Ld TwHnrtTs, ' i or Kstiauoy Klane, wees days, 2.io H3t, 1. 7.JH 1 ltd 41 Ull u all' DiK i O a Ti ZP .Wonf i jii, Himday. aiu.'.iis andT.vl ia. j. 6r. m. i i . , .' ror toridvine (Itsppaliasquo HUllon) e llftVH. 2.1 . 1 li OS. T iHI 4M USia Mi U.S.), l :-o n, i).r,j, i.ikmudJ8. i. m. emnday. &u - .iia.. in., sits firm. .lVe i iti l"il'pf iH, Uys, .1C. and ''''iMuoiiVsW'VsY,' ;"! JijKVt rt:oivllle.'we'i'daVi. ilti. 7.iii i p. tu. Hiiajf ia. an, and Ui. HllbL.OU II. III. , . , . v . lavTJittint)y ottv. wek'os.iii.40?l.f(!r: jid il. iui, ;.Uaud .44 p, m. Mrua. lay,:J4di ni.,.voii. in.,' ' T ."Mi. iu, ejunnuyii Pi vjj, ana tVbtMi m. iiaj - , ...... iieave .Wmisu siioi'ii .wmisuspoi'w wee dysh8.oi),...48anjlf u. ,). aud 11.16 p. m. uiAay fl ft i. sj a. tu. o, iu. i-ur iian iniore, wasningran ana me wen J U. A O. K. it., through trains leave lilrara Vvende Mmi ion. I'bimdeliybla:!!'. av . ii" AS nt 416, ml ulid . inj,1.84, 4J24, 5.6itte im j.. ru, -iiinaay, t.i s.ui u,x7 a. m,, .'4 ,,M and 7.8 P.to. i, ' AX.,AVruM.'i(rY mvituoN. ' imivs fiiuadeinhla. Uheslnut felttwt WD art ua nouin Htrevt Wnrr. itr aii unite cicy. Weeltli.ys-r xpiiwis wkm a. in. and I.UD, at. AvooJimicKlauon, M.00 a in., o: in, , h .mduys.-. Express, 9.00, a. m, Accomm .anon. B.uu a. m. and 4.W p. m. iioiui am, leave Atlantic I'lly, 0i'ot ornei fi uiie and Aiaausas avenues. w K-dhya tlxuens. 7M, ejjo, a. m. and 4.ou. p. m. ciin n t.ai n. ii. c-it.u oioaation, .uu, Kisa a. in. una t.av jnuaHys. impress, 4,nu p. ra. Acoommol i, on, a. m.ann s.w p. to, t V. U. HANtJOCK, 4enlPaas r Agts K. A, MCLKOI). ires, dk Geu'T Mauimei-. Lehigh Valley Railrdad. AB8ASGN1KNT OV J-AWKSOBK TOAIXB. JI A Y W, ' 18M. - PasseDfcer tisins will leave Kheaandoah for afaucb I nimn, l.eliltliiuii. r-laliuat'-Li. Cata kKtiiiuK, Allen. own, Bethluiem, KastiiD, fhfl Bile. .i i oi ami ew Vork at.47. 7.40, t.ua. iu.. u,i;ii(.,s.i'ip.m. . 1 of HeUidere. I 'uware Wsler Uan aeA oiiouusuiii'K uia.t(, a. ULspo u.ip. iu. r o'-i.-.ni.iinviiieauo ireuto.i, y.un a, us, Ko- w o.ie Hatu, WlltiUarrO snd-nuh Un6.l7, H.ito. lii,4l a m D.lllund 5J8c.'to.; Koi TuuxiiauuopK, 10.41 fc m.,O.Ajnnd6.'J P. ui. Kor .vnburi), ft hnpa, Geneva and and Lyona 10.11 a. iu an t bui p. m. rm Imc? Mi'e, Towel ,ti, feiayre, WaverJt (...oli-a. K..i-K.vet: Butlalo. larara Kails. 'i 'i.i. ..oaim all poiuu Westai IVAI a. xn.iai0 i.n p. ni. Kor Iniiin and the West vlaMalatuanoti at. 3.1Up. ni. or Aiiaeurien, narieion, nioraina, lid. tier Yardj Welbrly aad Keuu Haven Jano liun.at5,4;,5.4U,li,li!)a. m.and 12. i:, itJQ audi tor Jenuenvilte, - i.evw-ni and Beaver Mesdow.T.i'J, K.Oiia. m. rnd iM i. m, . Kof SoratoLi at S7 '0, lo.Ua, in. o.IOand f WHasle Jlrtxii. Jeddo. Drlftou and Free- land at's.47,-7.40, tf.uB, W.tl a. ni., 12 vi 3.W and o.inip. in. - - Kor.uuaitaSe at .6,4) and H.'tt a. in., anil J.lu p. m. ' Kor vVlgi.-ans, (illnerlon aud Frsekvllle at, . SJU and n.O" a ii snd 4,1V p. m. Fur lKinhviiie, Aiauauoy cny ana i?iano. 6.47,7.lii, h.'k, iv.ll, lu.ooa. ni.,lloJ 'J.l'J, t.W, 8,06, Kor tiosi Creek. Slraidvllio and Ashli l llllfl 1II.ZI. 11. ill. ' 1 1 ami . f.i.7, 7 46.464, lu.lf a. m.i i.l".', J.lti, 4.10, 646 8.1U and dJ4D.ini w'or lint kwnttu. Mt. flnlr nud Pbiitavllla. f7u40, .0S, IOJiS a. lu., S.lj, i. 10, 4M aWbJi L. III. I Kor Buck JktoUpWo. ftew'.-Uoston ata. Morea. 7.4U. t.0S. il'WiL li... rXiJ. 3. lu. S.2b and Must p. m. JrXte?M ft&!W!&,i Ml- lOafmel and . Djimuui,. ew,, aua iv.iu a. ' itsv lo , ffin ' Mi' iM sou o.un ji. in. lutuu- leava aViuutMikla. oi aUataaadoab. 7.05 M.55 a. m.. 2 lu, 4.30 and vvtd p. iu., arriving; at blieumiuoah, a. u)., 1st a, .lie, 6.20 ana M.ip. .jM,,toi,iv:iKAiNH. Kor Jost Creek, (iirardvih aud Asblsod. ., K.lu ll.Sia.in.,2.46p. n. . cor iLpiwu'voi, . vtair jii Kor lofty, Andeuried and Haileton, SM a-io )p,ro: - (KMfViwiiChaiik. l.ehlghton, (Klatlnston, UoUNmniywiMtown, Bellilehera, KaatOK Bl.!ptfrnW'U- I Hi All WlJsUlUal flaaM'l Una.. U.i 1 . lavl lb. XI, wwa a em, ivaaat( ai(iiuituvuii t i ! kuOHl'fnrgei:tliii table an, effullve o ninPn ki.nwu. rettreay. vouifTnn no nn&eral; SIT Fergmont lMtl Block, Shenandoah, I'u. , . .)'t iV, l0 !... '. - t l I . ' . H . , '1 wlii.t c CUBf 1