5W if VOL. VI.--NO. ISO. SHENANDO-AH, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1891. ONE GENT. THE SUREST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THROUGH LIBERAL ADVERTISING I c Goversou PA'rrisoNbn) Mgued the new ballot law ami eoustltutloual convention bill. In hid address on Decoration Day Aitsjor MoKluley said: "The only "debt tula governineut can never pay Is tho debt it owes the brave nioa who .saved the Nation. The soldiers waited, for tholr pensions), patiently waited patriotically wallod, while thegoveru--mont was btruggllng under tho mighty burden of money debt incurred by war. They stood firmly for the pay ment of that debt, they resisted every form of repudiation, under any guise. They have saved the country In war, they helped to keep Its fiuaucial honor freo from stain in peace. The great war debt is almost paid. Who bhall say that the government obligation shall not be as scaredly kept?" The American people will contlnuo to Btand squarely behind such sentiment. Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warning? The Mgnal per jliapsof the sure approach of lliat more ter friblo disease. Consumption. Asa: yourselves fit you ran milord lor tlie Bake of savins 50 joints, to run the risk and do nothing for it, e know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure Wlll Cure ycur Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than n Million Dottles wero Bold the fast year. It relieves Croup and Whoppine Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame Back, Bide or Chant, use Hhlloh's Porous Master. Hold by C. H. Ilagenbuch, N. E. comer Main and Lloyd streets. A Hew Business. P. J. Cleary has opened a etoro in the Ferguson's building, on East Centre street, and is prepared to furnish tho local trado with fine leather and shoe findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is a large one and wll equipped to fully supply all demands of tho trado. 6-15-tf It Is u well known fact that l'an.Tlna Cough and Consumption Cuio has cured Con sumption. Coughs and Cold, wlin ail else fnllfd. 25andG0 ceuta. Trial bottles nee at Klrlin's drug More. The largest atocjr of wall paper and window shades ever received In this town, or county. Good selection, at P. J. Portz's book and stationery store. 8-20-tf Best domot shirt In town, at "The Famous" clothing house, 60c. Shifting pants from 76c. up. ' iffrPny Keystone flour, lie careful that the lno Lessiq & Co., Ashland, Pa,, is printod on every sack. 8-S-3taw Waters' Weiss bear is the best. Iteilly solo agent. John A. 5-5-tf CETSTTS per yd for tho BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Sold In other stores for 35c. All floor Oilcloth1: reduced. Cull for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Star, iOJSoulIi Jardin St., near Cenlre OUR FINE QUALITY LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, 3 pounds for 25c, Aro guaranteed equal to anything in the market at ' higher prices, TE2T DIFFERENT KIABS obreslt Cakes Ginger Snajis and Biscuits, 3 lbs. for 25c crTJsa? QozMziasra- msr Another Lot or Fine California F runes, two jr. A .7 T" 7. Y Canned Fears andFlums. qoiietq- otjt past, M IflYkW MM lAUU EXTRA Q,TTA.UIT"5r- -w- wr w t t mil w Til T7i rr - . jNOW 02V 2 Two Cars Choice Quality TImotliy Hay baled AT KEITER'Sf. FINANCIAL SGAEE LAST TREASURY STATEMENT SHOWS A DEFICIT. THE FIRST TIME IN MANY YEARS. Government OHlcials not Disturb ed by the'Situation Uncle Sam is Ablo to Pay all His Obli gations on Demand. By Xatlmal Tress Association. New York, Juno 20. Flnnnclal olrcles are agitated over the announcement from Washington thnt the last Treasury ntato ment shows a deficiency of $787,108. This la tho first timo In many years that tho Treasury hns had a deficit. Tho Treasury officials uro not disturbed by tho situation and say that Undo Sam la amply ublo to pay all bis obligations on demand. It is pointed out that this dooa not In clude $23,627,412 of government funds on deposit with national banks and J29, 1320,000 of fractional silver. It is esti mated that tho receipts of tho Treasury for tho balance of tho inontlj will largely exceed the expenditures, and there will probably bo a surplus of $7,000,000 by July 1. A loading bnnker in discussing tho financial outlook saldi "In caso an un usunl drain has to bo made- on the Treas ury in order to move tho crops, tho Sec retary, if tho 4 1-2 bonds are extended, can purchase considerable 4 per cent, bonds. The outlook is therefore rather moro favornble than it first appears." ANGRY AT ENGLAND. Iliitlsh Columblnus Incensed Over tho Beul Agroouiont. Wasuesoton, Juno 20. An Ottawa Bpcclal says that the agreement nrrlved at between the British Government and the authorities t Wachlngton, regarding tho killing of seals In Bohrlng Sea, has raised a storm of indignation in British Columbia. Premier Robinson will petition tho Governor-General to protest on behalf of the Pacific Province to tho imperial au thorities against the agroomont. Over twenty Canadian scalers have been fitted up at a cost of over half a million dollars, and have anllod north from Victoria to cngaga in fishing for seals during tho coming season. Tho British Columbians aro greatly in censed at tho unexpected manner In which tho British Government has acted in tho matter without considering Cana dian interests. The Government at Ot ' awa is also coming in for a Bhare of abuse from them. They claim that tho Minis ter of Marine deceived them by etaUjg In Parliament that tho Imporial Govern ment hod been notified ot tho Canadian Interests involvod and that no agree ment would bo sanctioned that was prejudicial to Canadian interests. SufVerluc from n Tecalla? niseuse. Scottdale, Pa., June 20. Tho Hunga rians in tho coke region aro suffering from a peculiar disease, greatly resem bling tho terrible black leg malady, which some years ago infestod Europe. There uro twenty" patients now In tho Westmoreland Home, nnd 200 cases in tho region. Their limbs present a loath some appearance, and tho disease la rag Inn. lbs, tor 25c. V-AU M PT n .7 nw-r,m wm wt -wr . a w RACK HERE, THE DIG FLOOD RECALLED. Johnstown Pnfrerors Commcnco Frocccfl inns Aenlnat tlm Pithing Club. PiTTSBcno, Juno 20. Two weekB nftor the sad celebration of the second anni versary of tho Johnstown delugo, In whloh over 2,000 live were lost, comes the aunouncomont that damage suits nre at last to bo entered against tho South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, which owned tho artificial lake who?o wntors caused the great destruction of life nnd property. The club wos principally com posed of millionaire iron and steel man ufacturers of Pittsburg and Alloghony City. W. D. Moore, the celebrated criminal lawyer ot Pittsburg,' has baen retained by tho Johnstown plaintiffs. Litigation has all along been anticipated by tho rittsburg pooplo. An attempt to Indict thorn for criminal nogllgence was killed in tho grand Jury room of Cambria County, THE GOVERNMENT LOST. A Tordlct for tho l'lulutlmi In tho lint Trimming Cate. PmLADELPnu, Juno 20. Importers aro elated over tho result ot the Moyer & Dloklnson test suit against tho Govern ment to recover alleged excosilre duties paid on Importations of hat. trimmings. The jury returned a verdict in tho United Stntes Circuit Court in favor of the plaintiffs. Tho plaintiffs claimed that tho goods woro llablo to only twenty por cont. duty while the custom house officials held that they woro dutiable ot fifty por cent. Washington, Juua. 20 Acting Secre tary Spauldlng says that tho covornment will probably appeal tho hat trimming case. Tho amount Involved Is from $18, 000,000 to $20,000. RIOT AND STRIKE. White Elinors Ohjnct to Colored Men llolnjr Employed. WABniKQTos, Pa,, June 20. A riot and strike Is in progress anions the miners at Findoyvllle. So far no serious outbreak has occurred, but Is expected overy moment. Tho causo of the outbreak Is that col ored men wcro employed In open ing a new mine. The white miners ob jected and a general fight occurred. Sheriff Lockhnrt with several deputies have gono to tho scene. Dospandnnor Drove 111m to Suicide. Eiue, Fa., Juno 20. George Hamilton, a young man who lived hi Edlnboro, this committed suicide at Conneaut last evon ing. Ho lost his wife a fow years ago, nfterwards failed in business nnd slnco thon had been despondent. He was found elttlng on tho doorstop of nn Erie friend yesterday morning, was put into bed, but clandestinely left tho house and was not hoard of until ho was found In Conneaut dying from tho effects of morphine. The Children lVaot 6.100,000 Damage!. Prrrsuuno, Pa., Juno 20. The guardian of tho five minor children of the late Charles Achonhell has entered suit In their behalf against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for $100,000 damages for tho death of their father. Achonhell was killed In u wreck on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on Juno 20, 1800, while on his -vay from Baltimore to Pittsburg. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. All Roada Lead to Rome Only One Royal Road to the Sea. Coaches and parlor cars of regal sump tousness, whirled seaward by fleet and smokeless hard coal locomottvos, carrying passengers safely and comfortably, in 80 minutes or less, from Delaware avonue In Philadelphia to Atlantic avenue in Atlan tic City this Is why it is called tho "Royal Reading Route." Fast, frequent and con venient y arranged trains 6tart from Chest nut street and South street ferries. And Its the only double track lino to tho sea. That portion of the Pennsylvania Rail road's Trenton cut-off extending from Morrisvllle, If en Jerey, to a point of con nection with the Schuylkill Valley branch at Ernest, near Norrlstown, will be thrown opon for regular travol nei Monday. Tho completed portion is thirty-one and four tenths miles in length, leaviug fourteen and seven-tenths miles to Glen Loch, this side of Cownlngtown, on tho ms'n line, yet to bo finished. When tho entire "cut-ill ' Is completed, it will effect a saving of go'r taon miles batweon Now, York and Down iiXtowa, The new line, oxcoptinx o.' cjdrse the local pp 'terser travel, will be used crclusively for de'xht UaHlc and l intended to removo the necessity of b. los ing through f.-eight to and from Now Yo k and the West Philadelphia. On the po--tion to bo opened on Monday nozt toe v will be stations at Dun lap, Attleboro, Roxton, Dreeher, St. Thomas, due Bell and White Ma. .h Junction. Thore's a baltu la Gllead; theie'i one cool spot In Ibis swoHo.bg land. The sail winds that blow through oid Nep.une's whiskers and sweep across Atlam.c Oi.v's board walk are what everybody is pirhg for, It goes without s.tying that tho f.ivoi Ue route to that favori.o resort .3 tue R?au i.ig Railroad's gieat and oiauifleea.lv equipped double-uack line. EV-i.y rr.lv ute express trains start at frequent lole-va s f.-om Ches.nut i.r ot and South sireot wharves, Philadelphia. And l.'s the on'- double track line to the sea. Glen Onoka, Glen Summit and Harvey's Lake, on the popular Lehigh Vallov llai1 road, are just r popular to-day as ever anu are being greatly patronized. BOROIIGHBUDGET. DUSKY DIAMOND DEALERS VISIT TOWN. THE FEMALE BASE BALL PLAYERS. Ono of Them Sorlous'y Injured. Sun Stroko Causes a Woman's Death Notos on tho Movo monts of Pooplo. Tho members of the Coat Exchaogo of Philadelphia and vicinity arrivod in town yesterday afternoon, shortly before two o'clock, by Bpecial train, and were received at the PhiUdoIpbia and Reading Railroad depot by Division Supo'lutendont John L. Williams, District Superintendent J. J. Bradigan, Mr. John H. Pollard, of Ab land, and Mine Inspector Stein. They remained horo about half an hour, during which time tho outside workings of Indian Ridge colliery wco visited and about half a doaon descended iho shall, in charge of Inside Foremen Davis and Campbel'. Tho visitors wco under tbe chatgo of Mr, Wellington BeoleUo, of Mabanov Piano, Mr. Fiank KeHVr, of Frackvillo. Mr. John K. Rnu, of Philadelphia, was tbo spokoirmm for the party nnd to a Her ald reporter ho made an indignant denial of tbe report puhllshia in the stato papers yesterday that an accident occurred while on the way lo Wilkes-llarre and endan gered tho lives ot the members. Mr. Rau said there was absolutely no foundation for the report The visitors left here at 2.'J2 for Sunbury and Hi.rrifburg. Tho pirty v, as composed of tho following gent'omen and their wives: J. F. Rau, E. y. Bonbright, Samuel Lodor, 11. W. Johnson, Julius Cantl'man, J. U Paxson, E. W. Doron. El wood llurton, W. F. Lender, J. L. Tyson, James Caldwell, William R. Tyler, John Love, E. H. Richards, G. V. Deakyne, F. V. Berle wan, Thomas Insoll. Also Mrs. II miry Baity, Miss Miller, Miss Burton, Miss Agnes Oonlhin, Miss Dorii, Waller Crowder, damuel Crowder, W. R. Bifchail, O. O. A. Baldi, N. Ickman, Frank Janazollo, B. C. Hancock, J. L. Jones, L. II. Koo.l, William Kced, Charles Schwo lHgor, George Wtbor, H. Wnbor, II. Weber, Jr., L. Jwuonlioson, E. S. Jackson, J. H. Kelley, ,1. M. Kelloy, Jacob Schweibw, Charles McGuire, John Smallivan, William J. Walls, Patrick Kyan, George E. Weiss, H. M. Cramp, D. T. Morton, N. Borzner, Alonzo North, Edwin Gallinger, 0. A. Strouse, T. W. Merldolh, James Walker. H. H Yearick, U, Erinvachter, J B VanUuzni C. 8. Lowrcy, Frank Prcuzo, T. Ate Icheney, Charles Jloiz, Goorge W. Fishtr, Gust. Hein, Julian Heln, L. W. House , Henry Tailor, L. C. Modera, William Lichton, James McGratb, J. L. Penncoci' W. T. Riolds John S. O-over, Georse U Ross, U E. Young, H. B. lVirfon, O. II Endenborn, John llohcnadel, D. I! Butfnbr, Mr. Love, James Sinne R .ber. Arthur, H. K. Spaulding, U O. Black Charles B&umaG, L T. Tierney, D. B Whimsy, W. U. Spotlord, William I'harlton, William Glass, Jr., J. A Bloomor. C. U Buclio-, John Dougberly, W. H. Dougherty, G. S. Bolton, Simon Jacoby, J. Pazel, Thomas Quigloy, Thomas Quigley, Jr., S. B. Chapmac, T. S. Mize, Mr. Knight. Thomas McConnell J. 1',. Dclberl, II. O. Maulave, W. T. Bonbright, T. P. Jonkias, Messrs, Dobson and Maderi and Frederick E. Saward, of tho Cbai JVat'e Journal of New York. THE BASE BALL GAME. Women are Failures on tho Dia mond. Tho "Cincionaai Reds" female base ba i club tackled a local organization at ut trotting park yesterday aPorooon aod admirably illustrated how little women kuow ol tbo tactics connected with tho bate ball field. Those who havo seen a wodihi throw a stone can form an Idea of how the females played ball yesterday. As a bii'lesquo on tbo na.Ional game it was a g.and succoss. It was a regular show aad tbo spectators "oaredwlth laughter, but the merriment was brought to a sudden termination in ibe first half of the seveath Inning, whon one of the female players, whose name on the score ccrd was,Carmon, met with a sellout accident. Carmen had hit to second bate and ran with excellent speed for first when tbe young fellow at tbo latter point uninten tionally stopped backward, causing a collision. Carmen was thrown into the air and, turning a half somersault, fell in a heap on the cpposllo side of tbebaso. As she fell the shrieked and then swooned. P. ompt assistance was given tbe vlc'im and she soon recovered her senses. M.s. H. E. Bowman, of East Centre street, very kindly took charge of tho young woman and had her taken to ber residence, when) Drs. Callen and Hamilton. wo. o summoned The doctors found that Carmen's right colla -bone had been brokenn two places, and .hey said the breaks were bad ones. A Heuald reporter visited CVmon at Mrs. Bowman's residence last evening. She was found resting eay on a lounge in thesltting-room. Sue said: "Tho doctors say 1 will bo laid up for a month or more, but I hope to get upon Iho field again bo Core that. 1 will go to Now York i itv to morrow morning and will be cared for there by tbo mother of M, . thniu, wii i tho manager of our ciub. The lady is a particular friend of mine and I have no nther friends in this country, as I but re cently came Irom Scotland, whero my notbor Is still living. My ball playing .lame is Carmen Latenville. My real name is Agnes Helton. This accident is a great misfortune to mo, but as I will bo well cared for by Mrs. Johnson and my salary will nin during tho liaio I am laid up things will bo all right before long " The young woman loft for New York his morning on the 6:47 Lehigh Valley train. The club loft for Mahanoy City lasv night leaving thn unfortunate member in Mrs. Bowman's rare. TUK QAM It. Tbo bating order of tho female playe s wore: Ca'mnn, s. s.: F'ankie, p j Goorgie, lb.; Grace, 2b.; Lillian, 3b; Nellie, c; Angio, e. f.; Flora, r. f., all very preliy names; whlio tlm homo toam registered themselves as follows: Ansonbergpr, lb.; What, ab.j Mayoali'haCHn, p.; Toulato, s. s.; Mufrun, c; Fitsall, 3b.; Wack, c I ; Hivesome, 1, f.; Grandspill, r. f. Tho lemales wont to bat first. A scuror attempted to keep track of iho game, but tho errors, misjudgments and a number of discouraging side issues piled in so f: t that tho task w s abandoned. Ansonborger disported himself in a mimnor that would make his Chicago name wild with envy. Tho umpire, G.itlln, who is manager ol tho femalo club, mado somo voiy unique decisions. He promptly settled all disputes with the reminder "Don't dUputo with the umpire." lutlio third inning ho refused to drularo the female side out until 7 of the club wero thrown out. One of the homo club, in another inning, knocked a hot one to tbe outfield and the umpiro magnani mously gave tho pitcher a ball from his pocket so that sho could throw the batsman out at first. It was a game of games, bop-scotch, hide-and-seek, marbles andolhorchildbond sports being delighlljpy Intel woven witu ybat might be termed as a slight shado ol base ball. At the timo ihe accident occurifd the tcoro stood IU to 10 in favor of the I'omalo". The homo club accomplished i.s tcoro by walking around the u.ites. Sunday Specials. English Baptist church, South Jardin street, Uov. II. G. James, pastor. Preach ing at 10:80a. m. and 0:30 p. m. by the pastor. Morning topic: "The Divino Life In tho ChrU'.ian." Evoning topic : "Tbe Tiial of Abraham." Sabbath school at 'J p. m,, Deacon John Bunn, superinten dent. Monday ovening at 7:30 tho Young Peoplo's Christian Union will meet. Wed iieeday evening, at 7 o'clock, prayer meet ing. Tucday and Thursday evenings the Iliad of H.ipo will meet to prepare fur Children's Day. English Lutheran church, Rev. D. B. Proibley, pastor. Services to-morrow as fol lows: 10:80 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Ebonezer Evangollcal church. Rev. H J. Gliuk, pastor. Services lo-raorrow a. 10 a. m, In Gorman, and G:30 p. m. in English, Sunday school at 1:30 p. m All are heartily invitod to attond. First Methodist Episcopal church. Ray. Wm, Powick, pastor. Divino worsbont 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Morning sub ject: "Holplng tho Truth." In iho oven ing the Children's Day exercises will be held, Sunday school at 12 p, no., to be followed by tho devotional meeting ol tho Epworth League. General prayer meeting on Thursday ovening. All aro cordially Invited. Seats free. Pcesbylorian church. Children's Diy iervlees at 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor will havo cervices at 0:30 p. tn. P. M. church, corner of Ja.xlin and Oak streets. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:80 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at 0 p. in. every Sabbath. Glasses meet Tues day and Wednesday ovoninga at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 0:30 a. in. General prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. in. H, G. Russell, pastor. Service in Triuity Reformed church at 10 a. m. aad 0:80 p. m. Rev. Morgan, a pastor from Fogolsvllle, will officiate. Welsh Congregational cbu.-eii Services io-morrow, Preaching by Rev. D. 1 Evans. English in the morning and Welsh In tho evening, Sundav school at 2 p. in. The Greatest Strike. Amonzthe ureal strikes that of nr. Miles in discovering his Kuw Heart Cure has p;-oveu iiseir u:oeoneoi ineniosumuortaut. Tue demand for It haa becojie astuuUlilDS, Already the treatment ol heart dizain 1h Iih. ng levoluuouized, and mui y uuei peeled oureWeUfcled. Hmjou relieves stioit brr Hh, Buiterlutr. ualns lu bide. nrm. shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, awelllug of anaies, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Mile' uoolrou Heait uud Nervous biea 'es. tree. 'Iho uuequaled New Heart Cure Is wild an guaranteed UyC. II. Haeiibuch,thodrug- ifiei, ttieu iiid jveaiuriativu iervmu lor iiea'i ache, U' soree, hot lUknes, nervous Cuills, Thero are no flies on this. A 60-cont window ncrcen and a lib. box of baking powder for oO conts at the Grand Union Tea Compauy'i store. 0-io-it JOHN WILL FIGHT. BUT NOT UNTTTj HE RETURNS Fi?OM AUSTRALIA. SLAYIN ANXIOUS FOR A MATGH. Sullivan'o Baokors Mako Him a Proposition This Morning A Now OHoaus Olub OfTors a 625,000 Purse. Dy XaKonal Press Association. San Fraxcisco, Junu 20. Baruott, Sul livan's trainer, is In 'Frisco. Ho said, when seon, that there was nothing in the dispatches regarding Sullivan's al leged challenge toSlavlu. Barnett addodi "Sullivan always consults mo beforo making a mntch, and It Im.i always been John's custom to refer all people looklna for mntch to mo. "When Dougheity and Slavin called upon Sullivan and mo in St. Louis Suill van told Slavin whatever I said ho would iigreo to. I accordingly told Slavm John was under 18 mouths' oontract with mo, but at the end of that time If ho, SI117I11, was still In the ring and an undefa.itcd man, Sullivan would glvo blm a match. Slavin said ho he was sat isfied, and wo parted good friends. This is tbo understanding bctwoen Sullivan and Slavin, and all those utorlos amount torvothlng. "You can, however, say that Sullivan will make n reply to these challenges from tho stage at Ccrbett's benefit next Wednosday night." The general opinion among sports hers Is thnt Sullivau is talking flgnt with Slavin Bololy as an advertising dodge to help ids Australian tour. Still n majority of sports here would back Sul livan against Slavin at 2 to 1. V.'hat Hulllvau Says. Sax Jose, Juno 20. Tho ouly John L. Sullivan was interviewed horo regarding the telegram tent to Now York. Ho was asked i "Did you authorize Wakely, of New York, to mako a match?" asked tho re porter. "No," said Sullivan, "I am In the show business now, hut on my return from Australia next September I will show in San Francisco, and thon my contract Is up. I will havo three months to nrrango matters nnd will bo prepared to talk or light anybody." When asked Lis opinion about Slavin bo said : "I think Lo Is a very good mitu; his do feat of Kllraln provon It; but you can say for mo that If we ever meat In the ring Sullivan thluks ho will comoouton top." Flavin' View nf tho Matter. New Yomt, June 20. Slavin returns to England to-day, und ho says arrange ments will have to be mado quickly, If nt all. "Pony" Moore, of tha Slavlu party, said that It was his oplnlou thnt Sullivan's challongo was a bluff, puro mid simple. Slavin made nnothor statement ns fol lows: "Sullivan wauts to meet me when bo comes.back from Australia. I'll toll you what I think would bo tho hest idea, I think AuBtralta can offer a sum as big na any place lu tho world. I will postpono my trip to England If a match can bo made with Sullivan for $10,000 and tho biggest pur&u tboy cau raise. I will moot him with or without gloves to demon strate who is champion of tho world. Sullivan will ho recolved much hotter lu Australia It ho can make a match to fight mo there." A Chnlleugu to bluvln. New Yomt, June 20. Sullivan's back ers, Wakeley and Johnson, deposited $1,000 with Arthur Lnmley this morning to make a match with Slavin to fight Sulllvnn for $10,000 a side. Slavin may accept the offor beforo ho sails for Eng land to-day. 82.1,(100 for Sullivan nnd Sluvln. New Orleans, Juno 20. Tho Olympic Club of this city has telegraphed an oiler of a purse of $25,000 for a fight lu tho Olympic club room botweeu Sullivau and Slavin to take place February 27th. t Miles' Nerve una Livor Pills A'.t on a new principle-regulating tho .iver, Momucli und howela throuyh the nerves. A ucw discovery. Hr Miles' 1'llln uptcdlly lU.e blliimsneeM imd taste, torpid liver, pllen, cDosilpatlnn. Uuequaled lor men, women, children. Bnmllmi, nillaesl,uriu Cldo'.es, Vi:i3, Hnmples i'ree, ut V. 11. llagenbuch'H .1 '.lg htore. Fancy Evaporated California Peaches. 15 Cents a PotincU j Npt off' grade goods, But First-class Stock. AT GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Stroot i s