-I'OH- Picnics and Outings! Sovern, the Grocer, if? head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vcgetables,Canned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con- donsed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. New supply sliced Summer Sausage All new and fresh goods. Cor. Centre and White Streets, The Evening Herald. 1'UHlitiIIKl) DAILY AND WEBKLY. LOOAIi LUNCHEON. Tho crickoU are chirping. Touch ico water moderately. Cherries are plenty and cheap. , Iloavy underwear has been ehed. not milk is Rood for sloeplessnoM. Tb moon will be full next Monday. The strawberry sees on it on the decline. Summer tourists are getting ready to move. To-morrow will bo your last opportunity to witBwi 1'awnee Kill's performance. Sunday it not only the flrt day but it it thereat of the weal;. Doo't think much about the heat, and you'll not mind ito much. Goto Lakeside to-morrow. Your last cbanoe to tee the Historical Wild Wert. 1'ure principles and good men uphold them i au excellont motto for Any parly. While some people are greatly overrated many women are aa bad as they are painted. Don't forgot that to-morrow is the last day for the Wild West Show at Lakeside. The mosquito has already put in his ap pearance, the advance guard having ar rived. The report tbit rolioeman D. .1. Connors wa saddled with tho costs in the Kroigrr caio Ii not oorrect. Tho costs were put on ihe county. Its Excellont Qualitios Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to tho eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system eflectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. Playing Cardo. You can obtain a pack of bast quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents in postage to 1' S. Bustle, Gen'l Paws. Agt., 15., C. & Q.R. It. Chicago, 111. if Now Bakery. Bcaeliler Bros, have opened a now bakery at 27 South Main street, where you can get fresh bread, cakos, candy and ice cream. Give them a call. G-G-3m Completed to Deadwootl. Tho Burlington Itoute, 0., B. & Q. It. B., from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Deadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Sloeping cars to Bond wood. tf Coming Events. .Tune 10. Fair and festival; Bobbins' opera house; under tho auspices of tho ladies of the First Pronbyterian church. June 20. Picnic at Columbia Park by National Guard of Warsaw. July 4. Lawn party under tho auspices of the Primitive Methodist church. July 1 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Hoso Steam Fire Lngine Com Jiany. July 29th. Festival and ontortainment; Bobbins' opora houeo, under tho auspices of Silver Wave Castle, A. O. K, of ii. 0. Oh, What a Cough, Will you need the warning? The signal per nAtts nl ilia blltH nimrinirli ,,f ihnt ntnra tor. rlble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can aftord for the sake of saving 8) rents, to run the risk and do nothtug for It. We know from experience that HIiIIoU'h Cure will Curo your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million liotlles were Mild the nasi year. It relieves IVnnn rind WhopplDK Cower, at once Mothers do not he without It. For Lutne Maclc, Hide or CheKt, iwe Hhlloh's I'orous Plaster. Hold by O. II. Hageuhuch, N. K. corner Main aud j4oya street. Tboro are no flies on this. A 60-ccnt window scroon and a lib. box of baking powdor for CO conts at the Grand Union Toa Company's storo. 0-lG-2t Tho Dootor and Postmaster were talkltiK about a ease of wrlouu Illness due to U ueglecta! imlct unu rapidly going lulo c'lnwiinptUm which was promptly cured by J'au-llna Cough und Oonktimptlou Cine. unai ootiieu me ai Kirnns arug store. WALL PAPER ! A CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT MELLET'S Blanks Ec Gilt 8o Embossed 12 l-2c "Window Slindes, spring rollers..25o Curtain Poles 25 o MOVKn TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Aftor Somobody. A government focret (orvlce officer was In town yesterday looking aftor some (ellowi engaged In crooked work, A Donlal. Max Reese says he was not In town then Pawnee Bill's Indians wore here on Wed nesday and tho Indians who said he ia deserves to be scalped. No Quorum. A meeting of the Borough Council ws to have been hold iatt night, but it wa ira poHible to secure a quorum. The council- mon who attended were Usuri. Qablo, Lamb, Jr.mos, Bolteride, Scheifly, Devers and Coakley, A Biff Pionlo. The Shamokin and Qirardville Vfenner cbor societies and Our Hand will have ft big time at the grand musical congren to be held at Lakeside, (East liahanoy Junc tion,) July 21. At a ioeling Baturday night Messrs. Schmidt and Strickland were appointed director of cmnpotitivo tinging societies, sctoii of which have already signified their intention of beinc preient. There will bo an immense crowd on the ground during tho notable event and there is plenty of room for all. Aft Carmcl Our Bill of Faro. Prepared and publithed ezproasly for tho Hkualu readers. SA.TUUDA.Y. JIRtAKKAKT. Pan Fish. Saratoga Potatoes. Graham Gems. Apple Sauco. Cereal Coflee. DINNER. Iloef Stow with Dumnlinin. Biscuit and Butter. Apple Sauce. Rhubarb no. waver. Burrxu. Cold Biscuit and Butlor. Strawberries and Cream. While Cake. Lemonade I'JBRSONAIi. Baird Halbersladt, of PolUvlllo, was in town yesterday. Hon. Elias Davit, of Wadesville, was registered at the Ferguson House last even ing. Fred. II. Hopkins and Ed. Hushes have been doing special polioe duty at Lakeside all week. A I. Schooner is busily engaged selling his livery stock so that he may return to his family in Philadelphia. Our Potlsvllle contemporaries are urg ing J. J. Franey to come out for delegato to the constitutional convention. Bichard H. Horr. II, of West Contro street, had hn right foot crushed by a pioce of coal at tho Knickerbocker colliery. Policeman Bavis, 'Squire Williams, Constable Tosh and Councilman F. J. Portz went to PoUsyillo this morning. Buv. Morgan A. Peters, of Fagalsville, will ofliciato in the Trinity Beformed church on Sunday moruiDg and evening. James J. Malloy, Baniel Grow, F. Joseph Poler und Ma-tin F. Maher to-day graduated from tho Shenandoah Business College and received their diplomas. Joseph Townsond, of Kmoiiek street, who has been confined to his bed for tho pjst throo weeks by injuries sustained by a fall upon an imperfect pavement, is slowly improving. Chas. F. Ettla, of Philadelphia, and Jamee F. Burke, Esq., ono of Pittsburg's rising young lawyers, passed through town yeiterday. Tboj shook hands with many friends at tho depot. A COMEDY OP ERRORS. Story of a Horee, Buggy and a Mistake A curious mistake made by a small boy yesterday badly frightened a physician, stirred up a policeman, placed en insurance man in an embarrassing position and ox cited tho town. Ja. G. Button, the insurance man, made arrangements yesterday for tho loan of John Bobbins' horse and buggy. Shortly after Br. Stein drovo down Coal street with his horse and buggy, hitched the horeo to a lie post in front of John Bobbins' houso, and went into a neighbor ing house to visit a patient. A little later a small boy (walked down Coal street to got the horse and buggy Mr. Bobbins promised to lend Mr. Button. The small boy know Mr. Bobbins and knew where he lived. Arriving at that gentleman's residonco he saw the horse and buggy in readiness, he supposed, for Mr. Uutton. Ho untied the hone, jumped into the buggy and drove off. 11 r. Uutton was soon on his way to tho Oatttwissa Valley, seated In the buggy tho boy found in front of Mr. Bobbins' reel den co. Having concluded his visit to the patient Br. Sjein sought his hone and bugy and was alarmod by finding it gone. A small boy volunteered tho informatioh that a boy had driven oil' with tho horse and buggy. Br. Stein went in pursuit aud subsequently learned that a man was soon in bis rig driving towards the Catawicsu Valley. N Br. Stein then sought Constable Charles Biaker, who wont post-hasto after tho man in tho misting rig. Biaker mot the man, when the latter was on his way back. The man was Mr. Hut ton. Explanations followed and tho comody ended in an "All's well that ends woll" shape. Will Bo Given Away. Our enterprising druggist C. II. Hagenbuch who cirrlcs the finest slock of drugs, per turneries, toilet articles, hrushes, sponges, Ho, Is giving away a large mimbor of trial bottles of Dr. lilies' celebrated Restorative Nervine. He gunrauteea it lo cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, Uio 111 effects of spirits, tobacco, coflee, etc. Drug gists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and Is uutvenally satisfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Allies1 iSew HeariCure In nil oases of utrvous or organic heart disease, pslnltutlau, pain lu side, sinoth.rluar, etc Flneboolcon "Nervous aud Heart Diseases" free. Spectacles to suit all eyas at F, J. Vortz's book and stationery store, 21 North Main street. 8-20-tf Advertise In the Hehald. Marrlod. John Koovoa, of Bolano, baggage-maetor on the Lehigh Valley railroad, and Mist Mary Jeflerron, of Wost Cherry street, were married on Wednesday by. Bev. U. G. Rutiell, of the P. 11. church. The couple havo started" on ft wedding tour through the Wyoming region and upon their return will locate at Belaso. Howepapordom, Tho Evening Ttlegram, of Ashland, is wearing a new suit, ft sign of prosperity. It is said that Editors Harris, of the Tarn aqua Courier, and Samuels, of the Orwigsburg Newt, are the buileit men in tho county. Zorby, o( the Daily Republican, Cods time occasionally to leave his railroad business and tako a trip with his brother quill drivers. The newspaper men who went to Har vey's Lake on Tuesday were so welt fed that they haven't felt hungry sine. Boyle, whom the Republican calls the bos piscatorial liar, ojght to go with the editors next week and catch a whale Nobody will disputa his catch, if ha mak one. Beat work done at Brennau's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. FOR SALE A young; horee. Ap ply at Liudlg's stationary store, e-ll-lr DABB, The PhotograiDher Is localrd at No. 14 North White Street Having ban his gallery greatly Improved, he Is nowbetter prepared than over to meet the wauu or ihe piiiitlo lu the pnoto graphle Hue. The beat photo graphs at lowest trices. Crayon "Work a Speoialty. The famous firm of 0(TIJSTS and OPTICmS Of PHIIiAIinWIIIA llavo nrrnnppd send one of their WpcJiUlu ou the KVB TO SHKNANUOAK, Saturday, June 20, 1891, He will be At ths S'orsuisiou. SZEoixsie, lrom8 30A. M.loGP. M. Those whoj'.' eyts aro iuual,e discimfor: should call miooiiur Specialist, and iliey will receive luremgem ana HKimai uueui ioa. QUKEBT d CO. tim Cltetlnut St., 1'hlladtlphta. LAKESIDE- Driuing Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) !0 ISISTORIOAL Wild West Show FOE ONE WEEK 01TLY CD CD IdiiD Village, Crcboy ni Mexican Sncanpment rwD the only herd of Trained 1 and Knotted MustAnon. The whole history of a nation told In a iiiniuugaramaoi civiutauoa, ae plcllue the perils. hardshlDs and CO hrrolsra or pioneer life on the plains, requiring in Its completion over 300 daring scouts, tntppnrs, cowboys, Indian fighters. Mexican Vacqueroe and Sonoros.Chiets with their Warriors, Uraves, Squaws and I'apnoses. A herd of spotted Mexi can Mustangs, herd ol gentlelcdlan 1 I CD i I r 3 mines ana a exas iironcuos. Thalaree-t and grandest exhlbl. tlon of tho klndou Ilia American continent. Ountng aud traveling In Its own handsomely equloped railroad train. The first hlvouao ol Meilcun Viicquenw direct from old juexioo, uoaawi uy uan ze Anno, the famous Mexican leader, aud Henor Kranolwo, the king ol all riaers una ro.iers, expert, nua matrhless In lariat throwing aud reokluas horsemaoslifp. i'ralrle ".hooui-rs and Indian rravoy-, whole herd or American BUFFALO and TEXAS STEERS. A true representation of an Indian : Buffalo : Hunt ! Hbowlug the manner of branding wild cattle ou our western ironuer; suiriung ana wonderful display of sbarpihotitlns by Iroutlersmen, cowboys and Indians led by Miij. G. WILLIAM LIL1LIIJ, " (PAWriKK DILI.) Famous and fearless Ponv Exnrcss Itlders. showing the mode of carrying Important dis patches across the nlalus before the Introduc tion ol tho telesranh. A baud of verlllble Mexican vacquerox, direct from Mexico, the greuiesi rougu riuers in lue worm. I'crformances every afternoon. Special ex curslon trains eachduy. Don't forget the place and date, Lakeside Driving Park, East Mahanoy Junction) E 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 AnniHHinN. ib r,.,,iu CUlIclrett. miUer ia rs., 15 f:eutu PAWNEE L WANTS. fco. WTANTED.-A good girl for Ron- TT eral housework. Good wages paid. Iutjulreat the JlKHALnomM. a.i.tf WANTKD-A Rlrl for ircneral houseworfc Apply at 3i North Main 'treet. lat AGENTS WANTED. Free pro paid outfit to energstla men. Beveral of our talesmen have earned from FO to 1100 a jrk for years p"t. I. O. Box; 1371. New BOAKDEUS WANTED. - Steady boarder, or for meals only. Good loca tion and flrsuclass accommodations. Apply at.M.Hheeler's.No.IlON. Mala street, Hhen sudoab, I'a. M im DESIRABLE PROPEP.TY FOR eals. Oneof the mct desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Howes' grocery store, ow ner Jardln and Oak. street. Kheoanaouh. IV nrAKiED-An cUve reliable man YV salary 970 to Bo mouthly, with ln crease, lo r'prexnt lu bis own seoilon a r spontlble New York House, Kelerenore. UAKurAOTDEiK, Lock Box 1685, New York. FOR RENT Store and building now occupied by the Bhenndo.K Bakery Oo. tor ma nfaeturlng ant retail ;andy buslneas. Two floors &)i30teet. Apply to J. J. Franey. 5-lJtf LOST On tlie road between Malre vllle and Uheuandoab, a book, with notes of property at Houth Laurel nidge colliery, A. fulUble reward tor lu return to H A, Beddall, 1U I). Jardln stnet Sbenandoah, Pa., -l?-3t FOR BALE. A number of recond haud desks tt good condition tor sale by Ihe Hbf naudoah School Board. Apply U the following committee for additional parllcu lars. K. A DAVKNI'OKT, U.J MUIiDOON, W. f. WH.I.I VMtt, .JAMKaO'HKAIlN, iimiulttee. 3.1B.m TDUOPOSAIjH will be received by JL IheuuOeMgned oommlticeup to Mon day, June XI, 18V1, at 7 p m. .lor the following: '1 1 Palnllng ihe e 'terlor of Ihe Lhiyd street m'IkxU building with two ois. (2) Fainting vhe exterior of ihe Centre street whool bul'd rii; and nencilllna- two si lea. (3) Falutinir 11 e onerlor ol the Main street building K p ir.ilo bids must bo mijinluwl for each hnlld- tng. iroppsoM wiuaito oe receiveu mr uirnisji nc one of the school rooms wuh flftv slmtle di-slui. Vheoommlttee reserves the right U reject, any or iui uias. it. A.iiAVisnnmj, TtlUJIAfl ifAlKll, II. J. M1TU)OON, W. V. WUjMAMB, JAMI O'llKAKN. -16-5t Committee. FOB SJLLE!! Thoundcrslened. desiring to retire frombus- !neg-. will dlsnttse of his slock o! drv eoods. groceries ilc, cheap, l'urchaseroan also tent the store room hi reasonable terms The stand Is a good ouo and lu the hands of a llvo uiau ciu ue mauc prouiaoie. 'V. I). OAVES, o-io-tf ioo Nortu jaraiu St. fCMTt ftr a Window Hhade. utl I Others for 33o, 43c. D0e, 66"., 73o and upwards. Hhadea made lor stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers desid'ug only the fixtures or shading by the yard can ho accom modated. C. D. Fncke, 10 South Jardin St, Attention, House Gleaners ! The warm weather ia hero, and houpe Ana at audi tlmee most everybody ncous sometning to urignten up tho home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWO OH THKlEE-FlVIf KSGSRAm, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS! You can find a full assortment ot PRIOE'S, Lace Coriains, Curtain Poles of all Kinds ! Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot he beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. RIGES'S Old Reliable Stand, it 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. With a manufacturing de partment in fullblast,our bank withstands the run. We have made the New Store. cor. 13th and Chestnut Sts., a "safe deposit for your money when in need of Clothing. The daily rush proves tho "trust" of the public in our goods. The stock is right, the prises aro right wo hold tho lead. tfow Only Corner 13th PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS!" Men's all-wool Cheviot Buits $3.00 " " Worsted Buits 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.6P " " Cheviot Bulls 5.60 And everything elsa'in our line you We sell the best 60o Domet Tailoring a -AT- JQMiES? "FAMOUS" JOIgE!S!' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING. No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. .- v i you can , get tbe beet nnd cheapest HATS AND OAl'.S In town.'.. Ho baa just received a full Hue of STRAW HATS. From 5c to $1, Also a nloe liueof light colored bats, derby and soft. A uloe light col ored derby bat, $1.2r) Llclit colored soft hat for 0 ccnta. ATSCANLAN'S- You will find cbeepest line of TRUNKS and Bacbels In town; bIbo Uuui Coats celling theni ofl nt cost. Six dozen neektieH nt S5o a piece, worth 40c. Nice line of Gent' Underwear at 7uo a suit. Headquarters for "urn mer HblrU and Boys' Waists. 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. -OO TO- I Heat, Cheap and Stylish Btrawfllata from 20o lo 11.80 Short Upray Flowers-.... Do to 1.00 Wrestlhs .20s to 1,75 IufanU' Christening Robe, t&a to $5 IofiuU' long and short ooau)...il,25 up to t6Q. 0,000 LADIES WEAR The SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why dou't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colore, at 3) oculs. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line ot .Vafs, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nellie BIy and Mary Anderson Caps. O OEaVTIfH ST. - clcunlng Is tho next thing in order. A Run o Our II mile. and CHESTNUT Streets. Children's Suits $1 upwards Knee Pants 20o " Bateen BlilrU GQo " Men's shifting shirts 7oa " Best necktie lu town 25o will find down to tho lowest prices. Bhlrt lu town. Merohant specialty. Still at the Old Stand SCHEIDER BAKERY I Wo. East Centre St., Shenandoah. Better prepared than oren to seirs our many patroui with a superior quality of Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, Confectionery of all' Kindr. Open on Saluda Evenings Uclil Midnight. Open on other evenings (tunflay excepted) unui ii o ciorz, CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, A. J". GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Losses, Mortgages and Bonds written. 1- MUMimj(ujin;iiewuuu iqni claims r promptly attended to. Kcil Estate, Collection and Insuranco ngeney. General Fire Insuranco Business, iteprosonts , luoi.yiiuts-wwra ijuu insurance uo. i and West 818., Bhenandoali, Va. Ceod Properties of All Kinds for Sale. 1. A. two story double frame dwelling houso, R tore aud restaurant, on Kasti.'entreHt. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre eireei. 3. Desirable property on corner Centre iV( siroeis, suiiauifl lor business pun A twostory double framo dwelling, on 5. Two 2lory frame dwellings on West Cen tre street. Two Story dwellings on the corner ol lAjuiuuuuuuisuiuiEireeia Mtororoomln one. 7. Two-story slnuJe houso on North Chestnut street, with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Threo two-story doublo frame- buildings John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFX'ICB Beddall's Boilduio, I Cor.Ualn tni Cntre Slrsstt, !IEKANDMII, PA. f PROPERTY FOR SALE: I A two and onthalf Btory double fram dVrelllng house, with storo-roorn and rea. 1 taurant. Iocatd on East Centre streat. a-ATaluatle property located on Bouth Jar. ; uin sireei. 3even dwelllncr honnpfi at Iti.mm,, r ueri, sua u.oya sireeM. uooamvestmeri lent, 1 , x;rms reasonable. JUST OPENED UP ablglotot GLASSWARE amonc which are some lovely fets well worth 600. We have deU rmlnrd to rash them oCforlSo. Come early It you wish to secure one. T1II8 OFFER, ONLY GOOD Until SATU21DA.V, JUNE 13. OUR TINWARE COUNTERS are shining with bargains. You'll be araased lo see what 5 or 10 cents will buy. We have everything In tinware from a tin cup to a wash boiler, or from a flour Booop to a bread rau.er, Duncan & Waidley, llo. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. EAGLE HOTEL! 221 V. Coiitre Street, Formerly kept by Mrs. Omvllle. Tho above j iiouu is now aepi uy JOH?I W. WUEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Gllberton I xiesi. 01 acoommoauuous ior Permanent and Transient Guest The bar 1 stocked with the best brands ot cigi .i, uie, ueer, jxirwr ana liquors. EXCELLENT FREE LUNCH COUNTKK. McKeon's Saloon,! 109 EAHT CENTRE BT Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porterli WINES AND CIOAtia Pf.fh6 finest brands. Muslo furnished foiJ u4 jjtti bie, irom one 10 nve pieces. g R. BKIOKER, M. D., PJtY&IQIAN AND SLROEON. Jfoi tj Kast Centre Btreeti Mahanoy City, Va). J R. OOYLX ATlOBNEr-AT.UM. Offlo-BdittU's kuUduii, corner Msta and Oentrel IT a poMSBoy, A T10BNEY-A T'LA IV. )( mot-BiOiM'i tuUalng ocrser Main anil OecUf 1 I- 0 0 10 1 0 i