i Presents la the most etezant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OF THB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable mid etrective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellict remedy known to CLEANSE WE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURE.' BLOOD, REFRESHING QLCCP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. A3K YOUR OnUQQIST FOfl MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tOUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. N. f. Haveture-l rmnyth usantt a hopetcu r v ft 1 i v i tnidl dis-np'ir, - i t Symi-tonr an tmi ' . ' 'ir FT-; CP ' mmuhef mw- TLL fl ft" tr.-ot( .ritinrfr ty mall n culou i me IGr! tiAlO lurnteJif d I ilti. ywi nrdff trial, sTttl ten -' ''i t ) , i v .1 - i m i , Dr. Grosvenor's HP Belkap-sic PLASTER. A New Venture "W- K.A MS.!--" POTTS Has opened a US! AT No. 218 M. CENTRE ST., FQTTSVIXXS, PSNW'A. Hales of assorted goods, notions, hardware, classware. etc.. etc Goods from all parts ol the county solicited i-iu uujuiuimiuil. THE SEASON FOR PIC-NIOS ItEINO AT IMXJ), Committeemen should bear In mind that the Herald ofllce la prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! nt the most reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtain our prices. All work dene when promised and In a satisfactory manner. W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) Corner Coal una Jartllu.BlM. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a line line of boots and shoes. tfiifilom Work and Repairing ffone In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu lne Imrnaln on every purchase. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned HOT-TO BSD IN TUG DAMS ! ' Belonging to tbo Shenandoah Water Company, and all partlos caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted ns Trespassers. Ily order of THE OOMPANT. or the I.lquur Habit, aNnUlx-ly t'ureu uy auuiiuiftieriiiff air. uuiuea' Uolilt-u Niwrinr. It Is manufactured ea ft powder, whloh can be (riven In a cla of ber, a oup or cotlea or tea. or In rood, wlttiout tho knowledge of cho patient. It ia abeolutely hermlees, and will etfect a perniaaent and speedy eure, whether tne patient la a moderate drinker or an alooliolto wraok It haa been given In tbouaanda of oaaea, and in every instance a perfeot oure baa fol' loved H ueYer Fall. TOe system oaoo Impregnate d with tba Bpeetao.lt baoomee an utter Impossibility lor theliQuor appetite to eiut. as page book or paruoulara nxs. To be had or C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druuo'st, Shenandoah M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. fiffloe-28. West Lloyd Blrtet, Bhtcwindoah J'o. TREATED Fnv"JS.? Cmi rule retttf I Khputlat renmlffU, p'etn-tjyiind ItrnibafroSffS ggn toa la t once. (Itnuin for Hale by all UruKKiBta.Bl POISONED A FAMILY A Tackngo of Flour Brings Death to (i Neighbor. HUNTING FOR. THE MISCREANT. If Ho ia Oatight an Attempt Will bo Made to Lynch Him. Another Family Keoelvo Poisoned Frnlt by Mall-It Nearly Killed Six Torsons Who Ato It No Clew os to Who Bent tho 1'nclcuira Tho Victims Saved by the Tlmoly Arrival of n I'hyelclnti. IlAOEnsTOWN, Mil., Juno IB. News lias Just been mcelvcd bore of n mysterious case of poisoning In tho village of Locust Grovo. Daniel Shlfflor, a farmer, found In tho lano near his house a package of flour and another of coffee. IIo sought for an owner, and not (lading one gave tho ar ticles to n Mrs. MoKurren. Sho used the flour nnd her entire family wero 'made very sick. Ono hoy died and unother Is' oxpocted to dlo. Tho other mombers of tho family the husband, John McKur ren, the wife aud two children aro lu a critical condition. A post-mortem showed that poison had been mixed with tho flour. Two years ago an attempt was made to poison Mr, Bhllllor's stock, and a year ago his barns wore burned down. Tho au thorities, convinced that tho poison od flour and ooff eo were Intended for Mr. Shlfller's family, aro soarchlng for tho rulsoronnt among thoso who are known to bo at enmity with him. A posso of cltlr.ons aro investigating, nnd thrcaton to lynoh tho prisoner if caught. POISON CAME BY MAIL. Six reraons Nearly Killed by Eating Crystallized Frnlt. Ricmiosn, Va., Juno 10. Mrs. E. D. Redd, who resides lu tho centrnl part of this city, received by mull about 0 a. m a small packages of crystalllzod fruit. An hour or two later sho ato a portion of It and gave tho rest to a Miss Woody, whollvos In the house, and to a negro woman and t'ireo negro chtldron. In a short time all rlx wero taken dev pomtely ill with cramps, and a physician said they bad been poisoned. Thrco hours' hard work afforded somo rullof, but they are by no means out of danger. No one In the house has any olow or any suspicion as to who sent tho pack ago. Had tho physician reached them an hour lator thoy would bavo boon past all possibility of rocovory. As It Is they may get well. SIXTY WERE KILLED. Further Dotults of the Clondburst on Con copcloa Monntaln. Crrr oir Mexico, Juno 10. Latest ad vices about the cloudburst on Concep olon Mountain, near tho mining towns of Los Catorco, El Fotrero and Lu Cruces, in the State of San Luis Fotost, Mexico, are to tho effoct that at loast 00 lives were lost. Fifteen bodies have already been recovered. After the cloudburst an Immense stream poured down the mountain side, sweeping away tho housos of tho miners. Tho tunnol of Qu&daloupo Mine filled with wator. Some minors, who were at work within it, were drowned. Many persons living in the cliff dwell ings wero burled alive, Huudreds of pack aulmals were drowned. Tho losses of tho mining companies are heavy. A great quantity of high grado metal was carrlod away. Dunn Culls Sluvln u Ilrtito. New York, Juno 10. Last night In tho St. James Hotel Slavln and Mitchell, who seomed to have been drinking, made a good deal of nolso, and intlmatod in a roundabout way to Jero Dunn that ho had been nfrald to decide that Kllraln was knocked out, because his (Dunn's) friends had bet against that reault. Dunn roplled that if ho only got a bad reputation from such pcoplo as tho men who woro talking, his character would always bo of the, best. Then ho told Slavin that he ought to bo ashamed of himself for Bpeaklng in that stylo, aud Anally called him a bruto. Slavln was requostod to leave tho hotol, and he did. Qlost Slust Qp to Prison... Now Yoiut, Juno 10, Judge Beach of the Supremo Court .has signed the ordor in remittitur from tho Court of Appoals in tho case pf Johanu Most, thus making the Judgomont of that court the judgemont of tho Supreme Court. Tho District-Attorney has been waiting for this action to commit Most. Mrs. Ida Hoffman, who has bcon on Most's ball ever Blnco tho appeal was takon has been notiflod to produce, the famous Anarchist in Court for sentence. The Jury In tho Heop Will Case Disagree. WnxiMANTio, Conn., Juno 10. Tho Jury in tbo Hoap will case reported a disagreement, standing nine against sustaining tho instrument and three for it. Tho trial occupied two weeks nnd has attracted considerable interest. The will involved property valued at $80,000 left to T. M. Cushman, of this city, by the late Mrs. E. It. Heap. The Olorlana a Wonder. New Yoke, June 10. Tho regatta of the Now York Yacht Club was .sailed in a gale. A heavy sea was also running, but tho Qloriana, Mr. Morgan's new boat, proved liorsof a wonder and showed that she can oull Jn any weather. Sho easily won in her class, beating her uenrcst competitor, tho Jessica, 11 minutes, lit seconds. Sold Oat O'llrlen unit Dillon's Tlondsmen, Dubus, June 10. At Tlpporary the pollco levied upon and sold at auction tbo goods of the persons who went on the Buretlos of Messrs. Dillon and O'Brleu, for feited by flight to America. Ouo of the parties boughtlin his goods for $1,000, the amount of his liability. Premier Abbott's Policy. Ottawa, June 10. Premier Abbott nn nouoces that no special legislation will be Introduced in Parliament, and that the policy of Sir John MacdonuUl will bi continued. The Sklddy.Purkor Wadding, Stamfouu, Conn., Juno 10. Mlsi Lillian Skiddy, daughter of Gen. Sklddy, wns married last night to WUlard Par ker, Jr., of New York. Ex-President nnd Mrs. Cleveland were among tho guests. rlighest of all in Leavening Power. HE HAD FOUR WIVES. Oeorffo fitormn Now lu Custody and Will be Tried far IltBitmy. Batavta, N, Y., Juno 10, Tho grand Jury, which has been In session for three days, brought in an lndictmont against Qcorgali. Storms, who lives near Hollcy, Orleans County, for bigamy. Ho married Bertha Bench at Kendall, Orleans County, In July, 183'J, and Ellon Myers at Batnvla on Jan. 28, 1801. Tho former wife, learning of this marriage, came to town yosterday and applied for a warrant for his arrost, and tho facts wore brought beforo tho grand Jury, whloh was in session. Eytdenco was also adduced showing that ho was married in Missouri In 1870 and also a fourth ttmo elsewhere and that no ono of tho wives was dead or divorced. He was arrested at West jKon dall, whoro ho was working, aud is now lu custody. SEABRIQHT'S SUFFERERS. Tho r.olluf Commltteo Ilttsy Ulitrlbutlns Food and Clothing. SEABiuonT, N. J., June 10. Eugono Kelly, who was nrrested hero churged with arson, in having causotl the lira which proved so disastrous on Tuesday night last, was taken to Freehold to await tho action of tho grand Jury. Committees for tho purposo of obtaln- ! lng funds for the rellof of the sufferers have been formed a Long Branch, West End and Hollywood. Subscription blanks have been placed in all tho banks of Long Branch anl Red Bank. Tho Minugh Mothodlst Church Is the busiest place in the village. Tho relief commlttco has its headquarters there. 1 Wagon loads of food, furniture, bedding and ciotuiutf aro constantly arriving from nil parts of the country. From early morning until lute at night people pass In empty handed and como out with lood and other nocossltles. Clothing was in great demand to-day. A 111m of cold, dtsagreablo mist hung over tho ruined village, and the ocean thumped tho town with huge waves. WELCOMED TO CAPE MAY. Tho President and Iluby McKeo Walbcd Over to tho Cottuge. Cape May, N. J., Juno 10. Tho Presi dential party arrived at Capo May lost ' evening. In tho party wero Mr. and I Mrs. Harrison, Miss Ella Warflold. Mrs. I Gen. Ooorge IL Williams, Mr. DImmtck and tho President's two McKeo grand children. The President aud Baby McKeo, in his little sailor suit, walked over to the cot tage, followed by all the party except tug lira. Harrison, Ooorgo II. Williams and Mary Lodge. JilcKoo, Thoy wero re ceived at tho cottage by a fow Cape May friends, who had gathered on noticing tho train. Flowers beautified every room In the cottage. On Tuesday tho President will roturn to Washington. NOTHING LIKE III Blood Is thicker than wator, tad must be kopt puiti to Insure good health. Srofa Srrccrjrca U mtnrt mtzzfy for this purpoao. It sever to fails elinmate the lnrprrj ties end build up the general healQw ThiTB U only ono Swiff s Spodfla, end thero is nothing llko it Be sure and got the genuine. Treatise on Blood and Skin Qbeaaoa mailed free. The Swift SpeciSe Co., A&mta, Ca First National Bank, TIIEATRK nUII.DIMG, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00, A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., . J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEKEST ! : ialti 011 Hnvlues Deposits. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, WAS IT A FINISH 7 Billy Madden Disputes Iteforoe Dunn's Bluvln-Kllrnlu Decision. New Yomc, Juno 10. Discontent con Unties to prevail and oven grow among tho sporting men of this city, over tho decision of Referee Jero Dunn In the Slavln-Kllraln contest of Tuesday night. Billy Madden U so positive that tho referee was wrong that he Is willing to stako $100 ou tho lssuo he presents and lcavo tho qttostlon to be decided by u majority voto of three sporting papers whloh he names, bpirlt of tho limes, CUriDor and Polloe Uazetto. "A referee cannot revorso his decision as Mr. Dunn did," said Mr. Madden "Whon ho decided that Slnvln won tho fight, ho practically decided thut Kilralh was knocked out. "Tho fight w s to bo ono for 10 round! aud only a knock-out could ond it beforo thoso 10 rounds wero ended. Now, if there was no knock-out, thoso 10 rounds aro yet to bo finished, ttntl tho dooleiou didn't go." Tho point that Mr. Mndden makos. then, is that Kilratu was knocked out inside tho 10 rounds, aud his wagor ol MOO Is that all bets mado thut such would bo caBo wero won. Mr. Madden is ono of a largo body of sporting men whoso views of the case ho volcos, thougn ho spenns only lor mm self. "Kllraln was down 14 seconds." says Mr. Madden. "If ho wasn't knockod out the wholo fight must bo gone, over again under tho conditions calling for 1U rounds." Tho controversy is ono of tho most in' terosting which ever arose over a ring contest. Perth Arubuy Wants tho Water Works Peutii Ambov, N. J., Juno 10. An ap plication will bo filed In court to-morrow by Corporation Counsel Beekman for n Commission of Uomlomuatlou to ad ludlcato upon tho value of tho plant, franchise and nppurtonancosof tho Perth Amboy Water Cotnpauy. Recently the city offered tho company $30,000 for ita plant and franchise, which was rejected. Fx-Gor. Foraltnr Sells 7,000 Acres. Lirrm Rock, Ark., Juno 10. Ex-Qov, J. B. Fornker of Ohio disposed of 7.00C acres of prairlo land In South Arkansas. which he purchased several years ago. Tho land was bought by Messrs. NIcklo nnd McCammon, who will couvort tho tract into a ranch. Tho prlco paid wai $10 per ucrOj .ludgo Barkor'a Successor. Boston, June 10. At a meeting of tha Executive uouncn uov. ttusseu noml mtnH F.Mahn Tlnrr Mavnnrrt nf ffnrlni. field for Judge of tho Superior Court vloa Judge narKer, promoted. &nn Over by a Train and Klllod. BisaiiAMTON, N. Y., Juno 10. Whlli lying asleep on tho railroad track al Whitney's Point, last night, Thomas liosnior ol isia was run over by a coal train and killed. llrldgeport'a Pollca muddle. BniDOEFonT, Conn., Juno 10. Tho que warranto proceedings against Chlof Ry lands wore argued in tho Superior Court on a motion to dissolve Judgo Thayoi will givo his decision this afternoon. Bhot by a Tramp. Mt. Cahmel, Pa., Juno 10. Sixteen year-old John Salada was fatally shot by one of two tramps last evening noar hit home bocausu he refused to give thorn eoma cherries ho vias taking homo, 3UFFERiMQrOMEtt MAWilk. siwctr rVn tfl.Tlhlai WllVi thAMt. itl l!i I rrAiial n. Kii -jorntly toll-it ir4 a coM or iijur, or row Co utauuriBl MeakaMMAt ? p?e a,'r to their mt, iiCni! U3 DR. DuCHOlWH': Cftiobratea EMALE REGULATING PILLS Theyttro Btreuctherilojc Ciitho entirH nyirU.. idnr 'int, vlffornnd m(int-titi fcrwtofiU fanctlaxutof txxJ nfiaii-d. Ocat o in.ll, iw.reljrt.M, t Adclrtw Or. Hartor Mftd'lne Co., ti(, tQUtS. m New lsirm New Stock Green Trucli, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, be, Delaware roe shad and o'.her fresh fish right from tho boats on f'rldays. Fresh Greens from the Bomb. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. B. WHUans' old Kami) Kveryllitns new and'resb. Goods dellversd to any part of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. YOUNG MAN, If you ronlemplato attending Commer cial HClHMll. it will pay you to visit tne 'uuuuMtTiut huhi NKBd UNIVEIWITV before d( elding where, though you may live a thousand tulle uwuy. It stands at the head ol tho list of commer cial schools In Its character as an educational force, as a medium lor supplying the business men of the country with indued and capable Bsslktanui, as a means ol placing ambitious young men and women on the highroad to success, and In tbo extent, eltganre nud cost ol lis equipment. Thorough COMMKIU'IAL, r!I10nTHANDANI)l'UAOTirALfc.NHLWfI The Twenly-sevenih Annual Catalogue will be mailed to uny address. WILLIAMS & ROGERS,"". v.ler' FIEE INSURANCE ! Urjttt ill Clitil Sellable Finlj Cut Cieni'ti Represented by DAVID FAUSTI, 130 a, Jardln Btreot, SHENANDOAH, rA BASEBALL SCORES. bW rol Games PnMponed on Aoooanl of tho Itnln. AT CHIOAOa Clovchtnl..., I Chleto m ..5 0208000 1- B 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 018 HuttrriM- Omtr miJ Zlmmcn BtcliL LubV and Ilowmnn, AT SEW YORK. New York-l'hUailelphU iratno nostnonod on account of rah). at rrrrsiiono. Plttsbura t 000080003 Cincinnati... 0 0000040 x- 4i llnttorles -flali-In aud Mack: Mulliino aud Harrington. at nosToa. lloston-ltrooklvn trumo costDoncd on ac count of ruin, Tho National Longua Accord. Ter Per rluha. iron. Tjf. CI rthi IPnn. TrtlL ?l NowYorlt..80 10 flu nrooklyn ..ftl 3.1 .470 lloeton ....!i7 al .5U3 VhllMol'ci..21 al .47 Chloniro...ai 21 SMi IMttsburu ..1 S7 .400 Clovoland..2u 35 .600 Cincinnati .'-"fl 3S .417 Assorlntton Oamcs. AT BOSTON. noston-Athlotlo mine tmstDoned on account ox rain. AT CUCCIX3ATL Cincinnati. . lOOOOOOOU-n St. IajuU S 3010O0OO-0 flatteries Dwyer aud Kelly; Stlvctts and IIO) 10. AT WABniXOTOS. Washlnirton.ltaltlmore gtune called at end oi iniru inaiuguiiHcoouut. ui raiu. AT IXJU1SVUXE. ITOlSvillc. O 0 30000000 B Columbus. 0 00000010 07 Iluttcrles Knell and Dowse: Bell and Cook. The Assoclutluu Itooord, for Prr aub. mm. Lo(. Ct Clubn. rrm. Ovt. Ct Boston.. .83 HO .(KI7 Columbu 18 LU .401 ht. Louh..riU L-J .(Kl Atliletlos...v:i UL' AW llultlmoroM 21 .nil Lou'vlllo..21 3(1 .400 Clnolnu'tU7 L'S .401 Wash'ton...lU 33 .314 Fastem Lvalue. at synAcusa Pyracusa- -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 liuHalo 0 000313000 5 Ilatterles- CouuhUn and Myers: Burr and Yeokbckcr. The Karues scheduled at Altjany, l'ro1donco and Now llaven postponed on ucoouut ot roiu. WHOLESALE SMUGGLING. Cnrrletl on by n Pullman Cur Conductor for Ten Yenrs. WAsnrsoTOX, Juno 10. For some tlmo past tho United States Customs uuthor itlos have been awaro that considerable smuggling was going ou between Mon treal and Boston. They qulto recently set a watch to discover tho smuglers and havo been rewarded by making a most Important arrest, the culprit being un burn J. Brown, sleeping car conductor on tho Canadian Pacific Railway between Montreal and Boston. Tho customs pooplo say thnt for tho last ten yoars Browu has defruuded the United States Treasury Department out $100,000 by running In contraband arti cles of wearing apparel, opium, furs, silks, velvets and C-ao goods, packagos of which wero of great valuo and embargoed up 73 per cent, of their real valuo. Brown's modus oporandl was to fill tho pillow boxes with tho contraband goods and drop them at different points of tbo route or to oarry them direct to Boston, where tho ownera would bo wait ing to receive them. The express companies havo also Bttf- lereu loss oy pacnages carried, luo United States Deputy Collector at Mon treal attaches considerable importance to tho arrest. During his Btay in Montreal Brown put up at the best hotol and took tho greatest possible enjoyments of Hfo. Tho News About Illppolyto's Death. New Yomt, Juno 10. Tho Haytlan Minister, Hannibal Price, declares that there Is not tho slightest foundation for tho statement that President Hippolyte of tho Haytlan Republic has been shot. IIo has received mall from Port-au-Prince ot n lator duto than tho ttmo of tho alleged shooting, and his advlcos Indicate that ovorythlng is tranquil there, und govorn inont and business affulrs are transacted in their normal manner. The Conservatives Defeated. Losdo.v, Juno 10. Tho government mot a defeat last night on tho quostlon of factory labor. Mr. Sydney Buxton, Liberal, ot London, had offered au amendment to the Factory bill to pro hibit children under 11 years of ago from worklnis In factories. Tho govern ment opposed tha amendment, whloh wits carried, howovor, by a vote of 20a to 160, soreral Conservatives voting with the majority. Forged ills Father's Namo. Atwntio Crrv, N. J., Juno 10. Hamil ton Turner, tho It) year-old son of a prominent lumbor dealer of this city, was takon to May's Lauding last ovonlng to await trlul at tho Soptombor term of court ou a churgo of forging his father's namo to a check for $15, tho inonoy be ing used to defray his oxpensos in last week's Century Blcyclo Club run, he bo ing a participant. An American Ship Wrecked. London, Juuo 10. Tho American ship Annhuac, Capt, Wholdon, from New castle, N. S. W., bound In tho direction of Padiing, has bcon wrecked in Bratnblo Day Straits. No liven wero lost. Thu Anahuac sallod from Boston nnd was owned by Edward Lawrence. Sho regis tered 1,221 tons. Iludyard Klpllna Arrives from Europe. New Yomc, Juno 10, Rudyard Kip. ling arrived in New York on the City oi Paris. Ho ia travollug incogulto, as his health does not permit him to sco tha many visitors who would llko to call on him. lie will spend a few weeks In tho country with somo friends. Dying of a Crushed Plug-or. Perth Abbot, N. J., June 10. While coupling oars In Klliabeth ono week ago, Patrick Galviu, a brakeman in tho em ploy ot the Central Railroad Company, had ono of his lingers crushed, As a re sult ot thu lujury he is dying of lockjaw nt his homo in Do Kalb avenuo. For Slavln uud Sullivan. Omaua, Fob., Juno 10. A pursa ol $440,000 has been offered by tho Magia City Athletic Club for a flulth fight be. tween Slavln and Sullivan. A $10,000 bond was died in bank for faithful pur formouoe, Ilotllns Horribly Mutilated. Mannuxiij, Juno 10. The Baslo horror grows. Many more bodies havo been re covered, legless and armless, and amona them tho body ot a beautiful young woman severed In two. 41 Continual dropping wear's away the stone." 'The continual breakincf of lamp-chimneys costs a good deal in the course of a year. You can stop it. uet Mac beth 's "pearl top " or ' pearl glass." You will have no more trouble with breaking from heat. You will have clear glass instead of misty ; fine instead of rough ; right shape instead of wrong; and uniform, one the same as another. You will pay a nickel a chim ney more ; and your dealer will gain in good-will what he loses in trade; he will widen his trade by better service. Pitteburg. (;bo. a. Ma-betu a Co. IL&nirp to nnd other special. tl- fur Oputlomen, raniod, an I r-ostmTcd on bottom. Adilresa 'V. li. 1KM ULAri,lrockloii,3Iii6. SolU CAN UK l.KVKhfKI IN A 1'OMTIVI. A1SO bAl X 15 Per Cent. Dividend Paying Stock. I'nll particular. ud 1'rospoctua can be had nn appMcttort nr arid wising H. - rI.tlInO, KMIihvr, 64 ItroncIvvMv. ?. V. I. FLY MKTS CHPAP AND JSTfsr. 20 oilier -.tyks F S- .. . , m Wn.Avsu'Nn'. I'll!' Mii Ll-ii Ublehcau-t'a Knallidi HUiuoad liread. EiWlWAl pais rllnol mna Onlj tannine urairtfiat tor (-ni.Autrra Kn ji.i - tnoui Bran,i Ui I ted .11 Ut Id -."UlUoA oxen 3. aiw -wna moe n ri Tnua 1 DOtlirr. HrfUMi tlnm-tront e?.ar,r. lioua and itnt(anmu it D munis ts, or ienj In Uimpi for jartlmUrs ti-itlmonUi diJ llUrf tor r,nHi,,Mnf(. by rium If ' UiiiLiitnli Sam J'aptr, - "" OhwhcU'pClieuilcul CJS-dlaionHQure,, Bold t 11 Locfcl Uruglm. l'bllAdik I'wl Dr.Theel Tit- moil rtliatl,: ami aaaeeaifu p. ilt.Bl fcr th a-netae cibcl Special Disc ases.BM Poison CLrFUS fc olstei. PiatvUl.Boft Uuutli, Toit, IrrUit'fB'. 8el lea, Iutn.atl mi. Kid oer UraaeiwU. 11. i. JdiUnobolr, TFc&koeii Uclllltjr, Tr-r-'rr.l U n ' 17 nlDeosy, 6trietor til dUeaie mii'tin rrni juu'b'u' utron or from or error Old, Young or iVIIddle Afjed 4cu'io3cr taj looger. or If ocrt-lu, 00 eijiinnifit I h- tterj title g ktwwo ! iu.lli)l fcO'Uurlc!i.ieuLv. ui ui.--doUoct wiklttJ, nomfttter wltofil tiareltef al-mta rmb eum ettrcd In 4 to 10 EaroptQ nsplt-l tf riee to armtnr, Eoi lint, r"rsnofl 4 Aosirl, iu -jcriloctei. and dlplomu pro ftadtr- rioai. . f 1, to iM)0cpuriirijrrlj. Cit K ftATl ' be ,n Jtoiu ,crtUin doctor, w if M.iJJfM cani-rottJ it 8rrttaklH koowleljaani x-riDoo and wbo can obow at toajf padeota ptroiarientljp ured aa I cao -fier qniwslia mad airrrtlalajr dootora La rol-tdttitra Bfl lo.aump Tor book 'TRCT11" anlawc 1 ltimo)l tifoaing qaaoka ml klriTttelrtedoctora wtt tbclr fi BudfT-u-la'tnl jaarmtfeiani rMiimoulaU, thttr iptrleuo, t&eT d not poaara an 1 their aehctne of rf fundi of tuooey or trlc 117 ralka and ihoir ehtup tvod wortbleai druaa uetlherof nrl icl JU.iitrji. t-i t mte 1 n Jcr-ny and ro-Ull la ruin cltJUn'! of cimiMikie !' ah Orrtn MocMr Krtrydf fmrn A M tulP M r'-nilocit H lacaday aol Saiurilij r . i.!i---ri n r-p Mdiu'r m,lU.yt ltrrcf. j v.rCtj ni,.' m I'oMaj- fbua, Ttf look h:ss, 33 A grand opportunity lor Joining a now society, The Beneficial Older of Equity, A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN SIX YEARS. Advances money to buy hemes, cancels the Indebtedness In cao of disability or death, pays sick and death benefit, For further particular coll on or address, DANIEL DKAN, Deputy Supreme President, 32 N. Main St., Fhunaudoiih, 1-a. OR MEN ONLY. rrVMirnraef MiXf and mind, Ktrecta of Srromor Kxcubaos 1 ri Old or Yountr. u'.uiia fi ui H4nuun rui i y n iiorea. nnw o vmarg ami ftlraflrthaniAX.LrTHTK10Pr'lfHl.tfSAI ABISOt MVU .btolulriy llltrf HuK rillCr'tfa4T-)Viil In m day an Icbllry rmn feu Maiaa and t ,nti onntra, ITrU tUrnu ktafrhiUi Vmi, tmUaallua ua proofi malUd rare ltd) traa Mf Kftlft MUOICAL CO. i OUFFAtOi N. V tiREEN: TRUCK! Oynters, CUtms and Poultry Heoeivod daily at tho old reliable stand oi WOMBR'S North Main St, near UuyJ. "Wliolesnle nud Retnll. I'loaios, fesllvals and private parties tup plied In quiiu titles at short notice, nB.-i erf.v 'Ofcsift'i it -Jr? WL DOUOLAS $3 SHOE 'twi) wl B2n - a