t The Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. H, C. BOYEB, Editor and Publisher, W. J. WATHNS, Local Editor. subscription rates: UAlliT, per year, - t8 0 Wbcklt, per yen' 1 5 SaUred at the PostoIHce, at Shenandoah, Pa. tor transmission through the Malls as seenn debuts mull matter. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. 'Weather Indications. Washington, Juno 10. For Now ringtail light showers! warmer In tho Interior! stn tionary tomporuturo on tho ooasts easterly winds. For Eastern New York anil Now .Tcrsoyi Light showers; stationary temperature on tin coast; warmer In tho Interior! easterly wlnda For Western Now York ami Wostorn Pennsylvania! Light showers) stationary tonv peruture; easterly winds. NEW YOUK MAllKKTS. New Yonrc, Juno 18. Money on cull loaned easy at 814 and 11 :r cent. BONDS. Clofltntr CloMna To-duj 100 100 llinl Yesterday lt IfiOl TlM 100 4 Us, ism roup ioo 4 s, 1007 lies HOW 6, 1K07 Coup 1181 STOCK MARKETS. Closing Yesterday Canadian Paelflo 73)4 Central Pacific 01 Chicago, Ilur. & (iulnoy....... SMI Delaware & Hudson 1M Del., Luck. As Wefctorn 13.5U 'irio 1M Closing To-da3 u 80! 180) 130' 11V go: no Brio prof CO ,,ako Shovo., Jxiuls. &Nnsh..., Michigan Central...... Missouri Pacific New Jersey Central... Northwestern Oretron Navigation.... ....110 .... im .... Btf .... mk ....110 ....10'J T8; fl) I 104), 70 PaciUe Man uuw Heading..., 81$ Hock Island 7211 Rt. l'aul OiVi Union Pacific uU Western Union BOJj PRODUCE MAItKET. July, Aug Wheat 101M 101M Corn U4t3 J Oats 4-1 MERCANTILE EXCIIANOE. Butter In more demand and steady. 80J 7 am 43 HI Wcsfc orn extras, inc. Cheese - Quiet, State, factory, now, tun cream, onoiro wmn, o?tc. Ejfgs Quiot. Ptato frosh, IT O.O1T&0. tresieru ii'uali. 10Mi.17o. To Nervous, Debilitated Mon. 11 you send us your addreex, we vill mail you our illustrated pamphlet nxplsin in all about Dr. Dyo'e Uelobrnted Klettro Voltaio Belt and Appliances, and their nharminff oflects upon the nervous d hilltated system, and how they will quickly reeloro you to vigor, and manhood. Pamph let free. If you ara thus afflicted, we will tend you a Bolt and Appliances on a trial. voltaic Beiv Co.. Marshall. Mich. Tho warm weather keeps tho ice doalors busy supplying tho demand for ico. Office or J. SI. 11, ItoiiNfON.n9 E-st 190th st 1 Residence, '85 E,nt 111 s'reet. f Nkw Yobk, January 31, 1800 Alva's Brazilian Specific Co.- Geuiienen . Having suflerert for the paRt two years with rheumatism, Indigent on, snro throat, audit complete breaking down of my whole system. 1 was Induced (alter treating with several prominent doctors) to try tho Cactut, Blood Cure, which I contlm cd to uso for about thirty days, Unco which time I have been en tirely tree from the nbnvr mentioned .roubles, and have more ambition today than any time In tho past four yeais. 1 can henrtlly recommend the biiine in nuy one hnvlnc the same troubles. .1. M. 11. KOHINHON. Bold at Klrlln's Drug Bt jro.Kereusou Homo Block, Shenandoah. Pantaloons aro worn loni; now. That's very truo. Sometimes for three years. Hold It to tho Light. Tho man who tolls you confidentially ust what will cure your cold is prescribing Kemp's Baleom this year. In tho prep aration of this roroarkablo medicino for coughs and colds no exponso is spared to combino only tho best and purest ingredi onts. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through It; notlco tho bright, clear look; thon compare with other remedies. Pnoo 00a. and Jl Tho cabbugo crop of '91 is pretty well sot. Boolry Mountain Ouro. Tho druggists claim that people call daily for tho now euro for constipation and sick headache, dlecovoted by Dr. Silas Lano while in tho Kocky Mountains. It is said to bo Oregon grape root (u great romedy in tho far Wost for thosofcom plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is mado for uso by pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. It sells at 50 cents a package and is tailed Lane's Family Medic mo, Tho bicycla is more popular than ovor. Shlloh's Consumption Ouro. This la beyond question the most nuo. cesfclul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably euro the woiht cases ol Coo2h, Oruup, and Bronchitis, while Its won derml sucees In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel In the History or medicine. Hliice It's rlrst discovery it has been told on a guarantee, a left which no otner medicine can slaud. Ii you have a CoukIi we earnestly Ritk you to try H. Price lOceuts.SOctnls, and 11.10. If your Langs are core. Chest or ilank lame, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold Uv C U. Hagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and Lloyd utretits, There it a run now on ihort hair cuts. Mllea' iNerva and Liver Pllla Aot on a new principle-regulating the liver, ktomaoh and bowel tlit,uoh tlw ami A uew dikoovery. Dr. Mile' lllhi siieedlly ouie bllloiMiieNi, bad tattle, turpld liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled lor men, women, oblldrcn. Bmalleal, wlliet,urtl o'doi-es, 85eU. Hamples Free, at c. II. Haneubuch's Inn; store. The milk shake busy these days. and tod a fountains are The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles In discovering his N. w Hear, Cure has proven luwir tu buoneot tho most ImiKirtaiit. The demand for it has hemt, e astonishing. Already the treutmeut i heart illfawi Is be ing revtduUontMd, and many u. tixixcted cures etlM!ied. Itnoou rill.'o shmt breath, llulleri g, pains iujii'le, anil, bhoulder, weaK and luiugry sptd,s, oppression, swelling of ruk'.k. stnoiUerlng ai d eiirt urotwy. Hr, Milo 1 luik nn Heart and N nous DitenK's Irce. '1 lie ut, equaled New Henri Cure Is sold un" niui.anieed by c. II UiiKeiihurh,thediui.'. Kl"t, .!- his Helorailvi; Nervlue lor head in In , tl -preen, hot Uiwhcs, utrvous cuilli, CipJUIll liHbfl, etc, Muw on wn bay pcr uuieo tho nlr. OHYIESA'S BRIDE. Elntno poodalo, tho Poetess, Slarrto ft Full-Ulooded Sioux Indian. New York, Juno 10, Thoro hns been no raoro Interesting wedding this soason than that of Miss Klnino Qoodnlo, poetess and authoress, to Dr. Charles A. East man, medical inspector of Pino Rldce Agency and a full-blooded Sioux Indian. The ceremony wa? simple and lmpres slvo and was witnessed by a lnrgo crowd at tho Church of tho Ascension. Dr. Eastinan Is a man of education and retlnomont. Ho is 30 years of ago. Ills Indian origin Is shown in his dnrk com' ploxlon, dark straight hnlr and high cheok bones. Uo Is tho Government physi cian at Pino IMdgo Agency. Ho was edu cated at Ilololt Col lego, Michigan, and at Dartmouth Collego, from which ho was graduated with honors, being class orator In tho class of '87. Uo afterward studied medlclno In Boston, and ho was this year nppointed tho physician at Pine Hidgo. Of Miss Qoodnlo much might bo said. Sho is a dautrhter of Mr. Houry Sterl ing Qoodalc, and sho was boru on her father's ostoto In DorkBhlro county, Mnss. Sho is tall, with a face singularly beauti ful, denoting great strength of Intellect and character. Her mother wav M!s Dorn Head, after whose family tho town of Reading, Conn., was named. Miss Qoodalo or rather Mrs. Eastman, has dark eyes, regular features, chestnut hair and engaging manner. In such works as "In Berkshire with Wild Flower." and "The Journal of a Fanner's Daughter" Mtsa Ooodale has made her mark. Dr. Eastman's Indian nnmo, Ohylosa, means "Tho Winner." Tho nowly-wedded couple loft for a tour through tho New Eugland States, after which they will tako up their residence in 1'lne ludgo. A DANGEROUS WOMAN, Sh Is Arrestfd for Stealing mid ! Churuud With Murder and Arfton. Ncwnuuou, N. Y., June 19. A woman named Halliday is under arrest here churgod with stealing a surrey, team of horses and harness. It Is alleged by her husband that a few weeks since she set Are to the houso during his absence, burning to death her son. Later tho barn on tho premises was also buruod. The man is 02 years of ago and the woman 25. Mr. and Mrs. Halliday ro alde iu Sullivan County. The woman acts us though lnsauo. It don t do to neglect nature's wurnluc aches through the sv6tem, cause Rheuma tism, N'tunilgla and Backache. Try lied flag (in. tne rainnus liiiu (jure, cents it wur Un'rt drug hkire SPECIAL NOTIOKS. The vestlbuled compartment sleeping car recently introauceu on tue uuicugo, ut, i'uu and Kansas City ltallway aro models ol com fort, conveulmco and luxury. Any patron o' the sleeping car Is enabled, by tho lutroduc Hon of ibese compartment cars, to secure thi same privacy and onveulenco that ho woulr in the best hotel. No other Hue west of Chi caeo runs the compartment cars. In uddl tlon, the trains nro equipped w'th tho roguUi open Pullman sleeper, giving pas6on,iers then cnoice. riie ui .ing car service is luuy up u the reoulrements ol modern rallwav Fervlcr An excellent cuisine, promptly served amid elegant surroundings, at moderate charge!. leaves uotning now to be neiirea. Any or out people contemplating a trip to any part of tb west or northwest cannot josslbly securr belter accommodations or lower rates that by addressing W. P. Cooley, General Agent ol me i-assenger aeparimeni, bm uuc&inumi. ruiiaueipuia, ira, WIIITK fEAKS AND DADK CANONS. Colorado is n land of Miarp contrasts, ol brilliant Itslits, ol Intense thadews; a land where heights and depths make obvious the meaning of the nord antithesis; a land where every mooa in mina can una an answering mood In nature. The high, white minarets of tho mountains, from whose Blender pinnacles float the wind-blown ban ners oi the snow, ap iieal with silent eloquence to the lolty nsplra lions of the soul; tho sombre chasms cleft by Titan forces through granite-hearted bills wlihln whoso depths dark shadows throng nud swirling torrents daBhspeak to the heart, a language that thrills, Inspires and awes. It docs not follow that tli,o glories ol white peaks and those glooms of dark canons pre clude the pleaimt Intervals, the sunny meadows or tho secluded nooks wherein the tired mind or wearied boly may and peace fill rest and reluge fiom turmoil and tolL To one making a Journey in Coloiado, New Aiezico or Utah, or tas ing a transcontinental tour Irom East to West, or Wee verm, the Den ver and Klo Grande Kallroad otters accom modsttons equal In elegance.convenlenoe and luxury to those of auy other line with the ad ded utli actions of the unrivalled scenery along Us line, abounding In a magnificent opulence of white peaks and dark canons. T he month of November, 18D0, witnessed one oi tue moBi important improvements in rait road facilities that bas vet been made In (?nl. orado and the West, The completion of the standard gauge of the Denver and IlIoQrande Kallroad irom Denver, Colorado, over lhe mountains to ugaen, utan, wnicu nve years ago was deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly a triumph of daring and engineering skill. The new line Is by the wav ol Leadvlllo. tun. noting Tennessee Pass, threading the canons of tho Kaglo and Grand Itlvers, giving a view oi tue itiounioi mo rimy (jrose, eurcute, utR. lug Its trains through Gleuwood Bprlngsand Hr,,i.n l,a llmnri Wli.at, in flro A Tnn,nn thence to Halt Ijike City, Ogden and Bau Kninclfco. By this route one Is given an op. port unity to behold the magnltlcence of Eagle Hlver Canon and the marvelous ceauty and grandeur ol the Canon of the Grand. The overland tinln Is a model In every respect. From the engine to the last first-class coach everything Is bright and new, and of the jj1 elegant style of workmanship and If any reader desires to know more about tnese nupenaous works or nature, write toB, 11. Hooprr, General Pafeseuger Agent, Denver, Uolorudo. nud ho will bend you. Irce ol cost. elegantly Illustrated boons, giving a full de scription of the marvels of the Bcenlo iiiuo. "-Blarney wood in tne "Great Divide. Ifl and will ever bo tho foest Bomedy for FriMti TnRnanoa. Tlnnlrrtnlih. TJaina in t-Vio Rt.ln. fill (HI, findl I Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &o Before you aeesl to tny, ogttia Kt-rovv ni' ruflnr.P -Si .the valtiaDle booki "OnlJe to Health," wHAj endoneueate of p rommtat paysioiuis, M J.AD.RICHTER&COm 310 Broadway, New lupir.. '28 Prize Medals Awarded! fJGaroppiu Houses BoduliUdt,Lor;3on V'e'.ua, Prague, Butteidara, Oltsn, 1 50 Oent3 o bottle, For Bulo by j i- i-. ij, i ici4irif i.C. II. IIAi.i ..iKTJCII,, bMFN .Ut'OAH PA., AMONG THE KAFFIRS. gnme Strnngo Rights Among a Pnvairo l,eoplo. In roturnlnrr from Kllpdam to IVotorln In south Africa I saw a grout many jtrango slirhts runonff ICnlHr tribes In this section of tho country. In passing along tho roaiU you wUl find nt Intoi vrtlB a Bavngo head gnzlng nt you with eyes of death. An Inquiry dovclopcd tiio facts that this Is their mode- of burying their doatl, writes a correspon dent of tho Atlanta Constitution, Their custom is to placo tho bodr In a sitting posturo, covering nil hut tho head with earth, and providing tho corpse with a pan of monlio meal (corn moal) and a vessel of water, so that tho spirit wul rest In pcaco and not haunt tho sur vivors. Those burial places aro near a public road, so that when tho resurrection comes they will bo ready to Jump up Immediately una follow tho ungels along tho road without tho danger of getting left behind or lost. Tho Kaffirs bolievo In a future btato of existence, not only for tho soul, but also for tho body. This belief Is strangely similar to that of Christian tradition. How It got Into tho Kaffir religion is not known, but it la ono of their most ancient and strongest traditions. When a head of a family dies his hut with all his personal belongings la abandoned, the Idea prevailing that tho spirit of tho dead haunts his former abode. In caso of sudden death in tho tribe It Is often at tributed to tho influence of a witch, and on application to tho relatives, which is always mado, an investigation la made to discover tho ono who has caused tho midden domlso. Tho "lunzn amanzl," or evil doctor, is tho presiding genlns. Tils modus operandi Is to assemble all tho Buspoctod parties around a flat ves sel oi water, into which Ihoy look, ono n; a thno, their features being fully re flected in tho water. When tho guilty ono's turn comes a ripplo la seon to pass over tho water. Of course, this ripplo Is produced by a triolt of the lunza amanzl, and Is generally enacted when one whom ho has a grudgo against looks Into tho wateft Tho unfortunate individual Is then handed ovor to tho tender rcorcloa of tho infuriated rela tive, who malre short work of putting him whero ho can do no more harm. Tho spirit of tho departed, knowing that his death has been avenged, then retrts In peace. The Kaffirs, without exception, uso tobacco, which grows here profusely, and of a very Uno quality. Men, women and children uso snuff, which they mnko from tobacco rulxod with ashes. They carry their snufl boxes, a long cyllndor shapod tube, In a slit mado in tho lobe of tho car. Their pipes aro curious aHalr3. A cow's horn is secured, into which thoy Insert diagonally a stem, and on this they afiht a bowl for tho to bacco. Tho horn Is then filled with water and smoke, and water drawn Into tho mouth. Tho former is Inhaled or ejected through tho noso and tho water spat out. This performance la accom panied with much coughing and chatter ing and singing the prulsea of their chief, nation, god and employer; tho latter does not-altvays corns In for un mixed praises. KEEPING HOUSE IN INDIA. Nono ef the Dlffloultles Which Deset the American Housekeeper, Tho ordinary Anglo-Indian house keeper knows nothing of the difficulties which beset her American sister. Her prh, compared to that of tho latter, and notwithstanding tho dUHcultlos of climate which surround her, Is an easy one. In fact, few women who havo spent much of their lives In India know unything about housekeeping as Amer icans understand It. There, at least, la 'no lack of help; natlvo servants swarm ittll ovor tho country, as each branch of 'work necessitates a special one, every household has a largo staff of its own, says Oood Housekeeping. As a rule, tho natives hnvo a lofty disregard Of truth, and sometimes And it difficult to distinguish between mine and thine, but in other respects they mako capa ble and obliging servants, and tho but ler or head Bervant being rcsponslhlo for all those under him, tho mistress "has comparatively little to do with them. KOno of them reeelvo largo wages, a more plttanco, according to our Ideas; 'and as thoy would lose caste were thoy to eat of food prepared for white peo ple, they always board themselves In their own quarters, which aro at a re spectful distance from their master's, and altogether distinct. The cook In on Anglo-Indian estab lishment la a person of considerable Im portance, though ho receives but a few rupees a month for his services, and can bo trusted to send up a well cooked and appetizing meal, without any intci f erenco whatever on tho part of his mis tress. Ho la not only up in culinary loro himself, but ho can follow out, often with certain improvements of hla own, any recipe given him, no matter how complicated; indeed, ho is very proud to learn an entirely new ono, and once learned will guard It as his own, leulously, being most unwilling to 1m part his knowledge to others. Ho Is blow, however, to adopt new-fashioned cooking utensils. If tho mistress pre sents him with anything In that line, he will accept it with apparent gratifica tion, but will put it quietly asldo and make no further uso of it, and when remonstrated with on tho subject will say; "It was not tho custom of my f uther.' For tho sake of her appotlte, however, the mistress Is soldom desir ous of going near the kitchen, and cer tainly whero it is concerned, tho loss sho knows of what goes on there, tho better. Hold un Kaglo for a Turkey, An east Nashville (Tenn.) negro, who sells poultry for a living, recently found himself without any stock In trade and minus tho money to buy more. He had an old gray eagle, though, which ho had received from his former master nt tho closo of tho war, and this ho de termined to kill and sell as a turkey, do' spite tho fact that it was kuowu to bo about forty years of ago. Ho killed tho bird of freedom, sold it for a turkey, und waB arrested by tho Irate purchaser, who had cooked and vainly tried to eat mo national hira. f Are Yi0 Nervous? - Next to blood, kidney nnd llvor affile- S tlons, nervousness nnd nervo Irregularis tics nro the most common. S Within tho last twenty-flvo years tho number of nervous diseases hns. In- 5 creased largely, and the medical frntor- S nlty have given them a groat deal of ! attention. jj As to tho causes of nervous nfTcctlons, ; their name Is legion ; high living, dlssl- S potion, Irregularities of diet, late hours, ; overwork! great BrtofJ thi hlgh-presauro ; mode of life, with its coascloss round of Z activity nnd oxcrtlotf, calllhg for ton- stnntoxpendlturoof norvo force, nil tend 5 to depress and oxhaust tho nervous sys- S torn. Thomcrchnntsbcndforhoursovcr their books, or ore whirled nt lightning epeed over a country unknown to their fathers; tho student burns ftvely tho "midnight oil," whllo tho housewife, In her efforts to keep pace with tho require ments of modern society, calls Into no tlve play every fibre of tho nervo system. What is tho result? All over tho land medical men aro battling with nervous dyspepsia, nervous headache, nervous weakness nnd In many cases wltrt gene ral nervous prostration, oftentimes de veloping Into paralysis. To regain health you must correct all that Is wrcng In tho norvo centres, and then all the various troubles arising from their diseased oondltlon will disappear. In Brown's Sarsaparllla you havo a nervo tonlo and nervo food which Bttp pMestho waste tissues. Hememberthat it nil Tlriinrrtita l.rtA a DON'T take Something eho "Just u3 good," IT ID NOT. t Aha Wabren & Co., Folo Proprletors,Bangor, Me. ''"Cf.I3Ili,C3lliIIIIIIIIItl,lllllllIllllialllIIMllI,li1iiiC,t WILL As n Flertsnnt nnd II M -jjj , ituu uuiuu .III. ,T1(JJJJC. CUectivo Cathortlo use j every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF J" ' a THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP TO THE LViAftK ri HEEDS UO LAUNDERINQ. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BOHUYLB.ZU. DIVISION, On and after JVow. 24, 1830, (rcrtni uiUJ feat Shenandoah as follows: For Wlggan, Ollberton, Fracttville, Nen Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, e,tw, .L a m and 4.15 p m, Uundays, 600, WO am and 8,1 Op m. For Poltsvllle, 6.00, V.io am ana 1.15 pm, Sundays. 600, if. 40 a m and .10 p m, For Heading, 6.00, U.io a in and 4.15 pm. HandayB, 600, 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm. For PottBtown, Phoenucvtlle, fJorrlstom and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6,00, -l.lt) a m. and 4.15 p m week: days Bundays, 600, 0.40 a m 8.10 p m Trains leave Frackvlhe lor Shenandoah a 10.40 am and 12.14, 7.12,10,00 pm. Sundays 11.13 a m and 5.40 p m. Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10,15 ant 11.48, a m 7.15, DM p m. Sundays, 10.40 a tr. 5.15 p m. t,eave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 6.67,10.25 a re 2.10, 4 JO and 7.00 p rn week days. Sunday 93t am and 1.10 p.m. For w York. 3.S0, 4,06, 4.40, 6.85, 6.50, 7.80 J.50, ll.O0anail.l5am,12.O0 noon, (Urn Ited express, 1.00 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1,40, 2.30 9.20, 1,6,0, 6.80, 6.50 7.18 S.U and 10.00 p m, 12.01 night. ' 1 Un Sundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12, e,W, B.6U a m. und 12.40, 8,20 (limited 4.50), 5.28, 0.80, , 7,13 8.U p m and 12.01 night. For Sea tllrt, Spring JLae, Belmar, Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, and Long Krancfc 8.20, 11,15, a, m, 4.00 p. in. week dayr F01 Freehold, 6.0 p. m. week days. Balllmor.- and Washington, 8.50, 7.20, 8,31 910, 10.20, )Uba m, 12.S (fimlted express) 8.H 4 41 6.7 anr7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. Fo Haltlmore. niy 'J.02, 4.1 1, 5 03 and u'dO p. m On Snndays, 8.60, 7.20, 0.lliand 11. IK a. m. 4.41 6.57, 7.40 p m. 12.03 night. Baltimore only 5.08 and 11 .SOpm. For Richmond and the South 7.2011.18 a. rn., (Limited Express 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week, days. Sundays, 7.20 a. rn 12.03 night. Trains leava Harrlsbnrc for PiitsDurg and the west every day itt 12.25 and 3.10 a in and 3.00 (.limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for Alloona, 4.16 a m and 4.10 p ru every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 19,20 i m week days. Leave sunbnry lor Wllllamsport, Klmlra. anandalgua, Rochester, BuBaloandWlatai Kails, 6.10 a m daily, and 1.43 pm week days For VRtk Ins, 6.30 j ra week dayB. For Erie and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m. dally. For lock ilaven, 5.10, and 0.53 a m dally, l.si and 6.80 p. m. week days, F Kenova 6.10 a m 1,18 and 6,30 p m weak days, 1.10 a. ax Sundays. "HAS. R riTOH. I. R, WOOD, n. Pims Art ILMINUTON ft NORTHERN It. R. 1me table tn ertal Mnu. 10. IfiDl. Trains leave Heading (P. it R. station) for Gibraltar, Sejferl, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring field, Vayuet,burg Junction, Coatcsvllle.Weat Chefctcr.Chadnford J unction, B. O. Junction, Wlliulugtun and Intermediate stations, dally except bunday, at 0.25 and K.S0 a.m. and 3.15 p. m, Kunday only at 8.05 p. m. For Warwick, HUPeters and Intermediate statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.111 p. m. sncday only 8.16 a. m. For Blrdeboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only, at 12 m. For Baltimore aud Washington (B. O. H, R.) dally except Sunday at0.2Snnd 8.30 a. ru. and 8,15 p. m. bunday only at 3 05 p. m. Trains arrive al Heading (P. a It. ttatlon) from Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Mont chanln,Chaddsloid Junction, West Chester, Lenape. Coatesvllle, WayiiesburB Junction, Hpr!ngneld,Joanna,Birdsboro, aibraltar, Bey fen and Intermediate stations, dally except Sunday at 10.20 a. ra. 6.K and 8.17 p. m. Sua, day only at 11.24 a. m. From St. Peters, Warwick nnd Intermediate Btatlons, daily except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m. and 2.25 p.m. Sunanyonlyat6p.ro. From Blrdsboro and intermediate fctatlons, Saturday only at 1.40 p. n. From Washington and Bnltlmore, dally ex cept Bunday, 10 20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bunaiiy only m H.21 a. m. IioWMEWH DRIGOB, Oen'l Pass. Agt. A. O. MCOA USLAN D, Supt. tho blood, taking up tho sound material ; from tho healthy stomach, feeds every J nerve nnd fibre of the human body, and Z In no other way can reconstruction and S improvements In the system go on. ; Brown'sSarsnparllla will deliver the food pure and healthy Into the blood. ; Mas. DoncAS Stone, wife of the well- ; known railroad contractor, who has op- Z erated nil over Now England, becume nflllcted With that disease so very edm- S mon among women. Sho says : "Yes, I do Itndw what nervousness means. I 5 havo had It In Its worst forms, leodid S not Bleep, could not follow any line of work; the cry of my babe struck harshly Z upon my enr,thosliuttlngof adoorqulck Z or the fall of n hook or any unusual nolso upon tho street would glvo mo a shirt. 5 It seems to me, now that I look back to it, as though I lived for years as sorno hunted animal might live. I mistrusted every ono nnd was possessed of a con stant and nameless fear. Physlcluns told mo tho nervo centre was affected and when my food would not dlgost; when It soured on my stomach"; when my appetite became capricious, they said I had nervous dyspepsia. I tried several physicians nnd adopted ovory thlngsuggcsted by friends, yet my nights wore wakeful ones, and my days those of torture. One day Brown's Sarsapa rllla fell under my notlco; I began tho uso of It, and as a result tho nerves wero returned to their normal condition, as wero also thodlgestlvo organs, and a per fect and permanent euro was tho result." hnfllno f... tl nft CLEAR. Tnt! rOSIPT.TiVinN. nitHlIITHH TUB EYES, StVEETEfJ Tlin mtEATH, TONE THE STOMACH, jbAULJJAUl 1 1 1 1, UK1UL AftL IH( V r-Lif-, ni3ir.,ii 'All Jl,i;'A' JliSAlni s m, . . . . ck... Not to ill'fc 2 Mot to PiacoloFS BEARS, THIS MARK. TRADE Chamber Sets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Wash Stands, Couches, Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Sideboards, Dining TableB, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Smoking Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, Sofas, Tea Tables, Parlor Suits, Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Musio Cabinets, Piano Chairs, Uall'Stands, Settees, Ball Tables, Fancy TableB, Wood Mantels, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Planes, Organ:), Sewing Machines. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. BOTTOM PRICES. J.?. Williams & Bro. SHENANDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINERAL WATER. the use ol which will supply Important ele ments nectusary 10 ueauu. it, win cure tne Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, and all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dlM-olve calculi and remove them. It removes ihAiirtnnpiri rmm the blood and thus destroys Malaria and Chills, It cures Brluht's disease, and Is es pecially recommended for people advanced In life, and for general debility. For undoubted proofs of this tend lor pamphlet giving full particulars. to J.lt. PERRY, Waler ol Llie V.U., 01 ouuiu iuiuu dv,, wuaes-uarre; rn. 1 111 run guy Williams & Bro. PhilGdelphiaand EeadiDg Bailroad.' Tfmo Table, in effect May 10, 1801 MS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS ' For New York via Philadelphia, week days, 2..0 5.25, '7.30 a. m. and 12 35 2.E0 and 5.54 ', rn, Bunday 2.10 and 7.1b n. m. For New ork, via Mauoh Chunk, week days, 6.25, 20, a, m. and 12.35 and 2.60 p.m. .Jor Reading and Philadelphia weekdays, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 2.50 and 6.55 pi m tauday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. r?or. ffafrhihurg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i ..to, oxft p. m. o rL rStto?P& WCBk flay" 2.10,7,20,a. m., 2.31 IUS0 and 6.65 p.m. Sunday ( 2 10 and 7.48 For Tamaoua and Mahanoy City, week lays, 2.10, 5.45, 7.20, a. m., 125 2.60 and .5S 'm." Buuday, 2.10 and 7.48 n.m. Additional or Mahanoy city, week days 7.00p.m, For Lancaster and Colombia, week dayi, .20 a. m.,R,E0p.m. For Wllllamsport, Sunburyand Lewlsbnrg. veek days, 3.25, 7.20 and 11.3) a. m., 1,35, 7.0(1 , ra. 8.05 p.m. ror 12.35. 2'10 e.2k7.4ta. m.. 8.1 ti. m. or ABhlnnd and Bnamokln, week days, .21,5.26,7.20, 11.3) a. m., 1 85, 7.00 and 9,35' .m, Bunday 8.25 a.m., 8.05 p.m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH! Leave New York via Philadelphia, week lays, 7.46 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.18 dght. Bunday, 6.00 p.m., 12.18 nlgut. Leave New York vl Mauoh iihnnk, week lays, 4.80, 8.45 a. m., 1.00 and 1.0) p. m. ,i.ave Jfhlldelphla, ween days, 4.10, and; 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.,frmflroaa ind Callowhdl and 815 a. m. and 11.80 p. m. from 9th ano vreeu aireet. Sunday 9.05 a. m. 11.80 p. m.froin utn mui --wu. Leave Reading, week days, 185. 7.10. 10.(5 litd 11.60 a. in., 6.55, 77 p, m. Bunday .35 ana t0.4s a. m. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40,7,40 a.m., 2.80,611 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a, m, and 2.05 u, m. Leave Tamariua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and il 2 . a. m.. 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 3.10 . m, aud 2.50 p. m. Leave Manauoy City, week days, 3.40, 0.18 and 11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.42 and 9.44 p. m. Sun day, 8.4U a. in., 3.20 p. m., Leave Mahauoy Plane, week days,2'4J,il.tO 1JW, 9JI5. 11.10 a. m.,l.tJ5, 2.C0 j 20, a 28, 7,57, and 10.00 p.m. Sunday 2.4', 4.00, and 8.i'0,a. m, 141, p.m. i.eave Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Station) week days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 8,41 a. m., 12 05, 1.12, 5.20, 8.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p.m. Sunday, 2,47, 1.27, 8.28 a, m. 8.41 p. m. Ivo Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 Rnd U,S5a.m.8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Sunday 11.1s P.m. For Baltimore, Washington and the west via B. & o. R. II., through trains leave Ulrard Avenue Btatlon, Philadelphia, (P, R. K. R.) it 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. in., 1.81, 4.24, 5.56 aa l 7.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.15 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24 1.65 and 7.23 p.m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia, Chostnut street Wharl and south Street Wharf. . IKor Atlantic Cltv. iVt.i Week-dHys Express 9.00 a, m. and 2.0b il p. m. t nndsys. Express, 9.00, a, m, Accommo. 4atlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m. Returning, leave Atlantic City, depot corner tlautlc and Arkansas avenues. Week-days -Express, 7.80, 9.00, a. ra, and4.0D, p. m. AooommodAtlon, 6.0O, 8.05 a. m, and 4.80 L80p. m. aunuayB. rsxpress, i.uu p. m. Accommoia. tlon, 7.80 a. m, and 4.80 p. m. (Ml.HAMCi ink-. (Jc,. tM'v A 0,1 A A, MOLEOD. Pres. dt Gen'l Manager. Leliigh Valley Railroad. ABBAMOEMENT OF rASSEJiOEK TBAIN8. MAY 10, 1891. Passenger trains will le&vn Bhenaiidnnh fnr MnnhllTinnlr I chlcl,!,,. UI.Hnn,nn mnn - Duui,un, mjiuiunii, JOCLUicilClll, 16U1I1, mil adclphia and New York at 5.17, 7,40, 8.08 a. m., For Belvldere. Delaware Water Onn and Utroudsbui-g at 5.47, a. m., and 6.2(1 p. in. rur Liuutoenvtiieaua xrento,,, w.ua a, m. For White Haven. WllRes-Barra and Pitts. ten 6.47, 9.08. 10.41 a. m., 3.10 and 5.211 p. m. ForTunkhannock, 10.41a. m 3.10 and 5.26 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyonn 10.41 a. m., and 6.20 p. ra. rur ijacejviue, xowauaa, aayre, waveny, Chicago and all pouts West at 10.41 a. m.,ana 5.20 p, m. For Klmlra and the West vlnHnlamnncn at 3.10 p. m. ror Attuenriea, iiazieton, Stockton, Lum her Yard. Weatherlv nnd Penn Haven Juno- tlon at 6.47. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 12.52. 3.10 and vy p. in. ror jeanesvuie, iievtston and l!eavr Meadow. 7.40. 9 OS a. m. and n m i For8crautonat5.47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 3,10 anfl 6:26 n. m. For llnzlo Brook. .led do. Jjrirton and Free. land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. ra.. 1ZS2 3.10 and 6.26 p. m. For uuakake at 5.47 and 9.08 a. m ami 8.10 p. m. For Wiggans, Ollberton and Frackvllle at 5.60 and 9.08a. m.,and 4,10 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Mahauoy City and Delano, 6.47, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,122,3.10,5.26, 8,03, 95' aud 10i7 p.m. For Lost Creek. 31rardvllle and Ashlandh 4.27, 7.46,8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10. 6.35, 8.10 nnd 9.11 p. m. For Darkwater, Bt. Clair aud Pottsvllle. 7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.26 and 8.03 p. in. ror jsuck mountain, rvew isoston ana ilorea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. m.. 12.52. 3.111. B.M ana 8.03p.m. For Haven Run, Ccntralla, Mt. Carmel and; Bhamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 auu o.uo p. a. Trains leave Bhamokln for Hhenandoah, 7.55 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.80 and 9.80 p. m., arrlvinc at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.2U and: 11.15 p. m. BUniJAI TKAIK8. For Lost Creek. Glrardvlllfl nnd Ashland. 6.50,9.10 llJ5a.m,,2.45p. m. For Darkwater. St. cialr and PottavlBe, 6.50, 8?J0, 0.80 u. m., 2.45 p. m. xur i Hiedvitie, jiananoy uity ana ueiano. 8.00, 115 a. m.,1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. For Lofty, Audenrled and llaileton, 8.00 a' m., 1.40 p. m: For Mnuch Chunk. Leblghton, Slatington, Catasanqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8JX) a. m., 1.40 p. m; ii , uiun.,iuia, i,w u, iu, k. B, BYINGTON, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehom. Don't forget Hint this Is the only purely veg table and effective blood nnrirtor bnnwu. Utedlor 800 years In Brazil, and two years tested in this country. It absolutely neutral izes and removes nil Impurities of the blood, wuetuer oi serotinous or specinc origin, in herited or acqjulred, nnd Is the only reliable remedy. Contains no mineral, and has no ' failures and no relapses. Sold at Klrlln's Drug store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. i ThouMUtiift ua iioi.ii nuri.iaiiuiiily cait 1 i . lMflLAirpI I'll (A. 1 Or lOftri j f 1 1 ' i 1 I i ' ra Pain in' n , , -q ji I CURE G'." iLtO, (.iytoiioui'ijS. t w