. .... i( .4 i fi e a m t. l j Aw wi VOL. VI.-NO. 158. BHEKAiTDOAH, PA., FJRIDAY, JUNE 19. 1891. ONE CENT. THE STJEEST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THROUGH LIBERAL ADVERTISING-! 4r AoooRDiue to th tthlnjjton carres pondeut of tbo Pittsburg Commercial Gazette, Senator Quay will uot be r. candidate fori-e-election na chtlraian of tha Republican NaUonal committee. It -would surety b e, mlttako to allow Hr. Quay to step tsXCc, but to a mnlter of feet no oca can blame hltn If be should insist upon retiring to tbe ranks. Ho baa been tbtisai and vllliflcd but fevr men have bc-a and tbe strangest part of tbo matter h co-called Republican leaders hare boon In tbo background urging on tbo mud-3liniig and light ing him openly or aecretly to the bait of then ability. The senator iron a great battle In 1880 e, victor? largely due to bla courage, his rerslgtesoy anil hlo generalship, he can thereforo well afford to retire and rest upon hit laurel?. But while he oan s,2ord to re tire, the question which la uppermost in tho minds of many Republican Is: "Can tho Republican party of tho Nation afford to let him retire?" He is their -bleat and most eucrgetlo leader Mid it looks like c big mistake to let him step down end out; not but what there whether good men and true which would uuqueatlou&bly bring to the place skill end sagacity. As r mut ter of fact 2atthei7 Stanley Quays are scarce cud when one is found he nhould be retained in ohlef command bo long on bo can be Induced to serve. This would bo the source of wisdom and tho re?elat!ono of the future will sustain our judgment. Caso Ignored. Tho Grand Jury yesterday heard ovi- dencc la the case of Jfartin 0. Hoffman, of Pottsville, superintendent of tbo United Statea Industrial Insurance Company, und L. J. Brennan, of town, Hoffman's assist ant, who wore charged with frud by E. G. Maytun, genera! superintendent of the Poltavillo Assessment Lifo Insurance Company. Tbe csto was Iguorsd and the costs were put on the complainant. Best doraet shirt in town, Famous" clothing house, 10c. pants from 76c. up. at "The Shifting Buy Keytlone flour. Be careful that the name Lxssio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is Iprlntod on every tack. Waters' Weiss beer is the best. Roilly sole agent. John A. 6-5-tf OrBIsTTS per yd for the Mt TABLE iwuna, '.Sold In othor stores for 33c All floor Oilcloths reduoad. oil for barf ins C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Slow, 10 Soalh Jirdin SL, near Centre I I Z OUR FINE QUALITY LTJ1STOH MILK BISCUIT, 3 pounds for SSc, Are guaranteed equal to anything in the market at higher prices. TEN DIFFERENT K1JDS oflrc8h Cakes Ginger Snaps and Jiiscutts, 3 lbs. for SSc An oilier V, Fine California Prunes, two Evaporated Peaches, 16c. Canned Pears and Plums. G-OZOnTGt OUT IB"iAST. Canned Peo. and Com, 3 for SSc. Jirench Sardines in oil, 2for5c. EXTRA QU-A-ZLiITlrr- OurJbine Old Java Coffee, Our Thirty-Cent Roasted Coffee, Our JBancy Creamery Butter, Our Choice Dairy Putter, OTTR CHIPPED BEEF and SUMMER SAUSAGE. JVOIF 02V 'UlACK HERE, Two Cnra Choice Quality Timothy liny baled JO, CYCLONE'S WORK A NEW JERSET2" VILLAGE VIS ITED BT A TORNADO. MANY BUILDINGS BLOWN DOWN. Boorea of Dotnsctlo Anlmr.ls Killed by Trcrasadcua Hallatonoc Al raost Every Houoo In the Vlllajro Windowloss. Bi' Natimal Prttt Allocation. iUEEsao, IT. J., Jriaa 18. A er&aaa avnpi ovtar Sarrthirrne, a town a faw xniWs frost ban, brarlsj crsst destrno- tioa la it path. A tk, fUBfitl-ahr.Fod oJvnC appeased en tfct northeastern a orison and rapidly aytftrcnt&td the litUa hamlet. At tho (Mat Hso a heavy Maok clocd, iron laWsh tie llghivlng atirt and dartsd la Vird streaks, approaehed from tho rovtiiwKt. The two cicada mat dhtctly tnr Eawiha-se. Fr v for rueBBnts tbat eainos eilsswe which prtootlss tbe UtunMae of evefe n tUtra prvrajlad, Uic daiteaict craw rad aou ahat laws like ttfeM, whtl tU twitcd rflf1 craktd in tltar bsaaa ia BvarSai draul. Fa tfaa noasVaz ol tka wifid dtaotad ihak the itsrn wtM npea tateaa. Am It avpt rrt the jiIih.4 U -was aaaaiajaaiad hj vtrid HslitalnF, heary tanadar and a tria down pour ot rrvln ued liallatoaaa. JiTrry houaa waa -riolantly thakan aad almost all of them are -riadowlau to day. Tntu trera uprosUd and thoi wlrtch wltKocd th tciy ot tha st-orra wax ntaifipad ef their tollsga. Bird aad poultry wora illUd ontrijrht, Oao traa wu tntlraly atrtpptd of bark by the fall ing rllata of ler. Far a tiia tha air iraa &lld with lnmVer, trcs and dabrla of all AtMrfpUose, aad arory aaeoad oecsiad ts bring the destrustiaii of the iewn nasrar and nearer. VTstan tho rtonn bud apeat its fnrynct aa evthoara In Hawthorne waa laft etandfaajc Tha taajodty wore torn from Uir futoala; and carrisd hundreds ot fott m-Ay. Tho houaa owaad by Jtr thar Savins, r.ad beenyiad by hit (umIIt, was uwreofeJ, and the large ahaats ef tin runt Wary Joista wra dapeiitad In is snasiF nere than 090 fori r.way. Ths inmatua Were uot ataismalr hiut. A largo born owe ad by Sarinr woji cat in twala nnd onc-l.alf woa tuntad half wiy trauad. Hanrx OoVa-itr'a barn wu lcralad to tha cronJid and aaTaral btAd of cattle klllad. A peaeh orchard ceirtrtBg six acres and ormad by Hlohard Warren, a New York or-ttca siarekass, frm aaUrely destroyed u war all tha croju in the path of th cyclcae a quar ter of a rails la width. Sidetracks he lousiac to tha Gasnehanaa Ballroad mot washed oct by tha hoary rata wtioh tollowed. tho hall. A larg anmbtr of animal wro killed by tax litrhtnlntf. The cyelreaa eatrua to Lnre formad direetly over thahnsalai and to hare rpvat its tall fciroe ekaa-a. Its pati is plainly marked by tbofcilan trsta uid the nprooteaaarnoa auu croja waion ptrri? the ground. No eetimota U3 ha tuade of tha damage but it will undoubt edly araotat to thousands of dollars. LABOR AT THE FAIR. Chless KxaCn Uuiwu Acpoal to SrvzSr dnr. lLnvrljuau. cmauro, jnna 10. iae j.-iat coev cl tbn tawlta unlims nt thin Lot or lbs. or SSo. lu.TS dudflvC " aonff a laMai to 1'th&. cet Haarlaoa aakditc t..t la all rlh deoa Uf tiia Svr&! .nuvarBjaaeat la a lMOt&ea with lha fTmld'a Fair the eight hoar day ha vnaasrJjxi, all disputes act- tied by SLvlt.Hat ivad act Uts taaa taa xeeapiiaad nlalmaju ialca t wages tot t.a rwtaos trade sarctpaiaad la this city UpeU. Aaa-tccr ltar baa baea CMicraa aeat to (kncal Qasupara, preaidost t tha Vedar sUou vt Labwr, o&ki aim not to tabo any artioa a n reo.uct Iran ta lishoc OtgBecs fcraneh ct tha World's Fair prj.Ulry for Aaslttiuiea la arcaaifilkc a Warid's Tali Labor Caaerao a&til the acmulHaa aan furulah bin a rapart cX httx'a aaaneotaof ol t&nsta with tso lai cal Mnratwy in Wtal! vt a ol&iaautB aaada wages. A einular Iiaj mcb ismtea to tie work- iigK.cn o America nnd Europe, wnralnK tkaia st t to come to Chicago la tha az peoMttiea of g.Uluc plenty of work and Lijrlitf wagas In oannfctioa with eon straUon ( World's Fadr balldli . It points out that'tkat the halldlaja are all to Va oonat.vaUd wlthla IS stoatha, ajid thnt ways are liktly to be lower, lttiwl of hlghar, beoauta of tha surplcs labor el leafly here Wxssuyaroir, Jro-.r 19. Asalstaat Ceera- iary Kattlaten has directed tla re'.ura to llesraa, KaTaila, ol Jona Jtranaa, a pauper Immigrant, who axriT.d iu thla conntry on the aUamar Eider Jan. IS, 1891. It is show that Brarac was not apprehended on his antral, hut made his way to Mil waukee, Wis., where he beer me a public charge. It Is further bhawn, that lirnme was a pnbllo charge is tho city ot Itf Rn for fira yeara prior to bla departure frr thla ceentry, and that hia paisaea was paid by the local authorities of 3snn. Pp.rtld Cablaat Htlnf. Wabshkotob, June 19. A spsciil meel hxx of the Cabinet will be held next Fri day. Financial matters, it is understood, will cnceice the attention ot tho Cabinet meeting; amoog otiura tha continued -:n"ie of sllrer bullion, tha final (lis poffit -in of tha caehiion of extending the 4 1-2 "T cent, bonds and tho chtnge in the asset nil liability ctataniont lrauod by the Trsa-ury Department dally aud monthly. II. Killed Bla Mother. Conors, N. T., June 19. Arthur Couch, jr., charged with bavins; caused his mother's death, floaded guilty "'id said be came home intoxloated and J artfled wi.h her. She struck him, and .e punn ed kcr oxer and then kicked he . l'rof. Cl5 Qoai to Anhent. Aesxzst, Mass., June I). Prof. Gt-n. D. Olds, for Severn yea i professor la matltiaatlca at tha Uuiverslty ot Roches ter, has accepted a similar posltioa at Amherst. Kx-4kBatov 2XcX)oBali5 Streamer Iroujjtarous, Jnsa 19. The condition ot ez-5enator McDonald is somewhat ImproTad. He is a little stronger and able to taka soma Dourisbment. NEWS OF THH DAY. Secratary Proctor'has gobs to Vermont for a week or ten days. port, Conn., for tha murder of Ccostabls lirucJcer. Uai.en. Bebofleld and Miss Georsla TTT T ( 1 . I 1 . t. 1 V- T . A.iioournp hot uaurnou as iwaoa.ua, Iowa, ytstsrduy. Charles Ttifllatoa, a weulthy fanner, was cored to deatu by a riotous oral on bis farm at Wlnstead, Oosn. who attempted to murder bis wife and thta shot hlmsalt, died last eraolae. (tor. Hill has appointed Frank T. Uy sclis of fiaftalo, if. T, Superintendent f Ouetruatlon of tia Waatysta Zloaat Bafasa tor Woman. It la estimated t&at Uis boy erop ct Jaw England will bo 20 to S3 per seat, bain? tha tiwi(i. The nog pieasUts to V 9t a (spatter (jixallty. Qarener Fattltsn has ratosd tha Cora pulnory Education bill, passed Just pra rleus to tha adjournment the lat FeaasyWanta LegUlatura. Tha heary pension and other drafts drawn upon tha Treasury at Washington within tbe past few days, baa reduced the nat surplus to $1,255,9)3. W. II. Brooks has been Appointed Collector ot Internal Kerenue tor tha First District ot PennsylTsnta (Pnllf dalphla) vlco David Martin, resigned. Uaehilsn Brockeuhoff, a fnrm laborer, was found dead In his cell at tha county i ail In Rochester, N. Y., yesterday, lie bad angod himself with a handkerchief. Us Was orreitod for drunkneaa. The start from Boston of tire trans, atlantlo dory race between Captains W. A Androwa and W. J. Lawler tor a sllrer oup and $5,000, has been pottpouid until next Sunday on account ot nufaror abls weather. A party of eleven persons belonging to Hiawatha, Ont., went sailing In a small yacht on Rico Lake during the evening. A sudden squall capsized the cratt and John Foots, bis lO-year-old daughter aud three-yenr-old baby were drowned. Tbe power station of the Seashore Electric Street Railway, at Asbury Park, N. J., was destroyed byf fire at 8 a in. Loss, 450,000. A loan bad just been negotiated In New York city, whera tbe stock of tbe road is owned, to Improve the plant. Last Ohance. To-morrow will bo tho latt day on which tbe ieople of this section of the country will have to witness the performance given by i'awnee Bill's Wild West Show. The 1'. & It. H It. trains will leave town tit 12:86 and 2:00 p. m. and, returning, arrive here at 8 p. m- lit member that to-mrrow will positively be IU last day of the ureal tbuw. THE LKTENES. DRIFTINGS CAUGHT BY THOSE "WITH OPEN BARS. WHAT..PEOPLB THINK AND SAY. Tho LlBtonor'a Notco of Ourront Comment Interestingly Ool vtmnized Ksttdablo and Pitny Paragraphs. Hare you been te Labesldo ? . Kilraiu's defeat and Lakeside's success are the leading local topics, It is verrrally believed that the 'enia'e base ball player3 will win the game to-day. Tho members of the homo club are too gallant to scoop thorn in. Th, boy who stole Dr. Rtein's horse yesterday will stand a poor sho should he ever fall sick and call upon tho doctor. The town is workod hard by lottery agents. Their schemes to evade the law ire nfany. There is going to be a big sen sation hero in a very short time and it will all bo al out the lottery. Every day tho orpress companies hike away piles of money for tho lottery companies. Of course, they a not to blame. Whan a man oomes in with a packago addressed to a party in New Orleans they aro not sup posed to ask questions. It isn't thoir place. Owen Sweeney, brakraan, had his spine so injured in nn accident, so called, that ho will bo a cripple for lite. He got a vordict nstalnst a Now York railroad company for JIOOOO, from which the compmy appealed and which it got set aside. On a second trial he gets c verdict lor t27,500. 01 course, ho will never get the whole of thia money, but that result is part of a question tuHt stands quite aside from the rinciplo tha. afferds a measure of damages in cases of crippling. Uad the J 10,000 verdict been osid, we may suppose Sweeney to receive J8,000of it, a tupposition favorablo to him This sum should havo produced him nn an average Income of fj-KXJ a year, or (30 par month, during the shortened term of his life and have remained intact for hl dependents. The greater verdict, f7,600, If paid, might give him say J20.000, pro ducing an income as above of ?75 per month and remaining int&ct at bis disease for his dependents. So far ss tha damages represent a cash valuation nothing more than earnings and savings lost, this sum may bo more lhau the probbble equivalent; but It Is dinlcultto see on wbat ground tbe former verdict was resisted as excessive. The lact that payment of that earlier moderate compensation was resisted may havo influenced the second jury in mixing suiue mustitrd in the second plaster they spread for tbe company's back. Human nature is built that way. The letter appended beluw I. offdred as an in.t&nce of tbe ingenuities of which a person who has a genius fur misspelling is capable. Tbo spelling reformers might l m a heap by studying it : Mr I lleseved your letter thalr is mc nibH Colts bear 1 think that you Cood gel Sum nise wont bear you Can Kite and let wo know wbeu you air Coming and i will Beat homo and Drive you around tot see them I have a very nlso won my Selfe out of a Doctor raair four years six teen hands I havo a-nothor nise won five year eld Byorng Boy Dam Uidrllia I have hureote.'d for tho rase too Bo Ban. too moro in l'ottstown thalr Is Som Colts of hers heir Sixteen won I Itemane Your J. M Ringtown, May 80 A New Buslnoss. 1'. J. Cleary has opened a store in tho Ferguson's building, on Kost Centre street, and Is prepared to furnish tbo local trade with fine leather and shoo findings and all kinds of sboeufakor's supplies, ills stock is a large one and well equipped to fully supply all demands of the trade. 6-15-tf The largest stock of wall paper and window shades ever waived in this town, r county, flood selection, at F. J, Vortz's uiok und stationery store. 3-JO-tl' LAKESIDE LOOAL9. Exoollont Attendanco Notwith standing tho Weather. The weather yesterday was anything bu' favorablo for an excursion, picnic and open-air exhibition, but it bad no edi ct upon Lakeside. Tbe excursion of Washington Camp, No. 206, P. O. S. of A., was a splendid success, being patronised by live hundred people. Tho attendance was not limited to these excursionists, however, and hsd the weather beon favorable there would haTe been several thousand people at the park To-morrow will be the big dsy of tho week and thoro will be a rousing attend ance to witnoie I'awaeo Bill's final exhi bition. Tho dancing pavilion was opened for the first time yesterday and it was crowded a'1 day by merry dancers. A good buiiiet was also done on the lakes and "Jim Suiith'6 shooting gllery coined money. Pawnee Bill's performance was of the usual excellent order and the grand statid was packed with delighted spectators. Col. Ed. Gibbons stood at tho entrance to the exhibition grounds during the afternoon and announced the features of the show In his usual grandiloquent style, Tawie Bill and bis Indiana gazed upon the gal lant Colonel in wonderment and It wi 1 uot be surprising to see the spokesman an attacho of tbe show before long. To-morrow will be r7ie day of the week and Lansford, Summit Hill, Schuylkill Valley, Delano, Uazleton, Audenried, Lofty, Jeanoaville and other places will send largo delegations to the grounds. There will be a programme of extra attrac tions. WILD WERT VrniSPEEO. Slay Lillie, whos? maiden name was Manning, is ti second couin to the late Daniel Manning, who was secretary of tho Trea-ury in President Cleveland's Cabinet Mr. Sheppard, Pawnoo Bill's advance agent, is nn old showman, who traveled with tha Colo and othor big concerns at various times. He says that in an altack on the Cole show at Syracuse, N. Y., ho shot and killed a man who persisted in culling tho harnes of tho horses pulling me lion cage. He was sentenced to 18 years, but got n second trial and w ac quitted. Ho says he is a brother of Patsy Sheppard, tho well knownjpatron of sports, pugilist nnd trainer of prize-fighters. Mr, Uoflman, the press agent for Pawnee Bill, Is a genial and courteous gentleman, who looks after tho interests of tho show with a vigilant eye. Mr. Hoffman makes all the railroad contracts and looks after other important business for the concorn. Ho is also an actor of considerable ex perience, and nt various limes appeared in Ferguson's thoatro with Iheatncal com panies He Is an old friend of Manaeor Ferguson. In Mr. Hoffman, Pawneo Bill has a man in whom ho can havo tho utmost confidence for reliability nnd shrewd busi no e management. THE COAL MAGNATES. A Brief Vialt to Town Mado To day. One hundred a..d thirty-throe members of tbe Philadelphia Co.il Exchangd vUitwi town this afternoon, but remained hero les than one hour. The party left Philadel phia yesterday morning and traveled to Wilkos-B.irro, making brief stops at Potls- villo, Morea and Uazleton. This morning at 8 o'clock, a start was made from Wilkes- Barre. Quakako Junction, Mahanoy City and Mahanoy Plane were visited and th. train arrived bereat 1:35 p. m. At 2:20 the party laft for Sunbury and Harrisburg. To-morrow Gettysburg will be visited and tbe party will end tbe excursion at Phil adeladelphia to-morrow night. Hlo Eyo Bight Was Poor. The following loiter, the name of tho author of which is withheld by request. was received by Queen & Co., the well- known firm of opticians, 924 Cheelnul streot, Philadelphia: "My eyes continue to cause mo no t.-oublo whatever. I used them almost constantly for reading aud writing. Until you fitted rao with mv present pair of spectacles, I did not think I would evor nod rellnl. 1 tbiuk y. u bare the 'know bow' in this bueines and you can always refer any one to me, and 1 will take great pleaure in reoommending your work." Queen's Specialist on tbe eye will bo at tho Ferguson Hotel to-morrow. Persons who think their oyos are not up to tho par, should call upon him. Ho does not chargo for examination, and Queeu & Co. guaran tees every pair of glasses ordered to be satisfactory. I. O. O. F. Basket Plonlo. To-morrow Shenandoah Valley En campment, No. 268, 1. 0. O. F., will cole- brato Its anniversary by holding a basket picnic in the grovo near ltingtown. There will be aooommodfitlons for all who may wish to go along. Carriages will bo fur nished and tbe faro for the trip will be CO cents. Will meet at Kcllly's Imll at 9 a.m. and proceed from there to tbe valley. BinkerB, Tlootnrs, lawyers, Carpenters, IlruggUts, Knuine-rH. Mecliaiilea. It fliol we have rocooi tnendfcilous (rum people lu all stations In lur, ti-st fying to the wonderful pure that Uuliihur Bluer, have eir ted. tteud for leatli-onlMls. Uto auolber oeluuin, !to make denial, TED E.X-TRBASURER TO PBB BBNT A STATEMENT. HOW ALL THE MONEY WAS LOST? Claim That Ho Did Not Tnko Ono Dollar for Hla Own Ubo. Ea Throws All tho Blame on the Koyctono Bank. tty National IYe Auociatien. VrnjDunm- Juue IP. Ex-OItr Trvnsnrer Itardriry i prciriag a de fence which ha vrUl prft te the court next Tnttday, when be eoinea up for sen tence. He will stoutly deny any laUct1on.il dlehoneaty. Ha will admit, ae he has admitted in court, that ha violated tL letter of tha law in two particulars! first, by loaning the public money for profit; Mcond. by depositing la the Key stone Bask nad eleewharv eaoney beyond the limit fired by the Utty Uoua il This, ha will MMirt, was tha beglnalA t and the and of his offending. Kaw tha M awy VTas Lst As to tha way the maey wxs lost, BnrdaVey will throw the whole responsi bility apes tha Saystoae Bask. Be trill tnka the position that tha loss to the public fnnda through bis transaction!) is only $1,5,000, and thnt part of th.a la recoverable. Ha will say that he became awnre a long time ago of the fact that the publlo money wMoh he had dupoaltod Iu tho Keystone Bank had been lost there. An be had technically violated tbe law In making the deposit be oould not say any thing publicly about the matter. He therefore took money from other funds to meet tha payments coming due from the funds which ho had lost. lUch pay ment thus taken has been added to tbe original loss until tho alleged total of V,200,000 Is reached; but, aa a matter ot fact, the actual low is only 4945,000 for the original due bills nnd $100,000 lor another matter. Why H. Bpnccl tr. This othor matter name about from hla efforts to recover himself when r.o found that tha bank htwl twa'.lo,cd u;. the $945,000, and is represented b tbo $100,000 worth of Chicago atraat car Btock, which was discovered the j'.l.av day. He bought this stock with the pub lic funds with the expectation that tut rise in value woald enable him to raatara soma of tha mining money and meat soma of tha payments as they became due. This expectation was realised lA part. He also bad aoms reason to 'Ain'i that part at least of the $945,000 vouid be mode good to blm Irons other icurc.i. He will admit also othor speculation with tha ptfbllc funds tor a similar pur poM), and mil declare from llrst to lass he did not take one dollar for bla own uae or profit. A Double Traced. Pimrtrrto, June 19, At Oakdaln late last night a jealous negro named Saun ders ahot at his rival, n man named Har ris, and hit Harm' mother, blunders then fired lour shots into Harris aud ea caped. Both Ura. Harris and bar sea are In a critical condition. Teaches Will b. I'Unty. MroDUrowK, Del., June 19. According to reports presented at a meeting here ol the Uaryiand and Delaware peach .row era tha prospecta for a big crop ara bril liant. It waa estimated that at least 0,053,000 baskets will ba produced. Cmmoc.uint at Tale. New Havew, Conn., June 19. At th Tale commencement this year Nathi'.i Qllekamaa ot Chippewa Fella, Wle., will ba r.tledlrtorlan, and William T. Bartley of Bridgeport, Conn., will ba tha saints torlan. rirn.ll and Mrs. O'Bhea. Loitoos, Juno 19. In an Interview with a correspondent Mr. Parnell dented that he would be married Boon to Mra. O'Shsa, and evaded a reply as to ths event evor taking place. Auditor Doyle Re.lga.. Bujta.i.0, N. Y., June 10. William L. Doyle, auditor ot tha We.taru New York & Penneylrania Ballroad, has tendered bis reaiguatlon. Fancy Evaporated California Peaches, 15 Gents a Pound, Not of grade goods, But First-class Stock. AT GRAFS, No. 122 North Jardln Street