ArOL. VI.--KO. 156. ' SHEyAJTOOAH, PA.. ATODTESDAY. JVXE 1-7. 1801. ONE CENT. THE STTBEST BO AD TO WEALTH IS TRBOUGrH LIBERAL ADVEBTISITSTG t l.i i !. " ii.ii. ' " 1 " 1 11 i " " i " 1 i i i i i ...I - n t NEWS OK t HE DAY. W, A. Papworth baa boon appointed postmaster at lakeland, N. V. Captain Enosi Friable of Hnrwlnton, Conn., eelobrated his 101st birthday yes terday. Tho nineteenth annual mooting ot tha Supremo Lodgo A. 0. V. W., U In session n Detroit. The 22,000 mill operatives of Fall River, MftBs., are to bo asked to submit to a re ductlon of wages. Tho Citizens' ticket won in Portland, Ore. Ex-Congressman Qoorga was boaton for mayor by 2,000 votes. It lias been decided to erect the monu ment to P. T. Burnum near the east ond of Lookout Point, in the park at Bridge port. Justice Barnard, sitting in Nowburg, N. V., has granted an absolute divorce to Thomas A. Aram of Jonosport. from hit wife Josephine, who now lives in Pough. koepslo. Tho census returns for England and Wales Indicate that tho population of the two countries will aggregate 20,000,000, an increase in tho past ten years of 8,000, 000. Jauhs E. Minnaugh, of Now York city, who was convicted of tho murder of Edward Morau last week, wan sen tenced to be executed by electricity In the week beginning July B7. The strike of the house framers In New York has onded, and as many as conld Qnd work went back to-day. It was an unconditional surrender on the part of the men to the bosses. It has u3t been ascertained that the death of Miss May E. Parmenter, who died on Friday lost at Athol, Mass., the day upon which sho was to bo married, was the result ot a criminal operation performed upon her at her own request. AVeather Indication. WAsnmiTON, June 17. ror Now Englaali Showers: coolen westerly wlntie. For Eastern Now Yorti and New Jersoy: Shower?; cooler) northerly wId&x and on Thursday rtlll cooler. For Western Now Tors: and Western Pennsylvania: Showers; cooler: varlablo winds. ' Tho Doctor and Postmaster were taHtlne about a case of serious illness. due to a neglected cold aud rapidly golnc Into connunipiion wmcu was prompuy cureu uy I'an-Tlna Cough and Consumption Cure. xnui comes nee ai tiiruu s aruggiore, The largest stock of wall paper ai d window shades ever received in this town, or county. Good selection, at F. J. 1'ortz's book and stationery store. 3-20-tf Best domet shirt in town, at "The Famous" clothing house, 60c, Shifting pants from 75c. up. . Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the namo Lessiq & Co., Ashland, l'a., U printed on every sack. . S-3-3taw Waters' "Weiss boor is the best. John A. Keilly sole agont. 5-6-tl Advertise in the Herald. OEJKTXS per yd for tho BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, JSold in other stores for 35a All Uoor C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardtn St., near Centre OUR FINE QUALITY LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, 3 pounds for 25c, Are guaranteed equal to anything in the marltet at higher prices. TEN DIFFERENT K1KDS oflreslt Calces Ginger Snaps and Biscuits, 3 lbs. for 25c crrrsT ao:M:i:fcTQ- iisr Another Lot or Fine California Prunes, two lbs. for 25c, . Evaporated Peaches, 15c, Canned Fears and Plums. a-oiisra- otjt past. Canned Peas and Corn, 3 for 85c, lircnch Sardines in oil, fi or 35c. EXTRA QUALITT. Our line Old Java Coffee, , ''', '' Our Thirty-Cent Roasted Coffee, Our Fancy Creamery Butter, Our Choice Dairy Butter, OUR CHIPPED BEEF and SUMMER SAW AGE. NOW OA 2 BACK HERE, Two Cars Choice Quality Timothy liny billed M'KINLEYGHOSEN OHIO EEPUBLIOANS NOMI NATE HIM FOB GOVERNOR. THERE WAS NO OPPOSITION. Asa Bushnell Permanent Chair man His Selection Said to bo Forakor's Oholco and a De feat for Senator Sherman. By National Press Association. Colcnbub, O., June 17. The capital ot the Buckeye State bubbled over with Re publican enthusiasm to-day. The crowd gathered hero Is the largest that has been drawn together by any political State convention since war times. When the convention assembled this morning the prominent leaders of the party were enthusiastically chcorcd. Asa Bushnell of Springfield was solectcd oermanent chairman. Tho result Is a sin- nal dofeat for Senator John Sherman and a corresponding victory for Joseph ft, Forakor. The latter had 18 members of the committee out ot 21. Sherman wa9 not even placed in nomi nation, although it hod all along been understood that In coming here as a delegate-at-large be had expected to pre side over the gathering. When, however, it was proposed that Bushnell be chosen by acclamation the three objected with one voice and protested against gag law. Ono In particular said that he had been sent to tho convention as a Sherman man, and proposed to stand by bis colors. Finally Bushnell was selected by a majority vote. This moans that no resolution endorsing John Sherman for Senator will be submitted to-day. His t ost course, howover, may be approved by a perfunctory resolution. Major William J. McKlnley was unani mously nominated for Governor. After the nomination the convention took a recess and Major McKlnley re ceived bis friends. The remainder of the ticket will bo completed this afternoon, and an open-air meeting will be held this evening, when the nominee for Governor will make a speech and accept the nomination. The II-oAolatlonih The resolutions arraign and donounco the present Democratlo State administra tion, and tho recent Democratlo Legisla ture is denounced for Its f ulsity to its pledges, lte incompetency, Its extrava gance, and its election to the United RtntiR flnnntu oi a "financial speculator." and "a man who Is practloiilly a non resident of Ohio, who had no record of statesmanship and nothing to recommend him for the honor out his money a man more in sympathy with Wall street than wi'h the people of this Common weolth. " Also for having unseated, without regard to even tho forms of law, a legally elect ed Republican LieutonanUGovernor in obedience to the decree ot u party cauous for purely partisan purposes. The Democratlo Legislature is also ar raigned for passing the most unfair Con gressional gerrymander oyer enacted In a Northern State, under which the Repub lican party, with a majority of 20,000, was given less than one-third of Ohio's representation In tho national House, Ohio Democratlo Committee. Columbus, O., June 17. Chairman Norton has called tho 6tnto Democratlo Committee to meet here on Juue 24 to fix a date for the State Democratic convention. KILRAIN IS BEATEN. Ho Falls Before Slavin, tho Aus tralian, In Nine Rounds. Nbw York, Juno 17. The glove eonteBt for a purso of 210,000, ot which $2,500 goes to tho loser, betwoen Frank P. Slavin ot Australia, and Jake Kilrala ot Baltimore, ended In the ninth round. Refereo Jere Dunn decides that Slavln won the battle. All bets that Slavin would knock out Kilraln, howover, the refereo decides off. The result of the contest creates some dissatisfaction, but in the opinion of ex ports Dunn's rulings ore fair. The trouble arose over the failure ot the electric gong to work, necessitating the appointment of a timekeeper, "hon est" John Kelly, who after Kilraln was knocked down in the ninth round count ed 10 seconds, whoroupon tho refereo who did not see the Baltlmorcan's ef forts to get up awarded tho match to the Australian. Wlllain Muldoon, Kilratn's second, cn- claimed that the sound of tho gong Indi cated only tho ending of the round. It is purely a technical point. From the first half ot the third round It was practically certain that tho $10,000 would go to Slavin. The contest there fore was a magnificent exhibition ot sameness on tho part of Kilraln a qual ity partly due to tho excellence of his condition. Tho Baltlmprean la mnch the cleverer boxor, but Slavln's strength and reach told the Btory. Friends of the champion, John L. Sul livan, among them Dan Murphy, ot Bos ton, deolare that the Australian would not last two rounds before tho big fellow. Others express high admiration of Sla vln's skill and consider him a world boater. Hofnro the Fight. A good crowd of sports ohecrcd tho principals and their seconds when thoy entered the ring at 11:18. Both men claimed to bo in good condition. Kilraln weighed about 100 pounds, while Slavin tipped tho boam at 183. Slavln's seconds wore Charley Mitchell, Pony Moore and Ed. Stoddard, while Kil- iomMuidoon.Jlko Cleary and Dan Mur phy. The betting was decidedly tn Slavln's favor. The Duttlu. Kilraln stood up plucklly in the first and second rounds, but atter that Slavin got in some terrlflo blows, and Kilraln was repeatedly knocked down. Tho third, fourth and fifth rounds wore repetitions of the urst and second, and In tno nitn ill 1 ram was only saved rroui a knockout by tho call of time. The Baltimore man seemed wonder fully plucky In the sixth aud seventh rounds and took considerable punish ment, but in the eight he was evidently done for and could scarcely stand on his feet. In the ninth round be went to ground at Slavln'B urst blow, cut struggled to his feet only to bo knocked down again. The Financial I'art. The managers said that they had no doubt that the financial part of the busl ness was a success. Kilraln will receive $2,500, but it will scarcely bo a solve to his wounded body and spirit. Qlbbone Knocks Oat Varr&l. Londos, June 17. Austin Gibbons knocked out Jim Vurral in four rounds at the Pelican Club last night. Gibbons had it all his own way from the start. DEATH OP A PAPOOSE. Grief Among Pawnee Bill's Wild Wost Indians. Death marked the concluding perform ance of Pawnee Bill's "Wild "West Bhow on Saturday at Pottstdwn. Hardly bad the show started its performance when Ku No Ka, the pretty little papoose, which bad bion ailing for some days, breathed its last. The grief of the father, Green Feathor, and the mother, Pretty Face, was pitiful in tho extreme. While the band was play ing a galop, the anguished mother knelt by tho side of her dead child and wept aloud. Such Indians as were not at the tinio exhibiting gathered around and in their gutter! native accents proffered their condolence. Becoming finally composed the young quaw permitted the dead infant lobe taken to the sleeping car where It was embalmed by undertaker Maxwell. Afterward it was sent to the office of the Unltod States ex press company and forwarded to Uartl'y Wisconsin, tho home of the bereaved parents. Ku No Ka was ten months old and a Winnebago. Do You Know That you can go to Lakeside to-morrow for 35 cents? A'nd if you wish to take in tho Wild West Show, for 70 cents. Includ ing round trip ticket and admission to tho show. Children 20 centi or show included 35 cents. Buy your tickets at Morgan's Baztar before going to tho dopot if you do not go until 12:35 or 2:60 p. m, and ox Change tho railroad ticket At tho depot. Special train leave at 8 a. m. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval tho California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to tho eye, and to the tastu and by uentlv actlne on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system eflctualiy, thereby promoting the health and comfort if all who use It. The Grind Union Tea Co. tells a lib, box of baking powder aud a window screen for 60 cents. 0-10 2i LAKESIDE PARK THRONGED YESTERDAY. HE PERFORMANCE INTERESTING Pawnee Bill aud His Indian Cow boys Entertain Large Crowds at Schuylkill's Favorite Summer Resort. Notwithstanding the heavy thunder storm yesterday afternoon Pawnee Bill and his cowboys and Indians gave an ex cellent show at Lakesldo Park. Tho open ing wns postponed for a half an hour and then the combination appeared beforo tho audienco, which was a large ono. Tho track and grounds were very heavy, but tho horses and men got over them in good tyle. W. W. Lewi?, Mahanoy City's farnou sport, took advantage of Pawnee Bill's invitation for tho audienco to take a ride in the Deadwood Ho stepped into tho vehicle smiling liko a baket of chips, but when he alighted, after the coach pa'scd through the battle of tho cowboys and Indians ho looked as if ho had nothing to Wo for In this world. After the performance ono of tho steer got away from tho herd and escaped into the woods near the lakes. The Indians and cowboys started on n hunt alter him, driving tho herd in front of them, and finally succeeded in re-eapturinir the fugi tive. But this was only Hccompilihel alter a good hunt and chn'o, th visitors to the park having mtantime enjoyed a genuine steorchsee. Taraiiqua's negro celebrity, Skimrrer- horn, is Ailing an engtigement at tlif pork. Ho puts his head through a hole in a pieen of canvas and allows men and bvys to try and hit It with base balls. A handsome now streamer was hoisted to the top of the pole In front of the hotel yesterday. In red letters on the wliilo background, between the bluo and red stripes, aro tho words ' Lakeside Park " To-day the Citizens Cornet Band, of Tamaqua, ran an excursion to tho grounds. It was a large one. To-morrow Washington Camp, No. 200 P, O. 3, of A., pi town, will havo an ex cursion, Ono of the committor stated to day that the sale of tickets indlcatod that t least C00 pooplq will join in the oxcur lon. , Last night's Pottsvillo Chronicle pub lished tho following :, "While the herd of bulfalo belonging to tho Pawnee Bill -"Wild West Show Were tjeir.g loaded on the cars nt Lakeside Park n Sunday, ono dt tho bjQaloes became enraged and gured several of thQhandiomo spotted ponies, killing two outright. Aftr some narrow escapes the buflalo was Una ly kille 1 to save the stock " The above is' not correct. Tho mishap was not at Lakeside. ' While the animals belonging to the show were being lottduJ on tho cars at I'uttstown on Saturday venmg a bull bulfalo went in a lauipngo and after scattering the cow boys and IndUns it plunged at a hand'ome broncho tied in a corner and tore a deep s;ash in the animal's rump, The blood spurted put in a stream as big as a man s wrist. The animal will probably die. Pawnee Bill was quite unfortunate dur ing his stay at Poltstown. As rofirjod to, elsewhere in this paper, tho pipopse of Great Feather and Pretty Face, two In dian members of the show, died and shortly after a cow buffalo dropped over dead. The animal was valued at ?300. Then, on Saturday, tho pony was gored. Says the Pottstown AVim: Although he Wild West huw took away from FotUtown 81,650, while not as large as at Allentown, it was one of thpbet we-ks he has had. Should the iony die his UMt on Saturday will kuiouui tol&O. This moruinir Pawnee Bill's Indians ar rived in t wn. They leioained here until lio'in, itor which they r - urned Lik - tide to take part in the show. J.hy were accompmled by an Interpreter. Durlnc their stay thoy excitod great curiosity. Probably no Chief living to-day has had such an extraordinary lifo as (Ku-suck-!eia) Left Hand, tho undisputod Chief of tho Kit-ka-kack band of tho Pawnees. Ho is a true ideal of an Indian Chiof," bolng as straight as an arrow.high cheek bones, very dark skin, long hair, with scalp lock braided ; is very fond of the Indian dress, such aspnintlng, buckskin lcKgines, wear ing his head dress of eaglo foathers, Bnd scalps taken from his enemy In the younger days. Ills fathor, being Chiof of tho I'awnoos, would havo thrown Left Hand naturally a chief at his death; but his father, being a shrewd man, called bis son to him and ad drn'sed him thus : "Boforo another moon my warriors will bo on tho trail of the Sioux. I want you to Join tho war party and gain favor with your fellow warrior by takinz many scalps of your enemy, and thereby you may bo chosen chief, for I am trctting'too old to follow the trail, and be fore I go to the hunting ground I would wish to see you Chief of tho Pawnees." Loft Hand, although a vory young man, did as his father wished, and upon his re turn to the camp laid beforo his father the scalps of seven Sioux, this being two raort than that of any othor. Ho was then appointed a? Chief of tho Kit-ka-knck band of i'awnoes, and has continued as such evor slnco. His popu larity nnd renown thus gained continued to Increase. As n warrior and commander he his noeoual, as is proved and endorsed by tuo otneers ol the United Slates, army who were in commani of tho expedition sont Bgi!nittheSioux,in which Loft Handand a band of his warr on were enlisted. The ter rible massacre of tiioux by tho l'awneos is of too recent a dato t require mention here Hi' skill as a hunter, trapper am) trailer is uniiirpassed, and in the councils of hi tribe tie exhibited much native diplomatic nnd oratorical ability. During the Sioux outbreak whero Left Handand nis oana oi rgwnoos wero enlisted rs soldiers, nnd armed and rrccivod pay as such undor Major Frank J. North, they underwent many hair-breadth escapes, and to-day, Left Hand, as well as many of his daring warriors, carry wounds and scars receivod at tho handsiof the blood-thirsty Sioux, Major North had Intended to mako n night march and Eurprlso the Sioux who were, encamped on tho boad wators of the Bepublican. They came upon the Sioux at near daybreak, and Major North ordered an advance and a quick fire. Left Hand gave the war whoop, and In an instant evory warrior waj at his heels and blood in every oye. Thoy went down over tho eldo hill into tho Sioux camp, but, tho wary Sioux, who had long been oxpecting this, wero on their horses, weapons in lund, ready to meet them; the fight was most deaperato, Whilo Lsft Hand was attempting to kill tho-Chiof of the Sioux, a musket ball struck bishors in tho neck and brnko It, thus throwing him with ronowed force against mothor uarth and rendering him for tho time in sensible. The Sioux, thinking their op pjiiont'l chief dead, mnie an assault, but were repulsed "and put to flight; after gain ing the crest of tho bill they mado a stand, but upon looking around and seoing Lell Hand (whom they thought dead) at the bead of hit warriors, coming as fast as horse flesh could carry them, tbey put to flight, and altera running light of three miles tho Pawnees returned with n loss of only lour men, wliilo the Pawnees' scalp belts were increased by forty-seven Sioux scalps. As thoy neared tho desertod village, cries of babies wero hoard In a clump of moeket brush near at hand. Upon going there, fivo small Sioux bablos were found having been, thrown there by tho fleeing mothers in their basty flight, thinking they wuuld return after the battlo and regain tbem; but tho Pawnees put them to death, thus saving them from tho ravages of tho wolves and coyotes. Now Bakery. beholder llr.M. have opened a new bik ry ai 27 South Main street, where you en "t ire-ii bread, calms, candy and ice r Give them n call. C-5 3ui THE LIGHTNING ! DAMAGE DURING THE STORM. LAST NIGHT. A GHURGH STEEPLE SHATTERED. Tho German Lutheran Church on Cherry Stroot tho Sufforor House sot on Flro at Ellen gowan Several Shocks. During tho heavy thundor storm last ovening tho steeple of the German Lu theran church was struok by lightning and almost demolished. Tho bolt nppod tho shlnglos Bnd other covering from ono side of tho steeple, split one of tho steople supports into match wood, tore tho baso of tho support with its six-inch spikes from its fastenings, and splinted ono of tbo main supports of tho bellry. Tho metal ball of tho woather vano was split In halves, ono of which Is hold by "Bill''Donohue,the driver for tho Columbia Uoso Company, as a momonto. Tho iron rod of the weather-vane was thrown to tho pavement and a citizen who was passing tho church at tho tinio nar rowly escaped bting struck. Tho damage to the stceplo amounts to about ?200. Lightning also struck tho residenco of Thoma3 Amour, at Ellongowan, and set it on fire, but the flames worn extinguished bofore much diuiago wa9 done. Tho mom bers of Mr. Amour's family and members of Charles Beach's family were stunned by tho shock. Tnomas Amour whs scorchod on tie arm, his son, Joseph, on the face, and bis daughter and son, l'ollie and James wore stunned and sliehtly scorched. During the storm threo boys named Ed ward Hughes, Anthony Monagban and Martin McGrath wero near the dams on the mountain. Tho lightning struck a largo rock near the place wboro thoy stood and tho three woro thrown to tho ground, par tially 6lunncd. They suffered no ill-effect after their recovery. NEW FAST LINE. Tho Columbian Express, via Penn sylvania Railroad. The new fast train to Chicago by tho Pennsylvania Railroad, which entered tho a-irvico on Juno 7th as tho Chicago special, has been rechristened "The Columbian Express" in honor of tbo great fair. In bestowing this title on tho new train, tho Pennsylvania Hailroad Company has taken tha initiative among tho railroads in recognizing tho merits of tho World's Ex position by providing special facilities for tho comfortable and speedy movement of visitors. Tbo train ia particularly worthy of bearing tho honored title. It is tho ripest oxnmple of train construction, as it contains accommodations for thoso who desire luxurious apartments as well as for those who seek tho comforts of a well appointed passongor coach. Tho Pullman drawing-room sloeping, and dining cars, and its chorry passengor coaches, aro all vestlbuled. Tho Columbian Express 1 'lives Now York 4:00 o. m., Philadelphia 0:2.5 p. m., Harrisburg 9:30 p. ui. ovory day, arriving at Chioigo 5:15 p. m, tho next day. Boy's Log Broken. Terrnnce MqLean, a thirteen-year-old boy employed as a slato pickor in tho Kohlnoor colliery and residing on West Coat street, fell down a flight of steps in the breakor to-day And broko his right Ug just above tho kneo. A Now Business. P. J. Cleary has opened a storo in tho Ferguson's building, on East Contra stroet, and is proparod to furnlth tho local trado with fine loather and shoo findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is a largo ono and well equipped to fully supply all demands of tho trade. 6-15-tf Spectacles to suit all oyos at F. J. 1'ortz's book And stationery store, '21 North Main street. 3-20-tf Fancy Evaporated California Peaches. 15 Gents a Pound. Not off grade goods, But First'dass Stock. AT GRAF'S, Ilo. 122-North Jardin Street