Presents In the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OPTUS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined "with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual ' Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy Itnown to CLE4NSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated PURC BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, -- HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. t?t'n Atio tc ..elwn- nwrl nil o f. A ,7 via- it, uiiig w um ui' delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOfl MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WUISV1LLE. K NEW YORK. N. f. TREATED H!EE.!!5S!Sf.(5f2fJffl! Ilfcvft c wb-I rfianv thuusan-l -a.". Cure "Mlenta irnti. iwi h , f!e. 1 'V the t i , -.i in Ft t i first Ansa sympton I npiiily 'twppaif. in i in r-n iliv it !eat two-tttitfts cf ft'J nrniUlsofmir.Trn ft V0 reatnient CD EC 'ynutl U ftcutout cures. I UN UI U flirnUtttil flltt vera ordr-r-htlill, rnd ten tcur: ir i n, iy vnuoattti Dr. Grosvenor's BeM-cap-sic e,7rZu PLASTER. KhetimatisTn, oearMgia, pleurisy and Inmbajjojj'j rared at onco. Genuin lor wile by all )ruj?-.Bts. iLl A New Venture W- MSAY POTTS e Has opened a US! AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVILIiE, PENN'A. Sales of assorted goods, notions, hardware, elasswnre. etc.. etc Goods from nil parts ot the county solicited oil commission. THIS SEASON FOR. PIC-NIOS ItXtlXO AT JIJ.XD, Committeemen should bear In mind that the Herald olllce Is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! fit the most reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtain our prices. All work done when promised and in a satisfactory manner. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Masteller'g old stand,) Corner Coal nutl JnrrtlnitJtH. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a flue e oi uools ana, snoes. Custom Work nutl Repairing; done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on .Main street who nave uig rents to pay, ana guarantees a genu lne bargain on every purchase. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISD IN THE DAMS ! Belonging to tho Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted as Trespassers. By order of THE aOMPAN"5T. Or Ui Itlquor JIubtt, t'oftltlielr Curcu jtiy auiniia.urliiff iir. liuiuca' Uultlea Jimh-1IIc. It Is manufactured oa a powder, whtoh can b frlTen In a glana of beer, a cup of coffee or Lea, or In rood, without tilt knowledge ot the patient. It la absolutely barmlese. and will effect a permanent and epeedy cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or an aloobollc wrack It baa been given in thousands of eases and In every imtanee a perfect eure hat fol lowed It never Jb'all. The ayatero once lmpregnatu ed with the beoomea an utter tmpouaibilttj tor the liquor appetite o eilit. m . . . m 49 page book of particular! free. To be had ef AH, HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah q ai, Hamilton, m. u.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oflloe-26:WestI.Joyd Street,' BbenntMloah n. POLICEMEN AT WAR Tho Tremble in Bridgeport Culminates in a Riot. PATROLMEN DEFY THE MAYOR. Disarmed by Their Brother Officers After a Terrifld Struggle. Tho City In n 1'uroro of Incitement Tho Militia Ordered to bo In Itcadlnots Thousands of rcojilo Gather About tho Central l'olloo llondqunrters nnd llreuk Windows lllooiUhcil t Foured. BnrooEPonT, Conn., June 10. Tlioro was a serious riot In this city last ulght. For several weeks thoro has beou o dis pute regarding tho legality of two Police Commissioners on the board in this city, and tho old hoard of last year has hold over and had secret meotlngs, attended only by Commissioners W. E. Grant, David Walsh and A. Rishor. At u Becret meeting last Saturday night they dismissed Chief Rylands, the Demo cratic head of the pollco force, and Mayor Marigold, Repiibltcau,refusod torecognlzo their right, nnd officer Murphy, who had rocontly been suspended by Chief Ry lands tor drunkenness, reportou to uapr. Fiukorman, the head of tho pollco forca in the nbsenco of a chief, by order of the old Pollco Board. The 4S patrolmen of tho city, when or dered out for duty last night, took sidc3 on the dispute rts to who were tho legal commissioners, nnd ono-thlrd of them, Democrats, refused to obey the order to remain on duty. Thoy openly dofled Chief Rylands and reported to tho cap tain. Mayor Marigold, tho highest authority In tho city, was called, and ordered the men to obey Chief Rylands. One-third of the patrolmen refused, and tho others were commanded to disarm their brother officers. This they did, but only after a terrific struggle. Cliarccd Upon tli Mob. When tho militia wero ordered to ro port, thousands of people gathered about tho Central Pollco Headquarters and broke windows and created an up roar. Tho reserve force of tho pollco de partment was called out and charged upon the mob, and after a short combat dlsporsed it, but tho rioters returned again and again, only to bo ropellod by tho officers. Tho militia could not bo brought to tho scene quickly, ai Superintendent Barnes, of the Fire Alarm Telegraph, could not bo found. The utmost excitoincnt prevailed un til Adjutant-General Embler, of Hart ford, of the Stato militia, and Brigadier General Vnn Kouren arrived. They or dered tho militia to bo in readiness and remain on duty all night. The City ISxcltod. Tho city is now in a furore of oxoite ment and tho station house Is still sur rounded by a howling mob and tho lives of tho citizens are still In peril. Tho city is stripped of its pollco pro tection and thieves from Now York nro already arriving hore, presumably to rob houses In the city. Tho rebellious police men who wero strlppod of their authority by force nro James Halpin, Patrick Otia, Bernard F. Lennon, Charles Campana, S. Byrnes and John Murphy. DOUBLE TRAGEDY. An IUHuno Clergyman Murders Ills Doj und Thou Commits Sutcldo. Alexandria, Va., June 10. While temporarily insane, Rov. Frank D. Lee, son ot tho late Casslus F. Loo, living near the Theological Seminary in Fair fax County, killed his nine-year-old son, to whom ho was greatly attached, and then committed suicldo. The tragody was only discovered Inst night. The neighbors, suspecting that something was wrong, broke open the house and found the bodies lying upon a bod. Mr. Lee was n man of superior ability and cultivation, was a graduate of the University of Virginia and of tho Theo logical Seminary, and for several years exercised acceptably his ministry in tho Episcopal Church, He was Bubsequontly compelled to give It up on account of ill health and since 183G has been living in retirement on Seminary Hill. LADY BROOKE'S PLIGHT. A Divorce Rumor lu' Which tho Prlnco ot Wales is Interested. Loxr0N,June 10. There Is a rumor, which cannot be confirmed to-day, that Lord Brooke has filed a petition for dl, vorce from lis wife on the ground ol adultery, the Princa of Wales being charged as co-respondent. It Is a matter of common knowledge that heretofore both the Prince and Lord Brooko maintained that the Intimacy bo tween the Prince and Lady Brooke was platonlc. . Killed Ills Grandmother. Uniontows, Pa., Juno 10. Alexander Boyd, of Cold Spring Hollow, near here, shot aud killed his grandmother, Rachel Boyd, about 1 a. m. Tho shot was fired through the door and struck the old lady, who was on the outside. The coroner's Inquest dovoloped the fact that Boyd had been much enraged for some tlmo be cause his grandmother lived with him, and on Sunday last quarrelled with his father and demanded that be take his mother away. Bbyd was therofore ar rested on a charge of murdering the old lady. A rrofenlenal Sneak Thief Caught. Portaoevillb, N. Y., June 10. A gang of burglars visited this place Sunday morning and entered both hotels and flvo residences, securing quite an amount ot booty. The police of Hornellsvtlle In the afternoon arrested a professional sneak thief named Davis at Portage bridge. On his person were found some of the arti cles stolen from Portagevllle. He was locked up. Clark on Trial for -Murder. Woodstock, Vt., June 10. The trial ot Lyman G. Clark, charged with tho mur der ot Mrs. Miriam Marston, his mother-in-law, has begun In the Supreme Court here. Tho day was consumed in the se lection of a jury and visiting tho scene ot the murder. Crushed to Deuth. CusiuuriLAND, Md., June 10. While at work in the Hoffmau Mluo, two miner named Jaoob Logeer, aged 60 years, and John Murray wero caught by a heavy tall of coal, which crushed Legeer to death and fatally Injured Murray. flighest of all in Leavening Poorer. ABSowwEOf pause Connecticut's NenMft Adjourns Hartford, Conn., Juno, 10. When the Senate met an attempt was made by the Republicans to have tho bill, Instructing the Comptroller to draw his order for all just claims against the State, put upon its passage. Tho Democrats, however, voted against It and had tho bill referred to the Committee, on State Expenditure. Tho Senate, adjourned until Juno SO. Knits llrought for Illg Claim). New York, June 10, The Brngg Mann facturing Company has brought suits lie this city and Brooklyn against tho flro departments ot tho respective cttlos for ah Infringement of n patent taken out by Robert Bragg of California concerning a horso-releastug device. Tho claims ag gregate throe-quarters of a million dol lurs. ltallroad btrllters lleturn to Work, Lawiumce, Mass., June 10. Tho strike on the Merrimac Valley Street Railroad has virtually ended, nearly all tho strik ers returning to work at former prices and hours of lnbor. The Italian laborers who took the places of tho strikers havo loft town. Ilolton'ft Fluanclnl Ilpcelpts. Boston, June 10. City Troasuror Tur ner reports the receipts for tho year end ing April 80, 1891, to have beon $37,527, 812, including balance on hand a year ago of $3,831,819. His payments wero 22,574,012, loavlug cash balanco carried forward of about $-1,933,819. Fletoher'e Death Duo to Drowning. New Bedford, Mass., June 10. A fur ther examination of Fletcher's body has satisfied the authorities that his death was due to drowning. Tho gash In tho head back of tho oar, It Is believed, was niodo by striking against tho stonos at the bottom of tho harbor. Judgement ihonld be displayed In buying medBU lino above all things. In Eelootlng tt rcmody for any disease, you should bo positlvo that It contains nothing lnjr. rlooj to the hcaltli. Many remedies on the market leave tho patient In a much worse condition, than batons taking them. . S. 3. b purely vegotablo, and porfoctry harmless; tho most delicate child can take It with absolute safety. It contains no mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet it never tails to cure the dla eases it is rooommonded for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro. Swift Speclflo Co., Atlanta, da XMI5A1K I.lTII.II'f;, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier, S. W. Yosi, Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Paid on Savings DepoHltH. For LOSTorPAtXINCJ I2ANno0D rfi'Ji iH!WBakn0ttof Body and Mind, E tied I Uobutt. Nfchl JU.111D011 folly lUilorcd. How l rait re aai irf IhtaVlltiK, I ROKVKLOl'KO OKOi '8 I'ARTSOIf tODT. ' osftlllar IIOttK TKRiTHKNT Uiai la a dar. Uta (Mtlfr from 10 8tati and I'arrltfa Conalrlva Writ ILtia Deierlptlo Dank, 1 bltaatloa and proof nulled (tttlfd) fr mum. ere Medical cc, buffalo, n. Vt look: here, A grand opportunity for Joining a new society, The Beneficial Order of Equity, A fraternal society for both sexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN SIX YEARS. Advances money to bny hemes, cancels the Indebtedness In case of disability or death, pays sick and death benefits. For further particulars call on or address, DANIEL, DEAN, oxt . c. Deputy Supreme President, w 41. .uuiu ai., nuvuiumouu, jt'a, First National Bank, U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, SHOT AN EXETER STUDENT. Ilosult of an Karlv Morning Fracas Over a ltonflre. Exitkil N. It., Juno 10. Tho Phillips Academy studonU attempted early in, the morning to build their annual bon fire, but the authorities prevented It. About 2 o'clock a crowd of angry stu dents, inflamed with champagne aud no comnnnlcd by friends from Portsmouth, Manchester and Haverhill, started to storm the house of tho selectman who Is sued the obnoxious order. Thoy mistook the place nnd invadod the houso of a merchant, who fired threo shots with a pistol. One student, aged 10, was wounded in tho leg. Ynlo'n Commencement Near. New Havex, Conn., Juno 10, Com moncoment day is near. Just now overybody Is busy with examination"), nnd there is a sort or hush in col lego &f fairs, which will, however, give placo to a gleeful burst when examinations are finished to-morrow. Tho graduating class at the law school numbers UU stu dents, tho largest class that has over graduated from that department. It contains representatives from Japan. Franco, Italy, Canada and ona Indian trluo. A Train Ilrenlis Throush n Trestle. WATERBt-RT, Conn., Juno 10. A load cd Nw England Railroad coal train broke through a trostlo at tho work's of tho Wnterbnry Brass Company, severely injuring Ward Knickerbocker, englnocr; limothy Lcary, liremau, aud .John .Ucltv tyro and Patrick Gallagher, brakemcn. Tho encino nnd train foil 15 feet. Tho trestle, which was owned by the brass company, was rotten. Ho Wanted ll Doath gentonce. New York, Juno 10. The jury In the caso of Fordiuand Lograno, charged with tho murder of Charles Mauro, April "0, 1891, returned a verdict of murder In tho second degree. When iegrnuo was Informed of the natnro of the verdict, ho exclaimed: "It's a humbug. 1 don't want Imprisonment for life. I want a death sontoncol" Tho bicycle rider is ono of the fow men who know when thoy aro well oft" tick nendacheand rolloveall the. trouble Inci dent to a bilious state of tho system, suoh 09 tlzz!oess, Kausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating, Fain In tho Bldo, to. Whllo their mosO jrcnarkable success has been shown la curtog ttcaaacbo, yet Carter'a Uttlo liver Flthl ara equally valuable- In Constipation, curing and pre venting thl8annoyingcomplalnt,whllQ they also correct aUdlsordersorthastomartajitlmnlata the fiver and regulate tho bowels. Evon If they onUr coica ftcbe they would bo ahnos tprlceless to tho so who enffer from this distressing complaint; bat f ortu I iiately their goodness docs no tend hcro.and those .who once try them will find theso llttlo pills vulu leMe in eo many ways that they will not be wit lUsg to do without them. Cat after allalcb head Is the base of so many lives that hore fa whora we make our groat boaaL Our puis euro it whilo Others do not. Carter's Little Liver nils aro very small an3 verv easv to take. One or two tulla xnakoa dose. ,Thcy are strictly vegotablo and do not grlpo or purge, but by their gentle action please all who) Itusthem. In vials at SS cental five for ft. Bold 'by dioggUta everywhere, or sent by mall. CARTER MEDIOINB CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE DABB, The Photographer is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he Is nowbetter prepared than ever to meet the wants or the public, lu the photo, graphic line. The best photo graphs at lowest prices. Crayon Work a Specialty. New Jiirm, New Stock. Creen TrucK, Fine Groceries, FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe shad and o'.her fresh fish right from the boatsonj'rldays. fresh Ureens from the Bomb. Evan's Building E. Centre St. J. S. milla u' oW anf) Everything new and 'reeli. Goods delivered to any part of town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. SUFFERING WOMEN" MARRnL O.i SINCU. fwiuentlr following a ci ur xpo-iir or frot. ( r UluUonal WtttsiLO(t'- a parol iar lather a i, iti i Uae DR. OuCHOHiE'3 Otebrntecj FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Therara Strength rrt 4 i a pnti aratrf . , wine, vigor ana ina."-- 1 ti fnurp JiifO mil ffiind. iant m I t r- juartlt'd,. . Qr. Hartor Mcj J.w.uu Co.. ST.lOUli. U': CARTELS IplifiiV 1 TROUBLE IN CANADA Tho Political Situation Oro- iitiiig Wild Excitement. LIBERALS ANXIOUS FOR A SPLIT , I A Prediction that the Preiient Govern-1 merit Will Not Last a Month. Abbott Is n Canadian Paoliln Man Chap man und MneUenzlo CtnmurliiK fr tho Ministry or Itatlvruy mid Cnnnls Tupper Now Sulci to bo tlin Only Man to Save tho Phlp and May Ilecomo Trcmter. MovrnKAL, June 10. Tin outlook of the Conservative party Is anything but encouraging, and it U admitted that Thompson's failure to form a Cabinet und Abbott's acceptance of the responsi bility shows that tho p.trty Is rapidly falling to pieces. Abbott Is nothing If not a Canadian Pacific man. He was un til Saturday a large shareholder and a director In that company, and he has mado millions by his connection with It. He was mlxwl up In the first Canadian Pacilic scandal and has no actual follow ing In Parliament. No one expects that this government Will last n month, and it may go to pieces this woek if it doei not satisfy tho personal claims of Chapman and Mac kenzie Howell, who aro already clamor ing for the Ministry of Railways and Canals. Tho only man to save the ship isTupper, and It is expected that Abbott will, If possible, havo tho supplies votod and adjourn until autumn, when Tupper will meet tho Houso ns I'remior. Onlclul Cliolo. Excited. Ottawa, Juno 10. Tho political situa tion hore continues to create tho wildest cxcltcmont In official circles. No one seems to know exactly how matters stand and ovon tho most triiBtod emlssa rlos of tho Conservative party aro con tinually putting their foot In tt by mak ing positive statements In tho pross which they hnvo to contradict tho next day. Tho Liberals aro doing their utmost to crcuto a split. CONFESSED HIS FAULT. l'nrllamont T.tatons to an Apology from th Prlnco of Wnloa. London, Juno 10. According to pro gramme tho Prluco of Wnlos was ready with his apology In the Houso of Com mons. So was IJerkolay Lovott, to whom tho Princa has been acting as u fldus Achates. Hon. Edward Stanhope, Sec retary of Stato for War, amidst pro found silence, and followed by tho closo nnd anxious attention ot nllouso crowded on floor and In gallery, and speaking with tho utmost deliberation, said that His Royal Highness, tho Prince of Wales, on looking back upon all tho cir cumstances of tho gambling caso, author ized him (Mr. Stanhope) to say that ho now saw tho error of judgment which ho committed. The Secretary of Stnte for War also Informed tho Houso thatLlout. Berkely Lovett had written to his com mander (Colonel Stracoy of tho Scots' guards) expressing his deep rogretthatho had failed to act in aocordanco with army rcguiotlons. Mr. Stanhopo conoludod his statement by saying that It was not pronosod bv the government to take further action in tho matter. Whon Mr. Stanhopo had finished his statement on behalf of tho Prlnco thoro was n general outburst of applause, but whon In his concluding ro- marics ho declared the matter dropped by tho government the cheers came only from the Tory bonchos. A movomeut Is on foot In several clubs to forco tho resignation or oxpulsion of Sir Edward Clarko iu consequence of what is styled his "disloyal" speoch in the baccarat trial, wherein ho attacked tho Prlnco of Wales. Sir Edward Clarke does not seem to stagger under tho aristocratic displeasure which ho incurred by his attack on the f rlnce. sir bdwnrd Is a man of tho poo pie, sprung from n respectable family, but not akin to tho tanta-ra-ra classes. GIANTS BATTLE TO-NIGHT. AH Heady for tho Contest lletweon Slavln and ICIlniln. New York, Juno 10. All Is in readi ness for tho 10-round glove coutest be tween Francis Patrick Slavln and Jake Kilrain for $10,000 this evening. It will occur beforo tho Oranlte Ath letic Club of Hoboken, and, ns the mana gers declare that It Is not an Infringe ment of the law in any particular, thero need be no fear that It will not come, oft as advertised. Slavln will bo soconded by Charley Mitchell and Ed Stoddard. Kllraiu's squires will be Muldoou, and, Probably, junto uicary. jcro uunn win ua tho ref eree. Skeleton Found by Worktncjmon. Contocook, N. IL, Juno 18. The skele ton of a man was found at 11 a. m. by some workmen who were removing a ehed on the Perley Beck placo. Tbo bones wore found underneath tho structure and gave ovldenco ot foul ploy. There were two fracturos of the skull and the thigh bones were broken. It was also shown that lime had been used to destroy the body. It Is supposed to bo the skeleton of Calvin Deck, believed to h ivo been murdered by his brother, Per ley, ten years ago. IUajral Juries Drawn. Wheeling, W. Va., June 10. A sen sation has been caused In legal circles of the State by the discovery that over four fifths ot the juries drawn since the ses sion ot tho Legislatura were drawn ille gally. At Its session the Legislature modified tbo Jury laws, but owing to a misunderstanding the chaugos were gen erally disregarded. Dozens pf Important trials will be rendered void and thous ands of dollars lost. In some circuits the judges have notu&ed to hold court until the new law 1b tested. llllla Itofurn the Ifou.utif Commons, London, Juno 10. In the Houso of Commons tho Hon. W. II, Smith moved that tor the romalnder ot the session government mausuros precede all others. He said that all would be dropped ex cept the Irish Land bill, the Education, the Factories, tbo Public Health, and tho Renewal of Gold Coinage bills. Mr, Labouchero protested, but the motion was adopted; A Nwtv Trench l' Boston, June 10. Archbishop Williams has appoluted the iiov. ueorge italnevllle ot Natick to takeoborgeot the formation of a new French Cathollo Parish in thil city. L Have yo p,ttsbUr?h, Kocnester, uupicx, or a otu dent Lamp? Do they work satisfactorily? Do your Lamp Chimneys break? You get the wrong sort! The right ones are the "Pearl Glass," made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts burgh, makers of the cele brated " Pearl-ton " lamp chim ney, which have given univer sal satisfaction. fQO Udies FnBnve WW rantp.1. nnrt n, RtAinw,! mi l,ft ,n jl,i,i,.i IV.Ii.DOL'ULA.llroclitou. Uiikh. soldb f513b.03t3L, 3PV GOLD HSDAL, TATXIS, 1378. W. Baker & Co.'s reakfast Coco?. from which tho excess o oil lias boon removed, is Absolutely JPure and It is Soluble. No Chemicals nro used In its preparation. It has more than three times the strength ot Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, nnd is thcrof oro far more economical, costing less than one coil a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested. and ndrairably adapted for invalids ns well ns for persons la hcnltlu Sold by Crocors ovoryvvhoro, W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Sioo mul I'pwnrclH CAN UK I.NVKSTKI) IN A I'OKITIVIJ AJSIi SJAFI3 15 Percent. Dividend Paying; Stock. Full particulars and l'rospectus can he had on application oraddretslng H. I.. HIJII'SON, IliuiUcr, i.f Ilronclwiiv, N. v. CHEAP AND STRjJNC. 10 other styles HSi'vi , ts to sun all 31. .VHISiV Huns, t'rm a uELrii I A. HclJo r-v I A tIM.he.irr'. KnaU.h lllanond UnuiJ. FILLS Or! final and Oniy Croatne. tirt al)i t Utbla. UDiil ut i Unirclt Tor ChitStlrt finqlnh Dl-f notid Brand In ICrd and L'jtd motalUav bof . tcaleJ wl'h My ri- a Take fitm oiKi Jnitatiimf At tlrugiiiM. 9T tni 4W In M&mpa fur j ani .ri. uUiBonil ao4 "HeUvf tor uutiU'B. it U thr br retort f Jiuii " natn fnptr. Boll tr U LocH 1'blUda., l'a T . ru it relUbtt and iuoetfo( t ilailat for aildtituci or tola Special Diseascslloo J Poison VLrERS b.elchei.nmpln. flora UouUi, Th'ott Irrltatlao tfeall loci. lctlmmtin, Kldotra BUiMer tott ' lUlltJ, Wtal bc ji 'OlRwicd ..irt w taut i W. L DOUGLAS S3 &frSOE .r.n FLY N ETH Wftknen Dcbllitv, Imptlrct M mnrr aadUaear. ritrletarea, aildUtaitimu'ilof from y u a, trrort r ftm Tiwork Jg Old.Youns r Middle Ard Joo'uaffar any loir. l'JtPi( nil', lismuwi; ar if Of rum, no t ipitn ol. I ha 't ttvrjtbloi kaowo ta BJtlloai aonu-fi an unit ' . riitiK'i nonautr who fall ad rUf at aaoa FrtaaDaat carta JB 4 la loar. Earaixaa llgiuai mi rUaoc to Ut rota ay, lot lM, rrauct in 4 Austria, a ocrnooatti taJ dtp'owai pr ani U joaf urtetical t u ricv lo fioo f grel JrlJ. Cj-a e nnfl bafatHotu a If nlilBfl daotar, "ba tDlDfUUU LaD(rova rratikt'l, ksgla4au4 aipcnaotj van uw witv awwo ear 4 loan a fur quack an) a U ertisloi daatari flat. raU.dUtpm Scotlc imp tut to- fTUVTn" arjiioro laatiaiOBiaii uaiug uutri ant it tiitnt doctor with l u.timcoiaii. tbtf ts ptirttaoc , ihcT do ot (Ajif i an J tr .r .chaa refunding nicsjjf y or irmniy wu u'i ( atitbrMfaisi aura ya, but an uaU m -loaay a&d mull la ruin of thou i, l. i , Iwilfim i.wi Hocai. Ertrjrrl) nm A M t 1 1 v t eli.t ' Waluaada aod Butm jt hmtinsTO tr i '0 A v. r in a ial. a kttarwawkevv s v i c ti .' TlBiia. FIRE INSURANCE! mi Oliiil EilffltlPtrtlj Cub Cinfti! Reprented by DAYlD FAUSTfiAVftA YOUNG MAN, Si'SSrS pay you to AlsIt the 'itorilKHTKn 11US1. NBHHUNIVKItHITY before drcldlDK where, though yd may llo a thouHini miles away. It stands at the head ot the list of commer cial schools In Its character as an rduottlonal fun e, as n medium inr snpiilvn e the MiMne.1 men of thecotimry will. Iiindai dmpablo asltiu ts, as a means el pi ictoi: ambitious ynunK men and worn' n on ' liiijti roid to succets, ndinthe tiifnt, el. nurr nud cost oi n-imi'pm'ui. ThorotiLht 'MMi:ittIl-. MHOUTilNIi ANIllltCTi( Air N'LIHU COl'iiHK-'. The 'fwen scv, n h Annual miuiogii': win tie mimed to any address, WILLIAMS & ROGERS UoolicNtcri