Lfte totting Herald. VOL. ArI.--KO. 155. SKEX AatDOAH. PA.. TUESDAY. JITNTE 10. 1801. ONE PENT. THE'rSUEEST BO AD TO WEALTH IS THBOTJGH LIBEEAL ADVERTISING-1 I . I . .-3 WOMEN IN POLITICS. The New York Press thlukB It a eouud suggestion that made by Hon. J.S. Clarkson that thefrlendshlp of Re publican women should be utilized In Republican clubs; that "young men can carry on the discussions or debates; young women can aid In the entertain ments with songs or recitals, and the full enthusiasm and Intelligence of tho neighborhood can thus bo utilized for the service of the Republican party otherwise the cause of good govern ment." The influence of woman has always been potent for the Republican party from Its earliest tlines.and Its doctrines taught at the mother's knee by true, earnest sympathetic American woman hood, carried their impress through life, In the political struggle and In the perils of war. The Republican party to-day Is striving to insure for the American worklngman, through the protection of American Industry, re munerative wages, and that means a comfortable home. In such an effort it may well expect the aid and co-operation of American women. The full review of our local postal service presented on another page of this Issue is based upon careful investi gation, and the facts have been fur nished by competent authority. The bare statement of the fact that a town as near as Shenandoah, one with which, our people have so much in common, Is practically as far away as Philadelphia '.when mall service is considered, ought to cause our post ofllce authorities to look Into this mat ter. It ought not be said of us that it takes from 24 to 48 hours to get a re ply to a business letter sent to a town of 16,000 people less than five miles away by rail and about three by driv ing road. Taking Into consideration also the smaller towns unmentloned In the list for the railway postofllce route and those Immediately connect ed with them, we can see a popula tion of 100,000 to be benefitted by such a service over the Pennsylvania road. We trust that the postmasters in the CZB3STTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, ?Sold lu other Mores for 35c. All floor uucioiut reaucea. uau icr Dargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Slore, 10 South Janlin SL, near Centre OUR FINE QUALITY LUNCH MILK BISCUIT, 3 pounds for 25o, Are guaranteed eqiialto anything in the market at higher prices. TEX DIFFERENT KINDS ofJbresh Cakes Ginger Snaps and Biscuits, 3 lbs. for 23c cttjst GOMiira- insr.' Another Lot of Fine California Prunes, two lbs. for 25c. Evaporated .Peaches, 15c, Canned Fears and Plums. a-oinsra- otjt fast, Canned Peas and Corn, 3 for 25c. French Sardines in oil, 2 for 25c. EXTBA QTT.A.ILilT'X1- OurJblne Old Java Coffee, s Our Thirty-Cent lloasted Coffee, Our Fancy Creamery Sutter, Our Choice Fatry Butter, OUR CHIPPED BEEF and SUMHIER SAUSAGE. NOW ON ZliACK HERE, Two Cnrs Choice Quality Timothy liny baled towns named will unite in asking Superintendent Jackson to look into the matter with his usual cure. FrackvlUe Item The Soldiers' Home Committee, at Erie, has issued an order requiring the Inmates to pay SO per cent, of their pensions to the general main tenance fund and unless it is rescinded the Home will be depopulated as the veterans are leaving the institution as fast as their pensions for the last quarter arrives. The order should be rescinded, as it is not only distasteful to the soldiers in and out of the Home, but to all their friends. The Greatest Strike. Amoiie the ereat strikes t lint of Or. Miles In discovering his Nnw Heart Cure has proven Itself to be one of the most Important. The demand for It has become astonishing. Already the treatment ol heart disease Is be ing revolutionized, nnd many unexpected cures enacted. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ansles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' dook on lieari ana Nervous Diseases, free. The uneoualed New Heart Cure is sold an guaranteed byC. H. HnKenbuch.thedrug- eisi. hiso nis nesiorauve nervine lor neau ache, fits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous cnills, opium uauu, eic. More Stock Bought. J. Coffeo, next door to tho First National Iiink, has bought out a boot and shoe store at Ashland, The party was in business no longer than six months and, theroforo, tho goods are not shelf-worn, but almost brand new. Coffee's prices and goods will sur prise you. Go and see him whilo his slock is complete. If you want to save 40 or CO per cent, on each piir of boots giyo him a call. Ilia best miners' boots, worth S3 olso whore, can be bought at ?2. 0-5-6t A Now Business. P. J. Cleary has opened a store in the Ferguson's building, on East Centre street, and is preparod to furnish tho local trade with fino leather and shoo findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supplies. Uis stock is a largo one and well equipped to fully supply all demands of tho trade. 5-16-tf New Bakery. beholder llros. have opened a new bakery at 27 South Main street, whore you canjeet frosh bread, cakes, candy and ico cream. Give them a call. 6-6-3m The Doctor and Postmaster were talking about a case of serious tllnesH due to a neglected cold nud rapidly going Into consumption which waa promptly cured by Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure. Trial bottles Iieo at Klrlln's drug store. The largest stock of wall; paper and window shades ovorjrocoivad in "this town, or county. Good selection, et;F. J. Portz's book and stationery store. 8-20-tf Best domet shirt in town, at "Tho Famous" clothing house, 60c. Shifting pants from 75c. up. Buy Keyttant flour. Be careful that the name Lkssio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. 8-3-3taw Advertise in the Herald. THE GREAT SHOW THOUSANDS GATHERED AT PICTURESQUE LAKESIDE. THE WILD WEST A GREAT SUGGESS. Shouts of Pralso and Storms of Applause Follow tho Wonder ful Peats at the Trotting Park Yesterday. Likeiide Is now open. That it is destined to be the summer ro- sortof the region is an insured fact. It wat formally opened yesterday by a fine oxhibltlon by Pawnoe Bill and his Wild West Show. It was an auspicious opening, and not ono of the twolve hun dred people who passed through tho gates was dissati'fied. Tho grand stand was well filled and peo ple stood throo rows deep along ths rail of tho race course. The day was exceedingly warm, but the auditors who did not secure shady places withstood the blazing rays of the sun and romained in the park until Pawnee Bill announced that his exhibition was closed. The oxhibition was a very pleasing and interesting one. It opened with the mem bers of tho combination, headed by Pawnee Bill and Miss May Lillie, parading down the track, all on horseback, and forming in line boforo tho grand stand to be intro duced. Among them wero Musttnc Walter, Don Zj Anno, Deadwood Dick, Broncho Bob, Senoro Francisco, Aklahoma Frank, Texas Tom and a band of Sioux Indians, sworthy savage looking and arrayed in brilliant costumos. Pawnee Bill and Hiss May .Lillie gave an exhibl Hon of difficult rifle practice which was astonishing. Tho Indians gave a ghoet dance and then thu cowboys drove the herd of buddies and steers from pasturo in one corner of tho park and gave a realistic exhibition of lassoing, bringing the stoers and butUlos to "a round up" in thrilling and realistic style. Mustang Walter thr6w his lasso over tho horns of a stoor and brought it to such a sudden halt as to almost throw it upon its back. The steer was soon bound and a vaquero was upon its back a few minutes later, holding on for dear life, as tho steer jumped and "bucked" in its unsuccessful efforts to throw him off. An Indian race for a hand kerchief was exciting. The pony express carrying important dispatches was inter esting. The rider started from the grand stand at lightning speed and made four rapid changes of ponies while making a circuit of the track. The Deadwood stage ooach robbery was the next on the pro gramme. The coach left the grand stand drawn by six mules. At the top of the home stretch it was attacked by a band of Indians. Shots were exchanged at a rapid rate and as the battle was being waged fast and furious a band of cowboys from a dis tance hastoned to the rescue and drove the Indians from the coach amid tho flashes of rifles and revolvers. Mustang Walter and Don 7.6 Anno then gave an exhibition of picking handker chiefs from the track from the back of a running borse, after which they pinked up fifty and ten-cont pieces in a like manner. The race between a cowboy, Indian and Mexican was thrilling. But the featuro of the exhibition was Miss May Lillio's shooting clay pigeons thrown in the air while on the back of a fast running borse. An exhibition of dismounting and re mounting while the horses were running at full speed was admirably given by Mustang Walter and Don Zo Anuo. The buffalo bunt by the Indians wa a realistic exhibition and the fancy and trick lassoing by Mustang Walter and Don Ze Anno was heartily applauded, It is worth the price of admission to tee those two men handle their lassos. Tbe horse thief act, showing the mode of Judge Lynch in the Par We.t, wo excit ing in the extreme. The sheriff and his two deputies were sent eastward along the track to hunt the horse thief. The next moment there was a great commotion at tho eastern ond of tho track. The horse thief was seen approaching urging his horse to all possible spoed to get away from tho pursuing cowboys. When near the grand stand tho thief dismounted and ran past tho stand on foot his horse, having given out. The cowboys continued the pursuit and ono ol them finally succeeded In lassoing tho thief, who was pulled down to the ground. The cowboy fastened the end of the laso to his saddlo and galloped off towards a tree In the centre of the park, dragging tho thief after him along the ground. Tho thief crlod for mercy, but for reply ho was strung up to a limb of the treo. Then the sheriff and his deputies appeared upon the scene, drove off the lynchers after an exchange of several shots and returned to tho grand stand with the supposed dol body of the thief. The reproduction of the atrocious Moun tain Meadow ma'sacre was equally sensa tional ond realistic. After the riding of wild bucking bronchos and nnothor oxhibition of sharp shooting tho exhibition closed with a real istic scne of an attack on Trapper Tom's cabin. As n wholo the exhibition was a highly gratifying one. The show Is historical and one which no man, woman or cnild should fail to see. Herewith is an illustration of Miss Mary Lillie, of Pawneo Bill's "Wild West Show, In her feat of rapidly breaking glass balls in rapid succession while speeding past on the back of a fiery broncho. Miss Lillie is the champion girl'shot of tho world at horseback shooting and Pawneo Bill has a standing challenge for a 81,000 contest to back the title Miss May Lillie was born on tho Dela ware, at Philadelphia, Pa., not a stono's throw from the romnntic spot whero Will iam Penn signed his famous treaty with the Indians. The first evidence of hor wonderful skill with the rifle was evidenced at Hnrnmon- ton, N. J., where hor brother is engaged in fruit farming, who keeps dogs, guns, etc, for bis own amusement. A party of young folks accompanying her, sho went to spend a fortnight with her brother, as was her custom every year. Among the party was Miss May Wanamaker, who, through her brothers, had cultivated a tasto for the rifle, and had brought several with her. At the first shooting match Miss Lillie carried off the honors by mising tbe object not a sin glo time. This was her first attempt with the rifle, and she has ever since continued to improve, so that today she stands at the head, sublime and alone, in her particular style of fancy rifle shooting. In appear ance the is highly prepossessing, nnd of one of the first families of Philadelphia. Her great skill with a rifle was at' tested when the juade a hunt with the Pawnee and Comanche Indians in the In dian Territory, in the summer of 18S8 killing S prairie chlckent and ID wild turkeys in the afternoon from 3 o'clock to 7. Cornan, the Chief, was so well pleated with her wonderful skill that ho presented her with a little colt, which she named "Hunter" and which the now rides, and I her favorite horse; she trained him herself, and was the first person to ever mount hlin ijhe has in many Instances rode him in competing for prizes.and thus far has never been defeated, and Is, without doubt or denial, tbe most graceful lady rider in the United States. On November 12, 1889, when she gave her exhibition at the Penna. State Klile Bange, shooting 200 yards, the made the marvelout score of 21 pointt out of apos tlble 25, tbe best score ever made by a lady at this range of shooting, A handsome solid gold medal was presented her for this by her Philadelphia friends, of which the is justly proud. On October 31st, 18S9, the won the Piedmont Medal at Atlanta, Oa., against 5 competitors, and tbe highest com plimentt from such distinguished and honorable gentlemen as Gov. J. B. Gordon W. H, Grady, of the OamtituUon Mayor Thos. Glenn, President James 11. Wylie, and hundrods of others. On April 22d 1&9, tbe went Into Oklahoma with the boomers, aud located a claim, and it justly termed tbe "Princes, of the Prairie. Waters' WoUs beer u the best. lUi.ly soio agent. John j t-C' PAPERS SIGNEB ! SEAL-KILLING WILL BE DIS CONTINUED FOR ONE YEAR. CONCESSIONS FROM ENGLAND ! The President Issues His Procla mation Announcing tho Agrao mont The Two Governments to Police tho Sea. fly Xnllmtl Prest Atmetnttnn. Washington, June 10. Sir Julian Pnuncefote, accompaniod by Mb first sec retary, called n,t tho State Department enrly in tho morning to put tho finishing touches to the agreement between the United States and Groat Britain looking to the protection of tho deal fisheries In Beb ring Sea. After n preliminary conversation be tween Sir Julian and Acting Secretary of Stato Wharton, an official document, with the decorations of important State papers, was producod and carefully perused by the British Minister. It was apparently satisfactorily drawn, for ho afterward placed his official signa ture to It, and Acting Secretary Whnrton, as leprescntatlve of the United States, did likewise. Later tho President Issued a proclama tion, stuting that an agreement, a modus Vivendi between the government of the United States and tho govemtnont of her Brltanlo Majesty in relation to thu lur seal Ushorles In ISohrlng sea was con- lluded on tho loth day of Juno, in the Tear of our Lord ono thousand eight hun dred and niiiety-ono, for tho purposo of .voiding Irritating UlUoronces, anil with vlow to promote tho friendly settle ment of tho questions ponding between the two governments touching their re spective rights, and for tho preservation of tho seal species. . The agreement authorizes tho United States vessels to seizo otlondlng British vessols, which, however, are to be turned over to the British authorities for trial. This featuro Is expected to prove of great value In tho pressing emergency that Is held to exist ot clearing out tbe law- breaking vessels before irrepnrnblo dam age Is dono to tho seal llsherles. The President also addressed communi cations to tho Secretaries of the Navy and treasury departments advising them concerning the modus vlvondl, Secretary Foster will send instructions to the revenue steamers Boar, Rush and Corwln, nnd tho Secretary of tho Navy to tbe commanders ot tho cruisers at the San Fraucisco rendezvous at Sun Point, where the British men-of-war will meot them. Scaling croft are not likely to start bo- loro July 1. thus giving them ample tlmo for notiucatlon that tho two gov ernments propose policing the sea for tho purpose oi protecting tho seals. CRACK YACHTS READY. The- Ilaolng Heiwon In Kuatem Wntors rto- iritis Tu-inorrow. Boston, Juno 10, Tho racing season In Eastern waters will begin this week, The first ot tho big races will be tho an nual regatta of the Massachusetts Yacht Club, off Nuhant, to-morrow. The own ers of a majority of tho local 40-footers will enter for this race, and tbe outlook is that the Oweeno, Barbara, Alborah, and tho Gossoon will bo among the starters. Tho Ironwork on tho Beatrix Is not ready, or oUo sho wonld have been In the race. On Frlduy next tho sweepstakes raeo of the Eastern Yacht-.Club will take place off Marulohead, and tho 4U-footera will also take part. Tbe Burgess -lu-footora, bayonnro, Mm eola and Oweene, buve been on their trips, nnd n weakness in their channels has shown Itself. They were not strong enough in the first place, as no strength ening pleco was put on them when tlrst made. The Paine and Burgess boats have two main shrouds, while tho Bar bara, with shorter spars, lias three. The channels of tho Barbara havo strong bracing. From what has Mean seen of tho Bur gess 40-footers under tall, they all carry a little too much sail, and the Oweeno, when hit by a not very hard puff, lay out at ngiod an glo. Tho Burgess boats all float well above their lines, and it Is well knowu that the Mineola took on board a good bit of lead before sailing for Now York. The Oweeno will not re quire much less than two ton of lead to bring hor down to her lines. Hot III Mnlno and .Voir Mnmpihtro. Boston, June 10. Heat advlcos from many towns In Maine and New Hamp shire show a very sultry condition of things. The thermometer reports re ceived from Maine points show a range from 83 to 00, the latter in Portland. Ot 18 towns In New Hampshire but one shows below 00 nnd that Is Fabyanhouse, where the thermometer Is 83, while the other towns report from 00 to 01), the latter figure at Contocook. White River Junction, Vermont, reports 0i; Woonsocket, R. L, 03; Newport, It. I,, Tb. l?xApiintor McDonnld Sinking. Istoianapolis, Iud., June 10. There has been a very decided change for the worse in ex-Scnator McDonald's condi tion within the past 13 hours, xnd ha It now so enfeebled that no hope Is enter tained of his recovery. Uo suffers very little pain nnd is quite cheerful, but he and his attendants regard tbe cud as near, Mrs. McDonald is constantly at bis bedside, and threo physicians are In attendance. Pon't mitt tho Pawnoe Bill "Wild hiw. Wt t TO-DAY'S GREAT BLAST. Onv. Hill nml I'rninlneitt I'lerlrlrlntis to fceo mi l.Xililiin at South UutlilBllum. Ai.hany, N. Y., Juno 10. Gov. Hill, Secretary of Stato lltce, mombers of tho pre, prominent electricians and mining experts from all over tho country will witness tho blasting away of 00,000 tons of limestone at Peter Callanan's quarry at South Bethlohom this afternoon. One hundred nud fifty holes on threo separate lodges have boon drilled and each to a depth of 80 feet. Tlieio are filled to the surface with dynnmlte, nnd when tho current of electricity is turned oil 5,000 pounds of that explosive will ignite. Ilia current will be turned on by .Miss Helen Callaunn, the lO-yeiir-oId daugh ter of tho proprietor. A face of rock 90 feet high, 400 feet long and DO feet deep will bo displaced. The Ellison Company, of Now York, laid thu wires, nnd tho blast is the largest ever made In this country. THE BIG SUBURBAN. Uront Crmvda llxpurted at Klieephenl liny IhU Afttirnoun. New YonK, Juno 10. This afternoon the great running race of tbo season the Surburban Handicap will bo decided at the beautiful track at Conoy Island. This race Is tho event of tho turf, nnd generally draws tho largest crowd of tho summer. The betting has been unusually heavy, nud ono bookmaker estimate that at. least $1,000,000 will change hnnds on the result Tho race is au extremely valuable one to the winner. The Holds this year will not be as large as Unit of last, but It will havo mora than n dozen starters, and a stirring nnd oxclting rnco Is promised. Some of the very knowing onos think tho race will end as follows! Tenny, flrstj Tea. Trny, second, and Diablo third. But Uiero is many a slip between the cup and Ip particularly In horse racos. OHIO REPUBLICANS MEET. Tho btate Convention to Called to Or der TtiU Attoruuun. Oolcmiivh, O., Juno 16, Nearly all tho candidates with many supporters have nrrlved for the Republican Stato conven tion, which convenes to-day at 8 p. m., and which will contlnire till Wednesday. Major MoKinley, who Is to be nomi nate for Oovcrnor, arrived on a special trnin from Canton at noon. A number of Stark County clubs and tho Clovelnnd delegate came nt the same time Senutor Sherman enmo down from Mansfield this morning. Tho Indications point to a lively con test for some of tho leaser places on tho ticket. The nameB of farmer candidates for Lieutenant Governor are mooting with mnch favor, but it Is not certain that one representing this elemont will he chosen. Valuable IXevolutlonnry Ilclla Luhano.v, Conn., June 10. The Con necticut Historical Society yesterday took pesossion of a moy interesting and val uable Revolutionary relic, tbo building uied by Gov. Jonathan Trumbull as an ofilco and executive seat during the Wnr of tho Revolution. Imposing exercises were observed, the sooloty being assisted by the Connecticut brunches of the Sons of the Revolution. Addresses were de livered by Senator Hawley aud Rev. Leonard W. Bacon, D. D. A Purtr of l''tmr Drawnml. IfocKTtmC, In., Jnno 1(1 A pnrty of four, Miss Jessie Iiollin, Miss Annn Kccklcr, C H, Anderson and A. D. Cooley, wero out boatrlding on tho Shell Rock River last night. In somo manner their boat cnpsUcd and all wero thrown into the river. Their cries for help wero heard, but, beforo they could bo reached, all were drowned. Tho river was dragged and their bodies secured. 1h Wallers Struck. BrrntEiiEM Pa., June lb. The colored waiters at the Wyandotte Hotol struck during the morning for shorter hours. The hotel Is filled with guests who came hare to attend commencement exercises. The waiters were all dlschnrgoil. ( Atl Will Ix. Ilehoiulod. 6iiANon.ii, June 10. An odlct of the Chinese Emperor has been published, or dering thu prompt beheading of all im plicated In the recent riots and massa cre D, Ttu, Monk IcmiUua Lulil dp. I CiiiCAoa, Juno 10. Ignatius, the Angli can monk, has been compelled to give up preaching for the present and retire to the country. lie has throat affection and U unable to speak above a whisper. Fancy California Peaches. 15 Cents a Pound.1 Not off grade goods, But First-class Stock. AT GRAFS, ' No. 122 North Jarilin Street Evaporated