The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 15, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents in the most elegant form
or tub
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative tv perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive ,
condition of the
It is the most cxcelltnt remedy known to
When one Is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using It and all are
delighted with it.
Ifareeiirfd itany thuumd cases. Cure patients pronounced
h i !e v ti ? Ust tjisinins Fruin ftrt do tyrm tomj
tavidlj rtiAppear. and n tn rlajsjt lvt two-thlrda of all
mtmais.if I ilr- TCH ntVC CDITE fy mall, il
tcu tiuf ur. lUh UniO r,irnlhr,irntt you order
trill, reni ten t,ei.t: in tnitn (t niv t( HmMmnni
lilt. II. II. UlIi.l.S ,
Dr. Grosvenor's
Chen quick relief
TthTjmt llm. rtfm-!ip nlnnrla ant IntnKsinwJ
cured nt once. Genuine for ftaJe by all DrujTRista. !
A New Venture
W- 3VrS-A."2" POTTS
Has opened a
Sales of assorted goods, notions, hardware,
glassware, etc,, etc
Goods from all parts ol the county solicited
on commission.
heixo at n.ixn,
Committeemen should bear in
mind that the Herald office
Is prepared to do all kinds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtain our
prices. All work done when
promised and in a satisfactory
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Mastcller's old stand,)
corner Coal and JnrdlnlBtH.
Mr. SnVder Will fi.1wnva R-Ann In ntnolr nflna
line of boots and shoes.
Custom Worlc and Repairing
JWi In the beet style. He guarantees to sell
vuoat'c, lucu i.ujijiquiuB Uil HirVBl WHO
have big ronts to pay, and guarantees a genu
ine hnrL'aln nn fivsrv miroliiiaa.
All persons are hereby warned
Belonging to the
Shenandoah Water Company,
ami all parties caught violating this notice
I Will (JO
Prosecuted as Trespasser.
By order of
Or tho Liquor Habit, I'otUltely Cureu
uy aiuuinuuTiiitf ur, imitic'
L It li tnannfactured a powder, which can be plreQ
it h nut tho Lrnowledffa at thfl Cationt. It la Bhanlutjil3
I are, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
a aleoh illo wrack. It haa been elven la thouaanda
r eaaei, and in ever? lnatanoe a perfeot cure haa fol
)wed. It never Fall. The ayatem onoe Impregnat
d with the Spec, beoooica on utter ImponslbUity
it the liquor appetite to extat.
Darmleaa. and will elfeet a permanent and iDtadv
o dog 01 pariwujsro irtv w w utHi o
i H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
r U. D.,
Omoe-26.. West Lloyd Street, iBhwmudoah
A Britlgo Fulls With a Train
in Switzerland.
All the Trainman and FAtsongera in the
Submerged Oars Browned,
Not Less Than Ono llunilrod I'orsons In
jured Tho Hxctirsloulsta Woro on Their
Way to n Musical Fete Sovcrul of tho
Cars Saved hy the llronkln or
Berlin, Juno IB. A fearful accidont Is
reported from Switzerland. A railway
bridge across the Moenohon, a small
affluent of tho Rhino, at Stein, lu tho
canton of Bassol, not far from Germany,
gavo way yesterday under tho weight of
nn excursion train crowded with throngs
of people who were on their ,wny to a
musical feto.
Two ongines rtnd tha first car. with all
Its passengers, first pluugod Into tho
river, while cars remained suspended
over tha stream.
All the trainmen woro killed, and
evory paasengor In tho submorgod car
was arowneu. Thirteen cars woro saved.
The number of killed was at least 00,
nnu oi tnoso injured not less than lou.
Tho fearful calamity has causod a tor
riblo shock in Switzerland and Southorn
Germany. Roscuors hastened to tho
scene, and the Injured woro taken caro of.
A Subtorrnnenn Itlvor Absorbs Sir. Miller's
Real Estate
Sedaua, Mo., Juno la. Tho farm of
John H. Miller, who lives 18 miles south
oast of hero, Is slowly being swallowed
up In what seems to bo a rlvor flowing
beneath tho surfneo of tho earth. Tha
phenomenon was first observod last Sat'
urday, when Mr. Millor's family hoard a
rumbling noise In tho orchard. Investi
gation revealed a holo in tho ground
about six feet In diameter and several
feet deop, with water at tho bottom.
Tho cavity Is now nearly circular in
form, 10 feot in dlametor nt tho top and
tapering to iu loet at tha water line,
which is 20 feet from tho surface.
Tho w.itor Is 23 feet doep nnd seems to
bo a flowing rlvor, as sticks thrown into
It aro carried rapidly away hy the cur
rent. The water Is in tho prnine laud,
not near any spring or body of wotor.
The cavity is gradually onlarclncr. nnd.
as Mr. Miller's rosidouco Is only 00 foet
instant, lie is greatly alarmed for tho
safety of his homo and family.
llndyard Kipling's Illness.
New Yoiik, Juno 15. Reports pub
lished yesterday of the serious illneis of
Rudyard Kipling nro directly at varianco
with recent trustworthy advices from his
family. The last letter which the lato
Henry J. McDonald, tha well-known
nnanclnl writer, rocelvod from his rela
tives in England, camo to hand on Wed'
nesday last, and was from his sUtor.
the mother of KirJIng. It bora date of
Juno 8,nnd In it she wroto, as if it wera
a matter or no special anxiety i "Uudyard
is poorly. Ho has worked too hard and
is exhausted nervously. I shall run
down to Brighton with him for a few
days," This does not Indicate, as the
dispatch from Pittsburg printod yester
day did, that Kipling is dying of con
sumption in Italy.
The Government's Fair Ilulldlng,
WAsniNOTON Jnne 15. Tho estimates,
elevation and ground plan for tho gov
ernment hulldlncr at tho Wnrlil'a Pnlnm.
blan exposition have been submitted to
and formally approved by tho Secretary
of tho Treasury, the Postmastor-General
and tho Secretary of the Interior, these
oiucinis oeing rcquireu oy taw to pass
nnnn log mans oi fin nniiiiinrra Mn,
Rtrlicted for the use of tho ernvnrnmnh
This Is tho last legal formality to ho com
piled witn previous to tne advertisement
111. l .L. . 1 ,
tor uiuh auu iuu luiuug ui tuu contracts
for construction.
Illshop Knight's W11L
Milwaukee, Wis., Juno 15. Tho will of
the late bishop Knight which has been
made public, disposes of an cstato valued
at $100,000. Tho entire property goes to
his wife. It Includes cottages and
grounds at Saybrook, Conn, a homo in
Lancastor, Pa., an orange grove In
Florida, together with SliU.UUU In Ufa In
Durance. Mrs. Knight will continue to
reside in Milwaukee. Tha fact that
the bishop was possessed of any amount
of property will be a surpriso to his
friends, as tho diocese did not pay an ex
travagant salary, and he was exceedingly
generous to charitable and oducatlonal
Institutions under bis direction.
Cut n Chinaman to Plocea.
San Francisco, Juno 15. The Chinese
Consul hero has received word from
Bridgeport, Cal., that Ah Quong Tla, tha
Chinaman accused of the murder of
Poker Tom, on being acqulttod was taken
from the court by Piute Indians nnd cut
to pieces. The Consul will bring the
matter to the attention of the govern
ment at Washington.
Killed a Steamboat Captain.
Helena, Ark,, June 15. Capt W. IT.
Holt, u Bteamboat captain, was killed
last night by James Wood, a watch
man of the boat. Holt had sharply rep
rimanded Wood for neglecting his duty.
Later, while Holt was in a Btooping posl
tion, Wood walked up to him and struck
him on the back of the head with an axe,
killing him Instantly, Wood escaped.
Ttealenby a Gang of Kotighs.
New York, June 13. Joslah T. now
ell, a well known New York broker,
residing in Brooklyn, was set upon by a
crowd of roughs in a Brooklyn Btreet car
and beaten Into insensibility, narrowly
escaping with his life Mr. Howell's re
sentment of repented Insults was tha
cause of the assault.
Iloso Zoliloska Sentenoeil,
Lancaster Wis., June 15. At 2:15 n.
m. the jury in the Rose Zoldoske murder
trial returned a verdict finding the pris
oner guilty. The convicted woman wilt
bo taken to Waupun to-morrow, thero to
serve out her life sentence.
The Eruption of Vmuvlui.
Naples. Juno 15. The eruntlon of
Vesuvius will, it is expected, become ont
Of tho greatoat of thocentury. t
flighcst of all in Leavening Power.
1 W, P
An Unusual Number lti-portod In Nn
York nml Vlclntty.
Nuw York, June 15. Thero ha beer
an unusual number of suicides and nt
tempts at solf-deitruution in this city am!
vicinity of lato. One day during tho past
week seven persons ended their exist
cuoo nt their own hand, ond usually tw
or three cases are reported dally.
Ycstorduy three oases wcro recorded.
Georgo D. Greene, 48 yoars old, a veteran
of the wnr, hanged hlmelf in Central
Park. Despondency causod by poverty
is the supposod cause.
Tho second oase reported was that of a
young woman, Aiioo Griffin, who jumped
from the llfth story of a, tenement hottso,
receiving fatal injuries, Sho w s insano.
Tho third enso occurred in Brooklyn,
where nn aged Gorman tailor, Potor
Schwartz, took a quantity of paris
green. Ho had become tired of constant
bickerings with his wife, and determined
to end his life. The poison wasn't im
mediately effective, but tho doctors say
he will dlo.
Tho Suburban nml Mavtn-KUraln Fight
New York, Juno 15. At tho uptown
hotels crowds of sporting men discussed
tho two groat sporting events sot down
for to-morrow tho Suburban and the
Slavin-Kllraiu fight.
Dick Roche, President of tho Granite
Club, stated to a reporter that tho fight
would be declared n draw if one pugilist
or tho other was not knocked out. Jere
Dunn, who is to bo tho roforeo of tho
contest, said that ho would declaro that
man tho winner who. in his judgment.
had tho bettor of the contost If both men
lasted ten rounds.
It was rumored In Jer?oy City that
tho authorities would stop tho light if
any tickets woro sold In Now Jersoy. Tho
club officials will sell no tickets in that
State, howevor, and the chancos are that
there will bo no Interference.
Tho sports aro betting even monoy
that Slavln will not stop Kilraln. Tho
largest bet reported was made by Phil
Lynch, who bet $100 that the Baltimor
can would bo on his feot at tho ond of tho
10th round. Kilraln is expected hore to
They Say that No One Shall Tnlio Tholr
I'laocs In The Mines.
WiiXESiuiuiE, Pa., Juno 15. Tho situ
ation at the Mill Creek Mine is un
changed. Armed Poles and Huns aro
still on guard. To-doy tho strikers re
ceived more firearms. No ono is allowed
to get near tho mine. Tho company offi
cials would call on the shViff for help.
but they aro afraid If they do this the
strikers would become still more despor-
ato and destroy property.
l he strikers say they will harm no
one, providing no attempt Is made by
outsiders to take their places. Tho com
pany win try and compromise matters
with them to-morrow.
It U said will soil anything, this is
true in a measure; but for staying
qualities,- merit la tho tost. Extexuir
advertising may eell anything when
tt is now or unknown, but after Uk
coznoa into general use, it la judged
Bccordinir to its wortli. The oantimiMi
tad a toady growth oi Swiff s SpocifLo
is the best evidonco of its oxcoUotnoD.
It Is most popular where it is beM
known. Every bottlo sold, sells tua
others. Every ono that takes it be
comes its friend, and recommends tt
to their acquaintances.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
Bailed tree.
Swbtt Spsconn Co., Atlanta, Os
First National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
S. W. Yosi, Ass't Cashier.
Open Dally Prom 9 to 3,
Inlcl 011 Bnvltigs DepoNlM.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Rulclrio In a Hotel.
Abbott Park, N. J., June 10. En
gone Steyr, aged about 80, of New York,
committed suicide at the AVest End IIo
tol last night by turning on the gas In
his room. His body was found to-day.
A letter in a memorandum book re
quostB that the body bo sent to Dr.
Schwolz, of 20 East 20th streot, Now
York city, for scientific purposes. A
long,' rambling letter woe also ini the
book, which stated that ho intended to
commit' suicide at the Garden Theatre.
Stoyr arrived at the hotel Saturday night.
The World's mmlent Confoftmco.
East Nouthkikld, Mass., Juno 15. The
World's Student Conference, held hero
annually at tho Invitation of 11 r. I). L.
Moody, will begin on Juno 27 and close
July B. Tho attendance promises to bo
larger and more representative than ovor.
Tho European universities will send fif
teen delegates, whllo tho unlversitios of
this country will each have a largo
Dickinson Collego Commencement.
Carlisle, Pa., Juno 15. Tho annual
commencement at Dickinson Collcco
opened yestorday with, tho delivery of
tho baccalaureate sonnon by i'resldcnt
Heed. I ho services Inst ovoulng were In
charge of tho college Y. SI. C. A., and
Kov. Dr. Jlorrltt Hubbard, of 1'hlladol
phia, delivered tho sormon. ,- .,svi
Factories Closed for Want of Wntor.
Birmingham, Conn., Juno 15. Tho
Irought is intonso along tho Naugatuck
Valley. Factories are closed in many
places for want of water, and. hundreds
of mon nro out of employment. In tho
tlouHatnmc alley there is an abundance
of water. The Housatonio Water Com!
pany commence to-day to rebuild tho dam,
Crops Damaged by Iuseats.
Reading, Pa., Juno lu. Tho whoat
Uelds in many parts 01 liurks, jlontgom
sry and Chester counties aro suffering
severely from the ravages of "wheat Use",
which havo made their appearance by
tha million Potato farmors hereabouts
aro very much frightened by an unusual
visitation of potato bugs.
Destructive Vlllaco Flro.
Holland, N. Y., Juno 15. Fire early In
tho morning destroyed tho storo of W. IL
Currier, Dr. Farrington's residenco ond
barn, the Lowory Houso, J. A. Dwyer's
saloon, Force & Co.'s meat market and
U. Kollor's residence. Loss about $40,000;
insurance jzj.uuu.
Ilev. Georgo Gordon lias a Fever,
Bostos, Mass., Juno 15. Tho Rev Geo.
A. Gordon, tho brilliant young pastor of
tho Old South Church, Is vory HI of a
ever. His family and parishioners aro
:onsidorably alarmod. The nature of tho
favor is not known.
The Photographer
Is located at
Ho. 14 North White Street.
Having han his gallery greatly Improved, he
to uiMTucuci tJrujjiuuu iuuu evur iu meet
the wants or the public lu tho photo
graphic line. The best photo
graphs at lowest 1 rices.
Crayon Work a Specialty,
jVciu lilrm.
New Stock,
Green Truck, Fine Groceries,
Delaware roe shad and other fresh flsh right
uiiiu ma uuuva uu riuays. rresn
Greens from the Bouth.
Evan's Building;, E. Centre St.
(J. S. Willta m' old ttand)
Everything new and iresb. Qoodsdellvercd
10 any pan 01 town.
When trunhlful with thosA unofiTlm; irrtwnlut Hleim
frequently following a et.A r ipoture, or frot.' ( Y
ttUaUonal WtNiknocHMbo pei nlinr to thotr tii( thtmt.
live DR, DuCMOINB'S Oelnbrntd
h r Htransthnnlnff tn ti - r tli n . .1 1 r
hum. vltforniifl maznetfo fnr. titnall fnni timn it
4111! mind. Mout liy iuaII, uc irt!1! sealntl, SI. A idnk-i.
Or. Hartar Mortislne Co.. ST. LOUIS.
Wetkntii or Body aid Kind, Effects
of Errorsor Etmii.i fn tllil n. Vnnn.
lUomt.SbM.LuailoriurbllrlK-ilor.J. llowtoriiUrt. ifiS
BlrrMtB.bnKAit.i nuKiiMJrBuuim.naarAltlHUt BOUT.
il.oUlJ, nor.lll.g- IHISB THSiTlShT-U.lHII. I J.J.
fci.B t.tllr from lu SUMS ud s-.rtlf Coaalrl... Writ. tlMPM
U.Mrlbll.. Hack, .tpUastlon sad proof. Mftl!.l(,d) frM,
M4,... srib MEIMCAU CO., OUFFALO, N. V,
A grand opportunity tor Joining a now
The Beneficial Older of Equity,
A fraternal society for both soxes.
'ays From $200 to $5,000 !
Advances money to buy homes, cancelfho
Indebtedness In case of disability or dAth,
pays hick and death benefits.
ruriunuer puruomais can on or address,
v.,, . . .Deputy Supreme President,
33 N, Main St., Bhenandoab, l'a.
Tnstlco Foorly Administered to WnltS
Men In South Carolina.
CoLmmA, S. C, Juno 15. The fact
that It Is very difficult to find a South
Carolina jury which will convict a white
man of tnurder was again strikingly 11.
lnstrated during the morning, when li,
T. Jones, the famous Edgefield County
"family exterminator," was found guilty
of manslaughter.
Six years ago Jones brutally murdered
throe of his kinsmen, Edward Presley,
r., aged 78, and his two sons, Edward
and Charlos. lie shot and out them to
death because thoy were planting a piece
of land concerning the title to which
Jones and the Pressleys had had a dis
pute. Previous to tho trial Just ended, Jones
was tried five times for his triple crime
in Edgefield County, the Jury In each In
stance failing to agrea, in spite of tho
fact that the evidence was overwhelming
ly against him.
Jones will probably bo given HO years
In the penitentiary, but declares he will
poison himself before he will go there.
llrcnd Ulots Inspected on Account of the
Corn pintles.
Berlin, Juno 15. The agitation in Bor
lin ovor the corn duties haB beoomo so
serious that tho Ministry has ordered a
strengthening of the garrison. Thero Is
no talk -of an outbreak, but popular fool
ing Is intense, ond a bread riot is possi
ble, as thero are thousands of destitute
pooplo in the city, without tho new ole.
mont thnt Is flocking in from other parti
adding to tho destitution and to the
struggle for employment.
Tho police have become moro vigilant
In onforcing the laws neainst vacrancv.
but tho ovll continues to grow, nud tho
multitude oi unemployed increases with
tne price oi brood.
Their Second Annual Convocation at
Hamilton, N. V.
New York, Juno 15. In tho protty vll
lago of Hamilton, Madison county, oo-
ourred tho second annual convocation of
tho Suprouio Council of tho Mystic Ordor
of Veiled l'ropbots of the Enchanted
Realm. This Is not a Masonio order, anil
the degroo is in no Bense a Masonic do-
About 70 members were present A
dispensation was grantod for tho institu
tion of a grotto nt Illon. Tho followlnn
supreme officers woro olectedi Most I'o-
tont Grand Monarch, Gon. Thomas L.
James, of Xow York: Rlitht Potent Danu.
ty Grand Monarch, Lorov R. Fnirchlld, of
unuuiiui!, urnuu rropnec veiled and
Right Eminont Grand Chiof Justien. n.
H. Raymond, of New York; Eminont
uranu Atosior oi L'oromonlcs, U. 0. Toiry,
of St. Paul; Eminent Grand Keeper of
Sagas, Prof. O. Root, of Clinton; Emi
nent uranu urator, kov. J. u. Murray,
of Waverly, N. Y.j Eminont Grand Treas
urer, William Jl. Wost, of Hamilton;
Eminent Grand Socretary, S. D. Smith,
of Hamilton.
Tho King's Daughters furnished thn
banquet. Prof. McGregory of Colgate
University acted as toastmaster, and re
sponses woro made by C. E. Smith, G. W.
Salisbury, of Cazenovia, Messrs. Griffith
and Edwards of Delhi, and a largo num-
uor oi otnors. inus was concluded tho
second nnnual convocation of tho Su
premo council of the ordor.
Tho National League Record.
NowYork..S7 10 .023 Plill'del'a..21 21 .407
liud'i on. insi v c cium. Wm.ML.Cft
Chlpntrn . .2
:i .033 I'lttaburg..lH B4 A'10
Uroolilyn..23 23 00 Cincinnati .18 27 .100
Tho Association Itoeord.
Ptr rrr
NA.rnn 1 1Q tilt fnl.l... nm .... .nr.
St. Louis.. 3 1 21 .0 Athletics. ..22 SO .42a
llaltlmoroai 20 .008 Lou'vlllo....24 33 .421
Clncinu'tl 20 20 .401 Vo3h'ton...lS 03 U113
Connecticut's Political Trouble.
New Haven. Conn.. Juno 15. Tho Re
publican loaders of the Stato are consid
ering a plan to got a speedy doolslon in
tho Gubernatorial contost. They will
propose to tho Democrats that tho slnglo
question: "Has tho Legislature power to
go bohind tho returns1" bo submitted ta
tho court. If the decision is in tho affir
mative, thon the Legislature must count
the "for" ballots and Morwln will bo
elected. If In tho negatlvo, then Judge
.uorns win uo cnosen.
Drowned While llnthlng.
Providence, R. L. Juno 15. David
Lacroix was drownod last ovoulng in
Scott's pond, between Saylesvilla and
Lonsdale, while bathing. His two
cousins, E. Gilmetond Louis Francois, It
is said, mado no effort to bovo him, but
started after an undertaker's wagon as
soon as he Bank from view. Several ot
Lacroix's valuables are eatd to be miss
ing. An Investigation of tho case will bo
made by tho pol ico.
Fletcher's Ilody Found.
Nlcw Tlv.nwnnn. Mnaa .Tnna 1S TT.
body of missing Goorgo A. Fletcher, who
was connected with the Johnson murder
mystery, was found floating in tho river
last evening noar Egg Island, whero tho
bndv nf .TnhnRnn m fnnnrl T n,n. a .
autopsy was held over tho remains, hut
tliA nlivKtrlnna mfnaa.t ir mil. n.. 1.11a
any discovery tbey may havo mado.
The mysterious Mrs. Bruso. of Now
York, who owns the larger part of tha
big orange diamond, turns out to havo
boou tho wife of Jowelor Suale, who U u
Miss Mamie Sullivan, tho pretty 10-
year-old daughter of Mr. Euuena Bulli-
van, of Flshktll, N. Y.. has oloood with
John C. Raymond, a piano tuuer. Thoy
have been married.
ii.iiiiuo, u j uuia uiu, auu u. u.
E. Williams, of No. 3 Ilolsman streot,
Patorson, N. J., was drowned iu tho Pas
saic Rivor there near tho gas works. He
t v wiiii...a m .......... -i.i t
was seized with cramps whllo bathing.
Gilbert Garrison kidnapped his tbreo-
year-old child from bis wlfo in Bloom-
Hold, K. J., aud was arrested. In court
he charged his wife with infidelity, and
Bho lu turn charged him with having set
fire to a house at Greenwood Lake, N. J,
All wore released by Justice Post.
Wouthur ludlcutlous.
Washington, Juao 15. - For New Hngland,
Eastern Now York and Now Jcrseyi Falrt
warmer; southerly winds.
For Western New Yorki Fain Wurmen
louth westerly winds.
Have you a Pittsburgh,
Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu
dent Lamp?
Do they work satisfactorily?
Do your Lamp Chimneys
break? You get the wrongsortl
The right ones are the
" Pearl Glass," made by
Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts
burgh, makers of the cele
brated " Pearl-top " lamp chim
ney, which have given univer
sal satisfaction.
(t T) (P BJ) f anil othrr sneclnL
a !s n J fc "'.'"
ranted, ana so Ftampvil on iKitinm AflureM DOl (il.AS.IlrdcUlun, lln. SoUU
W. Barer (SCo.'s
from which tho excess oj
oil has been removed, Is
Absolutely JPiiro
and it Is Soluble,
No Chemicals v
aro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times tha strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is tlioroforo far more
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested.
nnd admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons iu health.
Sold by Crocor3 ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass,
SKio nml Upwards
a i'ohixivij aiso ham:
15 PerCont.
Dividend Paying Stock
Full particulars and
Prosrcctui can be had
on application or addressing
B. I.. HI.1IFNON, IlaiiUvr,
C,4 IlroiuHviiv, JS. v.
20 other styles 6-A Nets p-lrps to suit nil
,, ..iintawnnas, I llll.AUELI'llIA,
yoJa ty nil deiler.
Chlehe.tfr'a EncU.ti Diamond tlraod.
flrlfflnnl sad Only Gennlne.
ururKim mr Liirnf sicr x.Tigiifd W-jr
hottt. lealed with bins rihboa. Take
wis wwisnHwunH. a k wrus-sjiaia, sr Ifll4h
la iutnpi for psmlcaUr. tuilaioitl&U o4
"Itellef for Ctidlsf, in letter, by rftDm
MatL 1O.0UU ToilmonUli. Jfant JVtr.
Tho nnt rf!ib' inl uofiMre(
Dclkliiit for Hi itiuci sffeelb
Special Discases,Bloo3 Poison
ULCERS, blclehti, Pi m pin. Sof
Mouth, Throit, IrrtutloDi. Bell
tngi, Infitu-ntti m, KldDr
BI4 lr, Loit TiuUlj. Wk bek4
Di id Dili. Mloebolf i
VctkDtia DtjtllltT, Impaired Utmoty nl Dy, tuloinr
11 dliouti rcitt'tlof from jouiMul rrur or from f crtrork
Old. Young or Middle Ajed "ff,r l0O
tr w cerllu, do iperlmi.'&t 1 b7t Terjtblog kncB !
ntdiekl toil larcicsl iclenoe.obiUnitt nd ell sHiti iolltttd.
nomittur whuftl tii kfnancc Vretb cum ortd u 4
lo 10 SaropsiftD Ilofplitl tiptrtenoo la Qrmnj, k
Itai, FrtDCnd Auitiltv, MerilDciien-l JiploouM pro
Kaa u jer rciicmr.riene io,wovcKrsj iiv '7
ft C Afn " b to in kilvertliiDg 4ur, b
DlDtUUU Muproft tt grttiikl'l, knowUin ui
t lcritao tad vbo eta show t tntar rtlnt pirntDtatlr
orad M lets ftcr quaeba n 1 t ertUlu dMWfi Dtv
ratotdtttm. 8ol9e atamp lor bok "TRDTll" ia1orn
UsUiuoaUlaeipnainf quacki tai aj?irttllii diwiora with
their UlM &4 fraudulrnt Urktmt an 1 t4Mliiiiubitla, tbolr
iIcrivuc,LhT do not pomm c4 tluir tobtDia o' refuDdiDg
biodoj or rrlabJljr Itlka and tbalr ohetp and worihleH drsro
neltbar pf which an. f ou, tut aro uard a dacoja and raauil
In ruin of thouiaa4 of cuiifldlag tloiiau. Otvtet (IwJUr
Bterr Jy fi-ini 9 4 U.toii U ouln tv Wodttaad?
ond Hiiyrliy Kv.Dinr Tr me 10, 8uudri fr.iu I toll. I'M
UtfertDOt.. nee Wtdtitu unl Hnttirdu tnila. Tlno
.truest ui Oldest Eelltlilt Firtl till Cio!ilt!
Itepresented by
OAVin FAIRT-f130 JartlB Btre4t'
pay you to visit the 'KOOIIFHTKH I1UBI.
NBHS UNIVEIWITY before doldlnit whero,
though you may llvo a thoucand miles away.
It stands at. the head of the list or rammer
olal schools In its character as an educational
wrce, in niiiiuium lorsuppiyinn therusinesa
men of the country with tralufd at.d capablo
assistants, as a means ol placing ambitious:
young men and women on the blub rohd to
sucrets, nnd In tbe extent, elf gnnce nnd cost
ot !U equipment. Thoroufth fOMMLUl'IAU
COUUHK4, The Twenty-seventh Annual
v umiuue win do mauca to nny auaress.
Mi yn.
X. V,