The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 15, 1891, Image 2

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    'The Evening Herald.
S, 0. BOyES, Editor ani PaWlsher,
W. J. WATKIMS. Local Editor.
subscription rates:
Daily, per year,...... - W 00
Whiki.t, per your, 1 6n
Knttred At the Postofflce, at Shenandoah, Pa.
for tmHsinUwton through the MalM
a seeond olass mall mtltsr.
The I'rluco of Wnle Drnnuneed by Non
comforml.t l'rflnchurs.
London, Juuo 15. The allusion to tho
scandalous conduct of the Prince of
Wales yesterday by Noncomformlst
proaohwrf loft no doubt, It any was en
tertnlued, of the attitude of the dissent
ing clergy ou the subject of royalty nnd
Tho manner lu which those allusions
were received by the congregations
showed With emphasis how the people
who are the bone and sluew of luiglaud
feel us to the confessed violation of law
bv the future king.
The energy of the police in prosecuting
caws of petty gambling by the poor has
added strongly to tne puuuc iceung, auu
everywhere among the tolling masses
tho demand is heard that the law shnll
bo enforced against the gamblers of
Trnnliv Croft.
Ileretoforo Home Secretary Matthews
lias disclaimed all knowledge of the
Tranby Croft nfTalr. This he can do no
longer, ns tho evidence lu court, Includ
ing the testimony of tho Prince of Wales
himself, has rcmovud any grouuu lor lg
nornnce or denial.
Instead of being "Hayed, the sontlmcnt
on tho subject of the scandal is growing.
When It was remarked yesterday lu tho
presence of the lubor agitator, Tom
Mann, that tho Kurl of Coventry would
be removed from tho olllco of Master of
tho Buckhounds, Mann uskedi "If Cov
entry is unfit to be Mooter of Hounds
becauso he is a gambler, is tho Frinco of
Wales fit to bo master of n kingdom r
This is hut an illustration of the gonoral
sentiment among all below tho rank of
tho aristocracy nnd among tho aristocrats
cllartnlat anil riimiUBf nrtivnll.
Office of J. M.B. Uobinson 1U East lfCth si
ltesldence, (U56 East 141 street.
Nkw Yuhk. January 31, 1800.
aiwi'b itrnTiiinn HnpiMiin rn. (leui lemen
Having suffered for the pnst two years with
rheumatism, indigestion, sore throat, andu
complete breaking down of my wholosyetem
r u-iib irwtnrri fuller treatloe with wivrn
nrnmli ent ilndtnrsHo trv the ("actus lllond
Cure, which I continued to use for about
thirty days, since which time I havo been en.
t'relv lioerrnm the above-mentioned troubk'i,
nnd li.ivn mnrfl nmhlllnll to dnv thatl aHV
time in the past four yeais. I can heartily
recommend the same to any one having the
-same troubles. J. M. 11. HOItlNlrON.
Bold at Klrlln's Drug Store.FerBUion House
uiock, MiieuauooaD.
Tho bicyclo rider is ono of tho few mon
who know when thoy aro well off.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tells you confidentially
ust what will cure your cold is proscribing
Komp's Balsam this yenr. In tho prep
aration of this romarkablo medicino
coughs and colds no expense is spared
combine only tho best and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam
tho light and look through it; notico th
briirht, cloar look: then compare with remedies. Prion SOc. and $1
Sometimes whon a man la put on his
mottlo the material is brass.
Hooky Mountain Ouro.
Tho druggists claim that people call
daily for tho now euro for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by Dr. Silas
Lano wbilo in the Kocky Mountains, It
said to bo Orogon grape root (h great
remedy In tho far Wost for thoso com
plaints) combined with simple herbs, and
made for use by pouring on boiling water
to dntw out tho strength. It soils at
cents n packago and is called Lano'
Family Modicino.
Tho worst "lovers'
at home to you.
not" is to find her not
Sudden Deaths,
Heart dlsense Is by far the most frequent
cauio 01 suauen ucain. wnicu in three nut or
four cases Is unsuspected. The symptomsare
notcenernlly understood. These are: lying
iu me ngni sine, snort, ureiun, pain onus
cross In side, back or shoulder, lrremilai
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
in simnncn, swelling 01 nnaies or aropsy
oppression, dry cough and sniotberlnt. Dr
Miles' Illustrated boon on Heart Disease, frer
ate. H llagenbuch, who sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' uuequaled New Heart Cure, and his
iiesturame iservme, wiucu cures nervout
ncss, neaaacne, sieepiessnes". enectsor drln
jug, etc. 11 contains no opiates,
Tho mania for perfumed letter paper
on tho incrcaso.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond question the most sue-
cessmi Cough medicine we havo over sold,
a tew doses Invariably cure the worst cases ol
Cough, Croup, and llronchltls, while Its won.
derfn) tfuccess in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel tn the history of medicine.
Hlnce It's first discovery It has been sold on n
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly
ask yon to try it. l'rloe 10 rents, SU cents, nnd
(1.(0. If your laiugs nre sore. Chest or Hack
lame, use Million's Porous Plaster. Hold by
C, II. Haeubuc)i, N. K. corner Alain and
IJoyd streets.
Tho richest people often want tho most
for nothing.
To Nervous, Dobilltatod Mon.
If you send ua your address, wo will
mail you our illurt rated pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dye'i Celebrated Electro
Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and their
oharming effects upon the nervous de
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
rosture you to vigor, and manhood, l'amph
let free. If you are thus afflicted, we will
send yoa a Belt and Appliances on a trial,
Voltaic Bjilt Co.. Murihall, Mich.
Fotivls will now have a run for tome
time to oouae.
Mllae' Nerve and Liver Pills
Aet on a new principle regulating
liver, stomach and bowels thrtmah the iimis
A new dlsanverv. Dr. Mllee' Pills sneedllv
curi- biliousness, bad Usla, torpid liver, piles,
constipation. Uneqnaled lor men, women,
children- Bmallest, mildest, surest! Aldoses,
2fict. Samples free, at C. 11. Hagenbu'-h's
irnif star.
AUkiDgthe best of vacation days.
It don't do to neclect nature's warnluz
acnes through the ystem, caufe Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia and liacKacue. Try iled nag
OU, the Famous l'alu Cure. 26 cents at Klr
lln's drug store.
Its Murdered Ills Grandmother and Annt,
nnd Onco l".cntoil from J nil.
Bamimoiie, Md., Juno 13. At 10il8
n. m. tho drop fell and William Blnnay,
the double murderer, who on tho night
of May 2, 1800, killed his nged grand
mother and aunt with an axe at their
home, 1085 Greejirnouut avenue, expiated
his crlms on tho gallowg In the yard of
the Baltimore city jail.
Blanoy died with oalmness nnd nerve,
professing penitence and confidence In
tho offlcnoy of tho Roman Catholic faith
Which ho adopted, to secure his pence
with heaven.
Blaney's tragic end was the legitimate
outcome of n life of wiokednos, Indo
lence nnd Ignorance I he crime for
which ho was lmnged was one of tho
most brutal and inhuman ever com
mitted in this city,
The victims wero his need grandmother
and his aunt, both of whom had always
loved him and often Aided and befriended
him. The weapon used was a small axe.
With It he literolly pounded their heads
to a jolly. He was dotectod by thorn
while robbing their houso nnd then com
mitted tho crime.
Blauey was convicted on Oct. !24, and
on April 18, a few days after tho donth
warrant had boon signed and tho day of
execution appointed by tho Governor,
the city rang with tho news that Hlauoy
had escaped from jail. This ho had ac
complished by prying apart an iron
window bar. He was recaptured tho
following day and tho death watch woi
immcdlutoly placed over him.
Drowned In the Canal.
Medina, N. Y., Juno 1U. Irving
Cargo, a son of James McCnrgo, of tho
Flower City Life Association.was drowned
in the canal last evening. Ho was un
able to swin and ventured out too far.
His companions were panlo etricken and
unnblo to assist him.
Throe Killed by Lightning.
Haumontojt, N. J., June 13. During
tho heavy thunder storm yesterday,
Daniel Cross and two of his children were
killed by lightning. Ho loavos a widow
and throe children.
Tho Irish Lund Hill.
Losdom. Juno 18. Tho Houso of Com
mons has comoleted tho committee etngo
of tho Irish Land bill, which will go t
third reading on Monday.
Tho United Statos lias; of July 1th of
this year will havo forty-four stars
Wire doors and window screens are in
The vestlbuled compartment slcenlnir can
recently Introduced ou the Chicago. HI. 1'au,
and Kansas City Hallway are models of com-
ion, convenience anu luxury. Any patron or
me sirepuig eur is euauieu, uy me lnirouue
Hon of these compartment cars, to secure tht
same privacy and onvenieuce that he would
In the best hotel. No other Hue west of Chi
cago runs the compartment cars. In odd).
uon, inu trainsnre equipped wun tne regular
ipen nunnan Bieeper, giving passengers men
moice. xne ai -in car service is miiv 1111 u
the reoulrements oi modern railway service
An excellent cuisine, promptly served amlfl
elegant surroundings, at moderate charge.
leaves noiuing now to no aesirea. Any orom
people contemplating a trip to any part of thi
west or noriuweBi cannot possimy secure
better accommodations or lower intes than
Dy aaaressing w. r. uooiey, uenerai Agent o!
me rassenger uepaninem, two unesinui cu.
x-uimueipuia, ia,
Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ol
brilliant lights, ol Intense shadows; a land
where heights and depths 11111I10 obvious the
meaning of the word antithesis; a land where
every mood in mind can And an ansnerlng
mood in nature. The high, white minarets of
the mountains, from whose slender pinnacles
tloat the wind-blown banners 01 the snow, np-
peal with silent eloquence to the lolly aspira
tions of the soul: the sombre chasms cleft by
tons of the soul; the sombre chasms cleft b
L'ltnu forces through irraulte-hearted hill
Titan forces through granite-hearted bills
within whose depths dark shadows throug
and swirling torrents dashsneak to the heart,
a language that thrills. Inspires and awes, it
does not follow that these glories ol white
peaks and those glooms of dark canons pre
clude the pleasant Intervals, the sunny
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or wearied boly may find peace
ful rtBt and reluge from turmoil and toll. To
one making a Journey in Colorado, New
Mexico or Utah, or tanlng a transcontinental.
tour troin East to West, or vieeverm, the Den
ver nnd Klo Grande ltallroad otters accom
modations equal In elegauce.convenlence and
luxury to those uf any other line with the nd
ded uttiactlonB of the unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding in a magnlllcent
opulence of white peaks and dark canons.
Uhe mouth of November, lbSK), witnessed one
of tho most important Improvements in rail
road lacllltles that has yet been made in Col
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauge of the Denver and KloGrande
ltallroad irom Denver, Colorado, over tho
mountains to Ogden, Utah, which five yeais
ago was deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly
a triumph of daring and cnglueerlng skill.
The new line Is by the way of Ltadvllle, tun
neling Tennessee 1'ass, threading the canons
of the Eagle and Grand Itlvers, giving a view
ol the Mount of the Holv Crost. enrnute. Ink.
Ing its trains through Glenwood Bprlugsand
down the Grand Iliver to Grand Junction.
thence to Salt Lake City, Ogden and fan
Francisco. Bv this route onalgzlvennnnn.
ponunily to behold the magnlncencc of Eagle
Klver Canon and the marvelous beauty aud
grandeur or the Canon of the Grand, The
overland train Is a model in every respect.
i-rum iuc engine 10 me insi nrst-ciass coach
everything Is bright nnd new, nnd of the
most elegant style of workmanship and
If any reader desires to know more about
thsse stupendous works of nature, write tor).
K. Hoonrr, General Passenger Agent, Denver,
Colorado, and he will send you, free ol cost,
elegantly Illustrated boots, giving a full de
scription of the marvels or the 'Hcenlo
Lino."- Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide."
mm zmim.
Is and will over bo tho
Remedy for
Ront. Tnfluonza. Baokaoho.
Fainn in the Bide. Chest and
Joints, Nouralgia, Sprains, &o
Eefors yea aoed to tray, oltala
tho valn&ols tooki "Oulde to Health," with I
1 eadorttmests of prominent pnjsiolins.
3 IO Broadway,
Prize Medals Awarded 1
European Homes 1 RadoliUdt,Londonp
Uoremberg, Ko&Bteln, Lelpslo.
50 OontS a bottlo, For Salo by
i. 1. r. acixtrnv.
and otber drucguti.
Two Thousnnd Cnrcnsies of Heel entirely
Philadelphia, Juno 15. Tho main
building of the abattoir, west side of tho
Sohuylkill River, opposlto Arch strpet,
Was completely dostroyod by fire oarly lu
the morning, and at 8 o'clock th sur
rounding buildings had Ignited, the fire
men devoting their nttontlon to those
nnd abandoning the main structure to its
Tho origin of the fire Is somewhat of a
mystery. Some sny It started In tho ou
glne house, while others ploco it at other
points. ,
Ibree alarms wero sent in, and. soon
nosrly all the engines In.the city were nt
the sceno of tho conflagration, mere
woro several explosions from tho am
monia condensers, used in tho refriger
ating building, which keep tho tempera
ture below tho freezing point tho yenr
around, in this store room woro z.uuu
oarcasses of beef, which wero ontlrely
Charles Hoecko. n curiosity seeker,
was hit on tho head with a flying timber
nnd received Injuries from which ho will
probably dlo.
It is understood that tho total loss, In
cluding machinery, building, sheds, re
frigerating apparatus and dressed boor,
amounts to nearly $500,000.
I he lire was got under control nuout 4
o'clock. Tho buildings aro said to be
fully insured.
Thirty Years of llumorse Drovo a Iilur-
derer tu Sntcldo.
I'AHKEnsBuno, W. Va., Juno 15. A ro-
tjnrkablo story of remorse comes to light
In the suicide of Jesse Dovore, an old nun
aoarly 1)0 years old, who lived In the
country several miles from tho town of
Forty yoars ago Dovoro murdered n
negro, nnd for tho past 80 years ho has
been at times tormontod in Imagination
with gangs of negroes who pursued him
to kill him for his crlmo. About 20
years ago he shot himself through the
head in ordor to rid himself of haunting
momorios, but recovered. A year or two
later he stood on tho bank of n stream
and struck himself on tho hoad with a
stono, knocking himself unconscious In
to tho stroum, whero he would havo
drowned but for n passer-by who dragged
him out more dead than alivo.
Dovoro mndo several othor unsuccess
ful attempts at suicide. Finally, on
Thursday lust, ho went to tho houso of a
neighbor named lsunigaruner, whero ne
put up for tho night. After- all tho fam
ily had retired, ho got up, secured a ropo,
and hanged himself.
Three aitmibors of One Fntnily Caueht in
n Tenement Honso Fire.
Nirw Yoiik, June 15. Throe persons,
members of ono family, woro burned to
death yesterday In a tenement houso fire
on uppor Third avenue,
Thoso who lost their lives aro: Philip
Brady, nged C5; Catherine Brady, his
wife, aged 40, nnd their 18-yoar-old son,
Phllly lirady, Jr.
Tho lire broke out at 5 o'clock In tho
morning and caught tho tenants asleep.
Tho Brady family lived on the ilfth floor,
and from tho positions in which itheir
bodies wero found, It was evident that
they woro not awakened until tho Are had
them surrounded. Their bodies were
burned almost beyond recognition.
Many others of tho tenants had narrow
escapes. Tho pecunlnry loss to the build
ing and tenants is about l.,uua
Tho Wheat Sprouted In Ills Head.
Salem, Pa., Juno 15. Thos. Strotoh,
tho S-yoar-old son of miller Ilceve A.
Strotoh of Lower Alloway, Creek Town
ship, was quite seriously Injured on May
18 by being caught in a holt at tho mill.
nnd would have been killed but for tho
promptness of his father in stopping tho
machinery. Ho has now almost recov
ered from tho effects of tho accident, but
a few days ago a dark spot was noticed
over his eyo. It was carefully oponod
with a lanco, and was found to bo a grain
of wheat which was sprouted, Tho grain
was probably forced undor tho skin whon
his head struck a bin whilo he was being
whirled around the shaft.
Cunnda's New ministry.
Ottawa, Out., Juno 15. Senator Ab
bott, who was called upon by Lord Stan
ley to form a cabinet, being asked as to
tho composition of tho now Ministry,
Bald ho thought it would only bo proper
that tho Houso of Commons should be
first taken into Ids confidence. The
names of tho members of the Govern
ment will therefore bo made known when
the House meets to-morrow. Mr. Ab
bott's selection Is a great disappointment
to the Chnpleau wing. The ex-Senretary
of State hod a conference yesterday with
Mr. Abbott and then left for Montreal,
A We Woollen l'irni In Trouble.
Philadelphia, June 16. The large
woollen manufacturing firm of Seville,
Scuoueld, Bon & (Jo., of Alanyunk, which
employs X.UUU hands, is in financial dim
culty. Its liabilities will probably reach
$800,000. Among the lnrgest creditors
are Coats Bros., $85,000, and Chas. Webb,
$23,000. The mill property Is worth from
8500,000 to $1,000,000. It now seems
probable that John Dobson, Mr. Scho
field's son-ln-iaw, will bo made the as
signee if an assignment becomes nocos-
1,000 lien Strike.
Chicago. June 15. Over 1,000 men en
gaged in the architectural Iron trade and
Us brandies, including tne metal work
ers nnd pattern makers, went on strike
to-day for 8 hours work per day at the
rate of 80 and &) cents por hour. This
doclsion was arrived at a meeting held
Saturday night.
Tebeuu Managing the Denver Club,
Denver, Col., Jnue IB. Tho interest In
the Denver llasoball Ulub owned by Mr,
van Home has boon purchased by
number of prominent citizens, who or
ganized for that purpose. Mr. Van Homo
was Immediately deposed from tho
management nnd Qeo. Toboau, the well
known plnyor, was ohoson in his stead.
A I,lfo-Sver's llodr lteeovorcd.
Erie, Pa., June 15. Tho body of Capt,
William Clarke, the keeper of tho life-
caving station, who was lost lu tho surf
while assisting, tho Badger State, wan
round yesteruay. it is bullevod that the
body was robbed.
V-rinco Dlimareb Slclt.
Berlin, June 15. Prince Bismarok
suffering from lumbago.
'HS 'i II !! Hi I mill I II 11 II Mi IB
nnd 11111,11 IP Till: uvwti.-ii -t-,. ,,,,iir ...... W,..
cirecuvecatZruTuso Ho of land's
Krot to
I'lie finest in the interior of
the State. Only available !
health and pleasure grounds
the Anthracite
in tne -anuiracite region.
Tlie natural attractions and magnifi
cent scenery of
equalled, aud
tion and pleasure may be
spent in It to advantage.
There is gookl fishing and
bathing in 1 he twin lakes
surroundingtli egrounds. Boat
houses will be built on tho lakeside
and regattaswill be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c,
The grounds are most suitable for pic - l
On and after iVbv. 24, 1800, train lotlt feat
Shenaiidoah at follows.1
Por Wlggan, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.1:1
t ui uuu t.ia p 111,
sunaays, euu, v.w a m ana uo p m.
For I'ottsvllle, 6.00, H.10 a m and 4. 15 p m,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m ana 8.10 p m,
For Keadlng, 6.U0, 9.10 am and 4.15 pm.
Sundays. 600. 9.40 a.m. and 3.10 Dm.
For Fottstown. Phoenlxvllle. Nnrrlstnwi
and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 8.00,
v.iu a in. sou Linn 111 weea. aays
sunaavs. eoo. .4U a m a.iu n m
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Shanandoah a,
10,40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Snndayi
11.13 a m and 5.40 11 m.
Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 anC, a m j. la. p.u p iu. auuuays. iu.fu a n.
0.1Q p m.
lieave irniiiuieiDnia iiiroaa street siauoni
for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah. a 11
2.10, 1.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 9.21
U IU UI1U uiv p. III.
f or w xors,,, .iu. d.x, b.ou, 7.50
8.208.3(1, J.60, 11.00andll.l5am,12.00noon,(llm
lted express, 1.06 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.10, 2.30
, 0, 0,10,0(1, o.ou 0,14 uiiu lu.w p in. 12.0.
JU DUUUU; 0, O.U, U.OU, 0,14, OtOU, O.OU
a tn. and 12.49. 8.20 (limited 4.50). 5.28. 6.30. 6.511
4.1a o,i a p in ana 12.1U nignu
For sea uiri. BDrine LaKe. lieunar.
Ocean Grove. Asbury Park, and Long Branell
8.20, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. m. week dayr J'oi)
r reenom, a.v , p, m. ween aays.
Baltimore and Wasblneton. 8.50. 7.20. 8.8
9.10, lu.20, 11.18 a m, 12.5 (limited express) 3.ii
i.u 0.01 Hurw,u p. in., anu i&uj nigni roi
Baltimore, nly 2.02. 4.1 1. 5 08 and li3o p. m
On Handays, 8.60, 7.20. 0.lllaud 11.18 a. m. 4.4)
e.n, 7.40 n m. uMi nignt. Baltimore only
D.uo ana p in.
For Richmond and the South 7.20 11.18 a. m
(Limited Kxpreos 12.35 p. m.O12.03 night, week
Trains leave liarrUbure tor lliuiburc and
the weet every day at 125 and 3.10 a m audi
3.00 (llmlLed) ana 3,0 pm. Way for AlloonaL
i.ia a m ana 4 a m every aav.
For Utsburt only, H.'20 a m dally and 10.3U
P m wees aayR. i
Lieave Hunhurv for Wllllamsron. Elmlral
uananaaigru, uocneaier, unnaioana ni&g&n
rtui9t o.iu a iu Quay, huu piu weesuayw
Kor iCrle and Intermediate nointB. 5.10 a m
dtlly. For Iock ilaven, 5.10, and 9.63 a m
dillv. 14 and fi.SO t. m. week dava. Fo
H -nova 6.10 a m 1,43 and 6.S0 p m week day&l
jiiuH, ui ouuuuya,
n.i iu it uiTiYr t ir urnnn
W ' -r. jl uvaj.( n uvai
in mad'- "An. I'ftPfl A nil
Trains leave Reading (1. it 11. station) rdr
Gibraltar. Heylert. Blrotboro. Joanna. HDrlnit.
Held, Wnynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.Wei 1
Chester.Chadsford Junction. H. t O. Juuctloi ,
WUmlnKtou and Intermediate stations, dull ?
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 8.1 5
p, ra, miuany oniy at p. m.
For Warwick. St-Fcters and Intermedial
station s.dally except Sunday, at 9.2U a.m., auU
5.19 D. 111. Sundav onlv 8.15 a. m. I
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate tliitlon.
FuiUlUUjr tflll, ui 14 ui.
i-or imunncire nuu wasnincion tu. a u, i
11.) dally except Sunday t 0.25 nnd 8.30 a. lit.
and 8.15 p. m. Sunday .ly at 8 05 p. va. I
Trains arrive at Beading U' . tatlotl)
from Wilmington, II, O. Junction, Moul.
c-banln, Uhaddslord Junction, West Chestei-,
iuape, uoaiesvuie, VYaynehuurg junciion,
tjpriugneia,Joanna,Blraiioro, uiuraitar, se)
fen and Intermediate stations, dally exeei
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 5,52 and 8,17 p. m. Suit-
any only at a. in.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermedlat
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. ui
HIIU I. IU. DUIlUHyUlliyHlVll. HI.
From Blrdiboro a ad Intermediate statloni
Saturday nnl? at l. A n. m.
From Wanhiigto; I and Baltimore, dally ex)
cept Sunday, 10. 'V i. ro, 6,52 and 8.17 p. ml
Sunday only at 1. 'i.i t . m.
BOWNESC t?' 'GG8, Gen'l 1'ass. Ast,
A. Q. McCAUH; All V, Bupt.
l'luar the roMriirxior,
swkhtun tih; imnATn,
nTrm'T.iTiT?! rvrtjp i.tvrn inn iwti,.Vr.
PodophyHin Pills
to 3315toolojjt!
1 11 --
Summer Resort, Pic-nic
and Pleasure Grounds !
T AKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid-
Li way between Mnhanoy City nnd Tama
qua, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will be open to the public within a few
weeks, and dates can now be secured, A
number of societies have already been booked
nnd others wishing desirable dates should
make application without delay.
Under the newmanagement many Improve
ments will be made, some of them being now
under way, that will make It 7ib plc-nlcand
pleasure grounds of the region,
A large dancing pavllllon and a trotting
park aro among the new additions. The best
horses In the Btnto will be secured to run or
trot thlsseason.
the place are un
a day of recrea
- nlcs and outings. For dates and other
Information, csjsllon or address,
O. A. KEIlVl, Excursion Manager,
1 HHENAMlt),VH, I' A.
films & Bro.
Chamber BetB,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chairs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Easy Chairs,
f arlor Cabinets,
Muslo Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines,
P. Williams & Bro
A newly discovered M1NMIAL WATEIt.
the use of which will supply important ele
ments necmury to health. It will cure Hie
Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It will dluolve calculi and
rtmove them. Itremoves thHiirlnniMri rrnm
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
viiuiB. xi cures uriKui'H aiBease, ana is es
peclally recommended for people advanced In
life, and for general dehllli v. Knr uniinutit nrt
proofs of this send lor pamphlet giving full
particulars, to J. 11. l'EHHY, Water ol Lite
mi-i Duuiu Aiaia kv., wiutes-jiarre, fa.
MladelpMa and Heading Bailroadi
Time Table in tBect Man JO. 1811
n ,W0,I 'V'a 1'hlladeiphin, week days,
0?-?S' 7s" " m' hd 12 85 2.10 and o.M
m. Hllnd.1V 2.10 null 7 1. a Ka
S. n' !ift.M5u,c4,.Chnnk, week dajB, 5,38,
in ? 2 nnA Philadelphia week days,
nnday, 2.10 and 7.m a. m '
'0?8.Mp7mbUrE' week dRy"' al0'7'!0 a m''
op. m. wn week tBJr''' 7,20 v W" 13M
z.ajiM and 86 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.IS
r 7maffl .2,n1 Mahnoy city, week
or Mahanoy fchy. week d? 7.00 v.m. '
,xl'zmm. ""nml'ln. week flaye,
For WllllarnRTioA.. Hnnhnr.. ,
weekdays, 8.25,' 7.20 and ll'SB In TT.i
. m. Sunday 8:25 h. m. ' ' "w
ror Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2 10 a 35
46,70 and 11.8'J a. m . 12.30, lS, lis,'
ouano p. m. Bnnday, 2 10. u.2 5 and
1 or Ashland and hhamoklu, week days,
i ,''73 m- 7.00 and ,3S
r-KAINH miiiHHtn.tiiuiiu,
Leave New Ynrlr -vln Philnrtinhia ,.Aw
lays, 7.45 a, m 1.30, 1.00, 7.30 p. m' 12.15
dght. Btinday,B.t)op.,m..f2.l5nignt.
i.te ixew iorK via Manoh Chunk, week
lays. 1.80. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.03 p. m.
"!;??anm-. 1l J53-ew) P-m'lrmiroaa
.na Callowhdl and 8.a5 a. m. nnd 11.30 p. m.
from nth ana ureeu streeta. Sunday K0S a.
u.. u. n. v. mi uuui nan i--een.
ijve iieaamg, wees days, 1.81. 7.10. 10.1&
aid. 11.50 a. m., 6.55, 7.57 p, m. Sunday 1.35 ana
Leave FotUvllle, weok days, 2.40,7.40 a.m.,
2.3(, 8 11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a. m. and 2.U5
1. in.
lieave Tamaqua, week days, 8.E0, 8.48 aoo
2 1 u. in., 1.21, 7.13, and u.18 p. m. Sunday 8.10
, in. and 2.50 p. m.
Leave Mahannv (;it.v. wnuir itav. r in. am
ind 11.47 a. In.. 1.51. 7.4Jnnrt 41 n 'm knn.
lay, 8.40 a. m 3.20 p. to.,
uvaB mnuanoy i-iane, weeic oays.x'J.l.tu
,30. 85. llifl a. m..l.l.5. 2.00. 5-20. ti va. 7.S7. nun
lO.O'Jp. m. Sunday Z4'i, 4.00, and 8.20, a. m.
.7, y. tn.
Leave Uirardvllle (KaDDahannoek Kifltlnn
iveek days, 2.47, 4.07, 68. and Ml a. m 12.0x
u.o, o.o, o.vo auu m.uo p. m. eunaay, i,tv,
,2?,8.2aa.m.a41p. m. '
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 ana
1.55 a, m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bnnday 11.15
', in.
For Baltimore. Washington anil the wt
la B. & O. R. K., through trains leave Olraro
.I j""t BKiuu. 1 uiiuuciium, ir, n x., iv.
it 4.16, 801 and 11.27 ft. m 1.84, 4.24, 6.55 ana
i.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.2
i.65 and 7.23 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street Wharfl
nd Honth street Wharf.
For Atlantic Cltr.
Weok-dsys Kxnrei8 t:uo u. iu. and 2.00.
l.fUl r. Bl. Af.M,m.nnila1lnn CM n m Ann
Sundays. Express, 9.00, a. m. Accommo
lntlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m.
Aeiuming, leave Aiianiic uuy, aepot cornet
tlantlc and Arkansas avennes wetk-davu
-Express. 7.30. 0.00. a. m. and4.U). n. in.
Accommodation. B.U0. 8.05 a. m. and t:.ia
(.30 p. 111.
snnaays. express, 4,uu p. in, Accommoia
lou, 7.80 a, m. and 4.80 p. m.
O. O. HANCOCK. Qen'l rass'r Ae
A, A. MOLKOD. fres. & Uen'l Hammer.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10. 1691.-
Passeneer trains will leave Shenandoah fcr
Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton. Slatlnston. Cata-
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil.
adclphlaaudNew York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a, m.i
ViOit 0.1U, 0.1 p. Ill,
For llelvldere. Delaware Water Gan acc
Stroudsbnrg at 6.47, a. in., and 5.28 p. m.
k'n, lnn,hlilllnDnil Tin,n.. U,M n m
For White Haven. Wllkes-Barre and Pitta'.
ton 5.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 8.10 and 66 p. m.
or mnanannocK, m ana o.xt
. in,
LTn. Inhrin. Tfl.nnn. flnnnn n M A T .nMn
10.11 a. m and 5,2tl p. m.
r nr ijaco vine, xowanua. cayre, waveriy.
Chlcairo and nil points West at 10.41 a. m..anrj
6,28 p, m.
For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. m.
f or Auaenriea, iiazieton, stocaion, Lum.
her Yard, Weatberly andPenn Ilaven Junc
tion at 6.47. 7.40. 9.08a. m. and 12.52. alO ana
5,28 p.m.
or jeanesvuie, Levision ana ueayer
Meadow, 7.40, 9,08 a, in. and 5,28 p, m,
r us ovraiiiou u. o.ti o.vo, lull ti, ui, o.iv lulu
5:26 p. m.
For llazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. in.. 1252 3.10 and!
5.23 p. m.
For Quakake at 6.47 and 9,08 a, m., audi
3.10 p. in.
For Wlggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
5.50 and D.0S a. in., and 4,10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano,
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
9.21 and 10.27 p.m.
f orijosi ureea, iiraraviiie anu Asniana.
4.27, 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.35,
8.10 and 9.11 p.m.
For Darkwater, St. Clair nnd Potlsvllle,
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.62,8.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
p. m.
f or ancK Aiounuun, isew iioston and
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.58 a. n... 12.52. 8.10. 6.23 and)
8.03 p. m.
For Ilaven Hun, Centralis, Mt. Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
ana p. in.
Trains leave Hhamoklu tor Shenandoah.
7.65 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.80 and 9.30 p. m., arrlvlne
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.26 and,
11.10 p. m.
For Lost Creek. Uirardvllle and Ashland.
8.50, 9.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater, St. Clair and PottsvlUe.
6.60, 8.00, 90 a. m.,2,45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano.
8.00, 11.35 a. m,, 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Ilaileton, 8DO
a m 1.40 p, m:
r or aiaucn lhuqk, i.euiKnuin, oiaiiusiuu.
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. in;
f or ruiiaueipuia, i.w p. in.
Gen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem:
Tinn't. foriret that this Is the onlvrnrelvvei-.
table and effective blood purifier known.
Uea lor oou yours iu uinzn,anu iwo years
tested In this country. It abtolutely neutral
izes and removes nil Impurities of the blood,
whether ol scrofulous or speclno origin, in
herited or. acquired, and Is the only reliable
remedy, Contains no mlueral, and has no
failures and no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
1 lwiiiaueiitly curt i l.y
lUULADEM'nj .iA. Kae at ouce, no operation
or luu of tiuiti fT..ui t'uMiuM. Capruuuunceilla
curable by omoi a u Ante J. bwtiil for Cf rciuar.
For Olruravllle (liappahannock Htatlonl
12.3o, 1 35, njo, 655, .OO and ,25. p. m. Bundayl
2vU . 2 . 7.48 n. m.. S.(H n. m. "
- Tliousiut.i ii. ,