r a 1, in at 10- lO id aS . aa at 10, 03. id, 35, t. ..03 met .UA 1.40 ah. las ina me, mo. 8.00 ton, itoa 9 veg own. years n, In labia as no m ' 1 m ration ' ilar. ' )i U i t' r A Preser.ts in the most decant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUtOE OF THE figs of California, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human . . r , , system, .iorcniiig an agrepaoie and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. 1 1 Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is llilious or Constipated so that PURE: BLOOD, REFRE8KIUQ BLEEP, HEALTH nnti STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUOGIST FOR JS-ST0EIXT3P OUtT" IPIOIEJ MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tOWSVIUB. KY NW YORK. N. 1. TDCftTCn CUCC Positively Cured with InLniCU MILL. VfUPtabfo ILemMltAt. Have cured many thousand ctsei. Cura patients (ironitinrctl hopel th best uliysltnns From fltst djse symptom nptdlydl uprwir and In tfn fav at bvt two ttitriK r-f alA symptom i xe removed. Sf nd f-w FREE BOOtt -f tesit monUU'jf mir-TTIJ f) SVO treatment CHCC bX mail. It fcculoui cure I til UiH O rirnlh-d TVi Ct you ordet IrUI. send ten cents In wiuins t" im im .ijc w wvwubim. IU. H. II. t) lit K.N X- BONA ATLAM'A OA. Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic 1 e7r'z'.l(r PLASTER. HhenmAtlsra. npnrAlfria. plenrbynnd lumbago A New "Venture W- R-ft M8AY POTTS IIasopened a AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVILLE, PENN'A. Sales of assorted goods, notions, hardware, glassware, etc, eto Goods irom all parts ol the county solicited on commission. THE SEASON FOR PIGNICS jiEixa AT HAXD, Committeemen should bear In mind that tho Herald olllco is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! at the most reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtain our prices. All work done when promised and In a satisfactory manner. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe, Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal nud JardluISls. Mr. Hnyder will always keep In stock a tine line of boots and shoes. Hpustoui "Worlc and Repairing done in tlin best style, lie guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on MRln street who have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu ine barualn on every purchase. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISD IN TDK DAMS ! Belonging to the Shonaudoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted as Trespassers. Dy order of DRUNKENNESS Or the Itquor llublt, JNtnltH.'! Curvu by acluslnUterltiff lr. llulueft' Cloltlvii f.iK'Clllr. It 1b tntnnfactared ta a powder, whloh can bo eivan In a slaas of beer, a oup of ooftee or tea, or In food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and wilt effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aloohollowreok. It hal been given in thousands of eases, and la every instanoe a perfeot cure has fot lowed. It ae.er Folia. The system ouee Impregnate ed with the Speelflo.lt beoomes on utter ImposslbOlty lor the liquor appetite to exist. 48 page book of particulars me. To ba bad o' C, H, HAGENDUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah 11. HAMILTON, M. V; VJT. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlee-MItVeitLtoj'fl Btreet.tBharavndoah Pa. ass? -THE- Coloqel of tje Fourtlj1 & R t6ry of the Itate VarvSf- By BERNARD BIGSBY, Author of "Loyal at Last," "My Lady Fantastic," die. CHAPTER XV. TUB lUVEn Off DEATH. "JIaJor Uosunt, let mo confjratulato jrou. Thoro Is not a man In tho rogi mont who docs not ltall your promotion with pleasure, to say nothing of my self, who havo gained a stop by your good luck," cried tho jovial Gregory, grasping Frank's hand with an en thusiastic energy that made hlra wlnco. "Hut, what do you mean aro you crazy, Jaclt?" was tho astonished do mand. "Sana as a bench of judgesl Tho boys would hear of tio man's namo but yours for tho vacant post, and I'm glad to sny for onco the popular cry was for tho right man in tho right place, and .you aro second-in-command of tho Fighting Fourth. Won't that bo scrumptious news to writo and toll your sweetheart? "It would, Indeed, If It wero true, but I know you are chaffing mo." "Chaffing youl As If I'd dnro to chaff a living Major1 but horo comes tho Colonel, and as lie s promised mo a .jobation for being lato at roll-call, I'll Rnnrn lilm flirt nnln nf nn lnt,-T7lnTV nnil BiHn 1 " And when Colonel Hopkins, with a smllo of delight in his honest eyes, grasped Frank!s hand and wishcdOilm joy In his proferment, tho young sol- dler knew that the glorious but im- 1 probablo news was true. , "I can hardly believe It now, sir," ho istammered. "What have I dono to do- . servo such honor?" "Your duty, .Frank," was tho answer. simple Not until tho leafy month of .Juno did Itosccrans assurno tho aggressive, Ipresumably because ho was deficient In cavalry, and our young knight fretted 'sorely because ho could not use tho spurs ho had won so gallantly; but tho tlmo at last arrived when ho had no .cause to complain of inaction. With sixty thousand men tho .Union General advanced against Bragg, now entrenched at Chattanooga, and suc ceeded In maneuvering him out of hit position early InSeptembor. Itosecrans' 'extraordinary delay oxcited universal criticism, especially after his splendid Tecord up to that data. Ilavlng seized the city evacuated by tho Confederates, and supposing Ilragg to be In lull re treat for Alabama, ho advanced his wholo force after him, but tho Southern commander had been reinforced, and, being assured that Longstreet's carps from Alabama was closo at hand, xo solved upon retaking Chattanooga, which, as a military position, was of 'vital consequence to either sldo. Both 'armies had beeoino much scattered over 'tho mountainous region) but on tho !l8th of September they wero fairly ;Con icentratcd upon tho banks of tho Chlcka manga,or "River of Death," twelve miles from tho coveted city. Tho battle opened on tho 10th, and nil 'that day there was hot fighting, with no pronounced result. During tho night Ithnt followed Longstreet's corps arrived, and ho was given command of tho Con federate left, Polk being assigned to that of tho right, while opposing them Thomas led tho Union left, and Itose crans in person tho right On tho dawn of tho 20th tho furious onslaught began. Like a rushing tor rent Longstreet's men cast themselves , as though each had a hundred 'lives tupon tho gallant ranks that Itosecrans tied. Again, again, again each time 'with madder fury, tllL yard by yard, i they drive them back and break their ilino. In vain Hopkins and Bcsant (rally their men to superhuman t effort. v.. "THAT DOES KOT SOCHD LIKE A DEFEAT!" Tito tldo of battlo Is against them and they can not withstand its lrresistlblo force. And who aro thoso two horsemen galloping at headlong speed from tho extreme right, with their horses' hoods turned toward Chattanooga? "General Rosecrans and Garfield, his chief of staff I What does this moan?" Colonel Hopkins cried to Frank in stqm dismay as they rested at a cross-roads to allow their scattered men time to gather round their standard. "They find tho road .they aro taking ImpracUcablo and aro coming this way," Besant replied, as tho riders wheeled their horses and made for the cross-roads. As they reached tho spot whero Hop kins and Frank stood they halted. "Hark, slrl" Garfield said to hU su perior, and pointing with his sword to the left, whence came tho regular firing from Thomas' division. "That does not Bcucd llko a dcfcatl" "I toll you," was tho petulant reply, "It is a rout wo aro beaten, man; and I am off to Chattanooga to telegraph tho cursed talo to Washington." "Slay I remain?" almost pleaded Gar flold. "As you will," was tho ungracious assent, as tho hero of a hundred fights, seized with a. fit of Danla bo elighest of all in Leavening Power. 2 fWC ten AMSOLUTEI PURE mnjeuit to untrerstitttn in otto wim so brilliant a record, droTe his spurs Into his horse's flank and dashed away. "Follow me down this road, Colonel, as soon as you can get your men to gether: yon will Hnd General Thomas in soro need of your help," Garflold cried, as ho too rode away. In half an hour they wero ready to advance, though tholr ranks wore but thinly manned. "Forward, men. At tho double-, quick I" and onco moro the Fighting Fourth ran panting to tho struggle. They found Thomas oppressed by superior numbers, but standing Arm as a rock, with Polk battering his center and loft, and Longstrect harrassing his right. Assault after assault was made, yet thoso immortal heroes never wav ered. And now another danger threatens I them: for Longstrect has discovered a I i .1.. 1-, 1 mi t ' B"P ",u mtmniatu m 1 nomas rear, i through which hq is pouring a heavy column. Surely all is lostnow but no, Granger comes up with seven thousand ' raw troops, who havo never oven seen a I uattlc-fleld before, and, though the hope Eecn, vnln tho reinforcement gives tho veterans encouragement. "Only a par- col of boys, fresh from tho plow, sneered nu aide-de-camp, as ho galloped forward to direct their movements. Hut sco thoso plow boys light! Had they carried arms for years, and been inured to battlo scones from childhood, they 1 could not havo shown a moro deter- mined bravery. Over and over again Longstrect charges, but ho can not break thoso solid ranks, and at sunset Thomas, driven back but not dofeated, recedes to tho shelter of Chattanooga, whither Rosecrans' scattered men havo preceded him carrying consternation with their wild stories of defeat. And nearly thirty thousand men from North and South lay killed and wounded on tho blood-stained banks of "Tho River -of Death." I said tho Union army was not beaten well, perhaps not In a literal sense, for tho object of tho contention, Chat tanooga, still remained In their occupa tion, but tho Confederates justly claimed "Chlckamauga" as a victory, for they had forced their enemy from tho field, and now held lilm shut up In his en trenchments with all communication cut off. j Bragg had a new ally Invincible by human hands, Impervious to human daring1 tho gaunt, fierco fiend, Starva tion. Onco Rosecrans mado an effort at a sally, but hunger had killed so many of his animals that ho had not horses enough to drag a battery into action, and so thick lay tho carcasses of dead mules on tho muddy roods that men stepped on them from ono to another to avoid tho mlro. Hard times Indeed had settled on tho luckless garrison, tho coarsest kind of food being precious as rubles In tho eyes of the famished soldiers. Charllo Fulton's satisfaction may bo Imagined then, when ono day Jack Gregory whls-i pored In his oar tho joyous Information that ho had secured a hind-quarter of lamb, which ho had confiscated from an 'Irishman in his company, who was cor Irying It off to his quarters. "I can't glvo you any mlnt-sanco," jeald tho jovial Captain, "but there's a ,quart of whisky I won at cards from an 'iowa man, and by Hlckoryl old chap, we'll mako a nltrht of It." "All right, Jack, I'll bo theret but) 'don't ask too many.f or a lamb's log Isn't a 'very big bird, and a quart won't go far 'in a crowd," "Never fear, man lust Fertruson.; Ropes, you and I sharp six o'clock,, ;you know pe on time." Charllo was on time, and so were ,Jack's other two guests. "You're admiring tht stove, boys, I 'see," J aclc said, making preparations for itho coming meal, "neat.but not gaudy, and notqulto tho thing to adorn a palaco jdrawlng-room. There's a history about it,ttoo. Threo of my follows brought It Ih'tlio other day, red-hot, with a batch of .corn broad in the oven. Foot, IasJ sure you. They'd found it in some 'body's kitchen and presented it to mo, ;as a token of their high esteem and a consideration for two pounds of Caro lina cut-plug." , "Guess it's dono!" Ferguson , srdd, Opening tho oven door and peeping lov ingly at tho luscious Joint. "It Isn't a very big ono," sighed Ropes,' with lugubrious eya on tho hungry laspect of his companions. "What did you expect?" asked Greg ,ory, indignantly. "A six-months' sheep isn't as bulky as a mastodon, but I guess thoro's enough for all, boys, so draw your stools around tho festive board." As ho spoke ho plunged his knife ,lnto the dainty viand. "Great Scott, but It's toughl" hq gasped, as ho wrestled' wlth'lts string like sinews. It was tough, but It was meat, and thoso hungry men devoured it with a relish, polishing tho bones till they wero ns devoid of llbor as though some naturalist had prepared them for his museum. "It's tho first satisfying meal I've had for throe days," Ropes declared, con tontodly. "Now, Jack, tip us a can of your groceries, and let us light our pipes. Thank Provldonco there's lots of to bacco left among our crowd yet" "Say, boys, did you hear what a guy lanky Simpson got oil on Thomas at Chlokamauga?" Jack asked with a twinkle in his eye, "No. what wcuiii9 suit it out man." U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. "Why, lie went up to the General with a doleful face, and reported that he'd lost a battery of six new guns, which tho enemy had taken after u fierco nssdulV. " 'Did you spike them, sir?' tho Gener al demanded. " "Now, 1 didn't They was too new and good for spiking, sir.' " 'Not spike thetnl' Thomas roared. 'Then, 'what In thunder, fellow, did you do?' " 'Just rallied round a bltttnd charged, and took 'om back ngninl' tho West erner drawled, while even the Gcueral's grim features relaxed Into a smlla." "That reminds me," begun Ropes, "of a man in tho Thirty-ninth Ohio, who" Hut tho unecdoto was Interrupted by tho approach of a corporal who an nounced that a citizen wished to sco Captain Gregory at onco on important business. "Show him In," Jack cried, without hesitation. Ho recognized at onco In tho fat little man beforo him a German shoemaker living near, who had soled a pair of shoes for him. "Well, Ilartzmann, what is It?" "I haf to mago roborts of one of your men, who vas shtolo a tog vrom mo, sir." "A dogl You don't mean to say that mangy Newfoundland cur I saw in your store, with a back as bald as a billiard ball?" "Yah, but ho vos ono very nlco tog "rAn, ntrr nn "vos vos nice too." for all dot. Vor ton years ho haf been mlno childors blaymate." I "Do you know tho man who took !hlm?" "Yah, ho vos caUed Paddy Byrne, und I vos told ho vos von of your gotnpany. But dot vos not tho vorst of It, U vos tho gruelty dot make mo zo mad." "Cruoltyl" "Yah, ho vos 6kln dot tog und gnt him up In lectio bicccs. no vos take dot tog's hind-log away mlt him " "And by all tho gods we've eaten It!" Jack gasped, his faco paling with dis gust "I'll klU that villain, Byrno, if I'm shot for his murder." But after reflections induced him to forego his sanguinary Intentions, as tho rueful quartette concludod that It would bo for their Interest to keep tho trag edy a secret, though It eventually leaked out, and not ono of thoso gallant officers could for a tlmo show himself without somo jocular follow greeting him with a livelv "bow wow-wowl" to hk continued. A Cure for Constipation and Headaoho. Dr. Silas Lano, while in tho Rocky Mountains, discovered a root that whon combined with other herbs, makes an oasj and certain euro for constipation; It is in the form of dry roots and leaves, and la known as Lnno's; Family Medicine. It will cure sick, headache. For tho blood, llvor and kidneys, and for clearing up tho completion it doos wonders. Druggists sell it at 60 conts a packago What the Druggists say of Heiskell's Ointment: When we are nulced to reoomnierul a prepara tion for ukia disi-iuje. no hitnU out Hkihkkll's Ointment, wit U every coniuit'uce of iUbuccvti fut t nat merit of the dfeauie." J. C. IIkdick, & Main St., Butler, Fa. "I have been selling IIeiikell's Ointhknt for eleven years. Jtutves universal satlstacUo It will cure Tkttkii, U. V. lUCKKNiiEuoKn, Balnbrldce, IV 'We have evidence of the curative pronertlr of Heiskkll's Ointment here. It Is a gootj reliable ointment." Fleming & KsLEil.T&rentum, To. "In all skin diseases I Invariably recommed JlKISKfcLL'ti OINTMBNT." J. J. Keil, btaarpsbarg, Pa. "UEisKk'LLs Ointment curt when all else falls." McCiiaLAN &. HEED. Freeport.ra. "Hkibkell'b Ointmbnt ppIIs on Its own merit " XL It. Hilton. KUtaantui;, LOOK HERB, A grand opportunity lor Joining a new society, The Beneficial Order of Equity, A fraternal society for both Bexes. Pays From $200 to $5,000 ! IN SIX YEAUS. Advances money to buy homes, cancels the Indebtedness In cuse of disutility or deatli, pays sick and death benefits. For further particulars call on or address, DANIEL, DEAN, Deputy Bupreme lresldent, 82 N. Main St., Hhenaudoah, 1'a, GUMMING CASHIERED! Expelled from tho Army brj Order of the Queen. TIIE OFFICIAL NOTICE PRINTED. tr i . a m. tr v r ' Pearl Glass," made by Her Mi.jo.ty Say. She Ha. No Farther' Geo A Macbeth & Co- p;tN. for mt Servioeg- 'burgh, makers of the c.;k- Ti.n soambii to i.r. on-d vv in mo n..,,. brateJ " Pearl-top " lamp chim- olConimnni on Momlny ItadlcnU Win ney, which have glVGil liniVCr- Attiick tin pritico of wnios Tho snc- gj satisfaction. retnry of War to lo (Juostlonod Mr. Gladstone, linos Nnt fuvnr tlin Movo. London, Juno IB. Tho Into of Sir William Uordon-Cummlng Is sealed a far its tho nrmy is concerned, for the fol lowing paragraph Is published In the Gazette: Wah Office, Juno 12, 18i)l. Poots Ounixls. Major ami I.leut.-Col. Plr Wllllnm Gonlon (Jtimmlnir, Ilnrotict, In removed from the nrtny Her Majuaty liuvlliif no further oocnaioii fur hU ecrvicea. Frequent conferences nro being hold by the Wur Office authorities who are dls cusnhiK tlio baccarat verdict. Yesterday tho Duko of Cambridge, Commnmler-in-Chlefof the Forces, aummoued Qen. Owen Williams ami Uol. btucey, In command, of the Scots Fusilier Guunls, CummiiiK's regiment, to thu Horto Guards, whero they had a prolonged conference. On Monday next, in the Houso of Com mons, William Summon), Liberal Mem ber for Huilderaflold, and Honry Poyton Cobb, Radical Non-Conformist Member for tho Rugby Division of Warwickshire, ivill question the Secretary of Stnte for War as to what course bo intends to pur suo with regard to tho thruo officers, Field Marshal tho Prince of Wales, Gen. Owen Williams ami Lieut. Iicrkuloy Lovett, ot tho Scots Fusilier Guard., who signed tho document which pnicticnlly allowed Cumming to romaln an olllcor of tho British army notwithstanding his con duct at Tranby Croft. Tho Secretary of State for War will also be asked what actlou he pt eposes to taka iu regard to the sumo officers for having disobeyed ths army regulations which call for tho bringing of such cases to tho attention ot commanding officers. Mr. Gladstone shows no disposition to oncourago tho proposod action. THOMPSON OR ABBOTT. Sir John Macdonultl'ii ftnrcetisor Will rrolinbly llo Nnine,! To-riuy Ottawa, Ont., Juno 13. SlucoSir John Tliompson'n conference yesterday with Lord Stntilcy conflicting rumors huvo been In circulation, notwithstanding tho former's doflnito statement to nowspnper men that ho had talked only department business with Ills Excclleucy. This morning Sir John Thompson mado this statement i "Both Mr. Abbott and mysolf havo boon In conference with tho Govoruor Qcooral, but no one has been called on yet. I think that to-day Ills Excel lency's choice will bo mado." It Is now gonorally conceded that bo tween Thompson and Abbott tho choice for Premiership lies. Either will servo under the other. Dlsordor ut an ugllsh Meotlnjr London, Juno 18. Tho St. Olave's Guar dians iu South Loudon had an oxcitlng time over the baccarat scandal. A motion was made declaring that tho gambling of tho Prince of Wales is a dlsgraco to tho country. The chairman refused to put the motion beforo tbo mombors. An exciting eceno followed nnd the meet ing was In nn uproar. Tho friends of tho mover of tho resolution donouncod tho Princo of Wales in unmeasurod terms. Tho chairman Anally loft his scat and quitted tho hall, nnd tho meeting broko up, dlsordor continuing to tho end. Omnibus Stridors ltoturn to Work. London, Juno 13. Tho settlement of tho omnibus strike is tho cause of very general satisfaction, A meeting of dele gates, representing tho Btriking drivers nnd conductors of all the omnibus yards In the city, was held during tho dayBiat which It was resolved to accept tho offer of the masters to concede n twelve-hour day with a slight lncreaso of wages. The men will, by the terms ot tho ngrooment urrlved at, resume work at onco. 31. lie Lessops Ktutomont. Paws, Juno 18. In a published Btato niont M. do Lessen declares that he was not aware that any ouo lntondod to prosecute him or uny of thoso persons connected with him In Panama Canal affairs. To do so, he said, would bo Impos sible, as all his acts in regard to that on prise had been legal. Stewurt Will Consnlrncy. New Yoiik, Juno 13. Ex-Judgo Hor ace Russell presented In courts affidavits purporting to show a conspiracy on tho part of tho Irish heirs to break tho Stew art will and Gen. Butlor is Bald to bo Im plicated. Gen, Butler Is preparing an auswor denying the charges. "Oofty Gooft" Hying. New Youk, June 18. Tho veteran ac tor, Gus Phillips, who has been sick at St. Vincent's Hospital for tho past month, was In n critical condltton last night. On Thursday ho bad a turn for the worso and tlio physicians think that his death Is a matter of a few days a t tho most. HlcBloy Gfiee to Prison. Uniontown, Pa., June 0. Worthy Foreman John ilcSloy, of the Knights of Labor, a prominent loader In tho fata coke strike, was sentenced to-day to two years in the Allegheny County Work house. McSloy and Mlko Dlstnan wero convicted of conspiracy and rioting at tho Lelseurlng works. Tlin Tret Import Duty Suit. Philadelphia, June 13. A number of witnesses testified in tho Meyer and Dick inson test duty suit, but nothing ot groat Importance was brought out. The case tlion went over till Monday. l'alhlrrs lor tho Weak. New York, Juno 18. Bradstreot's ro ports 228 fullures In the United States during tho week against 233 In tho pre ceding week and H'i lit tho correspond' lug week of 1800. A Duslnoss Mn Commits Suicide. RociiEBTKit, N. Y., Juue 13. Ezaklel Hyde, a leuding business man ot Lima, Livingstone County, huufj hlmsolt last night In that village. . 'toc-w . Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu- $Lk satisfactorily r? Do vour Lamp Chimneys break? You get the wrong sort! The right ones are the W. L, $3 SHOE tipa for ,:rlitfnmrn. son I.iulteh.et' .nrowaiy rented, und ro stampcit on bottom. AilUn W.I.. l)()t(;l,A.-5, llrocUloli, Mnns. sold If Tcoraojpla 23 .r 11, Slaonancio?'' i 3Po GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1S73. W. Baker &Co.'s kfast ocoa from which tho excess o oil has bcon removed, is Absolutely Pure anil it is SoluMe, No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength ot Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, anil is therefore far moro economical, costing less than one cent cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested. nnd admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons iu health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass, Sim) mill I'pvrnrtlH CA l.S INVLbrED I.N A POHITIVI! AMI HAFE 15 Per Cent. Dividend Paying; Stock. Full particulars nud lT08t octutt can be had on application oraddre.slng 8. I.. MI.MI'nON, IEiuiUer, O4 Ilrontl wiiv. J. V. CHEAP AND STRONG. 20 other styles 5-A Nets rr!''e. to suit all WlI.AYItKM&KONS, I'tflLADELMIZA. rolq hv nit (IphIt UhWb.Mtcr's KtifiU.h Ulftmood II r&fld. Orlflnul nnd Onlj Genuine. A Arc, lwy rHIhl. iaoic ut T Drucrlat for CkUhutera fialUk l!H, ieoJ with Urn rllhtu TaL naothrr. Rrfuttdjnyvrimttuhuuif tiont and tmiUitim. At uragf Lilt, or tend 4t 1 m, ioc put ic mar i, ititimooisua ftnts MIL lO.OOO Tv.uruonl.H. A'or. Taper. lthM tor Cacmicul .'o..ilMlUoti Hn uim Kfiier tor i,aniri,- in-i(cr, ct return Dr.Theel Tin oioit r.tUM oJ auocMtritl p-t-UHii for ill iUmti orbolb Special Discascs,BIood Poison ULCERS. B'etchet, Flmr', Bora Moutli.TKrfit, IrrltitlsDi. SetU In f, iLBintaHtoi), Ktdst; Bl idler, Lou l(tUjr, Wek Uck Vitkncu Uit.lliir, !mptrl Memory tut Decy, ttriolur. 11 dltcuei rmuUloi rrta yoothful t rrort or from ervrvorx Old.Younir r Middle Aged don'iMffer d lonnr. urolt rt4iu, no riiitrimiat J h7t oferjUlor DtJlOAl aj urslrlcienoe.ol iHofclc ft&4 oil CkKl ioHlj'3. t.0 rottur wto liita reliuf -uu wb ' l 10 Eurorem Hoorltai rleiKd In utrmioy, ltDd, Vrno od Aatil4, j?rt.fteAtl ornl dlplom" pr. ftod U Tr ;raeitctl in rionc IB o4 Jr'T eie fkff U boi-kld to to If mlisi doeior, lQ)UilU .proTO trtiMklU, knowleogt n4 ircrleooo ind who em iho uuibi tttUnU ptrmnorcily oorod fci I etui ofur quaofci iol tirtrtUlDg 4oo4oro rained tbem flendio (inp lor bot-t 1 TRUTH ' oollwora leilimo&lftlflriiMMlnt qi ni odvortWo dootori with tbolr Uin tad tnm tmlv twnuttrt oo t UanatoaioU, lbit ttpcrkuco.tber do uot potwt ood th-ir ftobttue ot r fun din a tatwty r frit nil j Ulki tad thttr thp ai worthUn druio neither ft wdUb ou.-ei you, bat rj uivd u dcji tod reiult ta rulo of thoatathU of oonOdtof tUllu.. Orwr Jlor. KTurjdijrr .mBA M toil" M teiiti( 10 1 Wt IomUJ od Stturdty K nine rrnoi 610, Hun lJ fr m ff to 1L Vt Utttttm. kt,c WedBwl7 ud HaturdU I'bUft, Tlut- FIRE INSURANCE ! Urjftit ui Oldest Btllitle Futlj Citk Ctmtil!i Kepresented by OAVID FAUSThhandoah!!pa YOUNG MAN, It you coDlemplato altendlue Co in men. I clal Hchtiol. It will pay jnu to visit the 'KOUHKbTKH 11USI J.K88 UN1VE1WITY boforod'cldlnK where, tlioui;li you may live a thousand tulles away. Itslunrts nt tlio head ol tlio list of commer cial .ononis u Its character an an educational force, aa n mrdlum lor tupiilylui! the luislnom men of the country with trailed and capable atsl.tanU, on a means ot pliclng ambltlottH youug men and women on the hlifb rond to urcets, and In the extent, eU irmcp ndciist. ol lUenulnnienl. TboroueliC'OilMl'.ltt'IAIj, HIIOHTII AMD AND I'KACTU Al t NflLISIf CXJUKBlia. The Tweoty-eventh Annual lataiogue win be mauea many aaarees. , DOUGLAS FLY NETS I- - A If WILLIAMS & ROGERS, UoalicHtert