The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 12, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most elegant form
or TlltC
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming; au agreeable
and effective laxative perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills dc-
pending on n weak or inactive
condition of the
1 1 i the rooit excellent remc Jy known to
When one is llilious or Coostlpated
j. mini: nLOnn. nFcnFfiHiHO hlee.
95 Every one is using It and all are
delighted with it.
e-5TEfCJE OS" 3?XCS-f3
TRCSTftl CDCC rontlvry Cured with
I nCaltU rflLt, Vegetable llrmedlaa.
tftuny ttuMMtvtl cmm. Core psri-rt riitrtimincro
nit uhysli lans From Ant done ymnt'.j
twotMrric i,( a!
funf. for FREE
ur; of tettv
rurnlnhcd I
you order
tiU. "ni un cut fr Tim to j j.b'.UT cMMWM
L Dr. Grosvenor's .
w,ks:S?.w PLASTER.
RhemnAtlsm. renr1irirV- nlmrinr Ami lnmbtli
mred at nnoa. Gmtrfn) for by ail UrugBim.l
A New Venture
lias opened n
Bales of assorted goods, notions, hardware,
eLnssware. etc.. etc
Goods jrom all parts ol the county solicited
on commission.
jimxa at n.isu,
Couunltteemen should bear In
niiu'd 'that the Hkhald oftlco
is prepared to do till hinds of
Poster Work!
nt the moat reasonable rates.
Give us a cull und obtain our
prices. All work done when
promised and in a satisfactory
Boot and Shoo Store
(Masteller'a old stand,)
Corner Conl ami JnrdlnlStR.
Mr. Snyder will always beep In stock a tine
line oi ooots ana snoes.
Custom Work nnd Kepnlriuu:
done In the heBt stvle. Ho miarnntees to sell
cheaper than competitors on Main street who
have big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu
. lne bargain on every purchase.
All persons are hereby warned
Ilelonglng to the
Shenandoah Wator Company,
and all parties caught violating this notice
Will be
Prosecuted ns Trespassers.
lly order of
Or tlio Liquor HM.11, I'iMliltt-ly Cured
uy uuimiiifeierniar Jr. llaluen'
CJoltleit KiKtllr.
It li manofaotured as m powder, vrhlon ua be sflven
in elaaa of ber, m oup of eotleo or tea, or tn rood,
without tne knowledge ot the patient. It 11 absolutely
harmless, and will eireot a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or
an aleonollo wreolc It has been given in thousands
of eases, and in every Instance a perfeet cure has fol
lowed It never Pall. Thesystem once Impregnat
ed with the booomes an utter Impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist, ....
9 page book of particulars free. To be had e
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
. Oflloe-atWeH Lloyd Wreet.lBnenrtrnlOBh
Great Gathering of Invalids
at Allegliony, Pa.
A Clergyman's Work Attracting Atten
tion Throughout the Country.
The Deaf Binds tii Hear and tho Illlnd to
geo Great reparations for To-morrow's
!orcmony Hie l'rlott Makes No Charge
for 1 1 In Bervtoos Ho I. Sunnnonod to
Ttohie lijr tlio Tope
Pirrsnvrto, Juno 12. Tho truly remark-
oblo cureB of all ntlmonts that flesh is
heir to, effected by tho Rev. Father Mol-
Umter. at tho shrine, of St. Anthony, on
Troy Hill, Allegheny, is attracting atten
tion throughout tho oountry. Uver 1,UUU
invalids from various parts of tho coun
try hnvn arrived in this city slnco Mon
day, and they nro coming in on every
train. Soverul of tho numbor, whoso nil-
menta woro apparently boyond nil human
power to rellovo have already boon re
sorted to health or Greatly relieved.
To-duy Father ilolltiigor was obliged
to move front tho sacristy of tho llttlu
church to a moro commodious ncliool
buildinir adjoining. At ono tlmo over
2,0OO patients woro awaiting tholr turn
to'recelvo tuo venerable roinera uiesi
lugs and whatever remedies he should
To-morrow is St. Anthony's Day, and
preparations are in progress for tho ac
modation of the thousands who will bo
present on the day in which tho priest's
power to heal is said to bo extraordi
narily great, because Anthony is tho
Saint from whom ho derives that power.
Yosterdav two blind oovb, born blind.
agod Id and 10 years, lod by their mother
and sister, sous of Mr. Culbertson, a
wealthy fnrmor near Halifax, N. S., ar
rived from the" Norton Illlnd Asylum at
Halifax. A largo number of Individuals,
residents of Nashville, Tenu., oocompu
uiod by f rionds.havo arrived and hastened
to Troy Hill.
Tho feoenos in and about tne onurcn
are remarkable, and at least some of the
cures effected are little short of miracu
It has been discovered that Adolph
Hepp, Father Molllnger's umatiucnsis
and Interpreter, together with his broth
ers, Frank and John, and Jaoob Hock,
have for sevend days been extorting fees
from the afflicted, representing that they
had groat intluenoe with tho nriost. One
of the Hepp brothers said that by this
plan they secured several hundred dol
lars a week. Fathor MoUlnger makes no
chargo whatever for his services. His
attention has been directed to tho scan
dal caused by the actions of these young
men, and it will bo stopped and tho par
ticipants made to suffor. J
It Is stated that jf atner aioiiinger nas
been summoned to Rome by tho Popo.
He leaves on Monday next. The purpose
of tho special call is not known, but tho
knowledge of his going has croatod con
sternation among his patients.
A Hoard of Health In Troublo With a
Wilmington, Del., Juno 12. Tho Board
of Health having troublo with its doposod
clerk, William H. Loo, voted him a nui
sance at .it meeting Tuesday night. Loo
has held tho office ten days since ho was
formally doposod. Ho locked np all tho
papers and books of tho board, pocketed
tho koys nnd changed the combination
on tho safo.
Qhief pt Police Swlggett, at the instan co
of tho board, gnvo tho obstinate ox-clerk
to understand yesterday morning that
further Intorferonco would not bo toler
ated, and Lee got out.
Ho refused to give up the koys or com
bination and a mechanic camo and
drilled open tho safe, while a locksmith
opened tho desks and substituted new
locks. It was nocessary to practically
destroy tho safo to got it open.
An examination disclosod the fact that
Leo had oxtractcd tho most important
books, and theso cannot be found. With
out them there will bo n big break in tho
records of the olllco. It is probable that
these will bo sought after through logal
Serious Charge Against it Farmer.
Kingston, N, Y., Juno 12. Jeromo
Brown a jyell-to-do farmer anil prominent
church membor of Egrcmont, has been
'arrested charged with attempting a
criminal assault on tho 14-yoar-old
daughter of William Barnes of tho snmo
place. Tlio girl testified that Brown had
bqtrayed her, tond, owing to. his
threats to tako her life, she had not dis
closed the crime. Great excitement and
indignation provails in the community.
The Missionary Union.
CurroN Spiuhos; N, Y Juno 10. At
tho session pf tho International Mission
Union. Dr. Henry Foster welcomed
the delegates, and Vice-Porsldont Cyrus
Ilnmllu of Lexington, Ky as tho oldest
missionary orosent. responded. The Rev.
Dr. J. T. Nevlns, American president of
the Shanghai conforence, delivered a
short address on "Missionary Work in
The Chinese and Japanese Missions.
Washington. June 12. It is reported
that President Harrison has decided to
eeid ox-Governor and ex-Senator Gilbert
i Pierce, of North Dakota, as our repre
sentative to China. Mr. Piorco is now
an odltorial writer on the Minneapolis
"Tribune," The appointment or Gov
ernor Plerco will likely bo followod by
the appointment of ox-Senator Blair as
Minister to Japan.
Ilecolvod by Minister Lincoln.
London, June 12.- Mrs. Russoll Harrison
nnd Mrs. McKeo arrived hero .from Liver
pool during-tho morning. Tho ladies
were met at Euston Square Station by
United States Minlstor Lincoln nnd tho
of tho American Legation, by
w)mm tliev were escorted to Minister
Lincoln's rosidonco.
Killed Crosslngit Itullroud.
Randolph, N. Y., Juno 12. The wife
to ex-Senator A. G. Dow and mother of
pmaiitnnt fihnrles M. Dow of tlio James
town National Bank, was instantly killed
In her carrlago by a railway train on a
crnsrtmi hero. Mrs. Geo. Fox, who was
with her, was severely Injured.
Sir Charles Ullke Will nun.
London, Juno 12. Sir Charlos
has agreed lo contest tho Forest ot
at the next goneral lection.
flighest of all in Leavening Power.
Thu i'pnrfnl Hush of on Avnlnnchn J
Mountain rllt to Gulch.
About two thousand feet from tho
Denver & Rio Grsuulo depot thert a
mase of snow (n one lump -vlilcl con
tains about ono million Urns of water.
The mass represents n snowslldc which
camo from the summit of Kendall
mountain tho night of February 3.1. Tho
point where the mow broke from tho
apex of the mouutnln is probably two
and a half miles from tho railroad track,
and tho slide made the run aooordlntr
to witnesses who heard tho crash at
tho start and the crunch when it stopped
in loss than two minutes,
Jlondny ulght was a terror. Thoi
mercury hrtl shrunk away down in tlioi
bulb, und everyone expected to bco tho
Ollmax of tho storm. About S o'clock
preat banks of snow begun to accumu
late and pile up in fantastic shapes on
tho mountain tops. Then cumo puffs of
wind as stront; as 11 gale, und miniaturo
whirlwinds scurried here and there all
over thp park, toying- with the loosoi
boards and sending up columns of sport
ive snowflakes, soys theSilverton (CoL)
Miner. .
Higher and thicker and darker tho
cloud battlement) piled over tho Animas
canyon, while those up tho Anim'as,
like oastles of light riding on billows of
resplendent silver, loomed in magnifi
cent grandeur. Over and among those
aerial mountains the moon peeped
through fitfully and cast in a flood of
.dazzling light.
By 9 o'olock the storm was at its
height. Tito wind tore through tho
foliage) on tho hillsides, and, battering
at the buildings, hurled defiance at man
kind. Serpentine lines of glittering Are
glaamed from between the rents in tho
clouds, and loud detonations from tho
battlements on high proclaimed tho
march of the storm.
It was about midnight when, above
tho roar of the elements far above the
clouds upon old Kendall, the loud
"crac-krk" was heard. Then a "orooch;
crooch. crunch I" and then the wholo
mountninsido seemed to be coming'
with a fearful and indescribable crush.
Thousands of tons of snow wcro shot
out of that wide space aliovo timber
lino and piled into Idaho gulch, and
brushing down everything beforo it.
Trees, rocks, banks of frozen earth
all shared in a common fate, and to seo
thnt monster coming, ns it seemed,
from tho clouds, would have been a
grand sight Thero was no stop to tlioi
colossal mass when it struck tho flat.
Making its own road ns it coursed its
race, filling in all declivities, it con
tinued on its mad race until it readied
the river.
Instead of stopping there, it smeared
a bridge for itself and continued over
tho railroad track, carrying with it two
telegraph polos, tho Y and spread ltseH
finally over tho town site, within two
hundred yards from tlio main street of
Silvcrton. .
Such a slide has never beforo been
seen hero, and to thoso who liavo novor
soon ono and are skeptical of its tre
mendous energy, we invite their atten
tion to this one before going elsowhoro.
Once before in the hlstorv of this town
'has tho Idaho gulch slido como down,
and that was in 1870, when it barely
reached tho river. Tho snow now Ilea
six feet solid on tho railroad track.
At tho foot of tho gulch it is at least
ono hundred and thirty foot deep. It Is'
full of tlmboi? trees from six inohos to
two foot in diameter broken into splint
ers, rooks wolohino tons are scattered
'through it, while the entire body Is aa
solid as Ico itself. I'ooplo go every day
to view this giant of the mountains, and
it will contlnuo to bo a source of inter
est until it melts beneath the rays of
our July sun.
Desperate Btruj-gie to Save a l)oy.
BniMiianAU, Conn., Juno 11. A boat in
which were Captain Updike and a boy
named Carter upset in tho river here
at noon. Updike seized Cartor as ho
was going down for the last time, and as
he did so Carter clutched the cuptaln's
ears and nearly pulled them off. Carter
did not release his grasp until Updike
succeeded in getting him ashore, Up
dike's ears were terribly lacerated.
The American Protestant Association.
Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 11. The 41st an
nual session of the American Protestant
Association is being held here. Tho as
sociation has a membership of about 100,
000, of which about 55,000 aro in tlio
State ot Pennsylvania alone. About 125
delegates from lodges In 10 States aro at
tho convention. The cessions of tho con
vention are. secret.
Swift's Specific is tho groat
doveloper, of dolicate child
ren. It regulates tho secre
tions) it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in developmont.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to
S. S- S.
Send for our treatise on Blood tuti
Bkln Diseases.
Bwlvt &rccu-io Co., Atlanta, G
U. S Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
Causrs and tho Extent to Which It
Out of tho thirty-two millions of sul
Jects over whom her majesty now
reigns as queen of Great Hritnln, taken
In round numbers, about thirty-two
thousand aro said to lie blind. This es
timate, however, says the Edinburgh
Review, must be understood to ineludo
a considerable number of those partial
ly deprived of slrht, us, during the last
forty years, tho ratio of blind persons
In avery million has slowly but steadily
fallen from ten hundred and twenty to
eight hundred mid nineteen, a decrease
of oue-ilfth of ono per cent. The small-
nen of this decrease, when so much
has been done in other dlreotlons to
lessen the ravages of disease, arises
from two facts) first, that Inn, consider
able number of eases blindness Is the
result of some untoward accident
stono-tlirowing, o splinter of brokon
glass, a sudden blow or fall, and seo-
ondly, and In a stQl larger number of
cases, is the result of neglect, Ill-treats
montor exposure to oold when tho vic
tim was but a few days or weeks old.
So large a percentage of blindness, in
deed, is due to tliU cause that the royal
oommlselouors, while noting it, sug
gest n special remedy, viz., tho em
ployment of trained mldwives among
the poor, and the careful use of per
chlorido of mercury for washing the
Thirty per cent, of all the cases in
schools and asylums are due to puru
lent ophthalmia., for which this prep
aration is found to be the best remedy,
at onoe cheap, harmless and easily pro
cured, a point of vital importance when
it is reineraberod that "one or two days
make all the difference between saving
and losiug vision. The nmuler of chil
dren actually blind from birth is com
paratively small, but that of those who
afterward become blind from accident
or disease goes on Increasing; and it is
on these two latk-r points, therefore,
that legislation is demanded and can do
good. In such trades as aro found to
bo directly injurious to the sight, an
iron ship building, granito work.
grinding of cutlory, etc., whore a chance
spark or splinter is too often fatal, tho
,uso of some special covering for the
eye might bo made compulsory, while
In the case of Infantile disease prevent
ative measures are still moro cosily
within reach.
Wlro Finer Than Hair.
Wo arc at work Jaat now on some
pretty small wire. It is l-500th of an
inch in diameter finer than tho hair
on your head, a great deal, said a man
ufacturer to a ulobo-Domocrut reporter.
Ordinary fine wire is drawn through
steel plates, but thnt wouldn't do for
this work, beoauso If the hole woro
away ever so llttlo It would make tho
wire larger, and that would spoil tlio
job. Instead, it Is drawn through what
is practically a liolo In a diamond, to
which of course thcro is no wear. These
diamond plates ore mado by a woman
in Now York, who has a monopoly of
tho art in this country. Tho wire is
then run through machinery, which
winds it spirally with a layer of silk
thread that is .0015 'of an inch in thick'
noss oven finer than tho wiro, you see.
This wire is used in malting tho recelv'
Ing instruments of ocean cables, the
galvanometers usod in testing cables
and tnoasurlog insulation of covered
What the Druggists say
of Heiskell'sOintment:
"Wnenweare asked to ri'conimeml nprvpara
tkm for tklu dlsraeu, v,e hand out IIkiskkix's
Ointuknt, v. llti every conlldvuco of Itsbuccc&a.
f ul treatment or the dfceivs."
J. C. lUniCK, 5 Muln St., Butler, Pa.
"I have been selling IIeikkkll's Oiktuknt
foreleven years. ItKlves ualvcmU sutlsf&ctloa
It will euro Tkttek.'7
Wolmvoovldcncoof the curative properties
of Heiskkll's Ointment here. It Is a gocx?
reliable olutmenL"
Kluuixq & Ehled, Tarentum, To,
"In all skin diseases I Invariably reoommed
JtElsfc:iU.t.'S Ol.STM EXT."
J. J. Keil, Sharpsburg, Pa.
'nEiSKFU.'s Ointment cures when nil els
falls." Ml-Clkllan A IIeep, I'reeiiort, I'a.
' IlEiaKELL'n Ointment tells on Its own
merit " II- II. Hilton. KllUimln.', I'a.
and other sneclaL
tie ror (ientlemea,
Laitlei.ftc., ore war
VHntA. And ul .t&mwii fin linttntn. AdilrAUl
W. I,. I) O IJ (1 1, A B, II rocutun, Muhs, Sold U
r. nil. hksw
Win S&OSmM 1 liamtiil :R
Clovclaiul Strikers Treparlng
for a Conllict,
Aro Determined to Protect
Non-Union Vessel Men.
The Governor Asked to Rend n ItPRlmcnt
t-thc Scon ol tlio Mxpectcrt nint All
Quiet nt Oninil llnplds Strikers Who
Were Arretted Mnlto Confessions and
Toll About a Conspiracy.
Cleveland, Juno 12. Thoro may bo
troublo to-morrow with tho striking ore
handlers. The vessel men havo decided
to put non-union men to work in tho
morning, and the police havo boon oalled
upon for protection. Tho striker's declare
that they will not allow non-union men
to go to work without a conflict.
Col Gibbons has asked tho Governor
to order tho 5th Regiment to como to tho
scene of tho expected riots, but ns yet
the Chief Executive has not given his
consent to this.
Preparations are being mado by both
stdos for a determined stand.
Grand Rapidm, Mich., June 13. The
ball of the street railway strikers who
participated in yostorday's riot has been
tlxed at (2,000 each, aud thus far only
one man has given bonds. Two of the
prisoners havo matlo confessions, giving
full details' of the conspiracy nnd the
names of the conspirators, and more ar
rests will follow.
Detective Smith, who won seriously
hurt in the riot, was one of the early
morning squad and was shot in the hip.
Three of the 13 prisoners were hurt in
tho light, but all will recover. None ot
the others were wounded, but several
had narrow escapes. Four hundred ex
tra nolloemen havo been sworn In and
additional patrol wagons and horses on-
firemen strikers Attacked by the Police
With Swords.
Bremen, June 13. The striking firemen
of the North German Lloyd Steamship
Company during the morning engaged
in rioting, and were promptly attacked
by tbe police with swords.
A desperate struggle ensued ana the
police wore so hardly pressed by the
strikers that It was found necessary to
call the tire brigade to their assistance.
After n number of the rioters were
wounded by the swonls ot the policemen,
onler wns restored.
Several arrests were made.
This Tlmo In Itlvertou, X. J. Dotootlves
oil the Clow.
PiiiLAnELViiiA, Juno 12. A well
known citizen of lilvorton, N. J., states
that the fugitive president ofthoKoy-
stone Hank, (Jldcon w. Marsh, was soon
at that place Wednesday. Tho citizen
reported tho fact to pollco hortdquartors,
und detectives are running down the
Marsh has a number of friends residing
at Rlverton, which Is only a short div
tance from this city, and it is believed
by many that he Is hiding among them.
Cured by Koch's X.yiuph.
riTTSnuuG, Juno 12. Mrs. Kate Flshor,
aged 87 years, wifo of Charles Fisher,
foreman nt tho Itlploy Glass Works,
Pittsburg, has just returned from Phila
delphia, whore for eight weeks she has
been under treatment for consumption
at tho German Hospital. Both of her
lungs woro bndly dlsoasod, as she had
been suffering with consumption for
yours. Friends and physicians had
abandoned all bopos of her recovery.
Mrs. Fisher was given in nil 15 injections
of Koch's lymph, nnd returned to her
family in good health, and, it is believed,
perfectly cured.
Warner Dllllor In Sun rrnnctsco
San Fiiancisco, Juno 12. Ex-Senator
Warner Miller, President of tho Nicar
agua Cuunl Contraction Company, was
tho guest Wednosday night of tho Cham
ber of Commerce at tholr annual banrjuot
held at the Palace Hotel. Mr, Miller in
nn able speecli reviewed tho history of
tho Nicaragua onterpriso and pohitod out
tho practicability ot its construction and
tho prospects of tbe canal paying as a
financial investment and also it's great
advantage to tho Pacific coast, Admiral
Irwin, Goa, Ruglerand Senator Stamford
also spoko.
Saved Ills Child's Life.
Kingston, N. Y., June 12. A U-year-old
daughter of Dr. J. W. Elliot, of Do
posit, while playing in her father's office,
noticed on tho table, a small vial of nr
senlous acid tablets,, which she thought
were candy, and ate about 20 of them.
Soon she complained ot intenso burning
in the stomach, Tho doctor, on going to
tho office, discovered what alio had eaton.
Ho used prompt measures to counteract
the poison and saved the child's Ufo.
Enchauted by a Western Offer,
Newauk, N. J June 12. David Wolff,
manufacturer ot hats in this city, whero
ho employs 'iOO mon, hns closed a con
tract for tho Immediate removal of his
factory to Wabash, Ind. The Board of
Trade ot Wabash givos him $20,000. Tho
now institution will afford employment
to 250 people, and will turn out all stylos
of headgear. Work on tho building com
mences at once.
Will Ituve to Answer for .llurdor.
Nsav York, June 18. Major John II.
Wnlkor, who was beaten by Alfred Hall
because of the iattor's jealousy of
Walker's attentions to Mrs. Hall, died of
bis iujurles in St. Mary's Hospital
utiry iiuiuiiw.
Hall surrendered
Brooklyn, last ulght.
himself to the pollco.
Actor Charles risher Dead.
New Yomc, June 12. Charles FIslior,
tho veteran actor, lato of Daly's Com
pany, died hero dining the night. Tho
cause of his death was general debility,
resulting from an attack of cryslpolas.
from which he suffered iu Loudon last
Moro liiirthiiuultcs In Italy,
Rome, Juno is. rsortnern Italy was
visited at noon by moro earthquake tils
turbances. At Veronu, Trngungn and
Badln Cavalena tho earth shook repeat
edly throughout tho day. Mituy houses
were damaged and the inhabitants panlo-stricken.
Have you a Pittsburgh,
Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu
dent Lamp?
Do they work Satisfactorily?
Do your Lamp Chimneys
break? You get the wrongpsort!
The right ones are the
"Pearl Glass," made by
Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts
burgh, makers of the cele
brated " Pearl-top " lamp chim
ney, which have given univer
sal satisfaction.
first National Ban
Capital, $100,000.00.
W. Lasenring, Pres.," '
P. J. Ferguson, V. Premr
J. R. Leisenrwg, Cashier,
S. W. Yot,Ass'tCaihier.
Open Dally Sroiit 9 to .
f'rtlrt on MnvtiiKM nefsosiltH.
I. Bun & Go. -s
from which tho excess o?
oil has lieon removed, 13
Absolutely JPure
aud it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in its preparation. It hns
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa, mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd Is therefore far moro
economical, costing less than one ccnl
a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, kasily digested.
and admirably ndnptcd for invalids
as well as for persons ia health.
Sold by Grocers everywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Sum mitt I'lnvnrds
15 Per Cent.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Full particulars and
Prospectus can be had
on appflcntton nrnridreslng
H. I., hijii'hon, muiiicr,
r. iironctvi'Hv. rs. v.
20 other styles 6-A Nets, p-lees to nut nil
V X. ATKKSOSS, I 'II 1 1. .1 ULXl'll I A.
Ho'il 1'V nil tip I r.
ft fhUhclfr's Knatlsh DIemend Uraol.
'ennyroyal pjlls
Orlfftnal anil Only Hrnnlne.
SFK 1-t'IUbU. LDIC fttk
moth! Bramt In Ittxl fcod ( id tatUllla
IboiM. at fJexl with blot ribbon TnLn
toothers Jttfutt dang-ou$ ubifttu
J aTK4 im nations a urugRisis, or enu lo
iiamni for tmrilc tlar iHRtimoDlala ul
"ItIlef fur lMAlttt,"inl'Uttr, bw return
V 5111. KMI0U rttiiiiODiU tfanraptrm
CThlrhMiterCaciulcal Co..Sl"idlonH(juiirsi
Boll by til Loctvl Irutiu, 1'hlUJa., l'aw
1h nioal rillar., ma uoa"fui
ixcUlui for tl.lnMH vtwia
Special DiseaseetBlood Poison
rVCKKS, hlolobri, PlmpUi, Sot
Mouth Thrual, IrrlmtM Boald
lM laQvnu.m Kidatft
H..1 1T. Ll rlliJ, ftMfca
I)TPf3Pfla. flit. UaUBtOlJt
Vsiksiu Dsflil Itr. Iifa!
Ml diMftiM fetti'tltif frwut j 'an
,ou ji emit or ftgm outwork
Old.Youne Mlddlo AbbcI ion' "T ..
arfJiirtruiu, uti.rr t. nt 1 h . t -.Tftblni kDtwn l
mtltfavl odoraiclil. uuc ort'ontf ulo!d0M-in itajv
BOtOaltir wtiOUiltj 1 i Ufa.06vJ rrslhMMI Cuffl IB
IftlOdari Kurotieta lloaplttvl rii'trlrocc in Utrrumy, 0
Uo4, Vrtnoe unit Antii, tvi ertiflci.t. tnt i1l.'omm.t proft.
kDd 15 Trir- mftifit , i.- rienie I" 0(iete surv4 Jvxt J.
J sV i-tii ,lllh....l.llIsn lf Italia dOC Of WDA
i an ircif, ti rfi iki1!, IVOoWii''! tl
atparltDM klid Who can thfiW i' tnsiif paiUut pt
carad uIoid fi r aoacka ml i'rrttin d
roiot-l tlUm. bHa nani,. fur bin It "TRITT"
! and 1MB
UMlmoDifcUBiitwlDi ante, ml tylferiittni d-' tur wiin
thair Ulati l4 frau.lutetil imraniet- .n t 'MllmnnUla tntir
tiMrleMf . that do uV po, an t Hi f .ob'Hit ut rofundlDB
ntonay or frieu jy talki mil ihtlr eh. m u.t wurthlM dru
Dttttvorrf wMahcukM )iu Vui rr un.-! M doya tvnd
la ruin of thouu.U of t,m fl tins vktlm MWi.H1oll,rr
Bry r fr... t a 4 M u i" M -uii.ti "1?it?
BdAai'irrlfty .i In j- -riiiir r m i f Ull.
Kfr-BMi. v, n "-t.r 1'Uita Tin.-
lirpit ill Dl.ttt Etllillt Pnrt! tub Cimjtiki
lUpresented by
130 B, Janlln street.
A It fTis