-FOU- Picnics'and Outings Soverri, tho Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vegctables,Canned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. All new and fresh goods. SBYBBIT'S, Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. 1'UHLIBItKl) DAILY AND WKKKIjY. LOCAL LUNCHEON. Fire flies about, Growing weather. Juno is doing well, llarvost approaches Strawhorry short cake. Flics nro more numerous. Decoration day flowers havo faded. Utcyolo shoes at tbo Uoston shoo store, Tho coinago o( silver dollars will coaso July 1. Strawberries will be at thoir height this week; Fine ladies' Oxford ties, 00c, at tho Bos ton boot and shoe store. A man cannot bj arrosted for gamboling over the hills. Bargains in ladies', gents' and children's shoes, at tho Boston shoo storo. The biggest strawberries are on tho top of tho box. , Tho fashionablo flower this summer is to bo tho carnation. Save tnonoy by going to tho Boston shoo store and ask for tho &3c. ladios' shoo. Old potatoes aro gettlqg rather scarco and poor in quality. Ita Excellent Qualities Commond to public approval tho California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is Iil6nslng to the eye, and to tho taste and by gently acting on tho kidnoys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho system oflectually, thereby promoting tho health and comfort ol all who use it. Completed to Deadwood. The Burlington Koute, C, B. k Q. K. It., from Chicago, 1'eoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and dally passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. D to Deadwood. Also to Now casllo, 'Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead wood. " Coming Events. Juno 15, Strawberry ana ico cream festival In Bobbins' opera houso undor tho auspices of tho Epworth Loaguo of tho 11 E. church. Juno 17 Strawborry and ice cream festi val in Bobbins' opora houso under tho auspices of W. B. 0. No. C9. Juno 18. Excursion ol Washington Camp, No. 200, 1. O. S. of A to Lake' side. Juno 19. Fair and. festival ; Bobbins' onora house: undor tho auspices of the ladios of tho First l'rosbytorian church. Juno 29. Picnic at Columbia Park by National Guard of Warsaw. July 4. Lawn parly undor tho auspices of tho Primitive Methodist church. July Ir-Orand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Uoto Steam Fire Engino Com pany. Tho finest men's patent leathor shoos, former price $8, now 2, at tho Boston shoe storo. Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the name Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is printed on evory sack. 8-8-3taw Best work dono at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. L&co curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Ladies' fino shoes, boot and shoo store. 86 cents, at Boston Tho largoet stock of wall papor and window shades ever receivod in this town, or county, Good selection, at F'. J'.'Portz's book and stationery storo. 3-20-tf Spectacles to suit all oyes at F. J, Portz's book and stationery store, 21 North Main. street. 3-20-tf Ladies' fino patent tip tho Boston shoo store. shoes for 95c. at The worst danger about neglecting a Cough or Oold Is consumption. We cau assure our rrud that no medicine equals J'au-Tlua Coach and Consumptlou Cure. Try It. Trial bottle" free at Ktrlln's drug store. WALL PAPER I A OAULOAD JUST AKKIVED AT MELLBT'S Blanks Bo EmUOS6e(l WO Whi.lmv ShadoB. sprintr rollors..2Co , , -,, ok UU1U11I1 -ruiUH -vu 7 moveb;to 22 Bast Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Now Bakory. clio!er" BFoi, "Bav6" Sp'ohO- a "hW bAKbty ftt 27 South Main street, whoreyou cannot frolibrcad, cakes, candy and Ico cream, dlvo them a call. 6-5 8m' Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of boat Equality playlnp; cards by sending flftuon conts in postago to 1. S. Eustls, Uon'l Pass. ArI., B.. 0. & O.K. 11. ChlcaKo. 111. tf PERSONAL. J. W. Bedford, of LostCreok, spent this morning in town. L, A. Bamberger returnod from Balti more, .Mil., last ovoning. John Graf, the Jardin street grocer, wont to Heading this morning to look after business. iliss Jossio Ilasslngcr, of Waynosbor ouch, Pa., is tho guest of bcr sister, Mrs. Bov. Troibly, of town. Mrs. 0. A. Keim and her niece, 11 hs Joan Glover, aro visiting at Dudley, N. J , tho homo of Mrs. K.'s parents. 0. A. Keim, Georgo Helper and Hugh Evans wore among tho Shenandoahites who attended tho Mahanoy City Alumni picnic at Lakosido yesterday. Our Bill of Pare, Proparod and publisbod expressly for tho Herald readers. FBIDAY. HRKAKFA8T. Strawborrles with Condensed Milk. Dry Toast. Butter. Graham Crackers. Cocoa. DINNER. Freeh Fish with Drawn Butter Sauce. Potatoes. Lettuco. Bmwu and White Bread. Butter. (ucen Pudding. surrKit. Bread and Butter, Currants. Spongo Cake. Chocolate Blanc Mango not water. Late Hon. Daniel Manning's Views on Investment. "In the way of investments, I candidly boiiovo that tho best and most solid invest ment, whero speculation is not contem plated, that is offered in tbo United Statos to day, is a 'Tontino Policy' in tbo Now York Life Insurance Company. In saying this I, of courso, hnvo in mind every sensiblo man's wish to profitably lay asido a certain amount each year with a view of its ac cumulating into a snug sum of wealth, or as a wiso provision for tho comforts of old ago, or for a rainy day. As an investment, it will pay bettor interest than a Govern ment bond j and as for safety, the New York Lifo Is as sound as tho Government itself. Such a policy is at any time readily avnilablo as security for loans, bosides being at all times a valuablo aS60t." JERSEY COAL MEN. A Numbor of Distinguished Vis itors in Town. Ab tho Herald goes to press tho arrival in town of members of tho Now Jersey Coal Exchange is reported. Tho party, numboring about fifty, arrived at Pottsvillo by special train at noon to-day and loft thero at 2:15 for Frackville. Thoy left Mahanoy Plane for town, via tho Phila dolphia & Beading railroad at 3 o'clock and immediately upon their arrival pro coedod to visit tho colliorios. They will dino at tho Ferguson Houso this evening and at 8 o'clock they will leave by special train for Sbamokfn and remain there ovor night To-morrow Mahanoy City and Tamaqua will bo vis' itod. NEIGHBORS INDIGNANT. Ttiroo Houses Charged With Being Disreputable Places. Complaint lias been made to tho IIerald concerning three houses in town. The noighbors says that tho houses are scones of tho most lewd character and that thoy are no less than public bawdy houses. Ono of the housos complained of is situ ated on Jardin ttroot, another on East Lloyd street and tho third on Iluckloborry alloy. . Tho latter placo is especially offensivo to tho noiehbors. The "growlor" is ire nUontly "rushod" and itjs viitod by sov oral well known men, whose names aro in possession of certain, parties. Yesterday an anonymous communication was sent to a party supposed to bo the land' lord of tho Jardin' street place, in which he was notiflod to do something to abate tbo nuUanco or cun powder would be put un dor tho houso. Tho party who received the latter is not the landlord of tho place, however,, GARDEN PARTY. . Pleasant Gathering at Max Roose's Rosidonoo. A garden party was given last evening on tho grounds of Mux Booso b residonce, South Jardin street. The grounds were brilliantly illuminated and the rays of several oloctrio jets, fell upon a large tabl heavily ladon with choice refreshments, nr rangod undor the grapo trellis. Tho party was given in honor of iliss Badlo lleeso' blrthdav. Tho guests weroi Misses Daisy Hess, Lou Gather, Uattlo Jones, Alice Leo, Maggie Palmor, Carrie Folraor, Katie and Lottie Burkbart, Anna Stein liable Glover. Mary Pomeroy. Maud Kirlin, Sadio, Gussie and Gertie Koeso, Carrio and Nettlo Lovino, Mamo Williams, Gortio Sanger, Busslo Henderson, Lottlo Frooman, L. O'Connell, L. Schlois, Harry Wledman, George Oorther, Joseph bchloes, Grant Lessig, John and Georgo Soholfly, Harry Uafner, David Owodb, Boss Glover, Mr. and Mrs. S. Yedinskl and Samuel Smalo, uu Htartllncr Paots The Amerloan people are rapidly becoming 8f &JS?5V iVSl - I lug, of Hutler, I'a., swturs thut when 1,1a on was speoohleMi from tit, Vitus uauce Jir, Miles' uroat llestorutive Nerviue cur nun, lira T 1 MlllAr. nf Vl niimlui. aud J. D. Taylor, of lHtausport, Ind., eao i gained 20 pfrtindt from UiKlDg 11. Mrs. U. A. Gardner, of Vistula, lud., was ourea or w ioouooo. ynlslonsa day, nnd much headaclu, dl-l uws. bttckaolio and norvous prasirauon i n-l.,,(,i aviul l.nttli. and flue books 1 n,rve'ouH cures, fi'-e ut V. 11. llagenbuoh I the druggist, who lecomiuends and guarau I tees this uuequaled remeay To Whom It May Conoorn. TJjrvmfftfoT ih6 authority vested In me;. I hereby appoint William J. Jamos, son of William K. James, of Shenandoah, collec tor for the Cambridge Coal Company, with power to collect all bills duo said company and receipt for tho same. (Signed) J. 0. McGinness, 0-ll-3t Sunt. Cambridge Coal Co. LAKESIDE lay Driuinq Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) HISTORICAL Wild West Show! FOR ONE WEEK ONLY O cxi CD Indian Village, Cowtoy aci Mm Sncampment t!jD the only herd of Trained l and Hpottod Jlustnngs. Tho whole history ot a nation told In n thrilling drama of clvillrntlon, de plcllug the perils, hardships and heroism of pioneer lilo on the plains, requiring In Its completion over 800 daring scoutfl, trappers, cowboys, Indlnn fighters, Mexican Vacqueros and Honoros.Clilels with their Warriors.Drnves, Hquaw and Papooses. A herd of spotted Mexi can Mnstnnes, herd ot gentlelndlau I'onleB aud Texas llronchos. The largest and grandest exhibi tion oftlio Kind on the American continent. Owning and traveling In Its own handsomely equipped railroad train. The first buouao of Mexican Vacqueros direct from old Mexico, headed by Dome Anno, the famous Mexican loader, and Honor Francisco, the King ot all riders and ropers, expert and matchless in lariat throwing and recHless horsemanship. I'ralrle Nchooners and Indian Travoys, whole herd of American BUFFALO and TEXAS mill CO CO lO Sj A true representation of an tidian : Buffalo : Hunt ! Hhowlng tho manner of hrandlng wild cattle on our Y esiern irunuer; Kuinuim u wonaorrui aiipiay or snarpiiioounK by lrontlersmen. cowboys and Indians led by Moj. G. WILUABI II..IE, (I'AWKEK mu.) 'arnniin nnd fpArless Ponv ExDress Itlders, showing the mode of carrying Important dls- rv.tnlia nrncB t.tiA nlfllnfl npfnrB lllO lntrOdUC H.m nt Ihn telpirrnnh. A bnud of veritlble Mexican vncqueros, aireci iiwh niuiuu, ma greatest rough-riders in me wo ia. rcriormaucos every uuernuuu. oiieim ex cursion trains each day. Don't lorgei tne place ana aaie, Lakesiie Driving Park, East Mahanoy Junction, 15,10,17,18, 19 anil20 AnaiittHiux. 35 Centu 15 Cento Cliilctren, under x yr. ISTET -YORK U mi. II. IlVUltS, President. ESTABLISHED 1S15. , . 'otal assets Jan, 1, '91, 'old income, 1890, $115,917,S09 32,153,100 Paid policy holders, '90, 13,279,514 j, CVanuxeffl&Co., Philadel'a, General Agents lor Pennsylvania, Ohio and Delaware. J. C. Purcell, Manager, MOUNTAIN CITY BUILDING, PO C"rS"VIXjXiE M. P. WHITAKER, Agent, Slicuntirtoali, Pn. 5 The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Havlnc han his gallery greatly Improved, he is nnwDciier prepareu, iuuub.oi wuiw, the wants of (he public' lu the photo granhlo line. The .best photo graphs at lowest i rices. Crayon Work a Specialty, jYcjo Jilrvu New Stock Green Truck, Hue GrQMties, FRUITS, &c; Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right ironiine ooais on i na&ys. rtcnu Greens from the Mouth. Evan's Buildim;, B. OentntSt U. 8. milta on' ofit itand) Everything new and Irosh. Goods delivered to any purt of town. H. OKNIG-31T &SOT. ni i urr nil rn mil mil it a Incniponnn P,nmnT 110 liwuiauuu UUU1 J ' 1 1 FOH BAIil. A young horse. An., ply at Iaudlg's blatlonary ttoro. 6 11-tf I WANTS, Sco. "Ty ANTED. A Rood girl for goti TT eral housework. Good wages paid. inquire RiineuERALUomce. 0-1-tf AGENTS WANTED. Free pro paid outfit to energetic men. Heveral ol oursaleameu have earned from J70 to jlOOo wek for years past, r, O. Uox 1871. New lorn. 0-5-lw BOARDERS WANTED. - Stendy boarders, or for meals ouly. Good loca tion and first-class accommodations. Apply at M.Bheeler's, No. 110 N.Alain street, Shen andoah, 1'a. e-5 lm DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowse's erocery store, cor ner Jardin and Oak streets. Shenandoah, I'a. XT AN I'KII-An active reliable man V V In.,, ... t 1. , .. , W UJUU.U1J, V1LU IU- crease, to represent In his own secilon a re- ponsioie row xorK iioue. Keiprences. MANurACTCnEit, Lock Box 1583, New York. tTOR RENT Store and building Baken Co- for maiufnetiirlncr nn1 rpfnlt a. iiuw iicrunipii nv imr r-t n pn innnnn tandy bualnow. Two floors Gfe20 feet Apply wj ot i. r ruuey, ' o-iu n -rROPOSALB.-Oflloe of the Phlla. JL. delphln aud Heading Cost and Iron Com pany, I'OiTsvine, ra.. junoz, ibui. rroposais are Invited and will be received Until Mon day. June 15. for cutll nir and mlnlnz the coal and transporting tho same in mine cars to mo iooioi vne slope ai asif ranaun coincrr. near Tremont. I'a. Hneclflcatlons can bo seen at the olSceof the Ulsirlct superintend ent, at Tremont, nd at tho office of the Min ing Superintendent nr General superintend ent In I'ottsvllle. The company reserves the rlchtto reject any or all bids. 5 i td II. C. LUTUEK. Genl. Bupt. (jREEN : TRUCK ! rX7I- Oysters, Clamn and Poultry Received daily nt the old reliablo stand oi North Main St.r near Lloyd. Wholesale ami Retail. iMenlcs. festivals nnd private parties sup plied in quantities at short notloe. IGE CREAM, ICECREAM, By the plate or measure, also put up In 5, 10 and 20 Ccut 1'nclti-ueH PETER CECCHINI & BR0S, 117 EA.8T CENTBK BTBEET, nrMTQ for a Window Hhade. lit IV I O others for 3.5c. 45c, 60e, 65c, 75c ondupwaids. fjhndes made for stores and nrlvate dwellings. Cus tomers desldlcg only the llxtures or shading by the yard can bo accom modated.; C. D. Fncke, 10 South Jardin St Attention, Honse Cleaners ! The warm weather is here, nnd house And at such times most everybody needs sometlilUB to urigiueu up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veluet, Moqueitt Body TWO Oil THREE HALL, STAIR OR You can find a full ace un JJ Curtain Window BUndes, Floor and Table OllclotliB aud Lluoleuma of all gradee. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. ' No misrepresentation one price to all. RICES'S Old Reliable Stand 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. With a manufacturine de partment in fullblast.ouiMmnk withstands the run. Wo havo made the NewSJtoi'e, s it , i m i i r . cor. idtii ana uuestnut ots., a '"safe deposit" for your money when in need ot Clothing. The daily rush proves the "trust" of the public in our goods. Tho stock is right, the prices aro right wo hold tho lead. Noxo Only Corner 13th PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS! Men's all-wool Cheviot Bulls $8.00 " " Worsted Bulls 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.60 " " Cheviot Bulls 5.60 And every thing else In our lino you will find down to the lowest prices. We sell the best 6O0 Domet Shirt In town. Merchant Tailoring u specialty. AT ONE-PRICE No. 11 North Main At Scanlan's- " You can get the best nnd cheapest HATHAXD CAP, in town. He hna Just received a full Hue of STRAW HATS. t From 5c to $. Also a nice llueof light colored lints, derby nnd soft. A nice light col ored derby hat, ?1.25 Light colored soft hrtt for 60 cents. AT BCANLAN'S- You will And cheapest lino of TRUNKS and Snchels in town: also Guui Coats selling them ofl ntcost. Six dozen neckties at 23o a piece, worth 40c. Nlro line of Gents' Underwear at 70o a suit. Headquarters for -uni' mer Shirts and Boys' Waists. 10 SOUTH MAIN STREET. -GOTO- KELLY'S Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hats from 20o to 81.50 Short Spray Flowers...... Go to 1.00 Wreaths .20c to 1.75 Infants' Christening Robe, CRc to 85 Infants' Ion; and short coats...tl,25 up to So 50. 0,000 LADIES WEAR Tho SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, nt 20 cents. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Oents' Furnishing Goods and makes n specialty of Nollle Bly and Mary Anderson Caps O BAST a-3Sr7H,H ST. - cleaning ia the next tliltiR in order, or Tapestry Brussel, - PLY INGRAIN, RAG CARPETS I assortment at PRICE'S. of all Kinds A Run oil Our Haul:. i and CHESTNUT Streets. 11 Children's Suits , f 1 upwards Kuee Pants SOo " Domet Bhirts 25o " Men's shifting shirts -Too " Beat necktie lu town 25o Poles ."FAMOUS ? jombs CLOTHING. Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Still at the Old Stand SCHEIDER'S BAKERY! No. 29 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Better prepared than ever serve our many patrons with a sur quality of Bread, Cakes, Ice Confectionery of all Kind pen oa Saturday Evenings Until Midnight, Open on other evenings (Sunday excepted) uuuui O'ClOCff. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Losses, Mortgages aud Bonds written. jiurriago licenses ana legal caiins promptly attended to. eal Estate, Collection and Insurance AgeDcy. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents luuj.iurmweHicru i.ue insurance uo. OFFICE Muldoon's billldlUEr. nnrner nontrft and West Bis., Shenandoah; ra. Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale. A two story double frame dwelling house,. store and restaurant, on East ijentre 8t. A dwelling nnd restaurant on East Centre street. . , Desirable property on corner Centre " Jurdln streets, sultoblo Cor business pur poses. .A two story double lrarne dwelling, on west loyd street. S. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen- Two 2-story dwelllngi on tho corner ol Coal and Chestnut streets Htore room In one. 7. Two-story Blngle house on North Chestnut street, with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story .double frame buildings tuiiicrm iuyuuuu uuuert sireeis. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE 1!eddali,'s Bdildinq, Cor. Mala and Centre Streets, SHENANOOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: dwelling house, with store-room and res taurant. Located on East Centre street. -A valuable property located on South Jar din street. -KAVPn riicnlllncr Imnno. at ll.n rMna- . i-nu UlUJ UDUCVW, UUUU lUVUSLUlbUb Terms reasonable. JUST OPENED UP a big lotot GLASSWARE among wnicn aro some lovely sets well wortl uuo. v U uave ueieriuineu 10 rusu them offfor29o. Come early U you wish to secure one. THIS OFFElt ONLY GOOD v t . 1. r . n m ' v. OUR TINWARE COUNTERS uroBuiuiuK wiiu uurgaius. iou 11 De amaze ,10 see wnatsor lOcenta wlubuy. Wehave everything in tinware from a tin cup iv u uuiicr, ur iruma uuur scoop to a bread raiser. Duncan & Waidley, ho. a south Mam street. Shenandoah. Pa -- v-n . .v,jj 991 W rta.ilro drool formerly ueptby Mrs, omvllle. The abov noiei is now Kept by JOJI? W. WBEKS, Formerly or the .Keystone Hotel. Qllbertoi uest 01 acoommoouiions lor Permnnent ena Transient Que The bar)- ttoc-eu with me best brands ol cigD.e, aie, neer, porter and liquors. EXCK-LiKJNT FHE liUNCH COLNTE McKeoirs Saloor 109 EAST CENTHE ST., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Port WINES AMD CIGARS Of the finest brands. Muslo fnrnlshed uuns auu parties, irom one to nve pieces. R. BRIOICER, M. )., PHYSICIAN AND SDX9J20& So'. B East Centre Btreeti Mahanoy City, Slslnandall special diseases a specialty 1 ATTOfWEr-AT.LAW. urace-Bs.sll's bn!lDi,oomr Msln nn Ce j it roAisitor, AUORHEY-AT-LAW. Q) u-Jiiur buiiaiun corner stun tui at wcara,