Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF THE FIGS' OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human -ystem, forming an agreeable .nd effective laxative to. perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a' weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and OTREHQTH NATUtlALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUrJ DRUQQIST FOR jES-2TaHLTTE ODE 3S"EC3-(S MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl. LOUISVILLE. Ki NEW YORK. N. Y. PSY TUPflTFn POCr osftl'eiff Cured withi ITaye cured Amy thfmai-iil rr es. CumintlenU pinnoQni hotvli im-m pv mini, itoth ni pram nisi Hose wraptums nattily Hi M 1 .0 1. tl (11 lev two-thirds of U FtEEBOOKof testt. itnl COtC1'' "l- U i Ih1,;(I rltt. ywi order 'lv tun 1Mb ia I iit vwi order SSl'iMtl'ii."!. ui:ee it' ' boSS. X'Tffiflffi "EH T Dr. Grosvenor's ben-cap SIC Gives quich relief from pain, PLASTER Rhonrafttum, nenralfria, pleurisy flud Inmbnojl -tjuiwu ub dqcdi utnuint lur stun or an i-mukk'su. j A New "Venture w- POTTB Has opened a AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST., POTTSVXLLE, PENH' A. Bales of assorted goods, notions, hardware, glassware, etc,, etc. Gouds from all parts ot the county solicited on commission. THE SEASON FOR PIC-NICS HE1XO AT HAXIi, Committeemen should bear hi mind that, the Herald ofllco; is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! at the most reasonable rates. Give us n call and obtain our prices, All work dene when promised and in a satisfactory manner. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal and JardinIStH. Mr. Bnyder will always keep In stock a fine line oi pools ana snoes. 1Htom Work and Repairing; done In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors on Main street who have bin rents to pay, and guarantees a genu ine bargain on every purchase. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN TIE DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, jmel nil parties caught violating this notice WIU pu Prosecuted ns Trespassers. Dy order of OOMPANY. Or tUo Ufjuor Habit, Cureu by aumiuifttcruiK Jr. unmiv B ia nTinrAntiired Ail & Dowdir. whlah n.n bn trlvn 11 fflais of beer, a cup of ooUee or tea, or In ioo2. rtthrut the knowledge of (be patient. It is absolutely armless, and will elfeot a permanent and a peed? laic a rtinu " ZZltZ irrrvi 1 cases, isu iubb iuuvu fhi" h -wad It never I'allA. The y stem onoe Iwpreenat" (i witii tf Speoiflo.n beooines au utter impowaiDUity the liquor app K, H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah T ' i r-A. ilAJIILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OfHee-; West Lloyd Street.lBhetmndooh Pa. THE LEADERS LOST Pittsburg's Club Bay All ArOund tho Giants. CHICAGO BEATEN BY BOSTON. Olarkson's 0urve3 Prevent Anson's Team from Making Mora Than One Hit. Tlo Brookytn Score .Anotlior Victory Over tho ClcveliirHs Cincinnati Win Throo Btralcht la Philadelphia-Only Ono Association Galno rlayed Tho Kaitorn Association Playing Good Hall. New York, Juno 11. Pittsburg has chocked Now York's victorious caroor. Not only did O'Neill's Stars win, but thoy literally wiped up the ground with the Giants. They gauged John Ewing's curves in tho vory flrst Inning and fell upon thorn mercilessly. They never stopped hitting all through tho gamo. Unfortunntely for tho Giants, Old Man Calvin pitched Uko a cyclone. It mattered not whether ho sent in an Bp curvo or a down twist, tho splioro loft 'tis hand with such speed tljat tho long tats of tho Ulauts seemed hypnotized. Anton's Colts Shut Out. Boston, Juno 11. Tho Bostons trimmed Hutchison of Chicago in fine shape. They pounded him for 18 cloau hits, and, with the assistance of errors, turned 13 of their hltB Into runs, while tho visitors couldn't got onto Clarkson n llttlo hit, their six hits being scattered, and thoy wore shut out with ultto gooso eggs. Tho Holding of oach Bide was brilliant. Lako made his first appearanca with tho Delin eators. BASEBALL SCORES. Tho Chicago Club Meets With a Waterloo In llostou. Tho following aro the scores of games played; at Nw YOtUC. New York 1 0 0 3 0 0 Pittsburg 8 SJ 0 1 2 0 0 11-0 , 1 0 x-H Galvhi ami Batteries J. Ewlng and Clark; Muck. AT BROOKLYN. Brooklyn !1 0 0 1 1 0 ClovelttiKl 0 3 3 0 0 0 Ji-ittcries Lovctt and Dalleyi 0 4 0-0 0 2 0-8 Voung and dimmer. AT TJOBTOX Uoston S 3 1 0 3 3 0 0 S-13 Chlcniro 0 0000000 0-0 nattrrlos- Clarkson and Bennett: Hutcbln son and KlttrlcUre. AT riUXADKLPMA. Philadelphia. 0 0001000 0-1 Cincinnati I 001 0001 x-3 rintterios Thornton and Drown; Mullauo und Hurrinuton. Tho National I.oacuo Record. Per Per Clutil. tTon. Lnit C't CXvtn. Wnn. IisL CI Clilcu(ro....2'i Now York.4 VUirdel'n..21 Clovoland..20 15 .(123 10 ,UI)0 21 .500 23 .400 oston ... 20 .488 .403 .402 .405 Brooklyn ..10 littsburK..18 Cinelnuatl .17 Association Oumos. AT WASinNOTON. Washington 1 0 0 Athletics 0 0 1 natterloa-Millcr and lain and Mllllgan: 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0- 2 McGutro; Chumler Tho Association Ilocard, Per Prr Clutx. Won. Lout. C't Columbus.. 83 27 .400 Athletics. ..82 20 1. 458 I,OU'vill0....23 31 .420 Wash,tou...l3 31 .311 dula. Won.lMt.Pt Boston... 31 17 .040 Bt. Louis.. 33 20 .023 Baltimore 27 20 .074 Cinciun'tl24 2o .400 tfnatern League AT TltOY. Troy 0 1 0 0 1 0 Syracuse 0 4 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 8 Batterios rerson and Myers; Day, O'Bourko Wells aud Cote AT ritOVIDEIJCE. Ilnffalo 1 000003137 Providence 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 04 Batteries Ooclall and Wcckbcckcr, ltyan and Murphy. AT LEBANON, Lebanon 0 Albany , 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 x- 7 Casey Batteries Anderson and Bushong; and ltocuo. AT NEW HAVEN. NowIIaven 3 0 0 Itochester 4 0 0 Battcrics-Ollliland and and Bowman. 0 1 1 0 0 2- 1 0 Decker; Cushman Opposed to a New Jersey Hank, PnihAOELpniA, June 11, Dlstrict-At-tnmov Graham filed in court before " judgo Arnold a suggestion for , a writ of quo warranto against tuo uamuen, n. j,, National Bank asking that the officials show cause why their branch office in this city should not be closod. It is claimed that the New Jersey bank has no author ity to open a branch in this State. Tho writ was made returnable in 10 days. Senator Cullom for Presldout. CniOAOO, June 11. Senator Cullom will soon bo fully In tho field as a Presi dential candidate. His frionds will shortly open headquarters in Chicago. A special meeting of tho State Republi can Committee has also been called for next week to adopt plans for tho Im mediate organization of tho party for the Presidential campaign. Several Ministers lleilcn. PrrrsBUBO, Juno 11. Tho Reformed Presbyterian Synod was In an uproar when thn resolution sustaining the Pittsburg Presbytery was passed by a vote of 00 to 37, All tho suspended ministers, except A. N. McClurklu, announced tneir witu drawal from tho Reformed Presbyterian church. They will he followed by at least twenty-five other ministers, New York's Lumber Strikes Oniettled, New York. June 11. Tho troubles In labor circles seem.ta bo as complicated as ever and the prospect for sattlpment s very dim. Tho lumber yards aro being run by non-union men. Tho housesmiths and framors met as usual to-day but nothing now was developed from tho re ports received. Voted In Tuvor of Dr. Ilrooks. Watertown, N. Y., June 11. Tho Cen tral New York Dloceso consented to the consecration of Phillips Brooks as bishop, and 81,000 was appropriated for a eooro- tary to assist the bishop. A Child rationed by Hatches. Avon, N. Y., Juno 11. Yesterday af ternoon the '.4-year-old son 01 Martin Qobla ato a box of matches-which he had found. Tho child became stuplded and died late la the nigat. flighest of all in Leavening Tower. ONE MORE JURY BRIBER. Detective O'SIutloy's Partnor Toand Guilty nn Charged, New OnXEAKij, Juno 11. Tho trials of tho jury bribers were continued in tho Criminal District Court boforo Judgo Baker. Groat Interest nttached to .ha proceedings, as it was understood that Dotecttvo O'JInlloy and McCrystal wore to bo tried. A large crowd, therefore, filled tho court-room, After the customary business ot tlia court had been dispatched, O'Malley and McCrystal wore called. District-Attorney Luzonburg asked tho court for a sever ance of the two accused, as tho State pro-, poicd to put McCrystal on trinl flrst. Ills motion was granted, and O'Malley Was ordered to step aside. The empanelling of tho jury was soon completed. Tales Juror McCabew was the chief wituoss for tho State. Ho tes tified positively that McCrystal had of fered him $500 if ho would work for a mistrial or acquittal If ho got on tho Ilennessy jury. Ho refused tho oiler. McCrystal's confession to tho District Attorney was thon offered in testimony, but tho Judge promptly rulod against its admissablllty. Aftor some further testimony tho caso was given to the jury. They wero gono hut a few minutos, when thoy re turned with a verdict of guilty as charged. DROPPED DEAD IN HIS BARN. A Woll-Known Clergyman Stricken Down With Heart Dlsnnso, BoiuntsTowM, N. J., Jung 11. At 8. m. tho Rev. William C. Bowen, president of tho Bonlontown Female Colleiro, was found dead In tho barn on tho Collogo grounds. Ho had remained out In tho barn so long that ono of bis daughtors wondered what kept him and went out to call him. Receiving no response Bhe entered the barn. Her fathor lay dead upon tho floor nenr a favorlto Aldernoy cow. Ho bod been stricken with heart dis ease and dropped dead as he was attempt ing to milk tho cow. Prof. Iiowon was born 89 years ago at Berkshire, N. Y. For tho past 15 years he has boen president nnd owner of tho col lego. Ho was well known In tho Metho dist-Episcopal Conference in Now York nnd Now Jorsoy. TWO LEADERS CONVICTED. McSloy and Dlsnion round Guilty for Hlotlnj; and Conspiracy. Uniontown, Pa., Juno 11. Tho jury In tho caso of John McSloy, Mlko DIsmon and MS.othor strikers for conspiracy and riot at tho Frick Company's Leisenring No. 2 Works, found McSloy and Dlsmon guilty and acquitted tho others. laa cuso ul conspiracy, nut, etc., against John R. Rao, Peter Wlso and others was taken up, aud it will tako two' days to decide it, Tho operators seem to have other cases woll worked up against tho leaders In tho Btrlke, aud aro determined to have thorn In tho peniten tiary if possible. Judgement ihonld be displayed In buying medVl tino abovo all things. In selecting to remedy for any disease, you should be' positive that it contains nothing Injur ious to the health. Many remedies on the market leave tho patient in much worse condition, than befora taking them. s. s. s. ts purely vegetable, and perfectly harmless; the most 1 delicate chtld:ean tafceltwith absolute safety. It contain no mercury or minerals of, any, , kind, and yet it never falls to cure the db , eases it Is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases frw. Swift Spccino Co., Atlanta, , da kick HcMljeho nnd relieve ull tho troubles inci dent to a bilious state of tho system, snort S3 SlzzlaeBS. Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress alter eating. Pais In the Bide, 4o. While their most jrex&ikablo euccess has been shown In curing j ile&Saehe, yet Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills oro couillj valuable In Constipation, curing and pro venting this annoying coniplatnt.wrillo they also correct all disorders or thestomacn .stimulate the liver and regulato the bowels. Even U they only curoa Buffer from this distressing complaint; but f orta Batelyth6lrgoodnessdoeanotoudhere,andthOBe whonncotry themwlll And thooe llttlo pills valu able In so many ways that they will not bo wit illss to do without them. But after aUsick bead 'lathetianoof so many lives that horofawhera ve make our grcaiuooat. wucyuuii.uiui.nMuu others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and wr-r pftflv to take. One or two nllla make a dose. iicy are strlotly vegetablq and do not grlpo oc purge, uuiuy uiBirev""'"1 iiueihcin. InvialaatSScentsi Uveforfl. Sola 'by drugglaU everywhere, or sunt by mail. . CARTER MEDIOINB CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL FRIGE VMfcnvTronldtoalmostrricelrtomosdvha U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Tho Coming Trotting Meetings. RocirasTUR, N. Y., Juno 11. The stew ards of tho Grand Central Trotting Cir cuit met nt tho otnee of tho Rochester privlng Park Association shortly beforo noon and decided upon tho following moctlngs' for the coming season: Pitts burg, July 14 to 17 Inclusivo; Clovoland, July i!& to 81; Buffalo, Aug. -I to 7; Rochester, Aug. 11 to 1-4; Springfield, Aug. 18 to 21; Hartford, Aug. 25 to 28; Philadelphia, Sept. 1 to i. Jerry Dorgnn Found Dead Ilia Coll. Middletown, Conn., June 11. Jorry Dorgan, brother of Mlko Dorgnn, the right fielder, forinorly of the New Yorks, and a well-known bail player himself. was found seriously ill during the night In tho stable In the rear of the Kllbourno House. lie was taken to the look-up. At au early hour ho was found dead in his coll. Alcoholism was the causo of death. An Old Oporrt House Uurned. Baltimore, Juno 11. The Concordia Opora House, located on Eutaw street, Hoar Baltimore, was burned last night. The loss will amount to about $50,000; partially Insured. Edwin Forrest playod his farewell ongiigomont at tho Concor dia, and several other famous actors, nc tressos and lecturers had nppoared at tho old house. Drought In Western Now York. Lockport. N. Y., Juno 11. A severe drought has prevailed throughout cer tain portions of Western New York, whloh Is proving very disastrous to tho crops. Efforts are being made to save the com, but In tlio clay soil belt this is impossible. Hero tho lato oats, sowed four weeks ago, have failed to come up. A Wondnrful Case. Huntington, W. Vn., June 11. Threo weeks ago tho 11-yenr-old son of Alexan der Mnssey was at death's door with lung troublo. As a lost resort, Dr. Yickors mado an Incision over tho heart and into the lung, from which half a' gallon of pus was taken. Antlseptlo treatmont followed, aud tho boy is perfectly woll to-day. Kallroad 1'roporty Burned. Albany, N. Y., Juno 11. Tho New York Central Hotel, together with two barns, an lco house and about luu square foot of cuttle Bliods at West Albany wero burned last night. Tho loss is about $50,000. Tho property was all owned by tho Central Railroad Company. Over $0,000 for tho Loss uf a Leg. Northampton, Mass., June 11. Henry Mooney got a verdict of $0,000.07 in tho Suporlor Court in his suit against the Connecticut River Lumbor Company for tho loss of a leg In a saw mill ot the tompany wherein ho was employod. btovo Dealers Assign WiLLlAMSPORT, Pa., Juno 11. McQlll & Woltroth, hardware and stove dealers, have algnod. It Is bollevod tho assots will cover the liabilities, Winners at tho Ascot Races. London, June 11. The race for the Royal Hunt Cup at Ascot was won by Laureate IL, with Rathbeal second and Breach third. What the Druggists say of Heisfcoll'sOintment. ' When we are us Iced to recommend a, prepara tion fur akin dlsrase, wo hand out Hkiskf.ll's Ointment, wtili every coulldcnce of lUr&uccta ful treatment or the disease." J C. Rkdicic, 6 filtitaet., Butler, Pa. "I have been selling ITeiskelih Ointment for eleven years. It gives universal satisfaction ' Jtwill cure Thtter. Q, Y. IIACKHNBERQEB. EalnbrMge, I AVe have evidence of the curatl vo properties of IlEisKEua Ointment here, It Is a good reliable ointment." Fleming & Esler, Tarentum, Ta. "In all fckln diseases I Invariably recommed Hkj3kkll'b Ointment."' J. J, Keil, Sharpsburg, Ta. "ITeiskell's Ointment cures n hen all dsn falls." JIcCxjjllan (filtKED, FreeporUi'a. Heiskell'h Ointment sells on Its own merit-" IL 11, Hilton. KUtannlnc, Fa. THEATRF, nUII.lJINti, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.; J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, ' S. W. Vast, Ass' i Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Xnia 011 SavliiKB DcpoHllu. First Mm Bank AMOB GIVES BATTLE; Police Firo Into n Crowd of, Strikers at Grand Rapids. SEVERAL PERSONS WOUNDED. Tho light Raged Half an Hour When tha Mob Broko and Ban. Sovornl of the l'ollco llndly llrnlscd Tho Station Houses Filled With l'i lon ors and Serious Troublo reared Tho Local 3111111,1 In Sympathy With the Strikers Ultra l'ollco Sworn In, QnANti RAfiDS, Mich., Juno 11. An other big riot occurred during tha morn ing, and it was tho most sorious that has yet taken place In tho strike of the stnet car omployes. The pollco learned at midnight that tho strikers had hold a sccrot mooting and contemplated action. A number of strikers wero seen going north nnd a squad of polloe followed. The strikers hid bohlnd nn ombnukment, nnd tho po lice hid near by and waited an hour. Tho strikers sout out two scouts to recon noitre, nud thoy were o.ipturod by tho po lice. At 3:d0 the strikers moved quietly toward tho wheel pits, and, as It bos since been learned, with the Intention to blow up tho pits with dynamite. Tho pollco charged and met with a volley from re volvers and with stones. Tho police ro turncd tho fire, nnd, from the crieB heard, it is believed that several members of tho mob were wounded. A pitched battle ensued, sovornl of the police being roughly handled. Detectiva Smith's bond was cut open, but ho was not fatally injured. Tho police fired again aud halt tho mob fled, while a hun dred remained behind to have It out with tho polioo, who fought desperately and captured 13 of tho strikers, several of whom have been Identified as belonging to tho union. At noon It wns rumored that one man of the mob whs dying and several more wounded, but this cannot be verified, as their whereabouts cannot be learned. Nearly half the members of the militia belong to labor unions, and the regular army at Fort Wayne may have to be called upon, so say the officers. The polloe station 1b filled with prison ers, who will be arraigned under the State lnw. About 250 specials will be enrolled at once. ' Serious rioting Is like ly to occur. SIR WILLIAM IN FAVOR. Ills Murrlago to Ullas Garner Created it Sensation In London. London, June 11. Tho marriage of Sir William Oordon-Cumming to Miss dar ner of Now York created tho greatost sonsation bore and has immensely helped Cummlng in tho popular estimation. Opinion to-day ts much nioro favorable to tho Baronet than aftor tho verdict. It is now claimed that tho jury was packed, and that so fnr from tho tlefenso being surprised by tho questions which a juryman nuurcBfeea to tnorrtneoor nines tho questions wero oxpectod, nnd hnd been arranged In advance in oider togivo the Prince a pretext for declaring his bo llof In Cumralng's guilt. A Juryman has admitted that' the caso was settled ogalnst tho plaintiff by tho evidence; of the Prince, and especially tho answer of tho latter declaring thnt he had found it impossible to discredit the ovldenca against Cummlng. It is said that all tho jnrymon are Conservatives in political faHh. Never In history, nt least since tho Cromwell period, has tho royal houso of England bcon subjected to such sovore criticism In tho person of the botr to 'the throne. The leading newspapers, irrespective of party, In London and tho provinces aro united in arraigning tho Prlnco of Wales for tho low example ho has given the public, and startling suggestions aro given currency that the Princo's kind of royalty I3 not suited to tho ago and to tho people. Tho Nonconformists everywhere are aroused and next Sunday will un doubtedly wituoss somo of the, plainest utterance of, tho century from the pul pits of Great Brltnln. Sir Wllllnm Gordon-dimming has re signed from all his olubs. The costs taxed against him are 5,000 pounds. ITALY'S KING ACTIVE. Slightly Alarmed Over a Secret Message rroin tha Kutsor. London, Juno 11. Mysterious confor euces havo been going on within tho past few days botwoon tho courts of Gormany and Italy. The subject of those discus sions is not known, but it Is known that King Humbert socrctly left Monza, with out tho. public having any idea of his journey, nnd went to Rome, where ho held a long conference with the Cabinet, Before the King left Monza It Is under stood that ho was visited by an agent of the Kaiser, direct from Borlln, the bearer ot a message Jroui the uermnn emperor. Slnco Humbert's visit to Rome, there has been renewed activity at Spozzla, and the vessels out of commission aro being over hauled. A Young Girl Ilrutully Murdered. Leeds, England, June 11. -Barbara Waterhouse, tha 5-yoar-old daughter of a quarryman, disappeared mysteriously last Saturday. Last night the police discovered a butidle ln tho street clos6 to the town hall. In it was tho body of the missing girl. It was horribly muti lated. The legs nnd arms had boen al niost severed by gashes Inches doop. Tho body bad been cut open, nud the Intes tines protruded The olothlbg had evi dently been replaced after tho murder. Vuther Curd, 8. 0., Dead, Roue, June 11. Tho distinguished Italian ecclesiastic, the Rev. Father Curci. Is dead. He was born In 1800, and was a foremost and eloquent pulpit orator of the Society of Jesus. In 1807 ho was expelled from tho Society of Jesus foronlulons expressed by hltn with regard to tho temporal power ot Vho Pope, but later ho retracted. lloqucst tho I'rlnco to Stop Gambling. London, June 11. Tho Baptist Con, ferwuce at Todmordcu has sent a memor ial tc Sir Francis Knollys, secretary to tho Prlnco of Wales, prvylng tho Prlnco, In view of tho misery ond ruin caused to tho couutry by the prevalence of gnm bllng, to doollue la future to practice or countenance It. We are a patient people--the ox is nowhere in comparison. Webuy lamp-chimneys by the dozen; they go on snapping and popping and flying in pieces; and we go on buying the very same chimneys year after year. Our dealer is willing to sell us a chimney a week tor every lamp we burn a hundred or more a year and we plow for him, pay him for goading us. .Macbeth's " pearl top " and " pearl glass " do not break from heat; they are made of tough glass. As likely as notour dealer would rather his chimneys would break; " it's good for the business," says he. He buys me orittiest ones ne can get. " What are you going to do about it?" -r- l'lttsburg. aE0, A. MACBETH & Co. GOLD 1CBAL, PAWS, 1873. W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa from which tho excess o oil been removed, 13 Absolutely Pure ami it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three Hmea the strength of Cocoa raised with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far mora economical, costing less than one cent o dtp. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioxbted, aud admirably adapted for invalid? as well as for persons In health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO,, Oorchwfer, Mass, $3 SHOE ties for Gentlemen. nei rnnted, anil ho sUniitcd on bottom. Addreflft iv. ij. iuiijhl,.13, lirocutan.iHuHH. Solan" tToisojpii. :oii,: ii)o mill Vnwnrtls CAN HE INVESTED IN A POUITlVIi AND (J APIS 15 PerCent. Dividend. Paying Stock. Full particulars mid Prosr ectns can bo had on application or addressing S. I.. ril.HI'HON, lliiuUer, i.$ Ilionclwuv, ?. V. CHEAP AND STRONG.' 20 other styles 5-A Nem, i-tees to suit all WM. AVllUSffNONS, 1'IHI.ADELrilIA. Chltbctfr". En.lUh Diamond Urine. flrtrrtnal nnil Onlr ftanutnn. trc. a)wtf rulHbU. ladies aik mond Brand la I ted ud UoU meullla1 Druifflil for CXle$ter JinufuA Via-. Imici, utleJ with blu ribbon. 'I uko oo other. Rrfutt dinger out tulttuif tiotu antiimUatwn: Al Dragghii, or ieod4v ItrlUf far TmAUS in letter, tr return ' 31 till, jo.vvu inuiuwuiKH. ,ii(n uyr BoUrr 538 HPft?.PHU8ii?& 3! ii t ruVo w4 iucoMfut i ik ! for lill'Uuti sfbolb SpcchlDiscasc3,BIM3 Poisoa V 1 i r-BS,Hleteh"i, Plm-lei. Sort Mi-uiii, Thruit, IrrftttioDi. Btttll lnga, loan cittttni, Kldatjs liiadltr.LwM UftUtf, W(k tk DTiKPtlt, V" tf UalaDottolr, WttXaefl U.WUlT, Inipir4 Unmorj odDc47, fctrlctorei, 11 auetm rnaHlac frvia juothtul error tr fiftu rerwork, Old,YounaTfllddloAseUJoo't'ff''Jlwi, tnrt wcerutu, no ti penmen I bvt tTerytwoi ioowd t mtdiiMt tnJiurilcftlicienM,ctitin.ttadelJ olioUM. notattUc brUUdrtlUf ttoottt. Yrvult t ert la 4 lo 10 dtrt, Kuroitu Itotplttl exiicrienco in Wermtayi ItDd, Frtae tad AnttU, otrtlCoHu" tad dtpiomu pro? tad U yttr, iiTeucl eprtenot 10 000 ew tured yttriT tfJ1 C. A)J wS'l tie pi Id loin t.HTllitBd(rflWr.fc 2L)lOmfV9 uaaurxvH tt airttikM, kaairltds tuJ ipcritact tnd whoetn nmtiit pftlenu pernttatoiijr rytafd-ibtiu. Sat 1 litt hih Uil!akoitUKfoalnjt qatcki tod tdrprtUIUc dMUrf w)i thlrUlMndhuduleuiBUarttt"''i''l i-wlImonlBjli, tklf iptmpct uct , they da Dot pi i tu.l 9t !ff rf wLlfh'nt. t..u t 4 M d.ooy. tad rttttli of lh..imlt .iwaUJiiig letliu - momy or It rthr Bverrdny niiu v A fid BttuHuKun Ktftrfiici tl Watlkdt r .in tolL Si i TiOKt FIEE INSURANCE I Urgeil ill Oldest Etllillt Fuel) Cnh Cnjiiltt Kepresented by DAVID FAUSTC 1 H, Jardln Street, UENANDOAU.PA ftl Si