Lhf YOIi. YI.--2STO. 151. SHENANDOAH, PA., THURSDAY, JUKE 11. 1S91. ONE CENT. THE SUEEST BO AD TO WEALTH IS TRBOTTGH LIBERAL ADVERTISING-! JOHN WANAMAKBR, The attempt of the Democratic press to smirch the character of Post master General Wanamaker by mak ing It appear that ho was Implicated In the Quaker City bank wrecking, etc., has failed miserably. Mr. Wana tniker's prominent position in publlo nflatra, coupled with tho known fact that he was customer of tho Keystone Bank quite naturally led to some gossip connecting his name with tho unfortunate institution, but his straightforward statement before the Councils' Committee of Philadelphia was sufllclent to satisfy the most skeptical that thero was nothing in all his transactions that could reflect in the least upon his character and that ho had no relations with Bardsley. Bluce Mr. Wanamaker has been in President Harrison's cabinet he has been a constant target for abuse at the hands of the Democrats and when his name was mentioned In connec tion with the Keystone Bank they were rejoicing that the golden op portunity had arrived; but they were doomed to disappointment. Referring to Mr. Wanamaker the Philadelphia Times (Democratic) says : "The full statement which he made yesterday before the Councils' com mittee, shows very clearly what well informed persons in Philadelphia have never doubted, that Mr. Wana maker's relations with the bank were exclusively those of a profitable customer; that he had no relations whatever with Bardsley, and that he knew no more of the condition' of the bauk before Its failure than any other depositor. Beyond this, Mr. Wana maker's relations with the Keystouo Bank are simply those of one of .the victims of Lucas' deception. Lucas went into the Beading syndicate and agreed to deposit money In tho bank for this purpose; subject to Mr. Wana maker's order, He also put up bank stock iu lieu of cash; After Ixie death, when Mr. Wanamaker had checked out tho money, he found that Lucas had not made tho deposit he had agreed to, and Mr. Wanamaker had to make good the overdraft. He prop erly held tho stock as hla security for the money that Lucas had agreed to furnish but did not, and he contin ued to hold it until it was represented OEISTTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Bold la other stores for S5o. All floor Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre JUST RECEIVED AT KEITER'S I GENUINE IMPORTED GOODS Crosse and JilacTewell's Chow-Choio and Pickles. French Ilacaroni, 2 lbs. for fiSo. j " Sardines in Oil, 2 qans for 25o. Jbancy Mice, 3 lbs, for 25c, Eine California Emits. Fancy Prunes, large and fine, ISo. Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. or 28c. v Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c. Evaporated Peaches, ISo Canned Pears, Plums; Peaches and Apricots. FBBSH GrOOZDS- Fine Roasted Coffee, 30c quality Improved. Old Government Java fresli roasted Fancy Table Syrup 2 qts. lor 25c. Ginger Snaps and Coffee Calces, 3 lbs. lor 25c. Slcluucd Hams. Lebanon Summer Sausage and Clilppcd'Bcef Fancy Creamery and Fine Dairy Butter CHEAP -A.3ST3D GOOD. Tomatoes, Corn and Early June Peas not soaks 3 cans for 25c New Raisins 4 lbs lor 25c 'Washing; Powder, 4 lbs for 25c Will have another lot of those Fancy Moquette lluys at $1.25 in a few days. to him that if he returned it to Lucas' estate it would help in the rehabilita tion of the bank. In all of this Mr. Wanamaker Appears, as anyone who knows him would expect him to ap pear, as tho liberal man of business deallug generously with the bank, and neither seeking nor accepting any unusual favors from It, though the bank officials asked unusual favors of him, and himself a sufferer from tho dishonesty that Anally wrecked the bank. There is nothing whatever in the whole business that reflects In any way on Mr. Wanamaker, and his un reserved statement ought to put an end to the foolish gossip that has so persistently dragged his name into tho affairs of the Keystone Bank." Oh, What a Cough. Will you hoed tho warning? Tho signal per haps of the sure approaoh of that more ter rible disease, Consumption. Asfe yourselves If you can afford for the sake of saving 60 cents, to run the risk nnd do nothing for It. We know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles wtre sold tho past year. It relieves Croup and Whopplns Cough at onoe. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame BnoE, Bldo or Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Piaster. Bold by O. II. Ilagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and Lloyd Btreets. Mon's low tan shoes, formorly ?1.60, now $1.00, at the Boston Storo. More Stock Bought. J. Cofleo, next door to tho First National Bank, bos bought out a boot and shoe store at Ashland. Tho party was In business no longer than six months and, therefore, the goods are not shelf-worn, but almost brand now. Cofloo's prices and goods will sur prise you. Go and see him while his stock is complete. If you want to save 40 or CO por oont. on oach pair of boots give him p, call, nis bost miners' boots, worth ?3 else whero, can ba bought at $2. C-5-Qt Misses lino patent leather tip shoes for 85c. at tho Boston shoe storo. A Now Business. 1 J. Cloary has oponod a storo In the Forguson'B building, on East Contra street, and is proparcd to furnish tho local trade with fino leather and shoo findings and x kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is. a largo one and wall equipped to fully supply all demands of tho trade. 6-lC-tf Mon's fine Congress shoes, former prico J2.25,xnow $1,60, at thoBoston shoo storo. Best domet shirt In town, at "The Famous" clothing house, 50o. Shifting pants from 76c. up. Men's calf, Congress shoo (warranted) former price 3, now $2.40, at the Boston shoo storo. Waters' Woiss boor is tho best. John A. Keilly solo agant. 6-5-tt PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received by the undersigned committee up to 7 p. m. on Friday, June 12, &n, for the digging of a drain, laying of a ten-Inch pipe, and nlling-ln, for a distance of about tfcree huncrcd leet, and a depth of from five to six icet, the pipe to be supplied by the committee, Tbe right to reject any or all bids Is reserved, KTtWARO I1EVERS, EnwAHD Amour, 6-9 4t Committee. VIEWERS' WORK! DIVISION OP THE WARDS DIS CUSSED AT LENGTH. DEMOCRATS UP IN THEIR HATS, "It'a a Political Sohomo" Their Battle Ory A Oommlttoo That Agreed to Dlsagroo Maps in Abundance. The docllo, Rood-naturod, just, people laving Democrats woro out in force yester day to moot tho viewers appointed by tho Pottsville court to dotormino tho advisa bility of making a re-division. Thoy pushed thumsolves to the front on all occasions and lost no opportunity to Im press upon tho minds of tho viowors that they had assembled to sea that a division, if it should bo decided upon, would bo u just one ono with which tho people would be satisfied. A stranger overhearing their protesta tions would be impressed with tho idea that tho Republicans of tho town are on tho "peoplo bo d d" sido of tho houso and that tho Democrats are tho only boings who cherish a lovo for tho peoplo. But the roal reason for the largo out pouring of Democrats was to drown tho Republicans by swooping all motions, in caso any should bo mado. When tho viewers told them that thoy had como to town to hear the sentimonts of tho peoplo on tho question of dividing tho wards and not to act as presiding ofijeers of a mass meeting, several Democratic Jaws droppod perceptibly, Tho viewers, who are Col. J. G. Frick, J. H. Mudey and A. B. Cochran, throe Pottsville gentlomon. Col. Prick, tall, orect stalwart and with military bearing, although his hair and board aro white as tho driven snow, was tho commanding figure of ttio trio. Col. Fr! is a veteran oMho lloxican war and he seryod as Lioutonant-Colonel of tho 'jnn'aii I lunel of the 129th Ponn'a., and Colonel of tho 27th Ponn'a. Kogimont3, during tho civil war. .Mr. Mudey is an ex-Demo-cratio Postmastor of Pottsville, and Mr. Cochran Is a civil engineer with a reputa tion extending all over tho state and many old maps of this town boar his signaturo. The viewers assembled at tho Kendrick House and wero sworn in by S. G. if. Hollopetor, Esq, It was then decided, in conscquonce of the throng assombled, to havo tho hearing in Ferguson's theatre and that place was started for at once. Col. Frick called tho meeting to order and stated that the object of the visit of his colloaguos and himself was to Inquire Into the propriety of a re-division of tho wards of the city of Shenandoah. After reading tho order of tho court Col. Frick said that the viewers were roady to hear statomonls Air, Hollopetor took the stage' and said, substantially: "Sometime ago, under tho Act of 1874, tho requisite number of citi zens of Shenandoah presented to tho Court a petition, tho synopsis of which has beon read by the chairman, in which it was stated that tho wards of the borough as thoy now exist aro insufficient for the con venience ol tho inhabitants thereof. Tho petition was signed by tho requisito num ber of citizens and on this authority tho viowers were appointed by the Court. "It is submitted by the petitioners that tho population of the borough is, In round numbers, ovor 10,000, and it is divided into five wards, and that tho voting population principally in the First, Third, Fourth and Fifth wards Is so large at the presont time, as not to accommodate tho convenient of tbe voters; and for that reason this petition was presented. "We shall show you that in tho First ward are assessed taxables amounting to 90S, tho registered voters number 782 and at tho fall election of 1890 over 448 votes were cast, "During the hours between 6 and 7 o'clock, p, ra.( thero aro a great many voters who aro unablo to cast their votos on account of not having sufficient time. Tbe peoplo living hero aro dependant upon their daily labor for a livelihood and work all day. They quit at four ojclock and by the time they get home and got washed they havo so little time that they are pre vented from casting their votes. They find It Impossible to vote In many cases unless thoy wish to stay away from work. I know of my own knowledge and even In the little Second ward, men havo been un able to get their votoB In. "In the Second ward the assessed taxa bles number 437 ; registered voters; 859; votes cast at last fall election 203. "Third ward assessed taxables 1,041 ; re gistered voters, C24 ; votes cast last fall, 470. "Fourth ward assessed taxablos, 725 : re gistered voters, 50 ; votes cast last fall, 301. "Fifth ward assessed taxablos 1,053 ; re gistered votors, 803 j votes cast last fall, 417. "We claim, as I have stated before, that tho citizens of tbo First, Third, Fourth and Fifth wards cannot be acoommodatod to day. Wa claim that those wards should ba divided on such a bssU as may seem juvt, Thero It to be no gerrymandering. Every one will have their say and It Is with you, gontletnon of tbo commission, to say whether wo shall have a rodlvi3lon of tho wards and how many wards should bo established. If you gontlomen should con cludo to report a ro-division I think vou would bo safe in making a re-division of tno second ward, This ward is increasing each year and, perhaps, It the ward should bo dividod into two part of It mleht possibly bo added to ono of tho wards of tho First; or, if you should think other wise, thon possibly part of tho Second might be taken into tho Third. VThero is another point and that is that in the borough of Shenandoah wo try to live up to tbo law as near as nossiblo. Wo don't count during tho day time, but wait until after tho last vote has boon polled and then tho board undortakos to count off and for that roason, when a large voto Is polled wo can show to you that it has required un til, olton, two. throo and four o'clock In tho morning beforo the returns havo all been computed. "For those reasons wo think tho borouch should bo re-dlvlded and boundary lines established for niuo wards, at least. It has boon suggested that nt tho timo of tho first division of tho town into wards our population was but 8.000 and It Is over double that now." John A. Nash, Esa., the Democratic lawyer of Pottsvlllo, succeeded Mr. Hollo poter. lie had boon retainod bv tho Demo- crats of town to oppose tho petitioners. Mr. Nash opened his address smilinelv and at once proceeded to taffy tho com missioners sovoral Inches thick. "I am hero to seo that Justice is dono to all parties," said he and sovoral in tbo audience of tho same political stripe said "Hero! Uoroll" Thon tho taffy pourod out in a monster stroam. "If it becomes necessary to divide tho town into additional wards," continued Mr. Nash, "I know it will bo done with justice to tho voters and pooplo of tho town. Wo are perfectly satisfied (and ho smiled) and will rest con tent with your action." Then turning toward tho viewers, and turning on an oxtra flow of taffy, Mr. JMusu said, "I know from tho charactor of this board that nothing olso will be done. lhereforo, I feel content that no gerry mandering and no political convonienco will ho subsorvod, as they aro men (Mark Antony stylo) of too high character and havo too much at stako to bo made art in strumont for any such purposo." It was a Democratic dodge. It was a heavy dose of taffy against a flood of cold, stern facts. Mr. Nash then suggosted that tho town might bo djvidod into precincts, but tho viowers said thoy were not dealing with procincts and their report to tho court would have to bo for or against a division, Thon Mr. Nash took another tack and declared that to mako more wards would mako tho Borough Council and School Board too cumbersomo for official action and that all the work would have to bo loft to committees. Mr. Nash then claimed that It would be inexpedient to divide tho town. That it would be better to wait until tho new ballot law good into effect. A consultation was hold aftnr tlin nrl. drets by Mr. kash and it was finally con cluded that two gontlomen from each of tho llvo wards, a Domocrat and Repub lican from oach, ba solectod to act as a committee and' try to agree upon boundary lines for tho proposed notf wards. A comparison pf the selections shows how well the Democrats carriod out tho understanding. Republican committee: William Ken drick, First ward; W. J. Watkins, Second ward; S. A. Beddall, Third ward; P. D. Holtnah, Fourth ward; John Bock, Fifth ward. Democratic committee: 'Squire J. J, Monaghan, First ward; F. J. Bronnan, Second ward; A. J, Gallagher, Fifth ward; Christ. Schmidt, Fifth ward;:H. J. Mul doon, Fifth ward, It will bo observed that the Democrats had no representatives from the Third or Fourth wards on thoir committee but had three representatives from tho Fifth. While these selections were being made D. J. Doyle, of the SunJaylA'ews, arose and demandod that tbo business bo pro ceeded with. Ho was informed that tho selection of tho - committees reforrod was tho shortest wayto a termination of tho business, And Mr. Doylo sat down. Tho committees adjournod to Mr. Hoi- lopeter's office for Joint session and Mr. S. A. Beddall was made-chairman. 'Squire Monaghan brodiipod a man and showed how bo thought tho lines should run. Ono of his suggestions was that the proposed new First and Second wards should ba divided by "White and Centre streets. His suggestions were listened to attentively. Then tho Republicans produced a map. Thoy got as far as suggesting that the First and Second wards should bo divided by the Lehigh Valley railroad when an oxplosion o wratb occurred, "What do you take us for?" shouted ono Democrat.' "Thoy want the earth," another shouted. "Whero did you got that map T" askod a third, while a fourth Indignantly exclaimed, "Why, we w ro told that you fellows were not making any maps." Then ther was aohrusf "It's a trick," "It's a political scheme,." "Thoy don't want to give us anything." Th ' IUh'UUIohu mttp was similar to th'U of tho Democratic map in many partlcH lars, but tho Ronublican division of tho First and Fourth wards wore looked upon with horror. Tho Re publicans wanted to drhW linn nn street and throw all south of that line with Turkey Run Into tho Ninth ward. Tho Domocrats. on tho other hand. wnnfnH in throw all that part of tbo town south of Uhorry streot and west of West streot into the Ninth ward with Turltoy Run. Amid tho unroar tho chairman rnnolmlorl that tho committoos could not aerco and they returned to tbo thoatro. Upon tho return to thn Ihnntrn M Beddall mado a formal statement to tho otloct that tho committees had failed to reach an agrotmcnt. Tho viewpra m. pressod regret that such was tho caso and said they would taka all the maps for futuro consideration. Moanwh.lo 'Snuiro Monaehun ml Harry Muldoon had hold a privato consul tation, resulting in tho 'Squiro stopping lo tho front of tho tinea and chnnllm. "T move this mooting go into organization." 1 second tho motion." shoutt-d Mul doon. As thero were ten Democrats to oach Republican in tho theatro it WAS nlliin nnsv to seo that tbo schomo was to form nn nr. ganization nnd havo it adopt tho Demo cratic map and throw out tho ono submitted by tho Republicans. But tho motion was not put nnd tho scheme necossarily failed. The viewers withdrew from tho theatro and, accompanied by S. G. M. Hollopoter, Esq.. T. R. Beddall. Esn.. W. .1. Knltznr. E-q., and a few othors, sought tho gonial nospitaiity ot Juno Host Kendrick who had prepared a tomptinK dinner for them. Mr. Kondrick mado ovnrvthlnir iw nlnnxnnt as possible for tho guests and his hospitality was unstintod. After dinner tho viewers drovo about town and viewed the proposed boundary linn-. Thoy left for Pott3yillo on the 3;09 Lehigh Valley train. FAMOUS WILL CONTEST. iU Toam' riBht Ovor tho Jlutchlns En tnto LonvoH Only 8014. Haumonton, N J., Juno 11. Tho for tune of $17,000 loft by George Hutchlnn, who died six yonra ago nt Aucroa, hns boen reduced by tbo contest over his will to $014. All his Hfo Hutchins, who was a wealthy farmor, had been a devoted spiritualist and a groat ndmlror ol Henry George. Ho loft $18,000, tho bulk of bis for tnno, to disseminata tho Henrv Gooree lltornturo. Tho balance, $5,000, was loft to his wife. Tho will was hotly contostod, and for tho past four or five years has been carried through nearly ovory oourt In Now Jersoy. Tho heirs hnvo untiringly followed tho contest, until, for lack of funds, it can bo carried no further. The noxt stop taken will bo for a rulo to show causo why the executor of tho ostato should not pay $H18, all thoro is loft of tho $12,000, to Honry Goorge. Tho rost hns boon swallowed up lu lawyers' foos and court charges. At tho samo time application will bo mado by tho widow to havo the balance of what is left, $200, paid to her. This will make $2,037 tivi has received from her husband's estate, and in tho and sho has fared much bottor than tho others. This will end ono of tho most prominent will contests over known In New,Jorsoy. BULKELEY MAY RESIGN. lie Hay Step Out in Fnvor of Goneral New Havew, Conn., June ll.A strong fooling prevails among tho Connecticut Republicans favoring Gov. Bulkoley's resignation. Tho office would then descend to Llout-Gov. Morwin, next in succession. That would loavo the vital question at Issue in the Gubernatorial contost between Morris and Bulkeley practically unchanged, It Is asserted in high political circles that If Gov. Bulkeley has not expressly signified his Intention of resigning, lia has manifested a favorable inclination that way, aud that Morwin and bis special advisors are deliberating as to what course to tako, in vlow of tbo pending questions beforo the Supreme Court, should bis colleague take tbe step In question. It Is conceded that no at tempt to reconvauo tho General Assombly will bo mado. It Is confidently believed that If Mer win beoomes Governor tho way will ba made easy for declaring all tho Demo cratic candidates for State offices, except ing Governor, as elected without opposi tion, WALWORTH'S WEDDING. X Doublo Marrluffo Wltnosnod by ISz President Cleveluiul. Walworth, N. V., Juno 11. Nevw be for has any society event in this soctlon beon heralded as broadcast as tho doublq wedding which took place here nt noon. The brides woro daughters ot Hon. L. T. Yeomans, and Mrs. Yeomans is n sister of ex-President Grover Cleveland. Miss Anna G. Yeomans was marrlod to Joseph A, Reed of Beatrice, Neb., nnd Miss Ellen L. Yeomans became tbo bride of Charles W. Hamilton of Donvor, Col. Tho Rev. William Cleveland, undo ot the brides, performed the marriage cere mony. Ux-l'resldont ClovelnnU was present nnd was tho first to tender his congratulations. Mrs. Cleveland was not present nt the ceremony. Ueuth of nn Kdltor. SODO.VBHANSA, I'ft., June 11. G. E. Ra slguo, editor of tho Daily Tiwusrlpt, is dead, lie vtm pruiueut w a pollttolan. The latest n klsce la a velvet bard doek.U wi it jowe d CUUOJU. GAPITOUMGS, THE PRESIDENT APPOINTS THE) LAND CLAIMS COURT. RECORDS OF THE MEN NAMED. Throo Ropubllcana and Two Dem ocrats Will Sit on tho Boiioh. Diplomats nt Washington Loavo for Chicago. Hy Xatloital Preii AttoaiaHtm. Washington, Juno 11. Tho Court of Prlvnto Land Claims, Just appointed by tbo President, consists of throo Republi cans nnd two Domocrats. Mr. Reed, who Is mado Chief Ju9tlco of tho Court, is a roBidont of Council Bluffs, la. Ho wns born In Ashland County, O., March 13, 1833, and settled In Iown in 1S57. Judge Murray is resident of Hunt ington, Tonn. Ho Is about 05 years of ago and Is a strong Republican, but wns recommended for appointment by both political parties. Judgo Sluss of Kansas was formorly Judge of tho District Court. He is about G5 years of ago and a resi dent of Wichita. The Democratic mombcrs aro Colonel Fuller, ot North Carolina, and Judgo Stono, of Colorado. Both aro able law yers. Attornoy-Gcnoral Mlllor says tho court Is a very strong pno nnd that tho mom bo rs nil stand high In their profosslon for ability and Integrity. Tho salary of tho members of tho court Is $5,000 and oxponses, nnd thnt of tho ittornoy $8,G0O and oxponses. Tho court n'lll sit In tho States and Territories crbcro tho cases artso, and may at times hold short sessions In Washington. MINISTER PORTER'S LEAVE. 3ll Vacation Will I.nHt Until Itnly Somls it Ollnlator Hero. Washinoton, Juno 11. Mlnistor Por ter has not boon recalled to tho United States, but bo has boon given a vacation which will last until Italy appoints a Mlnistor to this country. Tho diplomatic relations between tho two countries havo beon suspendod, but uot broken off. To recall Mr. I'ortor to this country would do tho latter, and thereforo ho has only been given alcavo of absencoand allowed to go whore ho pleases in tbo eastern hemisphere The State Dopartmon6 donles thnt Mr. Portor hns been recallod to the Unttod States, und thus diplomatically states tho cases After Mr. Porter has boen away from Italy for samo timo it will bo said that he stays nway so long becauso lie has not had a vacation for two years and now ueods a good long ono. As long ns Mr Tortor is In Europo ho will bo on tho way to return to Italy if needed, but until Italy appoints a successor to Baron Fava Minister Porter will remain away from Rome. DIPLOMATS GO WEST. Thoy K.envn Worihiuton This Mornlna to See tho World's I'nlr Sit. Washinoton, Juno 11. A pnrty of diplomats left Washington at half past ton o'clock this morning for Chicago. The party went In n special car ovor tho I'cnnsyivnnla road, and will bo In charco of Chlof Clerk Brown ot tho Stnto Depart ment. The nnrty will visit Cbloaxto on invita tion of tho Stnto Department to lnspeot tho slto selected for tho World's Fair and to meot the fair commission, so thoy can advlso their respectivo governments upon tho prospects of tho exposition. Tho Keystone Hunk Btntemeut. Washinoton, Juno 11. Comptroller Lncey oxpects to finish his statement In regard to tho Keystone National Bauk affairs to-duy, and hand it to tho Presi dent for bis Information. Mr. Lncey stands ready to appear before tho Coun cil commutes ot l'blladelpbla whenover requosted to do so by his superior odoora. Beei-etury Fotel'a rlaui. Wasihnotok, Juno 11. Secretary Fos ter intends to go to Ohio iu a few days nnd bring his family to Washington. Ho has leased a resldenoe bero and will go to housekeeping at once. No decision has beon reached In the bond matter you A Kind Friend. Is what they oull that Kaiuous ltemedy, itcd KUm Oil, It quickly curas Ithe'juiatlMn. pain. XI Is good for lauu or Lxwst. 23 cents. ivi wnin drug More. Fancy Evaporated California Peaches. 15 Cents a Pound. Not off grade goods, But First-class Stock. AT GRAF'S, No 122 North Jardin Street