-roit- Picnics and Outings! Soverh, tho Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vegetablo3,Canncd Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. All new and fresh goods. Cor. Centre and White Streets. The Evening Herald. 1'UBLIHlIF.l) DAILY AND WEEKLY. LOOAL LUNCHEON. Fruit tlmo begins. FhB3 are fluttering. The preserving toason hn begun. Keep oool is good ail!oe for a hot day. i he black straw, hat Is the favorite this seaon. Cherry pie ii bow in order and not hard to take. Merchant should not iorH to tee that their mercantile license ie paid. noma gorgeous oreattous in eummor millinery are displayed in tho etoro win dowi. Tbero probably never was a woman who did not demand that her husband be goad as wero hislovo Iottor. Suddon Death. Christopher Little- Eiq.; n prominent Ppttsvlllo attorney and Insurance agontr wrs louna aoaa in tca at juaucn ununs this morning. Ills death was attributed to hoart failure. Thanks. At a regular mustor of Watkln Waters Post, No. 140, O. A. R., tho following resolution of thanks was unanimous! adopted ! Resolved, That tho thanks of tho Post are duo and am hereby tendered to all musical organizations and eccletles and all who participated In tho parade and cere monieJon Memorial Day. Jokl D. LkddKn, Post Commander, Attest: Fred. II. IIorKiNS, Adjutant. arloy Coffeo. Ita Excellent Qualitloa Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of FigsIt Is pleading to the eye, and to tb taste and by gently acting on tho kidneys, liver and bowols, cleansing the system eflectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. Completed to Deadwood. The Burlington Uouto, 0., B. & q. R. It., from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, Is now completed, and daily pasenger trains are running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D to Deadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Doad wood, tf Coming Events. June 15. Strawberry and ico cream festival in Bobbins' opera house under tho auspices of the E worth League of tho 11. E. church. June 17 Strawberry and loe cream festi val in Bobbins' opera houso under tho auspices of W. It. 0. No. 6'J. Juno 18. Excursion ot Washington Camp, No. 200. P. 0. S. of A., to Lake Bide. Juno 10. Fair and festival j Bobbins' opera house ; under the auspices of the ladies of the First Preebytorian church, Juno 20. Picnic at Columbia Park by National Guard of Warsaw. July 4. Lawn party undor the auspices of tho Primitive Methodist church. July 1 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Hose Steam Fire Engino Com pany. m New Bakery. Scholder Bros, have opened a new bakary at 27 South Main street, wheroyou canleet fresh bread, oakos, candy and ico cream. Give them a call. 6-C 3ro Playing Oarda. You can obtain a pack of best Equality tilavlnir cards by sending fifteen conts In postage to P. S. Eustls, Gen'l Pass. Agt, B.. 0. & O.K. It. Chicago, 111. tf Tho Shenandoah Business Collego will continue its sessions through tho summor. Piioils ontoring now for bookkeeping or shorthand can prepare for positions by fall. Inouiro at tho college rooms, Rob- bins' opera houso. C-2-2w Buy Kcytione flour. Bo caroful that the name Litssia & Co.. Ashland, Pa., ie printed on ovorv sack. 8-3-3taw Beet work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. AU work guar anteed. The largost stock of wall paper and window shades ever received in this town," or oounty. Good enaction, at F. J. Portz'i took and stationery store. 3-20-tf Spectacles to suit all eye at F. J. Portz'e book and stationery itoro,t21 North Main street. 3-20-lf Waters' Weli beer is tho beit. Jobs A Reilly sole agent. 6-5-U Tim u-nitt ilnn.er about nst'lectlnc a Cough or fold Is Consumption, Wo on awureour rdr tht no medicine equals Fhu-TIiiu Coueh and Consumption Cure, Try It. Trial UtU tte at Klrtln's drug More. "WALL PAPER ! Our Bill of Faro. Propared and published expressly for tho II KiiALB readors. THURSDAY. DM5AKFAST. Whoitena with Cream. Potato Croquettes. Applo Jelly. sally litinn uake. Ua DINNER. Macaroni Soup. Fricasseed Beof. Potatoos. Bread and Butler. Cocoa, 1'ineapplo. BUrrKii. Tea Biscuit. Cotlago Choose. Canned Pears. Cake. Custards. Tho Summer Guldo Books. Tho Reading Railroad has issuod its an nual guidu book, whereby any ono who in tends making a trip this eummor, whether it be a long or iv short ono, a cheap or an expensive one, can see at a glance whoro to go, how to go and the cost that will bo on tailod. A map is included in tho book. Tho Reading systom connects with all other systems, and tho tourist can go al most anywhere in the United States over it and its connecting lines. Tho book can be carried in the pocket and is decided a useful ono to have at this ecaion, The eummor excursion book issued by tho Lehigh Valley and Now York, Lako Erie and Western Railroads can bo had from Mr. N. Van Horn, General South eastern Passenger Agent, 880 Chestnut treet, Philadelphia. It is a handy book to have as it gives the summer rate over tho railroads wo havo mentioned and their connections. A Cnrtrldgo luthe Box ot Cnndj.. Nnw York. June 10. Mrs. PrlsclUn Randolph, of Mount Hornb, Somerset County, N. J., brought homo with her yesterday ovonltijj n box of candy, which she had purchased iu Washington. She was eating some whon her tooth struck a hard substnnco and there was an ex plosion, damaging her face sovoroly. A small cartridge was iu tho sweet Btull. Blood poisoning Is feared. Now Cnllco I'rlittWorks. Fall Rmirt, Mass., June 10. Tho re port that a new calico print works was to bo estaullsiieu in this city was voriuau last night by ox-iroasurer Uoltorall of tho Amorican Printing Company. Tho now works will have a capacity of threo aud possibly lour machines, The capital stock, amounting to $100,000, has been subscribed. Murderer Scheulo'tf Knd Draws Near. BniDQKror.T, Conn., Juno 10. Jacob Scheele, the murderer condemned to bo banned on Juno 18, is visited more fre- nuetitlv by the Rov. Bovurly E. Warner, who has long and earnest conversations with him. Scboele now Is confined Iu a corridor apart from all other prisoners. Thirteen Horses Forlsli. Mkbidkn, Conn., June 10. The livery stable of Thomas O'Brien was burned during tho foruoon and 13 horsos per ished. The liro is oouoveuio oo oi moon dlnry origin. Got. Puttlson Mgn Liquor License Dills. HAnuiBBURO. Pa.. Juno 10. Gov. Paul son has nuprovod both the wholiwalo and retail lluuor lloeuso bills passod at tho recent session ot tne legislature. PERSONAL. Capt. F. H. BarnharL of Llewelfyn',' spent yesterday in town. John A. Itcilly and J. II. Pomoroy,Esq., returned from Atlantic Oily yeelefdsy. Miss Magglo Uardman, of Johnrtown, is visiting hor cousin, Miss Mattio Leach, of West Lloyd street. Mltses Hannah Reese and Ella Clauter ipont yesterday afternoon driving In the Catawlssa Valley. Superintendent L. A, Freoman and his family loft town this morning to spond a vacation of several weeks with friends at Providence, It. I. Arthur W. Tobey, of Philadelphia, secretary and treasurer of the East Maha noy Junction Land and Improvement Company, was a visitor to town yostorday. Gold Heaters' National Union. Bosto.n, June 10. The commlttco of arrangements for a national organization reported to tho Gold Beaters' convention that it was essential for tho protection of all to bare a national union. Tho com mittee recommended that It be formed undor tho name of tho Gold Boaters' Pro tective Association of the United States. The convention votod to adopt the recommendation. WANTS, Sco. WANTED.-A good girl for Ken .TT. eral housework. Good wages paid. Inquire at, the llKUALi) office. 6-Mf AGENTS WANTED. Free pro paid outfit to energetic men. Beveral ot our salesmen have earned from fTO to 100n week for years past, P. O. Box 1371, New orx. 8 5-lw B OAIlDEItS WANTED. - Sternly boarders, or fnr mpnli nnlv- flnM ia. lion and first-class accommodations. Apply at M. Bboeler's, No. 110 N. Main street, Bhn andoah, Pa. fl-5 nn Fugnr Trust Dividend Doolnred. New York, June 10. The Bugar Trust Directors have declared tho Beml-anuual dividend of 3 1-2 per cont. on tho pre ferred and 4 per cent, on tho common stock. Franco nnd Iho World's Fair. PawB, Juuo 10. It was decided at Cabinet Council to-day to ask Parliament for a grant to enable Franco to take part In tho World's Fair. All Down Willi the Grip. Halifax, Juno 10. -All tho Inhabitant of the Magdalen Islands aro down with tho grip. No fishing Is belno done. Secretary ltlatno Much Improved. Bak HAHBOn, Mo., June 10. Emmons Blaine loft for Chicago lost night. Soc retnry Blaine stems to be much im proved. Ho goes driving every pleasant day. Undertakers in Besslon nt SlU-utogu. Saratoga, Juno 10. Ono hundred dele gates of tho State Undertakers' Associa tion are holding a two days' Besslon hero. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale. One of the nmqt rieRlmhlA hrnnpr- tlcs on West Oak street, for Bale on reasonable terms. Appiy ai uovrses grooery store, cor ner Jaram aud Oak streets, Shenandoah, Ia. Rnonstblo New Yor House, Keferenccs. MAJt UFAtrruHKlI, LiOGK. XIOX 1DOO, PiQW 1 OTK, FOR RE N'T Store and buihllnc now ocoupjed by the Shenandoal Bakery Oo, lor maufacturlne anl retail candy huslnow. Two floors 6 )x20 feat. Apply PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received by the undersigned corainltlee ud to7 p. m. ou t'rlday. June 12, 1801, for the dleeltiE of a drain, lavlneofa ten-Inch nine. and Illllne-ln, for a distance of about tkree uuncrea ieei,nna a aepm ot irom live 10 six leet. tue nine toue surmlen by the committee. Tho right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. ltllWABD 11KVERS, Edward v. Amour, A. Ii. Lajiii, 89 4t Committee. At Scanlan's , You caa get-tlievbestraul, P ti.fira idrri .j .OAPrflb totvu.U.W. bos just received a full Hue of STRAW ' HATS. From 5c io $. Also a nice line of light colored hate, derby add soft:' A ulce light col ored derby lint. S1.25 Light colored soft hat for 50 cents. AT SOANLAN'S- You will nnd cheapest line or tiiuinivb auu Hnnliels in town: nlso Ouih Coats selling tueM oil at ro'st. Six dbzeu netikties at 25o a piece, Worth 40o. Nice lino of Gents' Underwear at TOoasuIt. Htadqnartern fori" um wer Shirts and Boys' Waists, 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Still at the Old Stand SCHEIDER'S BAKERY I No. 29 East Centra St., Shenandoah. Better prepared than ever to serve our many patrons with a superior quality of Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, -GO TO- PROPOSALS.-OITloe of the Phila delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com pany, l'ottavllln, Pa.. June 2, IM1. Proposals are Invited and wlli be received until Mon day, June 13, for culling and mining the coal and transporting tho same lnmlue cflrsto the foo' ol the slope at East franklin colliery, near Tremont, Pa. Bpeclncntlnns can be seen at the iilnco of the District superintend ent, at Tremont, nd at tho ofllce of the Jlln Idk Superintendent or Gon-ral Huperlntend ent In Pottsvllle. The company reserves the right to reject any nr nil bids 5-1 td K. C. LUTHKIt. Genl. Hopt. The Soap that Cleans ost (jREEI : TRUCK I Oysters, Clams and Poultry llocelvod-doily at the old roliablo stand oi WOMEE'S North Main St, near Lloyd. 'Wholesale ami lictall. Picnics, festivals and private parties sup plied In quantities at short notice. is JL,enox. DABB, The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having lian his gallery greatly Improved, lie is nowoener prepared, mau ever luiueet the wants of the publlo In tho photo graphic Hue. The best phqto grupus nt lowest prices. Crayon Work a Specialty. Attention, House Gleaners ! The warm weather ia here, aud house-cleaning if the nest tiling in order. And at Buch times moat everybody needa sometuing to unguten up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef, TWO OK THREIS-JPZY INGZ&AIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS I You can find a full assortment at PKIOE'S. nr.n Pmvtnino f!m4oin PnW nf oil Ifmlo mm yuiiaiuo, uuitftm luioa ui tiuauiuo Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloth and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation oue price to all. Vnssar Collofc Commencement. Pocgiikeepsui, N. Y., Juno 10. The city is full of strangers in attendance the commencement exercises io-uay Vossur College. JVrci Jhlrm. Green Truck, Fine Groceries, EDITORS' OUTING. be Invadod FRUITS, &c., Harvoy'a Lake to Next TueBday, Tim mnmliers of tho Schuvlkill Press Association, accompanied by their lady Hlvan S CUUaiD;, tk. uenire pt. Delaware roe shad and other fresh flsh rlghVi Greens from the Houth. U.S. mutant" old stand) Everything now and -resh. Goods delivered to any part of town. , R. C. KNIGHT & SON; A CAULOAD JUST AltBIVED AT MELLBT'S Blanks Bo Gilt 80 Embossed 12 1-2q Window SlmtloB, spring rollors..25o frlonds, will have a day's outing at Har vey's Lake, Luzerno county, HxcUrBion will bo hold Uuoiday, Juno 10th, 1601. Membors from south of the mountain will congregate at Pottsvlllo and leave thero on six a. m. train from Pennr. Depot. Members from north of the mountain will leave tbe!r,;bomes on early morninc L. V. It, 11. trains that will got thefii to Uarleton by 7:03 a. m. whoro tho entire iorty will otnsolldfete on special cars furnished by L. V. 11. it. and arrive at Harvey's Lake at lOrtW a. m. ; returning leave Harvey's Lake nt 3:10 p. re. reaching Ashland at 6-il and PotUville at 0:06 p. ra. The prty will bo the RUesUof the L. V. IX. B. Co. and arrangements have boen made for dinner at the Luke Hotel, with substantial morning and evening luncb served on tho train by the caterer accom- panying the eur..on. ine enure ex- IB-DnDT A MT ynTIPC ponso of the trip will be lrom two to three imi Ull I rtl lU I IUU dollari for each person. The oommittee of arrangements has been pver tlif ground and foel safe In assuring tho Association of a pleasant time. The committeo intuto tho following sug Eeellons: Fisbormen, tako your fishing tackle with you. Ladles should attire thetntrives In worm comfortable knock' about garb, rip dress parade. Excursion will bo held rain or shine. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Slioo Store, ' (Mastejler's old stand,) Corner Cool nud JnrcllnlStH. Mr. snvder will always keen In stock a fine line or uoots aua ssues. Custom Worlc and Kcpairlnj; done in tho best stylo. He guarantees to Mil che-uper thnu aompelltors ow ilulu street wEO livo uig rents to pay. aim guaranieee a genn ine pargain on every purenme. Btartling Faots. The American people are rapidly becoming sua me luuowiug 1 u nm nf licrvtms wrecks. I iivLats Ilia besL re lv i Alnhuusallemi i i i -,,,,, or,l log. of lluilor. fa., swiars that when his sun Curtuhl Pol08 -'O snechleM from nt. Vitus daneo l)r. All persons arq ljprely warned NOT TO FISD IN Til DAMS Belonging to (he Shenandoah Water Company, and all parties caught violating this notice win uv Prosecuted ns Trc8pn89ers By order of THE OOMPANT ICECREAM, ICECREAM MOVBD.TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah, Mm .1 it Millar, of Yuluaralso. and J Tajlor, of lxauspoit, w . gained 1 U DOU- aisai- ml. a iinrl nurviMiii iiHditralinn liv tee,uTW CECCHINI & BRO.'S ihe drUKglst, who recommenas unagaarau pounds from taking It. Mrs II. A. C1ht.1i Of Vistula, lud., ms ourd oW U40c vobdous a day, and Uiuclt headaoli al ljr Ui plate or nifasttre, av) put up lu .1, io nnct 20 cent xHcUiiKeH 117 J5ABT CBNTIIK BTUKBT. CENTS for a Window f hade. Others for 33c 45o. 60e. 65c, "6o nndnpwards. Shades made lor stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers desldlue onlv the fixtures or shading by the yard can be nccom- mooaiea.; D. Fricke, 10 South Jardm St, Neat, Cheap and Stylish Confectionery of all Kinds. t ftn on Saturday Evenings Until Midnight. Open on other evenings (Sunday excepted) until ii o ciocir. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, StrawOIats from 20c to $1.50 Bhort Bpray Flowers 60 to 1.00 Wreaths , Ma to- 1.75 Infants' Christening Robe,05o-to 85 Infants' long and Bhort ooats.tt.S5 up to S6.60. 0,000 LADIES WEAK TliiSELF-SDPPOllTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Ilonds written. niBHjBBti licenses una legal claims promptly attended to. cal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Represents wo a-. w-fcuwcBiurii i.iie insurance uo. OFFICH-Muldoon's hnlMlncr. and West Hts., Bhonnuaoah, la. NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, at 20 cents. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Gbods atd makes a specialty of NeMo Bly and Mary Anderson Caps a EAST OBNTKH ST. i. PRICES'S Old Reliable 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, an "With a manufacturing! de partment in full)last,our bank withstands the run. Wo havo made the New Store, cor. 18th and Chestnut Sts., a '-'safe deposit ' tor your money when an need of Ulotmng. Tho daijy rush'. p'roveSf the. "trust" of tho public in our goods. Tho s6ck is right, the prices are rignt wo noia uio leati.. A Rnn ou Our Ilunlc. Noiv Only Comer 13th arid CHESTNUT Streets. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. A two story double frame dwelling house. storeand restaurant, on I2aBt;eutreBt. , A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street, , Desirable property on corner Centre and Jardtn streets, suitable for business purposes. i. A two story double frame dwelling, on West tloyd street. , Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre streot. 6. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner of DM .BM . 1 W V 1UUJJ1 IU one. 7. Two-story single houso on North Chestnut street, with alarge warehouse at the roar. 8. Three two-slory .double frame buildings John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE BeDI)AI.I.'S IlUILDINO, Cor. Main and Centra Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: A two nnd one-half story double frame dwelling houso, with store-room and res taurant. Located on East Centro street. 2 A valuable property located on South Jar- din street. 3-Beven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil bert and Uoyd streets. Good Investment . ft Terms reasonable. ENORMOUS PILE OF -AT- -At a sacrlflce,- Haudsonie designs and new. Well worth 50c. Iu order to sell them 'quick we have shaved the price down taagc. Cpon'tlet t(ds opportunity pass DoncaW & WAid'le'v, No. S South Main Street, Shenandoah, PaJl HOTEL ! EAGLE 221 V. Cs.itre Street, Formerly Kept by 3 hotel is Mrs Omvllle. The above now aept ty PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS ! Men's all-wool Cheviot Bulta $8.00 ' " Worsted Bults 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.5P " Cheviot Butts 5.50 Children's Bults $1 upwards Knee rants....... 20o " Domet Shlrta 25o " Men's shlfttuL' shirts 75o " Best ueclttle lu town 25o And everything else In our Hue you will And down to the lowest prices. We sell the bestoOo Domet Bljirt lu town. 'Merchant Tallorlug a. specialty, -AT- FAMOUS ON-PRIOE OLOTHIHG. No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Paf Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Gllberton. uesii ui aeeonifnuuuuQui tor Permanent and 'IVansiont Guest The bar I a stocked with the best brands ot clgu ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FKEE LUNCH COUNTER. McKeon's Saloon, 109 east centiie bt Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINES AND CIOAIta Of the Cnest brands. Music furnished jails and parties, from one to dye pieces. for g R. BKIOKER, M. D., PHY&IQIAN AND SLRQBON, Volt) East Centre Htreeti Mahonoy City, Va flkln and all npeclal diseases a specialty. r H. OOT1.K A TTORNET-A T-LA W. la-Bedflali'slilliUgi, corner Mslo od Oentrt y""ir Spomkkov. A TJORHEY'A T-U )V, Jdco-Ueldall'i baUdtaE corner Kla U4 CHA8. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. tees this uneqnaled remedy.