The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 10, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.--NO. 150.
It Is hoped the viewers will care
fully weigh all arguments made for
and against the division of the wards
of town and If this Is done, wo feel
, confident, the decision will be In
j nvor of the petitioners. The division
I K a matter of absolute necessity and
not a political whim, and any argu
ment relating to partisanship Is
wholly Irrelevant, If the request of
the petitioners is not granted it will
place the voters of the town at a dis
advantage and deprive tho citizens of
an ample enjoyment of that in which
they are greatly Interested.
rottsvilie, with less population than
Shenandoah, has more wards than
the'lattcr place and they were formed
years ago when the town had a much
smaller population than our town lias
The opposition to the division of the
wards comes from the same parties
who opposed the original division
years ago. Thoy are natural objectors
and obstructionists and anything
, looking towards progress never es
capos their stamp of disapproval.
The division of tho First, Third,
Fourth and Fifth wards is an inipera
tlve uecrQslty and, aside- from the
question of economy, tho question of
dividing tho Second ward is a sec
ondary consideration.
Delaware Republicans are to be
congratulated upon their recent
sweeping victory. Tho state can now
be placed on thelist of victors for 1802.
J uft as true as God made little apples
the Republicans will carry the state
in the next presidential campaign by
a safe majority.
The Patriot, published at the state
capital, is now one of the best, neatest
and newsiest dailies in the state. It is
the most out-spukeu and independent
of Democratic newspapers and It
looks as bright as a newly-coined dol
lar. Its editorials aud locals are well
written and catching in style aud last,
?lmt not least, the advertisements are
Models for newspaper men. The latter
are certainly -attractive and cannot
OZE3STTS per yd for tho
Sold In other stores for 85c. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpel Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Crosse and JBlacUivell's Chow-Choiu and Pickles.
French Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c.
" " Sardines in Oil, 2 cans for 85c.
lancy Rice, 3 lb,i. for 25c.
Erne California Eroits..
Fancy JPrunes, largo and fine, 15c,
Choice JPr lines, 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fvajwrated Jellied Apricots, 20c.
Evaporated Peaches, 15c
Canned Pears, Piums, Peaches and Apricots.
Flue Roasted CaUVe, 30c quality improved. '
Old Government Java frcsli roasted
Fancy Talile Syrup 2 cits, for 25c.
CUiifjer Snaps aud CoOcc Caltcu, 3 lbs. lor 25c.
Hlclimed Hams.
Lebanon Summer Sausage uud Chipped Beer
Fancy Creamery aud Flue Dairy Hutter
Tontntoes, Corn
for 25c
and Early
New Raisins 4 lbs lor 25c
Wasliliiy: Powder, 4 lba for 35c
Will have another lot of those Fancy), Moquttto Jluys at
$1.25 in
fall Id attract attention, which Is a
boon for advertisers. After so many
failures, the publication of such n good
paper at the capital is quite a surprise.
If the paper were of the right po
litical stripe Its success would bo com
plete. The opposition to the division of
the wards comes from those who have
been disappointed in politico and those
who fear an increase of a few offices
will hurt their Income. Or, in a few
words self interest.
The division of the present wards
is imperative.
TnE wards should be divided.
Divide tho wards.
Oh, What a Cough.
haps of the sure approach of that more tor-
lease, consumption, ask younwivaa
If you can allord for tho sake of saving 50
reuts. to rim the rlhtcand do nothing- for It.
wo Enow irom. experience inui nuiion a ultra
will Cure your Cousb. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
ana wnoppiuc tuum ui uuoe. juuuiers mi
not be without It. l or Lame Uaolc, Side or
Chest, use Hhlloh's I'orous Piaster. Sold by
C. H. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Important Notice.
Notice is heroby given that John II.
McGuinness is the superintendent of tho
Cambridge Coal Company and that bo has
the solo right to mako collections and pur
chase materials and suppllns for tho said
company. All porsons nro horoby warnod
to doal with him alono in collection and
salos of supplies. If they ignore- this
notice they will mako payments and salos
at thoir own risk. Additional notico is
given that William It. James has no power
or right to mako collections or negotiato
sales for tho company.
Griffith: D. Jonjcs,
Katk Fkauce.
Shenandoah, Pa., June 8, 1891.
Moro Stock Bought.
J. CoiTeo, next door to tho First National
Bank, has bought out a boot and shoo storo
at Ashland. Tho party was in business no
longer than six months and, therefore, the
goods are not shelf-worn, but almost brand
now. Colloe's prices and goods will sur
prise you. Go and see him whilo his slock
is complete. If you want to save 40 or 50
per cent, on oach pair of boots givo him a
call. His best minors' boots, worth else
where, can bo bought at 82. G-5-Ct
A New Business.
P. J. Cleary ha9 opened a ttore in tho
Ferguson's building, on East Centre stroot,
and is prepared to furnish tho local trado
with fine leather and shoo findings and ail
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all domands of tho trado. C-15-tf
Bost domot shirt in town, at "The
Famous" clothing houso, 60c. Shifting
pants from 70c. up.
June Peas not soalts 3 cans
a few days.
Teachers Eleoted to Fill Vacancloe.
All tho Old Janitors Ro-oloo-tod
Frod. ShortlandArrost
cd for Embezzlement.
C'jlopel J. G. Frlok, A. B. Cochran and
J. F. lludoy, of PotUvillo, tho viowors ap
pointed to divido the present wards into
ono or moro additional wards, met in Fer
guson's theatre this morning and listened
to the arguments of tlioso present. As tho
Hiirald goes to press too early a full re
port is deferred until to-morrow.
An Elootlon of Teaobers and Jan
itors Hold.
The members of tho School Hoard mot
in tho High School room last evening and
Qonsultedwith tho teachers on tho adoption
of text books for tho ensuing term. Super
intendent Freeman, Frincip-d Ehrhart and
soveral of tho teachers rocommonded a few
changes, which were discussed at length.
The Board then adjourned to tho super
intendent's ofllco fur tho transaction of
general baeinoss.
It was decided to postpone action on tho
adoption of text books until the noxt regu
lar mooting.
Lizzie Carroll, Kichard McUalo, Clar-
ottce Crobaugh, Katlo Ko, Mury Itoborts,
Franklyn Williams, Mary McGuinness
and Hannah Morrison wore named as ap
plicants for tho two vacancies in tho corps
of teachers. Mr. Williams and MUe
Morrison wcro elected on tho first ballot,
each receiving the fifteon votes of tho
All tho old janitors wore then re-olectotl
and Mrs. Flynn was oloctod as innitross of
the Turkoy Bun school building ut
salary of $10 a month.
Constable- Phillips Arrests Frod
Shortlaud at Philadelphia.
Fred. Shortland, who was engaged in tho
harnoss making business in town, moved
his family to Philadelphia on Saturday
last. At an early hour yestorday morning
Oonstablo Phillips loft for Philadelphia
ar.d last night ho returnod hore with Short-
laud in his custody.
Shortland was at onco takon before
Squiro Shoemaker to answer a charge of
oiubezziemont, mado by John Thurlby, of
town. Tho accused furnishod 8300 bail for
his appoaranco at tho noxt term of the
Pottsvillo criminal court, Bonj. Huskey
furnishing tho security.
Thurlby's complaint Is that on or about
November, 1889, Shortland engaged with
Thurlby to bo supplied with 80 with
which to purchno robos and horse
blankets; ono half of tho money recoived
to bo repaid when tho goods wore sold nnd
after that tho amount of money invented to
bo returned to Thurlby. That Shortland
sold the goods and embezzled the whole
proceeds, profits and all.
Two Prompt Payments.
To the Officers of the Home Friendly So
ciety, of BaUxmore, Md.
Gentlemen : I horoby tondor my tin
cero lhauks, through your Superintendent,
Wm. T. Evans, and Agent Janios Patter
son, for tho prnmptnoss in paying tho
claim upon my daughcr, Catura Jefferson.
Tho payment was male two hours after
her death. Such promptness is mostcom
mondablo and I recommend your com
pany to tho consideration of nil.
JIhs. Louise JKKFKusosf.
Shenandoah, June 10, 1891.
GENTLEMHit: Permit me to convey my
warmest appreciation for the promptness,
through your Assistant James M. Cuffs and
agent Fred. Aoornley, in-paying the donth
claidi of my wife, Bridget McAndrew.
William McAsbkew
Shenandoah, June 10, 1601.
Indian Village.
An entire Indian Village has been added
to the grant Wild West, whioh undoubt
edly cannot fail to bo appreciated by "the
people of tho States." It is not a peaked
tent or two, artistically daubed by somo
modern artist, ns is seen in tho many so
called Indian villages or oncamproont, but
a bona fide Pele-hawo-rat village, tho wig
wams or topees with their lodgo pules and
trappings have boon purchased in the In
dian Territory and shipped ouft, that the
people may enjoy the slght.once at least, of
a genuine Indian village; Illustrating tho
modes of living and the habits of tho red
men in his lor (-at home, showing the
squaws at their bead work, making mocca
sins, sowing wampum, tanning hides, etc.
The braves In council smoking the peace
pipe, or "playing with hit cbiefUitu'a
young," and not tha least attractive is the
merry-faced pappooses that never cry, but
strapped to a board are truly objects if
great InUrest. Taking it nil in all tbo en-
campment is a eceno of grout interest, and
one of tho leading feature of Pawnee
Bill's Great Wild West Kxhibition nt
Lakeside Driving Park, (East Mahanoy
Junction) lor one week commencing Mon
day, Juno 15th. Grand performances and
pado every afternoon. Parlies taking
tho 12:S0 p. m. train from Shonsndoah will
arrivo on the grounds ample time to see
tho whole show.
Tho K-Trontrer Wept in Ho Admitted
Htii Wrong-Polntr.
PmxADELFMA, Juno 10. In tho com
mon prison van, with half a dozen hard
ened criminals as companions, ox-City
Tronsurer Bardsley was brought, from
Moynmensing prison nt noon anil ar
raigned before Judge Fell.
He was taken to a seat in the dock,
where ho crowded himself an much as
possible into a corner.
A few minutes nfter he wnB called to
plead to the 17 indictments found against
him by tho grand jury.
"John Banlsley, stand up!" snid Crier
Hart. Slowly the ex-treasurer arose. "You
nro chnrged with lonuing publio money
as a public officer. Whnt say you, guilty
or not guilty i"
"Guilty," said Bardsley, Inaudlbly.
"You are charged with making and
agreeing for interest on publio money D9
publio officer. How sny you, guilty or
not guilty?"
"Guilty," again, in n low tone of
"You are charged, as a public officer,
with investing public money. How say
you, guilty or not guilty f"
"Guilty," nnd with tears ho sat- down.
His counsel asked tlmo to present tes
timony for ids client. This whb agreed
to and his trial was llxed for two weeks
henco. Ho was again taken to the van
and returned to his cell in Moyumensing.
Tho depositors of tho suspended Spring
Garden Bank held n meeting at whioh
resolutions were naised condemning tho
courso of Bank Examiner Drew with re
gard to both the Koystono and Spring
Garden banks, nnd calling upon tha
proper authorities to ask for his resigna
tion at once.
S. B. Allen, a well-known lawyer
Boston, died last night, aged 00 years.
Thoro nro rumors of lrrogulnritlos In
tho accounts of tho Stato prison nt Sina
Slug, N. Y.
By tho settlement of tho John Han
cock will caso Harvard College will ro
ceivo $70,000.
Fully 2,500 strnugors nro In Fort Wayne,
Ind., attending the convention of rallwav
Tho Massachusetts Houso of Bepro
sentativos has refused to pass tho Polico
Pension bill.
Prof. Hanus of tho Colorado Normal
School has been tendorod the chnlr of
pedagogy at Harvnrd.
Tho New York Court of Appeals donied
tho motion for ro-nrguraont made by tho
counsel for Jugiro, tho condemned mur
derer. Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Convention
of tho Now York State Sunday School
Association convened at Saratoga yes
terday afternoon.
A syndioato of Baltimore, Philadelphia
and New York capitalists has been
formed to purchnso tho'Baltlmoro City
Passeuger Railway.
A iyndloato of New York aud Boston
capitalists havp purchased tho Atlantio
Mills at Providence, B. I. Tho present
capital is $3,000,000.
Tho American National Association of
Dancing Tonohors' opened their eighth
annual convention at Haas Acadomy at
Providence, R. I., yesterduy.
Ex-President Clovolnnd has been invltod
by tho Concord, N. H., committee on tho
Fourth of July oxoroisos to bo present on
that occasion as the guest of tho city.
James Hughes, tho labor loader, wai
sentenced at Roobestor, N. Y., to serve
one yeur in the Monroe County Peniten
tiary for extorting fl.OQO from Adler
Bros., clothing manufacturers.
The German Emporor has ordored thnt
all tho old servants of his father nnd
grandfather now over CO years of age,
ijlitill be retired on comfortable poubious.
This applies to males and females.
The California Athlotio Club of Saa
Fra.ialsoo hns matched Abe WiUU
nnd George Dixon to fight for a $5,000
purse on July B8. Tho men are to weigh
115 pounds threo hours bofore entering
the ring. Willis now weighs 13-1 pounds
and Dixon 130.
General Schofleld publicly states that
in regard to his murriage there is
nothing left to be said. He lias informed
bis family of his Intended marriage, aud
all reports tothe oontrary, whether they
profess to bo nuthorltatlvo or not, nro
Without foundation.
A delegation of citizens from Buffalo,
N, Y., are in Washington to sen Presi
dent Harrison aud Secretnry of War
Proctor in reference to tho reunion of tho
society of tho Army of the Potomsc In
thut olty on July 4, and to make an ef
fort to induce, the Presldont and Sec ro
tary to particlpoto therein.
Several policemen in Bradford, Pa ore
under arrest on nccount of unjustifiable
arrests. Two aro charged with batter
ing down a door and arresting two young
people without warrants. A third is
charged with brutally clubbing and
bieaking the arm of a spectator at a ball
game. All will be arraigned for examin
ation. Stop and Think
ITow lnri-h mou-y ym have thrown away
uuyiua xorlolow iu-cI1ouoj, prejwnxl Ur
Uuurtuviplva parlies woo mm not wiikt bui ui
inov hiht do to voirr svutein. You fart ilt-
ut-nctou every bottle oi Milplinr Hit era us
- s fn.m
ft iMu 11 Ltl
loult.r niio ninKt-.. i.o leel like H r- r-
Tho Victim Was Seon Struggling
In tho Grasp of Two Mon Sho
Bogged to be Released, Then
Thoro Was a Splash.
lly Xational Prem Atsoclation.
Camd.n, N. J., June 10. Fncts which
point to another murder have como into
possession of the Camden police author
ities and are being investigated under
the supervision of Chief Dodd.
Shortly after midnight Miss Mary
Coleman, n young woman, living nt 026
Beach streot, Cooper's Point, close to the
Delnwnro river, hoard two agonizing
screams from n woman. On looking out
of tho window she saw a youug girl of
Btout build struggling In the grasp of
two mon.
"For God'9 sako, don'tl Don't, for
God's sakcl" shouted the young woman.
A second Inter thore was a splash in the
Delaware nud the two mon ran away and
wero soon lost to sight.
Iu tho morning tho body of a young
woman, who, from papers found on her
person, is supposed to be Miss Blanche
Humphreys of this city, was found float
ing in tho Delaware near Morris Se Mat
thews' shipyard, Cooper's Point, and the
polico think thty are on the truck of a
I'otor .TnluiKiili's Hotly I'uuiul on
Shore of North Kgg Island.
New Bkdk'iru, Mass., Juno 10. Peter
E. Johnson, ono of the heroes of the City
of Columbus wreck off Gay Hoad Janu
ary 18, 1884, was murdered early in tho
morning in a horriblo manner. Ills dead
body, dreadfully cut, was found lying
faco downward In a boat on tho shore of
North Egg Island.
Tho island, which Hos on tho onst sldo
of Fairbnven, Is a favorite resort for
clammers nnd fishermen, nnd tho discov
ery of tho murdor vta? mado by Joseph
liamol. tlamll, when near the Island,
was hailed by a straugor, a man 22 years
old, who nskeu to taken off. Ho waded
out to Unmel's boat, and when landed
hurried away, romurklngi "Go look after
my boat." Then tho discovery was
Tho polico are actively searching for tho
murderer. Johnson was a Portuguese
nnd about lu years of ago.
Crowd Throne the Sonnto Oliambor This
Ottawa, Ont., Juno 10. Crowds all day
have thronged tho main ontrance of tho
Sennto Chamber, wliero tho body of Sir
John Macdonalu now llos In stato.
Tho Stato funeral to-day will bo
tho most Imposing over seen In tho Do
Tho Governor-General and staff, the
Lieutenant Governors of tho provinces,
members of tho Cabinet, judgoaand otlior
officials, and a largo body of troops will
be In tbo procession, which will escort
the remains to the railway station.
Tho remains will loavo this city
this evening for Kingston, wliero they
will llo in stato In tho City Hall until
noon Thursday, when thoy will bo taken
to the Kingston Cemetery nnd bo buried
iu the family plot besldo his llrst wife.
The Cupa Cud nnd Xew York Canal.
Boston, Juno 10. Tho Cape Cod and
Now York Cauul Company's bill has been
returnod to the Legislature by Governor
Russell with tho recommendation that
nn amondment bo adopted compelling the
now company to deposit $200,000 in the
Stato Treasury to replace a like sum
wldch will bo returned to tho old com
pany. Gen. Alger Is for Illaluo.
Seattle,, Juno 10. Gon. Russell
A. Alger, of Mlohlgan arrived horo yes
terday. In an interview ho said: "It Mr.
Blaine indicates to tho Republican party
that he will be n candidate for President,
I believe ho would be nqinlnated in a
moment. I believe he would bo the
-itrougest man the Republicans could
place iu nomiuatiun.
T)i Ad-liMB War Cloud.
London, Juno 10. The World says, in
n sensational article, that ItrltUh troops
are Ixlng concentrated In Afrlcn, and
that war is probable Iu thnt region this
year to settle the conflicting claims of
the various powers.
A MlnUter Kenti-nut'd for IturKlnry.
AVooimat, O., Juue 10. -Rev. John S.
Kay was sentenced here to two years in
the pealteutlary for burglary. He pleaded
guilty. Drink causod his downfull. Ha
has filled charges iu Ohio for several
A Lucky Suitor,
RocHi-AHD, Mo June 10. Fred John
son of thin olty, until recently mate of
tho schooner Lena White, has rocelved
from Englund a cablegram announcing
that ho had falleu heir to nearly $05,000.
Another Xowipuper Chnnco.
New Yohk, Juue 10. The control of
the New York Recorder has passed Into
the hands of George W. Turner, and will
be conducted hereafter under his man
agunent us a Republican newspaper.
MubllltUs of tho IIrliS.
London, Juue 10. The balance sheet
of the linuld.itors of the Urlugs show
t'.iat Imuw iu be liable for sevaii millions
pnuu 1- with ait of e!j.'hf in'lliou
-lvou l.iiirlu.l aud lift; iujus.i ud pouniii
Prof. Abbott Itpfusci 10 Olio nn Opinion
of tlio r rcllnr Cn.lo.
Asuuitr Park, N. J., June 10. Prof.
Prank Abbott, Jr., bacteriologist of tho
Loomls Laboratory of New York city.
conducted tho nutopsy on the remains of
lawyer Bartlne, who died the other day
of hydrophobia resulting from a cat's
blto, nt tho receiving vault In Mt. Fros
pect Cemetery.
Dootors Samuel Johnson. Hush S.
Kinmouth, Henry Mitchell and George
i . vviinur wero present, also Mrs. Dr.
Ella Prentiss Upham, the fiance of Mr.
The brain was badly exmuested. Tho
loft hemisphere showed n hemorrhage
from the arteries at the base of the brain
and tho left side of the brain was well
filled with oongulated blood. There was
no lesion of tho brain tissues, which
proved that death was due to hemor
rhnge. The left brain also showod slight
evidenco of atheromatous of the arteries.
The professor remarked that he had
found sucli conditions of the arteries in
oases of trersons who had died of hydro
phobia. A small piece of tho brain was
taken to New York for experimental
purposes. Professor Abbott refused to
jivo nn opinion of the cose.
o Now Trlul for tho O rati 10 Hollo To bo
Sentenced on aiumlny.
Newark, N. J., June 10. There was a
snrious and eager throng in court to hear
Judge Ktrkpatrlck's decision on the ap
plication for n now trial for Miss Lucy
Gardner of East Orange, the society
womau who was convicted of steallug
goodB beloning to Stern Brothers of New
After listening to the argument of
counsel on behalf of Miss Gardner, and
also the argument of the prosecutor,
Judgo Kirkpatrlck said ho saw no good
reason for granting a new trial, no
therefore denied tho motion for a now
trial and an arrest of Judgment.
Ho gave notice that ho would sentence
Miss Gardner on Monday noxt.
Ills Account rrovlni to bo Correct In All
Albany, N. Y., Juno 10. Paymaster
rrederlck Ward, of tho Delaware & Hud
son Canal Company's railroad, has been
taken to au asylum in Poughkcepslo for
His injuries in a railroad ncctdont-havo
affected his mind.
His accounts, which wore alleged to bo
several tnousand dollars short, are being
straightened out, and it is now believed
that thoy will bo found to be correct in
all particulars.
I.etn Notorious Thlorl?aonpo.
Norwalk, Conu., Juno 10. A man was
arrested hore yostorduy on suspicion of
being 0110 uf tho threo masked mon who
broko into tho residence of Patrick Kear
noy on Plymouth avenuo. Ho was dis
charged for lack of evidence, and it is now
belloed ho was none othor than Joseph
Shanaliau, the notorious thief who es
enpod on Saturday last from Deputy
Sheriff Burke of New York, who was
taking him to Sing Sing. Officers who
arrived from Now York are posltlvo that
tho man was Shnnahan. Ellorta are now
being mado to rocapturo htm.
Ulod from Illood Poisoning.
PiTTBiiuno, Juno 10. Dr. Griflltk J.
Thomas, n resident physlciau nt Mercy
Hospital, died at 10 n. nt. from blood
poisoning. On Sunday ho assisted at a
surgical operation, and tho poison en
tered his system through a boil on his
wrist. Ho was only years old, and
took first honors in his class at tho Jollor
bou Medical College In Philadelphia.
Uniting the Kcforincd Churchos.
Asmniv Paiik, N. J., Juuo 10. The
proposition to unite the two churchos,
tho Reformed Dutch Church iu Amorica
nnd tho Reformed Gorman Church in the
United States was favorably reported to
tho General Synod of tho Reformed Church
In America. Final action will be
taken at tho next meeting of particular
synods which meets next year, who in
turn will report back to the General
Synod in ISM.
ltcimbllciiii Cluh to Moot nt Syracuse.
New York, June 10. Tho oxecutivo
committee of the New York State Leaguo
of Republican clubs met and selected
Uyracuso as tne place in wiuon to bout
the next convention and decided upon
August Cth as the date. Tweoty-ono
members were present, and President K.
A. MeAluin uresided.
15 Gents a Ponnd.
Not of grade goods,
But First-class Stock.
N t 22 North Jardin Street