The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 08, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents tn the most elegant form
or tub
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
C system, forming an agreeable
", and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It ! the most excellent remedy Jtnown to
When one is Rilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
Office op
WaMnvton, April 8, lbOl. J
WnKKEAS, By satisfactory evidence pro
iented to the uudcisigned, it has been made
O uppear that "The Xtrthanta' Rational
flank ,of Shnumdoah," In tlio Borough of
Shenandoah, in tlio County of Schuylkill and
State of FenLsylvauia, lias complied with all
the provisions of the statutes of the United
States, required to be complied with before an
assoctat'oii shall be authorized to commence
the business of banking.
Now, Tukkefohe, J, Edward 8. Lacey,
Comptroller of the Cltirency, do heiebycer.
tlfythat "The Merchants' National Banltof
Bhenandoab," In the Borough ol Shenandoah,
In the County of Bchuyllclll, at d State ot
Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the
business ol banking as provided In section
flity-one hundred and Mxty-nine of the Re
vised Statutes of the United Stales.
. r , IN WiTMEfcS WHEREOF, wit
1 t?0t J ncss my hand and peal of office this
8th day of April, 1891.
No. 4546. E. S. LACEY,
Comptroller of the Currency.
MAT ED miMii; :
llsvacure-l miiiyth mo d t.- :;. Curj pronounce" I
hopHevi by the
e 't ra i.v'-in. From hnt nnv. sympt'tri
iet nl ii.t'in'.
.rapilly di3ftipcirf tun in
(ijusiU I-3M two-trir(U of i
bill, srnd ten
nt in stumps ("pay potA(e r'Xinaiwi
II. If.
Dr. Grnsvenor's
"''zW-r'" PLASTER.
J l vut uum, -
ItheumatLsm, neortlgi, plenrierand lambaffo
" um if remiw toi Bate vj an imixxuiili
A New "Venture
Has opened a
t AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST.,
AM V 11111 4f S. iAI AAi
Sales,of assorted goods, notions, hardware,
glassware, etc, etc.
Goods from all parts ot the county solicited
on commission.
Committeemen should bear In
mind that the Herald office
is prepared to. do nll kinds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Give, us a call aud obtain our
prices. All work dono when
promised and In a satisfactory
Or tlio JJtiuor, I'lMllltciy Curcu
jynainiuistcruiir nr. luuiica
ejolilen Nitrcinc
It Is manufactured u a powder, which can be (riven
in class of beer, a oup of ootfee or tea, or in rood,
nlthout the knowledge ol (bo patient. It la absolutely
turmlesa. and will eifeot a permanent and speedy
lm. whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
a aiboholiowrtott It has been given In thousands
of oases, and In every instance a perfect cure has fol
lowed- H never Kails. Tbe system onoe lrapretrna
d with the beoomes an utter impossibility
VpCopameuUM'rrce. To b. tad of
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druflrjlst, Bhenandoab
Tlio Coronor's Jury Boliovo tlio
Last Ono Was Poisoned.
All the Circumstances Point Suspicionslj
to Fotil Play.
The) Accused Woman Tells Conflicting
Stories She Said Her Husband Threat,
enodto Kill Her Truoos of rnrls (Ireon
Found in IIUKoud TwoOtherllunbuudi
Died lu tlio Sumo Way.
Rome, N. Y., Jttno 8. Tho inquest
touching tho death of John Sorgonfrlo,
who was found dead In bed rtt Ills rosl-
donee on Laura street, Utlcn, rosulted In .
tho coronor's jury finding that Sorgon
frlo camo to his death from parts green, r
and that from tho conflicting testimony
of thoso nearost oonneotod with tho do-1
ceased, thoy bcllovo that tho poison wn9 1
ndmlnlstcrcd to him by his wlfo Caro-j
line. I
It was first thought that Sorgonfrla had I
committed sulcldo, n3 he was found in j
his-bed with a dinner on tho floor con-.
talnlng traces of pnrU green. " From the
Btrnngo actions of Mrs. Sorgenfrio the
coroner suspoctcd something more than
By Investigating tho case ho found that
not only ivoro the circumstances of Sor
genfrlo's death peculiar, but that the
woman had had four husbands, two of
thorn dying by poison. Sorgonfrlo had
eaten 11 hearty supper tho night beforo,
and his wlfo tostliled that ho did not oat
anything. Traces of parts green wore
found in tho food ho had eaten. It was
found he had a quarrel with his wife tho
night beforo. She tostliled that ho
threatened to kill hor, and t lint alio would
not sleep with hlra, though she know
nothing of his death, only that sho found
him dead lu tho morning.
Tho Coroner found that a wook or two
beforo his death his wife found him with
n notorious woman by the name of Mary
Fox,' who threutonod to keep Sorgenfrio
with her. This woman swore to this at
tho inquest.
Mrs. Sorgonfrlo was very Jealous ovor
this woman. Sorgonfrlo had property
worth about $2,000. Sho married him
with tho Intention of getting this prop
erty. Thoso circumstances, combined
with tho fact that two other husbands of
tho woman died in tho same houso by tho
samo means, point suspiciously to foul
play. Mrs. Sorgonfrlo is coaflnod la tho
Utlca jail.
Sir Charles Itussoll llosumcs Ills Aren
muiit This 9Iurnln.
Londo.v, Juno - 8. Tho baccarat trial
continues to excite tho greatest intorest,
and it is said that oven yesterday tho
Chief Justlco received several applica
tions for soats in the court room to-day.
The applicants Included, it is stated, an
olllclal of the admiralty who had a nar
row escape recently from himself becom
ing tho hero of a courc sensation.
Tho report that tho Prlnoo of Wales Is
in debt to Arthur Wilson is denied on
semi-ofllcial authority, and a Sunday
newspaper which had given out nn in
tention of publishing something about
tho matter received a plain intimation
that proceedings would follow.
Sir Charles KuhsoII resumed his ad
dress to tho jury this morning, and,
Judging from tho scopa of his remarks, it
is prob.tblo that ho will take up a con
siderable portion of tho sitting of tho
Court to-day. Sir Edwurd Clarke is to
follow with tho closing speech for tho
prosecution, and is not likely to fall be
hind Sir Charles la tho length of his
Bpeech; as tho evidence being rather
against him ho will havo to depend
largoly on his foronslo powors to restore
the case of his client. If ho gets a chance
to open after tho recess he will bo for
tunate, and will no doubt take up a large
part of to-morrow. Then comes' the
summing up by tho Lord Chief Justlco,
to which all look with tho groat est Inter
est, especially that part which is to treat
of tho Prlnco of Wales.
The case cannot bo given to' tho Jury
boforo to-morrow ovenlng. How long it
will tako for tho jury to como to a de
cision it is impossible to tell. While it
is a remarkably sympathetic body, and
has followed the caso with closost atten
tion, it has shown no inclination of in
clining to either side. Much will dopend
on Lord Coleridge's chttrgo, which can
not fall to havo groat influence with tho
Jury. Should he bo able to clear up in
advanco their doubts, differences and hes
itations, an oarly verdict la to bo ex
pected. John Ilnrns Arrested.
London, June 8. The London omnibus
striko was attended by soma excitement.
Burns, the Socialist, occupied a bus
driven by a novice without a badge, as is
required by law. Two constables re
moved Burns from tho bus and took him
to Bow streot, while the crowd cheered
him. Upon being released ho hastened
to address a meeting at Westminster.
Flratlcal bns drivers collocted a sixpence
for any distance and the underground
railways carried enormous numbers ot
peoplo. Public sympathy is with tho
strikers on the question of hours.
Attacked by it Drunken Mob.
Columbus, Intl., Juno 8. Tho north
bound train on tho Pennsylvania lino
was attacked by a drunken mob just
after it pulled out of Seymour at 0 o'clock
last night. Knives wero drawn and used
freely. Charles Cutslnger was badly
used up, ns wero also two strangers. Tho
train was in chargo of Larry Smith, con
ductor, who placed four mon under ar
rest bero and lodged thorn In Jail,
Sirs, flrlnnvootl Honored,
Losdos, Juno 8. Queen Victoria has
conferred tho Order of the Red Cross on
Mrs. Q rim wood for herolo conduct at
Manipur, whero hor husband, tho British
political agent, was murdered by the
Tho Ilrlgttmls In Coustnnttnoplo.
Vienna, Juno 8. It is believed that
tho Klrkillsse brigands havo reached
Constantinople unobserved, and are safo
In that city, after dlvldtug tho booty
paid for the German tourists.
Kurtliuuake In Italy.
Home, Juno 8. An cartliquako In north
ern Italy damaged houses in Mautua and
Vorona, aud caused tho death ot an In
valid lady through fright.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
The arguments at Saratoga in tho Til
den will cose lire concluded.
Wright & Smith, clothiers of Philadel
phia, aro financially embarrassed. Tholr
Uabllltes are $10,000.
The police have seized tho ofllco of tho
"Bcvoltn," a new Journal, at LiBbon, and
suppressed its publication.
Heavy frosts oattsed much damage to
tho crops In Rpn-erset, Kennebec, Frank
lin and Oxford couutlos, Maine.
William McGlbney, the Eastern Agent
of the Louisville Se Nashville Railroad,
died in New York at midnight from
Miss Ellon Terrv. the nctress. Is ill
in Loudon with congestion of tho
lungs. Her condition is roportod to bo
In n flro noar Myorsdalo, Pa., two chll
dren were burned to death and nlno
other occupants of tho houso barely es
caped In tholr night clothes.
Father John Brady of St. Joseph's
Church, Amosbury, Mass., has been ap
pointed by tho Pope as coadjutor to Arch
bishop Williams of tho Boston dioceso.
Governor UusSell of Massachusetts
has signed the repealing bill permitting
persons to tako drinks at tho bars at
saloons while standing up.
Ex-Governor Henry Llppitt of Rhode
Island died yestorday at Provldenco.
Ho was born In 1818, and was a lineal
descondentof John Lippitt,-who enrno to
this country lu 1038.
In the Cambridge, Mass., Polios
Court thirty studonts of Harvard Collego
woro fined $03 each for having liquors
stored In tho rooms of the Alpha Delta
Phi Club, of which thoy wore members.
In tho Massachusetts Legislature the
bill taxing inheritances so that direct
heirs pay no tax and collateral heirs pay
5 per cent, was passed in tho Sonato. Tho
bill to regulate mercautilo ngoncles was
defeated in he Houso.
It is taid that Governor Steele of Okla
homa, hns been offered n position ns Com
missioner of Pensions by President Har
rison. Governor Steele is an Indlanlun,
and was appointed Governor by tho Pres
ident. After a long conference botwoon com
mittees representing tho Boot and Shoo
Workers' International Union nnd the
Knights of Labor Shoomakors, of Bos
ton, they failed to reach a basis for con
solidation of both organizations.
Governor H1U has appointed District
Attorney Hugh Rellly of Albany N. Y.,
Commissioner of tho Board of Claims of
Now York State to sttccoed tho late Judgo
Muller. Tho Governor also appointed
Assistant District-Attornoy Andrew Ham
ilton to succeed Mr. Rellly, promoted.
A Buffulo, N. Y., paper says tho pub
lished statement to tho effect that Speaker
Shoeban is n candidate for tho nomina
tion for Lieutenant-Governor has boon
mado entirely without his authority.
Mr. Sheehau says emphatically that ho is
not a candidate for that nomination.
Returns just reoolvod by tho Pennsy 1
vanla Stato Board of Agriculture glvo a
promlsiug crop outlook, especially with
respect to wheat, whl h will bo abovo tho
average for the past twonty yoars. Dry
weather offectod hay and oats some
what. There will bo an averago crop of
apples. Live stock reports Indicate that
the stock Is hardly up to tho averago
Dotectivo Heald, of tho Maine Central
Railroad, who haB beon investigating the
alleged attempt at train robbery near
Enfield, Mo., says tho train robbers
were simply a drunkon crowd who
boarded tho train at tho station, pulled
the cord, etoppod tho train, fired pistols
In the air, Jumped from the oars and ran
away. They did not attempt to enter
the boggago or express cars, though thi
doors wero open.
Weuther Indications.
WAsniNOTON, Juno ft For Now England,
Eastern New York, Eastern Pennsyl
vania and New Jersoy: Fair weather; warmert
varlablo winds.
FOr Western Pennsylvania and Wcstorn Now
York; Fain warmbri easterly winds.
New Yoiik, Juno 8.-JIonoy on oall loaned
cany at syi and 4 per cent,
Closinir Closing
Yesterday. To-day.
iUi, Iran near. 100 100
iUi, 1891 Coup , ..100 100
4 a, 1U07 Hon. ISO ISO
1 s, 1U07 Coup m 121
Closing; Closlna
Yesterday. To-day.
Canadian PaolBo 77 78M
Ccutrul l'acltlo 30W D0t
Chlcouro. Unr. & Ouinoy. HOU B7U
Swift's Specific is the great
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
Thoro is no tonic for child
ren equal to 1. 3.
Bend for our treatise on Blood mJ
Skin Diseases.
Swirr Stecutco Co., Atlanta, Of
Omoe-90 West Lloyd Btreet.' Btiecandoah
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
No Moro'Npgro Walters.
Richmond, Va,, Juno 8. A revolution
has been inaugurated in tho mnttor of
dininc room waiters at the various
mountain rosotts of Virginia and West
VlTglnln. The proprietors havo deter
mined to sulntltute white airls for nocro
waiters. This has already been accom
plished at JSawlov Springs, at tire Hotel
Intermont nt Covington aud nt tho Hotel
lilkton at Klkton. I he proprietor of tbe
last named hotel brought ou from New
York nn expert white girl waiter, who
drilled the new girls in their duties.
Strike lu 11 Slilprmil.
Elizabeth, JJ. J., June 8. The bolters,
rlvotcrs aud calkers, 21 In number, em
ployed on the government practice
cruiser now building nt tho shipyard ot
Samuel ilooro & Sons, here, are ou striko
for an advance of wmges. I he men work
on piece work, and tho firm enys thoy
ftvorageu ?4 per tiny. 1 he mon say thoy
could not average more than $3. They
tried to get tho other workmen to slop
work, and tho linn tolephotiod to pollco
headquarters and policemen wero sent to
prevent disturbance. Work on tho cruiser
has been suspended.
Threo Fromlnent Cltlrons Arrested,
Waldo, Ark., Juno 8. Threo of the
most prominent cltlzons in town, ox-
Mayor J. It Johnson, J. T. Faulkner and
Ed. Waller have beon arrested by u. S.
Mall Inspector McClure, charged with
robbing the mails at ilc.ell on March 11).
Tho three are also suspected of being
connected with the recent sale robbery.
Thoy will be taken to Texarknn for ex
What the Druggists say
of Heiskell'a Ointment;
' When we ure nuked to rtfmmtru. n prepara
tton for skin tijMUue Lututl out Hkimkclis
Ointmknt, with I'very eotiliUnce of ltabuecess--ful
treatment ol the diPeasi'."
J. C. itEuiuic. tt Main pt.. Butler, Ta.
"I have been selling TTkiwceMs's Ointmknt
for eleven year j. It given universal satkfuctio
It will cum Tettbr. 1
a. Uackknuerger, Italnbrliige, T-
" Wo Imvo evidence of the curattvo proptrtK
Of IlKISKKLL'R OINTMKNT litre. It 13 ft glKV
rclliiblo ointment"
Ki-euiso Hhleh, Tarentnm, Ta,
"In all akin diseases I Invariably recommed
Heisickll'h Ointmknt.'
J. J. Keii Pliarrfiburg, Ta.
"ITrisKFiXR Ointment cures when all el&t
falls." MiClellan it JlEhD. Trp-ivort, Va.
TTfiskell's OtNTvrNT spIIs on Its own'
insrit " 11, B. Hilton. Kittaimlfli;, Pa,
Driuinq Park,
(East Mahanoy Junction)
Wild West Show
Indian Village) Cow'boy
ani Mesican Encampment
ffUD the only herd of Trained
" and Spotted Mustangs. The
whole hlttury ot a nation told In a
thrilling drama of clvlllratloD, do.
Elctlug the perils, hardships and
erolsm of pioneer life on the
plains, requiring In Its completion
over S00 daring scouts, trappers,
cowboys, Indian fighters, Mexican
Vacquerosand Honoros.Chlets with
their WarrlorN.Uraves, tiquaws aud
Papooses. A held of spotted Mexi
can Mustangs, herd 01 gentle Indian
1'nnles and Toxaa Bronchos.
Tuel'irgoet and grandest exhibi
tion of the kind on the American
continent. Onnlng and traveling
In Its own handsomely equteped
railroad train. The first bivouac of
Mexican Vacqueros direct from old
Mexico, headed by DonzeAnuo,
tlio famous Mexican leader, and
Penor Francisco, tbe king ot all
riders and ropers, expert and
matchless In lariat throwing and
reckless horsemanship,
l'ralrle Hchooners and Indian
Travoyiv whole herd of American
1 I
1 1
T 1
1 1
A true representation of nn
Indian : Buffalo : Hunt !
Showing the manner of branding wild cattlo
on our Western Irontler; startling and
wonderful of sharpuhootlng
by frontiersmen, cowboys
and Indians led by
Famous and fearless Tony Hx press Riders,
showing the mode of carrying important dis
patches across tbe plains before tiie lntroduo
ilnn ol tbe teleih-afih. A hand or vcrltlble
Mexican vacqueros, direct from Moxlco, tbe
greatest, ruugu riueni iu me worm
Performances every afternoon. Special ex
cursion trains each day.
Don't forget the plate and date,
Lakeside Driving Park,
l'att Malianou Junction,
JUilE 15,16, 17.18. 19 aid 20
Clitlclrcit, miller is yrm,
33 CentH
IS CeuiH
riilladxlplilu IlFtcctlTcs Think They Hare
u Clew to Itm-d. lay's Transactions.
Philadelphia, June 8. The dotectlves
in tho employ ot the city have at last
secured what thoy think will prove 11
clow to tho mystery surrounding the
tr uisncllons between llntdsloy and Uie
Keystono Hank. Alter two weeks of dill
gent search they havo secured ti large
number of checks from Mr. Maglll,
lianlsloy's assignee. Thoso cheoks were
drawn agalust the flv banks In which
the city's mouey was deposited, nnd the
authorities think that byoarefttlly going
over these checks they oan tell where the
missing million has gone.
xwrdsloy s business plans were very pe
culiar. Ills custom waa to place the
city's cash In the five batiks designated
by ordinance, and then gradually draw It
out and make tho checks payable to the
Keystone Bank. Through the whole of
his term Bardsloy'a transactions always
teemed to ho mixed up with the rotten
Institution. Tho point of the whole
thing now hinges on these ohecks, and If
they bear the name of any private per
son trouble may bo oxpected. It Is said
that if Any of the checks were Issued to
or drawn by any other persons than those
connected with tlio banks, arrests will
Immediately follow. Iiardsley had gath
ered all of those chocks aud secreted
them In his private office.
Posttunstor-Oeneral Wanamaker re
fused to say whether he Is to appear lie
fore tho Council's Investigating oommlttoo
and help to oleur up the Keystone-Hards-ley
mystery. Bordsley and President
Kennedy spent the day quietly In prison.
Iiardsley Is Improving rapidly In health,
and will havo a bucond hearing next
Schwclnfurth Tliioatvus tn Turn tho
Witter Utiou Kansas City.
RouKtouD, 111,, Juno 8. Qoorgo Jacob
Schwcinfurth hri roturuod to Hockford
from Kansas City. He confessod to n
feeling of rollof nt reaching Hockford,
but Insisted that ho had no fear of tho
Missouri mob doing him bodily harm.
"Kansas City, ho Raid, "oan ill nlTord
to Incur my anger. Located high upon
tho bluffs, It behooves tho city authori
ties to greet Rtratigers courteously. It Is
for what thoy hoped to do that I will
send tho floods from Heaven to harrass
and overwhelm them. There shall bo
weoplng and walling in Kansas City bo
causo of tho insults offered tho porfoct
Tho Invigorating Air of Itar Uurbor Pro
duces Its Usual Ktrcct.
HAnHAiuion, Mo., Juno 8. Sinco Mr.
Blaine arrived hcro'tho weather has boon
very cool, tho skies havo been clear and
tho Secretary has driven out eacli day.
Ho has already Improved as far as ap
pearances Indicato, and It Is bollovod tho
nlr of liar Harbor will hnvo Us usual lu-vif."-;!ng
effoct upon him.
Of cou.-so It is very quiet hero oarly In
ti:o season, and that Is ono roasou for his
coining at this tlmo. Bar Harbor air has
done much for him in tho past, and he
bolleves It will help him this tlmo.
Colto Workers to Ilo Uuorgnnlzad.
PiTTSBUito, Juno 8. Efforts will be
mado at onco for tho complete reorgani
zation of tho miners In tho coko region
by tho United Mino Workors of America,
Vice-President Poutia of that organiza
tion saldi "Our fight against tho coko
operators must be mniutaiticd ns long as
wo cannot got our rights. Tho fight
cannot bo evaded. I boliuvo it will not
ho long beforo thero will bo another
striko In the regions. Tho pottlemont at
present Is ono pttroly through forco. Tho
men havo no obligations, moral or logul,
to remain nt work for thruo years. A
settlement liko tho present ono will nover
romain in forco."
Bitten by a Pot Dog.
New BnuNSwicK, N. J., Juno 8. MIsa
Jenulo Schroeder of Qulldlu streot, n
school teacher, whllo lacing her bhoe
during tho morning was solzed nt the
wrist by a pot dog, which clung tena
ciously. Tho young woman could not
shako off tho brute, aud, finally, drag
ging tho animal to the door, pressed hor
body ngnlnst It nnd tbe door fratno,
causing tho dog to let go his hold. Tho
animal was killed at onco and tho lac
erated flesh of Miss Schroudor's arm was
Twonty Thousand Dollars Destroyed.
Ottawa, Ont., Juno 8. In tho accldont
to the Winnipeg express on tho Canadian
Pacific road ut Straight Lake tho sum of
$20,000, which had been mallod from two
banks here, was destroyed. Ono pack
age of $10,000 was entlroly destroyed, but
thero was enough ot tho second bundla
loft to enable tho bank to recover several
thousand dollars. Who the actual losers
will bo Is not known, but It Is likely to
(all ou tho banks shipping tho amount.
Unconscious from Inhaling Gas.
New Yohk, Juno 8. Threo women em
ployed In tho kitchen of tho Manhattan
Club wore taken to Bollovue Hospital in
a serious condition, thoy having boon
found in tholr rooms unconscious from
tho effects of Inhaling illuminating gas.
Tho gas was probably turned on by acci
dent. Their names aro Kato Fleming,
aged 20; Ann Tracy, aged 20, and Annlo
Cassldy, aged 20.
Medical Experts Intorostod.
AsnmiT Pamc, N. J., Juno 8. An au
topsy on tho remains of Lawyer Bnrtlno,
who died from what is supposed to have
been hydrophla oaused by a oat's blto,
will be held this afternoon. Medical ex
perts from New York will havo charge ol
tho autopsy in tho intorest ot soience.
American Hums Confiscated.
Antwshp, Juno 8. Flvo hundred boxes
of Amerlonn hams havo boon confiscated
In obedience to thu now law which pro
hibits tho Importation of fresh moat, nud
tho hams In question were considered by
the authorities to come Into that cate
gory. Violent Itnln and Wind Storm.
Atlanta, Oa Juno 8. A violent rain
aud wind storm passed over this olty
last ovenlng, doing cousldorablo damago.
Unfits Turner, ft teamstor, was killed uy
lightning, its were also dozens of cattle.
It was tho llrst rain for throe months.
ltev. Philip ltornstolit Dond.
Bitffaix), N. V.f Juno 8. Tho Ilev.
Philip Bernstein died last evening of
heart dlseuse, aged S3 yo.trs. Ho lmi
ministered to tho congregations Bathel at
gan Francisco, Montroul and Winches
ter, Muss.
We arc a patient people the
ox is nowhere in comparison.
Webuy lamp-chimneys by the
dozen; they go on snapping and
popping and flying in pieces;
and we go on buying the very
same chimneys year after year.
Our dealer is willing to sell
tis a chimney a week for every
lamp we'burn a hundred or
more a year and we plow for
him, pay him for goading us.
Macbeth's "pearl top' and
"pearl glass" do not break
from heat; they are made of
tough glass.
As likely as not our dealer
would rather his chimneys
would break; " it's good for the
business," says he. He buys
the brittlest ones he can get.
" What are you going to do
about it?"
Pittsburg. Gso. A. MACBim A Co.
W. Baker & Go.'s
from which tho excess o
oil has beon removed, is
Absolutely JPuro
and It is Soluble,
No Chemicals
itro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times tlie strength ol
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is thoreforo fur raoro
economical, costing less than one cenl
a cuji. It la delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Orocors ovorywhoro.
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ties for Uuntfemrn.
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Josopla 3311,:
SInonancIoalL DPti
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Full particulars and
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SO other styles 6-A Not, vires to suit all
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1 CltletiMtr'a Knall.h Iliuuoal Ilmnd.
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murz, idwftT rulltbU, utoica uk 1 for Chiehtttert EngUth vta-J?
unJitrail la ited Mil OoU tueMlUaV
llte, tvkloJ with titio rlwn. Tube
no other. Rrfuit Jattasrrvuj u!uifiu
turns and irutMi m At DrugiJti,ori44ct
la lUmjn fur bartkuUra, tnUmoniil aaj
"Itrllef Tup Ladle, in teller, by relnn?
JMlt 10.000 T !mon.4, Name Paptrm
Bolt rr
Ifae tuuit riiUbla to.4 mooeMful
iki.U!il tut Mldawjw ol UU
t'lfKRft, blotobfi. rimrl Sor
lut'i, IaLUmsittiJoi, KidDtta
BUdJcr.Lotl rilklllj-. Wttk bM(
Wukneii Dbllltr, Imrtn4 Himorr Dtey , fetrlcUni,
til dlaetm reiu'lluc (rum youthful errort or from orerwork
OldtYounis" Middle Aged don't ioS,r oj ioi.r.
sr If oerulft, nosiptrimeut. I hiv vvrytMtf knowD !
UtJiUl tod aurgtoil miuqoc, oUtibkttt and Old 0Ma MUcliil,
bonitttr wlio fuLUarelUf Houoo Vrb ou red In d
to 10 dji. Kurtpjo HMfilul txMrUooe Id Uermaoy, Ku
Uad, Frnc ind AutttU. m -erilfictte and dlptouiM prove
ad U Tf. irltcal txv 1 If hod 10 HO o vmtmi yuarlj.
Cf t K IMMipUIttniKrtUiDgdoir wh
Ql.tJfIUU can trovo nrtiki"l, kBoli!'la aud
aiixriaoo aud rto eauthow a manr BAtUnU jxnuaBeBtiy
cotttd ai loau after qmwka and ftitvartlalug dootor bC
ruiatd tlwra. Hejid to atamp fur book "TRUTH" tid owora
iMllBioaUlauiufwinc quackt aud ktUirtUiui; doolora Hk
taalr falM k&d lVttdulvul Kuario( and etwllraootali, tkalr
Ciprtnf ,lhr d not tKrWva and their aohtraa of retuo'lins
nooj of frier lj tlka ati.l Ihutrohiap and wurtui lUugt
B4tbr ot which ou.-au jou, but r uavd aa decoy and reaula
Inruia ofWutu-aoia r .innrtnt vlolim Otnoi Hiiuu
Bverj dT (r..i. i U U- M t UVnaada
abd Saluf 1 iw rn-ii.n.-fr.H .tw-.K Hmidar- irum v tola. rJ
lUr.KDt. , 1 1 t f-v 1'MU Hum
lirjtil tii Oldest Reliable Pertly Catb C.mtultt
Itepreeented by
130 H, Jardln Htreet,
- 'I f r.l