The Evening Herald. FUBLISHKD DAI1A AND WKUKLY. " 8, C. BOTES, Editor and Pnbllshor, W. J. WATKIKS, Local Editor. subscription rates: DAILY, per year WBicntv, per year,, 38 00 1 CO amred al the Poatufllrw, at Bhenandoah, Pa. 'or transmission through the Malls s weoml duii mall mutter. Fl'HI.IHHF.I) DAILY AND WKF.KLY. COMING WITH A FORTUNE. A Cnriioiitnr Iti-turnlng from Kimliind With 0,OUO. Si'iMNurncLD. O., June 8. James Wood, lately n poor carpenter liere, is on IiIb wiy borne from Knglnnd a quarter ot u million dollars richer tliau lie left the tltv. The story of bin sudden rise from pov erty to wealth has many romantic lea- tures. Mauv yea e no his grandfatlier, a young Kuglish nuvitl officer, llvoil and married a voutiit Kirl in Wiuerfonl, ire hand. The mnrri.iKO was beneath hi9 tociul station, aud hie wife, being of a sMrite.l nature, did not louu bear the in dignities which the iiK'quallty ot their etut ion hoaped upon her. Hho soon left bis home and came to this country. Hera sho found employ. ment to support herself and her child, a dauahtor, who afterward lieenme tu mother of James Wood, now the happy u-(r of the target' portion ot tho'grent waS1 wtai- nudiug ot thjBCir ' hn h ftwldeiit of a ftteod see ing.. ..&lVMtiraeiaorT$ie exeoutors of the estate. THE SAWTELLE TRAGEDY. lllrum Buys Dr. lllooil Shot III" llrothur, and That lie. Tiled to Prevent Him. PcTsmiotmi, N. H., Juno 8. It is re ported that Isnao R. Sawtello has given to tho Governor tho story of how his brothor wass killed. In it Isatiu admits that ho was present when his brother was shot In Lebanon, Me., but says the shooting was done by nn agent of Dr. Charles Dlood. Tho shooting was dono bocauso Illram refusod to sign a docu wont releasing certain property which ho was requested to do by Dr. Blood. His brother's missing head, Isnuo says, was thrown Into tho ocean from one of tho Portland boats by the man who Rlint him. Isauo assorts that he trlod to Btivo his brothor's life, but to no purposo, and adds that thoro was not iv pnrticlo of direot evidence at his trial to connect him In uy way with tho murder. Hold It to tho Liffht. Tho man who tolls you confidentially ust what will cure your cold Is prescribing Komp's Balsam this year. In tho prop nratlon of this romarkablo modicine for couehs and coldB no exponso Is spared to combine only tho best and puroet Ingredl onts. Hold a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam to the llcht and look through it; notice the brieht. cloar look; then comparo with othir remodlos. Price 60c. and f 1 Tho greater tho fool tho loudor tho man has to talk to arjruo with him. Booky Mountain Curo. Tho druifjrists claim that pooplo call dally for tho now curo lor constipation and sick headache, discovered by Dr. Bilac Lano whilo in tho Kocky Mountains. It is said to bo Oregon grApo root (a groat romody in tho far West for thoso com plaints) combined with eimplo horbs, and is roado for use by pouring on boiling water to draw out tho strength. It soils at 50 cents a package and is called Lano't Kamily Modicine. Whilo tho cajrlo is tho national bird, tho base ball cranks prefer the bat. Suddon Doaths. Heart disease Is by far the most frequent eau6e of sudden death, which In three out or four cas 1h unsunptcled. The 8yiiiptonisaro not generally undenitcod. These arc: lying on the right side, short breath, pain or ills. cress in sine, hhck or suouiuer, irreguiur pulse, usthuia, weak and hungry spells, wind in sioinncii, swelling oi unai onnresslon. drv rough and sm or dropsy, ur. MIIch' Illustrated book on Heart Disease, fro nttl. II llBgenbucb, who sell and gunranlee Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, and hlB Kestoratlto Nervine, which cures uenoiii noss, headache, steeples ties-, ellects of drink ing, eto. Jt contains no opiates, Tho small boy is ambitious to got tho drop on tho greon applo. Shiloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most suc cessful Cougli Medicine wo have ever sold, ft low doses luvarlably cure the worst casen ol Cough, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while lis won derful success In the euro or Consumption is without a parallel In tho history of medicine. Hince it's urst discovery Unas uoen soia on a KUarautee, u test which no other medicine can stand. Ii you have a Cough wo earnestly iislt you to try H. Price 10 cents, 60 cents, and fl.Ki. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack lnmo, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by C II. Hugcnbuch, N. 10. corner Main and Lloyd streets, Thoy aro called grata thoy nover wear woods. widows bocauso Mlloa' Norvo nnd Liver Fills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels thiouuh (he nervrt. A w dlseovery. Dr. Miles' litis speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile", eonstlpallou. Uuequaled lor men, women, children. Hinalltst. mildest, surest f 6dosos. 2ict. Bam plea l'ree, at c. II. llagcnbuch's Ordinarily a woman yards of lace about her. carries about 40 To NorvouB, Dobllitatod Mon. If you sand us your addraw, we will mail vou our illustratad nsmtihlAt HTidntn. Inr all about Dr. Dye's Oelcbrated Klectro- voitaic Jteit ana Appnarces, and their chsrmlntr efleots upon the nervous de bilitated system, and how they will quickly roe'-oro you to vigor, and manhood. 1'nmph. lot f"o. If you are thuasflllotod, we will son l you a Melt and ApplianoeB on a trial. VoLTAto Bul-v Co.. Martball, Mich. Take a lesson from the strawberry box it is never full AXi IS MIItACLK, AOiere the cause Is unknown. The wonderful cures of kerofulous and specific poisons by the Cactus IJlood Cure seem like miracles bemuse sclent cannot explain how the blood Is purified ; hut It runs these terrible diseases all the mine. No failures and no relapses, Bold at Klrlln's Drugstore, Ferguson House Ulock Hhenandoab, OEN. SCHOFIEUD'S MARRIAGE, There Will bo Wo i:inl)orto Display of aillltnr- Porap. ICtcoKtjK, Ia., June 8. Mrs. George Kll bouruo and Mla3 Ocorala, her daughter, who is to wed Don, John Schoflold, cotn-innnder-ln-ohlof of tho United States army, on Juno 18, lmyo retnrned howio from Chicago. Mrs. Kllbourno says that muoh ot tho newspaper talk as to tho details of tho forthcoming ovont were exaggerations. Whllo all tho dotalls of licr dautihtor'a wedding Iiavo not yet been formulated, It has bjn determined that the wedding win not, no mo occasion lor uu uutuumiu display of military pomp and ceremony, as dome ot the papers have announced. This steii has boon taken because of th rocont bereavement ot tno lomuy, anu i is In accordance with Gon. Schofleld'l earnest deslro. St. Paul's Eplsoopal church will bo tho sccno of tho niarrlngt ceremony and hlah noon tho hour. Uenoral Bcholleld ana memDers ot nu staff will nnnear In uniform nnd tho brldo will be unattended by brldosmalds. No Invitations but verbal ones will ba clven. but aunouncoment cards will ua sent out on the day of tho marriage. A special car will convoy Gonoral Scho field and party from Chicago. It is e pected that only hla brothor, Captain Kohollold. and Lieutenants Bliss nnd An drows. of his staff, together with a few relatives nnd personal frlonds will ac company him. SPEOIAL NOTICES. The vojllt'iiled romrntlment sleeping oan tjz jjiy inirnuueen ou me uniraco, oi. i-au aim iianfcBS miy nauway aremoueis o void fbrt, oonveniaaoe ana luxury. Any patron o theslrilnear Is enabled, by tno Inirodiu Lion ni iietw couiimriiiieiik cam. iu M'cun- nit same (.rlvocy and onveulence that he woulr. In the best hotel, no other line west of Ch) toko runs the compartment ears, ju uua, Hon, the trains un- equipped w th the reuul- open Pullman sleeper, giving passeiigirs theh choice. Tied! lug ear service Is fully up tt tne rtquiremems oi inoaern ranwaj' Ferviot An excellent culslue, promptly served amid elogHut surrounillujis, a' moderato dia-Ket, leaves nothing now lo bo desired. Any ofotn peoplo eontemplH'lng atrip to any part of tht west or northwest cannot roslbly fieemi better accommodations or lower rates thai by auaressing v. v. i-ooicy, uenerai Agent o) the 1'aBRpnger dcpnrlnient, 836 ChetlmUBU Philadelphia, Pa. WHITE l'EAKS AND DA1UC CANONS. Colorado Is a Jnd of Bhnrn contrasts, ol brilliant lights, ol .Intense hlmd(ws;a land where heights and depths mako obvious the meaning of the word antithesis; a land whore every mood In mind can nnd an answering raouu in nature. J no uiyn, wuiieuiinureis in the mountains, from whoe slender pinnacles lloatthe wind-blown banners oi tho snow, ap- Iieai wiin suenL eioquenre to ine louy aspira lousoi the soul; tho sombre chasms cleft by Titan forces throneh eranlte-henrted blllu wlihln uhoio denths (lurk shadows throntr linu Bwinniff lorreniK cabiiNpeuic 10 me neHri, a lauguugo mat thrills, inspircsana awes, it does not follow that these glories ol whllo peaks and those gloonts of durk canons pre elude tho pleasant Intervals, the sunny ineudon-s or (ho fieclnded uooKh wherein the tired mind or wearied bo ly may find peace ful rest and refuge from turmoil and toll. To one making n Journey In Coloiado, New Mexico or u tab, or tasiug a transconimentai' tour lrom Eat to West, or rice versa, the lien ver and Mo Grnndo Itallroad oll. rs accom. modatlons equal In eleiianre.convenlence aud luxury io inoso m any oiuer line wuu me an ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenery Hlonglts line, abounding In a rungnlnceut omileuco of while neaks nnd dsrk canous. 1 he month of November, 1SSH), witnessed one oi me liioHi imporiani. lmprovemcms in ran rond facilities that has vet been made In Col orado and tho West. The completion of the siuminru gauge oi uio Denver ana mourunne Itallroad from Uonver, Colorado, over the lnountJilns to Ogden, Utah, which live years ago was ueemeu an iiupossionuy, is cerianm a trlump'i of clarlux nnd engineering skill The new line Is by the way of Irfadvillo. fun uellng Teunes'-eu lfa&s, threading tho canons oi me r.iigioauu ur'na iiivers, giving a view oi too itiuuiib oi (lie noiy vjroiH, uuiTiuie, uta I UK its trains through (Jlenwood Uprlngsnnd down the Grand Itlver to Grand Junction, tnencu to Hiilt Lake Cttv. Ogden and Unn Francisco. Hy this route one Is given on o; is given on on- lortunlty to behold tho magnlncenco of Eagle liver Canon and tho mnrvelous beauty and grandeur of the Canon of the Grand. The ovi rland train Is a model lu every respect.' From tho engine to the last Crst-class coach every thing Is bright nnd new, nnd of the most elegant stylo of workmanship and finish. If any render desires to know more about these stupendous works of nature, write to &. K. ilooprr. General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colorado, and ho will send you. free ol cost. elegantly Illustrated boons, glvlni; a full de- ripnon of the marvels of the 'Hcenlc Line.' Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide.' A OKANI) OFFER. The Missouri Faclflo Hallway Company an running weekly two lines of personally con ducted Pullman tourist sleeping car excur slons to California points. One via the iron Mountain route, the other via the Missouri Pacluo Colorado tihort Line. This aflords tht tourist the choice of two routes over the llnei of the Missouri Paclflo Hallway system, an advantage not afforded by any other road, passing sb they do through some of the most Important sections of the West. The Colorado Hhort Line route, Is via "The Bcenlo Line oi the World," and reveals some of the grandest scenery of tho Uocfey Mountains, while tht Iron Mountain route passes through a reglos of perpetual sunshine, with mild tempcraturr lu winter without high altitude, These ex curslons leave Ht. Louis via the Iron Moun tain route every Tuesday night, and ltavt Chicago via the Colorado Hhort Line rout) every Haturday noon, with through tourist sleeping cars to all points In California, 1l connection with this, remember that we ar also prepared to ticket parties to all point southwest and west at the very lowest possi ble rates, giving the passengers option of oo cupylng reservation In one of the tourist can at a very small cost In addition to the ticket rote, or In one of onr palace reclining can lree. For further Information write to or cab Xn J. 1. McCann, K. T. agent, No. 657 th Main strtet, Uhnlra, N. Y., orNn, 891 Hroadway, New York City, or to W. K. Iloyt general eastern passenger agent, No, Uroadwuy, New York City. .gGonuInojft,,1 is and will over bo tho best Etomody for nmit. TnfluftTisia. Eaokuoho. Pninn in tho Sido. Chest Midi Joints, Nouraleia, Spralna, &o Before you seed to tray, otrtala n-PRF-E OP CHAMCE-Sia tie vrduaWe booki "Qviio to Health," with i OuilorBonienis oi promuieui ujaiuiuub. F.AD.RICHTER&CO.! 310 Broadway, HEW YORK. 23 Prize Medals Awarded I liorcpeannauaemEuiloltt.aatjLondorj Moremborei Koneteini Lolpolo. 50 Oeixt3 a bottlo, For Solo byl p. p. x. iciitivm, O. II. I1AGKNI5DCII,, SHENANDOAH, PA., and other iirugiiti. PLANS FOR THE SUMMER. The Vacation I'rosrnmnio ' nf the Prcsl dent and ills Cablnot. Washington, Juno 8. Tho summei plans of tho President and tho mombora of liis Cabinet aro about decided upon It is stilt stated that Mrs. Harrison, witl Mrs. Dimmlck, will go to the llnrrlsoc cottage nt Capo May Point some tinii next month. They expect Mrs. McKco tc Join them aud the children there on hoj return irom I'.uropo in August, ana tin Presldont, of courso, is counted upon foi porlodtcal trips back nnd forth. I ho Blaine mansion Is practloall closed for tho summer, though J.' G. Blaine, Jr., will make occasional visits, Miss lluttie Blaine, who is now in Europe, is expected to jolu hor family in Bai Harbor soon. Tho Attornoy-Goneral, whoso health, ii for from good, will get away from Wash ington ns - Boon ns posslblo with hla family, and stay away as long as he qon venleutly can. Secretary Rusk nnd his wife, son nnd daughter will un tn Wisconsin. Secretary Proctor, whoso reslgnatJoiF and election to tho United States Senate are expected in tho fnjl, will be away most of tho summer. So also will Secre tary Tracy, A COUNTERFEITER CAUGHT. Berot Sorvlco Ollloers Stako an Import ant Arrutit at Wlllteflbarre WlLKESHAnnE, Pa., Juue 8. Early in tito morning secret servico officers arrant- StliletUieil Pnlmor, a horso trader, ouUwv! charge otlTftBslllg-SOUtiCortolf monoy. A combloto cottnterfelters' outfit was found on tho prisoner. For some tlino tho country in the vl clnlty of Homellsvlllo, Elmtra and Troy has been floodod with spurious coin. Tho government put tho secret servico officers ou the caso who traced tho countorfe its to Palmer. Palmer Is said to bo nu as sistant to tho famous counterfeiter, Jnmcs Holdon. Holdon was arrested In Now York Saturday in connection with tho sumo caso. HYDROPHOBIA VICTIMS. Throe llrothers Jlltten by Cuttlo AfUloted With tho t)louo. ICanuas City, Juno 8. A short time ago a mad dog bit a steer, ono of a hord ol cattlo bolonging to Vandorburg Bros., living in Atchison county. Tho steer was soon afflicted with hydrophobia, which sprond to tho romalndor of the hord, lhoro were three, of tho Vanderburg brothers, and each of thorn was bltton by ono or another of the afflicted animals. Tho brothers paid no particular atten tion to tholr injuries until Friday, when ono of them became violently ill with hydrophobia. Last night ho died in the most excruciating agony. To-dny an other ot tho brothers died, and tho third is not expected to livo more, than a day or two. Census Olnco Employes Noryous. Washington, JUiio 8. Thoro is conster nation in the various branches of tho Census Office. It grows 'out ot tho fact that tho money appropriated to carry, on the work is running so low that it haa becomo ncoessnry to reduco tho force.J It is hinted that between now aud. July 1 tho forco is to ba reduced at loastfdne thousand, which takes In quito n'larga number of the or clnnl anDolntoes nnd nearly nil of those who wofe"' recerMy given a thrco mouths avjpolutmont. Tho Election 111 Wlliulnctoil. WtutiNOTON, Dol., Juno 8. Stanbury J. Wllley (Kop.) has 442 majority for Mayor over Dr. WIllKird Springer (pern.) Tho other liepubllcun majorities aret Joseph K. Adams, City Treasurer, 032) (Jhurlos il. Uurtlos, uity bollcitor, ooo; Piathanlol It Honson, presldont of (Jouu oil, 775. Tho Republicans will have three majority In tho City Council nnd Will hnve control of tho city for tho first tlmo in sovon yeiirs. , Floods in Toxus. Austin, Tex., Juno 8. Tho heavy rains which have prevailed wimt of horo for the past 48 hours hnvo caused tho Colorado rlvor to take a sudden rise. Within throo hours the river ro30 13 feet. In the mountain gorge nbovo tho city to-day it is 20 foet nbovo low water mark. The big excavation for the dam now in courso of construction was flooded and tho cor ferdam swept away1. Many cotton fields nro lloodou. The loss will bo very heavy. lluggln's llrolizi Injured. New Yoiik, Juno 8. J. It. Ilaggln'i creat mare Flronzi, tho conqueror of The Bard, Kingston, Tonny, and ovory other high-olass thoroughbred horso save hor own stable companion, Salvator, hit her log whilo working for tho Now York Handicap, and it now looks as thou, sho would nover race again. Sulclilu Ills Worst l'olloy. T ItocnESTEn, N. Y., Juno 8. Thomas Bellhouse, an insurnnoo agent, pawnod his wife's Bible, paid up an insurance policy with tho proceeds ana then couv mitted suicide by jumping into the canal. A Strike Ilcclnrert Off. Enns, Pa.. Juno 8. -Tho strike of the planing mill employes for shorter hours which has boon in progress hero Blnoa May 1 has been doclared off, YOUNG NOT GUILTY. Tlie Jury Acquit the Long Ialund Million nlro of Murdor. New Tonic, Juno 0. After nn exciting trlnl at ltlvorhoad, L. I., John D. Young, charged with tho murder ot his coachman, Carl Carson, brought lu a verdict ot not guilty. Young is woll connected, but slnco his marrlago to a young German woman soma years ago his family ami relative have becomo estranged. Uo lived in a handsome villa nt Bay View, on nn allowance from his mother nnd spent his time boating nnd fishing. Ho is holr to $3,000,000. Tho shooting and killing of Carson, according to tho story of the dofoudant, was in Belt dofonso and tho .result of a hand to hand oonfllct with Carson, whllo the latter was Intoxicated, nnd endeavor ing to gain possession of ono of Young's horses. A Notorious Dlvo Burned. New OnuiANg, La., Juno 0. At 0:45 n. m. tho notorious Itoynl Palnco variety dive, BO Royal street, 03vned by Bchon liausen, Plant & Co., was destroyed hy flro. Loss, $U5,000; insurance, $10,000. This is tho dive to which Elhogon, thfl proouror, who was recently sent to Btate Prison in N03V York for ilvo years, Bent a number of virtuous girls, whq were under tho Impression that they wore tO hOCnmrt rnsnentnllla ACtrnsanR. ThA ,1a. .tructiora of tho dlvo Is pleasing to thtSi'SdSrli xiaanla of this city. . every WATERPROOF THAT CAN. BE RELIED ON issrot to m-piti Wot to Pisoolog! BEAR THIS MARK. BE UP TO THE MARK M MARK- NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. LAKE The finest in tho interior of 1 the State. Only available health and plea 3uro grounds in the Anthracite SIDE! region. The natural attractions and magnlfl- cent scenery of tho place are un equalled, and a day of recrea i lion aud pleasure may bo spent in it to advantage. There is good fishing and " bathing in the twin lalies ,.,... ...,., surrounrtlngtliegrounds. Boat houses will bo built on the lakeside and regattaswlllbofrequentthlsseason J For Sunday Scwos, Lodges, &c, Tho grounils aro most mutable for pic - information, call O. A. KE1M, ., .. o-v - .. ijOTfrrrrLiritt. divibiow. On and aftrr A'cu. 24, 1880, frofni wilt leax Bhenandoah. at foUtnot: For Wlggan, UUberton, Frackville, Nov me, juv 6.W, 0.1 oasue, nt. uiair, ana way points, in and 4.15 urn. Bundays, 600, U.40 a m and 8.1 0 p m. For Pottsvllle, 6.00, 8.10 a m and 4. 15 p In. Bundays, (100, 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m, For Beading, 6.00. 9.10 a m and 4.15 pm. Bundays. 600, 9.40 u. ni. and 8.10 p m. For Pottstown, 1'hoenlxvllle, Norrlstowi cd Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.04 Uo a m. and 4.15 p m week days Bundays, GOO, 8.40am8.10pm Trains leave Frackvlhe tor Bhenandoah (.1 10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 pm. Bundays U.13 a m and 6.40 p m. Leave Pottsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.16 anC 11.48, a m 7.16, 0.42 p in. Bundays, 10.40 a no 5.15 p m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Pottevlllo and Bhenandoah, 6.57,10.23 a tr, 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 8, am and 1,10 p.m. For w York, 8.20, 4.06, 4.40, 6.85, 60, 70, 3.208.80, J.W, 11.00 andll.l5am,12.00noon.(llm lted express, 1.06 and 4.50 p an.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80 j.20. 4, 6, 6,;6.80, 6.60 7.13 8,12 and 10.00 p m, 12.0) nlghL On Bundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12. 8.80. 9.50 a m. aud 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6,30, 6, 7.13 8.12 p in and 12M nlghU For Boa Olrt, Bprtng Lake, Belmar, Ocean a rove, Asbury Park, and Long Branch 420, 11,16, a. ra. 4.00 p. m, week dayr Foi Freehold, 6.0v p. m. week days. Baltlmor. and Washington, 8.60, 7.20, 8.31 9.10, 10.20, ) 1.18 a m,12."i(rtmlted express) 8.4( 1.41 f-.7 Bill -7.40 p. m and 12.03 night, Fo" Ualtlmorei nly.2.02, 4.1 1,6 08 and p. m On Bundays, 8.60. 7.20, 9.l0and 11.1 a. m. 4.4J 167, 7.40 p m, 12.03 night, Ball'more only S.03 and ll.SO p m. For ttlchmond and the Bouth 70 11.18 a. m.. Limited Ei press 12.35 p. ni..)l2.oa night, week, days. Bundays, TSa a. m 12.03 nlghu Trains leave Harrlsburs for FltuiDnrg and the west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m anr) i.00 (limited) and 3.40 p m. Way for Altoona, t.15 a m and 4,10 p m every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a ni dally and 10JU 1 ra week days. Leave Rnnbury fof Wllltamsport, lElmlra Canandalgua, Kochester, BuOaloand Mlagara Falls, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 p m week days, for Vatklns, 5.80 p m week days. For JCrle and Intermediate points, 6.10 am., dally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.53 a m. dally, 1.34 and 5.30 p. m. week days. Foi itenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and bff) p m week day a, 5.10 a. m Bundays, 'HAB. K. PUOH. J. M. WOOD, 4en. MauT oen. Pass. Ait -yiLMINUTON 4 NOUTHEUN It. It. Time table in iffect MasAO, 189L Trains leave Beading (P. 61 It. station) for Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blrasboro, Joanna, Bprlng Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesville,Wesl Chester,Chadsford Junction. H. a O. Junction, Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dslly except Hunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15 p. m. Monday only at 8.05 p. m. For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate statlons,dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.19 p, 111. bunday only 8.15 a. in. For Blrdslmru and Intermediate stations, Baturoay only, at 12 m. For Baltimore aud Washington (B. 4 O. II. It,) dally except Hunday at 6.25 and 8.80 a. m. and 8.16 p. m. bunday only al 3.05 p. ra. Trains arrive ui Iteudli.g (P. t IU station) Irnm Wilmington, B. & O. Junction. Mont chanlu, Chaddsiord Junction, West Chester, Lenape, Contesvllle. Waynesburg Junction, BprIngneld,Joanna,Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey. fertand Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 562 and 8.17 p. m. Bun. day cnly at 11 24 a. m. From Bt Peters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, dally except Hunday. at H.-i a. la. and 2.25 p. 111. bunday only -at 0 p. m. r ruin jtirtisDoro anu imernicuiaie stations, DHiurnay only at 1.4U p. m. From WashlnL'lou and Baltlmoie. dnllvex. cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m, Duxiuuy oiiiy ui ti,a a. in. B0WNKB8 BBIGOS, Gen'IPass. AgL A. O. McCA UHLAN 1, Bupt. For LOSXer FAILING UANnOOD Ociier&l mill NEliVOUB DKHILITYi Wekoeiof BodyanAMind Effect 01 errors ronor Euoiiti la OldorYousff. folly II t-ortd. IIbf t fUrjt !iniKibauaituirairuuuii.nariovf uui 1 baML.tirtftamLUSIataikadltniraruiiatrlM. Wrtlalkaai. BM fill lug HUSK 1 UBlTllMtlMBII In dSJi If ftsm tU lfga CuaaUtr. Writ Uiu. imE ! COLLAR or CUFF "TRADE Summer Resort, Pw-mc and Pleasure Grounds I LAKESIDE (Kast Mahauoy Junction) mid. way between Mnhunoy City and Taraa qua, now managod hy a new stock com pnuy, wlllbeopcutothepubllo within alow weeks, and dates can now bo secured, A number of societies huve already been booked and others wishing desirable dates should make application without delay. Under the new management many Improve ments Will bo mndp, some of them being now tinder way, that will make It ie plc-nloaud pleasure grounds of the region. A large dancing pavllllon nnd a trotting park are among the newnddltions. Thebest horses In the State will be secured to run or trotthlsseasun. nlcs and outings. For dates and other On or address, Excursion Manager, HIIEHANllO Air, IAi lliaiiis Bro. Chamber Bets, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, ChlSonlers, Wash Stands, Couches, Dreeslng cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Bldeboards, Ulnlrg Tables, China Closets, Dining Chtlrs, Buffets, Bmoklng Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, Bofas, Tea Tables, Parlor Baits, Easels, MubIo Cabinets, Piano Chairs, Hall Stands, Settees, Hall Tables, Fancy Tables, Wood Mantels, Book Cases, Writing Docks, Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines. UPHOLSTERY GOODS BOTTOM PRICES. J.P.Wilams&Bro. SHENAOTDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINMtAL WATER, the use of which will Bopply ln.portant ele ments necrssury to health. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, end all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and remove lliuu. It ri moves I he uric acid from the blood and thus destroys Malaria and Chills. It cures Brlfiht's disease, nnd Is es. peclally recommended for peoplo advanced In life, and for general debility. For undoubted proolsoc this send lor pamphlet elvlne full partlrulais. toj It. PKIUIY, Water oi Life uo., oi pouin main nt., wiises-iiarre, fa. SUFFEMH0W01E MARRll SIHC15, When tnmble.i wirl th 'nni no I'.if lrrernl.Uin 8i'iueatir roiiowiairn - jii: or ifi ure, or iiw t (n tnUonal Wouknwr't b 1 foe ilur i their mi, klvul Uo On, PuOHOINE'S OalobrQt!d CEMALE REGULATING PILLS. rhtryara BtrengtbeninR to tho entire rfttrr., iui -on,Tiforuiiii iug3tup fori itn all fanctlono( borf1 ud miud, &Mut hy, nr ire)rMu;!i.(l, AddrtJi Or. Hartor ModlolnoCo.,ST.LflUIS- UU Philadelphia and Beading .Railroad, me TiiMe n eSttt May 10, 1801 MIINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS o n$f-ew,Sr vl11 Philadelphia, week daysJ 2..0 5.2o, 7.20 a. m. and 1285 2.60 and 6.3 t. m. Hvmday 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. For New York, via Matich Chunk, week days, 6.28. '.20, a, m. and 12.35 and Uo p. m. ' t'or Itcadtmr and ihiiartArnhi a 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12 85 2.Eo and 5.65 p;m luiiiui. huu 4,ia a. in. , n0rilM"l)Urg' week days 2-10,7.20 a. m,i ',t0, 5.55 p. m. 0r cntown' weBk flay,!i 7.20 v m., 12.35 io",or rS'J'ft wcsk ?Ryj 2.10.7.SM,. mi, 12.3 2.C0 and 6.65 p. m, Bunday, 2 10 and 7, m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week ays, 2.'0, 5.3ft, 7.20, n, m,, 12.3? 2.E0 undTH ... m. Munday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. Additional or Mahanoy Oily, week days 7.00 p. m. For incaster and Columbia, week days. .2oa.m.,2.E0p.m. M for Wllllamsport, Bunburyand Lewlsburn. ek days. 8.2S and 11.3) a. m 1,85, 7.00 j. m. Bunday 8:25 . m. For Mahanoy Plane, week davs, 2.10 8.25. ' 515, 7.20 aud 11.30 a.m., 12.86, 1.85, 2.50, 6.55. 7.0J and .iJ5, p. in, Bunday, 2.10, 8.23 and 7.48 a. m t.i'6p.m. For UlrHrdvllle (Karpahannock Btatlonl wr days, 2.hi, 8.25, 5.2o, 7.20 end 11.80 a. m 12J5, 1 86, i.60, 6.55, 7.00 nndS.2o. p. m. Bunday. 2'10 .2 1, 7.48 a.m., 3.06 p.m. "or Ashland and Bhamokln, week days. ,25, 6.25,7.20, 11.8) a. m., 1115, 7.00 and ,2l j. m. nuuaay a.w u. m s.uo p. m. TKAIN3 FOK BliKN AN DOAH j Leave New York via Philadelphia, week lays. 7.45 a. m.. 1.80, 4.00. 7.80 p. m 12.15 alght. Bunday, 6.00 p.m.. 12.15 night. Leave New Yotk via Mauch chunk, week lys, 1.30, 8.45 a.m., 1.00 aud 4.03 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, wetsr days, 4.10, and 10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m., from Broad .ud Callowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p. m, from vthano wieeu streeto. Sunday V.05 a. m. 11.S0 p. m.rrom Wti aud ('. J--ve Heafllhg, week days, 1.33. 7.10. 10.C5 md 11.50 a. m., 6.53, 77 P, in. Bunday 1.85 and iRve I'ottsviue, weeir. days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.. l'i, 8.11 p, m. Hnnday, 2.40 a. m. and 2.05 p. m. ixiare xamaqua, weeic days,, 8.48 ana l 2 j a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 1MB p. in. Bunday 8.10 l m. ana oo p. m. Ieave Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 8.40. 9.1 & and 11.47 a. m.. 1.61. 7.42 nnd 0.41 t. m. Bun. day, 8.4(1 a. ra., 8.20 p. m., ijeavo Mahanoy Flane, week Oays,2'4),4.(0 .30. H.33, 11.59 a. m..l.l 6. 2.00. 5 20. 26. 7.57. and iU.OO p. m. Bunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.20, a. m. 41, p.m. Uiave Ulrardvllle (Uancahannock Btatlonl week days, 2.47, 4.07, li.:w, and 8.41 a. in., 12.03, i.)2. 5.20. 8.82. 8.03 and 10.06 n. m. Bunday. 2.47. 1 .37, 8.28 a. m. 3.41 p. m. ieavo v uiiuinspon., weeK aays, g.w,v.4HDa U.55 a.m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. bunday 11.15 p.m. ifor Baltlmoro, Washington and the west via 11. A O. it. 11., through trains leave Olrard Avenue station, Phtlaoelpbla, (P. A R, It, It.) u .it, Bui ana 117 a. m i.m, 4.21, a.tx ana r.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.21 - anu p. m. ATliANTlO CITV DIVIBION. Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Btreet Wharf. and Bouth Btreet Wharf. I For Atlantic eitv. Week-days Kxuress 11:00 a. m. and 2.00. 1.00 p. ia. Accommodation, 8.00 a, m., 6.00 m. fciund& s. Exnrcss. 8.00. a. m. Accommo- SaUoa, 8.00 R. 111, and 4.80 p. m. ueiurnins. leave Auauuo iuy, uepot curuev Mianllc and Arkansas avenues. week-day -Express. 70. 8.00. a. m. and 4.00. p. ra. Accommodation. 6.00. 8.05 a. m. and 4.80 4.80 p. in. uunoays. jxpress, i.uu p. m AGvOuuuuait Uon, 7.SU n, in. and 4.30 p. m. u. u. nAfiwua, uen i irass r abi a. A, MoXJSOU. Pros. & Uen'l Manaevr. Lehigh Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT or PASSEKGKK TKA1NB. MAY 10, 1891. 1'assencer trains will leave Bhenandoah for Mauch Cliunk. Leblnhton. Slallneton. Cata ....... n ,,l.nnlnn Onl.lnV.AM j-nenn l.kll- adelphta and Hew, York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a, m.. IOZ, 3.1U, 0D p. Ill, For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and.. Btroudsburg at 6.47, a. m.,and 6.20 p. m. t:jror iiamoenviue ana 'irentou, a, m. For Whltollaven. 5VIlues-Barre and Flits- ton 547. 0.08, 10.41 a. in., S.10 and 520 p. m. For TunKhannocK, 10,11 a. m., s-io ana o.zs p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons 10.11 a. m and 5.26 p. m. loruicejiviiie, rowanaa. ayre, waveny, Elmlra. Itochesler. llulHUo. Niagara Falls. Chicago and nil points West at 10.41 a. mand 6.26 p. m. For Klmlra nnd the West vlaBalamanca at 3.10 p.m. ror Auuenrieu, jiazieion, oiucuiou, uuui her Yard. Weatkerlv and Fenn Haven Junc tion at 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.52, 8.10 and for Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver Meadow, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 5SS p. m, ForBcrantonat6.47 9.08, 10.41a. in. 8,10 ana 6:26 p. m. For Ilazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free land at 6.47. 7.40. 9.03. 10.11 a. in.. 1252 3.10 and 6.26 p. m. r or iuuaaite Ml o,t aiiu, v.uo a. iu,, nuu 8.10 p. in. For Wiggans, C5 liber ton and Fraokvllle at 6.60 and 0.08 a. m,, and 4.10 p. m. For Yntesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,ls2,3.1O,5.20, 8,03, 9.21 and 10.27 p.m. For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashland, 4.27,, 10.15 a. in., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 65, 8.10 and 9.14 p. m. For DarKwater, Ht. Clair and Pottsvllle. 7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. m., 1252,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and 8.03 p.m. For Back Mountain, New Boston and; Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.63 a. m., 1&&2, 8.10, 5.26 and 8.03p.m. For Kaven Buu, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and Bhamokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 and 8.06 p. m. Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoah, 7.55 11.55 a. in., 2.10. 4.30 and 930 p. m., arriving at Bhenandoah, 9.05 a. in., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and 11.15 p. m. SUNDAY TBAINB. For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland, 6.50, 9.10 1135 a. m., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater. Bt. Ciftlr and Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.00, 9J50 s . m., 2.45 p. m. . For Yntesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.00, 1135 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. For Lofty, Audenrled and Haxleton, 8.00 a m., 1.40 p. m: For Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, JSaston and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m: For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. K. B. BYINGTON. Gen'l Pass. Act,, Bethlehem; No matter bow many useless nostrums von have token, how much dhcouraged, or what anybody says, rely upon It the ("actus Uure will remove a'l diseases from Impure blood, whethor scrofulous or specific. No mineral, no failures, uo relapses, Sold at Ktrlln's Drug store, Ferguson'' JJottl Block, Shenandoah, Pa, - ThtuismiUa gavo itwu iieriuaneutly cured by l'JIH.ADKI.l'IU A, 1'A. lawQtotito, uo operation or Iusb ot tlino trum huslnuss Cxmis iironoimceJ la curable by others wanted, Send for circular. CURE GUARANTEED oaleKuS'slU