The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 06, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative io perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It Is the most excellent remedy known to
When one Is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
J3"S"3B.TT3e Oar FIGS
teiek Headache and relievo nil tholroablea ta0f
dent to a bilious state of tho system, snob aa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pala In tho Bl Jo, ic. While their rooad
rcm&rltablo success baa D0C3 shown la curUig 4
feldacbo, yet Carter's Littla Liver PID9 ar3
equally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pro
Venting this annoying complain t,whllo they also
tlver and regulate tho bowels. Even li thoy onlj
trailer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately thelrgoodnesacloesnotendliero,an(Uhosa
TVho once try them will find theao llttlo pllla valu
able In so many ways that thoy will not bo wll
Usg to do without them. But after allelck hca4
'lathe bane of bo many Uvea that horo la where)
we make our great poost. viu- puia curuuiv uuu
others do not.
1 Carter's Llttlo Liver Pllla aro very nam ana
very easy to take. One or two pllla makoa dose.
They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripo or
purge, but by tbelr gentle action pleaaoaU who
use them. InvUlsat25ccnts; live for tl. Sola
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail.
3" TRE&TEfi FRELffifc&'tf.SS.
Hare cured itiary thousand Curt, parents propoi'ii
bopelns by the nest physfruiw. From first dose ymr-tnrm
rapidly disappear, ana in ten d.i)j. at lent two-thirds of i
symptoms are remored. Sn 1 f.u pHEK ROOK of test
rafmlaUdf mlf.Trtl n 1 lf tAttnoDt m TP Lv mall. 0
acul out cures. I LI UU3 u fum'shed T lluu you ordr
Dr. Grosvenor's
w5faftifi?v PLASTER.
KhenmatLsm, nnrflgia, plenrtajand lumbago B
A New Venture
Has opened a
AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST.,
Bales of assorted goods, notions, hardware,
glassware, etc, etc
Goods irom ull parts ot the county solicited
on commission.
YnilNR MAN "tffl.ncoge,r:
lUUilU clalBchool, it will
pay you to visit the 'ROOHEbTKil BUB1.
NE8H UNIVEK8ITY before deciding where,
though you may live' a thousand miles away.
It stands at tho bead ol the list or commer
cial schools Id Its character as an educational
force, as a medium lor supplylne the business
men of the country with trained and capable
assistants, us a means ol placing ambitious
young men and women on the high ro 'A to
tuccets, nd In the extent, elegance and cost
ol lm tqulpment. Thorough COMMUUWAIj,
COU HUE'S. The Twenty-seventh Annual
Catalogue will be mailed to any address.
Or tlio I.ltiiur Jlnbti, ioiiliely t'uruu
uy mluiinintcrmir sr. name'
UulUrn NixTtlle.
It Is inanufaotured as a powder, whloh oan be Riven
in a glass of beer, a oup of cotfee or tea, or In food,
without the knowledge ot the patlant. It la absolutely
harmless, and wiU effect a permanent and speedy
cure, whether tba patient Is a moderate drinker or
an aloobolio wreck. It has been given In thousands
of cafes, ana in every iniiauos yeneut cure ubs igi.
lowed. JtnfverFall. Thesystemonoolmpreffna
ed with the beoomea an utter Imposslbulty
for the liquor appetite to exist.
48 page book of partloulars frte. To bo had o
C. H. HAGENBUCH, DruNglst, Shenandoah
Offloe-28 AVest Lloyd Btrcot, Bhttmndoah
e$&, p?s&
Coloqel o!J5e Fourt5
-to R ptorjf of the Late Yt&vM-
Author of "Loyal at Last," "My
Lady Fantastic," &o.
inn ntomaAi. boh ncTunNS.
Tho Stono river Is a sluggish stream,
bordered by cedar-brakes, which flows
with muddy waters through a swampy
country four miles from Murfrecsboro.
On tho 80th of December Its placid
banks arc- bristling with tho armed
men of two great forces on Its loft,
Rosecrans with fifty thousand warriors!
on its right, between It and tho city,
llragg with as many moro.
Ilosecrnus has said: "I will mass my
Btrcngth on tho loft, and crush tho
enemy's right,"
Bragg hus rc-cchocd tho words: "I
will strike them on tho right with my
Tho dawn of tho lUst was wrapped in
a donso fog: and Ilrngg, eager to sccuro
tho advantage of striking first, dashed
furiously on tho Federal right, of which
two divisions fell back, losing their
guns and leaving many prisoners be
hind. l!ut Sheridan's bravo fellows
stand llko a rock beaten by tho waves:
and by this tremendous effort Iloso
orans is enabled to form his lino afresh,
on which, from tho cedar-brakes they
had won, tho Confederates hurl them
solves with gallant recklessness. Four
times they charge: four times thoy aro
repulsed when tho cry is, "Brecken-
repulsed when tho cry Is, "UrecKen-
rldgc comes with soven thousand mon," .
and twlco again thoy rush to tho at-1
tack, but Northern firmness stands
tho shock of Southern dash, and beforo
thoy can again re-form, night in pity
draws a mantlo o'er tho scone.
On Now Year's day both armies rested
from tho conflict.
On tho 2d, Bragg rnado some demon
strations to find out what Buell meant
to do, and why ho had not, as ho so
fully oxpected, sounded a retreat, no
6oon learned to his cost. Tho Northern
General had made his position a
cjtadel, from which ho could rally and
striko at any point, or break tho fury of
bis. charging foe.
On this in vain tho gallant Confed
erates advanced, only to fall baok with
broken ranks discomfited.
But now tho men of Texas camo with
o rago that nothing Beems to stay. In
vain tho showor of grapo pours on tha
unflinching host. Seo Colonel Robin
son, with tho colors in his hands, dash
through tho abattlsand spring upon tho
embankment, calling on Ills men to fol
low! Even his enemies con searco for
bear to cheer tho daring foat, or sigh
when thoy seo the gallant flguro thrown
Ufeless down. And now tho muskotsof
col. bodinson, wiTn colons nf ins VLUxa,
tho Firrhtlnff Fourth crash their leaden
iholl upon his men, burning to avengo
his death: and, bleeding and torn, they
'fall back fighting to the very last.
Uown pours the ram on yio tomuo
carnago ana tno snatierca ooutnera,
hosts fall back on MurfreeBboro.
And where is Frank Besant all this,
while? Fighting at tho head of his
company during tho heat of tho fray
you may bo Buro, bttt now sadly bond
ing his steps to a clump of trees, under
'which a group of officers is gathered
round a central prostrate flffuro, ovor
which. Doctor Saunders is stooping,
whllo tho rest anxiously await his do
clslon. 1 "Not necessarily mortal," ha says ot
last, with a sigh of relief.
Tho wounded man Is bomo tenderly
to tho fleld-hospltal.
"Who is lt? Who Is it?" ask several,
na tho mournful cortciio passes them.
'Colonel Fulton of tho Fourth shot'.
through tho lungs," is tho sad a'nswor.
But Frank and nls comraues navo
another duty before thom ero thoy can
lay their weary banes to rest on that
' "Bovs." tho Major had cried, "there1.
llosthe body of Colonel Robinson. Shall1
IJ rvnllnnf aIImtp'o1
corpso upon tho field without a Boldler'sl
funeral, or sign to, morn uio boot no'
"No, no," camo from a ecoro of
throats.. )
Rn thov durf a crrave and laid. tho hcroi
In It a touching incident, though his
only requiem was a saiuiu ureu ujr mo,
hands of his enemies. At tho head of tho
grave they placed a rough board, with
fudely-palnted characters, which readi I
"nEna ues ina body of
wno rata at tub dahls 01
stoke rtrvEii,
na was BtntrED by
Kudo as tho tablet was, simple as thtt
neatly-rounded gravo looked by tho
lantorn light, Frank thought that many
a grand mausoloura would bear but poor
'comparison bcsldo that humble tribute
,to a bravo man's memory, oven though
'tho first blasts of winter would destroy
tho rough memento.
That night thoy slept upon the battle
field. ' 1 Ht szmat- rink ha aunnafiad tliati
rtighest of all in Leavening Power.
Charlie Fulton's absenco from his post
had not caused consternation among his
comrades and intonso distress to his
father. None, however, but Major
Hopkins and Frank Bcsant had attrib
uted suspicious motives to his disap
pearance, and you may bo assured that
they kept their own counsel, jealous of
their comrudo's honor and mindful of
their Colonel, whoso heart thoy knew
would bo broken if his boy fell into dis
grace, so It was generally accepted that
ho had ridden farther than was prudent
and had fallen into the toils of the en
emy. But tho Major and Frank had
drawn tho worst conclusions, especially
when ths latter learned from tho pick
ets the direction tho absentee had taken
when ho started on tho journey from
which ho had ncvor returned. Bcsant
hoped against hope, but Hopkins vowed
that ho had sold himself body and soul
for a pretty face, and had gono over to
tho enemy.
"Ho always had preposterous ideas
of Southcrn chivalry," tho Major said,
,.and lt Qnl ,vantetl tho witchery of
this woman to tip the scale of his un-
balanced mind and land Mm headlong ' Hlps bo able to clear himself of any
Jn ruin," a supposition the younger man S more serious than a breach of
had not tho Courage to controvert. I f0 P n0; ,how ranc' y" BhaU
It can readily bo Imagined, then, how fqtch tho lad bacliandgivoUlmachanco
Ids heart beat with renewed hope when ! ol phnatlon. Tako as many men of
on tho afternoon of the 8d, while n I ?our ow? company as you lllco-yolun-foarful
storm was raging, which wm I teers, mini and manngo tho affair just
never bo forgotten by thoso who:""
shivered 'ncath Its blasts, an old colored
man crept into camp, anxiously in
quiring for him. Ho boro i letter
written on a crumpled leai of papci
and inclosed in nn empty rlflo enrtridgo
sholl, which tho wary messenger had
carried In his mouth for security's sake
nnd which ho gravely assured Frank he
would havo swallowed If ho had been
caught by the enemy.
Ilastlly unfolding it, Besant read the
penciled lines:
"Friend FnAKiti I bavo boon for some
weeks a prisoner. This morning thoy moved
mo from Murfrocsboru to a mill tour miles
down the river from your enmp. Wo aro onlj
under a guard ot eight men and a sergeant,
besides soino lnvnllds, who won't count In a
scrimmage. You nnd a dozen boys of tho
Fourth might readily eflect a rescue If you
think mo worth the rink. llragg has given or
dors for a retreat at daybreak, so if you don't
hurry lt will bp all up with your unfortunate
f rlond, CnAituE Fulton,"
Rewarding tho faithful negro beyond
his wildest expectations, Frank hurried
to tho Major with his glad tidings, but
to his surpriso his senior evinced no
especial signs of gratification.
"You aro a llttlo too sanguine, Frank,
my boy," ho said, gravely, "but though
wo aro relieved of tho pain of believing
tho young man is voluntarily absent
from our ranks, tho onus yot remains
on him to provo how Innocently ho fell
Into captivity. You soo, now tho Colonol
is wounded, the command of tho regit
ment dovolvos on mo for tho tlmo being,
and, considering tho responsibilities ol
'my position. I do not for the Jlfe of mo
seo how, II you brought him baclc,
knowing what I do know, I havo any
other alternative than to placo hlnr
under arrest and court-martial him."
"Oh, sir, surely you would not pro-
'ceed to such extreme moosuresl"
"I am afraid 1 bhould, Frank, and, if
I did, lt would go far to kill his poor
father, who now lies in a very critical
condition. I guess wo had bettor let
this young fellow paddlo lils own canoo
for a tlmo a dose of Libby prison will
go a long way to ameliorate his high
flown sentiments on Southern chivalry."
"That is not spoken llko Major Hop
"Nnr Is It Rnolton hv Maior Ilorjklns.
but by tho acting-Colonel of a regiment
whoso fair fame shall never bo stained
whllo I command. If my own dead
son were hero altvo to-day, and ho had
dono what Charles Fulton has, I would
order him under arrest without on In
stant's hesitation."
Frank was awed to sllcnco by tho
Major's earnestness.
"You see, Besant," tho older man
continued, "I am In possession of facta
concerning which you know nothing."
A spark of inteUigunco flashed In
Frank's brain.
"And your informant, sir, was James
Lawson?" ho asked eagorly.
" If bo, what then?"
"Only, sir, that you are condomning
jO rnan of honor on tho word of as baso
a scoundrel as over lied to forward his
mlserablo ends," was tho hot reply.
"That may be, but oven an Inveterate
Jlar may speak tho truth, if it suits his
ur&uvcu, juujurf yuu uiu juu tww
euro that tho truth did suit his purposo
In this Instance?"
1 ... - r I 1 . . 1.1a
i!vr reply vuo .major uhjic iruiu iua
pocket-book a torn piece of paper, on
wnicn was somu writiutf 11 yuuuu. uuu
'handed lt to his Bubordlnato, with tho
"I am committing no broaon 01 conu-
donco in showing ypu this. Do you
recognize tho hand that penned this
treacherous scrawl?"
Frank road tho linos eogerlyi thoy
contained a brief but succinct descrip
tion of Bueil's position at NoshvUlo.
were addressed to Miss Lascollcs, and
were signed, "your devoted friend,
Frank's oyes blazed with triumph.
"Do I rocognlzo the hand-writing,
Malor?" ho cried oxeltedly. "Indeed, 1
dol I soo James Lawson's oar-marks
on every up-stroko and down-stroko ot
this villainous composition. Why, tho
Jiltlful rascal has not even taken tho
trouulo to tusguiso uio cuaracters."
"You are suro of this?"
lWll. vou BhaU iudtfa for vanrsalL
U. . Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
sir," "Frank" declared,' tailing' a lcttor
from his pocket which contained an
inelosure. "Hero Is a note I.awson
wroto to a lady friend of mino at Mol
tonburg, containing suah a libelous ac
count of my conduct that in sheer dis
gust sho sent It to mc, as sho says, to
put mo on my guard against tho fel
low's vindictiveness."
It was a study to watch the Major's
faco as he compared tho two docu
ments. Turning to an orderly ho said, stern
ly: "Go to company F and tell tho offi
cer on duty to send Privato Lawson un
der guard to me at once."
In a few minutes, during which both
officers maintained a moody sllonco, tho
messenger returned.
"Private Lawson, sir," ho said, salut
ing, "is reported missing. Ho was fired
on this morning by tho sentry as ho was
seen making for tho enemy's lines, but
escaped unhurt."
Tho cloud of doubt cleared from tho
wnJ?r 8 .orow, ,na claspctl i'Ta
liaml' nnd saId llunrtllyf JIy H1
wrnf? Jng Fulton, and ho
Major's brow as ho clasped Frank's
It could not bo in bet
ter hands."
So, in accordanco with this llboral
order, a dozen men, heavily armed,
with Bcsant at their head, stole out of
camp that night under shadow of tho
cedar-brakes that lined tho river.
To return to the object of all this so
licitude, Charllo Fulton's condition after
tho battle of Murfrecsboro was a strong
contrast to the gentle treatment ho had
received during his confinement at tho
recruiting station, and ho was now bo
ginning to learn that tho lot of a pris
oner of war was not a very cnvlaoio
one. Torn from his associates, who, be
ing gentlemen, had accorded him many
littlo kindnesses, ho found himself In
tho hands of a rough soldiery, who
seemed to tako dollght In covering with
Indignities their luckless prisoner. Ono
snatched tho cap from his head with tho
brutal declaration that it was too good
'to cover a Yank's brainless scolpj an- I
other requisitioned his boots and gavo
him In return a pair of sololess shocB a
tramp would scorn to wear; a third ap- j
proprlatcd his watch; and a fourth took; j
a fancy to a ring "ho woro. Thus do- I
spoiled ho wns hustled Into tho loft of
an unoccupied mill, wheroho waschcor
fully told to make himself at homo till
morning, when ho would bo taken "In
tho ruck of captured Yanks to tho pen."
But sharp as the oyes of his captors
wero thoy woro not sufficiently on tho
alert to provent a stolen Interview with
ho old colored man thoy had deputed
to carry htm a few moldy rolls and a
cup of villainous coffeo thoy called his
How anxiously tho slow hours rolled
along. Would midnight never como?
Perhaps the ancient darky had fooled
him, or failed in his attempt to reach
tho Union lines; or, worst thought of
all, was tho probability that his folly
had been discovered and his comrades
might not think him worth tho rescue.
Bolow tho men who had purloined a,
Bmall keg of whisky woro getting quar
rolsomo over their cups. Now was tho
tlmo to strike) U only Frank and his
(rollout boys would comoi but, though
ho pressed his ear against a crack in
tho wooden wall and listened with
breathless anxiety, there was no sound
without Bavo tho moan of tho wind and
tho fierco pattering of tho sleety rain.
But what la that? Tho hoarso chal
lenge of tho sentry, followed by 0,
groan and all Is still again. Tho rev
elers below had never oven neara tno
sound, for their oaths and shouts wero
louder than ever. Then the crash of
wood, n,nd stamping and scuffling, and
oiraln tho painful silence, llo rusliea
to tho door and beat upon lt with his
naked hand, fearful that after all they
might not find nun.
Tho lock fell shattered by a blow,
Aho door swung opon, and with hysteria,
joy Fulton clasped the hand of his de
liverer. "Quick, my boy," Besant cried. "Ono
fellow got away and will glvo tho
alarm. It will bo all wo can do to got
back to camp with wholo 6klns to-
uIiav waraAAlcklili ion Bonn, fno jui
thoy roacfiod" ifio "opposite tank of tho
rivor thoy heard tho clatter of galloping
horses on tho Murfrecsboro road.
"Aro any of our follows injured?"
Charllo asked, anxiously.
"Not a scratch. Vv'o just bowled thcra
over llko nine-pins," was tho gay reply.
It was not till they had reached n
placo of safety and tho sound of their
pursuers had died away In tho dlstanco
that Besant remembered tho unpleasant
task which lay before him of toiling
Chnrllo of his father a sad misfortune
Tho young man's oyes Ailed with
tears, as ho heard tho melancholy de-
"Poor old dad." ho moaned. "Wound-.
ca bo uau as uini, aim i nui uuur lucuhi
fort him. Ahl what will mother soy, I
wonder, when sho hoars that I was
away from him in his hour of need?
Away I my Godl and on such an or
randl" "Which she never need know and If
sho did, tho knowledge of your safe re-
turn would condono the fault of your
going, Charlie: for women do not look
nt some things in tho same light that
men do."
"As you do, for Instance?"
"Yes, Charlie, as I do," Frank de
clared, firmly. "I am not going to add
to your troubles by preaching you a ser
mon: but If I havo any claim on your
regard, I would implore you to make a
confidant of Mnjor Hopkins,, who knows
more of your doings than you have any
idea of, and who is still willing to bo
your friend."
"You speak with an assumption of
guilt on my part, which in another man
I would not permit ono instant."
"No, not guilt, Charlie: only Intense
ly reckless folly," Besant declared.
"And I am to mako this paragon of a
Major my fathcr-coufessor? Well, per
haps I will co him to-morrow and havo
a'talk with him."
"You will seo him to-night; for you
will havo to report to him. no is In
command now, you know."
"In command? Since when?"
"Slnco your father fell In action."
"Ah, yos; of course."
For a time they walked on in silence;
but as they reached tho Major's tent,
Fulton askcdi "Docs my father know
wliy I loft tho camp that night?"
"No. Tho secret Is only shared be
twaen tho Major and myself unless
you count Jim Lawson as ono of us;
but ho Is beyond tho power of revela
"As how?"
"Deserted to tho enemy."
"Tho scoundfoU" Then, after a
pauho: "Oh, Frank; I do bolievo you
aro tho best-hearted fellow that ovey
drew tho breath of life."
"And tho Major?"
"Yes, yes; If lt will set your honest
soul at rest, I will mako a clean breast
of all my sins to him this very night."
And with that pleasing assuranco tho
younir men parted.
Next day, ns tho doctors declared that
there was no hopes of Colonol Fulton
over being able to assumo tho command
of a marching regiment, even if ho es
caped with his life, Hopkins was in
6talled as Colonel, to tho satisfaction of
every man in tho ranks; for thoy bad
long learned to lovo tho quiet, gentle
manly man, who nover flinched from
dauoror and had such a keen sense of
And who Is going to bo Major? was
tho question ot tho bivouac.
"I'll hot oven on Bcsant ogalnst the
told," cried Jack Gregory.
But there wore no takers.
to bis continued.
The Mayor of rhilntlolphln Issuos a Vioc-
lanmtlon OfTelliiL- 85,000.
Philadelphia, Juno 0. Tlioro is little
change in tho situation with respect to
tho Treasury scandal. Mayor Stuart op-
provod tho action of councils m reior
enco to the roward for Marsh's arrest,
and Issued a proclamation offering $5,000
for his enpturo. This, with the $1,000
offered by Boudsraun Wnnumnker, makes
the total ?U,000. In ttio meantime aiarsu
Eoema to liavo m ml o trood his escnpo.
Gossln as to Bnrdsloy's disposition oi
the State's money is still rife. It is ono
of tho interesting points yot unsottlod,
aud the belief Is forming that not ono
cent of it found its way in tho Keystone
From tho countv nrlson comes tho In
fnrmntlnn tlint ox-Treasurer Bardsley is
improving in health, though considera
bly worried. As to Marsh, tho govern
ment olllclnls sum tms aiternoon luoy
wero not mnklnn an effort to find mm.
Thev contend that their work ended
when ho was first arrested, and that now
lt is tho dutyjof his bondsmen to una mm,
lawyer Itiirtlno's I'lirslclans Resort to
Mercury to Counteract Hydrophobic
Asbuhy Park, Juno 0, Lawyer Bar-
tine, who was bitten by a cat, Is still
allvo. His physicians, as a last resort.
lnjoctcd blcarbonote of mercury lu order
to counteract the effects of liydropnooia,
Ills nulse at the last renortmado was 125,
Mr. liavtlne cautioned uis uiiuuvun iu
keep away from his bedside, as ho feared
ho would do them harm. During ttio
rlnv lin nttomnted to lean from a window,
but wus overpowered by his guard. Ho
plteously bogged to ue auowou to m
... . . .
the Victim of Hurry French's Tonsue
Weils Aucnt Merrill.
IiosiON, Juno 0. Helen V. Smith, tho
young lndy whom Horry French deolarod
to bo his wife, and who went away
Eurorio to cot clear of him, was married
at 2 n. m. to J. N. Merrill, tho London
nnout of her father's piano company
who camo back with Miss Smith on her
return from Europo with tho Intention
of thrashing Mr. French for his scandal
ous accusations against Helen and Mor
Tho wedding was privato. It had boen
kept very quiet and was a modest affal:
only a few intimate frlonds being pres
ent. For a time, at least, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill will llvo abroad, and tho date
their nermanont hom6-coniing is not an
If you want to find out what virtues
man does not nossiiss, go on a four wooks
j o mpalgn out trip wllh him,
We arc a patient people the
ox is nowhere in comparison.
Wobuy lamp-chimneys by the
dozen; they go on snapping and
popping and flying in pieces;
and we go on buying the very
same chimneys year after year.
Our dealer is williner to sell
us a chimney a week for every
. . ' 1 1 j
lamp we burn a hundred or
more a year and WC plow for
W ,m , 0f goading US.
Mucbeth's " pearl top ' and
"pearl glass" do not break
from heat; they are made of
tough glass.
As likely as notour dealer
would rather his chimneys
would break; " it'aS good for the
llll5;nrae eav5 hP T4P We
tlie bnttlest ones he can get.
" What are you going to do
about it?"
llttsburg. Qio. A. MArBtTB & Co.
I. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho excess ot
oil has been removed, is
Absolutely JPuvo
and It is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in Its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength ot
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is thcreforo far morf
economical, costing less than one cenl
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
nnd admirably adapted for invalid
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Orocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass,
F0 0v
ties for Qentlemeu,
ranted, nnd so stamped oil tKittom. Address
i.An!PH.fin..nrB war.
ij. iiuui.ijas, lirocuion, mush, doiui'
(3T osopla 2311,".
(mo iintl UnwnrtlB
15 Percent.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Full particulars unci
i Prosrectus can be had
on application or addressing
H. i.. ni.iii'hon, iiaiiitcr,
04 Ilronclwuv, Ii. V.
20 other styles 6-A N' to, p-lccs to suit all
Holr tn il.trs.
1, Llil.lie.lrr. Entlliti Diamond llrsal.
Original and Onlf Uenaine.
,fc, ftlwtja rt-lUblt. Loit tk
UruxirUt for CXichtiters IWit lia-(
umJ Aran 1 la llril anil Lull Bit 'LU
ooiei, ctua wild diu riDDoa, ioi,e
lion and imitttioru. A t UruafUi, or tend 4a
to tfcmii for partlc, UiUmooltUa kdii
"KtMler nr i.iim iikiwt, vj mum
BoU bT U Lock I Ur:liu. i'Mlad.. I'tW
Iht tiiotl r)Uli. d1 uuseeitful
.. cUini fr ,udeu vftota
Special DiscmWooJ Poison
I'LCEUS. b'ctob. i, FlmpUl, 8er
M -utli.Throit lrrittifn, S
1 11 (, JaQanotti di, K inJ
itrintrMU. rilu. Uelmetiijll,
Wakkoeii DvbtlllT, Impulrtd Memory t,nilOtoTi fct'icwrefc
fell aiietlCa rciu viBf irom jjuiihui iru us v
Old, Your
at u crii
madla&l t.n
uns" Middle Aged &u'Xwatijow
rit'U, DoitijHrtiui-iit I ha- mrvj Innwo t
Ailurfioaitiieno,tiftliDhtf kudo! 1 "- - '
r whoTaiUdrellaf al9iw. Freabc'-
namftttcr who IttlU! rellf tt OHM.
UoJ, frag and AatliU, M imri&9 v i '
ca prowtj grrl I'l t
it ra.i. .ho UllUlV a ttril
1 mnhii in"'"
flurS I oo nfter quabi vtud ivf
rvlaetl thtini Scoitic i.iatrti ln,-x ri ( h
iMttmoriUlitfiL-o.lni quaoHi lrrtn '
their flH ud frau luleot (ruartini-. aud tm n
csptjrUucc, tbvT daunt pout and itifir wtarui.
diuu or Irieiiliy ialatana tli ihtiu aud w
neUorrrwliielicuw(ijiu i-m n.d a -i-
UrulQ ufin.'l of f..iifli i.f tionin". ntt
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tr mil
Krerr dT irom V A. h intr "' .
aod HaIarUT mkIi
.-Id iin
Uiptt til 0!Jtit Etlliil! Firtlj tii rsoii!
lpreeenled by
A (lBt1 Lj'.-i. nijSijsf
vs. ts
130 H, Jardln Btreeti