VOL. VI.tfO. 147. SHENANDOAH, PA., SATURDAY. JUNE 6. 1891. ONE CENT. ffcHE SUEEStT BO AD TO WEALTH IS THKOUGH LIBEEAL ADTEETISOTG I Pttison has declared that 60 pouuds shall constitute a legal bushel of potatoes. Heretofore CO pouuds hare coDltuted the legal weight. The yiSluguien must look to Mr. Puttl eon for the four pouuds taken ofl each bushel aud they may look. If there over was a doubt that Michigan would go Democratic next fall that doubt is now dispelled. The nctlon of Governor Wlnau In vetoing the appropriation for the O. A. B. has made it certain that the state will go Beptibllcan. Tho veto has caused in tense feeling throughout the state, and the popular disapproval is loudly ex pressed. Hermmiy'aVlcot nt 8nn Francisco. San Francisco, Juno 0. Tho Gorman fleet of tbroo corvettes, tho Lelpsic, the Sophie and tho Alcxnndrlenne, under coinmrid o Admiral Valois, arrived during tho morning. Fully 200 officers nnd 1,800 mon nro on the vessels. Tho fleet is bound for Chilian waters and will coal and provision hero, and also tako on board supplies to bo transferred to tho Gorman vessols now in South American waters. A. Huston Paper Sold. Boston, Juno 0. Tho rumors about the salo of the Boston Dally Evening Travel ler to a committee ot 100 aro practically confirmed. A cortiflcato of organization has been filed by tho new company, the Traveller l'ubllshlng Uompany or Hoston, capital $75,000, and with James B. Dun as presidont. Stono-Mnsons Return to Encland. Prrrsnuno, Juno 0. Twenty-nine of tho locked out stone-masons have left this cltv bound for their homos in England. The stono stpne-masons have been locked .out for sovf rftjvcoks; with no prospect of an eauy cnanga in uia suuauou, Mnnglod by n Train. Elizabeth. N. J., Juno 0. An un known woman about 80 yoars old, well dressed, throw herself ueroro a jnow Jor soy Central Railroad train hero at noon and was killed. Her head was cut off and the body terribly mangled. Ordered to EoUe Whiskey. Wasiunqton, Juno 0. The commandors of tho revonue cuttors Bear aud Bush have been ordered to selzo all whtskoy, except such quantity ns may bo required for medical use, found upon any whalers cruising iu Alaskan Waters. A Kind Friend. Is what they call Hint Famous Remedy. lied Flag Oil, It quietly cures Hbeumatlsm, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Bores and all rain. It Is good for man or beast. 25 cents, AtKtrlln's drugstore. Tho groen apple is assuming tempting proportions to tho oyo of tho small boy. fTTl OE3STTS per yd for tho BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Bold In other stores Tor 33c. All floor Oilcloths reduoed. Call for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre JUST EEOEIVBD AT ETBITEKS I GENUINE IMPORTED GOODS Crosse and BlacJcweWs CJiow-Chow and PlcJcles. Pr'ench'Macitroni, 2 lbs, for 25c. t( Sardines in Oil, 2 cans for 25c. lancy It Ice, 3 lbs. or 25c. Fine California Fruits. I Fancy Prunes, large and fine, 15o, I Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c. 'X Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c. ,V Evaporated Peaches, 15c 1 Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Jvricota. U : : : FBESH CrOOIDS- Fine Iloaiitcrt ColTcc, 30c quality Improved. Oltl Government Javu fresli roasted Fancy Tnjjlc Syrup-r2 qts. lor 25c. Ginger. Snaps aud Coffee Cakes, 3 lbs. lor 25c. HUiuuetl Hams. Lebanon Suuituer Sausage nnd Clilppcd Beef Fancy Crenmery aud Flue Oalry nutter CHEAP .A - Tomatoes, Corn and Early for 25c New Ualslns-4 1 lor 25c WasMnir Powder, 4 luu for 25c Will have another lot 0 those Fancy; Moquette Jtuys at 4 $1.25 in BRIGGS WILL STAY SO SAY THE UNION THEOLO GICAL DIRECTORS. THE NOTABLE GASB REVIEWED. No Attention Will bo Paid to tho General Assembly's Action. Tho Board of Directors Tako Logal Advice. By National Press Association. New York, Juno 0. Tho whole business of Dr. Briggs' position in the Union Theo logical Seminary is settled, bo far ns tho directors of tho institution aro concerned. Dr. Briggs is there and will stay thoro. Ho is professor of Biblical theology now and will bo noxt winter when tho soml nory reopens, Just as much as if tho Gen eral Assembly had never boon born. In other words, Union Theological Semi nary stands by its guns and affirms Its lndepondenco. An Important meeting of tho directors was hold with, closed doors, and after somo debate it was decided to ignoro tho Jurisdiction of tho Genoral Assembly, ro cently couvennd in Detroit, in its action with regard to tho Rev. O. A. Briggs. Thoro woro but throo mombors absent, the Rev. Dr. Holmes and laymen John Taylor Johnston and 'William E. Dodgo. Tho Assembly, after a two-day debato a week ago, votod to disapprove of Dr. Briggs's transfer from tho professorship of Hebrow to tho chair of Biblical Tho ology. Tho vote was 440 to 09. Yester day the directors discussod the vote and then passed the following resolution, tho voto being 10 to 2 : "Resolved, That this board of directors, after having taken logal advice, and after duo consideration soo no reason to change their views on tho subject of tho transfor of Rov. Professor Briggs and feel bound in tho discharge of their duties, undor tho charter and constitution, to adhere to tlio Bam a vlawa." The Rov. Dr. Hall was compelled to loavo beforo tho voto was cast. After tho meeting had adjourned tho Rov. Dr. Clark ot tbo Harlem Puritan Churoh thus expressed himself; "Tho Directory stands by its guns I Dr. Briggs is at this moraoat just as much in tho Robinson chair as ho over was, and ns if the Genoral Assembly had no existence. Tho Assombly says he must got Wo di rectors say ho Bhall stay I" LOVE AND TRUST BETRAYED. A Yonnc Woman of High Social Position Dies on Her -Father's Doorstep. Hontinoton, Pa., Juno 6. A sad story ot lovo and trust betrayod come3 from Petersburg, in this county. At day break tho body of Miss Annie M. Heru came, nged 24, was found on tho front step of hor father's residence. Miss Hern- enmo was highly gifted intellectually, nnd was of high social position. Sho was well known throughout Central Pennsyl vania as a prominent tomperanco ndvo- cate. oho was to havo ueon married this month, but three weeks ago hor accepted suitor mysteriously disappeared. Tho coroner's inquest rovealed tho fact that Miss Hcrncnme was about to become a mother and had taken poison to cover up her shame. Tho whole community is so stirred up ovor tho affair thatdiro ven geance is threatened her betrayer should ho be caught. HXTD GOOD. Juuc Peas not soalts 3 cans aetv days. OBITUARY. Lioutonant Louis S. Boner, of Pottsvlllo. Tho many friends in town of Lieutenant Louis S. Bonor woro pained to learn of his unexpected death yesterday, at PotUvlllo. Mr. Bnner was one of tho best known and most popular traveling salesmen on the road. Ho was ovor gonial and courteous and his doath creates a fooling of sadness among his follow traveling mon and tho many merchants with whom ho had tran sactions. Ho was lookod upon in Shenan doah as ono of tho town's citizens. At no placo doo9 hfs doath cause moro regret than hero. Mr. Jijner was 62 yoars of ago and was ongagod as a traveling' salesman until he was taken sick last Saturday Ho was an old soldier, having beon Color Sorgoant of Co. U, 120th II gimont of Pennsylvania Volunteers. He gained an excellent repu tation for his bravery in the battle of Chancellorsvillo, ,in tho lato war, where ho succeeded in saving his company's fUg, notwithstanding that ho was surrounded by tho enemy. Ho also served as Lieutenant of Co. E, 7lh Pennsylvania Regiment. during the omergoncy and hero, also, ho disttnguisnod himself as a thorough soldier and gentleman. Mr. Boner wa3 born in Albany township, Berks county, on tho 23rd.of April, 1839. Aftor tho war ho becamo bookkoepor In tho storo of P. D. Luther, at Kaska William, and later accepted a similar position at Gorrol's Huzlo Doll colliery at Contralia and hold It for thirteen yoars, whon ho moved to Pottsvlllo and became traveling salesman for Harding, Britton & Co.. wholcsalo grocers of Philadelphia. Tho doeoased is survived by his wife, who was tho daughter of tho lato John Phillips, but ho left no children. Tho funeral will tako placo from tho lato rosidenco, No. CIO "West Market street, Pottsvlllo, on Monday, noxt, at 3 p. m., and tho remains will bo Interred in tho Odd Follows' cernetury, at PoUsviUe. Suddon Death of a Prominent Mason. Asnnnv Park, N. J., Juno 0. Fred. L Wisomnn, ono of tho most promlnout Free Masons in Now Jersey, died very suddeuly at his home hero during tho night. Mr. Wiseman retired nt his usual hour in apparently good health. An hour afterward whon his wife was about to retlro she found him doad. Besides bolng ft Mason of tho highest degree, he was connected with many other secret organizations. He was about 00 years of age. Had Wreck, Hut No Ono Injured. Plainfieuj, N. J Juno 0. A bad wreck occurred on tho New Jersey Cen tral road near tho Clinton avonuo cross ing during tho morning. Engine No. 329, nttachod to a train of empty coal cars, was going wost, whon tho train broke in two on a down grade, and tho roar seo tlon crushed into tho forward section with terrific force, shattering a dozen cars into fragments and scattering tho dobrls along tho tracks for a long dis tance. Fortunately no ono was injured. A Youthful Incendiary, Boston, Juno. A boy named Walter O. Honzn, aged 11 yoars, was arrested here last night on a chargo of attempt ing to set lira to Uie Emerson Street School on Poplar street last Monday. The boy is n pupil of tho school, nnd on Monday nsked leavo to go out Shortly afterwards flro was discovered iu ono of tho closets where a quantity of shavings had beon put. There woro Boveral hun dred children in tho school at the time. Tho WhUkoy Trust In Complete Control. Cuioaoo, Juno 6. Tho negotiations for tho purcbaso of tho only whiskey trust distilleries in the country havo just heen completed. They nro the H. Schufeld Company dlstlllory and tho Calumet Dis tilling Company. The negotiations for tho purchase of these companies have been cnrrlod on with great secrecy, and tho announcement ot the consummation ot tho purchases caused considerable) sur prise. Gen. fielmlleld to Marry. Cuioaoo, Juno 0. Miij.-Gen. John M, Schollold, commanding tho army of tho United States, smilingly admits that it is true that ho will marry Miss Georgia N, Kilbouruo, of Keokuk, In,, on Juno 18, at St. John's Episcopal Church in that city. Duncan Coinmlttf d for Trial. London, Juno 0. R. E. Duncan of Washington, D. C, who Is charged with having attempted to murder his wife near Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales, was arraigned for a hoarlng during tho morn ing and was committed for trial. Violated the Lottery Law, Boston, Juno 0. Qeorgo D. Hackett treusuterof the Boston Speculation Com pany, was convicted in the United States Court of violating tho lottery law, TheTfew Orleuus llrlbery Cnaos. , 'New Omxans, June 0. Tho Jury brlberV caos were callod up in tbo Dis trict Court und continued until Wednes day. Oh. What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? "The Blcnal per lisns of the tuieuni roach of that more ter rible dUeute, Consumption. Asli youiselvw ir you can nuora ior me suko ui mivmif ou rents, to run tho risk and do nothing for IU We know from experience that Htilloli's t'un wilU'ureiour lough. It uevtr Talis. This explalDS.why innre Hum a Million ilotiles were sold lhe tiast year. It relieves Croup nd Whoppluu louitj at once Mothers do "ot he without It. For Ijudo Hack, Hide or L II. Ilaeeubuch. N. K. corner Main and THE SIGHT-SEER I 1 COMMENTS ON INTERESTING AND TIMELY TOPICS. SENSIBLE AND SPIGY SENTIMENTS Paragraphs That Will Intoroat and Occasionally Amuso tho Boador If Carofully Porusod and Properly Digested. A number of our monlod men who havo been looking South for investments have discovered that Shenandoah is a much bet ter field for businoss enterprises and It would not bo surprising to hear of a con- tomp'atod movemont to furnish tho town with a shoo factory. Tho manufacture of shoes will pay, as they aro among tho most saleable of articles. Besides this labor is choap and thoro is plenty of it hero. Cheap fuel is also hero in unlimited quantity find it may bo depended upon that tho starting of ono shoo factory will lead to tho establishment of others, and all will mako money, , Sinco the collapso of so many of tho get-rich-quick companies thoro teems to bo a disposition on tho part of many qf our townnnon who havo mouoy to sparo to look for homo investments. I'poplo hav ing savings to Invost need not leavo Shen andoah. Lakosido is stoadily grasping tho atten tion of the people and, oro tho summer closes, it will havo a hold that will not bo readily shakon off. It will tako another season to carry out tho plans of tho now proprietors and then Xiakesido will be ono of the most beautiful, healthful and popu lar resorts of tho state? This will require inonoy and labor, but tho parties behind tho project will bo equal to all emergencies. Tho time is not far distant whon offers will bo made to take tho place off tho hands of tho present owners and givo them a good bonus. In fact totnpting offers to purchaso at a much bettor prico than was paid for tha placo by tho new concern havo been made, but thoy havo boen refusod. Major W. Gordon Jjillio Is pronounced by tho press and public to bo the greatest rifle shot In the country. His feats ol trick and fancy shooting are marvolous. Ono ol tho most remarkable feats is the breaking of a glass ball, held in tho hand of Miss May Lillio, whilo the former is sighting tho mark by means of a mirror. As a leader of cowboys ho has no superior. All tho acts presented aro the result of careful s.udy and ono novor tires wltnosiing tho various exhibitions. Miss May Lillie, tho champion female crack and rifle shot of the world, is an ox cellent lady and her performances are ox coedlngly wonderful. While seated on the back of a running mustang she breaks glass balls thrown into tho air by cowboys. Her style and grace adds materially in making her performance a success. Kaglo Eye, tho great Indian interpreter, is ono of the leading lights of tho Wild VVoet aggregatipn. He was raised among the red skins, convorses In all thoir differ ent languages and has an Interesting his tory. Mustnng Walter, tbo lasso thrower and ridor, presents somo wonderful features. Ho picks up coins from tha ground while on horseback. His pony ex prets and lightning change exhibition is graat and it wins fur.him loud applauso. Tho shouting exhibitions of Hoadwood Dick and Oklahom Prank u-o excellent Tho former is tho master of tho Winchester rifle and bis fancy shooting is fine. Oltltv boma Frank's exhibition of rifle shooting was ono of tho features of tbo day. Tha other members of this great show contribute their quota to the portraying of tho scones of tho far'Wett. Tho stockholders of tho Trotting and Athletlo Association are in trouble. Mr. Hobbins, who rocently purchased the effects of tho association at Sheriff's salo, and did not recover enough to cover his claim, has brought, suit to compel tho stockholders to pay tho balancos duo on tbo subscriptions to stock. Mr. Robbins' action has caused a flutter of excitement among tho stockholders, Some of them havo thrown out all kinds of bluffs and say thoy will stand suit, but tho claimant is equally determined to receive pay for tho tuatorlal he furnished the as suci-vtion. V Of courso tbo suit will work a hardibii m 1 upon several of our townsmen who at truo sportsmen and stand ready at all timef to givo thoir aid to anything in tho logitl mato (porting line; hut thoy will bo obliged to too tho mark for tho errors of others, Tho falluro of the association can bo attributed to but ono cause bad manage mont. Had its affairs beon lookod after by the proper parties tho stockholders would not bo cotnpcllod to go down into thoir pockets nt this late day and niako good the losses. Shenandoah is a sporting town and any well-managed and legitimato sporting undertaking ought to succeed In it and pay a profit. A prominent gentleman said tho othor day, "I will havo to pay over forty dollars to clear mysolf of liability, butthat will not kill my appotilo for sport. I will stand ready to go into any such undertak ing again, but you can bet your boltcm dollar that beforo I make mysolf liable I will first seo that tho management Is In good hands." TWO MEN BURNED. Explosion of Powdor In Shonan doah City Colliery. Mlchaol Welch, of West Lloyd Btrect, and Martin Tobin, of Wc6t Lino street, two minors working in tho Shonnndoali City colliory, woro burnod by an oxplosion of powder last night, whilo they wore working on tho night shift. Tho accident occurred at about nine o'cleck. Welch was badly burnod about tho face and hands, but tho injuries are not danger ous. Tobln's neck was burned, but th' burns wore of such a slight charactor that modical attendanco was not required. Welch was attended by Dr. Stein. The mon say thoy cannot account for th' oxplosion. Thoy had prepared a powder cartridgo and were about to put it in a hole when it oxplndod. Sunday Specials. English Baptist church, South Jardin street, Kov. H. G. James, pastor. I'roach- ng at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. by tbo pnstor. Morning topiot "Tho Blood Unit Cried to God for Vengoancs." Evoning topic : "Tho Blood that Cries to God to be Merciful." Tho Lord's suppor will bo ad ministered in tho ovening, and now mom bors received. Sabbath Bchool at 2 p. m., Deacon John Bunn, superintendent. Mon day evening at 7:30 tho Young Pooplo's Christian Union will meot Tuesday ovening tho Sunday school children will moot at 7 o'clock. Wodnosday evoning, al 7 o'clock, a goneral praror and oxporionco meeting, Choir rohoarsal at 8:20. English Lutheran church, Kov. D. B Trolbloy, pastor. Services to-morrow as fol lows: 10:30 a. m. and G:30 p. m. Sunday school nt 1:30 p. 111. Ebonezor Evangelical church. Ilov. H. J. Gllck, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.m. in German, and C:30 p, m. in English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m All aro heartily invited to attend. First Methodist Episcopal church. Kov. Win. l'ovvick, pastor. Divino worship al 10:30 a, m. and 6:30 p. m. Morning sub- joct, "Tho Ministry of Mercy." Evening subioct: "Lessons from tho Sea" being tho first ol a series of Sunday ovening talks to tho young on "Tho Voyago of Life." Sunday school at 2 p, m., to be followod by tho dovotional meeting of tho Epworth League. Sociable on Monday evening in tbo Sunday school room. Gun oral prayer meeting on Thursday ovonimt. Strangers aro especially invited. 1'rosbyterian church, ltqv. J. M. Wickor, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak stroets. Sorvicos to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p, m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at ( ra. overy Sabbath, Classes meet Tuos day and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock and bunday at V:H a. in. Uonoral prayor meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. H. G Russell, pastor. Welsh Baptist church, cornr "V05t and Oak streets. Kev. D. L Evans, pastor Services to-morrow at 10 a. m. in Welsh and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at p. m. l'rayor meeting on Monday cvon ing, at 7 o'clock. Children's Bermonette Wodnosday ovening at 7 p. m, Class moet ing on Thursday ovoning, at 7 o'clock. Resolutions of Condolence, At a regular meeting of Plank Itidgo Lodge, No. 880, I. O. O. F tho following resolutions woro unanimously adopted t Wiihhkab. It has uleased tho Almtzhtv God, In his providence, to remove lrom our miutt our oeiovou orotner, w. r. layior and WiiKRKAS. Tbo decoasod has been member of Plunk Kideo Lodge, No, SS0, I. O. O, P., and, by his unimpeachable character, gentlemanly and ltndly bear ing, over endeared himself to ui; thereforo he 11 . Resolved. That, whilo wo bow in humbl submission to Him who dooth all things woll, wo tender our most heartfelt sympa- tb.es to the friends and family of tho deceased: and Resolved, That wo drapo our charter for tho spaco of thirty days In honor ot our deceased brother : aud bo it furthor JIOW.VVU, 4.l,Elr a VW)V w, buuvu mum' tious bo printed lu tho Evkkino IIehalu of Shenandoah and a copy be alio spread upon me m mutes 01 our meeting. John 1". Davis, K. D. Hkddall, P. J. Havnkk, Committee Tho noxt holldiy P mrtb. will bo tbo glorious LONDONAEODSED. THE PRINCE OP WALE a DE NOUNCED FOR GAMBLING. A LEADING RADICAL'S VIEWS. Tho Scandal Will Kavo an Influonco on tlio Future of England A Methodist Conferenco Dia cussos tho Subject. London, Juno 0. Iu his argumont for tbo defense in tho baccarat scandal trial Sir Charles Russell asked How tho plaintiff's conduct could possi bly bo consistent with innocence. Could anything, ho said, bo imputed to the wit nesses to justify tho assumption thatthey wero notcredlblo. Ho had novor known, In his oxperlenco, flvo witnesses giving concurrent testimony bo absolutely un touched by cross-examination. Pending argument tbo court ndjournod until Monday. Tho developments of tbo baccarat trial havo aroused the strong Nonconformist feeling against tho class of which tho Prince of Wales Is the leader, and from tho talk in tho lobies of PnWIament thero is ovldeutly fear that tho disclosures may affect tho noxt election unfavorably for tho Conservatives. It Is among tho middlo classes and tho poor that sovoro comments aro hoard on tho incidents of Trnnby Crof t,and the pub lic opinion of the multitude Is ovidout'v disposed to hold tho Prluco of Wales ti rosposlblllty for his lndulgonco in gam bling. A loading Iiodlcnl remarked to-day that tlio dimming scandal would havo an Influonco ou tho future of Groat Britain that could not bo measured ia this goueration. iVs stated In thoso dispatches L,orU Middlotou, brother-in-law of Sir William, has beon his backer from tho first lit tho offort to redeem his noma from disgrace. nnrt his lordship's appearance lu court, was tbo opon nssortlou of tho sympathy he has nil along folt nnd displayed for his unfortunate relative Cummiug has many frionds among tho audience, and tho fair portion ospoclally beom to bo hi 3 attontlvo admirers. Tho South Wales Methodist Quarterly Conference adopted a resolution ro regrottlng that tho I'rlnco of Wnles took part lu n garao of bacenrnt at Trnnby Croft, thus by his oxnmpla encouraging vice, and damaging tho standing of tho royal house lu the estimation aud aucc- tlon ot tho people A RECEIVER WANTED. Tho Central Cuniiiuny Crippled la tho llocent ltlibber Crnftll. Tuenton, N. J., Juno 0. Tho Eckstein Whito Load Company, of Cincinnati, has filed a petition in the Court of Chancery, nsktug for tho nppointmont of n receiver for tho Central Itubbor Company. Tho petition stntos that tho lattet-owod, tho Whito Company $1,077.30, and whon called upon for a settlement of tho ac count, Treasurer John P. Britton de clared that tho Central Rubber Company could not pay tho bill, admitting at tho samo tlmo the company's insolvency, owing to the fact that it had been en dorsing heavily for tbo Star Rubber Com pany and the Hamilton Rubber Company, whtoh were recoutly placed In tbo hands of a recoivcr. According to tlio petition, a largo por tion of the assets ot tho Central consist of bills receivable from tbo Star and Hamilton concerns. Cuioaoo, Juno 0. Tn a bill for tbo ap pointment ot a receiver, filed In tho United btates Court here, by AnnaW. Baird, of Pennsylvania, it Is said that tho Northwestern Rubber Company is hopo lcssly insolvent, nnd likely to collapso nny day. The Company has n largo storo at 141 Lako streot and a branch on Stnto street. Tho liabilities aro over $100,000 and tbo assets not much mora than half that amount. A New Business. P. J. Cleary has opened a storo in tho Ferguson's building, on East Centra street. and ia prepared to furnish tho local trado with fine leather and shoe findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supnHes. His stock is a large one and well equipped to fully supply all demands of the trade. 5-15-tf Fancy Evaporated California Peaches. 15 Gents a Pound. Not off grade goods, But First-class Stock. AT GRAF'S, 122 North Jardin Stroat I No, I gloyd streets.