Present in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE . OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human " system, forming an agreeable rid effective laxative to perma- A it.. tt-1.: i : pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is llihous or Constipated so THAT PURE.' BLOOD, RCFRCnHlNO SLEEP, HEALTH nncl OTREIIOTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IOUISVIUE. AT. NEW YORK. N. t. Do You Like Soup ? If so, ask your grocer 1o tend you a quarter pound tin of 3 C3 cc o O a CD 30 O 1 U o cc cs cc 3 O a: CO CD m 30 O 33 (ItOarlKKiUt All In a dry stale. Bold In Europe (manufac tured there), Asia, Airlca and now, by Its own Intrinsic merit, forcing Itself Into every city, town, -village and bamlet In the United Binies, tjamptes itirniHueu neej iui. ana price ubi, aauress OLIVER ANKETEtl, 26 South William Street, HEW YORK CITY. "VXTILMINGTON & NOttTIIEHN K. K, nmeinhlr In rfTrrl Mail. 10. 1691. Trfllna Ipnvn HpndTne IP. s 11. station) for Gibraltar, Beyfert, lllratboro, Joanna, Bering. neiu, weynesDurg juucuon, uuan-avuie,esi Che7 Jiadsford Junction, B. O. Juuctlpn, v' ...ittnn nnd intermediate stations, dully except Bunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 a.m. tuidS.15 p. ni. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m. For Warwick. Ht.l'eters and Intermediate stations, dally except Hunday, at0.2Ua.m.,nnd sm; f p. m. euuaay uuiy a. m. Zv r Birdsboro and Intermediate stations, ""Saturday only, at 12 m. For Baltimore and Washington fB. & O, R. R.) dally except Hnnday at o:2o and 8.30 a. ru anrl AAtt n. tn. Mnnriftv nnlv at 3.05 D. m. Trains arrive at Reading (1. A 11. station) from Wilmington, B. 6 O. Junction, Mont. chanln, Cbaddslord Junction, West Chester, Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junotton, Hnr1nirfleld..Tniinnn.lllrdsboro. Gibraltar. Bey. feriand Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday at 10.3) a. in. 6.KJ ana b.u p. m, aaa Anv nnlv qt 11.24 n. m. From Bt. Peteis, Warwick and Intermediate stations, daily except nunuay, ai bm u. ui and 2.23 p. in. Bunday only at 6 p. m, From Ulrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday only at 1.40 p. m . Til . From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex. cent Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m, Riinriuv nnlv at 11.24 a. m B0WNKB3 BHIGU8, Gen'l Pass. Agt A. G. MCCAUBliAJNJJ, BUpt TREATED FflEE Vearetab Remedies. Il&re cured m&nv thousand case. Cure nanoiUs pronounced boptlcis by the test Physician. From first dose symptom symptoms ire removed. Sctv! for FflET BOOK of test! monllUof mir TFH n ltFt ti-atinent PDr r bv malL I fcculous cures. 1 bll Um! u fiirnUlicil f HCU ycu crier trial. smJ ten rents In stnniri to my nosti?8 Dr. Grosvenor's Bell-cap-sic C'VW PLASTER. iihennutism. nnnrA.t(H&. rtlianrlfrr and inmbaffoE loured at once. Gnuin tor a&a by aft DruggiBta.l A New Venture "W R.A avr.SA.TT POTTS Has opened a AT No. 2I8 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVIIiLE, FENN'A. Bales of aefioiled goods, notions, hardware, gin hs ware, etc., etc. Goods from all pr.rta ol the county solicited on commission. Or tho JLlquur J In bit, l'oMltlYely C'urcu ly auiuiiiiMtrnutr ir. iiaiuu' It If manufactured cut a powder, whioh oan bo given in a sUm of ber,a oup of ootfeo or tea, or In food, v. ithout too knowlodfia ot tha patient. It is abiolutcljr hartnlesa, and will effect a permanent and speedy eur whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an ilK jUoIIo wreek It has been given In thousands of esses, and in every lnstanoo a perfeot euro hss fol lu 'd H never Fulls. Ths system ouoe liapresnss ;"d VI ith the beoomes en utter Impossibility or the liquor appefto to exlsu m . . , aS pwft book of parti o mars free. To be bod or C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe-2fl west Lloyn street, Buenanaoan SLAIN BYJIS PALS An Unknown Burglar Mur dered Near Danlmry. HIS BODY FOUND IN A RAVINE. Evorywliore About tha Sceno There Woro Evidencea of a Struggle, Bloody Footprints landing from tlio Spot to tho Wntor-About tlio "ody Thoro M'as n Miscellaneous Lot of l'lun- dor Tlio Goods Woro Stolen at Kill l'laln Conn. DAJtncnv, Coun., Juuo G, TlTts place lias a murtlor mystery. Claronco Kent and William Williams, with two otliors, ilrovo to tho furm of Benjamin Lynea, Just outsldo tho city limits, on Park nve- uuo, to fish tor bait. In order to reach tho brook thoy had to descend a stcop embankment which is covored with a thrifty growth of smnll trees. Another brook runs throuirh tho nlaco. and It was near this, in a sort of ravirio about 200 feet from tho highway, that the fisherman stumbled ovor tho dead body of a man. Tho pollco and Medical Examiner Wilo woro notlllod and tho body was brought to this city and placed lu tho moi guo. It Is n Cnso of Murder. Whon tho uiedicnl oxamlnor saw tho body ho Baid it was iv caso of uiurdor. Tho man was killed and laid out tnore. Across tho back of tho victim's head thoro was a long, ugly gash, ovidontly caused by a blow from n hoavy iustru mont like a club. From tho gash the blood had boon washed clean, llioro were fow traces of blood upon tho body, except upon tho hands. Everywhere about tlio sceno thoro woro evidences of a strugglo, and it is be lieved the burglars quarrollod ovor a dl vision of tho plunder. Tho man whoso body was rouna nau ovidontly wounded his antagonist, thoro wore bloody footprints leading from tho spot to tho water. About tho body lu tho ravlno was found a miscellaneous lot of articlos. Tho police rocognizod them us part of tho goods stolon Irom Wilson's storo, which was robbed in Mill Plain on Tues day night. Tho dead man is believed to be ono of tho burglars, and tho pollco think ho was murdered by his compan ions. Coroner Dotou was telegraphed for, and an investigation will bo mudo. Tho murdered man has not beon identl fled. OFFICERS AFTER MARSH. Tho rucltivo Hank President Is IIldlnE Near riiiladolplilo. PmXADELPiiiA Juno 5. Gidoon Marsh, tho fugitive president of the Koystono Bauk, is said to bo in hiding within a fow miles of this city, nnd whilo tho dotoo tlves havo boon Roourlng tho country for him and watching stoamors for couth Americar ports Marsh has romalnod near at band. So assorts Francis W. Lawrence, a re putable citizen of Thurlow, noar Cbostor, who claims to havo traced Marsh to his lair. Lawronco has, however, beon care fully guarding his socrot, and so much time hns elapsed that Marsh may havo again escaped and sought a new refuge. According to Lawronco'a story, Marsh has beon hiding all this time within two miles of tho Highland Houso at Thurlow, tho placo to which ho was truc.ed tho Saturday boforo his flight was mado known. Forced to fly from that rofugo by tho fear that ho would bo discovered by ro- Sorters or dotectives, Mursh loft tho ighland Houso and took up quarters at Linwood, two miles further down the river, whoro ho has been ropoatodly seen during tho past fow days. A warrant has beon issued for Marsh's arrest and Lawrence doputlzod as a con stable with power to servo it. Abe Coakley In Custody. New Yoiuc, June 5. Abo Coakloy, tho notorious bank burglar who was im plicated with "Jimmy" Hope in tho robbery ot the Manhattan Bank in 1878. has just beon arrested for o robbery com mitted two years ngo. He and a confed erate named Williams robbed a Gorman merchant of $545. "Williams turned state's ovidonco, but tho jury in tho trial of Coakloy disagreed. Tho latter then gave ball and when his trial was called the second time Coakloy could not be found. The Stato Must Fuy the Commissions. Boston, June 5. Tho Legislative Judi ciary Committee ha3 submitted its roport on tho Davis claim for $14,000 commission for his services at Washington in secur ing tho refunding of tho Direct Tax. The committee says that the Legisla ture cannot impair a contract and tho Executive must sottlo the matter. Tho report is on the message of the Governor asking as to tho legality of a contract, claimed to be held by Davis with the Btato and under which bo claims to bo entitled to tho commissions stated. They Want Dillon for London Dublin, June 5. A strong effort Is be ing made to settle the Irish troubles by .forming a union ot tho factions under tho leadership ot John Dillon. The project is advocated by mnny of the Irish Members ot Parliament and Archbishop Croke. It is stated that William U'Brlon favored Justin McCarthy as tho party's leader, . No ISnellsh Interferenoo. London, June 5. Sir James Forguson, Undor Secretary for Foreign Affairs, denied in tho Houso of Commons thut England had pledged herself to employ elthor her naval or military forcos iu tho defense ot Italian Interests against French attack, as represented in tho re cently published letter ot M, Millovogo, Florida Yotus for Dr. Brooks. Jacksonville. Fla,, Juno 5. Tho stand ing committee of tho Episcopal Dloooso of Florida met and voted iu favor of the consecration of tho Rev. Phillips Brooks as the bishop of the Massachusetts Dio cese 611- Solm Mucdonnld's Condition. Ottawa. Out., June 5. Reports from tho residonce ot Sir John Macdonald, aro to the effect that tho old Premier Js slowly Blnklng. Owen Appointed. , , T K Tt ..1.1-.... appointed William D. Owen ot Logans- port, lad., buporiutenusnt ol immigration. flighest of all in Leavening Power. TJ. THE HOUSE FELL ON THEM. Throo Men Klllocl by tho Collapse of n lltillillne. CniCAao, Juno 4. A two-story frame hoaso at 101 West Jackson street tell dur ing the afternoon nnd killed throo man. Tho house stood on cedar posts and tho men had gone in undor it to oscnpo tho heat and to drink, beer. Tho moil killed outright woro Qoorgo Schwartz, William Schwartz and John Cahill. Three others were under tho houso with them at the time of tho acci dent, and of these (Jus Schwartz cannot recover. The men, under tho influence of tho 'leer, begau to wrestle, and two of thorn fell against one of tho rotten poits nnd tho wholo structuro collapsed. STRANGLED TO DEATH. Tho Murder of MIsk May In llodltniu suits lu a Double Trncjcdy. lto- Dhdiiam, Mass., Juno 4. There is great excitement here ovor tho murder of Miss Mnry Emerson, who conducted n smnll boarding house on High Rock street. Sho was found dead in a closet in tha kitchen of her residence. Thoro woro finger mnrka ou tho throat, and it was evident thut tho woman hnd beon choked to death. The kitchen showed ovldenco of a des perate struRHlo. A Gorman of tho namo of August is suspected. Ho was in tho employ of Miss Emerson, nnd his room-mate, Philip Hoffman, declares that ho left him in bed. August has not since been seen. The pollco locked up Hoffman, pending an investigation, but they do not think him guilty. Miss Emerson's ago is now stated to be 73. Sho was reputed to bo worth $25,000 which, it is said, sho intended to loavo for tho support of tho poor of West Ded ham. Advertising His said will soil anything, this is true in a moasure; but for stay! eg qualities,- merit lrf tho tost. Extensive advertising may soil any thing where It is now or unknown, but after It comes into general use, it Is judged siccordlng to its worth. Tlio continued and steady growth of Swift's Spec Ida 33 is the best ovidonco of its excellence. It is most popular whoro it Is best known. Every bottle sold, sells ton others. Everyone that takos it be eomos its friend, and recommends U to their acquaintances. Trcatiso on Blood and Skin Diseases tasllod free. Swift Spkciic Co., Atlanta, Qa TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of ") COMPTBOtLEIS OF THE CtniKENCY. V- Washington, April 8, lbOl. J Whereas, By satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that "The MerchanW Rational JJanlt of Shenandoah," In the Borough of Bhenundoab, In the County of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania, has compiled with all the provisions of the statutes of the United Btates, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking. Now, Therefore, I, Edward S. Lacey, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby cer. tify that "The Merch an U' National Bank of Shenandoah," In the Borough ol Shenandoah, In the County of Schuylkill, nod Stato of Pennsylvania, Is autborlzed'to commence the business ot banking as provided In section fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Re vised Statutes of the United Stales. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wit SSiil ness my hand and seal of office this 8th day of April, 1891. No. 4516. E. S- LACEY, Comptroller of the Currency, Street Railway! vTOCK In tho MAIIANUY CITY P SHENANDOAH, GIRAUD VILLE aud ASHLAND STREET RAILWAY can yet be procured, and parties contemplating Invest ment should apply at once at the olllco of WILLIAM KIMMEL, 24 N, Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa, n)HE contract for the construction doah and Ashland has been'award ed and will be completed within 00 days from the lime the ground Is broken for the station, OARS RUNNING BY jrLY. -T IS expected thst cars will be running between Shenandoah and ABhland no later than July, Good Investment I sur rail wumoHuc?iE. Wben twulil? with those on uujlm Irnxroritl.M, ferauatlr folk ions cold op ;xpou.ia. or freu Oiii ktltttttonal Wuk nwu poctiltiirto their x, iLcald Use OR. t CHnlHS'S oeiocratea FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Tbexnre Htrengtbentqjl to the ent'rj jrtr. iapfl tone, Tiicor anil uiauntinn forceto all fmictioaiot bodl Qr.Hartt)rMa(ilciPoCo,.6T.u)UIU. m S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89. ITnsons Klect OfUcorfl. New Vonx, Juno 4 At tho second day's session tho 110th annual commem oration of tho Grand Lodges, Free and Acccptod Masons of tho Stato of Now York, ofllcers were olected. Grand Master Vrootnan was unanimously re elected, but declined the ofllce in n happy speech. Iho present Deputy Uriind Mnstor, William Sherer of Brooklyn, was thcu unnnimously elected Grand Mnater for tho ensuing yeor. R. W. Bro. Jamas Ten Eyck of Albany, Deputy Grand Mnstor; K. W. Bro. John Hodges of Lock- port, Sonlor Urond Warden; K. W. Bro. John J. Gorman was unanimously olected Grnnd Treasurer nnd It. W. Bro. Edward M. Eplous, Grand Secretary. LAKESIDE Driuinq Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) LL'S HISTORICAL Wild West Slow FOR ONE WEEK ONLY o CNJ aS Indian Village, Cowboy and HeEican Encampment nD the onlv herd of Trained A and Spotted Mustangs. The whole history of a nation told In a tunning arama oi civilization, uo Dlcllutr the nerlls. hardships and CO heroism of pioneer life n the plains, requiring In Its completion over buo oaring scouts, trappers, Vacqueros and SouoruB.cliletH with their Warrlors.Uraves, Squaws and 1'apooses. A herd of spotted Mexi can Mustangs, herd ot gentle Indian I'ouies ana i exas iiroucnos. The lamest aud grandest exhibi CO tion of the kind on the American contlneuL Owning and traveling In Its own hnndsomciv ennlnned railroad train. The first bivouac of LTD Meilcnu Vacqueros direct from old Mexico, headed by Don ze Anno, the famous Mexican leader, and Senor Francisco, the king of all riders and ropers, expert nnd matchless In lariat throwing aud reckless horsemanship. 1'ralrlo hchooners and Indian Travojv, whole herd of American BUFFALO and TEXAS S1U A true representation of an Indian : Buffalo : Hunt ! Showing the manner of branding wild cattle on our western itoniier; startling ana wonaeriui aupiay or snarp-nooung by frontiersmen, cowboys and IndlanB led by Maj. G. WILLIAM JLIXLIE, (TAWMEE BILL) Famous and fearless Pony Express Riders, showing the mode of carrying Important dls- patches across the plains KUcnes across tne plains Deiore ine luiroouc inn ot tho telesranb. A band of veritlble Mexican vacnurroH. direct from Mexico, the greatest rough nuersin tne worm. Performances every afternoon. Special ex cursion trains eacnaay. uou't lorget tuo piaco ana aate, Lakeside Driving Park, Eatt Mahanoi Junction, JUNE 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 ADMISSION, 35 CentH Clillclrcii, under isyrs, 15 CcniH TIIEATRU DUII.DII4G, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier. Open Dnily From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST! Ialcl ou Hn-vliiKS Depooltu. 1 First .Mona DASEBALI. SCORES. Kntlonnl Loitirue. AT NK YORK. New Vorli 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 04 Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- S Batteries Keef e and ltueklov: Itlilnod and Il'irrl ugton. AT BROOKLYN. rrt Brooklyn 010103110 1 ChtcRfro ii 8 0 4 1 0 0 x-11 Batteries Hemming and Dttiloy; Stela and KlttridifO. AT hOUTON. lloton 0 1000000 0-1 Cleveland 3 0311000X-0 Batterlex Nichols and Gantel: Youne nud Zluuncr. At I UlljAUCl.1 ,14.. tl Philadelphia. 0 OliSOOBOO-C l'lttsbiiix 0 0000010 1-Si and Clements: Baldwin and! wok. The National ineiio Record. rer j'en auM. mm. TM.m . nuns. iron. int Cc Chlongo..,.2:l 12 New York..) 15 .887 Cleve 1evelnd..l0 l .nui i 71 l'lttsbtinr..lti lg ASH l,hllMel,a..20 Ml llrntiklvn ..14 32 .386 78 Uoetou .600 28 Association Oiimcs. ATfaT. LOUIS. Pt. Louis 2 0 0 6 2 3 0 0 1-18 llnltiinnro. 0 OOOOOOOl l Batterlos-Stlvett and llovl MoMahon and Townsend. AT LWI8VIL1B. Boston 2 0 0 000200 16 Louisville........! o o o o ;i o o u a u llatteriee-Dallev. Mtirnhv and Farrell: Fitz gerald and Ryan. AT CINCINNATI. Clneinnntt 0001010103 Athletics 1 0000000 01 Batteries Cmno and Kellv: Chainhermn and Mllllgan. AT COLUMDUS. Columbus 1 1 100033 1-0 Wellington 0 00000000 0 Ilnttcrlos Gostrlirht and O'Connor: Carsey tnd Lohinau. Tho Association Record. 1'er rrr dubs. iron. Ist. (Tt Cluhi. H'on. TxrnU (Tt lloston...20 10 .(fin Cincinnati. 22 SI .4T8 Bt, Louls..31 1H .(Wl Columbus.. SI 24 .401 Ilult moroSS 17 J503 Lou'vi e..SI 28 .4a Athletlca.S0 23 .403 Wash'ton...ll 20 13 Knstoru League. AT 1'UOVIDENCE. Svracuse-rrovidonco minio iostnoncd on ao- couut of cold aud threatening weather. AT NEW HAVEN. Now Haven S 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0-8 Albany. 0 001 1003 10 Batteries Horner and W ilson: llcKon and lloach. AT LEBANON Lebanon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uuffalo 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0-0 0 1-0 Batteries Anderson nnd Touhov: Goodalo and Murphy, AT TROY. Troy, .0 x-14 4- 5 Rochester 0 Batteries- -Shoa and Wells: McCullough and Ilowmuu. DROWNED IN THE SURF. Terrible Exportation of uLlfo Saving Crew on Lako llrlu. Euro, Pa., Juno 5. Tho propellor Bad ger Stato was driven ou the beach about a mile from tho flash-light, and Captnln Clark, Superintendent ot tho LIfo Saving Station of this port, whilo trying to pass a lino from tho propeller to tho tug Erie, was struck by a high wavo and tho llfo boat capsized. Tho crow clamborod onto Its bottom but nnothor wove struck tho captain and hurled him about thirty feet from tho boat. Tho upturnod boat drifted nsiioro with tho men btill clinging to her. Captain Clark's body was not recovered. The crow and passongors of tho Badgor Stato woro brought to slioro. Tho Badgor Stato Is still on tho beach, but it is thought sho is not iu u bad condition. Captain Clark entered tlio llfo saving service as a surf man whon tho station was established hero tn 1870. Through his efforts many lives and a largo amount of raluablo lloating property havo boon savod. Ho was nearly 05 years of ago, and had ho lived ho would hr.vo boon re tired when ho reached tho ago of 03. ' Tho Appeal of tho Dolnmaters. Uabrisburo, Pa., Juno 5. Tho appeal of tho Dolamators for a chango of venuo from tho court of Crawford County was argued boforo tho Supreme Court. Coun sol for tho Delamntors claimed that so much nroiudlco oxlstod in Crawford County against their clients thnt thoy could not have a fair and Impartial trial. District Attorney Best denied these alle gations, and in support ot tho assertion presented the affidavits ot mora than 800 rosidonts of Crawford County. The court reserved its decision. A Younir lluslness Man Kills nimself. Wiieelino, W. Vo., Juno 0. JuBt be fore noon Samuel Maxwell Uartman, a prominent young business man, com mitted sulcido by shooting himself through tho head. When his mother rushed upstairs Hartiuan was lying, with his arms folded peacefully, dead, with the rovolvor in his hand. Ho had been suffering for some tlmo with an iuoura bio disease and was discouraged. Must Pay the Penalty. Tbenton. N. J.. Juno 5. Tho Hudson County election olucors, who woro oon victed ot dishonesty at tho polls, ap coaled their caso to tho Supremo Court, which has affirmed tlio decision ot tho lower court. Unless they tako a further appeal to tho Court of Errors, thoy must go to stato jirison aim sorvo out tuo son tenco ot 18 months. School Tuicher Prevent n Panto. Worcester, Mass., June 5. Tho school- house in Jelrorsonvlllo was burned about 10 a. m. Thero woro 100 pupils In th building nt tho time. Tho teachers by thoir coolness provontod u panic, and marched tlio children from tho building in an orderly manner. Iho building was burned to the ground. Loss, $5,000; in sured. Dig Lumber Company Organized, Tona wanda, N. Y., Juno 5. Thoro has just been organized hero one ot tho largest lumber companies iu the country. It is backed by Now York capitalists, quoted at ?0,000,00U. Tho namo Is tho Tona- wanda Lumber nnd Saw Mill Company. Offices ot the oompany aro located at Bay City, Micu., xonawuiiua anu Locicport, Nnrclsso Liirocquo Kxerutod. Toronto, Juno 5. Narclsso Larocrjuo M hanged nt L Urlglnnl, (Jut., at o:Ua a-irf., for tho murdorof Mary and Elizabeth Mcuonngie last uotouer, no dio-i with out n word and without the slightest sign ot fear. Ho mado uo confession. Itodlstrlotlng Massachusetts. Boston, Juuo 0. Tho bill for rodistrict- ing the State, ns reported by tho commit tee, was passed in the House. ... We are a patient people the ox is nowhere in comparison. Webuy lamp-chimneys by the dozen; they go on snapping and popping and flying in pieces; and we go on buying the very same chimneys year after year. Our dealer is willing to sell us a chimney a week for every lamp we burn a hundred or I more a year and we plow for , , . ci.y nun iui guaumg u&. Mnrhftli'st " nparl rnn " mrl IMaCDCUl S pearl Kp ana nearl olnss rln nnr hi'falr frcm heat; they are made of tough glass. ... A' im i , , 1 ns iir.t::y as noi our aeaier would rather his chimneys would brea!:; " it's gcodfor the business," says he. He buyj the brittlcst ones he can get. " What are you going to do about it?" I'ltttburg. Geo. A. MACBETH & CO. GOLD KEDAL, PARIS, 1373. from which tlio excess at oil has been romoved, 13 Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble No Chemicals nro used in Its preparation. It haa more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far mow economical, costing less than one cel a cwj). It is delicious, nourishing;, strengthening, easily digested, aud admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons iu health. Sold by Crocor3 cvorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass, and other special, ties for Gentlemen, LArilpR. pto.. nrawnr. mated, and so stamped on bottom. Address W.Ai. IJUUt.l.AH.Urocktou, mass. Soldo J"030Tpl3. .11,: Smo nnd ITnwiircIn CAN HE INVESTED IN A POSITIYI5 AMI tSAFIS 15 PerCent. Dividend Paying Stock. Full particulars and Prosrectus can be had on application or addressing 8. I.. Himi'MON, Ilnukcr, 04 llroatlwav, r. V. CHEAP AND STRONG, BO other styles 5-A v.- ' p'lcesio f.i!t all :'MI!.Al)tl.l-lllA. W M. AY11U4 CI WON.S, I UhtehMter's Kmll.ti Diamond IlruA. Original and Only (Pennine. SMFE, tlWKTI rclUblt. LAOIC9 UI llrrtB-a-lal t.,r flMu iwi Kfeufoft Did. monJ Itrand Id Itctl svod Ould tdiUlllo iKsei, ictvlod with Llna rlit0D 1 ake no others Htfutt iangtrou luiititw ffottj and imitation! A I Druuliti. or ami ! la atkinf for partlonlnri tt-itlmoDlal aa4 lEriur fur iM'Ut-m," in Ititer, bf re tans Bold tr ti uraiiM, i ii men w m. mm Dr.Theel Tbt cioit reliable ma uoeriiful (-.uiihit tat Udu4 efbota SpetiaIDise.ase3,BWPo!soi ULrSllS, H'otehi. Plmrle. 8cr UuutU, Thrut, IrrltattADi. Beall lnM leQaumMron, Eidoija H!aadr,LolTlialUJ(Weat back Wtakneil Debility, Impalrct Memory n4Dtfly.trlctor 11 dUetica riu'tlDf from joatttfal error or from orcrwork, OldiYoung" Middle Aged dottoffr any loonr, url certain, no tuptrlmtut 1 hi evorythinf inowo ta madlcal ai auroral aoienoi obatxiatv aod oil omi aolUUid, BO matter who failed relief at ooea rroah flaapa cured lo 4 to JO daya Eoroiwatt lloapltll ciMrle one IB Uermany, Df Uod, t raneo and laattlt, aa narUilcHt-t aa4 diploma prote. aud W TeaTi praotinaUxr rlenc 10 000 oaKua rarea yearly. 3Ii3,UUU enn -rnve ai n ral akl'l. ksovltdo ou4 iperleaoa tint who can bow ai muy pailiut ptrmaoeDtlJ eurod a lean a'nr nuaoka and "i"tMtLr; rulatd them. Ht-n.t lc ttmp fo. t V "1 BOTH" and taatlnioutali ail-oafn quacai anl a-lvriimg doctora wiia tbelr ralw aud fiaudu.eut uaTui. t a an I w-uoiootaia, inair iDMey or frlpi-iily ta U a.M ch. au ted w"hltMiia Itbir-rfwliLlcuwarau hut a dtfoTa and rNull loraia oftb-unia J , .rnidi Mn rtFrKi, V Kvery ntr fro in v A 11 i" ' n'lmnm.;". od fintiir T Km hi.' fr,.mp -1(1 Him.Iii JMifatuBtK' " 1 ' t ' ' r - 1 tt 13. yi U1S FIRE INSURANCE ! Ltt!i' ill Out Reliable Pareli Cul Cufii'ti Baprosentod by DAVID FAUSTi UO H, Jardln HtreeW BUEKANDOAU.PA Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa $3 SHOE mm