The Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. S, C. EOYEE, Editor and Publisher, W. J. WATE1W3, Local Editor. subscription rates: DJUiT, per year -'. -- yfXKKisr, per year - .8 00 . 1 fin Ranted at the Postotltce, at Shenandoah, l'a. for transmission through the Malls as seeond class mall matter. l'UHMHHKD DAILY AWU WKKKLY. A ZETLAND winter. Row frowns the min god on tho liortliUnd dark, An.l turns awny th brightness or Ills face Pr, iui bill on 1 shore ami sen u dreary siwoo, AijcI Mills tlie gladsome ilnglng of the lark. Wow lli" the nortliland all sno.v sheeted, stark, Au.l bUx)l coM sides are ever nteiwl In night, S.u c wheni tlio moon elves ilatiee In sliver light Ami irleamlnir stars the roi eye's limit mark. Hi nee comes it that the fiery nortliland heart Is t'liiclii-il with Borrow, ami Hie tale of ilnom, And sings the winter's deep encircling gloom. In llvlni: words, whence soul fires glowing, dart; That ml;;litv thoughts like wild auroras sweep, iud flitiK their splendors o'er the northern deep. J. J llvldaoo Iiurgoss lu Chambers' Journal. Colliery Engineer Poolcot Book. Tho Colliery Engineer Co,, Scmnton Pa., Publishers. This is a convenient vol tne of over 400 panes printed on film ppm with clear new typo, Urns enabling the publlshor3 to furnish a vast amount oi matter in handy Bhapo. This book has beon especially prepared for tho use of colliery officials and minon who bavo long left tho want of a convenient nnd simplo reference book, containiiiffrulot nnd tables specially adapted to tnoir use It la a loxt-book for tho miner who ii Btudying tho principles of vontilation, min- in?, etc., and tho most convenient pocsei book for tho mining onginoer, superinton .lent or other colliery officials. It was nol propared for college graduates, and anj intelligent man can understand tho princi r,ln nnd rules contained in it. Noothei book is required by tho student for a mini foreman's certificate. ti, following, amonc: many other sub- loots, aro treated on in full : Arithmetic: mensuration: weights and moasuros; strength and woightof materials! prospecting; timbering; methods ol worn Sue: cases: ventilation; colliory machinory surveying; mino railways; steam; faults; electricity; tquarof, cubes; square roots, am rnlin roots: sinos: tangents, otc, travorsi tables, etc.. etc. ' Hound In cloth 2 ilound in flexible leniher, round corners- 2 W Bound In flexible leather, with flap 2 7fi Found tho Suspecteil Murderer's Hody TlnsTos. Juno 4. The body of tho man found under Clinrlos River brlilRO has been Identified by tho Pedhnm pollco as that of "Auttust." tho farm hand who Is supposed to have murdcrod Miss Euior son at Dcunam. Tho best silver service to a needy man tho loan of a silvor dollar. Suddon Doaths. Henri dlsenwe Is hv far the most freemen! cause of sudden death, which lu three out of four casts Is unsuspe cte d. The syniptouisare not generally understood. These are: lying r.n ton rlirlit hide, short breath, nnlh v. (lis iresB In side, bncK or shoulder, irregular pulse,, wenK ana hungry spens, winu in Biomacn, swelling oi unmet, ur uiups onprefslon, dry cough ana smoineriug. m Miles' illustrated book ou Heart Disease, fie nt.r. II IlnL'enhiuh. who sell nnd cuarnnte Dr. Jllles' uncquuled NewlleartCure.undhis Hestoratlo Nervine, which cures nervom ness, headache, Blecrles snes, cllccts of drink IDE, etc. It contains no opiates. Tho world would bo much bottor if mon would live up to their obituaries, Shlloh's Consumption Ouro. This is beyond question the most sue. cemlul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a lew doses luvnrlnhly cure the woitt cascol derlui succefs In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel lu the history of medicine. Since It's first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. Ii yon have a Cough wo earnestly nsk you to try it. 1'rlce 10 cents, 60 cents, and tl.10. If your Lungs aro tore, Chest or iiack lnme. tif.e Mhlloh's I'orous Flaster. Bold Ijv O. II. llagenbuch, N. E. corner Main nnd Idoyd Btreets, When n man goes down tbo genoral verdict Is that ho has gone up. Ob, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per ha am oi i ' the sure approach of that lnoro ter rlhlo disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of wiving CO cents, to run tno risK ana no noiiuug lorn. We know from einerlcnce that Billion's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Dottles were bold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whoppina Cough at once. Mothers do not bo without it. For l.ame Hack, Bide or Chest, use Hhlloh's I'orous l'laster. Bold by O. II. llageubucn, N. 13. corner Main and Uoya streets. Everybody's holiday is tho man's hardest working day. newspaper Hold It to tho Light Tho man who tells you confidentially net what will cure your cold is proscribing Komp'e Bulsam this yoar. In tho prop itration of this remarkable medicino for coughs and colds no ozponso Is spared to combine only tbo beet and purost ingrcdl onta. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through it; notice tho bright, clear look; then compare with other remodios. I'nco 60c. and Jl Tho singer who cots up to high O must havo n soar throat. Miloa' Korvo and Llvor PIllB Act on a new principle regulating liver, stomach and bowels thtovohihenet A new discovery. Dr. Miles' nils speedily uuiu uniwintuw,., uiui itiBie, lorpm liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled lor men, women, children. Bmallrst, mildest, surestl 6'idohes, aicts. eampiea f ree, at c. 11. Ilagenbuch' ii rug store. Tho oxcurslon and picnic dodger will soon be thrown around. To Korvoua, Dobllltatod Mon. If you send us your address, we will mall you our illustrated pamphlet explain Inr all about Dr. Dye's Celobrated Kloetro Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their churminsr ouocU urxn the nervous do bllltated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamph let free. If you are thus afflicted, wo will send you a Bolt and on a f rml voltaic Bkit Co., Marshall, Alhh. May was rathor a dlsagreoablo month taking It on the whole. rictures by Machinery. In tho now drop-a-nlokol photograph mnchlno tho tlmo required to produce tho plcturo Is ono nnd threc-quartor mlnutos. From tlio beginning of tho operation until tlio completed plcturo no hand has touched tho plato. Thero Is an orrniifroment on tho front of tho caso by which tlio tlmo of developing mny bo Biiortcncd or prolonged ns a darkly or lightly printed plcturo Is wntited. Tlio picture after belnyv dropped out Is taken by au attendant and dried and fitted In a noat brass ease; for this lattor servlco an additional nickel Is olmrged. Tho machine Is equipped with four hundred small plates, lmown to the photographic trndo as argentic dry plates, and sufficient chemicals for a day's run. Red Haired 'Women. A writer In a ladlos' journal has a word of encouragement for girls who lament having red hair. Tho Cathe rines, who made Ru&bia great, had rod hair; so had Maria Theresa, who saved Austria and made it the empiro that it Is; so had Anne, of Austria, who ruled ranee for so long; so hatl lidizauetn, nf England, and Cathorlno llorgla, ns well Mario Antoinette, wnoso oionuo tresses had in them a glint of gold. A Long SUenco. Tim unlro of St. llolen's church, In the Isle of Wlttlit, which was built In tho beginning of tho last century and shortly afterward struck uy ngntninrr, had, as was supposed, tlio largo oen oi ... . -. Its chime cracked, ns the tono was very much muffled. Tho other day a church warden hannencd to bo In tlio ucllry, nnrl throuo-h curiosity osamlncd tho bell. IIo found that tnoro was not h. crook In It. but a pleco of wood broken from tho wheel was pressing against the cdiro and stopping tho vibration. Tl,la liolnn- removed, tho boll, after being mufllod for ono hundred and Koventv voara. rang out merrily to tlio astonishment ol tho Inhabitants of tho town. ALL IS ailllACLE, Where the cause Is unknown. Tho wonderful cures of scrofulous and specific poisons by tho Cactus mood Cure seem lino mtracies uecausu science cannot explain how tho blood 13 punned , but It cures these terrlblo diseases all the same, No failures and no relapses. Hold at Klrlln's Urug Store, Block Hhenaudoaii. Ferguson House SPECIAL NOTICES. The vestlbuled comrartrucut sleeplnecart recently Introduced ou tho Chicago, til. 1'aui nnd Kausas Cltv Ilallway are models ol com ion, convenience auu lusury. Any imirpu oi thesleenlncoar Is enabled, by the Introduc tion of " hebo compartment cars, to secure thf same privacy and onvenlence that he woulo In the best hotel. No other line west of Chi. cago ruus the compnrtmeut cars, lu add! lion, mo irainBaro equipjieu w in mo reguiu open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers theli choice. Tnedl Ing car SPrvlco Is fully up le the requirements ol modern railway service Au excellent cuisine, promptly Berved amid elegnut surroundings, at moderate charges leaves nothing now lo be desired. Any of our people contemplat Ing a trip to any part of the west or northwest cannot roslbly cecurt hotter accommodations or lower rates than by addressing W. V. Cooley, General Agent ol the Passenger department, b38 CnesluutBl.. Philadelphia, Pa. WHITE PEAKS AND DA11K CANONS. Colorado Is a land of thatp contrusls, ol brilliant lights, ol Intense shadews: a land where heights and depths make obvious the meaning of the word antithesis; a land where every mood in mind can And an nnsnerluc mood In nature. The high, white minarets of the mountains, from whoso slender pinnacles noat, uie wuiU'Oiown uaiioers oi mo snow, ap peiil Willi pueiiL eioqueure to mo loiiy luipirii' lions of the soul: the sombre chusms cleft bv Titan forces through granite-hearted bills wlthlu whose depths dark shadows throne nnd BWlrllng torrent dashspeak to the heart, a language that thrills, Inspires and awes. It does nol follow that there glories ol white peaks and those glooms of dark ennons pre clude the pleasant intervals, the sunuy meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the tired mind or wearied body may rind pence nil rest and reluge from turmoil and toll. To oue making a Journey in Colorado, New Mexico or Utah, or taking a transcontinental tour from Hast to West, or rice versa, the Den ver and Klo Grande Railroad oilers accom modations equal in eligance, convenience and luxury to those of any other line with the ad ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenery along its line, abounding in a magnificent opulenco of white peaks nnd dark canons. i i.u .uuu.. v. ...iTiuiuij, .uiu, nt.ucEEn, 1110 or the most important improvements in rail road facilities that has vet been made In Col orado and the West. The completion of the standard gauge of the Ilonver and KloQrande uniiroan irom uenver, Colorado, over the mountains to Oedeu. Utah, which Ilvo vears ugu wut ueeiueu ua linpossiuuny, ib cenaini; a iriumnu oi aanne ana enirineerinc bkh ino new lino is uy tne way oiijeaaviue, tun neling Tennes-eo Puss, threading the canons of IheKairlesnd Grand Rivers, uivlnca view ol the Mount of the Holy Cross, enroute, tak ing lla trains ihrougli Glenwood Springs and down the Grand Iflver lo Grand Junction. thence to Bait Lake City, Ogdcn and Han runcii-co. uy tins route one is given an i tortuultv to behold the magnificence of Kai tlver Canon and the marvelous I eautv and grandeur of the Canon of the Grand. The overland unm is a model In every respect. l- rom tbo engine to tho last nrst-clasa coach everything is bright and new, and of the most elegnnt style of workmanship and finish. If any reader desires to know more about t hese Mupoudous works of nature, write to H. K. Hooprr, General Passenger Agent.Denver, Colorado, and he will send you. free ol cost. elegantly Illustrated boons, giving a full de scription of tho marvels of the ''Bcenlo Line."- Btanicy wooa in tno "Great Divide." Genuinely Is and trill over bo tbo best Bomody for Gout. IntluonzQ. Baokaaho, Fnina in tho Bido. Ghost and Joints, Nourolgia, Sprains, &o Before yoa seed to tray, ottiaa K3TFREE OF CHARCEtCl he valuable bookl ' Quids to Heutn." wltl eadorsomenti of prominent pbyticla&s. .AD.R1CHTER&C0. 8IO Broadway! BW TOUtS.. 28 Prize Medals Awarded I "European nooBeBlKuJoletadtiLondon, KaremberK, Koustela, Lelpslo, 50 Cents a bottle, For Salo b7 1. I). ICIIII-TTV, II. HAOUIVlittCII, SHENANDOAH, PA., and other drnggltti. OHORT IN HIS AOOOUNTS. Tho Accused Man Is Blob, but FrototU If Is Innocence. Nnw Yoruc, Juno 5. A short tlmo ago Paymaster Fred 0. Ward of tho Dslawaro & Hudson Canal Company wns Injured In a railroad nccldont. Ho was taken to his homo In Albany, and tho officers of tho rond, with whom Ward Is very popu lar, did everything toprovldoforhlsconr fort nnd quick recovery. A substitute took his place. Aftor he had beon doing Ward's work for a week or ten days, he discovered nu apparent Bhortngo of $10,000 In tho Albany accounts. Tho officers of tho company, particularly tho President Robort M. Olyphant, woro horrified, and Immediately oxpressod their diabollcf In the reDort. An Investigation followed and tho results vroro such that Ward wn taxed with making away with tho money, Ho strenuously denied that his accounts In any way, sluipo or form, wcro nils niauaiied. and asserted his Innocence. Ho said that If ho could only get to tlio ofllco ho would strolchton out hU accounts Im mediately and oxplaln tho nppnrent shortauo. Ward s caso was critical from the start, as ho suuorcu from concussion of tno brain, nnd tho fact that It wns alleged that his accounts wero siu.uuu snort cnuscd him to crow rnnldly worso. Ho beenmo delirious nnd continually talked nbout tho case, assorting his Innocence of wrong doing. In his conscious moments ho would do mand that ho should bo takon to tho offlco, so thnt ho could show his superiors whore tho mlstako had been mado. It Is croatlv feared that ho will not recover, His mind never wanders from tho sub ject of tho shortago and ho nover hesi tates to say. "It's all wrong It's a nils- tnko. Oh. if I could only got to tho offlco." Ho Is a round man. and it is said hns always led u regular life. He performed his duties In strict accordance with neo witu ins rules and was never delinquent, Thirty Men Arrested for alloy's Mtirdor. HiLWAUKEr, Wis., Juno 5. Thirty vounir men. whoso namos aro unknown, havo beon arrested at Waldo, about twentv-llvo miles from Sheboygan, on tho chartto of causinc? tho donth of Fred Kopwood, agod 14 years, near Cascade. It appears tho men wero shearing sneop, and on tho boy coming along nnd rofus inn to drink whiskey with thorn, ho wns thrown Into a mill pond, from whence ho crawled out, and dlod in the woods from exposure NEWS OF THE DAY. Gold Is booming In tho Argentine Ho- publlc at ?3.2a premium. Edward P. Thompson ' has beon ap pointed postmnstor at Indlannpolls. Charges for heresy nro to bo preforrod ngalnst Dr. Dnlton, rector of St. Stephen's, at Portland, Mo. Gorman Immigration to America for tho past quarter of 181)1 was 41,092, tho largest on rocoru in six years. Tho Stnto Reform School at Capo Eliza beth, Mo., wns dostroyod by Are early In tho day.togother with tho lurnlturo. Loss, 5Iu,UUU uninsured. Tho death sentence of Jacob Schulo, who killed Constnblo Droko at New Ga naan, Conn., In 1683, has beon commuted to llfo lmprlsonmor. John Yoh, an lnmato of tho county liospltnl, Iicndlng, l'a,, 41 years of ago, partook of food for tho last tlmo 7 days ago, and yesterday died, having starved to death, Van Holso, tho professional hangman for Now Jersey, has been engaged by Sheriff McPhilllps to hang tho nogro murderor Helllnger on Juno 80 at the county jail In Jersoy City, Judge William Allen, of tho Suproma Court of Massachusetts, died yesterday at his home In Northampton. Ills death was quite sudden aud was due to nou ralgta oi tno noaru no was O'J years old. Frank Tracy, supposed to bo tho head of n gang of horso thloves which has been operating recently along tho Hud' son itiver, was arraigned in tho Circuit Court at Kingston, N. Y., on chargo of horso stealing nnd pleaded guilty Tho striking qunrrymen at Mllford, Mass., have consurrod in tho action of tholr commltteo in accepting a ten per cent, raise from tho firms of Norcross Brothers, Darling Brothers, nnd Wood bury & Lolghton in lieu of tho prices demanded uy tno men, In a suit for divorce brought by Mrs, L. Rood of Hartford, Conn., her husband .ww u, .,ui..ui,i, vuuu., no uuauituki nllocres that tho wholn trnnhln in rtiin t,r his Mrs. Helen M. Atklna. : " . ' 1 , ol Bristol, and lias sued her for ?l,Wv) - . .w. v - of enticing away rges her hUBband uamages upon a cuargo 01 0 his wife. Mrs. Rood charges with nnlnctnt,,! hnWr.nil lnlln,n0 .......j,. There is complete stagnation ninona the lumber lirms at Bangor, Mo., ow ing to tho boycott existing In tho lumber trwlo In New York. A number of vessels are lying Idle In the , harbor awaiting cargoos. Noarly all tho saw mills have suspended operations, and no lumber whatever Is being shipped. Weather Indicattous. VABntNQTON, Juno 8. For Now Englaud Fulr weathen vnriablo winds; stationary torn. poraturo. For Eastern Now Yorkj Eastern Pennsyl. vanla and Now Jersoyi Showers: stationary teinpomturoj Mirlablo winds. For Western I'enusylviinlnnnd Western Now York: Fulr; warmer; variablo winds. NEW TOltK MAI11CETS. New YonK, Juno 4. Monoy on call loaned cosy at ajt ana per cent, 110ND3. Closing C Yostoi-day, T 4Ws, 1801 Ilcg 100 4$), lh91 Coup 100 4 s. 1007 Hoar , 110 t s, 1007 Coup 121 STOCK MA11KRT. Closing C Yesterday. 1 Canadian Tncino 77W Central Pnclllo 80 Chicago, Bur. & Qulncy., HTM pelawaro li Hudson l.ioli Del., Lack & Western lMlT Brio , ml Brio prof 60 Lake bhoro 10OT4 Iuls.& Nush 74 Mlchlguu Central Missouri Paciilo , 07 Now Jorsoy C'entriiU 11M Northwestern I07? Oregon Navigation 71 I'aclno Mull am flooding..., 31 lloclc Island 11 Bt. Paul 00)1 Union l'ncillo , 44U Western Uulon ,, B0J PltODUOH MAltKBT. Juno. July, Wheat lOMi look Corn , o:,U 02U OaU i-ril m MRHC'ANTII.E EXCHANOa 70?, Butter Market quiet. Western oxtros, 180, Cbocso- Murkot dull but staiJr. Btato looiory now nui cream onoioo wine, c,uH, u.XKa iu uiu uujera nw, a ISouiimjo.i western, ltto-alttlSo. nnd IIL'ILII IT THE WHOLE SYSTEM TO PERFECT HEALTH. tirX'SwioTOHoofland's Podophyilin Pills every WATERPROOF THAT J3"0"t f be up TTo-t to gSpllt: I Ithe mark! iu in. 1 BEARS HEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN DE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. LAKESIDE! , fincof fl, ;,ltr;nv nf j-"j " " "uv - the State. Only available health and pleasure grounds in the Anthracite region. The natural attractions and magnlfi . cent scenery of the place are un- equalled, nnd a day of recrea- . . lion and pleasure may be 1 spent in it to advantage. There is good Ashing and bathing In the twin lakes --. Burroundlugthegrounds. Boat houses will be built on the lakeside and regnttas.wlll be frequent this season For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c, The grounds aro most suitable for pic - information, O. A. KEIM, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BOHU5TI-KII.I. DIVIEIOK, On and after Nov. 24, 1890, fraftw mill lea a.'ienaiiaonn as lotunvs: For Wleean. Gllberton. Fracfevllle, Ne Castle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9Jr m and4.15 p ra. Bundaye, eou, V.4U a m ana 8.1 u p m. For Pottsvllle. 6.00. 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m, B unsays. 600, 9.40 m and 3.10 v m. ror iveaaing, u-w, tuuBmsaai.iopiiit Bnndays, bOO, 9.40 a.m. and 3.10pm. For Pottstown. Phoemxville. Norrhjtowr and Philadelphia (Broad Btreet Btatlon), 6.00, v,iu a m. ana 1.1a 1 4.15 pfflwed days nucoays, eou, vau Rmuupm Trains leave Frackvllie lor Bhennndoah at 10.40 am and iz.14, 7.1Z, iu,ua p m. Bunaayt 11.1s n m and 5.40 x m. Leave joiuvine lor nnenanaoan, iu.w auo 11.48. a ia 7.15. 9.42 p m. Bnndays, 10.40 a a 5.16 p m. i ,L,eavo x niuwieipmi torouu bireei. HlAUUIll for Pottsvllle and Bhennndoah. a n h.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 9 RTin1.11m.n1. jror w Yorfe, 8.20, 4.06, 4.40, 65, 60, 7.80 1 r Ui w X Ultt. OtttJ, S.W, UHW, U.W, 8.208.30. J.60,11.00andll.l5am,12.u0noon,0lra La "PIBS:i;w. a5 A,B m-i JftK- h3 ., 1, 0,, 0.00 l.ia O.H uuu iu.uu V iu, mfni. On 8nndays,"8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.30, 9.60 a ra. and 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6,80, 0,M K.19 n m and 12.01 nlizht. 1'or nea uiix, opnos xjukb, jjeimi, Ocean uruve, ABbory rare, ana ixmg xtranci $&iij?itgl&5!'aS week dayr Foi llaUlmor- and Washlneton. 8.60. 7.20. 8.81 9.10, ll.20, J 1.18 a m, W"i (limited express) 8.41 1.41 6.W anf. 7.40 p. m., and 12.03 night. Fo- Halt lmorei nlv. 2.02. 4.1 1. 6 08 and ll.aO n. m On Buudays. 8.60, 7,20. 0.Ufind 11.18 lu m. 4.41 8.67, 7.40 p m. 12.03 ulgUU Baltimore only m Klin ii.uinui. For lUcumond and the South 7.20 11.18 a. m., (Limited nx press p. m.,) nigni,wees xruma leave narnsuurg ror x'ivibdujk auu ll.B weal everv dav at 12.25 and 8.10 B m OnC 3.C0 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for Altoona, 4. IS n m nnd 4.10 n m everv dav. or ntuourg oniy, ii.ju a m aauy ana iu.jj P m week days. Lens Hnnbnrv for Wllllamsnort. lilmlra Canandalgna, Koehoater, Burlaloand Nlagan rails, o.iu a m aany, ana i.w p iu wwn uiye. For Watklcs, 6.80 p m week days, l1 or x.rie ana iniermeaiaie puinui, o.iu u ju., dally. For IxicK Haven, 6J0. and 9X3 a m .lullv. iju and 5.X!) n. m. week days. Foi Kenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 69 p m week days. l.iu a. m Hunaayi. U11AB. is. Jf uuti, J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt Hen. Man'' THB.SEASON FOB. PIC-NICS ItlilXQ J.T 1IAXV, Coiumlttcemen should benr In mind that the Herald office is. prepared to do all kinds of Posier Work! at the most rcnsonnble rates. Give us n call and obtain our prlcea. All work dene when promlBedJand In a satisfactory manner. CLliAIt THE COMPLEXION, HRiaiiTCN the urns, SWEETEN THE nrtlUTIT, TONE THE STOMACH, ItEnt'T.ATTt TTTt! LIVER ANI IIOWECS. COLLAR or CUFF CAN BE RELIED ON tO DlSCOlOFS THIS MARK. Summer Resort, Pic-nic and Pleasure Grounds I LAKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid way between Mahanoy City nnd Tama qua, now managed by a new stock com pany, will be open to the public within a few weeks, nnd dates can now he reenrcd. A number of societies havo already been booked and others wishing desliable dates should make application without delny. Under the new mnnagemeDt many improve ments will be made, some of thera being now under way, that will make it the ple-nlcand pleasure grounds of the region. A lnriro ilanrlnir tinvllllon nnd a (rnttlnir A lsrge dancing pavilion and a tt'ng park arc among the new additions. The best I. horses in the State will be secured to ran or trot thls'season. nics and outings. For dates and other call on or address, Excursion Manager, HDENAKDOaH, PA. ' "Williams & Bro, Chamber Bets, Bedsteads, F Lounges, Divans, Bureaus, Chlllouiers, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Mnslo CifblneU, U Wash Stands, Couches, R Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Piano Chairs, Hall Stands, Settees, N Sideboards, Dining Tables, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Ballets, Hmoklng Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, Solas, Tea Tables, Parlor Snlts, Hall Tables, Fancy Tables, i Wood Mantels, T Book Cases, Writing Desks, U Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Bewlng Machines. E UPHOLSTERY GOODS BOTTOM PRICES. J.P.WilKams&Bra SHENANDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. ! TRADE mark Arwlv discovered MINERAL WATER, the use of which will supply important ele ments ne msury to lienlili. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, nnd all Bowel and Bladder diseases, it will dlwolvo calculi and rtmove Hum. It n moves Iheiirloacidrrom the blood and thus destroys Malaria and Chills. It cures Brlght's disease, and is es. reclally recommended for neonle advanced in life, and for genera) deblllly. For undoubted proofs ot this tend lor rnnvpklet giving full parllculnrs, to J it. VKH11Y, Water ol LUe Co., SI South Main B; , wilkes-Bane, l'a. Philadelphia and Beading .Railroad. Ximt TabU in ejjeef May 10, 18V1 -RAINS LEAYE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS For New York via I'blladelphta, week day; 2. 0 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12.85 2.C0 and S.Ei . m. ouuuuy 2,iu aua j.w a. m, For New 'ork, via Mauch Chunk, week days. 5,25. 20, a, m. and I2.a and 2.t0 p. m. . K.OT.Vfa9Dg ana Philadelphia week day, MO, fi.25, 7.20, a. m 12.35 2.C0 and 5.85 plm .auday. 2.10 and 7.48 a.m. orc ftrrlsbW8t, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i o, 5.00 p. m. Kor Alientown, week dayg,-7.20 m 12.33 0 p, m. HOr I'OttSVllle. Weelr inn illn.M. M, 2.31 2.C0 and 5.56 p.m. HnWay, 2l6and7.l3 in, For Tnmaqna and Mahanoy City, week ...v, w.4, a. ui. , iiioj a.ui ana o.w Klinrtov. 910 OTiri 1 Aa m Ai..An1 'or Mahanoy city, week days' 7.0O p. ni. ror jjancaflier ana Columbia, week days, '.2d a. m.,2.C0p. m. 1 For Wllllnmsport, Bnnbnry and Lewlsbure, veek day, 8.25, 7.20 and 1130 a. m 1.85. 7.5J .m. Sunday 3:25 4. m. ,... For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2..0 8 25, 7.00 and 1,215, p. to, Bunday, 2.10, 3 25 and7.nj It. IU 1,VU , ill. For Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Utatlon) 12J)5, 1 3o, AtO, 6,66, 7.0U and 8.25. p. m. Banday, 2'1U, .2,,7.tSR.m..3.l5p.m. por Ashland and Bhamokin, week days, I 5.25, 7.20, 11.31 a. m., 1 35, 7.00 and ,2l W . m. Hnnrtn v A n . tn . . 51 e.1 . rKAINtl KOH BUliNAfSDOAH! leavo Kew York via Philadelphia, week lays, 7.43 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. In., 12.16 Ilsht. BnudbV, 0.00 p. m.. 12.15 night. Cca,ve Now Yortt "la Mauch Chunk, week lays, 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.03 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, wetz daiB, 4.10, and UMX) a. ro. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m from Broad nd Callowhill and 8.3.5 a. m. nnd 11.80 p. m. (rom Sthand ureeu streets. Banday 0.06 a. mni.SO p. m.from eth and (Jreeu. Leave Heading, week days. 1.35. 7.10. 10.(5 nd 11.50 a. m., 535, 77 p. m. Bunday 1.33 ana lv.4Sa. m. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.. .130, 0.11 p. m, Bunday, 2.40 a. in. and 2.15 . m. I.ave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and ii 21 n. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Bunday 3.S0 S-3H. and 2.50 p.m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.40, 9.18 ind 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 9,44 p. m. Ban- uy, u. iu., o.Ai u. ill., lAXLMo iunnnnoy fiane, weeK oays,2'40,4.iu i.30,95, 11.1.9 a. m.,1.15, M0. 5-20, (128,7.57, and 10.00 p. m. Bunday 2.4J, 4.00, and 8.26, a.m. 141, p.m. Leave Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Station) week duys, 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 9.41 a. m 12.05, J.i3, 5.28, 6.82, 8.03 nnd 10.00 p. m. bunday, 2,47, 4.27, 8.26 a.m. 8.41 p. m, Iave Wllllamsport, week days, 3.00,0. 15 and iL65 a, m. 8.35 and 11.15 p, m. bunday 11,15 1). m. For Baltimore, Washington and the west f la B. A O. K. K., through trains leave Glrard Ivenue Btatlon, Philadelphia, (P. A It, U. It.) it 4.16, 801 and ll.i7 a. m 1.34. 4.24, 6.55 an t 1.23 p. m, Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4.24 1,55 and 7.23 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVIBION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreet Wharf, ana Boumuireei wnari. For Atlantic CItv. Week-days Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.00, (,00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00, 6.00 p.m. Bundays. Express, 9.00, a. m. Accommo- Jtuou, s.uu a. m. and 4.30 p. m, Ketnnung. leave AlinnllO City, aepOl Corner vtluntl0 nnc ArkanEaa HVenneH.-Wcek-day Express, 7.30, 9.00, a. m. and 4.00, p. in. I Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 e 430 I L80p. m. oacaays. express, i.ui p. m. Accommoaa tion, 17.SO a. in. and 4.30 p. in. ' CO. HANCOCK, Ueu'lPas9'rA8l 1, A. MoLKOD. Pros, dt Gen'l Manager. Leliigli Valley Railroad. AEIU.NO EH ENT OF l-ASSKKQEB TItAINS. IiIAY 10, 1891. Passencer traliiB will leave Bbenandoah for Mauch Chunk. Lehlebton. Blatlngton. Cata. sauqua, Alientown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil. adelphlanndMew Vork at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m., IXJK, B.1U, o.j p. m. For Belvidere. Delaware Water Oan and Btroudsburg at 6.47, a. m,, and 6.26 p. m. jror Liamuenviiieaua xreniou, v.vo a, m. For White Haven. Wllttes-Barre and Pitts. ton 5.47. 9.08, 10.41 o. m., 8.10 and B2S p. m. For TunKhannocs:, iu,ii a. m .iu ar.a o.m , in, For Auburn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lyons 10.41 a. m and 6.26 p. m. xor Lacey-vine, Towanaa. eayre, wnveny, Gblcaeo and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and to 5.26 p. m. 3.10 p.m. For Audenried. Hazleton. Stockton, Lnm. Tier Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno- tlonat5.47,7.4U,a,uaa. m.ana iz.oz, a.iu ana ' .(Min.iiv!lla T.nv1ntnT1 and tlpfiVAr Mejidnw. 7.40. 1) OS n. m. and 6.' n. m. ForBcrantonat6.47 9.08, 10.11a. m. 8.10 and' PS P- .... . X or xiuzio diuuo. u euuu, xjriiivu nuu x' itrj, land at 6.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. ra.. 1Z52 8.10 and 6.20 p. m. p ar iuauuAo hi, o. una v.uo u. iu., tuju. 10 p.m. For Wlggans, GUberton and Fraokville at ,60 and 9.08 a. m., and 4.10 p. m. 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,122,3.10,5.26, 8,03, 9.2' and 10.27 p.m. f orxxisL uiees, tiraraviue ana ahuihuu, ,.27, 7.46,82, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.85, f'O and 9.14 p. m. for Darswater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle. 0, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 5.20 and 8.0J m. For Rnntr Mountain. New Boston and Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10X8 a. lr... 12X2. 3.10. 6.23 and 8.03 p.m. For ltaven Run. Centralla. Mt. Carmel and Shamokm, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 una 8.uo p. m. , xrains leave noamoain lor Duvrntuuimu, 7.55 Its 11X5 a. ra.. 2.10. 4.30 and 90 p. m.. arriving Shenandoah. 9.05 a. m.. 12X2. 3.10. 5.26 and 1.15 p.m. nuniJii iiuuiia, For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland. 6X0, 9,10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8 .Oil, 930 a.m., 2.45 p.m. lur imesviue, juuuuuoy uy nuu wuiuu, 8.00, 11.35 a. m 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. us. For Lofty, Audenried and Ilaileton, SDO m., 1.40 p. ra: f or Aiaucn cnunK. x.enignion, ciaiinsion. Catasanqua, Alientown, Bethlehem, aston and New York, 8.00 a. ra., 1.40 p. m: ix ur ruuaueipniu, i.vj y. in 1' xu. xi. jiiinuiun, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehemi ' No matter bow many useless nostrum yon have taken, how much discouraged, or what anybody Bays, rely upon It the Cactus Cure will remove n'l diseases from linruro blood, whether scrolulouB or specific. No mineral, nd failures, uo relapses. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson' Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa. Thousands tigy ivu ikjrmaaeiitly' cur i uy I'll 1 1 AllI.I I'HIA I'JI F.nnt. 4MiA nnoiteratlCD or luwi or intia tr- m u-tiuesa. uasea nrouomu u iu- CURE G'JAPAUTEED. oaceauourVto.