The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 05, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-NO. 140.
. . . . 4 4
Tjiuiu; 19 somo Ufa la tlio School
Board. It not only talks, but acts.
Thcro aro but few drones In that body.
Tun School Hoard did right In
carrying out the suggestion of the
lvHerald. Shounndoah public schools
'will continue to lead the county.
The condition of tho coal trado is
deplorable, but we have hopes of a
change for the better before this
mouth Is over. Business men should
not get discouraged.
It Is understood that dissatisfaction
exists In the Democratic ranks over
the election of teachers on Wednesday
night aud that some have Intimated
that "a clean sweep" will bo made at
the election next year. Thero was a
Democratic howl last year when tho
Republicans made changes in the
corps and now, when no changes are
made, there Is another howl. But
sucn is uio nature or me average
Democrat. Ho stamps everything
created outside of his party as wrong.
The ro-electlou of the old corps of'
teachers was urged by the sunerluten
dent of the public schools and there lai.
no individual In tho town more
capable of judging the qualifications
of a teacher than he. V
Tho .Tnjmncso Murdoror Sentoncod.
New Yohk, Juno 5. Juglro, tho Japan
ese murderer, was sonteuced by Justlco
Van Brunt to bo executed In tho week
beginning July 0, tho samo week fixed
for tho execution of tho murdorors Wood,
Blocum and Smllor.
Tllilcn Will Contost.
Saratoga, N. Y., Juno '5. Josoph II
Choato, counsel for respondents in tho
Tildon will case, finished his argument
before tho Court o Appeals and J,ame
C, Carter took up thu case for appellant!
Dycort Goes tnl'rlson.
Buffalo, N. Y.,Juue 5. Fred W. Dy.
gort, the last of tho Mount Morris gang,
connected with tho Joslyu murder, was
sentenced to Auburn prison for five
Secretary Hlnlno at-Uar Harbor.
Bah IIaiuioii, Mo., Juuo 5. Secretary
and Mrs. Blaine arrived In Bar Harbor
last evening and were Immediately driven
to their cottage. f
Consu C'orte Arrives In Home.
Rome, Juuo 5. Consul Corto has
rived In this city.
Ladies' fine patent tip
the Boston shoe store.
shoos for 05 c., at
OBISTTS per yd for tho
Bold lu other stores for 8oc. Allioor
Oilcloths reduced. Call forbartfilns
Store, iO South Jardin SL, near Centre
Crosse and Rlncl&welVa dhow-Chow and. Pickles.
French Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c.
" SardJncs in Oil, 2 cans for 25c.
lancy Itlce, 3 lbs. for 25 c.
Fine California ITruits.
Fancy Prunes, largo and fine, 15c.
Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c.
Evaporated Jellied Axtrlcots, 20c.
Evaporated Peaches, IGo
Canned Pe'ars, Plums, PeacJies and Apricots.
Flue liquated Coffee, 3oc-fiuality Improved.
Old Government Java frcsli rousted
Fancy Table Syrup 2 qls. ior 25c.
Glugcr Snaps and Coffee Caltes, 3 ls- lor 25c.
ttlcimicd Hams.
tcbnuon Summer Sausage and Chipped Beef
Fancy Creamery and Fine Dairy Iluttcr
Corn and Early
for 25c
New Raisins 4 los lor 25c
Washing Powder, 4 lls for 25c
Will have another lot of tliose JTancyy. Moquette Mays at
$1.25 in a jfctv days.
Their Cruiser At,taos tho Chilian
Government Totpodo Boats.
Cropt Into tho Harbor of
Valparaiso After Dark.
By National Press Association,
San Fiiakcisco, June 5. News of tho
fiercest sea fight that lias taken
place during tho whole of the Chilian
war has just beon rocolvod here. It took
placo In tho harbor of Valparaiso bo
Iwnfin tlin InsnrfTpnf. firnlfior Mncrnllnncg
Rand tho government torpedo boats Aldon,
Condell and Lynch, four days nftor tho
nr.nnninr between the sama Tessols in
Channel Bay, tho nows of which was re-1
cchcrt In Now York on Monday last.
After the latter battle tho Masallauos
locldod to attack tho government ships
nd, If possible, destroy them before thoy
could ngaln be fitted for sea. Favored
by darkness the Magallanos cropt Into
tho harbor of Valparaiso nnd bogan tho
attack by ranging closo alongside tho al
ready crippled Aldon and firing a broad
side into her that did terrible execution.
Nearly half of tho torpedo boat's crew
fcrero elthor killed or wounded, aud tho
Fossel was completely riddled.
TUo Forts Alarmnd.
An alarm was sounded In tho forta,
but as tho vessels lay so closo together
tho gunners In the forts dared not flro,
for fear of hitting their own vossols.
Getting clear of tho Aldon, tho Magal
lanes nt onco attacked tho Lynch, buthor
flro was returned with Interest. Tho
smokestack of tho Lynoh was blown
away, and a boat containing ton men,
who had been sent to try to attack tho
robol vessel with a torpodo boat, was
blown out of tho water.
Forty of tlio Crow Killed.
Tho Condell had Btcamcd to tho out
side of tho Macallnnos, thus getting tho
lattor between tho two fires. Tho Magnl
Intios was shot through and through.
Over 40 of her crow woro lying dead on
her decks, but her guns woro untouched,
and her captain made up his mind to try
to bettor his condition.
Suddonly tho robel vessel began to
movo astern nnd ceased flrjng. The night
being so dark tho government stoamors
woro unknowingly firing iapo each other,
and tho Condell began to fill rapidly.
Tho trick was not discovered until tho,
Magallanos had turnod and stoamtng
across tho stern of Coiidell pottrod in,
a broadsldo that nearly doniolishod tho
latter, dismounting ovory gun aud kill
ing 14 and wounding six moro of tho
Flight or tlio Robel Stoamor.
Tho rebel steamer then Btartod to
steam out of tho harbor at full speed.
Every gun In tho forts on shoro opened
on her, but only onco was sho struck. A
heavy sholl lauded fairly on her deck
Just forward of her pivot gun and burst.
Tho oxploslon toro a big holo in her dock,
tho pivot gun was thrown over on its
sldo and four men wero killed. Soon
after that sho was out of rango of tho
forts and ran up the coast to Caldora.
Over 100 men were killed during tho
fierce confl.ot, fully ono half of whom
woro on board the Mogollaues. No at
tomDvas moilo bvthe forfllan war ships
June Peas not soaks 3 cans
to stop tuo ngnr, wuicii
lastod ruliy nn
Tho Dnccarat Caao Will Probably I!o Flu
Inhotl This Evenlnc.
Lmrjoi?, Juno 0. Tho baccarat caso
will probably finish this evonlng. Tho
Prince of Wales ha beon In court all
day, When ho enters tho court rises and
bows, tho court Including everybody.
The Prince returns tho bow and sits,
then all sit,
Mrs. Green and her husband woro
among tho wltnossos. Mr. Green hns
been pic tn rod by his fathcr-ln-law as
something of a flro cater; ho is halting of
speech and has a memory liko a sieve.
Mrs, Green was nervous ut first, but soon
regained her composure
She wan asked moro than ono pointed
question. How long had sho known Sir
WUUnm Gordon Cu'imingf Six years.
By whom had sho boon taught to play
baccarat? By Gordon Gumming. Mr.
Gill, who nppoars with tho Solicitor
General for Cummlng said to-day, In an
aside Intended for tho Jury, that thoro
was moro In tho'caso than appeared on
surface. Many bollovo tlds; but that it
is suscoptlblo of proof is doubtful, nppar-
Schoouor Sunk In likoRrla.
Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 5. Tho propel
ler Northern Queen, Capt. Smith, bound
up from Buffalo, ran Into tho Behoouor
Fayette Brown i.t a point eight miles
oast-southeast of tho Dummy Light, and
sunk her in nino fathoms of water.
Thero is no roport as to tho fato of tho
orow. Tlio Queon stopped at Detroit and
reported tho nccidont to Manager Gor
don. Sho was not injured and proceeded
on her way. Tho Brown was loaded
with sandstono for Buffalo and was
owned by Bradley of Clovoland. Sho
was valued at $10,000.
Tho btoriu lit Indiana.
La Port, Juno 4. Reports aro coming
in 01 groat damage by tho terrific hurri
cane and hall storm which struck this
section Wednesday night. The storm
was especially sovoro in this city. The
roof tho warohouso of King & Fildes,
woolen dealors, was blown off, nnd340,000
worth of flannels soaked. Tlio roof of
tho Quaker Church was torn off, tho
now City Hall badly damaged and tho
fronts of sovoral stores blown lu.
lla Has Oonulno Hydrophobia.
Asdtoy Park, Juno 5. A three hours'
oonsultatlon between Doctors Klnmouth,
JoUnBou and Wilbur ana David W. Bar
tluo, brothor of tho lawyer who was bit
ten by a cat, aud Mrs. Heading, his sis
ter, last night. All agrca that tho pa
tient has gcnulno hydrophobia and is
passing Into tho last stages.
iCadots Appointed.
Washington, Juno 5. Cadets have
been appointed to tho West Point Mili
tary Academy as follows! Harry H,
Stout, Tidlouto, Pa,; Percy D. McConnoll,
Bradford, alternate; Guy Bartlett, Fair
mount, w. Va., and C. Porry, Warsaw,
Socrots Avo ltolng Dlvulcrod by Clergy
raon In tho rittsburs Synod.
Prrrsnuno, Juno 5. There was a very
largo audience iu attendauco at tho
morning sossion of tho Reformod Pres
byterian Synod.
Roy, O. B, Milltgan, ono of tho sus
pended mlnlstors, was tho first sponkor.
Ho declined to spoak from tho platform,
saying that by so doing he would ho
guilty of contempt, as tho Pittsburg
Prosbytery had forbiddeu him to do so.
He would not spoak from a Reformed
Piesbytcrian pulpit until ho could do so
as a freo man.
This declaration croated a sonsatiori,
and tho speaker had not procooded far In
.his address until crlo3 camo from all
parts of tho churoh: "Tako tho plat
forml" "Talco the platforml "
After asking ,that tho court bo hold ro
spouslblo ior his action, Mr, Mllllgan con
tinued hi-, addross from tho pulpit. . His
speech attracted closo attention, as did
tho address of Rev, J, R. J, Milligan, who
followed him. Tho speeches occupiod tho
tlmo of tho morning session.
Tho suspended ministers In their ad
dresses aro dlvulglug secrets, which placo
tho Rev. Dr. McAllister and Rev. R. J.
George In on unenviable position. Sev
eral of the young ministers Imvo made
charges of unfairness, crookedness, breach
of faith nud wilful persecution. Thorn
charges aro substantiated by documen
tary ovldeuea suoli as will bo very diffi
cult to refuto,
Over $33,000 Wacoistd on tho Ulg I'lsoon
Shoot ut Hollywood.
Asbury Park, N. J., Juue 5. A largo
crowd "attended the pigeon shootln
match at Hollywood between C. Edgar
Murphy of Now York and Capt. A. W,
Moouey of Loudon, England.
The match was for (1,000 a side, and
tho conditions woro 100 birds each at 'M
f ards riso, with a 21-yard boundary lino,
he use of both barrels being allowed,
Fully $23,000 Wore wagered ou the ro
sult, The match was tho fastest over shot,
occupylug'two U6urs and three .minutes,
John 8. Hooy was thq roferoo, Philip
Daly, Jr., trapper, and jValtor Q. Murphy
Moouey won tho match by a score of
87 to Murphy's 83 killed. Moouey aso
made fho heaviest run, ho killing 21
birds lu succession.
The Sbenandouh Butinass College will
ooi'itlnue its wuions through tho summer,
Pupils entering now for bookkeeping or
shorthand can prepare for positions by
full. Inquire at the college rooms, Rob
bins' opera house. 0-2 2w
Advortise In tho IIkkald.
Now Flro MarBhal and AsslBtanta
Elected Tho Lattor Salarlod.
Monthly Reports of tho
Borough Officials.
A regular meeting of tho Borough
Council was held last evening, tha session
opening at 7:30 und lasting until after 11
o'fclock, but nothing of an extraordinary
character transpired.
Tho members present were Moasrs. Bet-
toridgo, James, COiikley, Amour, Wurm,
Gable, Hopkins, Holman, Van Duson,
Devors, Moaklor, l'ortzand Lamb.
The most Important buduoss disposed ol
was that touching upon tho purchnso of a
stono crusher. Supervisor Llewellyn
stated that if Council would give hiin a
stono crusher and two months tlmo tho
streets could be put in first-class condition
within a very short tlmo. With a etone
crusher, ho claimed, moro work can be
done on tho streets in one month than with
A gang of men breaking stonos in four
months. Mr. Wurrn moved that a stone
crusher andngino bo purchased as soon as
possible. Mr. Pnrtz was opp sod to tho
purchase of an otigino and said tho crusher
could bn located near the Indian Ridge
breaker, from which place power could be
secured at little ur no cost. Mr. Wurm's
motion was carried.
Mr. Holman stated that tho people of
Poplar street objeot to that street being
filled up with ooal dirt.
Mr. Wurm sthtod that it had boon ro
partod to him that tho captain of the
special polico had detailed mon for duty, on
tho understanding that tho borough would
pay for tho service. It was the sonso ol
that Council that bifore placing special
polico on duty at any particular placo
mombers of Council must first bo consulted
and anyouo who goes on duty under any
other circumstances must look for his pay
to tho captain of tho force, or to tho party
for whom tho service is rondorod.
rotor uiloy, ol tno .Fourth ward, pe
titioned the Council for protoction. He
complained that certain parlies are con
tinually creating a dlsturbanco about his
property and that they havo lately brokon
windows of his lioilso throo times. Tho
maltor was referred 16 tho committoo on
lamp and police.
A committoo was instructed to notify
George LeiUol that hereafter ho must
pursue the work of carting away and
dumping oflal only in the night time.
George H. Jones askod to havo an ordor
for $10.50 granted to him about four yours
axo duplicated, as it had beon lost. Tho last
report Qf tho borqugh auditors shows that
tho order is still outstanding, and tbo re
quest Was granted, upon condition that
should tho original be presented at any
tlmo Mr. Jbnes shall refund the amount.
Pa'.rick Conry, Of tho First ward, 60m
plained of a nuisunco In front of Ids prop
erty on Kmerick street, by reason of 1m
proper drain ago. Council decided that the
culvert crossing Centre street, at Emorlck,
Shall bo enlargdd j that tho plank culvert
running in front of Mr, Conry's property
shall bo removed, and that tho owners of
properties along that square shall be ro
quired to pave and guttor iu front pf their
Complaint was mado that tho Blormon
property 'on "West Ooal street Is still euL-
jecled to, dama'gQ by tho ovorflow bf moun
tain water. Kecenlly tuo bprough con
structed a water courso near tho prop'prty
on tho understanding that Mr. Bisrman
was to pay ono-half tho oXponte. Tho
question was asked if Mr. Biormiin''had
paid his share, to which an answor of "ffo'
was Riven, whereupon a motion wt niadn
that tho Chief Burgees proceed at once to
colkct Mr. Biorman's share.
It was decided that a ton-inch pipe l
laid to drain tho borough building
aud lookup, tho pipe to run southwardly
along Pear alley to Cherry street.
A motion that the Borough Treamrer re
deem 2,000 rjori.1) of bonds was carried.
The following elections wero reported
and confirmed : Chief Firo Marshal
Frank Lewlt: 1st Assistant, Matthew
Wheellhan; 2nd Aubtant, Charles Hoff
Columbia- Alfred Evans, Thomas W,
Powell and Adam StaufTenberger.
Phcetiix Jamos Bradley, John Ready
and Martin Ward.
Roeouo John Dillonschnlodor, Milton
Troutman and Lewis Becker.
It was decided that the first and second
assistants to tho Chief Murshal, who ro
colves S&iftjcar, bopaldSlo and 510 per
year, respectively.
Tho report of tho Chief of Polloo for tb
month showed that 6 persons served time
and 15 paid fines. The fines cflllcolsd
amounted to $28 and lodgings were furn
ished to 0 persons.
Tlio Chief Burgess, reported that be ool
Ifdod $20,51 during the month for licenses,
tlin s and permit.
Birough Treasurer Bradlgan report
showed balance ou hand amounting to
$i 077.41.
Crushod to Death by a Rush of
Georgo MoAndrows, a well known nm'
popular resident of Girardvillo, was in
stantly killed by a fall of cod iu a breatlof
tho Ilamniond colliery yesterday afternoon.
Ho went Up tho breast to start ooal and be
foro ho could roach a plnco of safety il
rushed upon and crushed him to denth.
A Deposed OUlelal in Pennsylvania llo-
fllie tu Vavntn tho Olllcu.
HAMiisnrito, Pa., Juno 5. Attornoy-
Ooneral Honsel and Professor Snyder had
nnother conference with Dr. Waller at tho
Department of Public Instruction. Prof.
Snyder mado n formal demand for the
olllcc, which Dr. Waller docllued to sur
render. It was then agreed thntuotliing
further should ho done until h confer
ence, at which, It Is expected, a settle
ment will bo ranched, has been held.
Prof. Snyder was nominated by Gov.
Pattlson to be Suporlutendont of Public
Instruction, but the Senate refused to
confirm tho nomination. Since the ad
journment of tho Legislature tho Gover
nor nppointod Prof. Snyder to tho olfloe
nnd Issued his commission, but Dr. Wal
ler refused to v.icnto.
Tho TIhsuo llallot Case.
Providence, Juno 5. Two now nnd in
teresting phasos developed In tho tlssuo
ballot cases lu Lincoln. Tho Republi
cans secured from tho Supremo Court
writs of quo warranto nnd citations re
turnable, to-morrow, which wero servod
on tho town olllcers. Ou tho other hand,
tbo Democratic counoll- met to-day aud
ordorud tho ballots burned. Those in
structions woro carried out by tho town
Kmrpnpur Chnngos
Nuw Yonit, Juno (i Mr. Gaorgo W.
Turner lias resigned tho odlco of pub
lisher ol the World, nnd has boon suc
ceeded by Manager Dillon, Into of tlio St.
Louis Post-Dispatch. Mr. Joseph Pulit
zer, the proprietor of tho World, sailed
yesterday from Liverpool for JNow York.
Mr. Turner goes to tho Recorder, in
which ho Is said to havo acquired a pro
prietary interest, togothor with Col. O.
W. Taylor of tho Boston Globe.
Destitution lu tho Coko lloj;lon.
Scottdale, Pa., Juno 5. Tbo 140 em
ployes of Robert Hogsett at Mt. Braddock
coko works nro on strlko on account of
tho discharge of two drivors. Thero is
disatisfactiou at a numbor of independ
ent producers' plants, which will proba
bly culminate In a strlKo. Ureat destitu
tion prevails among tuo miuorx who woro
refused employment. Tho labor lenders
have sont out appeals for immediate aid.
A Hoy'R fientonco Comintltod
Albany, Juno 5. Governor Hill com
muted tho soutonco In tho caso of tho
boy Frederick Knston, who onterod n
farm house in Wyoming in 1888 and stolo
$1.20 mid was sent to Auburn Prison for
20 years by tho Into Judge Corlotteo. Un
der tho commutation tho soutonco will
expire to-day. Tho caso has attracted
somo retention becnuso of tho alleged
severity of tho sentence.
A llrtdo Attompts Sulcldo.
Niagara Fai.ia, N. Y., Juno 5. Mrs.
Philip Elnsfold, a brido of 11 days, at
tempted suicidp oarly in tho morning by
taking a quantity of oxalic acid, fol
lowed by a big dose of castor oil. The
oil may save her llfo, but the physicians
say sup will die.
Hound to DIo This Tlmo.
Mbadviixe, Pn., Juno C. Dr. John
Thompson, who lived near Llnesvillo,
this county. yosUrday ttod his feet to
gether with a rope, hitched tho rope to n
tree, leaving plenty of slack, nnd thou
plunged headlong into a crooK and was
drowned. Ho was 07 yoars old. Ho had
frequently threatened sulcldo on account
of 111 health.
No Tower to Grant Utitlroad Conceislons.
Washi.nqton, Juno 5. A dispatch from
the City of Moxioo snys tlio Congress
which has just Adjourned did not give
tho President power to grant railroad
coucossions, as has beon jcustomary pre
viously. It Is said that tula Is lu accord
ance with tho President's owu sugges
tion. Tho Executive wishes to havo
fewer concession made.
Italy Will Investlicnto,
Rous, June 5. Tho Government will
lnveatlgate Into the causes of tho do
ollne of Italy's forelihi trade, whioh de
creased aV'.l 11,080,000 pounds sterling
during five years Inoluding 1800. The
committee will also mako Inquiries re
gal dlug new outlets fur Italy's foreign
. 411c Vutluro nt Nashville, Tonn.
Nashville, Tonn., June 5. The Me
Cenuell, Hall, McKoster Company, whole
sale dry goods and shoes, have made nn
assignment. Their assets ure estimated
at $780,000, while their liabilities are
19ovutlon by llleotrlolty,
Burlin, Juno 0, Dr. Sohelling, the
PrusslanjMlnlster of Justlco, is Interested
In the new American method of execution
by olectriolty, aud has caused Instruc
tions to bn Mint for full reports as to Its
methods of wi king, .
Ladies' fine khoes,
boot and shoe storo.
86 cen.U, at Boston
A New Business.
P. J. Oleary has oivenad a itore In the
Ferguson's building, on Halt Centre street,
and is prepared to furnish the loeal trade
with line leather and shoe findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock ii
a largo ono and W"ll equipped to fully
supply all demands of the trade. 6-15-tf
A. CALL FOR $3,000,000 PROM
THE SURPLUS ONLY $5,0(10,000.
Paying tho Juno Ponslons tto
Oauso of tho Roduotlon The
Navy Dopnrtmont Rooolvoa
Nows About tho Itata.
nu Xatlmnl Preat Attcelation.
WASHiNoroN, June 5. Acting Secre
tary of the Treasury Spauldlng, accord
ing 'o directions received from Secretary
Foxter uow in New York, has Issued tha
following call:
The Secretary of the Treasury !lias
thU day called upon n number of nation
al bank depositories to trntiBfer to tho
Sub-Treasury a portion of the public
moneys held by them and not needed for
tho transaction of public business.
Those banks, which aro mostly what
is known as "surplus" banks, had beon
notified by tho late Secretary Windora
nnd hail previously transferred tho
amount of two calls made by him. Tlio
amount to bo transferred on or before
June uU, 1SU1, under this call is about
Tho surplus In the treasury to-day Is
about $0,000,000. Tlio cause of its re
duction is the payment of about $30,000,-
000 in pensions duo June 10.
Treasury oflleiaU ;y tho effect of tho
call outlined above, together with tha
proposed oxtension in the payment o
1 1-2 per cent bonds, with interest nt 3
per cent., will Iki to send tho surplus up
to nt least $23,000,000 If not $o0,000,000
within tho nextjjiw woeks.
Itarmntly Turned Over to Commandos"
McCnnn nt Iqitlquo.
Washington, Juno 5. Secretary Tracy
last night received tho following dispatch
from Admiral McCann dated Iqulrplo,
Chill, Juuo 4:
"Tlio Itata arrlvod at Iqulquo, Chill,
from Tocopilla last night and was placed
at tlio disposition of Rear-Admiral Mc
Cann tills morning. She had ou board
5,000 rllles nnd ammunition taken from
tho Robort and Mlnno In tbo port of San
Diego, Cal. Sho has no other munitions
of war than thoso belonging to the ship,
and transferred nothing to tho Esmer
raldn, with whom sho communlcatod off
Acapulco, Mexico. Sho then went direct
to Tocqpilla.
Tho Charleston arrived at Iqulquo to
day aud tlio Ponsacola is expected to-day.
As soon ns tlio Itatn takes on coal and
prepares for tho return trip, Admiral
McCaun will send her back to San Diego,
probably under convoy of one of Ills
cruisers. She will bo delivered to tha
Uuitod States court olllcers at San Diego,
and tho proceedings against her for vio
lation of tho neutrality laws will bo ro
sumed nt tho point where thoy wero lu
torrnptod by tho unlawful doparturo of
tho Btoamor, aud tho responsible parties
Will likely be culled upon to answer tbo
charge of contempt of court for running
away while uudor Injunction.
Swolnfurth Chased by a Mob.
Chicago. Juno 0. A dispatch from
Kansas City says that Sweinfurth, thq
Rocklaud, 111., crank, who styles himself;
"the only truo Christ," nud who has been
for tho past few days holding forth with
his "disciples," In Kansas City, bad to flco
for his life. A crowd assomblod before tho
building In which Sweinfurth has boon
oxhlbltlng hlmsolf, with tho firm deter
mination of applying a coat of tar nud
feathers to tho pretender. Swolufurth up
to a lata hour haduqt beon caught.
Tho Latolturus King's Kstnto.
Lewiston, Mo., Juno 5. Tho value of
tho Into Hon. Rufus Prince's estate is
nearly double what was expected, accord
ing to tho report of tho appraisers. Tho
results havo complotoly sot at rest tho
reports to tlio eirect that Mr. Prince had
mixed un tuo estates or others, or
which bo was guardian or trustee, that It
was probable that there would uot bo
money enough realized from all to go
Mr. Cleveland to I.lvo lu Jorsny.
Newark, N. J., Juno 5. Tho now
famous aud beautiful Saddle Rivor Val
ley, Bergen County, N. J., U about to oc
cupy h still more prominent place in tha
ayes of the public. Kx -Presldout Grovcr
Cleveland will reside at the Joe Jefferion
mansion this summer, aud It Is statod
that he will purchase the property should
it prove to his llklug.
Butter Took a Tumble
It is down to a icspect
al)lo prico now. You
might, as well have tho
good. Tho difference is
only a fow cents. Wo al
ways havo tho finest
No. 122 North Jardin Strc.t