Presents In the most eleeftnt form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUB JUIOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent rftmedy known to CLE1NSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Uilious or Constipated so THAT PURL BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and 8TRENQTH NATURAL!. Y.FOLLOVt Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQOIST FOR yntJi1 oar1 npxG-o MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, tOUISVILLE. AT. NEW YORK. N. T. Do You Like Soup ? II so, ask your grocer to f erjfl you a quarter! pound tin of All In a dry state. Sold In Europe (manufac tured there), Asia, Africa and now, by Its own intrinsic merit, forcing ltselflnlo every city, town, village and bnmlct in tho United States. Samples lurnlshed free; lor; which, uuu price uhi, uuurctH OLIVER. AKKETELt, 26 South William Street, NEW YORK CITY. Try-ILMINGTON NOilTHEKN B. K. lme table in effect May.V), 1S91. Trains leave Reading (1'. & It. station) foi Gibraltar, Seyfcrt, Illraboro, Joanna, Spring field. WHvnesburz Junction. Coatesvllle.Wesl Cbester.Chadsford Junction, 11. A O. Junction, Wllmlnetonund lntermedlole stations. dully except Sunday, at 6.23 and 1S.80 a.m. and 3.16 p. m. Sunday only at 3.0a p. m. For Warwick, St, Vetera and Intermediate statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and 6.19 p. m. Sunday only S.1S a, m. For lilrdsboro and Intermediate stations, Saturday onlv. at 12 m. For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. R. a.) aairy except eunaay niu.-jnnu o.oii a. in and 8.15 n. m. Sunday only at 3.03 n. m. Trains arrive at Heading (P. & It. station) rroin Wilmington, u. u. junction, Atom chanln. Cbaddsford Junction. West Chester. Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesbnrg Junction, Sprlngneld,Joanna, lilrdsboro, Gibraltar, Sey. fen and Intermediate stations, dally except nunaay at iv:-v a. m. o.ta ana 8.1 p. m. nua dav onlv at 11.24 a. m. From St. l'eters, Warwick and intermedial ( atlons, dally except Sunday, at a. m. and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p.m. From lilrdsboro and Intermediate stations, BSiuraay only at. iwu p. in. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex. cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. in, Sunday only at 11.24 a. m. BOWNFSS BItlGUS, Gen'l Pass. Agt. A. G. MCOAUSLAND. Supt. TDCATm CntCC Positively Cured wltL litre cured many thousand cases, Cureiutients pronounced hf.nlMi hv the rt nhsii:fana. Prom Ant dose mi.tnm rapidly disappear, ana in ten riayiftt lfwt two. third! oft! ivmtHDini are removed Snrf f.r FREE" B OK ft te- monUUormlr.TrU tllUP tcu.ous cures. I En UAIO furrilAhed irrurmeni uy mm. u you order trial, tend ten eentt In Mvrr to jay ATLANTA OA- kDr.Grosvenor's . Bell-cap-sic a",;,ZtUJ' PLASTER. BhenraAtisra, neamlffia. pLaortgyand I outim! at oacc Qnu tor sols by nil lr A New "Venture W- KA MS ATT POTTS lias opened a AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVILLE, PENN'A. Sales of assorted goods, notions, hardware. Onsswnrc, etc,, etc. Goods from nil p&rts ot the county solicited ol commission. Or tlio J.liuor lluliit, iOMltlt'ly C'urcu iolcliu Npeclllo. It li manufactured as a powder, which can be eivva tn a glass of ber, a oup of coffee or tea, or In food, without the knowledge ol the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alochollowreott. Jt has been given in thousand! of eases, and In every lnatanoe a perfect cure has fol lowed It never Full. The system once impregnate d with the becomes aa utter impossibility lor the liquor appetite to exist. 48 page book of particulars free. To bo bod of C. H, HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah lp M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. omce-29 West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah 3 ! jPlpii I r&f!PS HE CLINGS TO LIFE Sir John Macdonnld Bravoly Struggling With Death. NO CHANGE IN HIS CONDITION. Prof. Osier, nn American Specialist, Sum moned to tlio Bedside of tlio Premier, Canndlim Politician. Still Tnllilns About Ilia Surct'S.or Jt I, Said That tlio Cabi net AVI 11 Ho Ilcorcautzotl by Sir John Thotnpion Sir Chnrle't Tupper to Ilo main Whero Ho Ii. Ottawa, Ont., Juno U. Tho condition of Sir John llnodonald throughout tlio liiornlug is believed to liavo been better than yesterday. Tho bulletins that wore issued by Dr. Powell announced his con dition as about tho same. Tho Premier dozed comfortably nil tho morning. Tho weather was warmer, but did not appa rently affect him. Tho doctors, however, hnvu not changed their minds as to tho lmposslbllty of his recovery. Engor crowds scanned tho bulletins all the morning nud gathered at "Earns cllffe," tho homo of tho dying Premier. The Hon. C. H. Tupper this morning douled the report that his fathor had Balled for Canada. Tho High Commis sioner is still hi Vienna. On th quostlon of tho sttccessorship tho Emplro, tho organ of tho Govern ment, declares that tho subject has not beeu mentioned nt n Cabinet meeting; that tho Cabinet, upon tho death of Sir John, will bo dissolved, to bo reconvened again only by tho order of tho Governor General, who will solect a successor to Sir John. Frobnbto New Cablnot. It is declared on tho authority of a prominent French Canadlnn that tho Cabinet will bo reorganized by Sir John Thompson with tho following changes: Premier and Sllnlstor of Justice Sir John Thompson. Minister of Railways Hon. J. A. Chap lcau. Minister of Public Works G. A. Klrk patrlck. President of tho Council W. B. Ivos. Leader of tho Senato Lioutonant-Gov-ornor Angers. Tho politician said that tho remaining portfolios would romatu tho samo excopt that some French Canadian member would succeed Chapleau as Secretary of State, the Hon. J. Carllng will probably rotlre from tho Cablnot to mako room for Meredith, tho present leader of tho oppo sition in tho Ontario House. Sir Hector will bo mado Lleutenant-Govornor of Quebec and Sir Charles Tupper will stay whero ho Is. It is nil "bosh," ho declares, about Sir John Thompson refusing the Premlorshlp. THE PASTOR'S CRIME. Ilo Comforted tho Hying Without Llconso from tho Prosbytory. PrrrsBcna Juno B. Tho Hoformed Presbytoriau Synod has commonced tho trial of tho six suspended ministers who think mcmbors should havo tho right to partlclpato In civil elections. By a vote of 14 i to 29, after a heated and angry discussion, it was resolved that tho olTendors bo arrested for con tempt until they purgo themselves. The contempt consisted of preaching in churches of other denominations. Tho accused nil appeured beforo tho Synod and denied that they had willfully been in contempt. They considered that their suspension covored only Iieformed Pres byterian pulpits. Tho Eev. B. B. Milligan, ono of the young recalcitrants, touched moro than a few hearts when ho admitted ho had prayed with tho sick, comforted tho dy ing and burled tho dead of his own flock, but ho did not do so in contempt of the Pittsburg Presbytery. Tho Kev. A. W . McClurkln of Now Alexandrin was the first called for trial. He confused his accusers by pointing out that he had been convicted for what others did, on false evidence, without nn opportunity to defend himself, and by a proceeding irregular and illogaL This so impressed the Synod that it was decided to give him a separate trial after the other flvo havo boen disposed of. Flu tor Committed for TrlaU Lo.tDON, June 8. Edward Pinter, alias "Sheeny Al," who Is charged with attempting to obtain $40,000 from Edward Streetor, tho Bond street Joweler, by moans ot the philosopher's stone game, Whs again under examination at the Marlborough Street Pollco Court. One witness was produced who proved that the prisoner had in April last purchased from him twelve ounces ot potters brown gold. Tho prisoner was then formally committed for trial. Tim Cotleuo Students Drowned. New Brunswick, N. J., Julie 8. Wnl ter Pfolfer, of Willlamsport, N. J., and Wlllard P. Smith, of Hallsvillo, N. Y., freshmen In Eutgors' College, were drowned last evening while bathing in tho canal. It is supposed that one ot the young men was seized with cramps and that his companion went to his assist ance and tried to save him, when they wero both drowned. Senator, Gathering Statlstlos. New Yobk, June 8. Senator Jones ot Nevada arrived in town yesterday, nnd Joined Senators Hiscock and Carlisle. These three are members of tho Senato Committee on Tariff. They prepared a formula for collecting statistics of the wages paid employes in all industries. Another mooting will bo held this after noon. No News from the Clinrlcston. WxBniNOTOS, Juno 8. No news has been received at tho Navy Department from tho Charleston, and her silence, naval officers think, indicates that she had nothing of importance- to report at Callao, and has tafcon on hor supply of coal nnd left for Iqulquo, where she will report to Admiral McCann and act under his orders. Attorney General Bllllor Uuitcll, WAsmsQTO.v, June U. Attorney Gen eral Miller was not well enough to attend the regular Cabinet meeting, but expects to be all right In a fow days. New American IHihopi. Losdox, June 8. Tho Pope will nomi nate (10 bishops ut to-morrow's consistory, inoludlng bishops for Milwaukee. Salt Lake, Omaha and Dallas. flighest of all in Leavening Power. absolute Of pmm CALL FOR BONDS. Interest on tho Tour and Ono-IInlf Fof Cents AVltl Ccaao Septomber 3. Washington, Juno 3. Secretary Fos ter has Issued n circular that tho princi pal and accrued lntorest of such of tho four and one-half per cent, bonds Issued under tho nets of July 14, 1S70, nnd Jan. t0, 1871, ns may bo outstanding on tho 2d day of Sept., 1801, will be pnld at tho .treasury oi tlio united states in the city of Washington on that day, nud that tho lntorest on the said bonds will thon cease. Suggestions hnvo been made on tho point of the holders of norno of thoio bonds of n desire to extend tho paymont thereof at the option of the United States nt tho rnto of 1 or 1 1-2 per cent Per an num, and tho Secretary of tho Treasury will hereafter consider whether tho ac ceptance of such offers or nny of them win uo proutaule to tho government, nnd in thnt event reserves tho right to except such bonds from his call. It Is officially stated that tho sugges tion as to the extension of the 4 1-2 per cent, bonds was ndded to tho call made by Secretary Foster moro ns n matter of prudenco than necessity. Tho Treasury Department, It is stated by tho samo au thority, is abundantly able to pay all of tho $51,000,000 4 1-2 per cent, bonds out standing, but In view of tho uncertainty of tho public receipts and expenditures, it is judged bettor to take tho eldo of safety. Ono of tho purposes, It is stated, of nffordlug nn opportunity for odors in re gard to an extension of tho 4 1-2 per cont. bonds is tho desiro to avoid the enforced retirement of a part or all of tho National bank circulation secured by those bonds, amounting to $28,000,000. HOW IS YOUR CHILD? Swift's Specific is tho great developer, of dolicate child ren. It regulates the secre tions; it stimulates the skin to healthy action, and assists nature in development. There is no tonic for child ren equal to 3 S Bond for oar treatiso on Blood ao4 BMn Diseases. Swot Si'mvio Co, Atlanta, Cto iU in TIIEATRK DUII.DING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, S.W.Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dnlly From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Paid on hutIiiks Deposits. Street Railway!: vTOCK In the MAHANOY 01TY f HHENANDOAII, GIRAIID VILLE and ASHLAND BTKEET RAILWAY can yet he procured, and parties contemplating Invest ment should apply at once at the office of WILLIAM KIMMEL, 24 N, Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa. mUIE contract for the construction ot the road between Shenan doah and Ashland has been award, ed and will be completed within 00 days from the lime the ground is broken for the station, CAES RUNNING BY JULY. T IS expected that cars will be running between Shenandoah nnd Ashland no later than July, Good Investment! Fust Ban Mil U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ONE HOUR IN A TRANCE. Miss Scott's St ran Ilzperlenco When Going to llor atothnr's I'unornl. Aluanv, N. Y., June 8. A special dis patch from Schohario relates the case of Jliss Scott going into a for 40 min utes. She was about to loavo for Pron tou Hollow, 18 milos distant, to attend tho funeral of her mother, when she be came unconscious and could not be aroused for nearly an hour. Whon she regained her senses Bhe ro. lated to her attendants all the details of her mother's funeral, describing the dress iu which the body was clothed, the llowers hold In her hand, also n peculiar spot, or indentation 011 her lips, which had not occurred until after death. Miss Scott hid been iu feeble health for some tlino and had not sceu her mother for soma weeks. Look at Him I A rear ncro he was not expected to live. Liver comnlalnt almost killed him. He (rot great relief from three buttles 01 Sulphur jmiera, nuu six uoums uurcu uuu wiiwr LAKESIDE- Driuing Park, (East Jlahanoy Junction) HISTORICAL Wild West Show FOU ONE WEEK 01TLY O aS 1 1 od 1 1 1 1 CO Indian Villi?;, Cowlsoy and Mm Encampment 5JD the onlr herd of Trained and Spotted Mustangs. Tho whole history of a nation told In a iiiriinug arama oi civiuziuiuu, uo nlctlue the ncrlls. hardships and heroism of pioneer life on the plains, requiring in its completion over 800 daring scouts, trappers, cowboys, Indian lighters, Mexican Vacqueros and Sonoros.ChlolM with their Warrlors.Uravea, Squaws nnd 1'apooses. A held of spotted Mexi can jiusiangB,ueraogenueinaiuu Pontes and Texas Bronchos. The largest and grandest exhibi tion of (ho kind on the American continent. Owning and traveling In Its own handsomely equipped railroad train. The first bivouac of Mexican Vacqueros direct from old Mexico, headed by Don ze Anno, the famous Mexican leader, and Senor Francisco, the king ol all riders and ropers, expert and matchless In lariat throwing and reckless horsemanship, Iralrie Schooners and Indian Travoys, whole herd of American BUFFALO and TEXAS STEERS. LO 1 I 125 A true representation of an Indian : Buffalo : Hunt ! Showing the manner of branding wild cattle on our western iromier; startling ana wonderful display of snapshooting by frontiersmen, cowboys nnd Indians led by Moj. G. WILUAM LILLIE, (PAWKXE DILL) Famous and fearless Fonv Exnrcss Illders. showing the mode of carrying Important (lls- patcnes across tne plains ueiore me introduc tion ot the telegraph. A band of verltlble Mexican vacnueros. direct from Mexico, tbe greatest roukh-rlders In tho world. renormanoes every aiieruoou. apvcuu ex cursion trains each day. uou'i torget tue piaco ana aate, Lakeside Driving Park, Mutt Mhanoy Junction, 15,16,17,18, 19 and 20 AIJMIHHION, 35 CcutH Clillilreii, under la yrs., 15 Cents TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of ) Comptboi,leh of tub CunnitNCY, v iraii(iff(on, 4pr(l 8, lfeOl. J Whereas, Hy satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that "The ilerchantt' Natlonul Bankof Shenandoah," In the Borough of Shenandoah, In the County of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania, bos compiled with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking. Now, Therefore, I, Edward B. Lacey, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby cer tify that "Tbe Merchants' National' Dank ol Shenandoah," In the Borough ol Shenandoah, In the County of Schuylkill, nnd State ol Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business ol banking as provided In section ally-one hundred nnd sixty-nine of tbe Ho- vlscd Statutes of tbe United States. tr--. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wit jKALj ness my hand and seal of otllce this 8th day of April, 1891. No. 1510. E S- LACEY, Comptroller of the Currency, 1 B LL S . BASEBALL SCORES. '".ft Nntlonut Leacuo. " AT N2W YOIUC Now York 1 101 1013 0-7 Cleveland 0 0000000 00 Ilatterlee J. Hiving and Clarko: Seward nnd Zlmincr. AT BOSTOX Iloston 0 3 10 3 0 11 0 M Cincinnati 8 0 1 0 4 0 0 x-10 llattcrles Clnrkson ami (Inuacl; Uadbourne and Clark. AT BROOKLYN. Ilrooklyn 08801131 1-15 Pittsburg 1 000 1) 003 0-0 llatterles Lovettnn 1 Daly; King and Ueilly. AT rUtLAfiEM'IIlA. Philadelphia 0210000 3-8 Chicago 0 0000000 0-0 llatterles Gleason aud Dement; Quiubcrt and llonRn. Tho National League Kecord. ' Per Per niihi. iron. Lmt ct ai6. mm. iwt. ct Chl0BBO....31 11 .038 Cleelmd..l8 18 .BOO NewYork.,18 15 .515 Phll'defa.. 18 17 .412 Pittsburg ..Id 10 .500 Ilrooklyn ..11 90 .301 lkxtou ....17 17 .500 HI .400 . Association Games. AT ST. LOtHS. St Louis ...0 11000020 3-0 Ilaltlmora 0 8010001 04 Iluttorlos Stlvetts and Hoyle; MoMahon ami Townsond. The games scheduled for Columbia, Cincin nati and Louisville were postponed on account of ratu. The Association Itecord, Ver Per Chilx. ITon. ImI. CI aula. irVm. Ixt. Ct Boston. .,27 15 .043 Cincinnati. Ill 84 .407 altlmoroSo 16 .083 Columbus.. 80 24 .455 it. Louls.,80 18 .017 LU'Vlllo....20 27 .480 Athletics. 30 33 .470 Wash'ton. ..13 88 .28: Eastern League. AT rnOVIDEXCE. rrovklenco 0 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 x 3 Albany 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-8 Batteries M. J, Sullivan and Murphy; Dev. llu and llcss. AT LEDANO.V Lebanon 0 0001100 03 Rochester 3 0000100 04 Ilattcrles-Sralth, Anderson and Bushong; &naw ami uowiuuu. AT TltOY. Oamo postponed on account of rain. AT NEW HAVES, Now Ilnven 0 0 3 1 0 03 Syracuse 0 0 0 0 0 00 Il.ittcrlos Clarkson and Wilson; Person and Qulnn. FIVE MEN KILLED. Terrible Results from n Dollor ExploBlon Iu u Sw Mill. Bowlino Gnr.ES, Va., Juno 3. A fright ful boiler explosion, resulting in tho death of live men nnd tho wounding of eight others, nil dangerously, occurred in J. l Jordan's snw mill hoar this plnco, Tho killed nro: William Scot, Lnwronco Hnyos, William Jnycs, John Fry, coforod, and Wosonm Catlott. seven other colored men and ono whito man woro rescuod nlivo, but their injuries are so serious that thoy nil mny dio. Tho cause of tho oxplosion, which com pletely wrecked tho building, has not yot ueen uollnlteiy determined, WILL FIGHT THE STANDARD. OH Troducors Holding a Secret Conven tlou nt llradford. Bradford, Pa., Juno 3. Delegates from ovory producers' protective association assembly in tho oil region nro holding a secret convention horo. Tho purpose of the meeting Is to orgnn lzo a compnny to competo with tho Stand ard Oil Company in producing, rellnlng and marketing petroleum. Pipo lines will be built throughout tho producing regions and tho seaboard, and a number of largo reilnories will bo erected. Only tho outline of tho schemo Is mado public. Tho details nro promisee1, whon all plans have boen perfected. BREAKS THE RECORD. Tristan Ilonts Tonny and Wins tho Rich Metropolitan Handicap. New York, Juno 8. Tho race for tho rich Metropolitan Handicap at Morris Park wa3 ono of tho grandost struggles over seen on tho turf. Tho mighty Tonny was beaten, though ho showed himself worthy of tho people's confidence. Ho carried 129 pounds to Tristan's 114, and was beaten only a Ht tlo over half a length In 1:31 1-2, a second and n quarter taster than tho provious best on record. Now York Dlasons In Session. New York, Juno b. There are 721 lodges represented In tho 110th nnnunl communication of the Orand Lodgo, Froo and Accepted Masons now in session at Masonic Hall, Twenty-third street and Sixth nvenuo. In delivering his an nual nddress, Grand Master Vroomnn paid a high trlhuto to tho memory ot tho fraternal dead ot tho past yoar. Ho also congratulated tho fraternity upon tho prosperity, peace nnd harmony which prevallod among tho craft. All tho lodges in tho Stato were reported In a flourishing condition. Disposing of Infants. Danhtjry, CoDn., Juno is. Tho body of a prematurely born Infant, which was found in the yard of a tenement house hero yestorday, led to the belief that n child murder had occurred. An investi gation was instituted, and it was ascer tained that tho mother was Mary Cogs well, who lived with Qeorgo Corsa, n woll-known young man. It was also learned that Corsa had previously se cretly burled at least ono infant. Corsa has disappeared. To Make Good Doyer's Losses. HARmsBURO, Pa,, Juno 0. Ono hundred nnd twenty-live thousnnd dollars havo beon placed on deposit In several banks by the sureties of Stato Treasurer Boyer, in order to make good the losses by the Stato In the Holamntor nnd Jtimlscn fall- On Trial for Mnrder. HrvERiiEAD, L. I., Juno U. John D. Young ot Southhold, L. I., Indicted for murder in tho first degree, is on trial in this plnco. Young Is charged with killing his concilium, Carl Carlson, on Fob. 4 Inst. Young Is defended by Charles W. Brooko of New York. Attempt to Wreck a Train. Watkrbtjry, Conn., Juno 8, An at tempt was runde to wreck tho 12:15 p, m. New England westbound trnln nt Bowan's farm near here, A number of ties and logs wero found piled on the mils, but the engineer, seeing the obstructions In time, stopped the train. . Some merchants get the best they can; some get the meanest they can. j Your dealer in lamp-chim-neys-what does he get for you? There are common glass and tough glass.tough against heat. There are foggy and clear. There are rough and fine. There are carefully made and! hap-hazard. ,i, You can t be an expert in chimneys ; but this you can do. Insist on Macbeth s "pearl top" or "pearl glass" which ever shape you require. They are right in all those ways ; and they do not break from heat, not one in a hundred. Be willing to pay a nickel more for them. "a J'UUburrf. QSO. A. MACBJI3 X CO. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1873. W. Baker&Co.'s rsakfast from which tho excess oi oil has boen removed, 13 Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It Las more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, costing less than one cent, a ciij. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioested, nnd admirably adapted for invalids ns well n3 for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Miss, Udifs !?.oo and other tnectal. tics for Gentlemen. ranted, and so stamped on hottom. Address W.l,.l)Ol,(;i,AS,llrockton,Mtt!s. solan" liuuil'h, ,'ic, nru war Josoioli Sail,: iS 10.030. zaac3Lola 8io mill Upwards CAN HE INVESTED IN A FOHX'rrVIS AMI frJAFIi 15 PorCent. Dividend Paying Stock. Full particulars and ' Prospectus can be had on application or addressing S. I.. ril.ill'H()N, IJauUcr, O4 llronilwllv, Si.V. ARE THE BEST. 100 6tylcs, prices to suit all. Wsi, Ayhks & Sons, I'iiu-adeu'iiia. Hold by ail dealers. Chl.tinUr". KnflLh Diamond Ilrul. TOYROYAL FiLLS Original and (Inly Crnuloe Art, alwiy reJUbl. laoic ik DrUrTgl for ChicXttttrt JMaluh In. ynoml Brand la ltid ml 6 fJmrttlllo' hoiM, H&I01I wfih bias ribbon TaLe no othpp. Rtfutt J and!? r rua tubilifu lion ana imitation A mcgglsli, or eoa la iurari fr rtrtlrulan ttlmooifcU tnoi " Ilfllvf for r.udleft," in tetter, by retain MalL IO.OOO 'iiuaoBlli. A'amt Pavtr. rti I h rat 1-Che nit on I Co..)tdlinn NniiwM. 80M br ill Ioc&l Urutftiiu. l'MUdit. I'm Tba ei "it rtliftblt ud iuoetitfol 1 nUtui ftr tUdieuc efUib Special DiseascstBlooaPoiscn CLCER1. binluh-i. IMmpltt, tnm Uoutli, Throat, IrrlttttftD. Sfltli Inti, InQimtnUtoni, K14ntj lil&dder.LoaiTltiUir.WfkkUctt Teikoeii lebilltr, Imp.lrel Ucrrnry n4D7. 6ttlctors tUdlietiu rtiuiilng from jcutiiful error or from orcrorkt OldiVoune Middle Aged don't nffr toy lom-r. ort U ctruiu, do aiperlm at, I h7 Trjtltn koowa t tut lietl lurilett toleni: obitlnnte o4 old eur iollotll, uciiiiutt who(fclle4rclitftouco rrctbcttti ouni la ta 10 dj, Earoieaa Hopitfct eii eritoce la Qermmr. " ltod. Frtnot and luititi, m lerilflottti and dtjilou.M pret nd Ifl year 1 rrtlcl f ii'Jtience 10,000 oaci cored yn- iri nnfii,i,'iaT,rt,Biodaotir,"r 3lUfUUU anj-rofe ta MtttakfH, koowidn au(l ttxriaaoa and who cud liovr many paiiaati pertnaoiBll oortd aa loan aft r quoki and aditrttfflnr docuin La ralnad them. Bend 3c anp for to . "TKUTll" on WllmoolaUtfu-o'l' quai aa aul a lvertUlna dociora w tbttr falt and hauduleut guaraute and tUmout 1. tttiir tiparituor, tbuv da uut aud Uirtr Maau wf rounding moo j or frmtiily 'alkwaud tMrelnjap aodworlnleii draia neither f f which cure ynu tit are imd aa decoya aod reeuil larolD nf eorindinrf vlciltu Orner Hom-Brttrjdayfro-i M nll' M pnin-ri t" WrrtoeedaJ aod Saiardat Kh fr. u, -U buu latr fn.m v toll, Vet Hdu Ja. 1 .1 t."ir jfjr 1'hi.a Tim. FIRE INSURANCE I Litjtit iti Olitit Billill! Put! Ctii Ceiftilti KepresenteO, by DAVID FAUST, 130 H, Jardln Street, 8HKNAND0AH.PA i. n 1 1 viasrm L' DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 1 L