Shenandoah Herald. PUBLISHED 11AILY AND WEEKLY. 8. 0. EOYEU, Editor and Publisher, W. J. WATE1NS. Local Editor. subscription rates: DAILY, rer year Wkklt, per year,., ..J3 00 .. 1 80 Weather Indications. WAsni.wron, Juno 3. For Now England anj Dnstern Now York: Showers; stationary temperature; variable winds. For New Jersey: Showers; stationary tem pernturo; southerly winds. For Western Now York and Western 1'cnn. fylvnnltt! Showers; stationary teinjienvturo; varlablo winds. HAYOC OF A CYCLONE A SEW VOltlt JUHKKTS. EnUred nt the Potofno, at Shenandoah, Pa., for transmission through the Malls as seeoud class mall msttor. t'UBIilBHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. Nnw Your, June 3. Money on call leaned aH and 4 per cent. BONDS. 4Uk. 1801 Ues, 4, 1WU Coup. Colliery Englneor Pookot Book Tho Colllory EnRinocr Co,, Soranton. Pa., Publisher?. This is a convenient vol mo of over 400 pages printed on flue paper .with dear nBW typo, thus onabllnK the publishers to furnish a vast amount ol matter in handy shape. This book has been especially prepared for the use of colliery officials and mineri who have lon left the want of a convenient nnd simple reference book, containing rule and tables specially adapted to tboir use. It is a text-book for the miner who if studying the principles of ventilation, min ing, etc., and tho most convenient pocket book for tbe mining engineer, superinten dont, or othor colliery officials. It was not prepared for college graduates, and any intelligent man can understand the princi ples and rulos contained in It. No other book is required by tho student for a mine foreman's certificate. Tho following, among many olhnr sub jects, nro treated on in full : Arithmetic; monsuration; woights and moasuros; strongth and woightof materials; prospecting; timboring; methods of work ing; gases; vontilation; colliery machinery; survoying; mino railways; steam; faults; oloctricity; squaros; cubes; squaro roots, and cubo roots; sinoe; tangents, etc., traverse tables, etc., etc. tlnnnrl In rlnth 82 00 Hound In flexible leather, round corners., 2 50 Hound In flexible leather, with flap 2 Closing Yesterday. , 100 100 110 iaoM Closing To-duy. 100 100 110 VtOH Terrific, Tornado Savcops Over South Dakota. THE PEOPLE BADLY FMGHTENEr Tliroa Men Killed and a Great Deal Property Destroyed. , OOl , atr .I": 4 . 1907 nee. 4 s, 1007 Coup, STOCK MARKET. Clonlng-Yesterday. Canadian rnclllo 70 Central Pacific 80 Chicago, Htm & Qulncy... Delaware .V Hudson Del., Lack. Western Erie Kite prcf Luke Shore Louis. Nosh Michigan Central .Missouri raclflo.... Vm, .Imwv Ontml Northwi'Stcrn 107( Oieiron Navigation i2 . Pacific Mall aM llenrthnr gov Itock Island 78 St. Vmil 02V Union rueine Westoru Union 80 1'llODUCE MAHKET.. June. July. Wheat 10W lft Corn 0J mi OuU 4,ii MERCANTILE EXCUANOIi linttr Miirkpt llrm. Western extras. 18Wc. CbocMt Market quiet but steady. State factory new full crcura cholco white, OHo. EgKS-Market linn. State fresh, 10ical84 0.; western, lucuiuo. Closlni To-day. T!t 30 87W 130U ISM! 101 50 10WS 74$ 11M 107 i 1 351$ 31 Aug. 103M sow 00J Till; IK 11LOOD WAS HV1DENTLY HI- l'HKB, St. Pnul called the Cretans "slow bellies, costive, 111-ulsposeil and mischievous." Cactus Llood Cure would have remedied all that. Ills of the llesh vanish beforo pure blood. Scrofulous and speclllo blood poisons are now curauie. Hold at Klrfln's Drug Store, Ferguson House mock sneunnaoan. A Long Silence Tho splro of St. Helen's church, In 'ttin tsio of Wiilit. which was built In Hha beginning of the last century and (shortly afterword struck by lightning, 'had, as was supposed, tho largo bell of Its chime cracked, as the tone was very 'much muffled. Tho other day a church warden happened to bo In the belfry, and through curiosity examined the, boll, lie found that thoro was not a crack In it, but a pieco of wood broken from tho wheel was pressing against tho edge and stopping the vibration. Tills being removed, tho boll, after being muffled for ono hundred and Boventy years, rang out merrily to tho astonishment of tho Inhabitants ol tho town. Suddon Deaths. Heart disease Is bv far the mostfreauent cnuto of sudden death, which In three outof four cases is unsuspected. Hie sympiomsaro not generally understood. These are: lying on the rltrht, side, short breath, uoln or dis tress lu side, bade or shoulder, Irregular mine, asthma, weak nnd nuugry spells, wina ju siuiuucii, swenuiK ui iiium-a ui uiuj'oj F 0! MARIIIt n.i -tfl single. W hen trouble! with tbo.n nnnorlna IrretfnftrltIp-.( frninentlT followuii; n cnlil or iipcHiire, or froiaOon .tltutlouiu Vii'.ikneB&-s no peculiar to their eooula Use DR. DuCHOIME'S celenrntea FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. 'heynm Btrengthentnc to the entire fiyitrf-, lapnjx )ne, lornnd mimnetlc lorceto all fnnctloneot bojj il tatnd. Kent uy mini, eecureiy Beaiwi, ii. r. Hartor Mediclno CO..ST.LDU1S. rnu. oppression, dry couch nnd smothering. Dr. Allies' Illustrated book on Heart Disease, free nt o. H HiiL'piibiirli. who sell nnd iruaranleo Dr. Miles' uneqiialed New Heart Cure, nod his ltestoramc Nervine, which cures nervous ncss, headache, sleeplessness etlects of drlnlt' log, etc. It contains no opiates, Somo of tho singor's highest notes an those she tucks into her pocketbook. Shiloh's Consumption Ouro. This Is beyond Question the most suc cessful Couch Medicine we have ever so d. a few doses Invariably cure the worst cases ol Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, wbllo Its won derful success In the euro of Consumption Is without a parallel In the history of medicine. Hlnce It's first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other mediclno can stand. It you have a Cough wo earnestly unit you to try it. l'rlce 10 cents, B0 cents, and 11.10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or ltactc lame, use Hlilloh's i'orous Plaster. Bold bv C. II. Hagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and Lloyd streets. from tho South The vestlbulcd compartment sleenluc cars recently Introduced on tho Chlrago, HI. l'aul and Kansas City Railway aro models of com. fort, convenience and luxury. Any patron of the sleeping car Is enabled, by the introduc tion oi i uese roinpuriuieui. cuts, iu pecuie ine same privacy ana i onvenieuce mui jie wouia In the best hotel. No other line west of Chi eniro runs the enmnartment cars, lu nddl Hon, the trains are equipped with the regular nnen I'ullman sleener. L'lvluc passengers theli choice. Tlie dl.ilug car service Is fully up to me requiremems oi moueru railway service. An excellent cuisine, promptly Bcrved amid elecruut surroundings, at moderate charges. leaves noiniug now iu uo uesireu, Auy ui our nennie contemmaunE: a inn to anv nan oi tne wpRt nr northwest cannot ro&slblv secure better accommodations or lower lates thar, by ndaressing w. f. uooiey, uenerai Agent oi tne l'assenger aepanmeni, mi wutbinuiou. l'nuaueipuia, i-a. WHITE PEAKS AND DARK CANONS. Colorado Is a land of sham contrasts, ol UllJUUUb Jiiuia, vii in icueu puauirns, u muu where heights and depths make obvious the raennlng of the word antithesis; a land where everv mood In mind can nnd nil answering mooa in nature, ine uigu, wuite minareis oi tne mountains, irom wuose sienaer pinnacles float the wind-blown banners oi the snow, ap peal wnn sueut eloquence to me tony aspira' lions oi me soui: me somure cuasms cieit. o. Titan forces through irranlte-hearted hill wltmn wuose aepms aarK suaaows inrong TZzk plants aro nrrivinf; in tho city markets. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per hnris nf lha sure annrmich nf that more ter rible disease. Consumntlon. Astc yourselves If you can atlord for the sake of saving 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from experience that Bhlloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million liotllcs wero sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopplne Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame Back, Hide or Chest, use Hhlloh's I'orous Master. Bold by u. Ji. liagenbucn, n. corner juain ana Lloyd streets. Kipo cherries aro selling in town at 8 to 10 cents a quart Rocky Mountain Ouro. Tho druggists claim that pooplo call daily for tho now euro for constipation and sick hoadacho, discovered by Dr. Silas Lano whilo in the Kocky Mountains. It Ib said to bo Oregon grapo root (a great romody in tho far "West for thoso'com plaints) combined with simple herbs, and is mado for uso by pouring on boiling water to draw out tho strongth. It soils at 60 cents a packago and is called Lano' Family Alodicino. Spring ohiokens aro becoming of better size and quality. Hold It totno Light. Tho man who tolls you confidentially UBt what will cure your oold is prescribing Komp's Balsam this year. In tho prop- aration of this remarkablo modicino for coughs and colds no expenso is spared combine only tho best and purest Ingredi onts. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam to tho light and look through it; notlco tho bright, cloar look; then compare with othir remedies. Prico COc. and ?1 Iron is eood for the blood, but no ono wants it admlniitored in the shapo of car pt tacks. Mll&a' ftorve and Liver Fills Aot on a new principle regulating i nc liver, stomach and bowels throuahlhenrrrn, A now discovery. Dr. Miles' Tills speedily cute biliousness, uaa taste, torpia iiver.pues, constipation, liuequaled tor men, women children. Bmallest, mlMest.surestl, Kcts. Bamples Free, at C. il. Hagenbuch1 1 rug store, Thoro aro oven stockings to match tho .stiver kid shooe. SPECIAL NOTICES. and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart. i n language that thrills, Inspires nud awes. It does not follow that these glories of white peaks and those glooms of uarK canons pre clude the pleasant Intervals, the sunny meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the tired mind or weaned bojv may nnd neaco- ful rest and refuge from turmoil and toll. To one making a Journey In Colorado, New Mexico or Utah, or taking a transcontinental' lour irom laist to west, or vice versa, ine lien' ver nnd Itlo Grande Railroad otters ncconi' modatlons equal In elegauce.convenlence nnd luxury to tnose oi any otuer line wun me ad ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenery along Its line, abounding In a magnificent opulence of white peaks nnd dark canons, The month of November, 1SW, witnessed one ,;jitiiiiiiiitiiijiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiimiinniiiniinimmiiiiniiiiJf v' Rh W 'V n am Horses Lifted from the around and Hurled Into the Air Houses nnd Harm Literally Carried Away llio Dobrls ol tho Storm Sprena Along Its Lino fol Nearly n 31110. WATEnTOWN, S. D., Juno 8. A torriut storm swept over a portion of this scctloi last cveuiug. Its funnel shnpo appearing close to tho ground, its whirling motion, tho roar like tho crackling of a lire with which its was accompanied indicated tc tho frightened peoplo that tho storm wul of tho crclonio order. Fortunately it struck tho city on th extreme eastern limit, whero tho build' lugs wero scattered, and tho whole city la thankful to-day that it came no closer. Six bams were demolished. Tho path of tho storm was only about 100 feet wide, and it wns miraculous that not a slnglo houso within the city limits was In its way. Horses wore lifted from tho ground, hurled into the air and sent sprawling to tho earth, wagons wero taken up and hurled to atoms. Five miles northeast of lioro two houses and three barns wero Htornlly carried away. Tho debris from tho storm ns left this city spread nlong its lino for nearly mile. O. P. Chandler and his son woro in one of tho barns when tho storm struck it, and they wero pinned under tho boards uutll assistance came, but woro oniy slightly Injured, Three peoplo wero killed at Hazol, 10 miles southwest of hero, and tho Btorm is said to have been very severe in that vicinity. No othor fatalities havo beon yet reported. rMljCJ rUK UALIUU. S Some time last winter there appeared 5 In the columns of tho Bangor Oomnu r S cial ti description of a remnrkable euro efleetod by tho use of Brown's Sarea ; parllla upon the person of Reuben S Severance, a well known nnd highly es ; teemed citizen of Upper Stillwater, Me. S With a view to placing the facts In tho S case of Mr. Severance beyond dispute, ; nnd to present them In such a form ns to S satisfy tho doubts of tho most IncreJu 5 lous, a party of several gentlemen, in ; eluding Mr. Warren, of tho Brown's I HarsnparlllaCompany,and Ex-Ooveruor Dnvls, drove out a few days ago to tho ; pleasant leskleneoof Mr, Severance. Ills S story ns taken down from his own Hps ; nud sworn to before Gov. Davis, appears ; below. was obliged to have my pants .ut very t large In tlielegtoncconiluodntethc swel- ! ling. It wns tho source of much niortl- flcatlou ns well ns sufferlnn to me. At S this time the symptoms grow rnyldly S more acute. The least exertion or strain upon the affected part would causo In- I tense, tearing palu, like the sticking of needles Into tho tlesh. 1 finally was ; obliged to abandon work entirely and S took to my bed. I abandoned hopo and ; prnyod for death to reliee mv suffer- I! lugs. Physlciansexanilnedmeandeald S that nothing could relieve mo but tho cutting out of the tumor, end that the E chances wero that 1 would die under the S operation, Tho risk they believed to bo ; too great to Justify It. At this tlmo I S commenced taking Brown'sSarsupnrllla j Philadelphia and Beading .Railroad. Time Table in (fleet May 10, 1801 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS, For New York via Philadelphia, week davq. 2..0 6.25, 7.20 a. m, and 12.35 2.60 and SjA p. m. rjununy li.iu ana 7.ts a. m, ror new York, via Manch Chunk, week days, 5,23. . ui a, ,,n wuuu uuim, r.zo, a. m. and 12.33 and 2.C0 p. m. eipt av.2 For Harrlsburg, week days, a, m,i For lteadlnir and Phllndefnhla week davs. 2.10, 6.23, 7.20, a. m 12.S5 2.60 and 6.63 p; m, 3nuuay, 2.iu ana 7,4s a. m. Oisappears by the Use ef I, Beuben Severance, of Upper Still water, Me., do mako the following state ment of facts; About fourteen years ago a tumor came In my grolu. It wnsatflrstobout the slzo of a pea nnd did not troublo mo much. It gradually Increased In slzo, however, anil was accompanied by severe, darting pains. My wholo system become disordered. My food did not digest; had attacks of dizziness; roaring sounds in my ears; palpitation of tho heart, which scorned nt times to come up In my throat ; passed many slcep loss nights. In tho summer of 1883, tho tumor had grown to such slzo that It extended nearly tho wholo dis tance to the kneo, nnd weighed, I should thluk, at least six or teven pounds. I as n kind of forlorn hope. I experienced an Immediate change for the better; my nppetl to returned ; food ceasod to trouble mo ; tho ringing noise loft my head, nud best of all tho tumor began to shrivel up and disappear. It Is now, nnd has been for somo time, entirely gone. I feel twenty-flvo years younger than I did a yoar 0450; my general health hat never been better. I can nnd do work from morning to night, and enjoy being nblo to do so. Only two or three days ago I worked In tho hay Hold all day mowing heavy grass. I sny Ood bless tho man who Invented this medicine. IIo should wear n crown. I mean always to keep n bottlo of Brown's SarsapnrlUa by mo while I live. (Signed) Reuben Severance. S At all Druggists I.OO. 0 bottles for 5.00 vOON'T tako Something clso "Just as good," IT IS NOT. ? ADA Wareen & Co., Solo rroprictors.Bangor, Me. t WILL of the most Important Improvements In rail tnat nns vet been mado in Col orado and the West. The completion of the standard gauge of the Denver and HloQraude luiuroau irom uenver, coioraao, over tne mountains to Oirden. Utah, which rive vears ago was deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly a triumph of daring and engineering skill. ine uew line is uy tne way 01 leaaviije, tun nellng Tennessee Pass, threading the canons of the Kagle and Grand Itlvers, giving a view ol the Mount of the Holy Cross, enronte, tak ing Its trains through Olenwood Hprlngsand down the Grand lllver to Grand Junction, thence to Salt Lake City, Ogden and Ban Francisco. By this route one is given an op- lortunlty to beliold tue mngnincenceorioigie tlver Canon nnd the marvelous benuty and grandeur of tho Canon of tho Grand. The overland train Is a model In every respect, f rom tne engine to tne last nrst-ciass coacu everything Is bright nud new, and of the most elegant style of workmanship and finish. if anv reader desires to know more about these stupendous works of nature, write toH. K. Hooprr, General Passenger Agent,Denver, Colorado, and hewlll send vou. free of cost. elegantly Illustrated books, giving a full de scription of the marvels of the '-Scenic Line,"- Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide, A Comical Sccno In Tahiti Ten lengths for Ten Hogs. Our good ship Boss lay at anchor full eight miles from shoro. In two boats, filled with bright, glit tering things, wo slipped out from tho craft, and under tho floating folds of tho American flag moved through tho waves to Tahiti; noarlng tho shoro wo rounded the low coral roofs, and rowed through the softly curving Inlets, and soon saw throngs of natives filing to tho beach, bearing upon their heads trays and rndo baskets heaped with tropical luxuries. Tliero woro ten in our partj- threo sailors with us and flvo iu tho othor boat under chargo of tho mato, and both boats wero loaded with tho wares wo expected to eschango for poultry, ptga and fruits, writes tho wifo of Capt. Charjlln, In Wide Awake. As we came nearer stalwart natives loaned into tho hoavy surf and bore mo upon their shoulders to tiio beach, whero wonder-oyed women and children stood ready to offer us refreshment. This over, our treasures of barter wero exlilbltod Imlvcs, scissors, combs, pins, tinware, gay ribbons and bright cotton goods. Nothing was regarded with such covetous eyes as a roll of brilliant calico a regular "Dolly Var- don" pattornj upon an Intensely yellow irround wero all manner of odd and novel devices, crowns, minute baby faces. HToteeqno old mon and women with pipes and canes, flags, rings, hugs and birds, frogs, toads and gay butter flies all fantastically arranged, and in divers colors in strongly contrasting shades and tints; it was as il earth, sea and sky had offered tribute. Losu, a mighty Tahltian chieftain, read la tho eyes of his ton obediem) wives their longinir for this brflllant cloth. CaUlntr for Dacto, Iiaproo, lloory, Jlintab and half a dozen others, ho dispatched them for ton pigs, young and tender, these ho would offer in ox- hango. For each pig should bo given him its length of collcoj from 6nd oi snout to end of toil its measurement should bo, and tho gay fabric thus measured should bo delivered to him in ono entire length. Tho men, returning with their squirm ing, squealing burdens, ranged them selves in a circle. Imagine tho uproar and din) our sailors, nearly dead with fun and laughter, rollod upon tho ground, and tho captain and mysoU wero convulsed with silent mernmen Tho mate stood ready with tho rolL when ono pig breaking loose gave the) cue for freedom, and liigglety, piggletyl tho wholo of them frantically freed themselves and ran for tho woods, tho surprised men following suit, yet wholly unable, through oonvulslvo laughter, to Immediately regain their floemg mer chandise. This trial ol athletes, quad ruped and biped, bade fair to occupv CLEAR THE C03IPI,EXIOrf, 1IIIKSIITP.N THE F.YES, SWEETEN THE UltEATn, TONE THE STOMACII, REGULATE THE T.IVE1L AND llOWELS. nnd IlUlLlI UP TUB WHOLE SYSTEM TO PEltFECT HEALTH. Ah u PIciiHimt nud s j.. il. Cl 1 in.. ! cuecllvo Cathartic usoTBQOI I ant2 S fOUOOIWI 1 1 81 fl IS every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED BE UP TO THE IVJARK ON 1.(0. 6.5!) t). m. Kor AMentown, week dayi), 7.20 1. m., 12.SS W0 p.m. Kor Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10,7.10,8. m., i2.35 2.E0 aud6.65p.m. Bunday, 2.10 and 7.13 m For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week lays, 2.10, 5.2i, 7.20. a. m., 12.35 2.C0 and 6.55 p. in. oununj. i,w nna 7. a, m, Aaaitionai lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00p.m, Kor Lancaster and Columbia, week dayg, 1.20 a. ni 2.60 p.m. ' For Wllllamsport, Hunbury and Lewlsburg, week days, 3.25, 7.20 nnd 11,30 a. m., 1,35, 7,00 p. m, Bunday 3:25 u. m. tor Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 S.25, ( 25. 7.20 aud 11.30 a.m.. 12.35. 1.33. 2.S0. 6.55. 7.01) ane V.tb, p. m. Bunday, 2.10, 8.25 nnd 7.1(5 a. m, s.eap. m. For Glrardvllle (llappnbannock Htatlon) ' unjD, 0,AJ, I1.AU,, IllIU ll.tUH. UI,, 12.35, 1 3o, 2.60, 6,65, 7.00 and U.23. p. m. Bunday, 1U n,.!, I.IO H. LU., 0.1O p. LU. Kor Ashland and bhamofeln, week dn . 11.3(1 a. m.. IBS. 7.00 and 2' p.m. Sunday 3.25 u.m.,3.U5 p.m. w xiiviJNa run filler" am lJUAii : Leave Hew York via Philadelphia, week lays, 7,45 a. in., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.1 6 til night, Bunday, 6.00 p.m., 12.15 night. J IMtA Niw . .irr? tin Mnnph fMinntr. Trnak I flaVK. 4.KII. K.M ft m.. l OOiinrt 4.01) n. m. C Leave Phlixleinblu. weez davs. 4.10. anff"! lo.uu a. m. 4.0U snrt o.ko p. m., from Broadifl and caliowhtll and 8.35 n. m. and 11.30 n. m.ll from 8th ana orten Meets. Bunday W.05 a.SJ m. ii.iu p. m. irom sin ano ireeu. c , u ucauiuK. ,v tir.K u,..n. ,.uj. i.ii'. m and 11.50 a, m., 6.65, 77 p, in. Bunday 1.35 antrj a. m. . Leave.potwvllie, wees: days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.L 12.80, o.ll p. m. Bunday, 2.40 a. m. Rna2.UJ P.m. I Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.70, 8.43 anrl ll. zj a. m., i.ii, I.L6, ana .io p. m. aunaay d.v j l. m, ana uu p. m. Leave Mahanov City, week davs. 3.40. 9 and li.47a. m, 7.42 and u.44 p.m. bun I dav. 3.4(1 a. m.. 3.20 1. m.. Leave Mananoy Plane. weeK days. 2-10. 4.1CI 3.30, 85, ll.tU a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 6'20, 3 26, 7.67, ancl iiu.uup. m. aunuay z.iu, s.ia, ana o,o, a. mi i, p.m.. t LieRve uiraravine iruiDDanannocK HLaiinni ..nlr Hn... O A Iff a Qll U .11 n m III nil 2.12, 6.23, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Bunday, 2, 47 1 1,1, b.m a. m. o.ti p. m. xieave w linamspon, wees: nays, a.uu.v.-iaanti u.(3 a, m. a.w ana ii.ia p, m. aunaay u.i a d. m. i For Baltimore, Washington and the wesfl via 1!. ft O. K. K., through trains leave G Irani Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. K. lt.l at 4,16. 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.81, 4.21, 6.65 ancl 7,23 p. m. Sunday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m., 4,21 ).soana7.zjp. m. ATLA.1ST1C CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharil ana eoutn tstreei wnan. I'or Atlantic Cltr. (? Week-days HxDrebH 9:00 a. m. and l.VO p. m. Accommodation, B.WJ a.m., b.w p. m, 1 Sundays. Express, 9.00, a. m, Accommo- J latlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. ij Koturnlng, leave Atlantlo City, depot corner! Atlantic ana Arkansas avenues, week-dayi Express. 7.30. tf.00. a. in. and 4.00. p. m.l Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a. m. and 4.381 4.30 p. m. 0 Sundays. Express, 4.00 p. m, Accommoltt-J lion, 7.3U a. m. ana p. m. a 0. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l PassT Actr c, a, Auncuu. J I i ti. a ueii-i aiiuiacer. Not -to Piscolori Lehigh Valley Railroad. BEARS, THIS MARK. TRADE NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LI NED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. ARRANGEMENT OF PABSEKOXB TRAINS. MAY 10. 1S91. Passeneer trains will leave Shenandoah fcl Manch Chunk. Lehlehlon. Slatlneton. Cata sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, lias ton, Phil ndelphla and New York at 5.47, 7.10, 8.08 n. i 1Z.OZ. IJ.1I. O.ZO I). IU. For lielvldere. Delaware Water Gap anl Btrouasourg aia.n, a, m.. ana up, m. For Whlto Uaven. Wllkes-Barre and rltU ton 6.47, u.uBO.m., 3.iu ana oup. m. 5 ior 'xunKuannocK, v,ua a. ra., ana o j I n. m. t i - . . . ... . . i j rorAuuum, iluucu, ueuuva uuuauuiijui v.m a. m ana o. jmi. m, i uuuaio. XNiagara rail ill. m., axj P ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BOBtrriACILIi DIVISION, lea- ((J fl la and will over bo tho -best Komody for the Ann. TnflnoriBa. Baokaoho, Pnlnn In thn Sido. OllOSt ana Joints, Neuralgia, Bpralno, &o Befma you nsei to buy, cltala OarFHEE OF CHARCEHJ lb valnaWo boost "Quiae to i ueaitn," wi enaorsemeniB oi prominai pujfDiuituui F.AD.RICHTER&C0 310 BroaUwav. NEW YORK Q8 Medals Awarded! Undolitadt.Iionrloii ieana, FragQi Iiotterdam, UUeni 50 Cents a bottlo, For Salo by , I. 1. X). ICIIITIN, C. II. UACJIOIflltJOII, SHENANDOAH, PA., and other druegiH-.- Prize I m. On and after A'ov. 21, 1S90, Iralnt uill anenanaoan as iouows: For Wieean. Ullberton. Fraekvllle. New Castle, St. Clair, and way points, (j.OO, 8.L am and 4.15 pm, Hunaays, wu, a m ana .iu p m. For PotUvllle. 6.00. 1M0 a m and 4.1S n m. Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 8.10 P m, For Heading, 8.00, U.10 am and 4.15 pm, Sundays, boo, 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm. ror I'ottstown, iuoeuixviiie, iNomstowz. and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6,00, iu a m. ana f .ia n m wees: aavs Sundays, 600, 9.40a m 3.10 p m Trains leave Fraekvllle lor Shenandoah ai 10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42. 10.09 p m. Sundays 11.13 a m and S.40 p m. Leave roiisvuie tor Dnenanaoan, ano 11.48. a m 7.15. 9.42 P m. Sundays, 10.40 a a 5.15 p m. Iieave jrniiaueipriin luruau nireeb bluuuqj for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah. 6.57,10.25 a nc 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday D.a am and 1.10 p.m. For w xorK, h.jj, t.vo, t.iu., b.w, 7.bu 8.20 8.8 11.50, ll.00andll.15am, 12.00 noon,(llm ilea express, l.uo ana i.ou p zn.i i.4, i,w, aoi 8.20. 4, fi, 6,18.80, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m. 12.01 nlcht. un Dunuays, a.M. f ,w, i.tu, o.oa. o.itt, v.ou a ra. and 12,49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6,30, 6.5( 7.13 8.12 n m and 12.01 nlcht. f or eea uin, opnuc iaukb, ceuiiar, ucenn urove. Asnary i-ars. ana juonE urancr 8.20, 11,15, a. ra, 4.00 p. m, week dayr For r reenoia, p. in. weeK aays. Ualttmorx and Washington. 8.60. 7.20. 8.: 9.10, 10.20, J t.18 a m,12."i (limited express) Mf i.u mi RQiw.iu p. m., sua i2.uoniuu u Baltimore, my. 2.02. 4.1 1. 6 08 and 1130 p. m On Snndays, 8.50. 7,20, 9,Uond 11.18 a. m. 4.41 8.67, 7.40 p m, 12.03 night. Baltimore only ana p m. For Richmond and the South 7.20 11.18 a. m., (Limited Express 12.85 p. m..)12.03 nlt'ht.weer. davs. S nndavs. 7.20 a. m.. 12.03 nlehL Trains leave n arriBuurg lor piiianurg ana the went every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m auO . n ..u. u.jvu, vuuv " w ' i j i kuuviiuiiimi) uuuo,,v y ui, r, mt aiiuuuis a.n...i.nunn Y. clnin T.ncm Vin,1 qK I 8.16 a in and 4.10 u m everv dav. ".r:.' "X l"? ZZn PHtsbre only, u . mdally and 10.20 UVUbVU) liwuuuiy amavuu wtuu m vwv Williams d Bro. Chamber Beta, Bedsteads, Bureaus, ChlQonlers, Wash Stands, Couches, Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Sideboards, lllnlrg Tables, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Smoking Chain, Card Tables, Mirrors, Boras, Tea Tables, Parlor Bulls, F U R N I I U B E Lounges, Divans, Easy Chairs, Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Music Cabinets, Piano Chairs, Hall Stands, iSettees, Hall Tables, Fancy Tables, Wood Mantels, Book cases, Writing Desks, Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, until this opening; trade, bad beon satis factorily settled. In vain the captain argued, with Hans nutmorgor for Interpreter, that u m week davs. Leave Sunbury lor Wllllamsport, Elmlra Canandalguo, Kochester, BuUalo and Nlagai? r aiiSg o.iu a m uauy, ana i.u p in wee& uays. ifor Aiatklns, 6.W) p m week days, For Erie and Intermediate poll , : , , j i i uauy, wr ixjck javen, o.iu, unu .oo u ui one pig amply measured with duo n J dally, 1.81 and 6.S0 p. m. week days. Foi lowanoo for Bqulrmlng, and ten such longtlis given with a balanco In the) chiefs favor, would mako every point satisfactory, Ko; each llttlo beast should bo meas ured upon that point old Lasu was llrm. And finally each pig was again a prisoner in arms, and had its feel firmly tied with Btronir oord: the crea ture was then laid upon tho sand and a small lad put astride its back; at tho tall of each captlvo wub stationed a man of strength and nervet at Its snout an other man of oqual power; at tho exact moment for measurement these sturdy attendants woro to pull vigorously so that not tho hundrodth part of an inch should bo lost. Now all in lino, again tho mato pro ceeds to dutyi I.nsu's dark, liandsomo features beam with inward joy tho ton wives gostloulato thoir satisfaction! tho measuring is accomplished! tho ten, lengths, an uncut roll, aro folded and delivered to tho royal purchaser. After this othor exchanges woro spoedi Ov accomplished, tho stores rccolveoioj tho ship's larder amply compensatliuj for all our trouble. For Erie and Intermediate points. 5.10 am., dally. Hot Lock Uaven, 5.10, and 9.53 a m llenova 6.10 n m 1.43 and 6,30 p m week days, ).iu a. m aunaays. jHAS. ir. PUUli, J.11.WOOU, Gen. Man'r (Jen. Pass. Agt cimiru. lujuiiiraict. Chicago and all points West at 9.( 5.28 n. m. For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca a 3.10 p. m. p or Auaennea. iiazieton. Biucniun. iiu her Yard, Wcatherly and Penn Haven Juri Hon at 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.52, 3.10 as 6,28 p. m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beej Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5,28 p. m, , . For8crantonat6.47nnd9.08a. m. 3,10; 1 S'2 n. m. For Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Drllton and Fro Iiana at o.i, anu v.u9 a. m,, iaq& o.iu 5.20 p.m. Fortiuakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m r, m. I For Wlggans, Ullberton and Fraekvllle il For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delanl 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10, 4la. m., 1162, 3.10, 5.26, 8,03, 9 Jj and 10.27 n. m. I I For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashlan'l 14.27, 7.40,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.UU,, 4.10, 01 1 8.00 ana u.ii p. m. I For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllll 7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 5.28 and B.J r. tti. rur nuuH iuuuuuuii. now iiubuju nu Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 103 a. m.. 12.62, 3.10, 6.26 ail I n. m. I ror iiavon ivuu, ceuiruiin, mt. uuiuvi muh HnamoKiD. ana a. iu., s.a and 8.08 p. m. 1 I Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoa 1 7.55 115 a. m., 2.10, 4.80 and v.8u p. m,, nrrivia at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 8.10, 5.28 aj i ii.ia p. m. ,.,,,., For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland B in m. I For Mew Castle, St. Clair and FoltsvlUi 650, 8.00, 90 a . m., 2.45 p. m. , 1 For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deland 8.00, 11J35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. I ror ijoiiy, Auuenneu auu uusiciuii, o.v a m 1;40 p. m: I For Mauch Chunk. Lehlshton. Slatlnttorj Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kastol I ana rsew xom, s.uu a. m., i.ip, m: For rnuaaeipnia, i.iu p. in. fi. B. BYINGTON. Gen'l Pass. Agt, Bethlehem: '1 Till? SEASON FOR.' PIC-NICS jwxxa atiiaxi), Committeemen should bear In mind that tho Heiiald ofllco is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! nt tho most reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtain out prices. All work done when promisednnd In a satisfactory manner. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. BOTTOM PRICES. J. P. Williams & Bro. SHENANDOAH, PA. At once the newest: oldest and best bic nuriner Known, zw years oia in iirazii. in years' test In this country, and without a rlVj intnecureoi sain aisca&esanarneumatiaa eating ulcers, nous, tumors, King's evil, mil swelling, hip disease, and all disorders iril tho poison taint oi scrouua and specmo u seoso no mineral, no iauures, no xeiapsei i Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Slock, Shenandoah, . WATER OF LIFE. A newly discovered MINEHAL WATER, the use of which will supply Important ele ments necessary to health. It will cure the Kidneys, Liver, stomach, and all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and I remove lhem. It removes the uric acid from I the blood and thus destroys Malaria and I tenuis, it cures unpin a uiseaiie, uuu is vs neclallv recommended for neonle advanced In life, and for genera debility. For undoubted I proofs or this send for pamphlet giving full particulars, to J, It. I'KHHY, Water ol Wle Co., in soum Main St., wukes-uarre, ra. ptinnaueuHy cuift-u l r J 1 1 L A D h I A' 1 1 1 A . 1 a 0 at once, no Oierat loif Curable uy otlteis want.'U. CURE 6'JARANTtED. Bona iur 1 Mcuiar. Advire IKrp. Mi