The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 03, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--XO. 144.
As the question of increasing the
salaries of tho teachers of the public
schools Is belue discussed with re-
( newed vigor, and aa the School Board
ijfW will meet to-nlglit to elect teachers,
vb proper at this tlrno to make a sug
gestion In that connection.
Thero Is no more important branch
jof work in the school than the teach
ing of drawing and music nnd method
of teachlug those studies should bo
kept as near the standard of perfec
tion as possible.
I That department is now under the
charge of one teacher and It Is recog
nized that tho duties developing upon
that ono teacher are too arduous.
It is therefore suggested that the
acnc'i .uoaru, at ns meeting lo-uignt,
idecldo to elect two teachers for that
'branch, ono to teach drawing and the
other for vocal music.
This Is a reasonable suggestion and
jit is hoped the board will duly con
jslder it.
It la repeated that the combined
work Is too much for one teacher,
LUmrala nn rinnVif. flint nvivrwnrlr In
'THat department contributed to the
death of one of tho best teachers of
the corps and that her predecessor re
signed for like reason. That the
present teacher should complain is not
surprising. Indeed it is surprising
that tho teacher has succeeded in ac
complishing such good work under
tho circumstances. But the accom
plishments of the past cannot be used
as arguments against a division of Its
work. Tho teacher may bear up un-
der the strain for a while, but nature
will eventually assert itself and then'
well, the teacher will bo forced to re
tire and the department will suflei
from the disadvantages that attend
,,he appointment of a new teacher.
To expect good work the Instructor
piust be given fair play and not be
handicapped by overwork.
,Vn A-llentown Are company re
igned a trumpet won at a fair be-
'satisfaction concerning the award.
OZEZSTTS per yd for the
Sold In other stores for 8oc AH floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
(Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St., near Centre
Ci'osse and Blaoliioell's Chow-Chow and Plclcles.
French Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c.
" Sardines In Oil, 2 cans for 25c.
Jbancy Mice, 3 lbs, for 25c.
Fine California Ernits.
j Fancy Prunes, largo and fine, 15c.
Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c.
Evaporated Peaches, 15c
Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Apricots.
'Eltio nnnafml rnmii. inf fiimlHv iiiiiirnvod.
C -- "I". - " " " -
v: .
.clxiiiou bummer Sausngc and cutppca licci
Tnncy Creamery and Flue Dairy Butter
omntocs, Corn
for 250
nua Early
L 1...I..3..H . II.11 4 n
ireCv .n mj
VvVnsliiujf Powder, 4 His for
Mill have another lot of those JTanoy Moquetto Hugs at
$1,25 in
The company evidently intends to
blow Its own horn In the future. .
Bam. Raxfokd, "tho only, tho
genuine Sam," is now traveling with
an Indian Medicine Company. San-
ford Is well known in this couuty and
wri a very popular mlustrel per
former at one time.
DAN Rice,' the veteran showman, Is
making another farewell tour. As a
"farowelllst" old Dan takes the
There Is "blood on the moon" and
It may end In some interesting affair
when Council meets.
The Presbyterian General Assembly at
Detroit dissolved last night.
Henry Taylor was convlctod nt Boston
of making counterfeit postage) stamps.
Rochester, N. Y., blacksmiths are on
strike because they wero told to loavo
tho union.
Tho Massachusetts House passed tho
bill to repeal tho bar law which requires
that a drinker must be soatod.
A statuo of Leonard Calvert, tho first
Governor of Maryland, was unveiled at
St. Mart's City, Md., at 1 p. m., to-day.
Secretary Tracy has ordered tho North
Atlantic Squadron to rendezvous at
Portsmouth, N. H., on tho Fourth of July.
Aged Albort Kidder of Chicago has
boon mulcted in $25 for shaking a small
boy who whistled "Whoro Did You Got
That Hatt"
Troublo between tho builders and
bricklayers of Boston Is browing over a
quostion of three cents more uu hour for
front work.
Tho Czar has returned to St. Peters
burg from Moscow. Tho Czarina and tho
members of tho imporlal family will visit
the Crimea.
Tho Grand Jury of McDowell county,
Wost Virginia, nftor nn investigation, says
tho reports of Ill-treatment of Hungarian
or other laborers on tho Norfolk & West
orn railroad extension woro wholly un
AH tho stonecutters omployed by tho
leading contractors at bcranton, ro.
havo gone on striko on account of
tho refusal of the contractors to accede
a nine-hour day, notice for which was
given sovon months ago.
0. W. Harris, a guest ot the Browcr
House, Now York city, committed
suicide somo time during tho night by
cutting his throat with a pocKet knife.
Harris was CO years old and a resident of
Hartford, Conn.
A call will soon bo Issued at Worces
ter, Mass., for tho organization of a
now American Society of Pedagogy,
The object is the association of all thoso
who aro scientifically studying education
and its underlying principles. Tho or
ganization of tho association will take
placo at Saratoga or somo central spot In
the early summer.
Tho Shenandoah Business College will
continuo its sessions through tho surnmor.
Pupils entering now for bookkeeping or
shorthand can prepare for positions by
fall. Inquire at tho college rooms, Bob
bins' opera houso. 6-2-2w
i' 7 J -" " " -
June Peas not soalcs 3 onus
a few days.
A Ohlmnoy on tho Hoisonborgor
Hougo Struck and Demollshod.
Barbers and Tailors Play
Ball Porsoual Notes.
Dunne the storm last night thero was a
thundor-bolt that terrified moro than one
individual in tho town. Ono lady said,
"I thought soniobody dropped a box of
dynamito on tho streot." In tho vicinity
of "VVhito and Contro streots the shock was
particularly effective. This was duo to tho
fact that tho lightning struck and do-
molished tho chimney on tho UoisenborKor
building, at the corner of the streets
named. A young son of Charles Palmer,
of AVost Lino stroet, was rondorod inson
siblo by thd shook and birds ownod by
sovoral rosidents wero killed. Tho stroet
olectric light syslom was also affected and
tho town was in darkness for somo timo.
L Koallstlo Illustration of Our
Country's Progress.
On Monday, June 16th, Pawnoa Bill's
Historical "Wild West Aggregation will
begin a ono-weok ongagomont at Lakeside
Trotting Park (East Mahanoy Junction),
Pawnee Bill in privato llfo is Major Gordon
W. Lilllo. Ho was born at Bloomington,
111., and when but a boy ho went West.
At Wachita, Kas., ho joined a party of
trappers and hunters, "Trapper Tom's
Outfit." He took naturally to tho trail, its
hardships and adventures, and before thrco
months had passed ho was ono of Trapper
Tom's most valued assistants, Subse
quently ho became interpreter to tho
Pawnoes and in tho fall of 1883, having in
tho meantime bocomo Whito Chief of tho
Pawnees, ho was appointed as guide for
tho Oklahoma boomors and successfully
led them into tho great "No-Man's-Land.1
Pawnee Bill's show is tho largost and
grandest of tho kind on tho Amorican
continent. It is an elevating and refined
entertainment, visitod by the clergy and
ondorsod by tho press everywhere. The
show omhraces a band of sixty genuine
Indians, cow boys, scouts and Moxicans.
Tho Indians aro selected from among tho
loaders of tho Pawnee and Qioux bands.
May Lillie, tho only lady in tha world
who has ovor attained tho feat of breaking
glass balls from tho back of a running
mustang, and Mustang AValtor, tho
princo of all cow boys.aro with tho combina
tion. Among tho others aro Don Ze Anno,
tho greatest Mexican ridor and roper
Moxico has ovor produced, Sonor Fran
cisco, famous Mexican leader, Pedro
Danni and Antonio Torres, genuine Mexi
can Vacqueros, Texas Tom, champion
pony oxpress rider, Deadwood Dick, guido
and scout, Trappor Tom, of tho Rockies,
Toxas Roso, champion trick rider of Texas,
Sonorita Rauss, tho only lady living who
dares to rido a wild broncho, Broncho Bob,
Wild Bert, Hank Hawk, Doc Mann and
Kid Royal, gonuino western cow boys.
Thero is no other frontier exhibition liko it
traveling to-day.
Mlno Inspector Stoin visited tho county
teat yesterday.
J. C. Purcoll, of Pottsvillo, was in town
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Lizzie Bee, of Mahanoy Piano, is
now a resident of town.
Richard Jones left town yesterday morn
ing for a visit to friends in Wales.
Howard Bortoletto, of Mahanoy Plane,
whs a visitor to town last evening.
Councilman Sheid, of Lock Uavon, is
tho guost of Councilman F. J. Porlz.
John A. Sullivan, Esq., of Pottsvillo, Is
now sojourning at tho Ferguson Houso.
Miss Irene Shano went to Catawisa yos
torday to attond tho funeral of her grand
father. Max Reese went to Blackwooilyoetorday
to book a number of p'tssnngers to the old
Miss Glover, who was visiting at O. A.
Keim's, roturnod to her homo in Pottsvillo
Cashier Hunter, of tha Merchants'
National Bank, makes his homo at tho
Ferguson 0 .use.
Miss Clara Dillman and John George,
biith residents of West Coal street, wero
married by Rov. H. J, Glick on Saturday
Councilman Seheifly was out and around
town yesterday. Ha was warmly congratu
lated upon his recovery from his rocont
sicl: spell.
Miss Jeanotto Sevan loft town yestorday
morning for New York City and will fall
to-day for Walos, whoro sho oxpects to
spend sovoral weeks with rolatives.
A roll knnnm tthviualan in New York ai1
vises Ills ualleuU that sutler with Coughs and
rnlclH tn niM Vun.Ttua Couch nnd Uonuiiimj.
tlunCure, Si and U) cents. Tilai bottles ireo
at Klrlln's drugtture.
Advertise In the Ukuald.
Tho Supremo Court Will Hrnr Argument
To-morrow on tho City Treasuryslilp.
Philadelphia, Juno 3. Tho first move
to test tho power of filling a vacancy in
the City Treasuryship was taken In Com
mon Pleas Court. Tho court made a de
cree in favor of Oellers that the case
might be heard at onco by tho Supremo
Court and thero decided for all time.
Tho Supremo Court will hear tho argu
ment to-morrow.
Ex-City Treasurer Bardsley hai steadily
Improved In Ids physical condition slnco
his confinement In Moyoraenslug prison.
This morning ho was so much better
that bo spent much of his time lu pacing
up and down In his coll lu tho hospital
Dr. Butcher, tho nrlson nhyslclnn, who
has Mr. Bardsley In charge, says that tho
prisoner is fast increasing In strength,
but refubos to discuss his mental condi
tion. When asked If ho had noticed any
symptoms of mental troub'c, Dr. Butcher
declined to express nn opinion eitner
way. saying that It was a question which
would very likely como beforotho courts.
To bo Tried for Disturbing a KcllBloui
Meeting nnd lllot.
BuiLEn, Pa., Juno 8. Tho grand jury
roturnod truo bills on 18 indictments
against membors of tho West Sunbury
M. E. Church, charging thom with forci
ble entry, disturbing a religious mooting
nnd riot. Tho cases will bo tried noxt
Rival factions In tho church hnvo for
somo time boon carrying ou a bitter con
tost for tho possession of tho church
nroiiortv. Tho suits crow out of tho re
cent attempt of ono faction to forcibly
elect tho other while services wero In
Tlio Supromo Court fcustnlns Juilco Gar
rison's Decision.
Trenton, N. J., Juno 3. Tho matter
of the certiorari proceedings in tho caso
of Francis Lingo, convicted of murdorlug
Mrs. Miller, was nrgued beforo tho Su
promo Court nnd ox-Prosecutor Richard
S. Jenkins spoko ngnlnst tho proceedings,
and eddeavored to havo thom sot aside.
Judge Wescott, for tho defendant, mado
a logical argument In favor of Judgo
Garrison's certiorari, and tho certiorari
was sustained. Tho caso will now bo re
tired. 50,000 lllazo In Hoston.
Boston, Juno 3. At 8 a. m. flro
started in tho flftli story of tho build
ing 09 to 105 Broad streot. Tho building
was occupied by Wost and Jenny, wholo-
solo drug dealers. Flames spread quickly
to adjoining stores and caused a loss to
Allan & Berry, lnbol printers, and El
drldgo & Buttor, job printers,- which will
nggrogate 88,000. West & Jenny estlmato
their loss at $40,000. Captain Perkins
and two firemen wero taken from tho
building unconscious from tho fumes of
the chemicals.
The ltoformcd Church Gonernl Synod.
Asbuhy Pahk, N. J., June 8. Tho 85th
rogular aunual session of tho Genoral
Svnod of tlio Reformed Church of Ameri
ca convenes horo this nf teruoon. In the
oveninu tho retiring president, J. Asmoyn
Berry of Rhinebeck, N. Y., will preach
the synodic il sermon. A now appeal In
tho caso of tho Third Reformed Church
of Philadelphia, which was disbanded
six years ago by tho Classls of Phlladol
phla, will bo heard at ono ot the sessions
01 the convention.
A Promlnont Lawyor Found Iload.
Emu, Pa., Juno 8. Hon. William Ben-
eon, ono of the oldest and most wldoly
known membors of tho Erio county bar,
was found dead in his room in tho Olds
block last night. Ho was In court yes
terday In apparently good health. Ho
was known throughout tho Stato as tho
'Poor Mnu's Lawyer." Heart failure was
the supposed causo of death.
An Old Votoruu Dead.
ConASSET, Mass., Juno 8. Col, Jamos
Quick, a former Boston business man,
died last night, aged 03. Ho was born in
Milton, N. Y., and during the war served
with distinction as colonel of tho 05th
New York regiment. He was a 33d de
gree Froe Mason nnd was a member of
Polar Star lodgo of New York. Ho leaves
a widow and ono daughter.
A County Treasury llaulcrupt.
Wilmington, Dol., Juno 3. Owing to
the abolishment of the oftlco of county
tax collectors and thero being no way to
collect back taxes the treasury of New
castle county is practically bankrupt nnd
county warrants have gone to protest.
Thero are over $00,000 taxes duo tho
county, but it has been necossary to bor
row $10,000 to meet current expensos.
Decided In Favor of tlio Duclinss.
New Yonic, Juno 8. Tho motion to
prevent tho Duchess of Marlborough
from noting as trustee under tha will of
her husband, Louis O, Hnmorsiey, ou the
ground that she has token up her resi
dence abroad, was decided by tho Surro
gate in favor ot tlio Duchess.
A 'Cyclist Hold Up by Itoad Agents.
Richfikui, Conu., Juno 3. Allio Glenn,
a 17-year-old-lad of this town, who is
making a bicycle tour of the Southern
States, sends word to his parents that ho
was recently held up by highwayman on
n lonely Virginia road and robbed of all
his valuables.
City Fathers Hold fur llrlbery.
SoKANTOtr, Pa., Juno 3. City Counoll
men Goldeu, Kelly, Weiohel nnd McGrall
havo been indicted for bribery iu connec
tion with the recent eloctiou of tho city
onglucer. After tho riuictments woro
found capins wero issued and the accused
councjlcioi. wove helU in
Tho Princo of Waloo Tostlflss That
Ho Saw no Orookod Play Tho
Caso Against Camming Bo
llovod to bo Sottlod.
London, Juno 3. Tho Baccarat caso
has thus far doveloped tho following
facts: That Gordon Cummlng signed a
document for tho purpose of securing
himself against tha charge being pub
licly made known, and that ho did not
demand to bo confronted with his ac
cusers, but signed tho damaging docu
ment and left tho bouse noxt morn
ing, ns ho was told to do by Gen. Will
iams and Lord Coventry. This conduct
bo explains by saying that at tha ttmoho
bad lost his head.
That tho Princo of Wales did not nsk
him to sign tho papor, nor was It oveu
mentioned In tho courso of tho interviow
which ho hail with tho Prince.
That Lord Coventry mid Gen. Owen
Williams, who advised him to sign, wero
very old friends, and bo had no reason
to doubt that thoy bellovod him to bo
guilty. Thnt he took no stops to assort
his iunoconco until tho scandal leaked out,
nnd then becauso ho was justified In tho
thought that tho aualr would bo taken
up by his club, his regiment nnd his
friends. So tho cuso stands to-dny, tho
ovldonco given by tho Princo of Wales
not materially affecting tho main Issue.
THo Frllico In tho llnx.
Tho Princo of Walos wont into tho box
looking very much nnnoyed. Ho spoko
with a German accont, showing his em
barrassment. He continually wined his
bald head with his loft hand nnd crossod
ono leg over tho othor. Hi3 testimony
showed plainly that ho still has a follow
fooling for bis old friend Cummlng.
Goil About tho Trial.
Tho Princo of Wales mado a docldodly
favorable Impression ns a witness. His
testlmouy was given with a frankness
that seemed to command tho bolicf of all
present, at thosamo tlmo tho Princo was
unablo to conceal that ho felt himself In
an uuploasant position. His popularity
was shown by tho spontaneous respect
which everybody displayed.
Tho gonernl talk.In clubs and lobbies
13 thnt tho testimony of tho Princo has
sottled tho caso against Cummlng. His
avowal that he had cut Sir William slnco
last September is accepted as stronger
ovldonco of tho Prlnco's belief In Cum
mlng's guilt than If ho had plainly ex
pressed his conviction of such guilt. In
matters of tlio kind tho Princo is known
to bo merciless.
Clubraon genorally scout tho 6tory that
a woman's revongo was at tho bottom of
tho Cummlng exposure. Ono of tho lead
lug mon of tho Marlborough tho Princo
of Wales' own tald last night that It
was a Btory imposslblo to keep, and that
it was well for society and tho army It
could not bo kept. Tho Princo, ho said,
had erred only lu attempting to keop tho
matter secret through his sympathy for
Ono of tho rumor3 floating about la
that Cumming had doubly offondod tho
Prince by his frea remarks regarding tho
Princo nnd Lady Brooke, nnd that bad
Cummlng kopt his tonguo still ns to tbo
Prince and tho lifdy, ho would havo had
influence onougu behind him to savd blm
from tho presont disgrace.
no Is Charged by a Nowspaper With Mis
applying Funds
Dodlin, Juno 8. A sensation has been
sprung by nn artlclo la tho National
Press, accusing Mr. Pnrnoll of misapply
ing certain funds.
Tho paper announces Its Intention of
reiterating tho cbnrgo In ordor to com
pel Parnell to tako legal proceedings
against tho publishers, nnd tho editor
sayB: "Our secretary waits in his olllco to
reccivo servico of a writ from Mr. Par
nell." Davltt's Taper n Failure.
London, Juno 8. It appears that
Michael Davttt's paper, the Labor World,
Which he bad proudly hoped to mako tho
organ or BritUli labor and tho champion
of English-speaking worklugmen, has
been a complete failure financially. The
papor had $60,000 bahlnd It, and nearly
$45,000 having been exhausted, without
any apparent prospect of success, tho
company oonoludod to glvo up tho strug
gle and It has ceased publication. It Is
said that the fact Is unknown to Davltt,
who is now abroad.
A nillicult l'roblatu Solved.
Londox, June 8. Gen. Stewart Stan
ley ot South California announces that ho
has discovered tho law of variation of
tho maximum tenslou of aqueous vapor,
a prlnclplo hitherto regarded as impossl
blo of discovery. It would thus nppoar
that after a hundred yoars of research,
science has finally solved ono of the most
dllllcult problems of terresttal physios,
and that we can now legislate for tho
control ot tho atmosphere unci of tho
stoam engine.
Queen Victoria Afrultl of tho Grip.
London, June 8. A number of the
domestics attached to the Queen's house
hold at Balmoral aro ill with lnllueuna.
The malady is of an acute type, Hsr
Majesty is said to be fearful of contrast
ing tbo disease and Is ordering tho utmott
precautions to bo observed.
Waters' W'Ms.i beer i
Rrilly Ie agom.
tno bt'-t.
JohE A
p 5 tf I
Ho Orders Tomlittnuos for rife Little
Children llul-lnl In Ohio.
SrniNoriELn, O., June 8. The follow-
lng story shows the sympathy and kind
ness of heart of England's Grand Old
Man, W. E. Gladstone.
At Wnverly, O.. live a family named
Gladstone, who linve always been under
stood to be related to Right Hou. W. E.
Glndstono, tho great ex-Pnmilcr of Eng
land. Between September 28 and November
2, 1802, there was an epidemic of iliph- '
therla in Waverly, and littlu Esther Glad- I
stono was tnken 111 with the dUeaso.'.
Every oflort was made to save her life, '
but In vain. She died after sowing tho
seeds of tho dl'ease amoug her little
brothers and sisters.
One after the other little John, James,
June and Joseph Gladstone succumbed
and were laid beside their sister Esther
in tho oemctery at Waverly.
For twenty-nine years the graves of the
little children have been but slightly
marked, but a few days ago nn order
enmo from England from Mr. Gladstone
to have five marble tombstones erected
in tlio ccinotory to mark tho graves of his
littlo kinsmen lu America. The tomb
stones will be erected at once. ,
Tho Tlldcn Will Contest. "
SAnATOQA, N. Y., June 8. Tho Tildon
will contest hns begun in tlio second di
vision of tho Court of Appeals. It is au
nctlon of George H. Tilden against An
drew H. Green, Goorgo W. Smith nnd
John Bigclow, the oxecutors nnd trustees
under tho last will and testament of
Samuel J. Tildon nnd others, being an
appeal from tho Supromo Court in favor
of tho plaintiff. About $5,000,000 aro In
volved In tho suit.
Regarded us a Spy.
Boston, Juno 8. A special from North
Sydney, C. B., says groat excitement pro
vails at St. Plorre ovor tho continued
presence of Hon. Jamos Fox, mombor of
tho Legislature for St. John's, N. F., who
is regarded as n spy. Mr. Fox denies
thnt ho is thoro in any official capacity,
but refuses to say why ho remains. Tho
Governor has beon asked to oxpol him,
but this ho refuses to do on account o
tho complications It may lead to.
Dolawaro Votes for Dr. llrooks.
MiLPonn, Del.. Juno '3. Tho Standing
Commlttooof tho Dioceso of Delaware ar
11 o'clock last night consented to tho
consecration of tho Rov. Philip Brooks
as bishop.
Cardinal Gibbons Still Weak.
Baltimore, Juno 8. Cardlnnl Gibbons
has roturnod homo, improved in health,
although still weak from his recent Ill
ness. Thrco Miirdoi-ors Itcsoutcncod.
New YonK.Juno 8. Murdorors Smllcr,
Slocuni nnd Woods wero resentenced to die,
by electricity during tho week beginning
July a iC,Jt . .
rinnnclal Troublo In Tlacnos Ayros.
BunNOS Ayues, Juno 8. Thoro was ft
run on all tho banks during tho morning.
Large crowds of depositors surrounded
tho various institutions and considorablo
oxcltemont prevailed. Tho outlook U
very unfavorable.
Dig Decrease In tho Irish Consul.
London, Juno 8. Tho Irish census
shows a total population of -1,700,102, of
whom 2,317,0711 aro males. This shows
a decreaso In tho total population of
403,074 slnco tho last census.
Doflclt In tho Potor's Poneo Account.
Rome, Juno 8. A committee of Cardi
nals is said to havo discovered a deficit;
pf ten millions of francs in tho Peter's
Pence account.
To Norvous, Debilitated Mon.
If you send us your address, wo will
oiall you our lllustratod pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Electro
Voltaio Bolt and Appliances, and thoir
charming oflocts upon tho norvous do
bilitated system, and how they will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood- Pamph
let freo. If you aro thus nlUictod, we will
tond you a Belt and Appliances on a trial,
Voltaio Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich,
A Now Business.
P. J. Cloary has opened a store in tho
Ferguson's building, on East Centre stroet,
and is prepared to furnUh tho local trado
with fine leather and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoemakor's supplies. His stock is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all domands of the trade. 6-15-tf
Buy Ktystmw flour. Bo careful that tho
ntme Lessio is Co., Ashland, is
printed on every sack. 8-3-8taw
Butter Took a Tumble
It is down to a respect
ablo prico now. You
might, as well have tho
good. The difference is
only a fow cents. Wo al
ways havo tho finest
No. 122 North Jardin Street