-1'OR- Picnics and Outings! Severn, the Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vcgetables,Canned Meats, Pickle3, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. All new and fresh goods. SEYERH'S, Cor. Centre and White Streets. puhlishkd daily and weekly. LOOAL LUNOHEON. llemembor that wo do all kinds of job work with promptness and dtapatch. The man who does not complain makes moro friends than the man who always has a grievanco. Thero will I o a regular meeting of tho Borough Council on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tho license of Joseph lilckcrt, of town waB transforrod to Villim Nelawondor. Hij bondsmen are John V. UolTinan and Frederick Keilhan. Thirtoeu school inarms had a straw ride to Stauffer'a woods, near Kingtown, yeslor day. They hud a most delightful timo and are willing to repeat the excursion. Completed to Deadwood. The Burlington Itouto, C, B. & Q. U. K. from Chicago, Feoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Nob., and Custer, S. I)., to Deadwood. Also to Now castle, Wyoming. ....Sleeping cars to Dead wood. tf Died. SHANE. At CV.awissa, May 31. Jacob Shane, Sr., formerly of Shonandoah, aged 08 years. Funoral "Wednesday from Catawissa, Interment at Ashland. It 31 AN GAM. On the 3Ut ult., at Fhil -ado'vhia, Fa., Michaol Mangam. Be' mains will arrivo at Shonandoah at 1: 10 p, m. on tho 3rd inst , and procoed to th Annunciation church and from thonco to the Annunciation cemotory, where intor. mont will ba made. Kolalives and friends a-e respectfully invited to attend. C-2-U Grant Band Thanks. Editoh Hkhalu : Tho members of tho Grant Cornet Band desire to thank through tho columns of your valued paper, all thoo who helped to make thoir picnic on Decoration Day such a pronounced Buecea. To tho ladies who worked so earnestly in their behalf, to tho T. A. B. Band, of town, and tho Liborty Band, of Lost Creok, for thoir sorvicos on tho occa sion, and to tho public in gonoral for their hearty support wo feol much indobtod. Grant Band. fihenandoah, Fa., Juno 1, 1800. Coming Evonts. Juno 2. Ice cream and strawborry fei' tival. Bobbins' opera house; benefit of English Lutheran church. June 3 Demorest Contest and entertain ment i Forguson's theatre, 8 o'clock p.m. Juno 17 Strawberry and ico cream festi val in Bobbins' opera houso under tho auspices of W. H. C. No. 50. Juno 18. Excursion of Washington Camp, No. 200, F. O. S. of A., to Lake eidc. July 1 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia IIoso Steam Firo Englno Com' rwny. Now Bakery. Soheldor Bros, havo oponod a now bakory at 27 South Main 6troot, whoro you canTgot frosh broad, cakes, candy and ico croam. Givo thorn a call. C-5-3m The Shenandoah Business Collego will oontinuo its sessions through tho summor. x'uplls entering now lor bookkeeping or shorthand can prepare for positions by fall. Inquire at tho collego rooms, Bob. bins' opera house. C-2-2w Bost work dono at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotioss, Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar' anteed. Tho largost stock of wall papor and window shados over'received in this town, or county. Good selection, at F. J, l'ortz's book and stationery store. 3-20-tf If you want to drive away Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, 1'oor Appetite and nil evil arlnlng from a disordered Liver use Ur. Lee's I. Her Regulator. Trial bottles lieu at Klrlln's drug store. WALL PAPER ! A CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT ILvE ELLBT'S Blanks Go Gilt 80 Embossed ,....12 l-2o Window Shadoe, spring rollcrs..2Cc Ourtnin Polae 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah, CHAB.;T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Playing; Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by tending flfteon conts in ooaaROtol. S. Eutls, Oen'l VMS. Ajj.1., U., 0. &Q.K. K. ChlcsKO. 111. tf A Pointer. Thostroot crossings lately put down aro nuch moro euporiorthan thoio that, woro ut down by contract in tho post, and cost nearly two-thirds less. Let tho good work go on. Zukufskl's Sontouco. Joecpb Zukufski, who was convicted of ihe murder of Ludwlg Novicki, of this town, was yostorday sentenced by Judge Uechtol to imprisonment for thrco years tnd six months- Its Excollont Qualities Oommond to public approval tho California liquid fruit romedy Syrup of Figs. It Is pleasing to the oyo, and to the taste and by gently acting on tho kidnoys, liver and bowels, cloansing the systom oflectually, thereby promoting tho health and comfort of all who use it. Public Sale. A public salo of one horso, threo buggies and carriages, slolghs, harness, lirgo-slzcd steam chopping machine and boilor, butchor's tools, blocks, etc., will bo held at Shonandoah, Fa., on Wodnosday, Juno 3, 1691, at 1 p. m. 6-20-Tt James B. Lessio, Agent. Two Deaths. Jacob Shane, Sr., at one timo a resident of Shenandoah, but of lato residing at Calawissa, dlod at that placo on Sunday, his diseaso boing miners' asthma. lie was in his GSth year. Ho will bo buriod at Ashland to-morrow, tho funoral taking placo from his lato residence. Mrs. Emma Kerns, rolict of Dr. F. J ICorns, died at her rosidenco on North Main streot last ovening, aftor an illness of somo timo. Threo children survive her, Misses Emily and Estella, and Frank Kerns. Our Bill of Fare. Freparod and publishod expressly for tho Herald roadors. WEDNESDAY. BREAKFAST. O&tmoal with Cream. Graham Gems and Butter. " Apple Sauco, Cereal Uotieo. T DINNER, Fricassoed Beef. Fotatoo3. Lettuco. Whito and Brown Broad. Buttor. Bhubarb Pio. Choose. Cold Water. suiter. Potato Salad. Broad and Buttor. Currants, Jelly Crackers. Cocoa. PERSONAL. Leo Luks, of Vineland, N. J., is visiting tnonds in town. John Davis loft for Butte, Montana, to join his parents. Mine Inspector McJIurtno, of Ashland, was in town last oven'ng. Miss Mattio Knorr, of Bloomsburg, is visiting frionds in town. MIfs Bertollolto, of Mabanoy Flano, is visiting at 0. E. Titman's. Messrs. John M. and Issachar Bobbins havo roturned from tho South. Miss Emily Glover, of Fottsvillo, is tho guost of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kcini. William Gibson and Miss Mamo Ilouscr were marriod on Saturday ovening. Miss May Keiper, of Ashland, spent Saturday and part of Sunday in town. Frank Kerns came up from Philadelphia in time to see his mother boforo she died. Mrs. Wm. P. Williams and Miss Edith Minor spent Docoration Day in St. Clair. 1. Y. Sollonberger, ot Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town yostorday afternoon, Colonel J. G. Frick, of Fottsvillo, 1 vetoran of two wars, was in town on Frl day. Bov. Floyd E. West and Charles and Alox. Strouso wont on a fishing trip this morning, M. M. L'Vollo, Esq., of Ashland, spent a part of yosterday afternoon in town on businoss. T. J. Foster, of tho Colliery Engineer, Scrantcn, was a visitor to town yosterday afternoon. Bichard McIIalo has returned from Hazleton, whore ho was located for somo timo past. Miss Lizzie Evans, of Lansford, tor' minatod a pleasant visit to frionds In town yesterday. Charles Yarowsky, the Wost Contro street morchant, is transacting business in Now York City. Miss Emily Kerns returned from Baton Now Mexico, having boon called homo to hor mother's bed side. Philip Staufl'ur, Oliver Eisonhowor and Jamos Leckie, of Wilkes-Barro, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Elmer Hess, who was tho guest of rela tlvos in town tho past few days, rcturnod to his homo In Nescopec yostorday. Letter Carrier John Bartsch loft town yosterday afternoon for Tiffin, Ohio, whoro ho will remain as tho guest of friends for week, A dandy littlo girl (ft stranger to this world) made its appearanco at the News rosidenco a fow days ago. The printors hold a consultation over tho matter and resolvod to keep it as a mascot. Mrs. Joseph Guntor, of Klngtown, wh was marriod about flvo weeks ago, Is ro ported at tho point of death. Mrs. Guntor was formerly Miss Mary Ilahno, of town, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. 11. Brown, of Corn ing, N. Y., who havo been the guosts of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E, Titman for sovoral days, roturnod homo yostorday. Miss Florence Brown romainod to on joy tho puro air of Shenandoah. Mrs. Benjamin Ilagenbuch, of Blooms burg, Is tho guest of her sons 0. II. and It D. Ilagenbuch, of town, with hor daugb tew, Mrs. William Orossloy, of Yorkvlll S. C, Mrs. 0. Holmes, of Catawissn, and Miss Lillio Ilagenbuch, of Blocmsburg. The next generation will wonder at tho I stupidity of this generation's poor roads. LAKESIDE. . Successful Picnic Hold Thero on Saturday. Tho picnlo bold at Lakosido on Satur day, under tho ausplcos of tho Junior Social Club of Shonandoah High School, was a grand success. Over 8G0 special ex cursion tlckots wero sold at tho local and Mabanoy City stations of tho F. & 11. rail road. Tho floor of the dancing pavilion is laid and tho building will be finished within two weeks. Considerable progress has boon made in tho work on tho raco course Tho enclosuro will bo put up this wool:. in improssion prevails that thero will bo races on tho track when Sunday school pic nlcs aro held at tho park, but assurance is given by tho management that thero will bo no racos on such days. There will bo a great chango in tho ap- poaranco of tho park with nnothor yoar. Boat domot Ebfrt, in town, at "The Famous" clothing houso, GOc. Shifting pants from 75c. up. LAKESIDE- Driuing Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) EE BILL'S HI3TOEIOAL Wild West Show! FOR ONE WEEK ONLY CD Indian Village, Covkj and Mexican Encampment o-nD the only herd of Trained 1 and Spotted Mustangs. Tho whole history ot a nation told In a thrilling drama of civilisation, de plctlng the perils, hardships and heroism of pioneer life on the plains, requiring In Its completion over iiuo daring scouts, trappers, cowboys, Indian lighters, .Mexican Vnequeros and Honorns.Chlem with their Warrlors.Mraves, Squaws aud Papooses, A herd of spotted Mexi can M ustangs, herd ot gentle Indian Ponies and Texas Ilrouchos. The larger and grandest exhibi tion of the kind on Ihe American continent. Owning and traveling In Its own handsomely equipped railroad train. The first blouac of Mexican Vaequeros direct from old Mexico, headed by Donftce Anno, tho famous Mexican leader, and lienor Franclco, tho king ol all riders and ropers, expert and matchless In lariat throwing nnd CD OO CO recKiess noreemansmp. l'ralrlo Schooners anclr Indian Travoys, whole herd of American BUFFALO and TEXAS mil 1-3 A true representation of an ndian : Buffalo : Hunt ! Showing tho manner of branding wild cattle ou our v csieru jronuer; sianuuK uau wonderlul display of sharpihootlng uy irouuersmeu, cowooye and Indians led by MoJ. G. WILLIAM LIIXIE, (PAWNEE DILL) '-nmous and fearless Ponv Express Riders. showlun the mode of carrying Important dls patchesncross the plains before the Introduc tion 01 ine leiegrupu. a oauu 01 venuuie Mexican vneoueros. direct from Mexico, the greatest rough riders In the world. reriorraauces every uiiernoua. rcpeuiui ex cursion trains each day. uon'i lorget the place ana aaie, Lakeside Driving Park, Jlast Mahanoy Junction, E 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 AD3IISHION, Children, miller 12 rH. 35 Cents IS CeniH JUTew Jblrm. yew Stock Green Truck", Fine Groceries, FRUITS, tec, Delaware roe shad and o'.her fresh fish right irom me uoats on j-riuays. v resu GreeuB from the South. Evan's Buildint', B. Centre St. W. 3. H'ltlla ns' old sland) Everything new and' rostr. Goods delivered o any part 01 town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having han his gallery greatly Improved, ho is nowoetier prepared man over ui meet, the wants of the publlo lu the photo graphic line. The best photo graphs at lowest prices. Crayon Work a Specialty, ICECREAM, ICECREAM By the plate or measure', also put up In Si 10 nud xo cent PuclEageri PETER CECOHINI & BRO.'S 117 EA8T CESTUK BTHEET, w ANTED. A respectable and well recommended vouu intm to ru a green truete wagon. Apply ai Knight's, 38 tasi centre tueeu e i ll 1 WANTS, &o. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at House's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Bbenandoah, Pa. UAN I'EIJ-An nctlvo reliable man VV salary 570 to 880 monthly, with In crease, to represent In his own section a re sponsible New York House, References. MANtrrACTUnKK, Lock 1)0x1583, New York. FOR RENT Storo mid bulldlug now occupied by the Shenandoah llakery Co. lor ma mlacturlnv aul retail candy business. TwofloorsBixaofcet. Apply to J. J. Franey. G-IOi tr IMPORTANT NOTICE ! All persons aro hereby warned SOT TO FISH IS Till! DAMS ! Belonging to the Slieuandoah Water Company, nudall parties cnuebt violating this notice win ue Prosecuted as Trespassers, By order of THE OO0VriA.3T-X-. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Conl and jnrilluiSlM. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a fine Hue of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc niul Rcpair-iiiR dono In the best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper tlinn cotnpelltors on .Main street who havo big rents to pay, and guarantees a genu ine bargain on every purchase. trREEN.: TRUCK I PISH, Oysters, Clams and Poultry Kocoivod daily at tho old roliabio etand of .A.. WOMBE'S North Main SL, near Lloyd. - Wholesale and Retail. Vlcnics, festivals aud private parties sup plied In quantities at short notice. PrrMTC for a Window Hhade. UC.IV I 3 others for 3.30. Moc, 50c, 05c, 75c and upwards. Hhadcs made for stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers desldlng only the fixtures or shading by the yard can be accom modated., Fncke, 10 South Jardin St, Attention, .House Cleaners I The warm weather Ih here, and house AudiitBucu times most everybody needs Bometningto brighten up the home, bo If you need a good carpet xif either Veuet, Moquett, Body TWO OU THREE HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. ace Curtains, Curtain hi Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths nnd Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality Is considered. No misrepresentation one prlco to all. RICES'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shonandoah, Pa. fT high long 01 are A. A Difference in Material A Material Difference if?11 PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS!" Mon's all-wool Cheviot Suits .$8.00 " " Worsted Suits 10.00 Boys' " " " 7.5P " " Cheviot Suits 6.50 And evervthiug else In our line you will And down to the lowest prices. We bell the best 60o Domet Shirt in town. Merchant Tailoring a specialty. "FAMOUS": JOMES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING. No, 11 North Main Streot, Shenandoal), Pa. At Scanlan's- Yotl enn cet the best find rhenpest HATS ATD CAPrf In town. He lins Just received a full line or STRA-W HATS. From 5c to $. Also a nice liuoof light colored lints, aerby nnu sou. A nice HKlit col ored derby hat, S1.25 Light colored soft hut for 50 cents. AT SCANLAN'S You will find cheapest line ot ruuiNiirj unci Bnchels In town: nlso Gum Coats selling them oil at cost. Six dozen neckties at 25c a piece, worth 40c. Nice line of Gents' UuSerwcarat TOcasult. Headquarters for sum mer Shirts nud Boys' Waists. 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. GO TO ELLY'SI Neat, Cheap and Stylish Straw Hats from ZOo to 1.50 Short Spray Flowers 5o to 1,00 Wreaths ,20c to 1.73 Infants' Christening Hobo, Cue to S3 Infants' long and short coats...l,2S up to $3.50. 60.000 LADIES WEAR Tlii) SELF-SUPPORTING CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! All Colors, at 30 cents. Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Nats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods and makes a specialty of Nellie Bly and Mary Anderson CapB, 6 EAST a-BJNTTHE ST. - cleaning is the next thing In order. or Tapestry Brussef, - PW INGRAIN, Poles of all Kinds! A difference in material makes a material difference. Low values and prices benefit nobody in tho run. Wo make your dollar count by giving you its lull value iroou, nonest woods. With Clothing that is durable, (Jntting that is intelligent and a Making and Finish of the best, wo sure ot your continued custom C. YATES & CO., NOW ONLYi Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets. Children's Suits (1 upwards Knee PantH 20c " Domet Shirts 25o " Men's shifting shirts 75o " Best necktie in town 25c -AT- Still at the Old Stand SCHEIDER'S BAKERY I NO. 21 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Better prepat ed than ever to serve our many patrons with a superior quality of Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds,9 Open on Saturday Evenings Until Midnight. I Open on other evenings (Sunday excepted) unui ii o'clock. CLOSED ON - SUNDAYS, A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds wr ltlen. .uiiiiiuitB uceasusanu legal Claims promptly attended to. Heal Estate, Collection and Insurance xlgeney. General Fire Insurance Business. Itepresents mi) nuituwtii;ru i.iie insurance uo. Office Muldoon'sbulldlne. corner ripntrn I and West Bus., Shenandoah, i'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double frame dwelling house, slorcand restaurant, on East Centre 8t. 2. A dwelllngand restaurant on East Centre Btreet. S 3. Desirable property on corner Centre and jaraiu streets, suuaoie ror business pur poses. 1. A two story double frame dwelling, on HW Lloyd street. -Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen tre street. 0. Two 2-story dwelling on the corner of ana unesmui streets more room in oue, 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street. V'tU a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story double frame buildings euruerut uioya aua uiioert streets. John R. Coye, I Attorney-at-Law AND Real Estate Agent, OFFICE BedpaliVs Buildino, Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH. PA.fl PROPERTY FOR SALE: -A two and one-half story double frame! dwelling house, with storo-room and resj taurant. Located on East Centre street. 3-Avaluablo property located on South Jar J din Btreet. 3-rieven dwelling houses at the corner of ( bert aud Lloyd streets. Good Investment . 3 Terms reasonable. ENORMOUS l'lI.K OF -AT- DUNCAN & "WAIDLEY'S -At a sacrifice.- Handsome designs aud new. Well worth soc. In order to sell them I quick we have shaved the prlco downs to 29c. JSQyDon't let this opportunity paea by, Duncan & Waidley No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa EAGLE HOTEL ! 221 W. Centre Street, I Formerly Kept b; Mrs. Cmvllle. The abovil nine, I Is now kept by JOHN V. WEEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, OUberton .uestoi accommoouuous tor Permanent and Transient Guest! The bar I j stocked with the best brands of olg ., ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FItEE LUNCH COUNTER1 T McKeon's Saloon 109 east centre st., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies' Porter WINES AND CiaAM or the finest brands. Music furnished fol uuus ana parlies, irom one to five pieces. Pf B. BRIOKER, M. D., PJIY&ICIAN AND SLROEON, J Nol B East Centre Btreetj Mahanoy City, 1 1 J R. OOVLK A TIORNEY'A T.LA Uf. Offlco-B6Jdll' balldlnz.corner Mi3 .4 C streeu j it rouwtov, A TT OR HEY-A T-LA W. . 0(Uo BtJdsll'i talldlnr corner MJn una Oeu J ii V