1 IIS Presents in the most elegant form. THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It la the most excellent remedy known to CLE4NSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Uitious or Constipated so THAT PURE: BLOOD, flEFRESHINQ BLFEP, HEALTH and STREMQTH HATUIMO.Y FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ask youh cnuoaiST for MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl, lOUISVILie. KY, NEW YORK. A. T. Do You Like Soup II so, asb your grocer fo ser5 yon a quarters pouna un 01 o U. CC DJ O O CC U3 CC 3 o CO All In a dry state. Hold In Europe (manufac tured there), Asia, Alrlca nd now, by its own intrinsic merit, lorclng itself Into every city, town, village nnd hamlet In the United States. Hamples lurnlshed tree; lor, which, and price list, address OLIVER ANK1STEI.I.1 26 South William Street, NEW YORK CITY. XTTILMINQTON 4 NOttTIIEKN B. It. Time table in tffect May, 10, 1891. Trains leave Heading (P. .Stlt. station) for Gibraltar, Beyfert, lilrmboro, Joanna, Spring. Ueld, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesville.'West ChesterXliadsfordJunctlon, ii. A O. Junction, -jmiminctnn nnd Intermediate stations. dslly 1 1 -I-?- KBf MW S i except Sunday, at 025 oud S.SO a.m. and 8.15 p.m. Sunday only at S.03 p.m. For Warwick, St, l'eicrs and Intermediate ' 3 statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.SW a.m., and 'Ju 6.19 p.m. Bundayonly8.15a.ro. Wi For Blrdkboro and Intermediate stations, -'Dnlnntatrnnlr nflOim. anH lHn tn Hnnria V nnl V fit 3Ai O. m. it station) from Wilmington, li. & O. Junction, Mont lncuon, iionb West Chester, chanln, Chaddslord Junction, ienape, uoaiesvme, wuyu nrlirttplrl .lnnniin. ltlrclRlmi Coatesvllle. Waynesbcrg Junction, ro, oioranar, ey fertand Intermediate statlons.dally except H -day at 10.20 a. m. 5.62 and 8.17 p. m. Hun. day only at 11.24 a. m. From St. reters, warwica ana mujnufuww stations, dally except Sunday, at 6.23 a. m. DUUUK1 From iilrdsDoro ana intermeaiaie suiuuun, Baturday only at i.w p. m. From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex- cent Sunday. 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Bunaay omy at. u. a. in. , BOWNFBS BHIGUB, den'lPass. Agt. A. G. SICCA UBLANU. Supt. TDCtTCn rnCC roaitiveir Cured with IntAitU rHtt. Vegetable Remedies. Hive cured mny thousand cues. Cure patient pronounced hopeless by tho V rhyucltaf. From first dose symptoms tapldly disappear. aM in ten days at Iat two-thirds of a ymrtoms are removed. Send tot FREE BOOK of test cioniUs of mlr- JCU (1 &VQ tr ntmeot CD CC by mail. 11 iculout cures. I til UftI 0 furnfaned iiltL you order triil. &rnd ten cents in sumps to niy postage raawm IuL H. U, O UK K.N A HON. ATIAATA. OH MY BACK I That generally means pain and suffering, llut why sufler? Ur Gros venor's lioll-cap-slo l'orous X'laster will relieve you In one night, sure. Bend a penny (tamp to Grosvenor A Itlchards,lioston,Mass., and learn how to runovo a porous plaster scientifically It will pay you and don't forget that the best porous plaster In the world has the picture ot a bell on the back-cloth, and is called SR. GROSVENOR'S Bell-cap-sio. 3B int. (i iiemiauomiy curcu uy T EL riiiLAih: t ii or loss ot i.uh' ii curable by i h V . lite at ouco, no operation ttu itit'as, . a.ses prouounced ted, bena iur t irciuu CURF 0" iTiFD. Advice roe. DRUNKENNE Clr tlie lIiiior Ilnltlt, l'oallltrlj' CufU by aduiliiUterliiff Jr. lLulueV It Is manufactured u a powder, whiob can bs given In r Elans of beer, a oup of cofleo or tea, or In food, Without the knowledge of tba patient. It la absolutely cure, whether tha patleut li a moderato drinker or - .luhnllnurrjtfllc It has been iriven In thouaanda Hut case, ana in every matanoe a perieoi cure uti ioi lowed ltiieverFftil. Theeyttemonoslmpreirna ii (j wltn the Dpeainot oooomev an utter impoosioiu 48 pai book of parUouiara frte. To ba bad or C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah G. M. HAMILTON, M, D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlee-28 West Lloyd Street, Bhenandoah mm Pa. IN THE FAR BEYOND A Connecticut Bdlo Uncon scious for Sixteen Days. SHE DREAMED SHE WAS DEAD. On Regaining Oonwriousness She Tells t Earaarkable Story of Her Wanderings. Sho Slot Several of Tlnr Head rrlends nnil ltelntlvos Visited Heaven nnd I'lircn- tory Told Abont tlio Dentlis of Two ol Iter Companions Who Died During llor Illness. Watehbctiv, Conn., Juno 2. Ono of the most rernnrkablo caBes of la grlppo hns justcomo to light In Plymouth Cen ono and a half miles from Tliomnston. Tlio victim, Miss Cora Mnttoon, 10 years of age, Is tho hello of the village ami Is a teacher In 'tho Sunday-school ol tho Episcopal church. Miss Mnttoon wns taken 111 threo weeks ago with la grippe, which Anally developed pleurisy nnd pneumonia. In the afternoon of tho third day of her Illness tho nurse left her for a minute, when sho was found walk ing about tlio liouso in a dazed condition. Sho was led back to bed, but she remain ed in that unconscious dazed state for 16 days, lior relatives all tho time expecting her death. On regaining consciousness yostarday sho told a rcmarkahlo story of her wan derings during tho timo sho was uncon scious. Sho mot several of her dead friends and relatives, and vlsitod Hoavcn and purgatory. Sho told of the deaths of two of her schoolgirl frlonds, whom it wa3 afterward learned had died during her Illness. Her experiences havo had a great effect ou Miss Cora, and It will be a long time before sho recovers. She Is tho daughter of D. E. Mnttoon of Plymouth Centre, a promlnont citizen nnd father of an eminently respoctab lo family. BOTHERED THE BEASTS. Yale Students Cnuso Womon and Chil dren to llo Trampled On. "r Nr.w Haven, Juno 2. Yale students had a big circus of thoir own when tho Barnum parndo occurred hero at noon. They nearly precipitated a serious panic with loss of life, as it nearly frightened to death a score of people. When tho parndo passed tho campus nbout COO students had gathered thero with cannon crackers, torpedoes and other Implements of deviltry. Tho cages in which wero tho tigers, lions and other wild animals wero open, and keepers rode inside with the animals. As tho beasts camo by, tho students recklessly threw tho oxploding can non crackers under their feet and polted torpedoes at the elephants. Tho hugo creatures began to roar and wavo their trunks furiously. In tho cages tho leopards and tigers jumped about angrily. Thero was nobody who would havo changed places with tho keepers. Many expected to seo them torn to pieces. One of tho biggest elephants made bold broak, lunging to ono sldo and start ing a stampede on tho crowded sidewalk. Women fainted and children were trampled under foot. The driver of tho elophnnt was powerless to bold him in, nnd tho colored men on his back, who represented .jubilee singers, slid to tho ground like eels. A reign of terror onsued for some min utes, but several of tho brave men con ncctod with tho show attacked tho ele phant with sharp Irons and he was at last subdued and drivon back into line. Tho students escaped during tho panic An interestlnir Lawsuit. Pittsbubo, Juno 2. A dispatch from Dubois, Pa., says that an interesting lawsuit is to como up there this week, Last week, while tho forest llres wero raging In that vicinity, Sheriff McClosky sold some lumber In the eastern part of tho county at sheriff's salo. It was bought bv Mr. Marsh of Lock Haven for 810,000, Twelve hours later every foot of the lumber was destroyed by flro. Tho cred' ltors for whom the salo was made are clamoring for their money, while Marsh says no property was delivered to him. Kesult of the Itubbor Failure. TnzNTOs, N. J., Juno 2. Phillip Dunn, treasurer of the Star Rubber Com' pany, resigned his position as president of tbe i'lrst xvationat uanK nnu snortiy afterward made an assignment of his large clothing establishment to George S. Grosvenor. Jonathan Steward, who was president of tho Star Rubber Com pany, which failed rocently, has adver tised his large wholesale grocery for sale, Dr, Fordyoe Ilurker Hurled To-Day. New Yoek, June 2. Tho funeral of Ds. Fordyco Barker, ono of tho oldest and best known physicians In this city, who died Saturday afternoon at his homo, 2 East 33th street, will take placo this af, ternoon from St, Thomas's Episcopal Church, Fifth avenuo and oM street, Burial will bo at Norwich, Conn. Dr, Barker was born at Milton, Me., May 1818. The Fublic Dobt Statement. Washington, June 2. The Treasury Department monthly dobt statoment just Issued shows an Increase in the publio debt during May, amounting to $(!22,U1!. The surplus In the Treasury to-day amounts to $53,721,820, and includes $23,803,727 deposited in National banks, $20,379,120 fractional silver and a not cash balance In tho Treasury of $10, 183,473. Tastor Young Committed to Jail. Jersey City, N. J., June 2. Rev, Con rad Young, pastor of the Gorman Pil grim Baptist Church, on Lincoln street, Jorsoy City Heights, hastoon committed to tho Hudson county Jail on a charge of embezzling $1,600 given hltn to invest by William Schmltz of 21 Cliff street. Pastor Young says tho money is safely Invested. l'hlladelphln's City Treasurer. PmxADELTHU, June 2. Richard G. Oel lers, tho choice of tho County Commil sloners nnd City Councils for Cltr Treasurer to succeed John Bardsloy, has. takon possession of the City Treasurer's office. Knights Holding Secret Sessions. Haveiuiiix, Mass., June 2. Tho con vention of tho National Trade Assembly No. 210, K. of L.. Is In session here. There are 80 delegates in attendance. The ses sions are, secret, highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTE! PURE A X.011J5 Slleoto. Tho splro of St, Helen's church, In tho Islo of Wleht, which wns built In tho beginning of tho last century and (shortly afterward struck by lightning, had, ns was supposed, the large bell of Its chlmo cracked, as the tono wns very much muffled. Tho other day a church warden happened to he In the beliry, and through curiosity examined tho bolL He found that thero was not ft crack In it, but a piece of wood broken from tho wheel was pressing against the edge and stopping the vibration.' This being removed, tho boll, niter being muffled for or 0 hundred and seventy years, rang out merrily to tho astonishment ol tlio inhabitants ox tho town. Look at Him I V year aero he was not expected to live. Liver complaint almost kllltd him. litec, urent relief from throa battles ol Snltw.ur miters, and six bottles cured him Editor weekly nun. Judgement should be dlsplayedjln buying moSU tdno above all things. In selecting a remedy for any disease, you should b posiUvo that it contains nothing Inju rious to the health. Many remedies' on the markot leave the pationt In si much worso condition, than bofor taking them. 3 S Is purely vegetable, and perfectly harmless; tho most delicate child can toko It with absolute safety. It contains no morcury or minerals of any kind, and yet tt novcr falls to cure the dis eases it is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases free Swiit Specillo Co., Atlanta, Gs al THEATHE DUH.DINR, SHENANDOAH. PENNA. Capital, $100,060.00. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I raid ou OnvltiKB Deposits. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Offick of 1 COMFTKOIXEB OF ins CURRENCY, V Washington, April 8, 1891, J Whereas, By satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that "Tie Merchant' National Sank lof Shenandoah," In the Borough ot Shenandoah', in the County of Schuylkill and State of Pennsylvania, has compiled with all the provisions of the statutes or the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking. Now, Therefore, I, Edward S. Lacey, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby cer tify that "The Merchants' National Bankol Bhenandoab," In the Borouguol Shenandoah, In the County of Schuylkill, and State ol Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business of banking as provided In section fllty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Re vised Statutes of the United States. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wit CJ nessmyband and seal of office this 8th day of April, 1891. N0.4W6. E. S. LACEY, Comptroller of the Currency, A New "Venture "W- RA JVtS-A."5T POTTS lias opened a AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVILLE, PENM'A. Bales of a'soited goods, notions, hardware, Uoods from all ptrts ol the county solicited on commission. First Nation Bank U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Weather Indications. Washington, Juno 2. For New Bnirland nnu isastorn r,tw orK: Fain warmer) soutuerly winds. Per Eastern Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey: Fatn warmer; southerly wlti'l. lr WoMcrn New York nnd Wertern Penn sylvania: Southerly winds! warmers shower. N13W YOUK.JIAItKHTS. Nnw York, Juno 1. Money on coll loaood asy nt ay, ana i )ici- cent. BONDS. Closing ( Saturday. 1 -lUfa, 1801 Hesr 100 4tS 1891 Clfltp ...100 4 , 1907 Ilea ...UHM 4 s, 1U07 Onip 118$ STOCK MAHKKT. Closing Saturday. Canadian Pneiflo 77 Central l'nclflc 304 Chicago, Hilt1. & Qtitney !-sl Delaware .V Hutloti MluK Del., Lack. Si Western l.'iUjj llrie 0 l;rlo pift..., - Lnko rihorp 108 LouK & Nnh 7J4 Michigan Central IK)M .Missouri rneilio OS Now Jersey Central lis Northwest cm 10S?S Oregon Navigation T2 Paclllo Mali Mil Heading UJ16 Itock Islnml 7752 35t! M. l'uul oaw Union l'jiclllo 4."Jfi Western Union bOfS 1'IIODUCE MARKET. June. July. Wheat IHW Corn 0f, 00W Oats -i'U MEUCANTILB. EXCHANGE. Aux 104 81V U0 nutter Market linn. Wostcrn extrrA lSUo. Choose Market quiet but stetuly. gtato factory now full cream choice white, ta$o. Eggs-Market firm. State fresh, 104c.al0X o.i westorn, iucaiu40. fiitlTiidii(!hoana relieve all thotroublas fncf riant o n bilious BUto ot tho STBtom. euoh a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after nntin?. 1'aln in the Bide. ka. Wliilo their mos5 remaitaWo success has bocn shown la curing d TJeiftacho, yet Oarters Llttlo Liver rills ara equally Taluobl, In Constipation, curing and pro- correct alldlsordtrsofthoEtomacIitlmula to tho Jivor sad regulate tho bowels. Even If thoyonlj csica fAebstheywonldboslmostprlceleastotriosawlia 1 Bnl.'er from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately their goodnessdocs notend hcre,ant those. .Wnooncotry mem wiu uuu tucao mua utsvam. nhiAtnMtnanvwavathatthev will not bo wll. illsgtodowithouttbem. ButaftoroUslckheat Is the bane of so many lives that hero In wfcsro wo make our great boost. Our pills euro itwhllo Others do not. carters i.uue xaver i-ms are very omaii ana atv cist to take. Ono or two rills xnako a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripo or purge, but by their gentle action pleasoall who uselhem. Inrialaat23cents i llroforfl. Sold 'try draggiatseverrwliero, or sent by malL CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New Yorkl SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Street Railway! TOCK In the MAHANUY CITY P SHENANDOAH, GIRARD VILLE and ASHLAND STREET RAILWAY enn yet be procured, and parties contemplating Invest ment should apply at once at the office of WILLIAM XIMMEL, 24 N, Jardm St, Shenandoah, Pa. nJIIE contract for the construction nf ttia rnnd ru.tvf.An RhATIAn. doah and Ashland has been award. ed and will be completed within 90 days from the time the ground Is broken for the station. CABS ETONIM0 B7 JULY. T IS expected that cars will be 1 running between Bhenandoah and Ashland no later than July, Good Investment! THE SEASON FOR PIC-NICS nmxa ax iiaxi), Coraniteemen Bhoulil hear In mind that tlio Herald ofllce Is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work I at the most reasonable rates. Give us a call nnd obtain our prices. All work done when prornlsedjnnd In n satisfactory manner. CARTER'S aHus. "a CASEDAUL SCORES. Natlooitl 7,enEUo. AT SEW YORK. New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 0 0 0- S Young and Cleveland 0 Batteries ltlulo nnd llucklevt dimmer. AT nOSTON. llnton 0 0010010 0-2 Cincinnati 0 0010301 x A llnttcrles - Nichols and lkmtiott; ltliinus. Clark and llrrii)gtoti. AT XROOKLTN. nmniiiiii ' . nanaoooao-5 l'lttsnttrir 1 uuuauuuu . Ilatterlos Hummliiir And Dally: Btratton and Fields. AT rHILADBLriltA. Philadelphia. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 O- 2 ChlcHKO 8 1V10000 0-0 Ilattorie, Hmwr and Brown: Stein and Kttt- noge. Tho Nntlonal Ineuo Record. Per rer Chi. It-mi. Tt i't nut. Won. fwt. t?i rhimm JI 11 AV, m-nlHml..lH 17 .614 v.,... it ix rvn nhilMnfu IV 17 r.nn PltUburtr.'.'lO ih .310 lltooklyn .'.1 20 .304 Boston ....17 16 .615 Cincinnati .1!! al .3 Association flantos. AT COLUMBUS. Otnelnnstl-Boston gaine iiottponed count of rain. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati-Baltimore Htn nottuoncd on lie oouul or 1TIU1. at st. lams. fit. Louis o oooo 0 0 0 1 a s Athletics f 0 0 0 0 x- 0 llottorlos-Orimtlt and Boyle; Callahan and cm AT I.OUISV1LLB. Louisville. 0 0 a 0 0 'Washington 0 0 S 6 0 Batterles-Dornn nnd ChIiIHs JlcUulre. 3 0 0 0-5 o a o r-i4 Foieraim and Tho Association Record. Per Gub'. iron. .Lost. Ct )loton...27 15 .run IlaltlmoroSS 14 .011 St. Louis.. MS 18 .009 Athlotlcs.20 1 .470 Per r7uh... ll'mi. Lo. (Tt Cincinnati. SI Ml .407 Columbus.. SO S!4 .46o Lnu'vllle....S0 S7 .4 Wash,tou.13 S8 V Enstorn Longue. AT TROVIDENCB. rroviilenco...l 00000010X Albany 0 001000000 B.Utcrios Stalb and Murphy; Pricken and itocno. AT LEIIAXON Isbnnon 0 0304000 x Rochester 0 0000100 1- Biittcrles Tavlornnd Ilushong; McCullougl: ana nowman. AT TROY. Troy 2 0 Buffalo 0 0 Batteries Day and 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wells; 0 10 1- 1 1.0 x- Godunll and weckbecker. AT NEW IIAVES. NcwIIavcn 0 21100100 Byntcuso. 0 0000001 0 lliitterlos ailliland and Decker; Coughllu nnu .i3'crs. WRANGLING IN THE SYNOD. Tho Reformed Presbyterian Ministers Croatu nn llxcltlns Scone. lTTTsnrjito, Juno y. Uontrary to ox. poctatlous tho trial of tho accused minis tors wa3 not commenced at this morn, ing's session of tho Reforraod Presby terian Synod. Tills fact, however, did not prevent tho Synod ouco moro on gaging in a wrangle that, If possible, sur passed in violence of Inngunco and ac tions tho wild scenes enacted during last week. Iho church was crowded to tho limit. During tho early hours of tho sosslon tho sccuo was most exciting. Tho mero mention of tho dlsturbnnco created by Dr. McAllister last weok wns again the causo of all tho trouble Ministers noted for their dignity nnd spirits of Chrlstianty wont at each other in tho most scathing language and wero not a bit backward in characterizing ench others as pervortors of tho truth. During tho debate tho vast audience was worked up to a stnto of highest ox cltcment. Tho moderator was powerloss to control tho warring clorgymon; his appeals and commands went for naught. Tho troublo grow out of Dr. JlcAUIs- ter's effort to revise tho records In order that they might show the action takon by him in his effort to Introduce extracts from a private letter. A motion to grant Dr. McAllister's request resulted in a split, and tho matter was laid on tho tabic It was during tho diccusslon of this motion that the wild scones wero enacted. Several times ministers and audience joined in hearty applause, and nt other times almost every person pres ent would bo in sympathetic tearfulness. Tho report of tho committee on disci pline was submitted and sustained tho action of tho Pittsburg Presbytery In having suspended tho ministers nt tho recent trial. The committee recom mended that tho suspended ministers and those against whom Dr. McAllister had proforrod charges should bo granted a full and impartial hearing by the Synod. Tho report was received and laid on the table for tho present. Jackson nnd Corbott Talk Fight. San Francisco, Juno 2. Peter Jack son has issued a challengo in which ho offers to fight Jim Corbctt in tho California Club, or any fair club, Now Or leans barrod, for a purso of $10,000. As a guarantee of good faith Jackson will put up a forfeit. Corbott says ho is willing to light Jackson, but will make no nrrangements until aftor tho Slavln Kilralu mill. A Merchant Guilty ot Connterloltlng. New York, Juno 2. Nathan Marcus, of Marcus Brothers, merchants at 07 Canal street, who was indicted for pass ing a counterfeit $5 treasury noto upon one of bis employes and pleaded not guilty, changed his plea to thnt of guilty. Ho was remanded for sontenco. Set on Flro by u Flash of Lightning. Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 2. Tho Buffalo flour mill and an olovotor, containing sovornl thousands bushels of grain, and tho Snult Sto. Marie Railroad depot were burned early in the morning. Tho loss is $20,000. Tho mill wai sot on Ore by a flash of lightning. An Insane Tcxun. Boston, Juno 2. A wealthy Texan named Herbert Tlmon, who enmo hero for troatment for epllopsy, becamo vio lently insane yesserdny and was with creat difficulty captured nud restrained. llo had boon informed that his case was hopeless, and it is bollovcd that brooding over tho matter uuplaceu his mind. Dr, Hall Resigns us Chancellor. New York, Juno 2. At tho mooting of tho Council of University of tho wty of New York, held last night, Dr. John Hall tendered his resignation as Chancel lor of tha University to take effect at tho end ol the month. Some merchants get the best they can: some get the meanest they can. Your dealer in latnp-chim- neys-what does he get for you? 1 here are common glass and tough glass.tough against heat. There are foggy and clear. There are rough and fine. There are carefully made and liap-hazard. You can t be an expert in chimneys ; but this you can do. Insist on Macbeth s "pearl top'' or "pearl glass" which ever shape you require. They are right in all those ways ; and they do not break from heat, not one in a hundred. Be willing to pay a nickel more for them. i Pittsburg. 0 so. A. MACBITH X 00. ! GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker&Co.'s eakfast from which tho excess o? oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and It is Soluble, No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength ot Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thcroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, nnd admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers evorywhoro. W. BAKER & GO,, Dorchester, Mass, O.OtTf, Udifs "B0YS 75 SEs Lo DOUGLAS and other special tics for Gentlemen, MW VU B WBa jullPa.tf. nrnwAN 'ranted, nnd so utamped on lxttom. Add reus Josopli 33nll,: (l3.0X3.LXXCa.Ol.la 2pV Sloo unci UpwnrclH CAN HE INVESTED IN A rOHITlVU ANU (sAFC 15 PerCent. Dividend Paying Stock. Full particulars and Prospectus can be hnd on application or addressing H. X.. KI.111rtOf, iimilcer, r. llroiulwnv, I. V. ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prices to tult nil. Wll. AviiK-s A; Sons, Philadelphia. Sold by ail deulers. fiR ChLhclr p. Knrll.h llluolnd flraad. - rerafWROYAL FILLS D -V HrljElnoI aortniy Ufnuine. 'TuLiK. a4VE. ahiiTi rell&Me. la Die Druririai. fur CXiehttUr a Vi iln Dia mond Brand Id lted uJ o U mf tUlo nAAlhrh Rrts6 rf.ininMtil suhirilu. tiam and tmlttuiont A I Drngiuti, or ttui 4V In Mwnpi fur iiftrtleulsvri, ti-atlmoDlAU taj lUllcf fur l.udlcs,n fitter, by rtturn w llttlL ii'.vuu i timtDiiii, nam tupf Bold lj U Loo1 VrvulM. lhlJdM Dr.Theel r-oo Morth Fourtn St- OOO Ui Ur)tU,lti.iftlalt"V l-UlUt for UifUtl UUit SpccialDisas,B!oodPolMa ULEB. Wofhf i. Pluplct. flora Moullt,Thriil, Irritlttau. SoklJ luca, lDflTimkil a. Kidacr Bii.iJer.LMliUiitj('Weilbck) UTIDIMll. llllD0botT Vitkneii DoWlHr, Xmvln4 Mt-mnry ftoADeety. lrtelur VI at rcitt'imc itum jumniui rriuri ivm OId.Yount5" Middle Aged floo mitmj laagtr, or Uoerulu, Doeirfriunut 1 Lut Teryialng known corottr l.oT.leoirtilef Monet Fritaew furl laa lo 10 dji. Karo4ka IIotf Lul et'tlnco la Orimny, En I tad, Fronet ood lu.tilfc, H3eriiuckte4 to I div10"1" P,0e ad U jw prtottflftl 1 1 rleoce 10 MO ct! oured Jriy. k nnn w.,.bepai4iniiriUii,gdtMtwbj ha enn show o-i tnonr rl ptrwnn.UT eortd u I eta ofi r qtttoki tod Inail th.xi Hn.1 i-i sit ,in n fur b 4 Jo.n imp fur bo .U "TRUTH'' iud woro tMltraoalleii.olu4 quart, kud ahtiilnlnj their fktw o lfriujuli nt Rurintcp v I tm inioulklo. ttttl oibfruuc,tiii tuuDty or Irltn oeltbtrcf whloli la ru.a of thouu EiBrdjr from a 11 t"3 ol Ssvtur "till i fr ii 10 itu In fTt.ai 9 It-13. JTof FIRE INSURANCE I liilitt ui Oldtit Rcllible Pcrt'y Cub Cuftilti Kepresented by DAVID FAUSTfi UU H, Jardln Street, HENANDOAH, PA $1:. Jit, w. Ti VKk WiM Kk'S