The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 02, 1891, Image 2

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    Shenandoah Herald.
K. 0. BOYSU, Editor &ni PuWlsher,
77. J, 77 ATKINS, Local Editor
daily, por year
"rVHSKi.Y, per year,.
..J3 0H
.. 1 6'
EnUred at the l'ostnrHoe. at Hhonandnah, Pa.
for transmission through the Maim
a seeond class mull mstter.
Oolllerv Entrlneer Pookot Book
The Colliery Knirineor Co,, Scranton
l'a., Publishers. This li h convenient vol
me of over 100 pages printed on fine pane
with clear new type, thus onaWinR tbt
publishers to lurnish ft vast amount (1
matter In handy shape.
This book has been especially prepared
for the vtfl of colliery officials and minort
who have lone left the want of a convenient
and simple roforonro book, containinirrulet
and tables specially adapted to their use.
It is a text-book for the miner who it
aludyini? the principles of ventilation, min
intr, etc., and the most convenient pocket
book for the mininR engineer, suporinton
deut, or other colliery officials. Itwasnoi
prepared for coIIcro graduates, and anj
intollifient man can understand the princi
ples and rules contained in it. Noothoi
book is required by tho student for a mint
foreman's certificate.
Tho following, among many othor sub
jects, aro treated on in full :
Arithmetic; mensuration; weights and
measures; strength and woigbtof materials;
prospecting; timboring; methods of work
ing; gases; vontilation; colliery machinery
surveying; mine railways; steam; faults;
electricity; squares; cubes; square roots, and
cube roots; sinos; tangents,
tables, etc., etc.
Bound in cloth f2 01
Hound in flexible leather, round corners, i 5C
A Autopiy Showed Hint Ills Stomach
Continued Arsenic
1'inLAnEi.pniA. Juno li. The many ru
mors afloat nbout the suspicious dontli of
J. Morris Young, a miller who died re
cently nt Mnrshallton, Ph., caused tho
couuty officials to hnvo tho body oxhumod.
,n nutoiny has been made, nun tho
atomnch wns found to contain n largo
quantity of arsenic. Tho organ wero
turned ovor to tho coroner lor a uncro
Bcotilcnl oxttmlnatlon,
At tho tlmo of Young's dontli It wis
stated thnt It was due to cholera morbus.
Suspicion attaches to the wlfo of tho
doml man nnd nn ngont for a, plnno firm
named David II. Link, who boarded with
Uio Youngs.
Tho latter wns subsequently taken to
Bellovuo Hospital, New York, violently
insane. During his wnnderlngs of mind
ho repeatodly muttered: "Peoplo accuse
mo of killing him."
Mrs. Young donios all connection with
tho dontli of hor husband. She claims
that their relations wero pleasant, and
she had no causo to desire to got rid of
She loft on Snturday last for West
chester with tho Intention of making
public a letter refuting the stories afloat
connecting her with tho death of her
husband but upon the adviso of a law
yer, whom she consulted, sho concludod
not to.
It Is known that n member of tho
Young family purchased a quantity of
'Hough on Kats."
Secretary ltlnlno Left lloiton This Morn
ing for tho Seashore
Boston, Juno 2, Secretary of Stato
Blalno loft hero for Bar Harbor this
morning. Ho wns nccompanlod by MrB.
Blalno nnd his daughter, Sirs. Walter
Damrosch, In n special car which General
Manager Furber of the Boston onu Maine
Kallrond placed nt his disposal. Tho np-
peranco of Mr. Blalno wns moro that or ft
tired than a sick person. Ho looked
rather pRle, but walked briskly to his
Mrs. Dnmrosch, lust beforo tho train
left, Bold that her father hnd entirely re
covered from his lllnoss. All that ho
needed, she nddod, was a little rest nnd
plenty of frosh nlr. A fow weeks nt Bar
Harbor, sho thought, would completely
restore the Secretary's health.
It Is quite probable thnt tho Secretary
will remain nt liar unrbor until &opiom
ber, and perhaps October. Should nf
fairs of stato ronulro his Immediate at-
tentlon ho will attend to thorn nB ho did
last summer while seeking recrontlon.
Slstnro l'lemls Not Onllly.
New Yohk. Juno 2. William W. M.
SIstaro of tho dofunct Arm of Georgo R.
SiBtnro's sons, brokers, pleaded not
guilty to tho eight indictments charging
lilni with larceny of n lnrgo sum of
jnonoy from n broker named Hecksher of
Philadelphia In a stock transaction.
Bound In flexible leather, Willi flap 2 75 I
Hit. IHMHH 1.1 . a Ll.UACY.
TTm crpftt Dumoulln. when dvinsr. said :
leave j ou two cicat phj-blclans slniplo diet and
soft water." Had he lived until now he would
lifti-n nit.livl n tllrt nnftiia lllnrul f'nrn for It la
I Ihd zinlw InfnlllltlM r,n. fni .mnlii nnit Knwlftf?
OtC, travorst diaonju yet discovered. Three hundred years' ex
perience In Brazil. No failures and no relapses.
Sold at Klrllu's Drug Store, Fertusou House
DIOCK Huenanuoau.
j Where Will It End.
"Thoso must bo tlio veterans, "
"Yes; and thoso Immediately follow
1(ng nro tho sons of veterans," ho ro-
"But thoro Ecoms to be another coin-
Ipatiy, of very small boys."
"Yes; thoso aro tho sons of tho Eons
f veterans." Judge.
Suddou Doaths.
WefdmeM of Body end Mind, Effects
ltbbii.t. hoblB ItUMlmltl fullv it..tnrl. How to Falares sod
MrrnHkMiHKlk,l.MiinM)l'Fl(miiBA.l'JlUboriIOUK nnrftiiiiiK husk iiihAi3iKrupn.iiu tnaaiy,
BUn tMtlry from wU nnd Foreign Coantrle.. Wrltelh.m.
Peitrlptlie Hook, tipluitlloa anil proof! mailed slrd) frrei
ltunrt.tirri titts r.ivmi tsn
caecrvocaZrttronu.e Ho of land's Pod o p hy 1 1 i n Pills
JOt tO j3T3lt!
Mot to XiJSCOl33i!
The vestlbnled comnartment sleeninecarr
recently Introduced ou the Chlrnso. St. 1'aui
Jleort disease Is by far the most frequent and Kansas City ltallway nro models oi ctuu
cause of sudden death, which In three out of
four cases Is unsuspected. Tho symptoms aro
not centrally understood, Theso are: lying
on the rlL'ht side, short breath, linlu or dis
tress1 In side, bncK or shoulder. Irregular
pulse, asthma, weak nnd hungry spells, wind
in Klnmneh. ftwelllntr nt ankles or drops) .
oppression, dry couth and smothering. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated linolc on Heart Disease, free
ntt;. II. Iliiifnilinrli. who sell and minranteo
Dr. lilies' uuequaled New Heart Cute, and his
itesiornme riurviue, wuicu L-ure uervuiie
ucks, lieiulaclie, sleeplessocs ellects of drink.
lng, etc. It contalLB no opiates.
Some ono describos a flash of lightning
as a "thundorinR pretty Bight."
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
This Is beyond question the most suc
cesslul CoiiBii iledicino we have over sold,
a few doses invariably cure the worst ca&os ot
Cough, Croup, nnd Bronchitis, while Its won
derlu! success in the cure of Consumption ih
without a parallel in inenistory oi meaicine
tjince it's nrsi aiscovery
It has been sold ou n
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ii you h.ivo a Cough wo earnestly
I. . . . 1M..,nMnt. EM nnt n.wl
11.10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, ukh Hhllnh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
C. U. Ilngenbuch, K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
fort, convenli-nce and luxury. Any patron ot
the sleeping car Is enabled, by tho Intiodut-
llon 01 inese coiupanmeiil ears, ui seeure iiir
snmo nrlvacv and louvenlenco that he woulC
In the beet hotel. No other Hue west of Chi
cago runs the compartment cars. In add)
lion, mo irainstire equippeu wmi mo teguinj
open I'uliman sleeper, giving passengers tneu
choice. Tno dining car service Is fully up u
the requirements ot mouern railway service
An excellent cuisine, promptly served nmm
elegant surroundings, nl moderate chatges
leaves nothing now to be desired, Any of out
people contemplating a trip iu any pari, ui lut
weBt or northweBt cannot possibly securt
belter accommodations or lower rates than
by addressing w. r. cooicy, uenerat Ageui oj
the fassenger department, b. ChestnutBU.
Philadelphia, I'd.
Colorado Is a land of sham contrasts, ol
brilliant lights, ot intense shadows; a land
where heights and depths rimke obvious the
meaning or the word antithesis: a laud where
every mood In mind can find an answering
mood In nature. The high, white minarets of
the mountains, trom whose sienuer pinnacles
hoot the wind-blown banners oi the snow, ftp-
Sir John aiacdonnld Said to Ho Ilapldty
Ottawa, Can., Juno 2. Sir John Mac
donnld Is sinking rapidly.
Sir Joint's hours, apparently aro num
bered. Slnco 10 o'clock he has exhibited
incrcasine wonknoss. nndns ti precaution.
nry measure ho is nwnkencd by the at
tendants ovory two hours, ino noari,
nctton 1b becoming feeble, Indicating that
life's fires nro burnlntr very low.
To-dav saw no cossatlon ot tho rush to
ward Earnscllffo. At tho approaches on
Sussex btroet n long lino of vehicles
hlneketl tlio rnndwnv. A curious throng,
including many ladles, pressed up to tho
very gates In their anxiety to learn tho
latest Intelligence.
Tho question of tho leadership of tho
Conservative party Is being discussed.
Tho general opinion Is that Sir John
Thompson will bo the next Premier, al
though tho majority of Western mombors
favor Sir Charles Tupper. Tho French
Conservatives are almost a unit for
Thompson, and may insist upon his np
polutmont. Tho l'lro a Sooro Wow to tlio Town.
Lisbon, N. H., June 3. -Tho Parker &
Youug Manufacturing Compnny's, saw
mill, togethor with a lnrgo stock of
manufactured lumber, was burned dur
ing the day. Tho fire spread to adjacent
dwelling houses and a number of thoso
wero nlso destroyod. At ono timo It
looked ns If tho outlro villnco would bo
wiped out, but assistance from neighbor
ing towns arriving the flre was gotten
undor control nftor two hours oi unm
work. Tho loss Is ostlmatod at 100,000;
partially insured. Tho destruction of
tho mill is a sovoro blow to tho town, as
It wns lending tho .industry of tho place
and employed 100 men.
' fVJARK' "
peal with silent eloquence to tne lony aspira
tions of the soul; the sombre chasms cleft by
Titan forces through granite-hearted hills
According to the locust
crop will be immense.
treo, tho corn
within whose denths dark shadows throne
and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a language that thrills. Inspires and awes. It
docs not follow that theso glurles ol white
peaKs ana tnose glooms oi narK canons pre
clude the nleasnnt Intervals, the sunny
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or weanea oouy may nna peace
mi rest ana reiutre irom turmoil ana ion. xo
one making a Journey In Colorado, New
Mexico or uiah, or tasting a transcontinental
tour from East to West, or rice versa, the Den
ver and Klo Grande Hallroad oilers accom
modations eouai in eiegance.conventence ana
we know from experience mat enuon s euro i luxury to tnose oi any oiuer line wim me ua
Oh, What a Cough.
Will vtm heed the warning? The signal nor-
hans of tho sure approach of that more ter
rible dlBcaso. Contumntlon. Ask yourselves
If you canntlord for the sake of saving 601
cents, to run ine risK ana an nointng lorn, i
The finest in tlio interior of
tho State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in tho Anthracite region.
Summer Resort, Pic-mc
and Pleasure Grounds I
Philadelphia and Beading .Railroad,
Time Tabli in egect liny 10, 18V 1
Mor New Yorfcr vl 1' lriAlnhm. tpeetr iluva.
2. 0 5.25, 7.20 fl. m. und 12.83 2.E0 and 5.6S
in. ounaay ..iu nna im n. m. f or new
nrk, via Maucli chunk, week days, 5.25,
20, a. m. and 12.05 and 2.50 p. m.
VnT Headlncr ntlrt PhllarlAVnhla trAlr AtLVm.
2.10, S.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.50 and 6.63 pim
jiiuuay, z.iu ana 7,48 a. m.
fm. "anisburg, week: dayB, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
,ro, o.53p.m.
Kor Afienlown, week dayn, 7.20 . in., 12.S5
.f 0 p. m.
I'ottsville, week days, 2.10,7.VO,a. m:,
2.3)2.50 and 6.56 p.m. Bundny. 2.10 and 7.18
v. in.
For Tamaaui
lays, 2J0, 6.25, 7.20.
and Mahanoy City, week
20, a. m., 12.33 20 and 6.63
10 and 7.48 a.m. Additional
LAKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid
way between Mahanoy City and Tnma
qun, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will he open to the public within a few
weeks, and dates can now be secured. A
number of societies have already been booked
and others wishing desirable dates should
make application without delay.
Under tho nowmanagemeot many Improve
ments will bo iiiadp, some of them being now
under way, that will make it 7e plc-nic and
pleasure grounds of the region.
A large dancing pavllllon nnd a trotting
park nro nmong the new additions. Tho test
horses In the Slate will be secured to run or
trot th!season.
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough nt once. Mothers do
not be without It. For lame Back, Hide or
Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Piaster. Bold by
U. II. Hagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
liloyd streets.
ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding In a magnificent
opulence oi wuue peaae tinu unr uhuuub.
The month or November, iju, witnessea one
of tho most lmnortnut Improvements In rail
rona laciuues mat uos yet oeen mauo in Col
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauee of the Denver and llioGrande
ltauroaa iroin uenver. coioruuu, uver iu
Tim m.n mill, n! nf nil naiiallt? v I mountains to Ogden, Utah, which Ave years
ino man with a voico ot oil usually has 1 aeo wa, deeulea an impossibility, is certainly
a hand of iron,
A Curo for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, while In tho Rocky
Mountains, dlscovorod a root that whn
combined with other borbs, makes an easy
and certain cure for constipation; It Is In
tho form of dry roots and leaves, and li
known as Lanc'el family Jledicine. It
will curo sick headache. For tho Wood,
livor and kidnoys, and for clearing up the
oomploxion it docs wondors. Druggists
eoll it at CO cents a packago
n ir uinDU i uunuL- uuu euuiueeuuu ban.
jno new lino is uy lite vtny ot i-ietiuviue, tuu
npllim Tennessee Pass, threading the canons
of the Kagle and Grand Hlvcrs, giving a view
OI me Aiountot tne iiniy urosv, enroute, uta
lng its trains inrougnui
down the Grand ltlver
thence to Bait Lako city.
Francisco. By this route one Is glveu an op-
lng Its trains through Glenwood Bnrlngsand
urauu judciiuu,
Ogden and rian
nnrtnnlt v to behold tne maenincence of hmu
ltlver Pnnnn and the marvelous beautT and
grandeur of the Canon of Ihe Grand. The
overland tialn Is a model In every respect.
i rom the engine to tho lost nrsi-cioss coacn
new, ana ui tun
most elegant style or workmansnip ana
ir any reader desires to Know more aooiu
these stupendous works of nature, write toH.
K. Uooprr, General Passenger Ageut,Denver,
Colorado, and he will send vou. free ot cost.
elegantly illustrated boons, giving a full de-
Sunday echools will soon soon bo talking iSSJjSM, "wSa7Sl,.?4iSS Dfde!
adoui picnics.
Aelc Your Frionds About It
Your distressing cough can bo curod.
"Wo know it because Kemp's Balsam
within tho past fow years has curod so I
many coughs and colds in this community
Its romnrkablo sale has boon won ontiroly
by its gonulne morit. Ask some friend
who has uted it what ho thinks of Kemp's I
Unlearn. Thoro Is no medicino so pure,
none so eflbctlvo. Large bottles GOo and ?1
at all druggists'.
rov it
Tho newest bridal
whito silk.
hosiery is of ribbed I
To Norvoua, Dobllltatod Mon.
If you send us your address, wo will
mail you our Illustrated pamphlet oxplaln
intr all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Kloctro-
Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and thoir
charming eflocti upon the nervous do
bllltatod system, and how thoy will quickly
rostoro vou to vigor, and manhood, l'amph.
Jot free. If you are thus afflicted, we will
send you a Jielt and Appliances on a trial,
VOLTAIC liELT uo.. jytartnaii, jiicn.
Sains letter carriers are satisfied that
government portions are not snaps.
Mllos' Norvo find Llvor Pllla
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, tomach and bowels through the nervrg
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cute biliousness, baa mste, torpia uver, pucs,
constipation, uuequaled for men, women,
children. Binallfst, mliaest, surest I SOdoscs,
23cts. Humpies Free, at U. II. Jiageubuch's
orue store.
is and will ever bo tho
Remedy for
rami Tnfiiian7.n. Snokaoho.
T3n4na in t.Vm Rirto. Chost and
Jolnto, Nournlgia, Sprains, Sto
Beforo you need to lny( ootala
tie valuable booki "GuMe to i He alth," with
l eadorBementa ot prominent phyelclaas. y
310 Broadway.
Prize Medals Awarded.
European Hoasest BadoliUdtondoo,
Vlenai "g'Wi Botterdam, Olten,
50 Cents a bottle, For Sale by
3?. X. I). JCIItlYIJV.
o. ii. iiACJx-JNiiuexi,
and outer anigeutt.
Onvornor Hill Will Not Ituu Again.
Hochesteh, N. Y., Juno 2. In nn Inter
view ox-Secretary of Stato Cook, who has
spont tho Inst sevoral days In Albany,
savs. coucornlnn the report that Gover
nor Hill will bo a candidate for Govornor
and will uccept tho nomination from tho
noxt Domocratlo Stato Conventions
"Whllo '1 do not nssvuno to speak author
itatively for Govornor Hill, 1 am frSp to
say for myself, from my knowlc-dgo; of
tho political situation in this State ' and
of tho Governor, that ho will not tinder
any circumstances bo a candldato for or
recelvo and accept the nomination."
Killed Himself In a Gun Store.
New York, Juno 2. An unknown man,
apparently 55 years old, walked Into a
Ninth avenue gun store shortly after
noon and asked to bo shown some revol
vers. Uo selected ono and asked to have
it loaded. A cartridge was fitted into
tho weapon by the salesman. Tho
stranger took tho weapon and, stepping
to the middle of tho store, placed tho
muzzle of the weapon in his mouth and
shot himself dead. The dead man's nnmo
is believed to bo Jones, but his residence
Is unknown
An Independent Pugllltt.
Boston, Juno 2. O'Eourke, the man
ager and trainer of George Dixon, has re
ceived a telegram from President Fulda of
the California Club, that If Dixon Is de
feated in any contest on his way to
San Francisco the club will declare the
match with Abo Williams off. O'Eourke
declines to notice the message., saying tho
California Club has no right to dictate to
Closing the Flint Gla factories.
Prrrsnuno. June 2. Secretary W. J,
Dillon ot the American Flint Glass
Workers' Association denies tho state
ment telegraphed from this city to tho
effect that 84 of the 57 flint glass fac
tories in tho country would closo down
for the summer. Mr. Dillon says that
none of the flint glnss factories would
closo boforo July 1, the usual time.
8500,000 l ire lu llrooklyu This Warning.
Bkookltn. N. Juno 2. Fire do
Btroyed tho four-story brick building nt
Kent nnd whito nvenuos, occupied by
tho Brooklyn Cooperage Company, at 1
o'clock this morning. The flre spread to
the bagging factory adjoining, which was
also destroyed, Tho loss is estimated at
Murderers to He Resentenced To-Day,
New YonK, Juno 2. Harris A. Smller,
James J, Slocum and Joseph Wood, all
under conviction and sentence for mur
der, but whoso caes have been nppoalod.
will bo brought down from Sing Sing
Prison to-day to be resentenced by the
Supreme Court, General Term.
S3, OOO Howard for Mnrah.
PnihAUELriiiA, June 2. City Councils
unanimously passed a resolution offering
a reward of $5,000 for the apprehension
and delivery ot Gideon W. Marsh, prosi-,
"1 . . - . T ' XT . I 1 II. . . I
ueuc Ui wiu ivu j niuiiu iiuuuuiw jjuua,
the proper authorities.
To Celebrnto tho Olnrlous Fourth.
Ithaca, N. Y,, June 2. A movemop
is on foot among the citizens of this city
for tho elaborate nnd appropriate cele
bration ot tbo coming Independence day.
It will bo tho first public demonstration
of the kind in 15 fears.
The niUural attractions and maguiil-mmmmmmm-mm
cent scenery of the place are un
equalled, and a day of recrea
i (ion and plcanire may be
spent in It to advantage.
There la good fishing and
bathing in tile twin lakes -.
siirrouudingthe grounds. Boat
houses will be built on the lakeside
and regattas will be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c,
The grounds are moat suitable for pic-nlca and outings. For dates and other
Information, call on or address,
O. A. KEIM, Excursion Manager,
On and after JS'ov. 21, 1890, traim uill (at
anmanaoan at louows:
Vnr Wllrrrftn. Ollhftrtnn. Krnflkvlllfl. Nak
Castle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.1.'
a m ana p ni(
uunaays, am, v.wa m ana.iup m.
For rottsvllle, 6.00, V.1U a m and 4. 15 p m.
Bnndays, 600, 8.40 a m and S.10 p m,
For Heading, B.0O, B.10 am and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 p m.
Kor fottstown. Phoenliville. Norrlstowr
and Philadelphia (Broad street station!. 6.0O.
9.10 a m. and 4.15 p m week days
Hucoays, tmu, u.tu a m a.iv p m
TralnB leave Frackville lor Bhenandoah al
10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Bundays
11.13 a in and 5.40 p m.
Lave roiisvuie iorBnenanaoan, anc
11.48, a m 7.15. VJ'i p m. bundays, 10.40 a m
5.15 p m.
Leave I'miaoeipnta ixiroaa street, siauonj
for rottsvllle and Bhenandoah. a tc
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. .Sunday 9.2S
a m ana i.iu p. m.
For w York, S.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.50, 7.80
8.208.30, cl.BO. 11.00andll.l5am,12.o0noon, (Urn
ita exoreKS. &na c.uu n m.i 1.44. i.iu. zu
S.20, 4, 6, 6,tb.30, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
On Bnndays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12, 8.80, 9.5U
a m. and 12,49, 3.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, b.SO. 0.5C
7.13 8,12 p m and 12.01 night.
For Bea airt, Bprine Lake, Belmar,
ucean urove, Asrjnry rarff, ana ijong jjrancn
DmA', a. iu, .iAj p. 111. wren uujrr r w
Freehold. 5.V 11. m. week days.
llultlnior- and Washington. 8.50. 7.20. 8.31
9.10, 10.20. 1 1.18 a m, 12.'S (rimltd express) 8.4t
4.41 0.W an(, 7.40 p. in., and 12.03 night. Fo
lialtlmore, nly.2.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and p. m
On Bnndays, i.50, 7.20, 9.1liiind 11,18 a. m. 4.41
8.57. 7.40 v in,
1.UA HIlU P Ul.
I3alt.snore only
For ttlchmond and the Bonth 7.20 11.18 a. m
(Limited Express 12.85 p. m.,)12.03 night, week
ays. ouuaays, i.w a. m., niguu
Trains leave Harrlsburg for Vllieburz anO
the west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a la and
4.U0 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for AUoona,
S.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For fltUburg only, 11,20 a iu dally and 10.2ti
. m week days.
Lieave bunbury for Wllllamsport, Klmlra.
Cauaudalgua, Rochester, llutlaloand Xilagars
trails 5.10 am dally, and 1.43pm weekdays
for Watklns, 6.30 p m week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10 am,,
lally. For Xck Haven, 5,10, and 0.63 a m
tally, 1.84 and 6.30 p. m. week days. F01
Kenova 6.10 a in 1.43 and 6,SU p in week days,
1.10 a. m Bundays.
HAB. e JfUUH, J. It. WOOD,
(Jen. Mati'r Wen. Faw). Agt
flams d Bfo,
Chamber Bets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chairs,
Smoking Chain,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Musle Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Ball Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines,
m. Sunday.
'or Mahanoy ulty, week days 7.00 n. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days,
,'A) a. m., 20 p. m.
For WllUannport. Bunbury and Lewlshnri!.
week days.3.25, 7.20 and U.30 a. m., 1,35, 7.00
m, Bnnday 3:25 a. m.
ror Aiananoy riane, weeK aayn, 2.10 3.25,
25. 7.20 and 11.30 a.m.. 12.35. 1.35. 2.5U. S.55
7.00 ana 0.45, p. m. Sunday, 2.10, d.23 and 7.48
m. 9,uo p. m.
For Glrardvllle (Rappahannock Htatlonl ,
k davs. 2.10. 8.23. 5.25. 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. .
12.85, ! 86, 2.00, 6,bt, 7.00 and 9.25, p. m. Sunday,
MO . 2, ,7.48 a. ro 8.05 p.m.
x'or Ashland and Bhamokln, week daytf -,
,2j, 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m 13.3, 7.00 and 9,
.. m. Sunday 3.25 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
Leave Wew York via Philadelphia, week t
lays, 7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12,16 !
illght, Bnnday, 6.00 p. m.. 12.15 night.
Leave New York via Maach chunk, week t
lnys, 4.80,8.45 a ra 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
Leave Phlludelphla, wees days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6,00 p. m., from Brood
nd Callowhill and 8.35 a. m.and 11.30 p. m.
from 9th ana ureeu streets. Bnnday 9.05 a. I
m. 11.10 p. 111. (rom Bin nuc ur-wu. i
Leave Koading, week days, 1.85. 7.10, 10,05 I
wd 11.50 a. m 5.56, 77 p, m. Sunday 1.83 ana ;
18.48 a. m. ,
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m., :
12,80, 6.11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a. m. and 2.06!
P.m. 2
lave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.18 and !
11.21 a.m., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p.m. Sunday 3.20 '
1. in. and X50 p. m. f
ijeave mananoy uuy, wees aays, 8,40,
and 11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 9.41 p.m. Bun.
day, 3.48 a. m 8.20 p. m.,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-40, 4.C0
1.30, 9.85, ll.tOa. m.,1.05, 2.C0. 5'20, 626.7.57, and
10.00 p. in. Sunday 2.1a, 4.00, and 8.20, ft. m.
141, p.m.
Leave Glrardvllle (llappahannock Station)
n rcu, i.v,, v.uu, nuu p.-si m. u..,
4.12, 5.28, 6.82, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Sunday, 2,47,
14, O.aO H. Ill, 0.91 p. IU.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 and I
11.55 a. m. 8.35 and 11,15 p. m. Bnnday 11.15
rur Dtuuuiure, w ttaiiiijgvuu huu me wek 1
via B. A O. K. R.. throuch tralnB leave Olrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. &. 11. R. K.)
at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.84. 4.21, 6.55 and
7.23 11. m. Sunday. 4.18 8.02 11.27 a. m.. 4.24
1.65 and 7.23 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Street Wharf!
nd South Street Wharf.
Kor Atlantic CIlv. (
Week-days Uxpress 9:00 a. m. and S.00.11
1.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 5.00
DunuayB. .ApreB, v.uv, u, 111. Autjuimc
latlon, 8.00 a. m.and 4.30 p. m.
Keiurning, leave Atlantic uuy, oepot comex
vtlanllc and Arkansas avenues. Week-days
-Express, 7.30, 9.00, a, m, and 4.00, p. m.
Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a. m. and '4.80
(.80 p. m.
Sundays. Express. 4.00 p. m. Accommojtv
Hon, 7.80 a. m, and 4.30 ji. m.
KJ u. niuiwun, ucu-inuia iAllll
V. A. MoLKOD. Pres. & Qen'l Manaeer, ,
Lehigh Valley Railroad, j
-MAY 10. 1891. 1
Passentrer trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Chunk. Lehlehton. Blatlngton. Cata-
sauqna, AUentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil
aaeipniaana jsew xortcatoa,,
wot, if.111, o.m p. m.
For Belvldere. Delaware Water Cap anil
Btroudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
rnvljinihDrtvlllannrt 'PiVTilr.,,. U.lUt fl. Til.
1- M,l.,.n Unnnn tirllbM.lhna anil W I , , D .
JC Ul tfUUSUnt.U, IT ,.1, . U .... U
ton 647, 9.08 0. m 3.10 nnd b2B p. m.
j-or TunknannocK, a. m s.iu anu o.
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaoa; Geneva and and Lyono ,
9.08 a, m and 6.26 p. m. .
Elmlra, llocheslor, Buffhlo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 9.08 a. m., and
,20 p, m.
For JCImira and tho West ylaSalamanca at
S-WP-?!:. x
ror Auueoneu, nuziciuu, ci-jl-muu, uum
her Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven June
tlon at 9.08 a. m.and 12.62, 3.10 and
WP-mf T,...,
ror jeanesviiie, ieviauju uuu iwats.
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 6,26 p. m.
For8crantonat6.47and9.08a. m. 3,10 antT
6:2p.m. t
I ror nazie uniuu, jeuuu, jjiuuju uuu rira
land at 5.47. 7.40 and 9.08 a. m. 1232 8.10 and
1 6.28 p. m.
IrorHuaiuao ui, o.ti uuu evo n, iu.,
8,10 p. m.
For Wlggans, Gllberton and Fraokvllle at
5.50 and 9.08 a. m., and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesviue, juauanoy uuy ana ucisma.
6.47. 7.40, 9.08, 10, AVa. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.26, 8,03, 0-2fc
Ir or ljost iTees. diruruviite uuu iwuiwiu,
4.27., 10.15 a. m 1.00,1.40,4.10, 65,
8.06 and 9.11 p. m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. m., 122,3.10,4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
In. m.
I TO! .BUCK IUUUUU41U, HOW uuabu.i mum
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.63 a. m.. 122, 8.10, 6.26 and
8-?P-i?.- ,
r or zvaven nun, ueuiruuu, iiii wwuw
Bhamokln, 8.62, 9.45 and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.10
and 8.06 p.m. , m .
Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandoah,
7.65 115 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.80 p. m., arrtylne
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 122. 3.10, 6.26 and
ii.iop.m. .m,..To
DUlllJAt innuia.
For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland.
6.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For New CasUe, Bt. tlalr and Pottsvllle,
&60, 8X0,950 a.m., 2.45 p.m. m ,
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
8.00, 115 a. m 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
nor ijony, Auuenrieu uuu jwklivwu, imv
I a m 1:40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, Blatlngton,
Catasauqna, AUentown, Bethlehem, Easton
1 ana new xora, o.w a. in., p. iu;
x or rniiaaeipnia, i.iu p. m.
IU, ii. 11I111U1U11,
Gen'l Tass. Agt.. Bethlehem.
Dtxou anil McCarthy Indicted.
Tnov, N. Y., Juno 3. Dixon nntl Mo
Cnrthy, tho prize fighters, have been In
dicted by the Grand Jury hero. Tho
members of tho Oribb Club, who ar
ranged the affair, escaped.
Woolen Manufacturers Assign.
Bostojj, Juno 2. Talbot, Wilmarth &
Co., manufacturers of woolens, have as 1
signed, No statement of their allalrs lias 1 5.29. e0u td)
yet been Issued.
The famous firm of OCULISTS and OPIICUKS
JJavo nrranued to Rend one of their
Specialists OU the KVB
Saturday, June 6th, 1891.
He will be at the
3r"oi-s-ti.ejoix IIouso,
ft-Mn R-fUl in tnRTl. m.
Those whot,o eyts are causing discomfort
should call upon our Specialist, and they v
receive intelligent and skillful attention.
rrTTT7iTmsr cto OO.,
824 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA.
IP. Williams &Bro.
I At once the newest; oldest nnd best bloof
puriner Known, 3 van uiu iu xirazii, viv
I years' test lniiits cuumry, uuu wiioout ariva
I In the cure of skin diseases nnd rheumatism
eatinic Ulcere, uoim, luuiors, King s evil, wnti
sweiunf;, nip umeube, uuu nn uit-oruers iron
the poison taint 01 scruiuia ana specino ai
scase. No mineral, no failures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln'e Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, P
A newly discovered MINERAL WATER,
the usooi wuicn win supply unpoi
incuts Derefsary to health. It will
riant ele-
cure the
Kidneys, Liver. Stomach, and all Bowel and
madder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them. It removes the urloucid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
Chills. It enrts Brltrht's disease, and Is es
pecially recommended for people advanced In
tire, and for eeneral debility. For undoubted
proofs of this send for pamphlet elvlnc full I'EUIIY, Water ol LUe
Co., 81 tjouin uai n au, w liaes-earre, ra.
Whn troubled with ibona annoylou IrretBulfc-Ui'"
frnqaentlr followinu a or , xpimure, or froialoi
itatlouu W eRBoeHMiH o pecanar 10 meir wi, .ut-ui
use on, duchuink'b uBiouruicu
The Bra BUengthenloa to the ntf re S
tone, Tigor nnd tnaunbUo forcwtpull 'n.'-on,.,IH
na Diaa, ceui oy iohu. m;ui' Snuie tit
Pr.Hartor ModlclnoCo,iST.LOUIS. t&i